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1-Chakra Estrella de la tierra: nos conectamos con la consciencia de la
tierra, anclando nuestra consciencia en la cueva de la creación, para
recordar nuestro propósito de vida. En la cueva de la creación está el registro
de quiénes somos. Es el lugar al que accedemos antes de nacer y después de
morir, para contactar con nuestra esencia álmica, acceder a nuestra
información a nivel de ADN, a nuestro propio registro akáshico y al registro
de todas las almas, de sus vidas, de la energía que han creado y la frecuencia
vibratoria que han generado en el planeta. Esta energía se convierte en la
conciencia de la fuerza vital de la tierra que a través de la libre elección, el
cambio y la transformación, incrementa su nivel de conciencia.

2-Chakra Raíz: sintonizamos con la conciencia de la tierra y el reino

mineral, vegetal y animal, tomando consciencia de nuestro ser como una
unidad con todo lo que existe, viviendo en el presente, observando,
sintiendo, en estado receptivo. Aceptando nuestros ciclos y los aprendizajes
del camino, viviendo en la entrega del momento en aceptación y desapego.

3-Chakra sexual: en el silencio interior, observamos nuestras heridas

emocionales y nos damos cuenta de nuestro niño y niña interior, de nuestra
sexualidad y nuestra energía de amor, y recogemos los viejos dolores, para
darles cabida y transmutarlos en aceptación, perdón y liberación, para
reciclar nuestro ADN y liberarnos de viejas ataduras, honrando nuestra
conexión con nuestro espíritu, alma y guía interior, conectándonos a la
energía del amor y la armonización de nuestras energías masculinas y

4-Chakra del plexo solar: la respiración activa el movimiento y la vida fluye

en diversos acontecimientos que permiten que tomemos consciencia de si
estamos aceptando o rebelándonos ante las diversas situaciones que la vida
nos depara. En situaciones dificultosas, las emociones saltan y nos dan la
oportunidad de ser conscientes de lo que en cada momento generamos. Si
nos estamos resistiendo, habrá sufrimiento, porque no queremos movernos
a través de ciertas vivencias dolorosas. Sea por miedo o por alguna otra
emoción, nos sentimos víctimas de la situación, porque nos resistimos a
comprender, que la esencia de la vida es el cambio a través del aprendizaje y
el crecimiento personal. La aceptación nos lleva a sentir, dejar marchar el
dolor, deshacernos de viejos lazos y observar la dirección de nuestro

5-Chakra del corazón: en la escucha de nuestro corazón, recordamos

aquellas ideas, sentimientos, apegos y carencias que nos causan dolor y
observamos las creencias e ideas mentales que nos sostienen, dándonos
cuenta de nuestros diversos roles, nuestra personalidad, el carácter propio
que marca la visión de todos los condicionamientos que hemos ido
aprendiendo a lo largo de nuestra vida, observando los mecanismos de
defensa, los puntos ciegos o aspectos de nuestra personalidad que no
queremos ver, para ser conscientes de cómo los generamos y transformar
los pensamientos negativos en pensamientos coherentes con nuestro sentir,
de manera que dirijamos la vida hacia un estado de satisfacción interna.

6-Chakra del Timo: la glándula Timo tiene la función de regular el sistema

inmunológico y lo hace a través del discernimiento, cualidad que vamos
desarrollando según vamos madurando. Esta glándula nos conecta con la
energía de nuestro espíritu, pues la parte energética de esta glándula, se
compone de una red energética llamada Matríz del alma. En este entramado
energético multidimensional, se manifiesta la energía amor-sabiduría que
proviene del chakra Estrella del alma y nos permite acceder a nuestra
sabiduría interior, para expresarnos inspirándonos en nuestra verdad.

7-Chakra de la garganta: permite la expresión del sentir interior,

despertando el-la guerrer@ interna en cada situación vital, sabiendo que a
través de nuestro movimiento, participamos en nuestra transformación,
soltando los viejos apegos y rutinas, para movernos con el flujo de la
existencia en el camino hacia la libertar interior, desarrollando nuestro ser a
través del movimiento, el cambio, la expresión y la liberación interna, para
expresar en el presente, la percepción y el sentir interior.

Este chakra, nos facilita la conexión con la energía de la red de consciencia

de la tierra, que es la gran red de vida creada por la energía de la consciencia
de la tierra y de todos los seres vivos que forman este planeta. Esta red
energética sostiene y da apoyo a todos los seres en el proceso de su
evolución. Cada vez que elevamos nuestra consciencia en amor, generamos
una transformación interior y nuestra vibración aumenta, haciéndonos más
conscientes y coherentes a nivel de pensamiento, sentimiento y acción.

8-Chakra del tercer ojo: a través de la observación consciente, la visión

interna y el sentimiento se unifican y conectamos con nuestra voz interior.
La percepción interna se amplía y nos abrimos a recibir la información de
nuestr@ maestr@ interior. La glándula Pituitaria se conecta con la glándula
Pineal y somos capaces de entender los mensajes de nuestra voz interior,
sincronizándonos con la información contenida en la red electromagnética
de la tierra.

9-Ckara de la coronilla: la glándula Pineal se va abriendo a recibir la

información en forma de vibración, sonido y luz de forma consciente y la luz
de nuestro cerebro despierta. Se activa el cristal arcoíris y se abre el canal de
la energía infinita que conecta la glándula Pineal y la Pituitaria. La red
neuronal del cerebro se activa, y el tubo de luz que unifica todos nuestros
chakras se enciende, despertando a su vez, los puntos receptores de luz
consciencia que nos conectan con la red electromagnética planetaria. La luz
y la información fluyen conscientemente y accedemos a nuestra consciencia

10-Chakra Estrella del alma: está ubicado de unos 40 a 60 centímetros de

nuestra coronilla. Este chakra nos permite unificarnos con nuestra maestría
interior. Aprendemos a fluir conscientemente y comunicarnos con nuestro
interior fusionándonos con nuestro espíritu. Todas nuestras células se
llenan de luz consciente y empiezan a girar y expandirse en sincronía con la
dirección del giro de los planetas, el sistema solar y toda la galaxia.

11-Chakra de la intención consciente: accedemos a la consciencia de

nuestras emociones y sentimientos para desde el sentir interior, enfocar la
atención y la intención, a fin de enfocar nuestra consciencia en aquello que
deseamos manifestar. A través de la intención consciente, conectamos con
la sabiduría de la fuente unificada y direccionamos nuestra energía en la
expresión de nuestras propias inspiraciones, para actuar y crear la realidad
que deseamos vivir.

12-Chakra de la intuición receptiva: nos ofrece la posibilidad de intuir,

sentir, percibir y vislumbrar las señales que nos envía nuestra alma, para
asentarnos en la consciencia de nuestro ser y despertar al pensamiento
creativo, aprendiendo a ser receptiv@s y actuar desde la aceptación, el
entendimiento y la unificación interior del cuerpo, la mente y las
emociones, alineadas en la frecuencia de la satisfacción interna, la
creatividad y la expansión del ser. En este estado, las energías masculinas y
femeninas se integran y despertamos a la consciencia del corazón unificado.

13-Chakra de unificación: los chakras resuenan y se unifican expandiendo

la consciencia del ser y reactivando nuestras memorias celulares,
conectándonos con nuestro patrón energético original, cuyo diseño es la flor
de la vida. Aprendemos a manifestarnos desde la verdad interior y el
potencial originario. La consciencia del espíritu fluye en amor y sabiduría y
el ser de luz despierta.


Chakra significa rueda en Sanscrito. Los vedas llamaban chakras a los
centros energéticos del cuerpo. Hay 7 chakras en el sistema endocrino del
cuerpo humano y otros 5 espirituales que están despertando ahora. Estos
centros se expanden en forma de remolino. Tienen su raíz en el cuerpo físico
y se extienden por todo nuestro cuerpo energético. Nuestro campo
energético es denominado aura y está compuesta por capas sucesivas de
energía que vibran a frecuencias cada vez más sutiles y elevadas. Todos los
chakras están unidos por un canal energético que fluye a lo largo de la
espina dorsal. Los chakras tienen la función de revitalizar el cuerpo de
energía y el cuerpo físico, como un medio para desarrollar nuestra
consciencia. Cada chakra está relacionado con una función física, mental,
emocional y espiritual y según estén más alejados del cuerpo, vibran en una
octava de frecuencia mayor.

Los chakras metabolizan la energía de la red electromagnética de la tierra,

del sistema solar y de la galaxia y nos proporcionan información de todo lo
que nos rodea.

Los chakras se van abriendo según nuestro nivel de consciencia. Cada chakra
nos ofrece la posibilidad de trabajar nuestra atención y elevar su vibración, a
través de la respiración consciente, para sanar físicamente y armonizar
nuestra mente y emociones, de forma, que podamos elevar nuestro nivel de
consciencia y sincronizar el cuerpo, la psique, el alma y el espíritu, en una
unidad consciente, para que la persona fluya en su vida de forma
satisfactoria, actuando conscientemente en pro de su propia
autorrealización, buscando no sólo su propia felicidad y bienestar, sino el
bien y la evolución de toda la humanidad.

Cuando a través del Mindfulness aprendemos a meditar con el sistema de los

chakras, participamos en el proceso de anclar a tierra nuestro espíritu y
elevar nuestro nivel de consciencia, alcanzando paso a paso, un estado de
paz interior y autorrealización, que nos permite fluir libre y creativamente
en nuestra vida cotidiana.

Las meditaciones y los diferentes tipos de respiraciones nos ayudan a

adentrarnos en nuestras memorias emocionales, para discernir cuáles son
los patrones mentales y emocionales que se repiten y nos crean miedos,
ansiedades o inseguridades en nuestro día a día. Una vez hemos tomado
consciencia de ellos, la visualización curativa nos ayuda a ver y sentir las
zonas del cuerpo y la zona del cerebro afectadas, de forma que podamos a
través de la integración consciente, comprender el papel que dichas
emociones o patrones de conducta han jugado a lo largo de generaciones, y
recodificar los dolores del pasado, de manera que se transmuten en la
cualidad que antaño, por diversas razones, no pudimos desarrollar.

Cuando el ser humano transmuta las emociones negativas en positivas,

conecta con su corazón y entiende cual es su lugar y a qué ha venido a la
tierra. Se relaja, empieza a entender la vida y a disfrutarla; así crece y el
espíritu se autorrealiza. La persona se vuelve creativa y participa libremente
en la consecución de una sociedad mejor, donde el dar y recibir se vuelve
cooperativo, creativo y constructivo.
Al meditar en los 13 chakras, tomamos conexión con la consciencia de la
tierra, para darnos cuenta de quiénes somos y a qué hemos venido.
Aprendemos a sintonizar con la tierra, el reino mineral, el vegetal y el
animal, para conectar con nuestra fuerza original, integrando
conscientemente las cualidades personales que deseamos desarrollar.
Aprendemos también, a aceptar los diversos aprendizajes de la vida,
adaptándonos a las distintas situaciones que la vida nos depara, integrando
los aspectos más densos de nuestra personalidad, para transmutarlos en
acciones conscientes. En este proceso, integramos nuestra consciencia en
amor y comprensión encontrando así, el sentido de la vida.

En Mindfulness aprendemos a respirar en la atención, para activar los

procesos vitales del cuerpo, energizando los órganos, meridianos y los
centros energéticos del cuerpo. En el proceso de sanación física, todos los
sistemas corporales se armonizan y el aura se amplifica. Reactivamos a
través de la geometría sagrada el cuerpo de luz y llegamos a la conexión con
nuestro espíritu o guía interior, abriéndonos a la capacidad de transmitir y
recibir información de nuestro espíritu aquí y ahora, siendo conscientes de
los diversos planos dimensionales, para reconocernos como seres


Al entrar en conexión con los chakras superiores, establecemos

comunicación con el chakra Estrella del alma, donde mora el espíritu y
alineando el cuerpo, la mente y las emociones, activamos la glándula
Pineal, que recibe la información en ondas de luz, y consciencia del
universo, de forma que la glándula Pituitaria, pueda descodificarlo en
información entendible. De esta manera, nos convertimos en canales
conscientes de información, accediendo a una consciencia global u

Cuando en estado meditativo nos convertimos en antenas de recepción de la

energía universal, despiertan nuestros chakras o receptores de luz-
consciencia y las diferentes frecuencias de luz, se mueven a través de
nuestro ADN, influyendo en cada filamento y provocando un incremento en
nuestro coeficiente espiritual de luz.

El coeficiente de luz, es el porcentaje de energía de luz y de frecuencia de luz

que puede sostener nuestra aura o campo de energía. Este coeficiente indica
la capacidad de trascender nuestras dualidades mentales, emocionales y de
acción y asimilar la energía espiritual. Cuando llegamos a un nivel avanzado
de energía consciente tanto psíquica como espiritual, tenemos mayor
capacidad de cambiar nuestra propia realidad, de forma que podemos vivir
la vida que realmente deseamos vivir.

Your physical Chakra Centers are gateways that receive and transmit
energetic frequencies.

These frequencies are transmitted primarily by the governing Auric Bodies, yet they also
receive frequencies from other Auric Bodies and other Chakra Centers too. These illustrations
depict the physical locations for both the traditional and the New 13 Chakra Centers. You will
notice that the New 13 Chakra Centers are not situated in a logical numerical sequence, as
were the traditional 7 Chakras. Since 2004 there has been a re-activating process occurring,
and five chakra centers have been lowered from the higher spheres and integrated into your
physical body.

The Components of a Chakra Center

This illustration describes the internal mechanics of a Chakra Center. You will eventually want
to know what they are and how to repair them. Each Chakra Center has four layers: the Core
Layer, Inner Layer, Middle Layer and Outer Layer. Energetic frequencies are transmitted from
an Auric Body through its chakra vortices and received by the primary Chakra Center within
your physical body. These frequencies are received into the Front Vortex of your physical
Chakra Center; processed as truths through the four chakra layers and returned to the Auric
Body through the Back Vortex.
Those same frequencies are
then distributed to all the other Chakra Centers and Auric Bodies using the Top and Bottom
Vortices. These vortices transmit frequencies up and down your Pranic Core using your Alpha
and Omega Chakras. The Pranic Core is the component that connects you to your Source
Chakra for protection and recharging; and to the Earth Chakra for grounding.

That is why, when one Chakra Center or Auric Body is out of balance it affects the entire
system as a whole. This process of energetic movement looks like horizontal and vertical
infinity circles continually weaving energetic frequencies in and out and up and down.

To be in a balanced mode, all of your Chakra Center components should spin in the same
direction. For most of us, the balanced mode is to spin to the right in a clockwise direction.
However, for others the balanced mode is that all the Chakra Centers spin to the left in a
counter-clockwise direction. You will need to ask your Higher Self which direction is balanced
for you. For example, new children, most animals and adults that can hold and metabolize
higher vibrational frequencies will respond to a balanced mode of counter-clockwise.

Your Chakra Vortices should be about 4″ in diameter to maintain

proper energetic flow.
One cannot stress the importance of protecting your energy fields. This Protection &
Grounding Technique is a thorough process that completely protects your energy fields within
and without. This is because you are protecting and grounding your Personal Vortex which
contains all of your energy fields from Source to Earth. I personally recommend this technique
upon awakening, as you never know where you went in dream time; leaving your house, going
to a shopping mall, place of employment, prior to going to sleep, and especially BEFORE doing
any energy work. If you have holes in your auric fields, moving through any negative
frequencies can easily allow those same frequencies to move into you!

With this technique, you are connecting to your multi-dimensional aspects through your Source
Chakra, thereby generating only the highest vibrational frequencies that are in alignment with
your authentic self and your divine plan. With the grounding element to the Earth Chakra, you
manifest that protection here on the Earth Plane as you transmit the Recharging Frequencies
from your Source Chakra into the Earth; and that benefits our planet tremendously. She in turn
gives you the essential Grounding Frequencies you most certainly require. There are three
steps involved in this process and although the text appears lengthy, it only takes about 30
seconds to complete. Again, this is simply a guideline and you may very well find a technique
of your own. Please feel free to explore.

Create your Exterior Protection

Begin by creating an affirmation of protection such as:

“I AM the co-creator expressing myself authentically and creatively as (say your name). My
intent is to create a protective shield around all of my energetic fields preventing any
negative influences from penetrating no matter what level, dimension or realm. And so it is.”

From the Core Layer of your Central Source Chakra, located above your belly-button, create a
beam of Golden White Light (1st of 4 layers) to exit out of the top vortex, move up through
your Recharging Connection and connect to your Source Chakra. Your Source Chakra represents
your aspects of God, Heaven, Home, Universe or the Star System from which you originated.
Envision your benevolent aspects embedding your Golden White Light with Protective
Frequencies. Now, direct the Golden White Light downward to create a bubble that
encapsulates your entire Personal Vortex; all the way down to the Earth Chakra. You will feel
soothed and relaxed as the 1st layer of Golden-White Light engulfs you. Direct this Golden
White Light to merge within the Earth Chakra. Envision her filling your Golden White Light with
her Protective Frequencies. Now, direct the Light to move up your Grounding Connection and
enter the bottom vortex of your Central Source Chakra. Anchor these Protective Frequencies
into the Core Layer.

Using the same process as above, create 3 more layers from the Core of your Central Source
Chakra. The 2nd layer is a shield of Golden-White Light with sparkling Diamonds; the 3rd layer
is Golden-White Light and the 4th layer, again is shield of Golden-White Light with Diamonds.
The diamond layers act as deflectors and shield your Personal Vortex of negative influences.

To activate this Exterior Protection, SPIN the Inner 2 layers to the RIGHT and the Outer 2
layers to the LEFT. Very Good! You’ve created your exterior layers of protection.

Establish your Recharging & Grounding Frequencies

To receive the Recharging Frequencies from your Source Chakra, again begin at the Core Layer
of your Central Source Chakra. Direct the upgraded energetic frequencies within your Core
Layer to exit the top vortex and spiral upward through your Recharging Connection and
connect with your Source Chakra. You feel welcomed and loved by your benevolent aspects as
they offer you the Recharging Frequencies of the Ultra-Violet Light. Immerse these gifts within
your energetic frequencies and direct them to spiral down your Recharging Connection,
entering the top vortex of your Central Source Chakra and anchor them within the Core Layer
“As Above“. With your conscious intent, these Recharging Frequencies will continually spiral
up and down your Recharging Connection.

To receive the Grounding Frequencies from the Earth Chakra, again, direct the upgraded
Recharging Frequencies embedded within the Core Layer of your Central Source Chakra to
move out the bottom vortex, spiral down your Grounding Connection, and connect with the
Earth Chakra. Envision Earth offering you her Grounding Frequencies and immerse them within
your energy frequencies. Direct these Grounding Frequencies to spiral up the Grounding
Connection and enter the bottom vortex of your Central Source Chakra; anchor them within
the Core Layer “So Below“. With your conscious intent these Grounding Frequencies will
continually spiral up and down your Grounding Connection stabilizing you on Earth as physical
and spiritual matter. You are indeed the blessed conduit!

Create your Interior Protection

To complete the Protection & Grounding Technique, use your hands or awareness to bring the
Inner 2 Layers of your Exterior Protection Shields together so that they meet at the Core Layer
of your Central Source Chakra. This will look like a Vertical Infinity Circle. As the layers
connect they will star-burst into a quasar of electrical frequencies filling your Personal Vortex
with protective energy from the inside out, gently flowing outward as soothing waves into your
Personal Horizon Field “And Within“. You are now completely protected within and without.
Mastering your Vibrational Frequencies

Each Auric Body, combined

with its physical chakra center contains inherited gifts and abilities that become activated
upon recognition. The first nine levels awaken your consciousness and help you understand
“who you are.” The remaining four levels offer further empowerment as you discover “what
you are.” As you consciously acknowledge these gateways, you will want to establish intimate
and loving relationships with each auric dimension, as these 13 dimensions make up the
authentic you! Your physical body is the SUM TOTAL of all energetic frequencies resonating
within your 13 Auric Bodies. I AM, WE ARE, ONE.

This image illustrates the hierarchal order of your 13 Auric Bodies, the Physical Chakra Centers
each one governs and the resonating Vibrational Theme. The resonating vibrational
frequencies are initiation levels which create the foundation that allows you to master your
sovereignty of self.

How Energy is Transmitted and Received

Energetic frequencies are transmitted from an Auric Body through its chakra vortices and into
the primary chakra center it governs within your Physical Body. These frequencies are received
by the front vortex of your physical chakra center; processed as truths through the four chakra
layers and returned to the Auric Body through the back vortex. Those same frequencies are
then distributed to all the other chakra centers (and Auric Bodies) through the top and bottom
vortices. This process of energetic movement looks like horizontal and vertical infinity circles
continually weaving energetic frequencies. The image to the right depicts the energetic
The frequencies resonating within the collective of your 13 Auric Bodies make up your Auric
Field. Your Auric Field generates magnetic frequencies that resonate outward into the
magnetic field of the collective consciousness. Through the law of attraction “like attracts
like,” you will receive and experience the same vibrational frequencies that your Auric Field is
emitting within the consciousness of your physical reality. These experiences can be both
positive and negative.

As each Auric Body governs a vibrational frequency, it is vital that you get to know each one
intimately. Resonating frequencies that are not in alignment with your authentic self (your
soul’s blueprint) create imbalances within your Auric Bodies and Physical Chakra Centers (i.e.,
false beliefs, unresolved traumas, addictions frequencies, etc.) These circulating imbalanced
frequencies then re-create themselves in your physical reality with the sole purpose of those
non-truths being consciously recognized, healed and released from all layers of your Auric
Field. The list of vibrational frequencies for each Auric Body is shown below the Auric
Balancing Technique.

Components of an Auric Body

Pranic Core:

The Pranic Core circulates energy throughout your Auric Bodies and distributes frequencies to
all of your Chakra Centers. It is the component used for transmitting frequencies to and from
your Source Chakra, via your Recharging Connection. As well as transmitting frequencies to
and from the Earth Chakra, via your Grounding Connection. Energetic frequencies are
constantly circulating above and below, as well as within and without through the four vortices
of the chakra centers within the Auric Bodies.

Alpha and Omega Chakras:

Each Body, this includes your

Physical Body and your 13
Auric Bodies all have chakra
gateways at the top and
bottom. These are referred
to as the Alpha and Omega
Chakras. These two “special
chakras” are kind of like the
human resource administrator
and the janitor, respectively.
The Alpha Chakra is
responsible for downloading
healing and upgraded
vibrational frequencies from
your Source. The Omega
Chakra is responsible for
eliminating undesirable
frequencies. You will get to
know these later as you work
with them in the individual Auric Bodies.

Two Protective Layers:

Each Auric Body has two protective layers consisting of its defining color; these layers swirl
around the Auric Body. They create your internal protection. These two layers are ignited from
your Central Source Chakra within the Auric Body. The two colored layers circulate up to your
Alpha Chakra, cascades down and around your Auric Body and then re-enters through your
Omega Chakra; to reunite within your Central Source Chakra. The inner layer spins to the
RIGHT and the outer layer spins to the LEFT.

Auric & Physical Chakra Centers:

Each Auric Body has a primary Chakra Center that it uses to transmit resonating vibrational
frequencies into the Chakra Center it governs within your Physical Body. For example, your
13th Auric Body, the Cosmic Body governs your 13th Chakra Center, your Central Source
Chakra within your Physical Body. You could envision your Auric Chakra Centers hovering above
the same location as your Physical Body’s Chakra Center.

This is where the four Chakra Vortices come into play. Use the front vortex of an Auric Body’s
chakra center to transfer frequencies into the front vortex of your Physical Body’s chakra
center. (For example, use the front vortex of your Cosmic Body’s Central Source Chakra Center
to transmit frequencies into the front vortex of your Physical Body’s Central Source Chakra
Center.) Once the upgraded frequencies have anchored within the Core Layer of the Chakra
Center, then use the back vortices to return those frequencies back to the Auric Body. The top
and bottom vortices work in conjunction with the energy flowing through your Pranic Core, as
well as the Alpha and Omega Chakras to circulate, distribute, receive and transmit

You will also need to understand that each Auric Body has 13 Chakra Centers, just like your
Physical Body. For example, your Cosmic Body has a Root Chakra center that governs your self-
preservation frequencies as in alignment with your overall self-omniscience. However, when
you are learning to master your vibrational frequencies it is important to focus on the two
primary Chakra Centers.

Auric Cross:

This is the process which connects the vibrational frequencies from an Auric Body into its
primary Chakra Center within your Physical Body. Weave the frequencies from an Auric Body
into the front vortex of its physical primary Chakra Center; anchoring them within the Core
Layer of that Chakra Center; return them to the Auric Body through the back vortex. I AM, WE
ARE, ONE. Direct the frequencies from the Core Layer to flow up your Pranic Core to your
Source Chakra; receive the recharging frequencies and bring them down and anchor them
within your Core Layer, AS ABOVE. Then do the same process to receive and anchor the
grounding frequencies from the Earth Chakra, SO BELOW. Finally, distribute your upgraded
frequencies throughout the Core Layers of all 13 Chakra Centers within an Auric Body using the
top and bottom vortices. Weave the frequencies from your Core Layer up your Pranic Core,
exit through your Alpha Chakra, cascade downward surrounding your Auric Body; re-entering
through the Omega Chakra and anchoring them within the Core Layer. AND WITHIN. You can
envision this process as a continual weaving of horizontal and vertical infinity circles.
Auric Bridges:

These are the

communication receptors
connecting the hierarchal
vibrational frequencies
throughout each of your
Auric Bodies. They
function as circuit
connectors to transmit
frequencies back and forth
from the lower and higher
Auric Bodies. They also
assist in sealing and
anchoring upgraded
vibrational frequencies to
protect each Auric Body
after a balancing or
healing session.
Additionally they are
designed to connect you to
your authentic soul

There are 14 pairs of

Bridges that reside within
an Auric Body. Each bridge
consists of two tiny
wooden bridges with four
gateways; two at each end
(for sending and
receiving). You need to
ensure that the light is
shining brilliantly through
all four gateways. You may
use your fingers or
imagination to repair the structure of a bridge until you see the brilliant, steady light. The pair
are located as follows: 1 at top of your head, 1 at the back of your throat, 1 at the middle of
your back, 1 at the middle of your calves, 1 at bottom of your feet, 1 in front of your shins, 1
above your belly-button, 1 at the front of your throat, 3 along the left side of your body, at
your shoulder, waist and calf and 3 along the right.

A note you all of you over-achievers out there, like me; please do not command that your
Higher Self upgrade everything all at once; this innocent action will blow out your circuits and
connections (bridges) within the central nervous systems of your Auric Bodies. You will know
this has happened when your intuition is extremely off kilter; you are bombarded with
negative psychic invasions and have absolutely no connection to your Source or Higher Self. If
this occurs, please have your Higher Self repair the 14 Bridges within each Auric Body and then
do follow-up sessions to gently upgrade your vibrational frequencies.

Black Hole Vortex:

This is your Universal Clearing Vortex, otherwise call the Black Hole. You will use this handy
mechanism when clearing or balancing either your 13 chakra centers of one of your 13 Auric
Bodies. It is conveniently located below your Omega Chakra (below your feet) and when
OPENED it has a powerful pulling vibration that draws energy into itself. Again, from there, all
frequencies are directed into the Universal Recycling Center for proper disposal. This was
installed in our energetic fields for proper disposal of negative frequencies as the earth has
requested that she no longer desires to be used as a universal dumping ground for such matter.

Auric Balancing Technique

This technique teaches you how to clear, balance, reprogram and reconnect an Auric Body and
the Chakra Centers it governs; in both your Auric and Physical Body. Using the Cosmic Body as
the example is beneficial because it governs and incorporates all 13 auric dimensions within
the manifestation of your Physical Body. You will also want to use this technique to balance
each individual Auric Body; simply replacing the chakra, color and vibrational frequencies
accordingly. This helps you establish solid relationships with each dimension of your authentic
self as well as accelerates your own spiritual awakening, personal transformations and
inherited psychic abilities. This is a truth, because you will have learned how to effectively
navigate your own energetic components and can therefore command energetic circulation to
raise your vibrational frequencies. There are 12 steps involved in the Balancing Process and it
only takes about 5 minutes to complete once you have memorized the steps. It will be helpful
to familiarize yourself with the Components of an Auric Body as shown above prior to
beginning this process.

Step 1: CREATE PROTECTION AND GROUNDING for your personal vortex, you may use the
technique listed under the Resource Directory as an example.

Step 2: VISUALIZE THE OUTLINE of your 13th Auric Body; this is your Cosmic Body. It is a
brilliant GOLDEN WHITE energy field. It supplies the creative cosmic energy required to sustain
your Physical Body on the Earthly realm and governs your Central Source Chakra dealing with
issues of Self-Omniscience. It is connected to you through the front vortex of your Central
Source Chakra, located above your belly-button. It uses this chakra center to reconnect and
balance both your Cosmic Body and your Physical Body.

Step 3: CREATE INTERNAL PROTECTION by generating a beam of GOLDEN WHITE light with two
layers from the core layer of your Central Source Chakra. Direct these two layers of light to
exit out of the top vortex and move up your body and exit out of the top of your Cosmic Body’s
Alpha Chakra. Envision these two layers of light flowing down and encapsulating BOTH your
Cosmic Body and your Physical Body, going all the way down to the bottom of your feet. Now
direct these two layers of light to move up into your Cosmic Body’s Omega Chakra, located
below your feet. Send them up and anchor them within the core layer of your Central Source
Chakra. Spin the inner layer to the RIGHT. Spin the outer layer to the LEFT. This sets the
internal protection for your Cosmic Body and Central Source Chakra Center to accept the
balancing attunement.

Step 4: SCAN your Cosmic Body from top to bottom shining the GOLDEN WHITE light from your
Central Source Chakra exposing any and all negative influences currently residing in your
Cosmic Body. If you find any negative frequencies existing, OPEN the Black Hole located below
your Omega Chakra and command this vortex to pull into itself everything that is not in
alignment with your authentic self and divine plan. You may call on your Higher Self if you
require assistance. You will then clear any residual frequencies using Step 5.

Step 5: CLEAR your Cosmic Body and Central Source Chakra Center by imagining a swirling
Clearing Funnel (like a tornado) originating from your Source Chakra. See it descending down
your Pranic Core entering your Cosmic Body’s Alpha Chakra. Have the Clearing Funnel SPIN to
the RIGHT to collect all energetic frequencies that are not in alignment with your Cosmic
Body’s authentic self and divine plan. Next, direct the Clearing Funnel to enter the top vortex
of your Central Source Chakra. Allow it to clear all four layers of this energy center: the core
layer, the inner layer, middle layer and outer layer. Then direct the Clearing Funnel to exit
out of the bottom vortex. OPEN the Black Hole located below your Omega Chakra and FLUSH
the Clearing Funnel down into it. Repeat as needed and then CLOSE the Black Hole.

Step 6: OPTION – CREATE A HEALING ATTUNEMENT, use the information revealed from your
Emerging Gatekeepers – Chakra/Auric Energy Diagnostics Form. While the Clearing Funnel is
spinning to the RIGHT within your Cosmic Body, OPEN the Black Hole. Leave it open to pull
negative energy into itself. Use your hands to collect or cut out each noted negative energy
mass, frequency, program or psychic cord and allow those frequencies to be collected by the
swirling Clearing Funnel and pulled into the Black Hole. You may call upon your Higher Self if
you need assistance. When you have completed removing all known elements from your
Cosmic Body and Central Source Chakra, FLUSH the Clearing Funnel and CLOSE the Black Hole.

Step 7: REFRESH your Cosmic Body by directing the ultraviolet light of the GOLDEN WHITE
octave to descend down from your Source Chakra, enter through the top of your Alpha Chakra
and fill your Cosmic Body and Central Source Chakra with the pulsating light. This light fills all
voids and prevents any holes within your auric field and chakra center. You radiate the
GOLDEN WHITE light from the tip of your toes to the top of your head.

Step 8: RECHARGE your Cosmic Body by directing a warm GOLDEN WHITE gel to descend down
from your Source Chakra, entering through your Alpha Chakra and gently flowing into your
Cosmic Body’s Central Nervous System. You feel soothed and relaxed as the warm GOLDEN
WHITE gel gently fills all components, soothing and repairing all pathways, circuits and

Step 9: REPROGRAM your Cosmic Body by directing the healing sonar beams to descend down
from your Source Chakra, entering through the your Alpha Chakra and gently filling your
Cosmic Body, your Central Nervous System and all 13 Chakra Centers with your authentic
vibrational frequencies of your own Self-Omniscience. These multidimensional attunements
are tailored specifically for what you require at this moment and assist in your ability to
metabolize your upgraded vibrational frequencies.

Step 10: BALANCE your Central Source Chakra center by envisioning the GOLDEN WHITE energy
field about 12” in diameter swirling above your belly-button. Ensure all components are
spinning in the proper direction: the Core Layer, the Inner Layer, the Middle Layer and the
Outer Layer. Adjust the spinning speed so that the top and bottom, front and back vortices are
4” in diameter. This chakra center spins the faster of all. If you are unsure of the proper
spinning direction, please ask your higher self to inform you as to either clockwise or counter-

Step 11: RE-CONNECT your Cosmic Body to the core layer of your Central Source Chakra by
creating the Auric Cross:

1. Weave the upgraded Self-Omniscience frequencies from your Cosmic Body into the
front vortex of your Central Source Chakra. Anchor those frequencies within the Core
Layer as a GOLDEN WHITE ball of light and then exit through the back vortex,
returning to your Cosmic Body using a continual horizontal infinity circle. I AM, WE
2. Direct the GOLDEN WHITE ball of light to exit the top vortex of your Central Source
Chakra and ascend up your Pranic Core, all the way to your Source Chakra. Feel
yourself greeted and loved by your Multidimensional Selves. Then send these
protective and recharging frequencies down into the top vortex of your Central Source
Chakra and anchor them within the Core Layer. AS ABOVE – TO RECHARGE.
3. Direct the GOLDEN WHITE ball of light to exit the bottom vortex of your Central Source
Chakra and descend down your Pranic Core, all the way down to the Earth Chakra.
Feel yourself greeted and loved by Mother Earth. Then send these grounding
frequencies up into the bottom vortex of your Central Source Chakra and anchor them
within the Core Layer. SO BELOW – TO GROUND.
4. Direct the GOLDEN WHITE ball of light to exit out of the top vortex of your Central
Source Chakra and move up your Pranic Core to exit out of the top of your Cosmic
Body’s Alpha Chakra. Weave these frequencies downward along the RIGHT side of
your body and re-enter the bottom vortex of your Omega Chakra and anchor them
within the Core Layer of your Central Source Chakra. This distributes the upgraded
frequencies to all 13 Chakra Centers of your Cosmic and Physical Body as well as
realigns your Masculine Aspects. Again, from the Core Layer send those frequencies
up your Pranic Core to exit out of the top vortex of your Alpha Chakra and weave
these frequencies down along the LEFT side of your body. Again, re-enter the bottom
vortex of your Omega Chakra and anchor these frequencies into the Core Layer of
your Central Source Chakra. This distributes the upgraded frequencies and realigns
your Feminine Aspects. AND WITHIN – TO RE-CONNECT.
5. For energetic pleasure, create the Auric Cross 2 more times using the horizontal and
vertical infinity circles: I AM, WE ARE, ONE. AS ABOVE, SO BELOW and WITHIN.
6. You may use this affirmation to seal the Auric Cross: “I am empowered by my own
cosmic frequencies as the exalted alchemist to consciously create within the womb
of the One consciousness. And so it is.”

Step 12: ANCHOR the attunement by sealing the 14 bridges in your Cosmic Body with the
Golden White Light. The 14 pair are located: 1 at top of your head, 1 at the back of your
throat, 1 at the middle of your back, 1 at the middle of your calves, 1 at bottom of your feet,
1 in front of your shins, 1 above your belly-button, 1 at the front of your throat, 3 along the
left side of your body (at your shoulder, waist and calves) and 3 along the right.

You may use the following intention to close your balancing session: “I AM the co-creator
expressing myself authentically and creatively as (say your name). I call on my Higher Self to
gently realign my energetic frequencies to their new vibrational levels as in alignment with
my authentic self and divine plan. Continue to remove any toxins that may arise with ease
and grace and deliver unto me a stable and subtle transformation into bliss. I thank you your
assistance with this healing. And so it is.”

Your Cosmic Body is now balanced, recharged and re-connected to your Physical Body and your
Central Source Chakra.

Vibrational Frequencies of the Auric Bodies and their Physical Chakra


1. Ethereal Body + Root Chakra = Self-Preservation

To anchor your soul within the Earthly realm, providing the necessary sustenance and vitality
to sustain physical survival. Color is Red. Activation: Womb to 12 Months of Age. Gifts: Survival
– To Live. Tone to Musical Note of C. Affirmation: I am empowered by my own ethereal
frequencies to feel safe and secure at all times.

2. Emotional Body + Sacral = Self-Gratification

To promote your soul’s individualization within the Earthly realm by exploring your inherited
alchemic abilities to manifest thought into reality using the creative forces of the emotional
frequencies. Color is Orange. Activation: 6 to 24 Months of Age. Gifts: Clairsentience – To Feel.
Tone to Musical Note of C#. Affirmation: I am empowered by my own emotional frequencies to
relax and know I create all that I required to feel satisfied.

3. Mental Body + Solar Plexus Chakra = Self-Definition

To define your souls purpose within the Earthly realm by exercising your personal power and
will to facilitate the maturation of your ego. Color is Yellow. Activation: 18 Months to 4 Years
of Age. Gifts: Discrimination – To Be. Tone to Musical Note of Eb. Affirmation: I am
empowered by my own mental frequencies to redefine myself at any moment.

4. Spiritual Body + Core Heart Chakra = Self-Acceptance

To compassionately integrate your soul’s purpose and mission by consciously participating in

the emotional developments designed to promote balance and ascension throughout your
Earthly and Celestial realms providing acceptance and internal integration of the universal
force of unconditional love. Color is Opal Green. Activation: 4 to 7 Years of Age. Gifts:
Unconditional Love – To Forgive. Tone to Musical Note of F#. Affirmation: I am empowered by
my own spiritual frequencies to love and accept myself unconditionally.

5. Higher Emotional Body + Throat Chakra = Self-Expression

To create experiences that express your soul’s purpose and mission by channeling the creative
forces of your higher emotional frequencies with responsible thought and speech to manifest
expressions of your personal truth. Color is Blue. Activation: 7 to 12 Years of Age. Gifts:
Clairaudience- To Hear. Tone to Musical Note of F. Affirmation: I am empowered by my own
higher emotional frequencies to remain in perfect alignment with my authentic self and my
divine plan in all I SAY, THINK, FEEL and DO.

6. Higher Mental Body + Brow Chakra = Self-Reflection

To symbolically visualize and perceive the truth of your soul’s mission within the Earthly and
Celestial realms with detachment from your experiences thereby giving you insight into the
creative forces of your higher mental frequencies ensuring sound judgment and conscious
choices in channeling visions of your truth. Color is Indigo. Activation: Adolescence. Gifts:
Clairvoyance – To See. Tone to Musical Note of E. Affirmation: I am empowered by my own
higher mental frequencies to create and re-create my visions of inner truth.

7. Masculine Body + Masculine Heart = Self-Nurturance

To give your soul the protection and essential nurturing, comfort, freedom and respect
required to consciously harmonize, anchor and integrate your feminine and masculine
attributes within the Earthly and Celestial realms. Color is Emerald Green. Activation: Through
Conscious Evolution. Gifts: To Give of your Overflow not your Essence – To Protect. Tone to
Musical Note of D. Affirmation: I am empowered by my own masculine frequencies to protect
and nurture myself at all times.

8. Feminine Body + Feminine Heart Chakra = Self-Reception

To receive the security of divine love and wisdom necessary to discern the symbols, signals and
frequencies received from the Earthly and Celestial realms that solidify your sovereign
allegiance to your soul’s mission. Color is Pink. Activation: Through Conscious Evolution. Gifts:
To Get the Good – To Be Open. Tone to Musical Note of G. Affirmation: I am empowered by my
own feminine frequencies to receive all that is good for me.

9. Inner Self Body + Crown Chakra = Self-Knowledge

To access and anchor inherited wisdom throughout your Earthly realms thereby opening
channels of celestial communications which facilitates the creation and re-creation of divine
orders tailored to enhance your ability to participate unhindered in the present NOW moment.
Color is Violet. Activation: Through Conscious Evolution. Gifts: Clair cognizance – To Know.
Tone to Musical Note of Bb. Affirmation: I am empowered by my own inner self frequencies to
know that grace and divinity resides within me always.

10. Middle Self Body + Lower Heart Chakra = Self-Guidance

To establish relationships within the celestial consciousness of your soul’s ancestral, celestial
and planetary aspects to solidify the sacred union of your divine feminine and masculine
aspects that enhance mastering your sovereignty of self as a multi-dimensional being. Color is
Aqua Blue. Activation: Through Conscious Evolution. Gifts: Divine Guidance – To Discern. Tone
to Musical Note of G#. Affirmation: I am empowered by my own middle self frequencies to
guide and support me through all endeavors.

11. Higher Self Body + Higher Heart Function = Self-Reliance

To establish a relationship with your galactic consciousness and your Higher-Self, the faithful
administrator of your soul’s divine plans, in order to cross the chasm of the unknown using
your own power to facilitate the initiation of your encoded sacred geometry in accordance
with the cosmic force of evolution. Color is Teal. Activation: Through Conscious Evolution.
Gifts: Molecular Regeneration – Longevity. Tone to Musical Note of A. Affirmation: I am
empowered by my own higher self frequencies to truthfully advise me in all my affairs.

12. I AM Body + Pituitary Chakra = Self-Awareness

To activate and develop your encoded Universal Consciousness with your multi-dimensional
faculties mastering hyper-intuition and telepathy, embracing the divine assistant of your
ethereal or physical twin flame (your masculine or feminine counterpart who was conceived at
the same moment as you and shares the same electronic blueprint) so that you may create
with pure intentions while simultaneously existing in multiple-dimensions. Color is Magenta.
Activation: Through Conscious Evolution. Gifts: Extrasensory Perception – To Know Within.
Tone to Musical Note of B. Affirmation: I am empowered by my own I AM frequencies to
joyfully embrace myself as a multi-dimensional being.

13. Cosmic Body + Central Source Chakra = Self-Omniscience

To master your souls ability to integrate and magnetize your Cosmic Consciousness within the
womb of the One Consciousness, integrating all multi-dimensional aspects of yourself within
your Earthly realm while actively creating and re-creating your divine orders in accordance
with the bylaws of the creation energy of the cosmic force field. Color is Golden White.
Activation: Through Conscious Evolution. Gifts: To Consciously Create – To Manifest. Tone to
Musical Note of High Octave C. Affirmation: I am empowered by my own cosmic frequencies as
the exalted alchemist to consciously create within the womb of the One consciousness.

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