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PH. Arteaga Luis miguel

Macías Guaranda Sabrina rebeca


The Pachamama
1.What do you think is the equivalent of Pachamama?
a) Environment
b) Mother Earth
c) Care of Nature
d) Environmental impact
2. Read the following passage.

The Pachamama is usually translated into English as “Mother Earth”, although the more literal translation
would be “World Mother”. She is an Andean indigenous goddess. She is worshipped in the region of
Tawantinsuyu, the former Incan Empire, which now includes the Andean regions of Ecuador, Bolivia,
Chile, Peru, and northern Argentina. In Incan mythology, she presides over planting and harvesting crops
and can cause earthquakes. She is also the goddess of fertility. In the Quechua cosmovision, the four
principles Water, Earth, Sun, and Moon – come from her. She is the mother of the Sun god Inti, and the
Moon goddess Mama Killa. She is offered many sacrifices, especially animals like llamas and alpacas.
Rituals to honor her are celebrated all year, but especially in August, which is the coldest month of the
year in the southern Andes. With the arrival of the Spaniards, in some regions of the Andes, the
Pachamama was replaced by the Virgin Mary. But those who believe in the Pachamama can maintain a
balanced, reciprocal relationship with her. It is said that if people treat the Pachamama well and offer her
the best sacrifices, then she in return will give them a good harvest.


La Pachamama se suele traducir al inglés como "Madre Tierra", aunque la traducción más literal
sería "Madre del Mundo". Ella es una diosa indígena andina. Es adorada en la región del
Tawantinsuyu, el antiguo Imperio Inca, que ahora incluye las regiones andinas de Ecuador,
Bolivia, Chile, Perú y el norte de Argentina. En la mitología inca, ella preside la siembra y la
cosecha de cultivos y puede causar terremotos. Ella también es la diosa de la fertilidad. En la
cosmovisión quechua, los cuatro principios Agua, Tierra, Sol y Luna provienen de ella. Es la
madre del dios Sol Inti y la diosa Luna Mama Killa. Se le ofrecen muchos sacrificios,
especialmente animales como llamas y alpacas. Los rituales en honor a ella se celebran todo el
año, pero especialmente en agosto, que es el mes más frío del año en el sur de los Andes. Con la
llegada de los españoles, en algunas regiones de los Andes, la Pachamama fue reemplazada por
la Virgen María. Pero quienes creen en la Pachamama pueden mantener una relación recíproca y
equilibrada con ella. Se dice que si la gente trata bien a la Pachamama y le ofrece los mejores
sacrificios, ella a cambio les dará una buena cosecha.
3. Answer the following questions in complete sentences
What is the most common translation for Pachamama in English?
Mother Earth

What powers does the Pachamama have?

Pachamama is an indigenous American deity, which is the representation of nature. Therefore,
her powers are related to life and death, to blessing and cursing. She provides to human with
water, food, good agriculture, spiritual and wisdom guide .
What do people offer to the Pachamama?
People who believe in Pachamama do not present human sacrifices. In fact, it is one of the most
peaceful cultures in history. However, the offerings they give her are related to: Dances, caring
for animals and plants, helping others, in addition to spiritual connection with her.
How do people maintain a good relationship with the Pachamama?
Respecting all living beings in nature, taking only what is needed from the earth. Don't trading
with her resources. Returning what it takes, either with: care, replanting or helping.
vThird Course BGU

Biographies and Movies around the world

movie reviews 4

Idioms 3 Writining a biography

6 and movie review

Simple past / past 2

Important people and
Time 7 datos in movies
Movie genres 1

5 Movies around the world

Movies can tell us a lot about a culture .They can tell us about the past , the present ,and maybe
even predict the future .They can reflect values and beliefs. Movies are , in a sense , a way of
showing ourselves to the world.
The Chinese American actor Jackie Chan once said: Cinema reflects culture and there is no harm
in adapting technology, but not at the cost of losing your originality .Movies help give us a name
and place in the world.

How do you interpret Jackie Chan´s quote ? Do you agree? Why or why not ?if I agree
because the cinema reflects the culture of different parts of the world demonstrating the art
performed on video.
Movie Genres
There are many different types of movies. These are called genres. Some scare us, like horror
movies or thrillers. Others make us fall in love , like romantic movies that have a love story. There
are also science fiction movies that take us to outer space or some futuristic planets. Animated
movies tell stories through drawings or cartoons, like Nemo or Mickey Mouse. Documentaries
teach us about history or biology or a famous person´s life. Comedies make us laugh !Action
movies keep us on the edge of our seats, waiting for the next exciting thing to happen. We can
travel to unknown places with the characters in adventure movies. Dramas involve us in a story
many twists and turns. Magic or supernatural events happen in fantasy movies. Musicals make us
sing and dance throughout the story. There is a type of movie for everyone!

Géneros de películas
Hay muchos tipos diferentes de películas. Estos se llaman géneros. Algunos nos asustan, como las
películas de terror o los thrillers. Otras nos enamoran, como las películas románticas que tienen
una historia de amor. También hay películas de ciencia ficción que nos trasladan al espacio exterior
o algunos planetas futuristas. Las películas animadas cuentan historias a través de dibujos o
caricaturas, como Nemo o Mickey Mouse. Los documentales nos enseñan sobre historia o biología
o sobre la vida de un personaje famoso. ¡Las comedias nos hacen reír! Las películas de acción nos
mantienen al borde de nuestros asientos, esperando que suceda la próxima cosa emocionante.
Podemos viajar a lugares desconocidos con los personajes de las películas de aventuras. Los
dramas nos envuelven en una historia con muchos giros y vueltas. Los eventos mágicos o
sobrenaturales ocurren en las películas de fantasía. Los musicales nos hacen cantar y bailar a lo
largo de la historia. ¡Hay un Tipo de películas para todos!
Match each of the movie scenes with the movie genre they correspond to

Comedy Fantasy Romantic Documentary

Science fiction Fantasy Horror Musical

Animated Drama
Which is your favorite movie genre? Why do you like it? Are there any genres that you don´t
like ?
My favorite movie genre is romantic , I like it because some this movie relates a history very
beautiful and some actions are real life ,and the movie genre that I don´t like are horror
Have you ever seen letters associated with MOvies, like PG, R, or G? What do you think these

Movie Rating System

En 1968, la Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) ideó un sistema de clasificación voluntario
para películas. Estas pautas reemplazaron la censura anterior en vigor llamada Código Hays. El objetivo de
este nuevo sistema era animar a los padres a participar en la decisión de lo que sus hijos deberían y no
deberían ver.
La Administración de Clasificación y Clasificaciones de hoy (CARA) brinda advertencias de precaución a
las familias sobre el material de las películas. Estas calificaciones toman en consideración varios factores
como la violencia, el contenido sexual, el abuso de sustancias y el lenguaje soez. Las calificaciones han
recibido muchas críticas a lo largo de los años, diciendo que hay demasiado énfasis en el contenido y el
lenguaje sexuales y no lo suficiente.
sobre la violencia. En otras palabras, hay películas extremadamente violentas que a los niños se les ha
permitido ver según la clasificación que pueden tener efectos muy negativos en ellos.
Estas son las categorías que se están utilizando actualmente:
G - Público general
Se admiten todas las edades. Nada sería ofensivo para los niños.
PG - Se sugiere orientación de los padres
El contenido puede no ser adecuado para los niños. Esta película puede contener algunos elementos que a
los padres puede que no les guste que vean sus hijos.
PG-13 - Se advierte fuertemente a los padres
Algunos materiales pueden ser inapropiados para niños menores de 13 años. Algunas partes de la película
pueden no ser adecuadas para niños menores de 12 años.
R: restringido
Los menores de 17 años requieren un padre o tutor adulto que los acompañe. Esta película contiene material
para adultos. Los padres deben aprender más sobre la película antes de llevar a sus hijos con ellos.
NC-17 - Solo adultos
No se admiten menores de 17 años. Esta película solo es apropiada para adultos. Algunas películas no están
calificadas o aún están en proceso de calificación.
A biography

A biography is a story about a person’s life. It includes information about where and when the
person was born, details about his/her childhood, family, hobbies, important life events, career,
and other significant aspects of his/her life. Many times a biography is written after a person dies,
as a tribute to the life he or she lived and to teach others about the person.
1. Think of an actor or actress you really like. He or she can be from any part of the world.
Write down his or her name and anything you know about this celebrity.
Jennifer Lopez or J.Lo, is an American actress, singer, dancer, songwriter. Her interest in becoming
famous came from having a supporting role in the film My Little Girl.

2. Now do some research and add more interesting facts about the person you have chosen.
Continue your list.
Jennifer Lopez was born on July 24, 1970, in the Bronx, New York City, and grew up on Blackrock


Of Puerto Rican origin, daughter of David López, a computer operator, and Guadalupe López, a
school teacher from the Bronx. He has a younger sister, Lynda, and an older sister, Leslie.


She started teaching dance classes at the age of five and at the age of seven she made her first
dance tour.She was an athletic girl, practiced track and field, gymnastics, and softball. His
nickname in the gyms was La Guitarra, for his curved body. He studied at Baruch College,
although he dropped out after one semester.


At sixteen she appeared in a small role in The Little Girl. She moved to Manhattan to take dance
classes and had to sleep on occasion in the studio where she practiced. She was hired as a dancer
for Janet Jackson and New Kids on the Block performing on many of their tours around the world.
3. Take your ideas and write them in a short (100-120 words) minibiography. Be sure to
write all the events in chronological order. You must use at least FIVE time expressions,
for example: before, after, during, as soon as, while, then, later, at the same time…


Real name: Jennifer Lynn Lopez

Born:July 24, 1969 in New York (United States)
Measures 1.64.
Jennifer Lynn Lopez, known among her friends as J. Lo, is an American actress and singer who
was born in the New York Bronx.
His father, David López, was a computer technician and his mother, Guadalupe, worked as a
kindergarten teacher. They are both Puerto Ricans.
He has two sisters named Leslie and Lynda.
Jennifer studied singing and dancing in her childhood.
This apprenticeship helped her kick off her professional career as a dancer in music videos of
singers such as Puff Daddy (whom she became a girlfriend) and Janet Jackson.
Subsequently, Jennifer Lopez herself triumphed in the world of song, debuting in 1999 with the
album "On The 6" (1999).
More than a decade earlier, in 1986, Jennifer had already started her film career by starring in the
movie "My Little Girl" (1986).
Language Through the Arts

The Muppets
The Muppets are a group of characters who were created by Jim Henson in the 1950s. The name
comes from a combination of the words “marionette” and “puppet”. They are puppets that have
appeared in several movies starting in 1979 with The Muppet Movie. Their most recent movie is
Muppets Most Wanted, 2014. The most popular characters are Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy,
who have shared an on-and-off romance throughout the years.

Draw your own original Muppet. Give it a name and share some of its characteristics

• The puppet is soft,
Constructed of foam
(rubber foam)
• A hand of the puppeteer
animates the head
of the puppet
and moves the mouth
• his other hand


two rods to control

the character's hands

Have you ever watched The Muppets? If so, who is your favorite character?
Cookie monster

¿Do you know any other movies that use puppets? Which one(s)?

If the movie I know in which they use puppets is

¿Are these types of movies appropriate for all ages, or just for children? Why?
Yes , because these movies are fun and entertaining for all ages
Los modismos son expresiones cortas que son de naturaleza metafórica y se utilizan en la vida
cotidiana para expresar ideas o situaciones. Muchas veces no se pueden traducir literalmente de
un idioma a otro porque pierden su significado. También tienen un fuerte componente cultural.

1. Lea el texto en clase y discuta el posible SIGNIFICADO de las frases en azul

con su profesor.
Adivina quién (2005)
Theresa: ¿Tienes los pies fríos, SIMON?
SIMON Green: No. No, no me estoy enfriando. No puedo esperar para casarme
contigo y HACER bebés contigo. Dame una hija que se parezca a ti.
El corredor del laberinto (2014)
THOMAS: ¿Cuánto tiempo llevan mirando? Newt: Tres años.
THOMAS: ¿Y no han encontrado nada?
Newt: Es mucho más fácil decirlo que hacerlo. Escuchar. ¿Escucha eso? Es el
LABERINTO cambiando. Cambia todas las noches.
Aroma de mujer (1992)
Teniente coronel Frank Slade: Oh, eh, Charlie. Acerca de tu pequeño PROBLEMA
... hay dos tipos de personas en este mundo ... los que se ponen de pie y se enfrentan
a la MÚSICA, y los que corren para cubrirse. La cobertura es mejor.
Frozen (2013)
Joven Anna: ¿Quieres construir un snoWMAN? ¿O pasear en bicicleta por los
pasillos? Creo que ALGUNA EMPRESA está atrasada. Empecé a hablar con los
cuadros de las paredes. ¡Aguanta, Joan! Se vuelve un poco solitario. Todos estos
HABITACIONES VACÍAS. Solo viendo pasar las horas.
El mal lote (2016)
The DrEAM: Todas las cosas que has hecho, te han puesto aquí conmigo. Para la
vida ... la vida es el DrEAM ... Cuesta mucho estar aquí. Te cuesta un BRAZO y una
2.Write your own MINI-dialogue incorporating one of the IDIOMS you just

Juan wants to have lunch at an English restaurant.

–Juan : I would like a table for one, please
– ?: Would you like to eat on the terrace or inside?
– Juan : I prefer a table inside, near the window
– ?: This way… Here’s the menu. Would you like a drink?
– Juan : No thanks

Hay diferentes ceremonias de premiación de películas en todo el mundo. Quizás los
Oscar son los más famosos, pero también está el Festival de Cine de Cannes en
Francia y el Festival Internacional de Cine de Berlín en Alemania.
Los oscars
Cada año, en enero, se lleva a cabo la ceremonia de premiación más prestigiosa de
películas, los Oscar. Estos premios son otorgados por la Academia de Artes y
Ciencias Cinematográficas (AMPAS). Son votados por miembros del comité. El
primer Oscar fue otorgado en 1929. El nombre del premio, “Oscar”, está en disputa.
La historia más aceptada es que lleva el nombre de Oscar Pierce, primo de Margaret
Herrick, la primera secretaria ejecutiva de la Academia. Actualmente hay 24
categorías diferentes que incluyen Mejor Actor, Mejor Actor de Reparto, Mejor
Actriz, Mejor Actriz de Reparto, Mejor Largometraje Internacional, Mejor Banda
Sonora Original y Mejor Canción Original.
IMAGINE that you get to decide who the winners of the Oscars are. Write a
list of five categories and deTERMINE who the winner is for each award. The
MOvies do not have to be frOM this year, they can be frOM any TIME in

Category: best original song Winner: Thomas Pecker

Category: best foreign film Winner: Anthonella Welck
Category: best original script Winner :Paul Fich
Category: better sound Winner: Steve Puch
Category: best makeup Winner: Raul Prince
La ayuda
The Help es una película que se estrenó en 2011. Está ambientada en el contexto del Mississippi de 1960,
un estado en la parte sur de los Estados Unidos. Este es un momento en el que todavía existía la segregación
entre blancos y negros. Un tema principal de esta película es el racismo. Dice
la historia de Skeeter, un recién graduado universitario blanco de clase alta que está decidido a convertirse
en un escritor famoso. Causa el caos en esta sociedad dividida racialmente cuando decide entrevistar a las
mujeres negras que han trabajado como sirvientas y cuidadoras de familias blancas. Estas mujeres han
sufrido abusos físicos y emocionales a manos de sus jefes blancos. Al principio le cuesta encontrar
para contar sus historias, pero poco a poco se gana la confianza de las damas. Mientras Skeeter recopila sus
anécdotas, pierde amigos y novios de la alta sociedad. Al final, publica su libro y es un éxito total.

Discuss your thoughts with a partner.

•Consider the MAIN character, Skeeter. Would you do the SAME in her situation?
Yes, it would be the most because it is a great support so that people know their history and thus
measures are taken so that the rights of all people are respected

•What genre would you consider this MOvie to be? Why?

Documentary genre because they relate facts about discrimination

•Have you seen any other MOvies that deal with rACISM? What was the MOvie
and what was its MESSAGE?
Miracle in cell 7, the message left by the movie is to value people and enforce the rights of all
Interview a classmate about movies. Ask them the
following questions and create two of your own.
Take notes.
a. What is your favorite movie? Why is it your favorite?
My favorite movie is they are not accepted returns because is a famous
Movie and movie comedy that related a history very interesting.
b. How old should a person be to see a PG movie? Why?
PG-13 is the rating introduced in the United States in 1984 and means
that the film is open to the public, but that parental supervision is
suggested for children under 13 years of age, due to possible sexual,
violent or other scenes. topics that could be disturbing.
c. What do you enjoy eating at the movie theater?
I like to eat popcorn with cheese and soda
d. How much would you be willing to pay to see the #1 movie of the
year in the theater?
I would pay 10 dollars to see the movie of the year.
e. What is the worst movie you have ever seen? Why was it so bad?
the movie it because it is a horror movie with no sense and no
coherence in the story.
f. Do you and your classmates have a lot in common?
Yes , because some answer are similar is this razon that I considered that my classmates have a
lot common.

g. What is something new you learned ?

I learned the likes of movies from my classmates.
Now share what you learned about your classmate with the rest of
the class.
Write a brief paragraph about what it is like to go to the movies in your country. Include the
price, what you eat, and who you go with. If you have not been to the movie theater, write about
what it is like to watch movies at home.
Watching movies at home is fun because they are moments that I enjoy with my family, watching

stories or dramas, even comedies that make us leave our conformity area a bit, I can assure you

that watching movies at home is the most fun I do.

Choose three of your most favorite movie genres and describe them in your own words. Also,

give an example of a movie that belongs to that genre.

1. Romantic stories, they tell stories of love and our daily lives that many of us are excited about

and like, such as the kissing scene.

2. Comedies, they are extremely funny movies that make us laugh and have a lot of fun with the

different occurrences in the story told, such as what happened yesterday.

3. Terror, they relate events of terror that on many occasions fills us with great fear, such as


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