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En este cuestionario se le harán preguntas sobre varios temas que abarcan distintos aspectos de la sostenibilidad. El objetivo es evaluar el sistema de gestión de la
sostenibilidad en vigor de su empresa. A través de las preguntas de cada tema se le pedirá que proporcione documentación que apoye sus declaraciones. Los analistas
validarán la calidad de la documentación y, a partir de sus hallazgos, determinarán la Calificación EcoVadis de su empresa en función de tres indicadores clave: Políticas,
Acciones y Resultados. La Calificación EcoVadis incluirá una puntuación global, puntuaciones por tema y una lista de puntos fuertes y áreas de mejora. La sección General
incluye preguntas que abarcan más de un tema de la evaluación. Están personalizadas para el tamaño y sector de su empresa.

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GEN101xs - obligatorio

¿Sobre cuál de los siguientes temas ha f ormalizado una política su empresa? ?

Para esta pregunta se pueden parcialmente tener en cuenta los documentos del grupo o empresa matriz.

Consumo de energía y gases de ef ecto invernadero (ej. emisiones de CO2)

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: commitment and/or quantitative target(s) to address energy consumption and greenhouse gases-related
issues (e.g. energy saving, efficiency) during company operations. Examples of documents to attach: letter to employees and/or external stakeholders, Company
mission statement, Energy policy, Environmental Policy, Code of Conduct/Code of Ethics, Employee Handbook, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.

Uso de sustancias peligrosas y gestión de residuos

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: commitment and/or quantitative target(s) regarding the management of chemicals, non-hazardous and
hazardous materials (e.g. safe use of chemicals and materials, reducing/phasing out chemical use) and waste generated (e.g. reduce, reuse, recycle) from
operations. Examples of documents to attach: letter to employees and/or external stakeholders, Company mission statement, Accident Prevention Policy, Waste
Policy, Code of Conduct/Code of Ethics, Employee Handbook, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.

Seguridad e higiene de los empleados

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: commitment and/or quantitative target(s) regarding employee health and safety (e.g. reducing safety accident,
health prevention). Examples of documents to attach: letter to employees and/or external stakeholders, Company mission statement, Health and Safety policy, Code
of Conduct/Code of Ethics, Employee Handbook, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.

Condiciones laborales

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: commitment and/or quantitative target(s) regarding working hours, remunerations and social benefits granted
to employees. Examples of documents to attach: letter to employees and/or external stakeholders, Company mission statement, Working Conditions policy, Code of
Conduct/Code of Ethics, Employee Handbook, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.


Formación y desarollo prof esional

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: commitment and/or quantitative target(s) regarding the management of the main career stages i.e. recruitment,
evaluation, training and management of layoffs (e.g. commitment to transparent recruitment, fair management of layoff, provision of skill development training to
employees). Examples of documents to attach: letter to employees and/or external stakeholders, Company mission statement, Career Development policy, Code of
Conduct/Code of Ethics, Employee Handbook, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.


Diversidad, igualdad e inclusión

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: a set of principles, engagements, qualitative objectives and/or quantitative targets that prevent discrimination
and physical, psychological and verbal abuse in the work environment and/or promote diversity, equity and inclusion of all employees. Examples of documents to
attach: Company mission statement, Diversity policy/charter, Policy/charter against Discrimination and Harassment, Code of Conduct/Code of Ethics, Employee
Handbook, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.


Anticorrupción y sobornos

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: commitment and/or quantitative target(s) to prevent bribery and corruption, fraud, conflict of interest, and/or
money laundering. Examples of documents to attach: letter to employees and/or external stakeholders, Company mission statement, Anti-corruption policy,
Business Ethics Policy, Code of Conduct/Code of Ethics, Employee Handbook, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.

Seguridad de la inf ormación

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: commitment and/or quantitative target(s) to ensure the secure collection, processing or storage of third-party
information for business purposes. Examples of documents to attach: letter to employees and/or external stakeholders, Company mission statement, Data
Protection or Information Security Policy, Code of Conduct/Code of Ethics, Employee Handbook, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.

Otras (especif icar)


Ninguna política f ormalizada

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GEN200xs - obligatorio

¿Ha obtenido su empresa alguna certif icación en materia medioambiental, social o de ética (ej. ISO 14001, ISO 45001/OHSAS
18001 o certif icaciones regionales/sectoriales)? ?

Para esta pregunta NO se permiten respuestas ni documentos de su empresa matriz.

Sí (especif icar)

Examples of documents to attach: Certificate issued by an accredited certification body, Certificate Audit Report and/or proof of certificate in progress issued by an
accredited certification body in case the certificate is not issued yet, Annual Report and/or CSR/Sustainability Report with external 3rd party assurance on CSR data.
Click on the "? " button above for more info.


No / No lo sé

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GEN401xs - obligatorio

Inf orme sobre los indicadores de prestaciones clave siguientes, del año N-1, si los conoce ?

Para esta pregunta se pueden parcialmente tener en cuenta los documentos del grupo o empresa matriz.

Las respuestas a estas preguntas se mostrarán en una sección específica de la plataforma EcoVadis - Métricas. Esta herramienta útil le permite conservar todos
los datos cuantitativos pertinentes y hacer un seguimiento de su progreso en materia de sostenibilidad.

Consumo eléctrico (indique la unidad, ej. megavatios)

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: public or internal quantitative and consolidated reporting on electricity consumption. Reporting for a partial
scope or outside of company operations (e.g. from a subsidiary, parent company, sister company, etc.) is not guaranteed to have an impact on the assessment. T he
reporting period should be specified and cover a minimum period of one year. T he latest reporting period should not be older than the last two calendar years.
Examples of documents to attach: excel database, management presentation, annual energy consumption report, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.


Emisiones de CO2 (indique la unidad, ej. toneladas)

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: public or internal quantitative and consolidated reporting on CO2 emissions from company operations.
Reporting for a partial scope or outside of company operations (e.g. from a subsidiary, parent company, sister company, etc.) is not guaranteed to have an impact on
the assessment. T he reporting period should be specified and cover a minimum period of one year. T he latest reporting period should not be older than the last
two calendar years. Examples of documents to attach: excel database, management presentation, annual greenhouse gas emissions report, Annual Report,
CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.


Cantidad de residuos reciclados (indique la unidad, ej. toneladas)

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: public or internal quantitative and consolidated reporting on the amount of non-hazardous and hazardous
waste recycled. Reporting for a partial scope or outside of company operations (e.g. from a subsidiary, parent company, sister company, etc.) is not guaranteed to
have an impact on the assessment. T he reporting period should be specified and cover a minimum period of one year. T he latest reporting period should not be
older than the last two calendar years. Examples of documents to attach: excel database, management presentation, annual waste management report, Annual
Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.

Año Unidad
2021 tonelada métrica (T) Valor

Tasa de accidentes ([número total de eventos de lesiones con pérdida de tiempo] x [1 000 000/horas totales trabajadas])

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: public or internal quantitative and consolidated reporting of consolidated data on employee accident frequency
rate, which represents the number of lost time injuries (LT I) occuring in a workplace every 1 million hours worked. Lost time injuries (LT I) is the total on-the-job
injuries that result in an employee staying away from work for more than 24 hours, death or permanent disability. Reporting for a partial scope or outside of company
operations (e.g. from a subsidiary, parent company, sister company, etc.) is not guaranteed to have an impact on the assessment. T he reporting period should be
specified and cover a minimum period of one year. T he latest reporting period should not be older than the last two calendar years. Examples of documents to
attach: excel database, management presentation, employee health and safety report, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.

2021 Valor

Tasa de gravedad de los accidentes ([número de días perdidos debido a lesiones] x [1000/horas totales trabajadas])

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: public or internal quantitative and consolidated reporting of consolidated data of consolidated data on
employee accident severity rate, which represents the number of days lost due to injuries multiplied by 1,000 per total hours worked. Reporting for a partial scope or
outside of company operations (e.g. from a subsidiary, parent company, sister company, etc.) is not guaranteed to have an impact on the assessment. T he reporting
period should be specified and cover a minimum period of one year. T he latest reporting period should not be older than the last two calendar years. Examples of
documents to attach: excel database, management presentation, employee health and safety report, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.


2021 Valor

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Número medio de horas de f ormación en seguridad por empleado

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: public or internal reporting of consolidated data on the number of hours each employee is trained on safety-
related issues on average. Reporting for a partial scope or outside of company operations (e.g. from a subsidiary, parent company, sister company, etc.) is not
guaranteed to have an impact on the assessment. T he reporting period should be specified and cover a minimum period of one year. T he latest reporting period
should not be older than the last two calendar years. Examples of documents to attach: excel database, management presentation, employee health and safety
report, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.


Porcentaje de empleados que reciben benef icios sociales (seguro de vida, asistencia sanitaria, etc)

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: public or internal reporting of consolidated data on percentage of employees covered by legal gaurantess and
company programs of social benefit protecting employees' possible loss or reduction of income, which may include provision of medical insurance, parenthood
leaves and childcare arrangements, etc. Reporting for a partial scope or outside of company operations (e.g. from a subsidiary, parent company, sister company, etc.)
is not guaranteed to have an impact on the assessment. T he reporting period should be specified and cover a minimum period of one year. T he latest reporting
period should not be older than the last two calendar years. Examples of documents to attach: excel database, management presentation, annual employee social
benefit report, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.


Número medio de horas de f ormación por año y por empleado

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: public or internal reporting of consolidated data on the number of hours each employee has received for skills
development training on average. Reporting for a partial scope or outside of company operations (e.g. from a subsidiary, parent company, sister company, etc.) is not
guaranteed to have an impact on the assessment. T he reporting period should be specified and cover a minimum period of one year. T he latest reporting period
should not be older than the last two calendar years. Examples of documents to attach: excel database, management presentation, employee development report,
Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.

Año Unidad

2021 horas/empleado (H/empleado) Valor

No se ha controlado nada de lo anterior

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Medio ambiente

Todas las empresas tienen un cierto impacto en el medio ambiente, sea utilizando electricidad para que la oficina funcione o contribuyendo a la deforestación de tierras
de pastoreo. Es importante que las empresas se responsabilicen del impacto medioambiental de sus operaciones, como el agua y los materiales utilizados en la
fabricación o la energía consumida en las oficinas, pero también de sus productos o servicios finales, como la eficiencia energética de la electrónica y los programas de
recuperación al final de la vida útil. El tema de Medio ambiente incluye preguntas sobre qué hace su empresa para atenuar el impacto medioambiental mediante la
implementación de políticas, acciones y monitorización de resultados.

ENV310xs - obligatorio

¿Qué actuaciones se han implantado en su empresa para reducir el consumo de energía y las emisiones de gases de ef ecto
invernadero (GEI)? ?

Para esta pregunta NO se permiten respuestas ni documentos de su empresa matriz.

Programa de concientización/f ormación de los empleados en conservación de la energía

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: training programs provided to employees to strengthen their knowledge on energy conservation in daily
operations. Examples of documents to attach: communication email to employees, training plan, training materials and additional evidence of training execution
(progress reports, certificates of completion, etc.), campaign reports, awareness material distributed to employees, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.


Reducción del consumo de energía mediante mejoras tecnológicas o de los equipos

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: deployment of certain technology or equipment to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption.
Examples of documents to attach: progress report, invoice showing purchase of equipment/service to reduce energy consumption, standard operating procedures,
work instructions, equipment/technology installation records, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.


Utilización de energías renovables (especif icar)

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: employee instructions or operational process of the use of renewable energy purchased or generated by the
company infrastructure. Examples of documents to attach: energy bill from the provider showing type of renewable energy purchased, company manuals on
renewable energy infrastructure, standard operating procedures, energy contracts with providers, program implementation records, company website, Annual
Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.


Actuaciones para reducir las emisiones debidas al transporte, si procede (especif icar)

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: operational processes or deployment of technologies or equipment to reduce GHG emissions from
transportation, such as route optimization, use of cleaner fuel, etc. Examples of documents to attach: progress report, invoice showing purchase of
equipment/service to reduce emissions from transportation, standard operating procedures, work instructions, equipment/technology installation records, Annual
Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.


Otras (especif icar)

Please select this option only if the rest of the options listed do not apply and describe your own declaration in the open text field.


Ninguna actuación

No lo sé

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ENV351xs - obligatorio

¿Qué actuaciones se han implantado en su empresa para gestionar los materiales, productos químicos y residuos? ?

Para esta pregunta NO se permiten respuestas ni documentos de su empresa matriz.

Medidas para reutilizar o reciclar residuos (especif icar)

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: employee instructions or operational process to optimize recycling and/or reuse opportunities for operational
wastes.Examples of documents to attach: invoice/ record for waste reuse or recycling, standard operating procedures, work instructions, program implementation
records, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.


Procesos de trabajo en toda la empresa sobre etiquetado, almacenamiento, manejo y transporte de sustancias peligrosas
(especif icar)

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: employee instructions or operational process to minimize risks of hazardous chemical emissions through
specific requirements for labelling, storing, handling and transporting hazardous materials. Examples of documents to attach: standard operating procedures, work
instructions, program implementation records, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.


Otras (especif icar)

Please select this option only if the rest of the options listed do not apply and describe your own declaration in the open text field.


Ninguna actuación

No lo sé


Comentarios adicionales con respecto a los aspectos medioambientales del sistema de gestión de su empresa. Indique
también cualquier reconocimiento externo relacionado con la RSE obtenido por su empresa en los últimos cinco años, como
premios relacionados con la RSE o la aparición en clasif icaciones o índices sobre RSE. ?

Para esta pregunta NO se permiten respuestas ni documentos de su empresa matriz.


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Prácticas laborales y derechos humanos

Todas las empresas tienen una fuerza laboral cuyos derechos a la salud y seguridad y derechos humanos tienen que salvaguardarse. Dado que la legislación laboral
varía en función del país, es importante demostrar cómo integra su empresa los principios de la normativa laboral internacional en su sistema de gestión. Hoy en día, una
práctica recomendada consiste en el seguimiento y la integración de las consideraciones de prácticas laborales y derechos humanos en las operaciones y las decisiones
estratégicas. El tema de Prácticas laborales y derechos humanos se centra en dos áreas: recursos humanos (con aspectos como salud y seguridad, condiciones
laborales, diálogo social estructurado, gestión de la carrera y formación) y problemas de derechos humanos (como trabajo infantil y forzoso y tráfico de personas,
diversidad, discriminación y acoso, y derechos humanos de terceros).

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LAB310xs - obligatorio

¿Qué medidas se han implementado para manejar las cuestiones laborales y de derechos humanos en su empresa ? ?

Para esta pregunta NO se permiten respuestas ni documentos de su empresa matriz.

Evaluación detallada de riesgos para la salud y seguridad de los empleados

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: risk assessments systematically identify and evaluate potential impact of operational tasks or conditions on
employees' health and safety. Examples of documents to attach: internal risk assessments, hazard analysis documents, safety analysis documents, Annual Report,
CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.

Formación de los empleados sobre los riesgos de la salud y seguridad y buenas prácticas laborales

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: training programs provided to employees to strengthen their knowledge on health and safety related to their
job and/or to enhance their skills to perform their tasks safely. Examples of documents to attach: communication email to employees, training plan, training materials
and additional evidence of training execution (progress reports, certificates of completion, etc.), Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.

Medidas preventivas activas f rente a lesiones por esf uerzo repetitivo (LER)

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: employee instructions, operational process, training, deployment of equipment, specific program or all other
measures to ensure work process, behavior or environment is ergonomically optimized to prevent or mitigate Repetitive Strain Injury. Examples of documents to
attach: program presentation, standard operating procedures, work instructions, training materials, program implementation records, Annual Report,
CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.

Suministro de equipos de protección personal a todos los empleados que puedan necesitarlos

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: the deployment of personal protective equipment to reduce employee exposure to work-related health and
safety hazards. Examples of documents to attach: PPE checklist, standard operating procedures, work instructions, delivery records, Annual Report,
CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.

Cobertura sanitaria implementada para los empleados

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: detailed coverage of company 's specific health care plan(s) which provides medical care for employees or their
dependents directly or through insurance, reimbursement, or otherwise. Examples of documents to attach: insurance card with company name, detailed health care
plan, program implementation records, employee handbook, manual, presentation, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.

Compensación de las horas laborales extras o atípicas

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: provision of additional compensation to employees for overtime and/or all other forms of hours worked in
excess of the normal hours. Examples of documents to attach: overtime payment records, payslip, standard operating procedures, employee handbook,
communication materials, contracts, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.

Suministro de f ormación de desarrollo de capacidades

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: training programs provided to employees to strengthen their knowledge and skills specific for their work or for
their career advancement. Examples of documents to attach: communication email to employees, training plan, training materials and additional evidence of training
execution (progress reports, certificates of completion, etc.), Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.

Evaluación periódica (como mínimo anual) del desempeño individual

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: process to quantitatively and/or qualitatively assess and review employees' job performance on a regular
basis. Examples of documents to attach: communication email to employees, letter to employees, standard operating procedures, work instructions, employee
evaluation documents, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.

Formación en diversidad para prevenir la discriminación o el acoso

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: training programs in web-based or in-person format provided to employees to strengthen their knowledge on
discrimination/harassment issues so that they have the ability to avoid any situations which could become hostile or discriminatory. Examples of documents to attach:
training plan, training attendance record, training materials and additional evidence of training execution (progress reports, certificates of completion, etc.), campaign
reports, awareness material distributed to employees, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.

Condiciones de trabajo y suministro de puestos de trabajo adaptados a personas con discapacidad

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: operational process to enable employees with a wide range of disabilities to perform their job duties, including
physical and phychological adaptation (both working conditions and infrastructure). Examples of documents to attach: standard operation procedures, employee
handbook, program implementation records, installation records, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report or any other implementation evidence.


Please select this option only if the rest of the options listed do not apply and describe your own declaration in the open text field.


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Ninguna actuación

No lo sé


Comentarios adicionales con respecto a los aspectos laborales y de derechos humanos del sistema de gestión de su empresa.
Indique también cualquier reconocimiento externo relacionado con la RSE obtenido por su empresa en los últimos cinco años,
como premios relacionados con la RSE o la aparición en clasif icaciones o índices sobre RSE. ?

Para esta pregunta NO se permiten respuestas ni documentos de su empresa matriz.


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Cada vez hay más regulaciones sobre aspectos de la ética empresarial, como los sobornos y la seguridad de la información, que afectan a todas las empresas. Las
amenazas a las buenas prácticas empresariales surgen cada vez más en países de riesgo y sectores que gestionan habitualmente contratos gubernamentales. Pero
también va creciendo la expectativa de que todas las empresas solventen las amenazas básicas de corrupción y soborno. El tema de Ética aborda aspectos como la
corrupción y el soborno, prácticas anticompetitivas y la seguridad de la información. Las preguntas están personalizadas para su sector, tamaño y ubicación.

FB330xs - obligatorio

¿Qué actuaciones se han implantado en su empresa para gestionar la ética empresarial? ?

Para esta pregunta NO se permiten respuestas ni documentos de su empresa matriz.

Formación de los empleados sobre temas de anticorrupción y sobornos (especif icar)

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: training programs in web-based or in-person format provided to employees to strengthen their knowledge on
the prevention of corruption and bribery-related issues. Examples of documents to attach: communication email to employees, training plan, training attendance
record, training materials and additional evidence of training execution (progress reports, certificates of completion, etc.), Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report,

Procedimiento de aprobación específ ico para transacciones sensibles (ej. regalos o viajes) (especif icar)

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: process in place for employees to report or obtain approval for sensitive transactions which normally involve
external stakeholders and could be perceived or implied as favors (e.g. gifts received from customer/supplier, gifts prepared to offer to customer, travel expense,
entertainment plan for customer). Approval items could include but not limited to range of value, types of items accepted, etc. Examples of documents to attach:
company website, procedure/manual for employees, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.


Canal específ ico para inf ormar cuestiones de ética empresarial (por f avor especif ique)

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: established mechanism for different parties to report business ethics issues and include 1) confidentiality
guarantee 2) non-retaliation guarantee and 3) dedicated reporting channel (i.e. internal or third-party email, phone/hotline, contact person). Examples of documents
to attach: letter to employees and/or external stakeholders, company website, Code of Conduct, employee handbook/manual, whistleblowing procedure/manual for
employees, business ethics policy with reporting procedure section, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.

Formación sobre protección y conf idencialidad de los datos

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: training programs in web-based or in-person format provided to employees to strengthen their knowledge on
information security-related issues. Examples of documents to attach: training plan, training attendance record, training materials and additional evidence of training
execution (progress reports, certificates of completion, etc.), Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.

Medidas de protección de los datos de los clientes f rente a un acceso o divulgación no autorizados (especif icar)

T he document(s) should demonstrate the following: internal controls to restrict physical or digital access to third party data by unauthorized employees/an or
parties. Examples of documents to attach: work instructions, standard operating procedures, subject access request procedure, description of functioning of
firewalls, Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability Report, etc.

Otras (especif icar)

Please select this option only if the rest of the options listed do not apply and describe your own declaration in the open text field.


Ninguna actuación

No lo sé

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11 / 13

Comentarios adicionales con respecto a la ética del sistema de gestión de su empresa. Indique también cualquier
reconocimiento externo relacionado con la RSE obtenido por su empresa en los últimos cinco años, como premios relacionados
con la RSE o la aparición en clasif icaciones o índices sobre RSE. ?

Para esta pregunta NO se permiten respuestas ni documentos de su empresa matriz.


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Compras sostenibles

Sus clientes afrontan riesgos crecientes de sostenibilidad en toda su cadena de suministro, incluida también la de usted. Por tanto, para todas las empresas es
importante conocer el origen de sus recursos, cómo se obtienen y, en último término, cómo están organizados los sistemas de gestión de la sostenibilidad de sus socios
comerciales. El tema de Compras sostenibles incluye preguntas sobre los materiales que compra, los servicios que contrata, la situación de quienes producen sus
componentes y las acciones que lleva a cabo para habilitar las Compras sostenibles en su cadena de suministro.


Comentarios adicionales con respecto a las compras sostenibles del sistema de gestión de su empresa. Indique también
cualquier reconocimiento externo relacionado con la RSE obtenido por su empresa en los últimos cinco años, como premios
relacionados con la RSE o la aparición en clasif icaciones o índices sobre RSE. ?

Para esta pregunta NO se permiten respuestas ni documentos de su empresa matriz.


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