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{SIDAD DE EL SALVADOR U\ AD MULTIDISCIPLINARIA DE OCCIDENTE Pag ‘AMENTO DE IDIOMAS icLo\42021 Esta es una guia de autoestudio se recomienda que se vaya trabajando bajo la tutoria de su docente. Se entregaré un documento Unico con el desarrollo de los ejercicios. Se detallan a continuacién una agenda de desarrollo de los ejercicios. Se le pide trabajar los ejercicios en Google docs o Word para que pueda recibir la retroalimentacién correspondiente. Qué hacer? Actividad Fecha Leer el contenido y preparar CONTENIDO 1: REPASO | Miércoles, Agosto 17, preguntas para los meetings o DEL VEBO TO BE 2021 chatrooms (PRESENTE SIMPLE) Practica 1, 2,3 Desarrollar el ejercicio en Google Does. 0 Word en la plataforma classroom. Consultoria’ Practica 7, 2, 3 Jueves, Agosto 12, Teacher Maggie) 2021 Leer el contenido y preparar CONTENIDO 2: Miércoles, Agosto 18, preguntas para los meetingso | VERBOSINGLESES | 2021 chatrooms Repaso de presente Desarrollar el ejercicio en ‘simple-verbos Google Does. 0 Word en la plataforma classroom. Practica 4A Repaso de pasado simple-verbos Practica 4B Consuitoria Practica 4A (Practicante) | Jueves, Agosto 19, 2021 Practica 4B (Practicante Leer ef contenido y preparar | CONTENIDO 3: REPASO | Micrcoles, Agosto 25, preguntas para los meetings o DE LOS GRADOS DEL | 2021 chatrooms ‘ADJETIVO Desarrollar el ejercicio en Introduccién Google Docs. o Word en la Comparative de plataforma classroom. superioridad Comparative de inferioridad Practica 5 Consideraciones Comparative y ‘Superlativos Irreguiares Comparative de Igualdad Prdctica 6 CONTENIDO 4: REPASO DEL GENITIVO SAJON Practica 7y 8 Consultoria Practica 5 (Practicante) | Jueves, Agosto 26, Practica 6 (Practicante) | 2021 Practica 7-8 (Teacher Maggie) CONTENIDO 1: REPASO DEL VEBO TO BE (PRESENTE SIMPLE) El verbo ‘To be' tiene una importancia especial en inglés. Se corresponde a los verbos espaiioles "ser" y "estar", Dependiendo del sentido de la frase deduciremos de cual de los dos se trata. 1am English / Soy inglés lam in England / Estoy en Inglaterra Tiene algunos usos especiales distintos a sus equivalentes espafioles. - Sirve para expresar la edad, en cuyo caso se traduce por ‘tener’: Mary is 20 years old / Maria tiene 20 afios lam 21 / Yo tengo 21 afios How old are you? / ¢Cudntos afios tienes? - Para expresar las sensaciones también se emplea el verbo ‘to be' y equivale al ‘tener’ espafiol Are you hungry? / ¢Tienes hambre? He is thirsty / Tiene sed - También para hablar sobre el tiempo atmosférico. En este caso se traduce por ‘hacer’ It's windy / Hace viento It’s very cold / Hace mucho frio PRESENTE DE INDICATIVO FORMA FORMA AFIRMATIVA FORMA NEGATIVA INTERROGATIVA Lam (I'm) Lam not (I'm not) am 1? soy, estoy no soy, no estoy soy yo?, cestoy yo? you are (you're) you are not (you're not) are you? eres, ests he is (he's) éles, esté we are (we're) somos, estamos you are (you're) sois, estais they are (they're) ellos son, estén no eres, no estas ores t?, gestas t? he is not (he's not) is he? él no es, no esté ges él?, cesta él? we are not (we're not) are we? no somos, no estamos —_¢somos?, gestamos? you are not (you're not) are you? 1no sois, no estéis esois?, cestdis? they are not (they're ate they? not) ellos no son, no estén son, estén ellos? PRETERITO (se corresponde al pretérito indefinido y al pretérito imperfecto espafiol) FORMA AFIRMATIVA Iwas fui, era /estuve, estaba you were fuiste, eras / estuviste, estabas he was fue, era / estuvo, estaba we were fuimos, éramos, /estuvimos, estabamos you were Tuisteis, erais, /estuvisteis, estabais they were fueron, eran / estuvieron, estaban FORMA NEGATIVA Iwas not (I wasn't) 1no fui, no era/no estuve, no estaba you were not (you weren't) no fuiste, no eras /no estuviste, no estabas he was not (he wasn't) no fue, no era/no estuvo, no estaba we were not (we weren't) no fuimos, no éramos, / no estuvimos, no estabamos you were not (you weren't) no fuisteis, no erais /no estuvisteis, no estabais they were not (they weren't) 1no fueron, no eran /no estuvieron, no estaban En el Presente, las formas afirmativa y negativa se pueden contraer, interrogativa no, En el pretérito solamente la forma negativa puede contraerse, FORMA INTERROGATIVA. was I? elui?, cera? / cestuve?, éestaba? were you? cfuiste?, zeras? / zestuviste?, gestabas? was he? éfue?, gera? / gestuvo?. estaba? were we? éfuimos?, géramos? / gestuvimos?, estabamos were you? éfuisteis?, gerais?, / gestuvisteis?, gestabais? were they? gfueron?, geran? / gestuvieron?, gestaban? jentras que en la forma Las formas contraidas suelen utilizarse en la conversacién, pero no se usan de forma escrita salvo cuando el propio escrito tiene un caracter informal o refleja una conversacién, APPENDIX 1-PRACTICA 1 INDICACION: Complete los siguientes enunciados con la forma correcta del presente simple. Luego traduzca las oraciones. 1. Sure, ‘Economize’ spelling it. 2. For the word economy, there context. averb. There two ways of several meanings, depending on its 10. 1 12. 13, 14, 15, 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. ‘An economy usually defined by an area or region. Another example “Couples should consider their economic conditions before having children’. You see? I 80 nervous and afraid that | might not do well in this economics exam. Economic concepts quite new to me, and most of them very hard for me to understand. I not clear about the concept of ‘economic agents’. What they? Economic agents individuals and organizations that engage in production, exchange, specialization, and consumption. The main agents mentioned in Professor White's class businesses and households. ‘Total GDP’ or total Gross National Product a measure of the market value of goods and services produced domestically by residents of one country. I happy to accept the position of a sales clerk in your company. Economics the study of how people, individually and collectively, allocate their limited resources to try to satisfy their unlimited wants. A good any item or service that satisfies a human want and, in so doing, adds to human happiness Opportunity cost the value of the best alternative surrendered when a choice is made. Absolute prices prices in terms of some monetary unit, Inputs resources used in the production process, such as labor and raw or semi finished materials. Demand the quantity of a specific good that people willing and able to buy during a specific period, given the choices available. Capital all physical improvements made to natural resources that facilitate production, including buildings and all machinery and equipment. Wealth the value of the assets owned by an individual or a group of individuals. Gross National Product (GNP) the value of all output produced by resources owned by the citizens of a country. APPENDIX 2- PRACTICA 2 INDICACION: Unir las palabras con su significado. Luego traducirlas. 1. fraction a. is to think that somebody/something is good, acceptable or suitable 2. insulate b. is a relationship between two people, organizations 3. facilitate «, is a small part or amount of something 4. approved d. is good enough to be sold 5. saleable e. is to protect something with a material that prevents heat, sound, electricity from passing through 6. partnership fis to make an action or a process possible or easier APPENDIX 3- PRACTICA 3 INDICACION: Traducir los siguientes parrafos. A. Marketing In modem terms, marketing is defined as the movement of goods and services from manufacturer to consumer in order to satisfy the customer and to achieve the company's objectives. The ABC of marketing is the so-called marketing mix. It includes four P's: product, price, placement, and promotion. Target market selection is the most important task for any firm, A target market is a group of individuals who will probably buy the product B. Marketing Marketing is the process of planning, designing, pricing, promoting and distributing ideas, goods and services, in order to satisfy customer needs, so as to make profit. The four P's are: product, place, price and promotion. The four P's are a useful summary of the marketing mix, the activities that you have to combine successfully in order to sell. To market a product is to make a plan based on this combination and put it into action. A marketer or marketer is someone who works in this area. CONTENIDO 2: VERBOS INGLESES PRESENTE SIMPLE EI presente simple se utiliza + Para expresar habitos y rutinas, hechos generales, acciones repetidas 0 situaciones, emociones y deseos permanentes: I smoke. — Yo fumo. (Habito) I work in London. — Yo trabajo en Londres. (permanencia) London is a large city. - Londres es una ciudad grande. (hecho general) + Para dar instrucciones 0 indicaciones: You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left. - Usted/Tt camina(s) por 200 metros, luego gire a la izquierda + Para hablar de eventos programados, presentes 0 futuros: ‘Your exam starts at 09:00. — Ti/su examen inicia a las 09:00. ‘+ Hechos generales Water freezes at zero degrees centigrades. (El agua se congela a cero grados centigrados) Math is really useful. (Las matematicas son muy tttles) iCuidado! El presente simple no se utiliza para hablar de lo que est ocurriendo en este momento. Tercera Persona RULES: + En la tercera persona del singular, el verbo siempre termina en -s: he wants, she needs, he gives, she thinks. + Para las formas negativa e interrogativa, se emplea DOES (= tercera persona del auxiliar 'DO’) + el infinitivo del verbo. He wants ice cream. Does he want strawberry? He does not want vanilla ‘+ Verbos que terminan en +y : en la tercera persona del singular, se cambia la -y por -ies: fly --> flies, cry --> cries Excepcién: cuando una vocal precede a la -y: play -> plays, pray --> prays ‘+ Afiadimos -es alos verbos que terminan en:-ss, -x, -sh, -ch: he passes, she catches, he fixes, it pushes PASADO SIMPLE PASADO SIMPLE- VERBOS REGULARES Son los que en general forman el pasado y el participio pasado afiadiendo la terminacién ved! Ej: |work / Yo trabajo —_| worked / Yo trabajé o trabajaba - Reglas Basicas: * Si el infinitive del verbo termina en "e", se le afiade una "d' Ej; absolve / absolved * Sil infinitivo del verbo termina en "y" precedido de consonante, se cambia la "y" por "i y se le afiade "-ed" Ej; study / studied Siel infinitivo del verbo esta formado por una sola silaba con la forma "vocal-consonante- vocal", se dobla la consonante y se afiade "ed", Ej: plan / planned PASADO SIMPLE-VERBOS IRREGULARES INGLESES © Son los que forman el pasado y participio pasado de manera irregular. © Para el presente se comportan como los verbos regulares, afiadiendo ‘-s' a la tercera persona singular (excepto ‘to be' y ‘to have’) Los verbos irregulares (como su nombre indica) no siguen ninguna norma para formar el pasado, por lo que deben aprenderse "memorizando” o bien practicando su uso a través de ejercicios especificos y por supuesto a través de la practica diaria del inglés ya que su uso es muy comin. Existen diversas técnicas para su aprendizaje, como reglas mnemotécnicas (que se basan en asociar las palabras o los términos con rimas o con imagenes) pero el mejor método para su aprendizaje es la prdctica en su uso. Lista de verbos irregulares: hittps:/ VERBS.pdf APPENDIX 4A-PRACTICA 4A, INDICACION: Transforme las siguientes oraciones afirmativas a negativas e terrogativas; Iuego traduzca todas las oraciones. 1. Planification makes everything easy. 2. Successful entrepreneurs prevent possible mistakes 3. Accounting processes financial transactions. 4, Money brings happiness. 5. Leaders create outstanding enterprises. 6. Inspiration and hard work are necessary in life. 7. Clear objectives facilitate every job. APPENDIX 4B - PRACTICA 4B 1. The company you (Work) for was well-known for its job security. 2. You (be) suddenly made redundant. 3. You (receive) a promotion 4. You (work) unsociable hours. 5. You (have) a steady job. 6. You (have) adverse working conditions. 7. You suddenly (find) yourself unemployed 8. You (lake) time off work because of repetitive strain injury. 9. The office where you (work) (have) sick building syndrome. 10. You (receive) regular perks as part of your job. 11. Somebody (call) you a workaholic. 12. Your company (not give) you many incentives. 13. Your boss (announce) that there was going to be some downsizing of the workforce. 14. Your work (not offer) much job satisfaction 15. Your company (have) a generous incentive scheme. 16. You (receive) a commission for the work you (do), 17. You (receive) support from a union. 18. You (be) under stress. 19. You (receive) a cut in your salary. 20. Your company (give) you sickness benefit. 21. You (find) your job very demanding. CONTENIDO 3: REPASO DE LOS GRADOS DEL ADJETIVO Al igual que en espafiol, en inglés cuando queremos comparar dos cosas utilizamos los, adjetivos y sus distintos grados: positive, comparativo y superlative, - El grado positivo refiere la forma més simple: A sunny day / Un dia soleado - El grado comparativo refiere una cualidad mayor de una cosa respecto de otra. A better day / Un dia mejor - El grado superlativo refiere la cualidad en su mayor expres Today is the best day of the year / Hoy es el mejor dia del afio -El grado de igualdad se refiere a la cualidad en un mismo nivel. My brother is as intelligent as me / Mi hermano es tan inteligente como yo. CLASES DE COMPARACION - COMPARATIVO DE INFERIORIDAD Se forma con el adjetivo intercalado entre la construccién “less...than* (menos...que), aunque es mas usual encontrar la comparacién de igualdad en forma negativa (que tiene el mismo significado). He's less young than you. / El es menos joven que tt. He's not as young as you,/ El no es tan joven como tu. (mas usual) Normalmente se emplea less para incontables y fewer para contables - COMPARATIVO DE SUPERIORIDAD Se forma de dos modos: Afiadiendo al adjetivo el sufijo -er para el comparativo de superioridad y -est para el superlativo. = +er +est big (grande) bigger (mas grande) biggest (el mas grande) ‘Anteponiendo la palabra more (més) para el comparativo de superioridad y "the most" para el superlativo intelligent / inteligente more intelligent / mas inteligente the most intelligent / el mas inteligente Los adjetivos de una sola silaba forman el comparativo y el superlativo con -er y -est old, older, the oldest / viejo new, newer, the newest / nuevo dark, darker, the darkest / oscuro Los de dos silabas que terminan en er, y, le y ow y los que tienen el acento (prosédico) en la ultima silaba forman también el comparativo y el supertativo con -er y -est clever, cleverer, the cleverest / listo le, idler, the idlest / perezoso happy, happier, the happiest / feliz narrow, narrower, the narrowest / estrecho El resto de adjetivos de dos silabas y todos los de tres o mas forman el comparativo con more y el superlativo con most. feresting, more interesting, the most interesting / interesante CONSIDERACIONES - Cuando un adjetivo termina en e solamente afiade -r y -st para el comparativo y superlativo. large, larger, the largest / grande, mas grande, el mas grande - Cuando terminan en consonante + y cambian la y por i easy, easier, the easiest / facil - Si termina en una sola consonante prededida de una sola vocal, duplica la consonante big, bigger, the biggest / grande - El segundo término de la comparacién utiliza la forma than que corresponde al que espafiol He is taller than his brother / El es mas alto que su hermano - Cuando la comparacién se realiza entre dos adjetivos se usa more. She is more funny than happy / Ella es més alegre que feliz - La expresién espafiola "cada vez mas" equivale en inglés a los dos comparativos del adjetivo. The film is becoming more and more interesting. / La pelicula se vuelve cada vez més interesante COMPARATIVOS Y SUPERLATIVOS IRREGULARES Algunos adjetivos forman el comparativo de manera irregular good, better, the best / bueno, mejor, el mejor bad, worse, the worst / malo, peor, el peor far, further, the furthest / lejano, més lejano, el mas lejano -COMPARATIVO DE IGUALDAD Se forma con el adjetivo intercalado entre la construccién “" (tan...como) para frases afirmativas e interrogativas y “not" o "not” para las frases negativas. I'm as young as you / soy tan joven como ti am | as young as you? / ¢soy tan joven como ti? I'm not so young as you /'no soy tan joven como tt Podemos emplear tras el segundo ‘as’ el pronombre en caso nominativo 0 acusativo (He, his; She, her...) He is as young as she; He is as young as her / El es tan joven como ella Si se trata de una comparacién entre dos verbos, podemos usar la expresién "as much as" (tanto como) también en forma negativa She does not work as much as she should / Ella no trabaja tanto como deberia Cuando la comparacién se hace entre dos sustantivos se utiliza "as much as" para el singular y "as many as” para el plural. Ihave as much work as my boss. / Tengo tanto trabajo como mi jefe. Ihave as many pencils as you. / Tengo tantos lapices como tt. Si estamos comparando dos sustantivos contables (libros, coches, casas...) utilizaremos, “as many... as", pero si estamos comparando dos sustantivos incontables (madera, tiempo, miisica...) usaremos la construccién "as" We have as many books as them. / Tenemos tantos libros como ellos. We have as much space as them. / Tenemos tanto espacio como ellos. APPENDIX 5- PRACTICA 5 INDICACION: Traducir el siguiente parrafo. A sole proprietorship is a business that is owned (and usually operated) by one person. Sole proprietorship is the oldest and simplest form of business ownership, and it is the easiest to start. In most instances, the owner (the sole proprietor) simply decides that he or she is in business and begins operations. Some of the largest of today's corporations, including Ford Motor Company, H.J. Heinz Company, and J.C. Penney Company, started out as tiny sole proprietorships. There are more than twelve million sole proprietorships in the United States. They account for more than two-thirds of the country’s business firms. Sole proprietorship are most common in the retailing, agriculture, and service industries, Thus the specialty clothing shop, comer grocery, and television repair shop down the street are likely to be sole proprietorships. Most of the advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorships arise from the two main characteristics of this form of ownership: simplicity and individual control. APPENDIX 6-PRACTICA 6 INDICACION: Entre paréntesis se le indica que tipo de adjetivo utilizar. Complete los espacios en blanco de acuerdo a lo que se le pide. Siga el ejemplo. Example: + There are (advantages — comparativo de inferioridad) of sole proprietorships there were seven years ago. There are less advantages of sole proprietorships than there were seven years ago. Even the most experienced business owner is unlikely to have expertise in all these areas. Consequently, the business can suffer in the areas in which the owner is {knowledgeable — Comparativo de inferiodidad) than others, unless he or she obtains the necessary expertise by hiring assistants or consultants, The three (common — forma superlativa) forms of business ownership in the United States are the sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation. in terms of_-— ownership, corporations are_-« generally the. (complex - forma superlativa), and sole proprietorships are the simplest. A sole owner can also respond to changes in market conditions (quick - comparativo de superioridad) the operators of ‘other forms of business, Furthermore, a sole proprietor can quickly switch suppliers to take advantage of a (low — comparative of superiority) price, whereas Such a switch could take weeks in a (complex — business- comparative of superiority) business. | was surprised how easy it was to get a loan. | thought it would be {hard - comparative of equality) to win the lottery. CONTENIDO 4: REPASO DEL GENITIVO SAJON En inglés, el genitivo (relacién de propiedad o posesién) se forma de dos maneras: 1. Mediante la preposicion of, (de), que se usa normalmente cuando el poseedor no es. una persona: The window of the house (La ventana de la casa) 2. Cuando el poseedor es una persona, se emplea una forma particular, que se conoce como genitive sajén (por su origen). Al nombre del poseedor, se afiade un apéstrofo y una ('s)y figura en la frase delante del nombre de la cosa poseida: My brother's car (El coche de mi hermano) —_John’s dog (El perro de John) ‘También se emplea con nombres de animales, nombres de paises, ciertas expresiones de tiempo, espacio, distancia, peso, et. The cat's ears (Las orejas del gato) France's cities (las ciudades de Francia) Yesterday's meeting (La reunién de ayer) A mile's walk (Un paseo de una milla) REGLAS DE LA'S DEL GENITIVO SAJON 1.Cuando el poseedor es solo uno, el orden de la frase es: e Poseedor Apéstrofe + S La cosa poseida Paul's heart (EI corazén de Pablo) Cuando el nombre termina en s, se afiade otras Charles's bicycle (La bicicleta de Carlos) 2. Si los poseedores son varios, el orden de la frase es: Los poseedores (plural) Apéstrofe La cosa poseida My brothers’ clock (EI reloj de mis hermanos) (Cuando el nombre en plural no termina en s se aplica la misma norma que para un solo poseedor): The women's books (Los libros de las mujeres) Cuando detallamos nombrando a los distintos poseedores, solamente el ultimo refiere el genit That is John, Jim and Paul's flat (Ese es el piso de John, Jim y Paul) iCuidadol. Fijate en la diferencia’ John and Ann's cars —® Los coches son de ambos John's and Ann's cars ——® Cada uno tiene su propio coche Combinado con of puede servir para distinguir el sentido de propiedad A photo of Peter’s (Una foto de Pedro, la foto es de su propiedad) A photo of Peter (Una foto de Pedro, de su persona) APPENDIX 7-PRACTICA 7 INDICACION: Traduzca las siguientes oraciones. We complained to the housekeeping service when the trash receptacles in Hal’s and Barb's offices had not been emptied for three days. Smallville's and Eden’s population increases in the last decade have been staggering, despite economic hardships endured by both counties. After the ceremony, everyone who attended Nancy and Tom's wedding walked across the street to the reception. ‘Susan's and Richard's proposals were outstanding, so the company has funded both of the projects for the next fiscal year. The seamstress had to alter both Emily’s and Julie’s dress before the party APPENDIX 8-PRACTICA 8 INDICACION: Traduzca el siguiente parrafo. Enron grew prosperous, so it claimed, through its pioneering marketing and promotion of power commodities and related derivatives in the form of tradable financial instruments. However, it was later discovered that Enron’s reported financial situation was sustained mainly by institutionalized, systematic, and carefully planned accounting fraud. Investigations into Enron’s irregular accounting practices revealed that many of its recorded assets and profits were illegally inflated or were completely nonexistent. Enron’s accountants carried out mysterious and improper financial transactions between the company and the “offshore” businesses. Enron’s idea was to create these companies deliberately so that debts and loses from unprofitable entities were not included in the company’s official financial statements. The Enron scandal was one of the biggest and most complex bankruptcy cases in U.S. history. It has since become one of the most. infamous symbols of willful corporate fraud and corruption.

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