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dar información sobre el contexto en

el que transcurre una historia:
Puedes consultarlo en la unidad 3 que puedes descargar ya.
The sun was shining and the birds were
singing. Little Red Riding Hood
(Caperucita) was enjoying the warm
summer day.

Usamos el Pasado Continuo para: .Time Expressions:

Hay una serie de expresiones temporales que acompañan a este

.1. acciones que estaban en progreso, realizándose en un
determinado momento del pasado. No sabemos cuando la acción
comenzó o terminó.
while (mientras), when (cuando), as (cuando)...
At 3 o’clock yesterday Mike and Ana were washing the dog
Ayer a las 3 Mike y Ana estaban lavando el perro He hurt his finger as he was cutting wood
Se hizo daño en el dedo cuando estaba cortando madera
.2. acciones pasadas que se estaban realizando cuando otra acción
la interrumpió. Usamos el pasado continuo para la acción en .Form
progreso y el pasado simple para la acción que la interrumpe.
Repasa en tus apuntes o libro la forma de este tiempo. Al ser un
He was reading the newspaper when Iniesta scored tiempo que ya debes saber no incluyo aquí su forma.
Él estaba leyendo el periódico cuando Iniesta marcó

.3. dos o más acciones que ocurrían al mismo tiempo en el pasado.

My parents were watching TV while I was having dinner

Mis padres estaban viendo la tele mientras yo cenaba (estaba
Usamos el Past Perfect para:

.1. expresar acciones ocurridas antes de otras acciones pasadas. La

acción anterior en el tiempo va en Past Perfect y la posterior en Past
unit 2. ficha de clase . j. prieto! 1
The film had begun when we arrived at the cinema before, after, already, just, when, by, by the time...
La película había empezado cuando llegamos al cine
- Form
Si te fijas en este ejemplo hay dos acciones en el pasado siendo una
de las dos anterior a la otra. La película empezó y después Afirmativa: HAD + Participio: para todas las personas.
llegamos. She had studied French
They had eaten all the pizzas
Importante: No siempre que haya dos acciones en el pasado y una
sea anterior a la otra vamos a tener un Past Perfect y Past Simple. Negativa: HADN’T + Participio: para todas las personas
Observa: I hadn’t done the exercises

When I opened the door, I saw my present Interrogativa: HAD + sujeto + Participio: para todas las personas
Cuando abrí la puerta vi mi regalo
Had he paid the meal?

En este caso hay dos acciones que ocurrieron en el pasado y una es

anterior a la otra. Primero abrí la puerta y después vi mi regalo.
Cuando haya acciones en pasado que vayan inmediatamente
seguidas en el tiempo ambas acciones se expresarán en Past Simple.
1 Read and listen
.2. Para expresar acciones que ocurrieron antes de un tiempo
Cindy You look tired.

By the time she was five, she had learnt to write and read Peter Yes, well, I saw an .......... 1 on Friday for a jazz
Cuando ella tenía 5 años, ya había aprendido a escribir o leer concert. I really wanted to see it.

She had watered all the flowers by six o’clock in the afternoon Cindy Oh, yes? When was it?
Había regado todas las flores para las 6 de la tarde
Peter It was on Saturday afternoon. I tried to get a ticket on
the Internet, but there weren’t any left.
- Time Expressions.
Cindy Oh, dear. So, what did you do?
Hay una serie de expresiones temporales que no son exclusivas de
este tiempo pero que suelen usarse en este tiempo:

unit 2. ficha de clase . j. prieto! 2

Peter Well, Sarah and I were at a party on Friday night. I I walked out of the station. There were some people in the car park
didn’t go home after that. I went straight to the ............. and an ambulance. I spoke to the .......... 7. Apparently, one of the
2 I queued for six hours. other passengers had become very ill, so the train had stopped there
because there was a hospital ............ 8. The ambulance driver lent
Cindy Wow! Did you get a ticket?
me his phone and I phoned Selina. She had already gone to bed.
Peter Yes, I did. I got the last one. ‘Where are you’? she asked.

Cindy That was lucky. Was the concert good?

‘I’m at Burton Station,’ I said. ‘I...
Peter I don’t know. I didn’t see it. I was so tired that I ‘Just a minute,’ she said. ‘.......... 9 phone are you using? This isn’t
fell .......... 3 and I missed it! your number’
‘It’s the ambulance driver’s,’ I said and I started to explain, but then
I realized that she had put the phone down. She thought that I’d had
2 Listen and complete an accident and she was already on her way!

My name’s Kristof. Last Tuesday I worked very late because some

An hour later she arrived. She was happy to see that I hadn’t had an
important visitors had arrived. When I finally left the office, I hurried
accident. However, she wasn’t pleased when I explained things,
to the station and caught the last train home at 11.45. It was ..........
because she had driven very ........... 10 to get there and the police
1 on the train, so I took off my jacket. I tried to stay awake, but it
had stopped her for .......... 11 - and they had given her a
had been a long day and I soon fell ............. 2
big ............ 12. We drove home together in silence!

When I woke up, we were in a station. I knew that my station was

the first stop, so I grabbed my .......... 3 and ran to the door. I got 3 Read and complete
off just in time and the train moved away. ‘That was lucky’, I thought,
but then I looked around and I couldn’t ............. 4 my eyes, because A strange coincidenece - but true
it wasn’t my station. The last train didn’t normally stop there, so why
had it stopped there that night? And it was the last train! I decided to One morning, Mrs Willard Lovell was outside her house in Berkeley,
phone my wife, Selina. Then I .............. 5 I hadn’t picked up my California. She wasn’t happy, because she .......... (lock) herself out
jacket. My ............., 6 keys, and mobile phone were all still on the by accident. She ..........(leave) her keys inside the house, and now
unit 2. ficha de clase . j. prieto! 3
she couldn’t get in. She walked round the house. .......... (she / so he .............. 9 (go) to sleep in the caravan.
leave) a window open, perhaps? No, she hadn’t. The thieves ............ 10 (get) a big surprise when a police
car ............. 11 (stop) them 20 minutes later. When they ............ 12
Then the postman .......... (arrive) with a letter. Her brother, (move) the caravan, John ............ 13 (wake up) and he ............. 14
Watson, .......... (post) it the previous day. Inside the envelope there (phone) the police on his mobile.
was a key to her front door! Watson .......... (stay) with Mrs Lovell
the week before. She ............. (give) him a key, and he .............
5 Read about the first women to walk to the North Pole.
(not give) it back. So, he’d posted it to her.
Why didn’t they all reach the North Pole?

4 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense On March 1st 2002, Ann Daniels, Caroline Hamilton and Pom
Oliver ................. 1(fly) from England to Canada to walk to the
John Marsh and his wife own a caravan. Last week two men .......... North Pole. They .................. 2(be) all experienced explorers and
1(try) to steal it. They .......... 2(see) the caravan two weeks before they ................. 3(already walk) to the South Pole two years earlier.
and they .......... 3 (decide) to take it. At about four o’clock on By the time they ................ 4(leave) the UK they ................. 5(train)
Wednesday morning they .......... 4 (attach) the caravan to their car for months with the British army and they ................. 6(put on) 16
and ............ 5(drive) away. kilos in weight. However, as soon as they ................ 7(set off)
they ................ 8 (start) having problems because of bad weather
However, they didn’t know that John was inside it at the time! and temperatures of -50ºC. Pom soon .................. 9(get) frostbite
He ............ 6 (work) very late the day before and he ............. 7 and by day 47 her feet ................. 10 (become) so painful that she
(come) home at 1 a.m. He ............ 8 (not want) to wake up his wife, couldn’t continue. By the time Ann and Caroline .............. 11(arrive)
at the North Pole they ............... 12 (walk) 750 miles in 81 days.
When they arrived back in England they ............... 13 (receive) a
hero’s welcome. No other women .................. 14 (ever walk) to
both Poles before.

unit 2. ficha de clase . j. prieto! 4

lunch with the chief commercial officer at 12:30. They ........... 17
6 Complete the following texts (have) lunch in a small restaurant near the office.

Yesterday, Philip Johnson .......... 1(have) a busy morning.

Usually he ............ 2 (get up) at 7:30 every morning, but yesterday
he ............ 3(get up) at 7:00 because his wife, Nancy, had to leave
home very early to take a report to a client of hers 70 miles from
Lincoln. Nancy ............. 4(leave) home at 7:25 and Philip ............ 5
(make) breakfast for himself and for the children.
Yesterday, Inés García had a traffic accident. It .......... 1(happen) at
about 5:45 pm when she .......... 2(drive) to the University of Seville
Usually Nancy ............ 6(make) breakfast for all three, but for her evening course in Business Management and Finance. The
yesterday was an exception. Philip ............. 7(take) a shower and accident .............. 3(be) her fault. She ................ 4(drive) her car, a
had breakfast before the children .............. 8(get up). He ............. 9 Ford Puma, through the narrow streets in the center of Seville. At the
(prepare) fried eggs and toast for Michael and Denise and at 8:30
same time, she .............. 5(talk) with Paco, her boyfriend, on her
he took them to school. He got to the office at ten minutes past nine. mobile phone. She ............... 6 (listen) to the boyfriend
He had three meetings during the morning. The first one was at and .............. 7(not notice) a stop sign in front of her. She ............ 8
10:00 o’clock with the bank’s lawyer. They .............. 10(discuss) a (run) the stop sign and another car .............. 9(hit) her on the
problem with an important client who ............ 11(want) to suspend passenger side. Fortunately, it was a small car too, an Opel Corsa,
payments on a loan. They decided to wait until the meeting of the
and, as a result, the accident ................ 10(not be) serious.
bank’s board of directors to make a final decision.

Inés .............. 11(cut) her phone conversation and got out of the car.
At 11.30, he ............. 12(receive) the owner of a ceramic factory She went to the other car to speak to the driver. She was happy to
near Lincoln. The man ............ 13(need) 500.000 $ to add a new see that the other driver was a young man, probably the same age
building to his factory. The ceramic factory was one of the best in
as her. When he got out of his car, he .............. 12(smile) and said
Nebraska and Philip ............ 14(know) the man very well and trusted hello in Spanish but with a French accent. Inés simply .............. 13
him. At 12:00, Philip ............ 15(meet) with the chief commercial (look) at him and .............. 14(not say) anything. He was tall and
officer of the bank to discuss a salary question concerning one of the very attractive. He seemed like a very pleasant person. Inés
employees in the commercial department. He ............ 16(go) went to usually .............. 15(talk) a lot, but this time she .............. 16(not

unit 2. ficha de clase . j. prieto! 5

know) what to say. The young man ..............17(ask) her if she had Jack: Oh, you know, round the shops.
her car papers. Inés went back to her car and got the papers.
Gran: That’s what I ............... 11(do) too, but not in London.
They ............. 18(finish) the paperwork in less than ten minutes.
Then, the young Frenc hman, whose name was François I ................... 12(hope) to find a new jacket. But
Monet, .............. 19(invite) her to have a coffee in a coffee shop there ................. 13(not be) anything I liked.
across the street. Inés ............... 20(accept) and disconnected her
Jack: And then we ................. 14(go) to see a film. But the brilliant
mobile phone.
thing was, when we .................. 15(queue) for the cinema,

7 Complete the following text we ................ 16(see) a really famous footballer.

He .................. 17 (buy) a burger from a stall near us like an

Gran: Hello Jack! Come in
ordinary person and all the crowds ................. 18(walk) past
Jack: Hello, Gran. How are you?
but nobody ................ (notice) him except me.
Gran: Fine, thanks Jack. What about you?
Gran: So, .................... 19(you / get) his autograph?
Jack: Oh, you know, too much college work. We .................1(have)
Jack: No, I ................... 20(not want) to embarrass him.
an exam on Thursday. But I ................. 2(go) to London last
Gran: Oh, when I .................... 21(be) your age. I .................. 22
Saturday with some mates. We ................. 3(have) a great time.
(use to) collect all the autographs of film stars and singers and
Gran: Oh yes? I suppose you ................ 4(spend) all your money.
so on. I would go up to town on my own (sólo) and wait
Jack: No, it ............... 5(not be) really expensive. We ..................
outside the theatre till they .................. 23(come) out.
(catch) the coach, so it ................... 6(be) only ten pounds
Jack: Really?
Gran: Yes, and I ................. 24(use to) scream at pop concerts. I
Gran: But, isn’t it slow?
really .................. 25(enjoy) myself when I .................. 26(be) a
Jack: Well, we .................. 7(do) some revision for our exams while
teenager. But don’t tell your mother. She never .................. 27
we ................... 8(travel), so it .................. 9(not matter).
(use to) do anything like that. She .................... 28 (be /
Gran: Well done, and where ................. 10(you / go)?
unit 2. ficha de clase . j. prieto! 6
always / worry) about her homework. Hannah: Was it? I'm going to sit at the front this time, then.

Jack: OK. So do you want to hear about the club we ................ 29 Alice: We're not going on it again! Anyway, I'm not, I can't.
Hannah: Why not? Are you still scared?
(go) after the cinema?
Alice: It's not only that. Remember the hot dog I ............... 2(buy)
Gran: You bet!
before we ............... 3(get) on the roller coaster?
Jack: Well, it ................ 30(be) really... Hannah: Yeah... You ................. 4(finish) it before we ...............
5(get) on, didn't you?
Alice: No, I ............. 6 (not have) time, so I hid it inside my coat.
8 Complete the following text
Hannah: You didn't!
Hannah: Well, Alice, Alice: When we started moving, I tried to eat it.
shall we have another Hannah: Not a very good idea.
go? Alice: Tell me about it! As I ............... 7(eat), the roller
Alice: I don't want to go coaster .................. 8(jolt) suddenly and I ................... 9(drop)
on a roller coaster ever the hot dog on the boy next to me.
again. It was horrible! Hannah: Not that cute guy in the white shirt !
Hannah: What are you Alice: It's not white anymore. I covered him in ketchup and mustard.
talking about? It was I was so embarrassed!
fantastic! The bit where Hannah: How funny!
we stopped and were Alice: Don't laugh. While you .......... 9(have) fun, I .......... 10 (make)
hanging upside down a fool of myself. And there's more.The roller coaster operator
was wicked! went nuts and threatened to throw me out of the amusement
Alice: Hannah, I don't think that was supposed to happen. Something park. Now, maybe you understand why I don't want another
went wrong. go.
Hannah: Maybe you're right, but who cares? It was great fun.
Alice: Anyway, you ............... 1(sit) at the back. It was a lot more
scary at the front, believe me.

unit 2. ficha de clase . j. prieto! 7

9 Listen and complete 2
Jordan: It was for Doggo dog food. I was ‘a jogger in a park’.
Sarah: How did it go?
Jordan: Really badly! It (7) .......... all day on Saturday, so we
couldn’t do anything.
Sarah: What a pity. But it didn’t (8) .......... on Sunday. Peter and I
went to look at a house.
Jordan: No, but there was a cold (9) ........... and I only had shorts
and a T-shirt on. I was freezing.
Sarah: Poor you! Is that how you got (10) .......... cold?
Jordan: Hi, Sarah. Atishoo!
Jordan: Probably. And, after all that, it was a complete (11) .........
Sarah: Bless you! Have you got a (1) ..........?
of time.
Jordan: Yes, I have. It started at the weekend.
Sarah: Really? Why?
Sarah: Oh, dear. But did you have a good (2) .......... with Lucy’s
Jordan: The advert was too long, so they cut the (12) ......... with
the jogger in the park! Atishoo!
Jordan: No. I didn’t go.
Sarah: That’s a shame. Were you (3) ............ ?
Jordan: No, I wasn’t. I got a (4) .......... in a TV advert at very short
Sarah: Oh, was Lucy annoyed?
Jordan: You bet (5) .......... hit the roof when I told her.
Sarah: I can imagine. She was really looking (6) ........... to it. What
was the advert for?

unit 2. ficha de clase . j. prieto! 8

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