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Oral questions
1. ¿A qué hora te despiertas por la mañana?
2. ¿Qué haces después de levantarte?
3. ¿Desayunas antes o después de vestirte para la escuela?
4. ¿Quién prepara la cena?
5. ¿Qué haces después de las clases?
6. ¿A qué escuela asistes?
7. ¿Dónde está situada tu escuela?
8. ¿Cómo es tu escuela?
9. ¿Qué te gusta más de tu escuela?
10. ¿Qué no te gusta más de tu escuela?
11. ¿Cuál es la cosa más interesante de tu escuela?
12. ¿Hace cuánto tiempo asistes a esta escuela?
13. ¿Cuáles son las asignaturas que estudias?
14. ¿Cuántos profesores de español hay en tu escuela?
15. ¿Cómo es tu profesora de español?
16. ¿Qué días tienes tu clase de español?
17. ¿A qué hora tienes clases de español?
18. ¿Qué se puede ver en tu camino de tu casa a tu escuela?
19. ¿Qué tipo de trabajo prefieres?
20. ¿Qué piensas hacer después de terminar tus estudios?
21. ¿Qué piensas ser en el futuro?
22. ¿Qué vas a hacer el año que viene?
23. ¿Qué planes tienes por el futuro?
24. ¿Te gustaría trabajar en otro país?
25. ¿Qué te interesa hacer en el futuro?
26. ¿Quieres seguir estudiando? ¿Dónde? ¿Por qué?
27. ¿Qué quieres estudiar en el futuro si decides a asistir a la universidad?
28. ¿En dónde quieres estudiar? ¿En qué universidad/instituto?
29. ¿Piensas estudiar en otro país en el futuro?
30. ¿Cuáles son las ventajas de estudiar y trabajar en otro país?
31. ¿Te gustaría estudiar en un país hispanohablante?
32. ¿Qué esperas hacer el próximo año?
33. ¿Qué otros planes tienes?
34. ¿Piensas casarte?
35. ¿Cuándo piensas casarte? ¿Piensas casarte pronto?
36. ¿Piensas que las mujeres casadas deben trabajar? ¿Por qué?
37. Cuando te casas, ¿vas a tener un trabajo? ¿Por qué (no)?
38. ¿Tienes novio? ¿Es importante tener novio a esta edad? ¿Por qué?
39. En tu opinión, ¿a qué edad debe tener novio?
40. ¿A qué edad piensas que deben casarse los adolescentes?
41. ¿Cuál es tu sueño para el futuro?
42. ¿Te gustaría tener hijos?
43. ¿Crees que es importante estudiar para un título universitario?
44. ¿Crees que es importante estudiar para una carrera profesional?
45. ¿Crees que para tener un mejor futuro es necesario ser licenciada? Explica.

Oral situations
Respond briefly to the following question.
1. While visiting a Spanish-speaking country, you become ill and phone a doctor.
(a) What do you ask the doctor to do for you?
(b) What excuse does he give?

2. Your teacher is very pleased with the behaviour of your class during the visit of a very
important person.
(a) What does the teacher say to commend the class?
(b) What does the class representative say to encourage the class?

3. You want your parents to buy you a new computer but they are reluctant.
(a) What do you ask your teacher to do?
(b) What does your teacher reply?

4. Your classroom does not seem attractive to you.

(a) What do you complain that your classmates are not doing?
(b) What does your teacher offer to arrange?

5. You are choosing a present for your class teacher.

(a) What reason do you give for choosing the gift you chose?
(b) What does your classmate comment?

6. You have a part-time job as a receptionist and a guest is behaving badly.

(a) What do you say to the guest?
(b) What does the guest threaten to do?

7. You arrive at the bus stop and the bus is leaving?

(a) What do you say to the person who is waiting there?
(b) What does the person reply?

8. You see a friend at school whom you have not seen in a long time.
(a) How do you greet him/her?
(b) What is his/her response?

9. You are unable to keep an appointment at the doctor’s office.

(a) What does the secretary ask when you call to cancel?
(b) What does he/she promise?

10. Diego’s sister tells him that she has prepared lunch for him.
(a) What does she ask him?
(b) What does she say to reassure him?

11. You are asked by the principal to represent your school in a speech competition.
(a) How do you explain your refusal?
(b) What does he/she say to convince you?

12. You are out walking late and a stranger approaches you very politely.
(a) What does the person tell you to do?
(b) What do you explain in response?

13. Your Venezuelan cousin is visiting and you take him to your Spanish class.
(a) Introduce him to your class?
(b) Invite him to speak to your classmates?

14. You forgot to wake up your sister at the time when she asked you to.
(a) What apology do you give to her?
(b) What promise do you make?

15. The exchange student who will be staying with your family calls to say what time he/she
will be arriving at the airport and what he/she will be wearing.
(a) What does the student tell you?
(b) What comment do you make?

16. You go to a large company for an interview and need directions to get to the person you
need to see.
(a) What response does the receptionist give to your question?
(b) What else do you ask?

17. Your performance in your end of term exam was disappointing.

(a) What does your teacher say to you?
(b) What explanation do you give?
18. Your mother is not feeling well, and you call your doctor?
(a) What question does the doctor ask you?
(b) What information do you give?

19. You have lost an item your teacher lent you.

(a) How do you inform your teacher?
(b) What do you promise to do?

20. You have been named the best student of Spanish in school.
(a) What do your classmates say to you?
(b) How do you express your feelings?

21. Your mother cooked a special dish for dinner, but you do not like it.
(a) What do you ask your mother?
(b) What does she say to you?

22. Your history project is due tomorrow, and you are unable to submit it.
(a) What do you tell your teacher?
(b) What does he/she suggest?

23. Your friend did not pass her driving test.

(a) What do you say to console her?
(b) What is her response?

24. You are late for class and your friend stops to talk to you,
(a) What do you promise him/her?
(b) What is his/her response?

25. You have to get into town and the bus is running late.
(a) What do you ask the person you meet waiting at the bus stop?
(b) What does he/she tell you?

Written situations
Respond briefly, in Spanish, to the following situations.
1. You pass a note to your friend telling her the time you went to bed, so you were not able
to complete your part of the project. What does the note say?
2. You reach to school late and the principal wants a written explanation of what you did
this morning that caused you to reach late. What do you write?
3. You had a hectic Saturday evening and reached late for Sunday choir practice. Write a
note to the choir mistress tell her what you did on Saturday.
4. Your teacher has blamed you for something another student did. Write a note to her
telling why you are not to blame.
5. There was a party next door, so you were unable to study for your exams the next day.
Text this to your friend.
6. You failed your exams and your parents are very disappointed. What message does your
mother send to your grandmother?
7. Send a text message to your mother telling her that you will reach home a bit late because
the rain is falling.
8. Send a message to your teacher telling him that you could not complete the homework
because you were ill.
9. Manuel is unable to go on the class field trip. Write the note his mother sends apologizing
on his behalf and stating why he is unable to go.
10. You wish to borrow an item from your classmate. Write the note you send to her asking
for the item.
11. You have to write a brief report to your teacher about an incident that took place while
she was out of class. What does the report say?
12. Your friend has sent a message to your teacher telling him that he has a stomachache and
cannot make it to class. What does the message say?
13. Send a note of congratulations to your friend on her exam success.
14. You are going away to study and your friend puts a note in your suitcase. What does the
note state?
15. Your teacher hands you anouncement for you to read in assembly about the new date and
time for the English exam. What does the note say?
16. You have sent a note to the guidance counsellor telling him what you want to be in the
future. What does the note say?
17. The guidance councillor wants to know what your best qualities are. Write the note you
send to her.
18. You friend has asked you what subjects you think she would need to study to become a
botanist. What note to you send to the guidance councillor to ask her?
19. What is the note does the councillor sends in response to your questions you ask about
the subjects you need to study to become a lawyer?
20. You fall ill at a job interview and send a text to your mother asking if anyone is at home
to come get you. What does the text say?
21. You are about to go in for an interview and your best friend send an encouraging message
to you. What does it say?
22. You have gone to a job interview but upon arrival you are given a note stating that the
interview has been cancelled and rescheduled for another date and time. What does the
note say?
23. You enter the Admin office at school and see a sign stating, “No cell phones allowed”.
What does the sign say?
24. You discover that your Spanish book is missing. Send a note to your friend asking her if
she has it.
25. Your best friend is unable to attend the class party. Send her a text message expressing
your disappointment.

Please note that the word limit for each letter is 130-150 words. All letters must be addressed
appropriately and with the appropriate salutations, beginning and ending.
1. In you last letter you were explaining to your friend that your week is so hectic that you
are extremely tired and need a weekend of relaxation. Write the letter you sent him in
which you tell him what your week is usually like. You must include:
(a) The activities you engage in during the week.
(b) Why you are involved in all these activities.
(c) How you feel about being so busy.
(d) What you would prefer to be doing all week long.

2. Write a letter in Spanish to your Mexican friend telling him/her about your school. Be
sure to include:
(a) What your school is like and your opinion of it.
(b) What subjects you study at school and which is your favourite and why.
(c) What you like about your school and what you dislike.
(d) What you intend to do after school.

3. Your Venezuelan friend has written you about the school system in his country and has
asked you what the system is like, by comparison, in your country. Write him back and
include the following details:
(a) The basics of your education system.
(b) The similarities/differences between Venezuela’s system and Trinidad and Tobago’s.
(c) Your opinion of Trinidad and Tobago’s education system.
(d) Which system you think is better and why.

4. You are applying for a job with a company you have always wanted to work for. Write
out the application letter you wish to submit to the Human Resource Manager. Your
application must include:
(a) The position you would like to fill.
(b) The qualifications you have.
(c) Your best qualities which make you perfect for the job.
(d) Any other information about yourself you would like them to know.

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