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Good day Good evening Good night Good bye See you soon Yes No That depends I don't know I don't think so I think so It doesn't matter I don't mind Of course! True With pleasure Where? When?
Why? What?

Hla! Buenos dis Buenos tardes Buenos noches Adis Hasta luego
S No Depende No lo s Creo que no Creo que s No importa No me molesta Claro! Es verdad Con gusto


QUESTION WORDS Dnde? Cundo? Por qu? Qu? Quin? Cmo? Hay? Felicitaciones! Felz cumpleaos!

Who? How? Is/are there? Congratulations! Happy Birthday!

How much/many? Cuntos / cunto? SPECIAL OCCASIONS

Happy Christmas! Felices Navidades! Happy New Year! Felz ao nuevo!

Happy Easter! Good Luck! Enjoy the meal! Have a safe journey! Have a good holiday! Take Care! Please Thank you (very much) Excuse me I'm sorry, but... That's a shame May I... ?

Felz Pascua! Que tengas suerte! Comer con gusto! Buen viaje! Buenas vacaciones! Cuidados!

ETIQUETTE Por favor (Muchas) Gracias Perdone! Lo siento, pero... Es una lstima Puedo...?

DESCRIBING YOURSELF & YOUR FAMILY My name is Jennifer. I am 27 years old. I am English. I live in London. I have two sisters. I do not have a brother. She is older than me. Her name is Rebecca. She is 31 years old. I would like to be a doctor. My birthday is January 8th. I was born in 1969. My father is a policeman. Me llamo Jennifer. Tengo veintisiete aos. Soy ingls/inglesa. Vivo en Londres. Tengo dos hermanas. No tengo hermano. Tiene ms aos que yo. Se llama Rebecca. Tiene treinta y uno aos. Quiero ser mdico. Mi cumpleaos es el ocho de enero. Nac en mil novecientos sesenta y nueve. Mi padre es guardia.

My mother died last year. How do you do? / Nice to meet you. Welcome to New York. May I introduce my secretary. This is my father. How are you? I'm very well, thank you. Make yourself at home. What is your name? How old are you? Where are you from? Where do you live? What is your address? What is your telephone number? Is this your first visit to the USA?

Mi madre ha muerto el ao pasado. MEETING PEOPLE Tanto gusto! Bienvenido a Nueva York. Permtame presentarle a mi secretario. Quiero presentarle a mi padre. Cmo se va? Muy bien, gracias. Ests en vuestra casa! Cmo se llama? Cuntos aos tenis? De dnde venis? Dnde vivis? Cul es vuestro direccin? Cul es vuestro nmero de telfono? Est vuestro primero viaje en los estados unidos? EXPLAINING Es un poco como... Es una clase de... Es tan pequeo / grande como... Es ms corto / longo que... Qu est?

It's a bit like... It's a sort of... It's as small / big as... It's shorter / longer than... What is it? I don't understand. Please speak slower. Would you write that down please. Could you explain that please. How is that pronounced? I have forgotten the word for... What does that mean? Can you repeat that please.

PHRASES TO FACILITATE UNDERSTANDING No comprendo. Hablad ms lentamente, por favor. Puede usted escribirlo, por favor. Puede-usted explicarlo, por favor. Cmo le pronuncia? No me recuerdo la palabra por... Qu quiere decirlo? Puede-usted repetirlo, por favor.

How do you say that in French/English? Cmo se lo dice en Espaol/Ingls?

DAYS & TIME OF DAY morning afternoon evening night yesterday today tomorrow Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday day week last, previous next summer winter spring autumn January February March April May June July Por la Maana De la Tarde De la Tarde De la Noche Ayer Hoy Maana Lunes Martes Mircoless Jueves Viernes Sabado Domingo Da Semana El/la ltimo/a El/la prximo/a YEAR & TIME OF YEAR Verano Invierno Primavera Otoo Enero Febrero Marzo Abril Mayo Junio Julio

August September October November December month year black white grey red yellow blue orange pink green brown purple cat kitten dog puppy rabbit bird horse mouse tortoise cow pig it's sunny

Agosto Septiembre Octubre Noviembre Diciembre Mes Ao COLOURS Negro Blanco Gris Rojo Amarillo Azul Naranja Rosa Verde Marrn Morado ANIMALS Gato Gatito Perro Perrito Conejo Pjaro Caballo Ratn Tortuga Vaca Cerdo THE WEATHER Hace sol

it's nice it's cold it's hot it's snowy it's rainy it's windy it's foggy it's freezing storm lightning changable

Hace buen tiempo Hace fro Hace calor Hay nieve Est llivioso Hace viento Hay niebla Est helado Una tormenta El relmpago Cambiable

RELATIONS father mother parents brother sister son daughter grandfather grandmother grandparents grandchildren uncle aunt nephew niece husband wife el padre la madre los padres el hermano la hermana el hijo la hija el abuelo la abuela los abuelos los nietos el to la ta el sobrino la sobrina el marido la mujer

fianc fiance stepfather stepmother cousin bother-in-law sister-in-law father-in-law mother-in-law child baby married single divorced separated widowed Christian catholic protestant Jewish Hindu Muslim Sikh agnostic atheistic engineer mechanic technician electrician builder

el novio la novia el padrastro la madrastra el/la primo/a el hermano polticola hermana poltica el padre poltico la madre poltica el/la nio/a el/la beb MARITAL STATUS casado/a soltero/a divorciado/a separado/a viudo/a RELIGIONS cristiano/a catlico/a protestante judo/a hind musulmn/a sij el agnstico ateo/a PROFESSIONS el/la ingeniero/a el/la mecanico/a el/la tcnico/a el/la eslectricista el/la constructor/a

secretary cook policeman hairdresser waiter waitress unemployed

el/la secretario/a el/la cocinero/a un/una polica el/la peluquero/a el camarero la camarera parado/a

TALKING ABOUT SCHOOL SUBJECTS What subject is your best? What subject is your worst? What subject do you most like? What subject do you most dislike? I am good at Chemistry. I am very bad at Physics. My favourite subject is Mathematics. I like Art. I don't like History. What subjects do you study? How many pupils are there in your school? There are 800 pupils in my school. So you like your school uniform? Describe your school uniform. How long are your lessons in school? Is there a swimming pool? Qu est vuestra asignatura mejor? Qu est vuetra asignatura peor? Gustis qu asignatura ms? Gustis qu asignatura menos? Soy hbil en la qumica. Soy muy malo en la fsica. Mi asignatura son las matemticas. Me gusta el arte. No me gusta la historia. Qu asignaturas estudiis? Cuntos alumnos hay en vuetro colegio? Hay ocho cientos alumnos en mi colego. Os gustis vuestro uniforme escolar? Describs vuestro uniforme escolar. Cunto tiempo duran vuestras lecciones? Hay piscina? TALKING ABOUT SCHOOL


English Mathematics

el ingls las matmaticas

Modern Languages las lenguas modernas French Spanish German Greek Latin Physical Science Physics Chemistry Biologie Technology Woodwork Art Computing (IT) Music Geography History el francs el espaol el alemn el griego el latn las ciencas fsicas la fsica la quimca la biologa la technologa el maderaje el arte la informtica la msica la geografa la historia

Physical Education la educacin fsica (PE) Religious Education (RE) classroom library librarian hall staffroom teacher primary teacher (m) la enseanza religiosa la aula la biblioteca el/la biblioteario/a el vestbulo la sala de profesores el/la profesor/a el profesor


primary teacher (f) la profesora

cloakroom toilets laboratory workshop languages laboratory gym sports field headmaster headmistress secretary dining hall corridor caretaker school yard Biro fountain pen pencil eraser chalk blackboard paper sheet of paper book text book exercise book rough book note book calculator lesson

el guardarropa los lavabos el laboratorio el taller el laboratorio de idiomas el gimnasio el campo de deportes el director la directora el/la secretario/a el comedor el pasillo el guardin el patio de recreo STATIONERY un bolgrafo la estilogrfica el lapz el borrador la tiza el encerado el papel una hoja de papel un libro un libro de texto un cuaderno un libro de preparacin un libro de apuntes una calculadora SCHOOL LIFE la clase

pupil boarder bell homework timetable term / semester detention study period 0 TO 19 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 cero uno / una dos tres cuatro cinco seis siete ocho nueve diez once doce trece catorce quince

el alumno el/la interno/a una campanilla los deberes el horario un trimestre / un semestre la detencin una clase de estudio

16 17 18 19

diecisis diecisiete dieciocho diecinueve 20 TO 39

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

veinte veintiuno veintids veintitrs veinticuatro veinticinco veintisis veintisiete veintiocho veintinueve treinta treinta y uno treinta y dos treinta y tres treinta y cuatro treinta y cinco treinta y seis treinta y siete

38 39

treinta y ocho treinta y nueve TENS

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

diez veinte treinta cuarenta cincuenta sesenta setenta ochenta noventa

The numbers up to 29 are irregular special cases and need to be learnt. The numbers above 30 are of the form tens y units (y means and), e.g. 42 is cuarenta y dos. Uno drops the -o before masculine nouns, e.g. un libro, and when in compound numerals, e.g. treinta y un nios . Note that veintiuno is not a compound numeral. 100 is a special case. 100 itself is cien, but to form any number 101-199 it becomes ciento. Take the stem ciento and follow it with the relevant number from 1 and 99. So for example 152 is written ciento cinquenta y dos. Note that cineto is not merged with the number following it. Hundreds agree with the noun that follows them, e.g. doscientas pesetas (two hundred pesetas), excepting numbers 100-200. One thousand is mil. Two thousand, etc are formed by preceding this with the number of thousands, e.g. tres mil (3,000). The millions are somewhat different. Milln becomes plural in two million, etc and therefore loses its accent: e.g. cuatro milliones (4,000,000). Ordinals are irregular in Spanish and need to be learnt. Primero and tercero (1st and 3rd) shorten before masculine nouns to become primer and tercer respectively. Ordinals agree with their subject. Ordinals above 10 are very rarely used, generally being replaced by cardinals which follow the noun.

LARGER NUMBERS 100 152 cien ciento cinquenta y dos

1,000 3,139 1,000,000 first (1st)

mil tres mil ciento treinta y nueve un milln ORDINALS primero/a (1O) segundo/a (2O) tercero/a (3O) cuarto/a (4O) quinto/a (5O) sexto/a (6O) sptimo/a (7O) octavo/a (8O) noveno/a (9O) dcimo/a (10O)

second (2nd) third (3rd) fourth (4th) fifth (5th) sixth (6th) seventh (7th) eighth (8th) ninth (9th) tenth (10th)

Where is Spanish Spoken? Spanish is a true world-wide language with around 225 million speakers. Castilian Spanish, the dialect featured on SmartPhrase, is spoken in Castilia, the central region of Spain which includes Madrid and Andalusia in the south of Spain. Spanish is also spoken in most of South America (the exception being Brazil) but with sight regional variations. All of the following countries have a significant population of Spanish-speaking citizens: Spain, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador , Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia, Paraguay, Uruguay, United States, and Puerto Rico. The Alphabet In Spanish the same 26 letters are used as in the English alphabet. In addition to the sounds found in spoken English, there are also the following: ch, ll, and rr. See below for an explanation of how to pronounce these. Accents Acute (, , , , ) accents are used in Spanish to alter the stress on a word. If a word ends in a vowel, or in n or s, then the penultimate syllable is stressed, eg. Historia, palabra. Diaereses (, ) are used above i and u to indicate that the letter should be pronounced.

Consonants (and combinations)

b starting a phrase, after ma, and after n - like b in boy

c ch d f g h j k l ll m n p qu r rr s t v x y

otherwise - as above but lips should not meet before e or i - like th in thin otherwise - like k in kick like ch in church starting a phrase, after l, and after n - like d in dog otherwise - like th in this like f in for before e or i - like ch in Scottish loch, strong and guttoral starting a phrase, after n - like g in g et always silent like ch in Scottish loch, strong and guttoral like k in kick like l in love like ll in million like m in made before v - like m in made otherwise - like n in none at the end of a word - generally silent otherwise - like p in put like k in kick rolled/trilled like r in Scottish (generally quieter at the end of a word) as r, but rolled/trilled more strongly before d, g, l, m, n - like s in rose otherwise - like s in same like t in tame starting a phrase, after ma, and after n - like b in boy otherwise - as above but lips should not meet between vowels - like x in box otherwise - like s in same like y in yes

a e i o u y like a in pat, but longer in a syllable ending with a vowel - like e in they otherwise - short like e in set like ee in seek in a syllable ending with a vowel - like o in note otherwise - like o in pot, but very slightly longer either like u in rule or oo in food silent after q, and in the groups gue and gui (not ge, gi though) at the end of a word (incl. the word y) - like ee in seek

CHOOSING WHAT YOU WANT Would you like something to eat? Would you like something to drink? What would you like to eat? What would you like to drink? What flavours do you have? What do you recommend? Do you have a table for six? I have a table reserved in the name Johnson. I would like to see the menu, please. I would like to order now. To start, I would like the prawns / shrimps. For dessert, I'll have apple tart. That's not what I ordered. Waiter! Could I have the bill, please. Is service included? I think there is a mistake in the bill. Quieres algo a comer? Quieres algo a beber? Que quieres comer? Que quieres beber? Que sabores de helados tienes? Que nos recomienda? Tienes una mesa para seis personas? Tengo una reserva para Johnson. Quiero ver el men, por favor. Quiero pedir una cena ahora. De primero quiero los gambas / camarones. De postre quiero flan. Esto no es lo que he pedido. Camarero! La cuenta, por favor. La propina est incluida? Pienso que haya un error en la cuenta.

What types of sandwiches do you have? Que tipo de bocadillos tienes?

RESTAURANTS AND CAFES I would like a table near to the window. Quisiera una mesa a lado de la ventana.

For the main course, I would like steak. Como plato principal quiero un biftec. To drink, I would like some white wine. Para beber, quiero el vino blanco.

MEAT beef steak very rare steak rare steak medium steak Un biftec Biftec muy poco hecho Biftec poco hecho Biftec mediano hecho

well done steak chicken pork chop lamb chop veal rabbit duck ham pate fish seafood crab prawns shrimps oysters lobster mussels trout salmon cod herring plaice fruit apple orange banana lemon peach apricot pear grapefruit

Biftec muy hecho Pollo Chuleta de cerdo Chuleta de cordero Ternera Conejo Pato Jamn Pt

SEAFOOD Pez Mariscos Cangrejo Gambas Camarones Ostra Langostas Mejillones Trucha Salmn Bacalau Arenque Platija FRUIT Fruta Manzana Naranja Pltano Limon Melocotn Albaricoque Pera Pomelo

melon strawberry raspberry pineapple cherry tomato grape vegetables green salad potato carrot peas mushroom cauliflower green beans lettuce onion leek cucumber cabbage garlic radish

Meln Fresa Frambuesa Pia Cereza Tomate Uva VEGETABLES Vegetales Ensalada verde Patata Zanahoria Guisantes Champign Coliflor Habas Lechuga Cebolla Puerro Pepino Col Ajo Rbano DRINK

drink to drink coffee tea with milk hot chocolate

Bebida Beber Caf T Con leche Chocolate caliente

orange juice apple juice tomato juice pineapple juice lemonade white wine red wine ros wine dry wine sweet wine water (sparkling / still) mineral water cider beer

Zumo de naranja Zumo de manzana Zumo de tomate Zumo de pia Limonada Vino blanco Vino tinto Vino ros Vino seco Vino dulce Agua Agua minerale (con / sin gas) Sidra Cerveza

SNACKS AND DISHES hot dog pizza fries omelette ice cream pancake croissant yoghurt Perrito caliente Pizza Patatas fritas Tortilla Helados Crepe Croissant Yogur

chocolate mousse soup

Mousse chocolate Sopa CINEMAS AND THEATRES

Where would you like to go? How about going to the cinema? I'd like to see a science-fiction movie. What's on at the cinema? What's on at the cinema? I've already seen it. Is it subtitled in English?

Adnde queris ir? Queris ir al cine? Quiero ver una pelcula ciencia ficcin. Qu ponen en el cin? Qu dan en el teatro? Ya lo he visto. Hay subttulos en Ingls?

When does the last performance begin? A qu hora comienze la ultima representacin? How long does it last? When does the film end? How much is it on the balcony? Where can we get tickets? Can I book seats? I'll pay for the tickets. Is there an interval? What did you think of the play? Cunto tiempo dure? A que hora termina la pelcula? Cunto son las entradas para el balcn? Adnde podemos comprar entradas? Puedo sacar entradas? Pagar las entradas. Hay descanso? Qu pensasteis de la obra? SPORT We would like to go to a football match. Queremos ir a un partido de ftbol. Shall we play badminton? What time does the swimming pool open? When does the ice rink close? Sorry, I'm not free. Perhaps we could go next week. That would be great! Do you like to go sailing? I'd prefer to play tennis. Jugaremos al badminton? A qu hora abre la piscina? A qu hora cierra la pista de hielo? Lo siento mucho, pero no estoy libre. Quiz podemos ir la seman proxima. Lo ira grande! Os gustis salie en balandro. Prefiero jugar al tenis.

MOVIES adventure film a comedy horror film spy film romantic film historical film detective film a western una pelcula aventura un comedia una pelcula de miedo una pelcula de espionaje una pelcula romntica una pelcula histrica una pelcula policaca un western

science-fiction film una pelcula ciencia-ficcin war film cartoon documentary political film football/soccer rugby hockey tennis swimming volleyball snooker sailing boxing wrestling badminton una pelcula de la guerra los dibujos animados un documental una pelcula poltica SPORTS el ftbol el rugby el hockey el tenis la natacin el volibol el snooker la vela el boxeo la lucha el bdminton

basketball ten-pin bowling horse-riding handball jogging table tennis skiing water skiing cycling athletics

el baloncesto los bolos la equitacin el balonmano el footing el tenis de mesa el esqu el esquaqutico el ciclismo el atletismo

AT THE BANK Which counter do I go to to change money? I would like to change some travellers' cheques, please. Is there commission? What's the exchange rate for Pounds Sterling? Where do I have to sign? What is today's date? What time does the bank open? What time does the bank close? Is the post office open tomorrow? Debo ir a qul caja para cambiar el dinero? Quiero cambiar algunos cheques de viaje, por favor. Hay comisin? Qu est el tipo de cambio por la libra esterlina? Adnde debo firmar? Qu es la fecha hoy? A qu hora abre el banco? A qu hora cierra el banco? Est el correos abierto maana?

AT THE POST OFFICE How much does it cost to send a letter to Cunto cuesta para mandar una carta Germany, please? en Alemania, por favor? Three stamps at 250pts each, please. Where is the post box? What time is the next collection? Tres sellos de dos cientas cincuenta pesetas, por favor. Dnde est el buzn? A qul hora est la proxima recogida?

Will you weigh this parcel for me, please. Puede-usted pesar este paquete por m, por favor.

TELEPHONING ABROAD I need to telephone England. Debo llamar en Inglaterra. It's the first time I have used a telephone Est la primera vez que utilice el telfono in France. en Espaa. Where is the telephone directory? I would like to reverse the charges. I have been cut off. Dnde est la gua de telfono? Quiero hacer una llamada a cobro revertido. Me he desconectado.

MONEY & THE BANK money change (n.) banknote coin currency pound sterling Spanish peseta el dinero la moneda el billete de banco la moneda la moneda una libra esterlina una peseta

cheque / check (n.) el cheque travellers' cheque / el cheque de viaje check to cash (a cheque / cobrar check) bank counter cash desk exchange rate to sign post office letter parcel letter box telegram el banco el contado la caja el tipo de cambiar firmar el correos una carta un paquete un buzn un telegrama


stamp (n.) envelope money order by air mail postman reverse charges engaged hold the line to hang up to call back to ring telephone telephone box telephone call

un sello un sobre un giro postal por avin un/a cartero/a TELEPHONE una llamada a cobro revertido estar ocupado estar en espera colgar volver a llamar llamar el telfono una cabina de telfono una llamda de telfono

telephone directory la gua telefnica telephone number el nmero de telfono dialing tone el tono de marcar

FINDING THE SHOP YOU NEED Where is the baker's? How do I get to the chemist's, please? Is there a book shop near here? Can you tell me where I can buy some cheese, please. Is it near here? It's very near. Dnde est la panadera? Cmo se va a la qumica, por favor? Hay librera cerca de aqu? Podrais decirme adnde puedo comprar un poco queso, por favor? Est cerca de aqu? Est muy cerca.

It's a fair way away. It's about five minutes on foot. Can we have a look around? Can I help you? I'm just looking. I would like two postcards, please. Give me eight oranges, please. Have you got a film? Can I listen to it? Can I try it on? What size (clothing) is it? What size (shoes) do you take? It's for a present. Can you gift-wrap it for me, please. How much is it? I'll take it / them. That is all. Do you have it in a different colour? Do you take cheques? I only have a 1,000 peseta note. I would like a piece of cake. I would like a slice of ham. I would like a kilo of peaches. I would like a tin of tuna. I would like a packet of biscuits. I would like a box of chocolates. I would like two pineapples.

Est bastante lejos. Est ms o menos cinco inutos andando. SHOPPING Podemos curiosear? Podra ayudarse? Slo curioso, gracias. Quiero dos tarjetas, por favor. Dadme ocho naranjas, por favor. Tenis pelcula? Podra escucharlo? Podra probarme? Qu talla est? Qu nmero tomis? Est cmo regalo. Podrais envolverlo en papel de regalo, por favor. Cunto cuesta? Lo/Los tomar. Es todo. Lo tenis en un color diferente? Tomis los cheques? No tengo que un billete de mil pesetas. Quiero una porcin de tarta. Quiero una tajada de jamn. Quiero un kilo de melocotones. Quiero una lata de atn. Quiero un paquete de galletas. Quiero una caja de chocolates. Quiero dos pias. HOW MUCH AND HOW MANY


supermarket grocer's department store baker's cake shop sweet shop newsagent's stationer's butcher's pork butcher's fishmonger's chemist's ironmonger's / hardware store book shop jeweller's florist's shoe shop toy shop perfume shop sports shop gift shop souvenir shop dairy opening hours on special offer sale (bargains) self-service shop market

el supermercado el almacn las almacenes una panadera una pastelera una bombonera la tienda de peridicos una papelera la carnicera el tornicero la pescadera el farmacia la ferretera la librera la joyera una florista una zapatera la juguetera una tienda de perfume una tienda de deportes la tienda de regalos una teinda de recuerdos una lechera

IN THE SHOP las horas de abrir en oferta especial los saldos una tienda selfservice el mercado

open closed entrance exit cash desk sugar butter milk eggs flour bread pasta rice salt pepper vinegar mustard tea coffee

abierto cerrado la entrada la salida la caja PROVISIONS el azcar la mantequilla la leche los huevos la harina el pan las pastas alimenticias la rz la sal la pimienta el vinagre la mostada el t el caf

AT THE HOTEL OR HOSTEL Where is the reception, please? Is there a car park? Is there a restaurant in the hotel? Is there a lift/elevator? Dnde est la recepcin por favor? Hay aparcamiento? Hay restaurante en el hotel? Hay ascensor en el hotel?

How much is a single / double room per Canto cuesta un habitacin individual / night? doble por noche? What is the price? Do you have any rooms available for Canto cuesta? Le queda alguna habitacin por la

tonight? I'm sorry, we are full. Is there another hotel near here? I would like two single rooms and a double room as well. I would like a room with a shower. We will be staying for seven nights. What time does the hotel close in the evenings? Is breakfast included? When is dinner served? Here is the key for room number 5.

noche? Estoy arrepentido pero estamos completos. Hay otro hotel cerca de aqu? Quiero dos habitaciones individuales y un habitacin doble tambin. Quiero un habitacin con ducha. Pensamos quedarnos siete noches. A qu hora cierran la puerta de entrada? Incluye desayuno? A qu hora es la cena? Aqu est la llave, es nmero cinco.

Can somebody please bring my cases up. Podra preguntar a alguien a llevar mis maletas a mi habitacin? May I have towels for room 5 please. Where is the television room? Where is the games room? Do you have room for a tent? Do you have room for a caravan? We would like to stay three nights. Quiero las toallas para la habitacin nmero cinco, por favor. Dnde est la habitacin de televisor? Dnde est la habitacin de juegos? ON THE CAMP SITE Tiene un sitio para una tienda? Tiene un sitio para un remolque tienda? Queremos quedarnos hasta el proximo sabado. Dnde estan los cubos de basura? Dnde estan los cubos de basura? Hay tiendas en el camping? Dnde puedo obtener una bombona de gas butano? Hay tomas de corriente elctrica para el remolque tienda?

We would like to stay until next Sunday. Dnde estan los servicios/ las duchas? Where's the toilet/shower block? Where are the dustbins? Is there a shop on the camp site? Where can I get bottles of Camping Gaz? Is there an electric connection for our caravan?


hotel bed hotel room balcony half-board full-board pillow blanket sheets towel shower bath bidet washbasin toilets bathroom tap hot water cold water drinking water

El hotel Una cama Un habitacin El balcn Media pensin Pensin completa Una almohada Una manta Las sbanas Una toalla WASHING & BATHING Una ducha Un bao Un bidet El lavabo Los servicios El cuarto de bao El grifo Agua caliente Agua fro Agua potable

TRAVELLING BY TRAIN Where's the nearest railway station? When does the train from Madrid arrive? When does the next train for Seville leave? When does it arrive there? Which platform does the train leave from? Do I have to change? Dnde sta la estacin de ferrocarril ms cerca? A qu hora llega el tren de Madrid? A qu hora sale el proximo tren a Sevilla? A qu hora llegar all? El tren sale de quel ardn? Hace falta cambiar de tren?

A single ticket for Barcelona, please. A return ticket for Santander, please. How long does the journey take? I would like to reserve a seat. How much does a second-class return ticket for Gibraltar cost? Is there a non-smoking seat? Does the train have a dining-car? Has the 11:15 train already departed? When does the next plane for London leave? Is there a flight to New York this evening? I would like a seat in the non-smoking section. Is there a coach to the airport? Is the plane due to leave on time? I would like to change flights. Can you confirm the time of arrival for the plane from Perth? Can you confirm the time of departure for the plane to Quebec? Fasten your seat belts, please. Where is the duty free shop?

Un billete sencillo para Barcelona, por favor. Un billete de ida y vuelta para Santander, por favor. Cunto tiempo dure el viaje? Quiero reservar una plaza. Cunto cuesta un billete de segunda clase de ida y vuelta para Gibraltar? Hay una plaza non-fumar? Hay coche-comedor en el tren? Ha ya el tren de onze y cuarto llegado? A qu hora sale el proximo avin a London? Hay vueltos a Nueva York esta tarde? Quiero una plaza en la seccin non fumar. Hay autocares al aeropuerto? El avin llegar punctualmente? Quiero cambiar vuelta. Puede-usted confirmar a que hora llega el avin de Perth? Puede-usted confirmar a que hora sale el avin para Quebec? Asegurad vuestros cinturones de seguridad, por favor. Dnde sta la tiemda libre de impuestos? Dnde sta la parada de autobs ms cerca? Qu autobs hace falta tomar para ir al aeropuerto? Se puede ir en autobs? El autobs para Madrid sale de que


TRAVELLING BY BUS OR COACH Where's the nearest bus stop? Which bus do I take to get to the airport? Can you get there by bus? Which station is it for Madrid?

pareda? How frequent are the buses? Is it direct? When is the first bus? When is the last bus? Have I missed the last bus? Are there any free seats? This seat is taken. A book of tickets, please. Do I get off here for the cinema? Excuse me, this is my stop. Where can I get a taxi? No entry. Go straight on. Follow this (small / large) road. I have broken down. I have run out of petrol/gas. I have got a puncture. The battery is flat. The engine won't start. Twenty litres of unleaded, please. Fill the tank up, please. Please check the oil level. Please check the water level. Please check the tyres. Please check the battery. Please switch the engine off. Los autobuses sale con que frecuencia? Es directo? El primero autobs del da sale a que hora? A que hora sta el ltimo autobs del da? He perdido el autobs? Hay plazas libres? Esta plaza es ocupada. Un talonario de billetes, por favor. Bajo del autobs all para ir el cine? Perdn, pero all esta mi pareda. Dnde puedo buscar un taxi? Direccin prohibida. Id todo recto. Seguid esta calle / carretera. Mi coche se he descompuesto. Me quedo sin gasolina. Tengo un neumtico pinchado. La batera esta descargada. El motor no arranca. Veinte litros de sin plomo, por favor. Repostad el tanque con gasolina, por favor. Examinad el nivel del aceite, por favor. Examinad el nivel del agua, por favor. Examinad los neumticos, por favor. Examinad la batera, por favor. Parad el motor, por favor.


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