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Guía de estudio

Inglés IV
Módulo 1

Estructura de enunciados con “Tag questions”, usando sus b) Anymore = nunca más
formas interrogativas al final de cada oración, de acuerdo al c) Already = ya.
tiempo que se está usando. Por ejemplo: d) Yet = aún.
They’re Reading their books now, aren’t they? Ejemplos:
He wasn’t at home this morning, was he? He still Works.
Cuando el enunciado es afirmativo, la frase interrogativa “Tag Helen isn’t sick anymore
questions” será negativa. Alice has already received the letter.
Peter hasn’t eaten yet.
Cuando el enunciado esté en su forma negativa, será en forma
afirmativa. Por ejemplo: Reglas generales:
Are your children self reliant? a)Still viene después del verbo “to be” en formas afirmativas.
Your children are self reliant, aren’t they? Ejemplo:
Yes, they are. He is still sick.
Were they having a talk? b) “Still” viene antes del verbo “to be” en formas negativas.
They were having a talk, weren’t they? Yes, they were. Por ejemplo:
He still doesn’t understand.
Módulo 2 d) “Still” es usado en formas interrogativas pero tiene el mismo
significado como el inciso anterior. Por ejemplo:
a)Estructura de enunciado con “tag questions”, usando Are you still hungry?
auxiliares. Por ejemplo: e) “Anymore” viene al final de la oración.
The scientists can’t find the cure for cancer, can they?. No, Por ejemplo:
they can’t. He doesn’t work anymore.
f) Se usa en formas interrogativas conservando la misma
It shouldn’t take long to finish the exam, should it? posición. Por ejemplo:
b) Estructura de acuerdo a la situación para contestar con una Don’t you watch TV anymore?
réplica a la pregunta, ya sea utilizando negativa o g) “Still” también indica que la actividad no ha cambiado señala
afirmativamente las “tag questions”. Por ejemplo: que la actividad que era anteriormente afirmativa ahora cambia
You should dial “o” to make a local call, shouldn’t you?. Yes, I a negativa.
should. h) “Already” se refiere a una actividad ya concluida y
Mary won’t have long hair anymore, will she? anunciada; “already” algunas veces viene antes del verbo
No, she won’t. principal, pero sigue al verbo “to be”. Por ejemplo:
c) Estructura de enunciados con “tag questions” utilizando He has already bought the car.
have, has, haven’t, had y hadn’t. Por ejemplo: i)”Yet” puede usarse en expresiones negativas e
You have gone to Canada, haven’t you? interrogativas. Por ejemplo:
She has bought a new car, hasn’t she? I’m not hungry yet.
d) Los adverbios never, seldom y rarely son consideradas
palabras negativas por lo que su estructura tiene un sentido Módulo 4
negativo en la oración. Uso de:
Por ejemplo: a)Verbos:
She has never cut her hair, has she? Shine = brillar.
They seldom go to the theater, do they? Rise = levantar, alzar; criar.
e) Cuando el verbo de la oración es imperativo (comand), la Lie = recostar.
tag question es “will”, ya sea en su forma afirmativa o negativa b) Prefijos y sufijos.
y el pronombre nominativo es “you”. Por ejemplo: Al añadir un elemento a la palabra base es llamado “prefix” y/o
Write me a letter, will you? “sufix” y cambia el significado en función de la palabra original.
Write me a letter, won’t you? Un prefijo se añade al principio y un sufijo al final de la palabra
original. Ejemplos:
Módulo 3 Cleans= cleaner.
Edits = editor.
Uso de: Teach = teacher.
a)Still = todavía.

Inglés IV
d) Sufix con la terminación “ful”, que significa adjetivos. Estructuras de enunciados en el futuro a su voz pasiva
Ejemplos: correspondiente, así como la realización de preguntas y sus
Hope = hopeful. respuestas negativas y afirmativas. Ejemplos:
Waste = wasteful. The officers are going to inspect our Passports. (futuro
Our passports are going to be inspected by the officers.
Módulo 5 (passive simple)
They will watch the stars tonight. (passive voice)
Uso de: b) Palabras de preguntas en voz pasiva. Ejemplos:
a) Cambios de enunciados de voz activa a voz pasiva en los Who is going to be invited as a chaperon for our trip? Mrs.
tiempos presente y pasado simple, donde se incluya o se Williams.
excluya el agente de la acción pasiva. Ejemplos: What will he be accused of?. Of manslaughter.
1.- Active voice: Leonardo da Vinci painted the “Mona Lisa”. Where won’t interruptions be allowed? In class.
Pasive voice: “The Mona Lisa” was painted by Leonardo da Which cake is gong to be given to Alice ?. This chocolate one.
Vinci. c) Estructuras de enunciados en voz pasiva usando auxiliares
2.- Active voice: He’s following the ice cream vendor. de acuerdo al significado del contexto.
Pasive voice : The ice cream vendor is being followed by him. Ejemplos:
3.- Active voice : She was cutting a hole in the box The cowboy can tame the wild pony.
Passive voice : A hole was being cut in the box. The wild pony can be tamed by the cowboy. He’s an expert.
Those big waves might sink the ship.
Regla : En la voz activa el sujeto realiza la acción expresada The ship might be sunk by those big waves. (passive voice)
por el verbo, el objeto recibe esta acción. You should speak English in class.
En la voz pasiva el objeto de la oración activa se convierte en English should be spoken in class.
el sujeto de la oración pasiva; recibe la acción del verbo que (passive pasive)
está expresado. El sujeto de la oración activa se convierte d) Preguntas en voz pasiva utilizando auxiliares. Ejemplos.
ahora en el ejecutor de la acción introducido con la proposición What should be done to prevent the leaning tower of Pisa from
“by”. Ejemplo: falling?
Christopher Columbus discovered America (active voice). Nobody knows.
How can this man’s muscles be developed?
Módulo 6 By exercise.
Where should students be studying ?
Uso de: At the library.
a)Cambios de enunciados de presente y pasado simple a voz
pasiva. Por ejemplo:
Simple presente: Workmen break the old cement of the Módulo 8
highway with air hammers.
Simple past: Father O’Brien chistened the baby. Uso correcto de :
Su voz pasiva queda: a) Cambiar enunciados a su voz pasiva en presente perfecto,
The old cement of the highway is broken with air hammers. pasado perfecto y futuro perfecto, así como sus respectivas
The baby was christened by father O’Brien. preguntas y respuestas cortas y largas.
b) Preguntas en voz pasiva y sus respuestas de acuerdo al a.1. Estructura del presente perfecto en voz pasiva:
cuestionamiento correspondiente. Por ejemplo: Sujeto + have o has + been + verbo en pasado participio + by
Are all these seats in the theater taken? + agente. Ejemplo:
Yes, they are taken now. The safe has been opened by the thief.
Is a T.V. set operated by gas ?. No it isn’t. It’s operated by a.2. Estructura del pasado perfecto en voz pasiva:
electricity. Sujeto + had + been + verbo en pasado participio + by +
agente. Ejemplo:
Uso de palabras con terminación “en” y “ed” que modifiquen al These stories gad been told by Marco Polo.
sustantivo. Ejemplos: a.3. Estructura del futuro perfecto:
His leg was broken. Queda así: He has a broken leg. Sujeto + will + be + verbo en pasado participio + by + agente.
They fried potatoes and ate them. Queda así : They ate Ejemplo:
french fried potatoes. What has been extinguished now?. The fire.
b) Uso de la palabra “get” en voz pasiva en sustitución del Where had the thief been taken? To jail
verbo “be”. Ejemplos: Which tax will be paid next month?
A flower put hit him. Queda así: He was hit o He got him. The property tax.
The boy broke the window. Queda así : It was broken o It go a.5. Uso de palabras con terminación “en” y “ed” que
broken. modifiquen al sustantivo. Ejemplos:
His leg was broken. Queda así: He has a broken leg.
Módulo 7 They fried potatoes and ate them. Queda así : They ate french
fried potatoes.
Uso de:
b) Uso de la palabra “get” en voz pasiva en sustitución del
verbo “be”. Ejemplos:
Inglés IV
A flower pot hit him. Queda así: He was hit by a flower pot o It How much = cuánto.
got him. Whom = a quién.
The boy broke the window. Queda así : It was broken o It got Whatever = lo que sea.
broken. Whichever = cualquiera.
How many = cuántos.
Módulo 9 Which = cuál.
Uso de: Who the new president of the lion club will be is not known.
a) And = y Those whom you invited to the party have come.
b) Too = también. What you ordered has arrived.
c) Either = tampoco. Whoever was here left this room a mess.
d) Neither = tampoco. Whatever is in the drawer is mine.
e) But = pero. Why she left was known by the teacher.
f) So = también. My mother found out whom I have been seeing.
Ejemplos: There are five dresses here you may borrow whichever you
The horse is big. The cow is too. like.
Harry isn’t an adult. Bill isn’t either. Bill coudn’t make up his mind how many courses to take.
Ronnie is sad. Jack is sad. Ronnie is sad and Jack is too. México is the country which I want to visit.
John wears glasses, Gloria does too. Tell me how much you want for the Job.
Alice will go by plane. Robert will go by plane. Alice will go by I know how far New York is.
plane and Robert will too. b) Frases adjetivales en preguntas y contestación correcta en
g) Neither … nor = ni uno ni el otro. forma afirmativa y negativa. Sirven para unir una sola oración
Ejemplos: y/o una sola pregunta.
The girl is neither sick not tired. Ejemplos:
Neither of my sons can play tennis. Whom were you thinking of? No, you may not.
h) « And » une palabras, oraciones y muestra relación. May I know? Yes, you may.
i) “Too” se usa al final de estructuras afirmativas. How much does this material cost?
Twenty dollars.
Módulo 10 Do you know how much this material costs? No, I don’t.
What did he say? I didn’t hear.
Uso de: Whatever he said I didn’t hear.
a)Cláusulas que expresan un pensamiento completo del c) Enunciados de exclamación utilizando cláusulas de
enunciado como son: Who, That, Whom, Whose y Which. sustantivos como las siguientes:
Ejemplos: Whas a mess! = ¡Qué lío!
Alice is the girl she sees Robert now. How funny! = ¡Qué divertido!
Alice is the girl who sees Robert now. What a sight = ¡Qué vista!
Alice is the girl whom Robert sees now. What a beautiful day! = ¡Qué hermoso día!
Colonists camo to America their religious beliefs were diverse. How beatiful the sunset! = ¡Qué hermoso atardecer!
A school is near my home men and women study there. How much noise! = ¡Cuánto ruido!
A school where men adn woman study is near my house. What a fool! = ¡Qué tonto!
Let me know in advanced when you bring a guest to dinner. What a day! = ¡Qué día!
Please tell Mary that I won’t be able to go to the party. d) Verbos de dos palabras:
Reglas para su uso: Get in = entrar.
1.- Who y whom se sustituyen en las cláusulas dependientes Get out of = salir de.
por personas. Get off = descender.
Who es usado para el sujeto y whom es usado para el objeto. Get on = subir, montar.
2.- Whose es un adjetivo relativo, pues la forma posesiva de Ejemplos :
Who puede referirse a cualquier objeto animado y siempre Alice got in their mother’s car .
precede a la cosa poseída. The children got on their bicycles.
When, where y why son adverbios relativos los cuales He’s getting out of his car.
relacionan cláusulas de tiempo, lugar y razón respectivamente Mr. Gonzalez is getting off the plane.
y deben colocarse al principio de la cláusula dependiente al e) Verbos con dificultades:
igual que los otros adverbios. Like = gustar.
Want = querer.
Módulo 11 Know = saber, conocer.
Meet = encontrar, reunir.
Uso correcto de: Waste = desperdiciar.
a)Cláusulas adjetivales: What, who, which, how, etc. Miss = faltar.
Who = quién. Lose = perder.
How = cómo. Enjoy = disfrutar.
What = qué. Introduce = presentar.
Whoever = quien sea. Ejemplos:
Why = por qué. I like golfing, Bill likes to go bowling.
Inglés IV
Alice wants to go swimming. Don’t close the suitcase until I have finished parking.
Susy knows me very well. The child would get a rash as soon as he ate strawberries.
Let’s not waste time. I’m never tired unless I over work.
I missed my bus this morning. We never have dinner before my father arrives.
He lost his watch. The woman took the milk off the stove as often as it boiled.
She’ll introduce us to Cecy.
I’ll meet Dick tonight. Módulo 14
John enjoys Reading.
Uso de :
Módulo 12 Because = porque.
Because of = por.
Uso de: Bring up = sacar un tema a la conversación; criar, educar
A)Unión de dos enunciados simples con palabras conectivas, Show up = aparecer.
como: Ejemplos:
That = que. Bob wants to stay because his friends are in the park.
Whether = si. Bob wants to stay because of his friends.
Or not = o no. He is left the house without a raincoat in spite of the rain.
Ejemplos: Alice brought that question up.
It was obvious that they were going on a trip. Alice has been brought up well. She’s a polite person.
I don’t know whether the car will run or not. Where did the car appear? It showe up in the park.
b) Cambiar las formas interrogativas a enunciados usando la b) Verbos de dos palabras.
cláusula correspondiente tanto en oraciones afirmativas como Para comprender estos verbos es necesario practicar la
en negativas. lectura para conocer el contexto en el que se manejan.
What did he do? (know) Módulo 15
I don’t know what he did.
Did she tell you that she was goint? Uso de:
She didn’t tell me that she was going. a)So…that = tan… que.
Does he admit that he is guilty ? Ejemplo:
He admits that he is guilty. The girl is so thirsty that she drank four glasses of water.
How was she dressed ? b) Such…that = tan… que.
I don’t recall how she was dressed. She is such a thirsty girl that she drank four glasses of water.
Do you know how many times we’ll have to write the exercise ? c) Such a… that = tan… que.
I don’t know how many times we’ll have to write the exercise. Ejemplo:
c) Estructura gramatical de enunciados con cláusulas He is such a sleepy man that he went to sleep in his armchair.
adverbiales: d) Search = look up = investigar.
sujeto + auxiliar + verbo + cláusula + sujeto + aux. verbal + Ejemplo:
complemento. When did you search for the girl’s address?
I don’t know what he did. I looked up tha girl’s address last week.
She didn’t tell me that she was going. e) Call off = cancel = cancelar.
He admits that he is guilty. Ejemplo:
I’m sure which I will have to buy. Did you cancel your engagement?
She doesn’t accept that she is wrong. No, I didn’t call off my engagement.
We didn’t hear what he said. f) Point out = indicate = indicar.
Ejemplo :
Módulo 13 Can he indicate the criminal ?
Yes, he can point him out.
Aprenderá :
a) Cambio de adjetivos a adverbios con terminación “ly”. Módulo 16
It’s obvious that you have to study fot your exams. Uso de :
Obiously you have to study for your exams. a)Los adverbios :
It’s lucky that I know how to swim. However = sin embargo.
Luckily I know how to swim. Besides = además.
b) Los conectivos: So = por lo tanto.
After = después de. But = pero.
Until = hasta. In contrast = en contraste.
Before = antes. Furthermore = además.
Unless = al menos. Consequently = consecuentemente.
As soon as = tan pronto como. Ejemplos:
As after as = tan frecuente como. He wanted to go to the mountains however he went to the
Ejemplos: beach.
We had dinner after my father arrived from the office. He fed the animals on a farm besides he operated a tractor.
Inglés IV
She wants to lose weight so she’s not eating too much.
He’s lazy and he won’t look for a job but he won’t be able top
ay the rent.
Last week was very cold in contrast today is quite warm.
Larry was going to meet Bob at the café furthermore they had
business to talk over.
Paty would take the eight o’clock bus consequently she always
left home at 7:30.
b) Los adverbios se pueden dividir o separar por:
b.1.) Información adicional = besides (además); in addition
(más); and (y); furthermore (más adelante); also (también);
similary (similarmente); moreover (más aún) y likewise
b.2) Información contraria: but (pero); however (sin embargo);
in contrast (en contraste); other wise (de otro modo) y
nevertheless (sin embargo).
c) Información de consecuencia = Therefore (por lo tanto); so
(por lo tanto); consequentrly (consecuentemente); hence (por
lo tanto) y thus (así).

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