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25/3/2018 The French Secret to Healing ADHD Without Medication | Amen Clinics



Publicado: 21 de julio de 2017 4:35 a.m.

Fuera de Amen Clinics, los medicamentos estimulantes son el tratamiento principal

para niños y adultos con TDAH. De hecho, EE. UU. Es el recetador número 1 de
medicamentos estimulantes, que representa entre el 80 y el 85% del consumo

A través de años de tratamiento de niños y adultos con TDAH, sabemos que los
medicamentos estimulantes son útiles para algunos, pero también pueden empeorar
las personas con TDAH. Esto no es un secreto en la comunidad médica; Entonces, ¿por
qué los medicamentos estimulantes son tan frecuentes en los Estados Unidos? Un par
de comparaciones entre EE. UU. Y Francia pueden ayudar a arrojar algo de luz sobre el


En los Estados Unidos , la psiquiatría convencional ve el TDAH como un simple
trastorno biológico-neurológico con causas biológicas .

El diagnóstico se realiza utilizando los criterios del DSM ( Manual diagnóstico y

estadístico de los trastornos mentales) .
DSM usa una lista de veri cación de síntomas y comportamientos solamente, luego
clasi ca dentro de una de nición estrecha.
Las circunstancias sociales, los traumas emocionales y las alergias alimentarias
pueden descartarse como "desequilibrios químicos".
Los médicos estadounidenses ignoran en gran medida los factores dietéticos.
El TDAH se trata comúnmente con medicación psicoestimulante sola, o en
combinación con terapia de modi cación del comportamiento (con bajas tasas de
En una visita a la o cina de 5-7 minutos, es difícil evaluar todos los factores.

En Francia , los psiquiatras infantiles ven el TDAH como una condición médica que
tiene causas psicosociales y situacionales .
¿Tengo una pregunta?  1/5
El diagnóstico se explora The
utilizando los criterios de CFTMEA ( Clasi cación Francesa de
French Secret to Healing ADHD Without Medication | Amen Clinics

Problemas Mentaux de L'Enfant et de L'Adolescent ).

CFTMEA primero analiza los problemas sociales subyacentes que pueden estar
causando comportamientos y síntomas de TDAH.
Doctors help patients identify, understand and work through psychological
disruption that may surface as ADHD symptoms.
Dietary factors are explored and addressed by doctors.
Using a holistic approach to treating ADHD, the French dramatically reduce the
number of psycho-stimulant medications given to children.

Cultural di erences such as parenting style should be included in this comparison as
well. According to experts:

French parents have a more stringent philosophy on discipline and are more likely to
provide rm structure while enforcing clear limits.
American parents no longer set limits and allow children to control them instead of
the other way around.

Some people would like to believe that ADHD is “just an excuse for bad behavior” and
that restoring “old-fashioned values” will eradicate over-diagnosis. Those beliefs are
myths – ADHD is real. We can see it in the brain! “Bad parents” do not cause ADHD, nor
can parents be expected to x their child’s ADHD without help from professionals.

Mealtime habits and dietary factors provide yet another point of comparison between
the U.S. and France. In the last thirty years, both the quality of food and mealtime
habits has changed dramatically in the U.S. These days, junk foods and fast foods are
frequently consumed. Families have fallen away from eating together and meals are
often eaten while on-the-go. Children’s diets, even at school, are high in simple
carbohydrates (sugar, white bread, white- our food products), poor in protein and
healthy fat and positively de cient in vegetables. If a person is vulnerable to ADHD, a
high-carbohydrate, low-protein diet typically makes their symptoms worse.

In the United States:

Children are allowed to snack throughout the day instead of waiting to eat with
parents – processed snack foods are high in re ned carbohydrates, sugar, gluten,
dairy, synthetic avors and synthetic colors. 2/5
Separate “kids menus” areTheexpected and encouraged – children do not eat the same
French Secret to Healing ADHD Without Medication | Amen Clinics

foods as their parents. Macaroni and cheese, chicken ngers, and peanut butter and
jelly sandwiches are not brain healthy!
Doctors do not make a practice of addressing the nutrient de ciency or food
sensitivities during the diagnostic and treatment process.
Parents and doctors are less aware of how foods a ect the brain – then rely on
medications to suppress symptoms.

In France:

Children do not snack all day and must wait to eat with their parents – this
encourages better self-control and greater nutrient density in foods they eat.
There are no “kids menus” in France – children eat what their parents eat.
French doctors consider diet as a reason for behavior changes.
Dietary interventions that explore and remove culprit foods are part of treatment –
thus reducing medication use.

Consideration of dietary factors is a critical area where U.S. doctors have fallen
short when diagnosing and treating ADHD. Through research, we have found that:

People who eat high carbohydrate and high sugar diets are more impulsive.
Foods such as gluten, dairy, and sugar cause in ammation, which decreases blood
ow to the brain.
Eating more lean protein and good-quality fats generally reduce impulsivity by
stabilizing the blood sugar and supporting the pre-frontal cortex.
Multiple studies have shown that frequent consumption of synthetic colors may
worsen irritability, hyperactivity and disturb sleep in children.
In a study from Europe, 70% of ADD children showed greater than a 50% reduction
of symptoms on an elimination diet. This clearly shows that food intake can make
ADD/ADHD symptoms better or worse.

The Amen Clinics Method – The Future of Healing ADHD In The U.S.

Based on all that we have discussed, it’s clear that mental health treatment needs a
make-over in the U.S. The secret to healing ADHD without medication is to treat the
whole person, rather than treating symptoms alone.

At Amen Clinics, natural treatments have become much more common as a rst line
therapy.  We are de nitely not opposed to medication, as there are many times when
medication is appropriate and even life-saving. However, we are opposed to the 3/5
indiscriminate use of medication,
which we are seeing even more commonly in the
The French Secret to Healing ADHD Without Medication | Amen Clinics

new patients who come to our clinics.

ADHD Diagnostics at the Amen Clinics:

Symptom Clusters using DSM Criteria

4 Circles Assessments
SPECT Imaging and Lab Studies (a study we performed showed that SPECT scan
results changed the diagnosis and/or treatment plan 78.9% of the time!) =  More
targeted diagnosis and treatment plan with higher levels of success

The 4 Circles Approach:

We take into account the Bio/Psycho/Social/Spiritual health of our patients. Similar to

the French, we believe in always thinking of people as whole beings, and never just as
their symptoms.

Biological: How the physical body functions (body).

Treatments: Diet, exercise, supplements, medications, and neurofeedback.

 Psychological: Developmental issues and thought patterns (the mind).

Treatments: Learning about how to heal past hurts and thinking honestly and

Social: Social support and current life situation (connections).

Treatments: Managing stress and improving your relationships.

Spiritual: What life means (spirit).

Treatments: Getting in touch with a deep sense of meaning and purpose.

Amen Clinics Treatment Outcomes:

75% of our patients experience signi cant improvement after 6 months.

85% experience better quality of life after 6 months.

At Amen Clinics, we understand the pain and frustration that ADHD can cause for
families and adults.  We approach each individual with a sense of compassion and
respect. Our experienced clinical sta will take a full history of each patient using The 4 4/5
Circles Approach before beginning
treatment with SPECT imaging or making other
The French Secret to Healing ADHD Without Medication | Amen Clinics

recommendations. Connect with us today by calling 888-288-9834 to learn more – or

take our free assessment to get started!

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