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19:01:53 From Lourdes Mendez to Everyone:

19:02:00 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
19:02:01 From José De Sousa to Everyone:
19:02:03 From Valentina González to Everyone:
19:02:05 From Camila Cisternas to Everyone:
19:02:06 From Morin to Everyone:
19:02:07 From marcela cabello to Everyone:
19:05:31 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
19:16:13 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
Thank youuuu
19:16:34 From José De Sousa to Everyone:
Tengo el Pentium 1 saturado
19:17:22 From Morin to Everyone:
super estoy muy contenta me gusta la metodología me acomoda.
19:17:39 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
Admiro mucho a Stephanie, necesito prepararme mucho para saber qué es lo que
quiero decir y va hablando a medida que va pensando, lo encuentro very very chido y
espero lograrlo también}
19:17:40 From Olimpia to Everyone:
Me he sentido más tranquila para establecer oraciones, porque tenía algo de
vocabulario pero no sabía como usar los conectores básicos, muy agradecida!
19:17:42 From Carlos Mendoza to Everyone:
Necesito organizarme para estar alineado voy atrasado ☹️🥺😣
19:17:53 From Lourdes Mendez to Everyone:
Yo he ido aclarando lagunas que traia de hace años, todo va bien
19:17:58 From marcela cabello to Everyone:
mis ideas las voy validando con el traductor, me alegra ver como cada vez va
mejorando mi redacción y formular frases en ingles.
19:18:15 From iPhone to Everyone:
Yo me siento muy bien! Semanas más fáciles y semanas más difíciles! Tengo que
repasar y repasar para aprender más! Hay ocaciones que siento que no avanzo o no
aprendo! Pero después me sorprendo cuando ya lo se y manejo!
19:18:23 From Rhayza Rodriguez Sandoval to Everyone:
A mi me sigue costando hablar 😞 pero contigo he aprendido lo que no aprendí
estudiando ingles con muchos otros profes, gracias Khalil por la paciencia 🙂
19:18:31 From Catalina Sepulveda to Everyone:
Excelente la técnica vikinga 👏👏👏
19:18:33 From Morin to Everyone:
lo ubicaba pero no sabia como utilizar ahora me quedo muy claro 👍 those
19:19:07 From Rotceh Sanchez to Everyone:
Estoy de oyente en esta clase... aun estoy en unas clases anteriores. Pero me
gusta la metodología.
19:19:10 From Lourdes Mendez to Everyone:
Mi trabajo me obliga a leer y escribir pero no a hablar, también necesito
mucha preparación para hablar, escribo antes todo
19:19:15 From Stephanie to Everyone:
Reacted to "Admiro mucho a Steph..." with ❤️
19:19:24 From Ruth to Everyone:
Me doy cuenta que me falta mucha precisión, pero me siento más segura al
entender las reglas
19:19:52 From iPhone to Everyone:
Yo Eduardo
19:20:31 From Ariadna Martínez to Everyone:
He sentido mejoría en la escritura, como comentas, a veces me es más tardado
hilar las ideas que quiero expresar, pero lo hago con más conciencia y así se me
facilita hablarlo, a pesar de que cometo errores, me es más sencillo reconocerlos y
corregirlos. Pero en general, me gusta mucho el curso.
19:22:23 From Camila Cisternas to Everyone:
me ha gustado mucho el curso, es motivante y completo, siento que he
aprendido mucho y espero seguir haciéndolo, gracias profe.
19:22:40 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
Me pasa lo del dominio de la lengua, siempre he tenido leves problemas de
modulación hasta en español y hablar español chileno no ayuda mucho jaja pero me he
esforzado en mejorar
19:22:52 From Alexandra to Everyone:
he aprendido cosas nuevas, me gusta el método y la forma como las explicas.
El sistema de practicar todos los días, siento que ayuda a internalizarlo
19:25:38 From Janeth Sanchez to Everyone:
Lo siento, estoy cocinando mientras veo la clase.
Pero en general me ha encantado el curso.
Algunas cosas que sabía "inconscientemente" ahora las comprendo y utilizo
conscientemente. Como el To entre verbos.
19:27:53 From Rhayza Rodriguez Sandoval to Everyone:
19:28:01 From José De Sousa to Everyone:
jajaja no
19:28:03 From Rhayza Rodriguez Sandoval to Everyone:
jajaja no
19:28:08 From Morin to Everyone:
no jajaja
19:28:25 From José De Sousa to Everyone:
19:28:25 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
Ay recórcholis
19:28:31 From Rhayza Rodriguez Sandoval to Everyone:
jajaja no
19:28:31 From iPhone to Everyone:
19:28:58 From Stephanie to Everyone:
Because it´s not important!!
19:32:49 From Stephanie to Everyone:
And for example in my case I make some mistakes even with my students and
they don't mind either, they are very sweet, and understand that English it's not
my main language!
19:34:37 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
Reacted to "And for example in m..." with 👍
19:40:22 From Rhayza Rodriguez Sandoval to Everyone:
Explica =)
19:40:25 From Rhayza Rodriguez Sandoval to Everyone:
19:40:28 From José De Sousa to Everyone:
19:40:28 From Lourdes Mendez to Everyone:
19:40:29 From Alexandra to Everyone:
19:40:29 From Alba to Everyone:
19:40:30 From Keila Sanchez to Everyone:
19:40:31 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
19:40:32 From Ariadna Martínez to Everyone:
19:40:34 From Aynny to Everyone:
19:40:35 From Ruth to Everyone:
19:40:35 From Camila Cisternas to Everyone:
19:40:35 From Olimpia to Everyone:
19:40:38 From Rotceh Sanchez to Everyone:
19:41:37 From Stephanie to Everyone:
a ustedes les gusta que este hablando paja 😂😂😂
19:58:35 From Catalina Sepulveda to Everyone:
Tengo una duda con la materia
20:14:31 From Janeth Sanchez to Everyone:
Como Bird, Bear, Beard
20:19:09 From Janeth Sanchez to Everyone:
I am drinking these beers because they are goods
20:19:11 From marcela cabello to Everyone:
I´m drinking beer because are good
20:19:12 From Stephanie to Everyone:
I'm drinking these beers because they are good
20:19:18 From Lourdes Mendez to Everyone:
I am drinking these beers because they are good
20:19:23 From Ruth to Everyone:
I am drinking these bears because they are good
20:19:29 From Janeth Sanchez to Everyone:
Replying to "I am drinking these ..."

20:19:32 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
I am drinking these beers because they are good, or nice, I'm not sure, sorry
20:19:34 From Alexandra to Everyone:
I am drinking these beers because they are good
20:19:35 From iPhone to Everyone:
I am dinking these beers because they are good
20:19:40 From Olimpia to Everyone:
I´m drinking these beers because are good
20:19:41 From marcela cabello to Everyone:
I´m drinking these beers
20:19:42 From Ariadna Martínez to Everyone:
I am drinking these beers because they are good
20:19:54 From Morin to Khalil Wilson(Direct Message):
no podre participar en la practica voy manejando y los voy escuchando
20:19:56 From Keila Sanchez to Everyone:
I am driking these beers because they are good
20:20:11 From Alba to Everyone:
I am drinking these beers because they are good.
20:20:12 From Camila Cisternas to Everyone:
Iam drinking these beers because are good
20:20:18 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
I am to drinking this bears because are goods
20:20:20 From marcela cabello to Everyone:
they are
20:20:35 From José De Sousa to Everyone:
I drinking these beers because they are good
20:20:51 From Aynny to Everyone:
I drink this beers beers because they are good
20:21:07 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
Replying to "I am to drinking thi..."

También puse oso y falto el they

20:21:07 From Catalina Sepulveda to Everyone:
I am drinking these beers because they are good
20:21:29 From Valentina González to Everyone:
I am drinking these beers because they are good.
20:21:53 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
Replying to "I am to drinking thi..."

I am to drinking this beers because they are goods

20:22:04 From Aynny to Everyone:
Im drinking these beers because they are good
20:22:44 From Camila Cisternas to Everyone:
Replying to "Iam drinking these..."

me falto el they
20:26:13 From Stephanie to Everyone:
I want to work in that company because is growing
20:26:15 From Lourdes Mendez to Everyone:
I want to work in that company because It is growing
20:26:24 From Ruth to Everyone:
I want to work in that company because it is growing
20:26:31 From Janeth Sanchez to Everyone:
I want to work in that company because it is growing
20:26:36 From Ariadna Martínez to Everyone:
I want to work in that company because it is growing
20:26:54 From iPhone to Everyone:
I want to work in the company because it is growing
20:26:55 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
I want to work in that company because it's growing (tengo dudas de cuando se
usa "in" o "at")
20:26:58 From Camila Cisternas to Everyone:
I want to work in that company because it is growing
20:26:59 From marcela cabello to Everyone:
I want to work in that company because it is growing
20:27:01 From Olimpia to Everyone:
I want in that company because it´s growing
20:27:07 From Aynny to Everyone:
I want to work in that company because its growing
20:27:21 From Alba to Everyone:
I want to work in that company because it is grow
20:27:34 From José De Sousa to Everyone:
I want to work in that company because it is growing
20:27:34 From Keila Sanchez to Everyone:
I want to work in that company because it is growing
20:28:09 From Olimpia to Everyone:
* I wan to work in that company because it´s growing
20:28:26 From Valentina González to Everyone:
I want to work in that company because it is growing
20:28:27 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
I want to work in that company because it is growing
20:28:36 From Alba to Everyone:
Replying to "I want to work in th..."
oohh! el grow tenía que llevar el -ing
20:28:41 From Catalina Sepulveda to Everyone:
I want to work in that company because it’s growing
20:28:45 From Aynny to Everyone:
Ok 👍
20:29:08 From Stephanie to Everyone:
Si el error que tuve tiene que ver con incluir o no IT, ahora no entiendo
porque hace un momento no lo debía incluir!!!😱
20:32:05 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
Sé que probablemente no sea la respuesta correcta, pero siempre me he ayudado
pensando que después de un "because" ya pasa a ser otra oración, con sus propios
pronombres y verbos
20:35:23 From Ruth to Everyone:
I am saving money because I want to buy that boots
20:35:26 From Stephanie to Everyone:
I'm saving money because I want to buy that boots.
20:35:43 From Lourdes Mendez to Everyone:
I am saving money because I want to buy those boots
20:35:49 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
I'm saving because I want to buy those boots
20:35:54 From Ariadna Martínez to Everyone:
I am saving money because I want to buy those boots
20:35:56 From Alexandra to Everyone:
I am saving money because I want to buy those boots
20:36:03 From iPhone to Everyone:
I am saving money because I want to buy those boots
20:36:04 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
Había puesto "saving money" pero sentí que estaba mal
20:36:12 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
Ay recórcholis, lo hubiese dejado así jajaja
20:36:20 From José De Sousa to Everyone:
I am saving money because I want to buy these boots
20:36:24 From Alba to Everyone:
I am saving money because I want buy those boots
20:36:30 From marcela cabello to Everyone:
I am saving money because I want to buy those boots
20:36:35 From Janeth Sanchez to Everyone:
I am saving money because I want to buy those boots
20:36:49 From Camila Cisternas to Everyone:
Iam saving money because i want to buy those boots
20:36:51 From Keila Sanchez to Everyone:
Iam saving money because I want to buy those boots
20:37:12 From Olimpia to Everyone:
I´m saving money because I want to buy those boots.
20:37:24 From Aynny to Everyone:
I'm saving money because I want to buy those boots.
20:37:26 From Alba to Everyone:
Replying to "I am saving money be..."

me faltó el "to" I wan to buy

20:37:39 From Catalina Sepulveda to Everyone:
I’m saving because I wanna buy those boots
20:37:59 From Valentina González to Everyone:
I am saving money because I want to buy those boots
20:38:01 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
I am to saving money because I want buy those boots
20:38:23 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
Replying to "I am to saving money..."
me falto un to
20:38:38 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
Replying to "I am to saving money..."

I am to saving money because I want to buy those boots

20:38:40 From Ruth to Everyone:
20:38:43 From Stephanie to Everyone:
20:38:46 From Ruth to Everyone:
Era those
20:38:51 From marcela cabello to Everyone:
Lo siento profe y compañeros me debo retirar. Un abrzo
20:38:54 From Ruth to Everyone:
20:39:54 From Lourdes Mendez to Everyone:
Those birds are flying because they are hunting fish
20:40:00 From Stephanie to Everyone:
Those birds are flying because they are hunting fishes.
20:40:10 From Ariadna Martínez to Everyone:
Those birds are flying because they are hunting fish
20:40:18 From iPhone to Everyone:
Those birds are flaying because they are hunting fishes
20:40:18 From Janeth Sanchez to Everyone:
Those birds are flying because they are hunting fish
20:40:20 From Ruth to Everyone:
Those birds are fliying because they are hunting fish
20:40:31 From Alexandra to Everyone:
Those birds are flighting becuase they are hunting fish
20:40:41 From Camila Cisternas to Everyone:
those birds are flying because they is hunting fish
20:40:54 From Alba to Everyone:
Those birds are flying because they are hunting fish
20:40:58 From Olimpia to Everyone:
Those birds are flying because they are hunting fish.
20:41:02 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
Those birds are flying because they're hunting fish
20:41:05 From Keila Sanchez to Everyone:
Those birds are flying because they are hunting fish
20:41:10 From Catalina Sepulveda to Everyone:
Those birds are flying because they are hunting fish
20:41:24 From José De Sousa to Everyone:
Those birds are flaying because they are hunting fish
20:41:55 From Alexandra to Everyone:
cierto!! gracias
20:41:56 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
Those birds are to fligting because they to huntig fish
20:42:25 From Aynny to Everyone:
Those birds are flaying because the're hunting fish
20:42:25 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
Replying to "Those birds are to f..."

Those birds are to fligting because they are to huntig fish

20:42:32 From Valentina González to Everyone:
Those birds are flying because they are hunting fish
20:43:16 From Morin to Everyone:
those birds are flying because they are hunting fish
20:43:38 From Aynny to Everyone:
20:43:48 From Catalina Sepulveda to Everyone:
Se podría volver a repetir el those? Sé que ya me explicaste algo antes pero
tengo esta duda ahora, perdón.
20:44:20 From Ruth to Everyone:
Those son esos o esas
20:46:47 From Catalina Sepulveda to Everyone:
No pega
20:47:05 From iPhone to Everyone:
Khalil que significa cuando dices “concha” en mexico significa un tipo de
20:47:05 From Catalina Sepulveda to Everyone:
They entonces
20:48:01 From Lourdes Mendez to Everyone:
20:48:10 From iPhone to Everyone:
20:48:28 From iPhone to Everyone:
Ok ok
20:48:28 From Lourdes Mendez to Everyone:
es como recorcholis
20:48:45 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
20:48:46 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
Replying to "es como recorcholis"

Una bonita manera de decirlo

20:49:07 From Lourdes Mendez to Everyone:
en Venezuela concha es cascara
20:50:53 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
I don't want to go there, that place is very weird and I don't want to talk
to those people
20:51:08 From Janeth Sanchez to Everyone:
I don't want to go there, that place is very strange and I don't want to talk
with that people.
20:51:16 From Stephanie to Everyone:
I don't want to go there, that place is very strange and I don´t want to talk
with that people
20:51:17 From Janeth Sanchez to Everyone:
Replying to "I don't want to go t..."

20:51:22 From Janeth Sanchez to Everyone:
Replying to "I don't want to go t..."

20:51:25 From Olimpia to Everyone:
I don´t want to go, that place it´s very strange and I don´t talking with
those people.
20:51:25 From Ruth to Everyone:
I dont want to go there, that Place is very strange and I dont want to talk
with that people
20:51:40 From iPhone to Everyone:
I don’t want going there, that place is very weird and I don’t walk to talk
to those people
20:51:54 From Alexandra to Everyone:
I don´t want to go there, that place is weird and I don´t want to talk with
that people
20:52:02 From Morin to Everyone:
I don't want to go there, that place is very weird and I don't want to talk
those people
20:52:08 From Ariadna Martínez to Everyone:
I don´t want to go there, that place is very weird and I don´t want to talk
to those people
20:52:35 From Camila Cisternas to Everyone:
I do not want go there, that place is very strange and I do not want to speak
with that people
20:52:49 From Alba to Everyone:
I don't want to go there, that place is very strange and I don't want to
speak with those people
20:52:52 From Alexandra to Everyone:
Replying to "I don´t want to go t..."

**those people
20:53:06 From José De Sousa to Everyone:
I don´t want to go there, That place is very weird and don´t want talk with
those people
20:53:17 From Keila Sanchez to Everyone:
I don't want to go there, that place is very strange and I don't want to talk
with that people
20:53:40 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
I don´t want to ir there, that place is very weird and I don´t want to talk
witc those people
20:54:13 From Keila Sanchez to Everyone:
20:54:19 From José De Sousa to Everyone:
Replying to "I don´t want to go t..."

Me falto el "I" y el "TO"

20:54:33 From Stephanie to Everyone:
strange and weird is not the same right?
20:54:45 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
Replying to "I don´t want to ir t..."

escribi mal con puse witc y es with

20:55:11 From Olimpia to Everyone:
I don´t wanna to go THERE, that place IS very strange and I don´t WANT to
talk with those people.
20:56:05 From Catalina Sepulveda to Everyone:
I don’t want to go there, that place is very weird and I don’t wanna talk
with those people
20:56:36 From Lourdes Mendez to Everyone:
I don´t want to go there, that place is very strange and I don´t want to talk
with those people
20:57:26 From Ruth to Everyone:
En inglés no existía la palabra gente verdad?
20:57:34 From Ruth to Everyone:
Solo personas
20:58:31 From Olimpia to Everyone:
Yo caí en la tarea
21:05:45 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
Otra preguntita, en la última frase usé "talk to" pero la mayoría usó "talk
with", ¿se pueden usar ambas sin problema?
21:06:42 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
Yo lo mande hoy pero porque el trabajo estuvo fuerte
21:08:33 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
We love you Stephanie
21:09:08 From Stephanie to Everyone:
Reacted to "We love you Stephani..." with ❤️

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