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When Emma left school at the age of sixteen, her aunt Rose gave her £750 for her
birthday. Most of Emma's friends decided to go to college, but Emma used her aunt's
money to start her own business. She bought fruit, sugar and some glass jars and
began making her own jam. She sold the jam for £2 a jar to her friends, and she soon
doubled her aunt's £1500.

At first, her parents didn't want Emma to spend her time making jam, and they thought
that she should study instead. They hoped that one day she would be a teacher or a
doctor. But Emma didn't listen to them. She just kept on making jam. After a few
months, Emma started selling it to the local market. Then she started making orange
juice. She sold this to a school where one of her friends worked.

After two years, her business was very large, and her parents were very pleased with
her. She made all kinds of food which she sold to shops and supermarkets. She was
so busy that she had to get some people to work for her.

1. Why did Aunt Rose give Emma some money?

A. Emma asked for it.
B. Emma's friends needed it.
C. It was a present
D. For her business

2. Why did Emma make jam?

A. She liked to eat it.
B. She had a lot of fruit.
C. She wanted to make money.
D. Because she wanted to eat something sweet.

3. When Emma left school, her parents wanted her to

A. go to college.
B. be a businesswoman.
C. work in a market.
D. be a musician
4. Emma sold orange juice to
A. the local market.
B. a university
C. her friends.
D. a school

5. After two years, Emma

A. paid people to help her.
B. worked in a supermarket.
C. opened a shop.
D. went to the college.


Today there are police officers everywhere, but in 1700 London had none at all. A few
old men used to protect the city streets at night, and they were not paid very much.

About 300 years ago, London was starting to get bigger. The city was very dirty, and
many people were poor. There were so many thieves who stole money in the streets
that people stayed at home as much as possible.

In 1750, Henry Fielding started to pay a group of people to stop thieves. They were like
police officers and were called 'Bow Street Runners' because they worked near Bow

Fifty years later, there were 120 Bow Street Runners, but London had become very big
and needed more police officers. So, in 1829, the first Metropolitan (or London) Police
Force was started with 3000 officers. Most of them worked on foot, but a few rode
horses. Until 1920 all the police in London were men.

Today, London police are quite well paid, and for the few police officers who still ride
horses, the pay is even better than for the others.

1. In 1700, there were

A. police officers everywhere.
B. police officers only in London.
C. no police officers in London.
D. few police in London

2. 300 years ago, many people

A. came to live in London.
B. wanted to leave London.
C. had big houses in London.
D. didn’t want to move to London

3. The Bow Street Runners

A. stole money
B. stopped people stealing
C. paid people to steal
D. murder the thieves

4. Of the 3000 Metropolitan police officers,

A. all of them rode horses.
B. some of them rode horses.
C. most of them rode horses.
D. none of them rode horses.

5. Today, police officers who work with horses are paid

A. more than their colleagues.
B. the same as their colleagues.
C. half as much as their colleagues.
D. double as their colleagues


The tomato is from South America. When the tomato came to Europe,
people did not eat it. Doctors said it would make them sick. So people just
grew tomatoes because they looked nice.
Now people from all over the world eat tomatoes. Tomatoes are used in
sauce, soup, juice, salsa, and ketchup. The tomato is very good for you.
Only a tomato leaf or stem will make you sick.
People do odd things with tomatoes. People grow tomatoes in space.
There is a big tomato fight every year in Spain. A long time ago, people
would toss a bad tomato when they saw a show they did not like.
In Canada, many tomatoes are grown on big farms. The farms bring in
poor people from far away to help grow tomatoes. Without these
workers, the farms could not run. But the workers do not get much
money. Canada does not let the workers stay here. Many people say this is
not fair.
Most farms pick tomatoes before they are ripe. They last longer this way.
But these tomatoes do not taste as good. So lots of people grow their own
Grow Your Own Tomatoes
Tomatoes that you grow are better than tomatoes that you buy. You can
grow tomatoes inside if you do not have a garden.

You need:
Tomato seeds
A big pot (50 cm deep)
Potting soil (many big food shops sell this)
A window
Fill the pot with potting soil. Pack the soil down a little bit. Put a seed on
top of the soil. Add a bit more soil on top.
Add water. The soil must always be a bit wet. Seeds like to be warm. Put
your pot in a warm place. It does not need sun yet.
The plant will grow above the soil. Put the plant by a window. The plant
needs four hours of sun a day. You can tie the stem to a stick to help the
plant stay up. Always keep the soil a bit wet.
Pick the tomatoes when they are the same red colour top to bottom.
1. What happened when the tomato first came to Europe?
A. It was welcomed.
B. People did not like it.
C. Doctors suggested people eat tomatoes for good health.
D. People grew it for food.
2. What is something tomatoes are NOT used for?
A. ketchup
B. juice
C. pastries
D. soup
3. What helps control the price of tomatoes in Canada?
A. The government passes laws to lower vegetable prices.
B. Big farming companies use cheap workers from other countries.
C. Consumer demand keeps prices down.
D. Many people don't like tomatoes.
4. According to the reading, how are the tomato workers treated
A. They work in unsafe conditions.
B. Canadians are not polite to them.
C. They are paid good wages.

D. They are not allowed to stay in Canada.

5. When you are growing your own tomatoes, where should you put
the plant and how much sunlight will it need?
A. You should put it in the kitchen and it will not need any direct
B. You should put it by a window and it will need 4 hours of sunlight
per day.
C. It needs to be outside.
D. It needs to be in the garage with sunlight all day.

Passage 2
A man named Randy liked to hunt trees. He looked for big trees and old
trees. He made maps to show where these trees were. He did not want to
cut them down. He wanted people to take care of them.
Randy was told of a very tall tree on Vancouver Island. The tree was said
to be 314 feet tall. That would make it the tallest tree in Canada. Randy
set out to find the tree.
But someone else found it first. It was found by a logger. Loggers wanted
to cut down Canada’s tallest tree and all the trees around it.
Randy made a path in the forest so people could see the tall tree. The tree
was so big and beautiful it would fill them with awe. More and more
people wanted to save that forest. Thanks to these people, that forest is
now a park. Canada’s tallest tree is still there.
There may still be a bigger tree out there. Maybe you will find it. But there
are only a few old forests left in Canada. Many are still at risk of being cut
6. Why did Randy make maps?
a. The maps help the loggers.
b. Randy makes maps to help campers.
c. He makes maps to show where Canada's biggest trees are located.
d. He makes maps because he works for the government.

7. What did the loggers want to do to Canada's tallest tree?

a. They wanted to cut it down.

b. Save the tree.

c. Take pictures of the tree.
d. Measure the tree to find out how tall it was.

8. Why did Randy make a path to the tallest tree in Canada?

a. He needed the path to get home.
b. He wanted more people to see it.
c. He made a path so he could visit the tree more easily.
d. He made a path to help the loggers get to the tree.

9. What does it mean to be "filled with awe".

a. to be not interested
b. to be curious
c. to be amazed
d. to want money

10.What happened to the forest where Randy found Canada's tallest

a. The loggers might cut it down in the future.
b. No one knows. It is a mystery.
c. The loggers cut it down.
d. It became a park.

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