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Hi! I am Rose. I usually get up early, at about 5:00.

I always take a
quick shower. I don’t make up because I don’t like it. Then I cook and
have breakfast with my brother, Arnold. I go to work by bus because
I sold my car last week. I start work at 7:00 and finish at 4:00. Then
I go home and watch TV for an hour or two with Arnold. I go to bed
before 11:00 because I need to rest well to be energetic the next

¡Hola! Soy Rose. Usualmente me levanto temprano, alrededor de las

5:00. Siempre me doy una ducha rápida. No me maquillo porque no
me gusta. Luego cocino y desayuno con mi hermano, Arnold. Voy a
trabajar en autobús porque vendí mi auto la semana pasada.
Comienzo a trabajar a las 7:00 y termino a las 4:00. Luego me voy a
casa y veo televisión durante una hora o dos con Arnold. Me acuesto
antes de las 11:00 porque necesito descansar bien para estar
enérgica al día siguiente.

Hi I’m Carlos. I usually wake up early at about 4:30 am, I get up at 4:40, I get dressed.

I go to work by bus, I star work at 6:30, I have breakfast at 8:00 and I have lunch at 12:00, I
finish work at 3:30.

I go to the gym at 5:00 then I take a shower at 6:00, I usually start studie at 7:00 and finish at
10:00, I go to bed before 11:00 becuase I need to rest well to be energetic the next day.

I work every day, but I don’t like get up very early. I always listen to music. I have a large
playlist collection on my Spotify, I go to the gym four days a week and I like to play soccer and
swim. I don like basketball but I try to play it. I like to read all kind of books and I read 1 hour
every day. I love to cook, I cook desserts sometimes in my free time or holydays.

Buenas noches: 

Debido al cambio de docente realizado sin previa consulta por parte de ustedes, dando
como resultados, se pierda todo mi avance el libro cambrigde y volver a empezar de
cero, la sesión anterior (con el docente anterior) se acordó el tomar las clases el día de
hoy viernes 08/10/2021 el cual no quise perder y tuve que aplazar por horas el viaje de
trabajo que tengo en otra ciudad, teniendo que enviar correos al nuevo docente pidiendo
me dispense dado que él va a realizar las clases el día de mañana 9/10/2021. 
Generando así incomodidad, malestar y desacreditandome lo previamente coordinado
en mi zona laboral con sus cambios no avisados.

Espero se me restablezca a mi grupo inicial con el docente inicial debido a que ustedes
decidieron y tomaron una acción sin previa consulta.  

Carlos Sayán 
CARLOS: Excuse me.

SALESPERSON: Hello sr. Can I help you?

CARLOS: Yes. I’m looking for a T-shirt in a size small.

SALESPERSON: Sure here it is.

CARLOS: How much does it cost?

SALESPERSON: 80 dollars.

CARLOS: Uhmm… 80 dollars. That’s too much

SALESPERSON: How about this one? It’s similar to the one you like.

CARLOS: That’s nice. How much is it?

SALESPERSON: 50 dollars.


SALESPERSON: Is this color ok, or wolud you like a differente color?

CARLOS: That red please.

SALESPERSON: Ok… please pay at the cash desk.

El texto en inglés sobre lo que hiciste el fin de semana en tiempo
pasado sería algo como:

On Saturday I woke up early to clean my house, to take the dog 3

times for a ride and we went all family to the supermarket. It was a very
busy day, since I also had to do some homework, and prepare
somethings I needed for school during the week, since I don’t have
time from Monday to Friday, that’s why I take time to do it during the
weekends. I went to bed a little bit early on Saturday, right after I
finished watching a comedy film on TV.
On Sunday I woke up at 9 O’ clock (not so early), I finished cleaning
the house and listened to my favorite music from Jesse McCartney
while doing so. For lunch I ate pizza, which I love, and I finished doing
my duties from English and mathematics. I took some time to watch
TV, make my nails and hair, because I had to go to bed early because
next day was Monday. That’s what I did last weekend.
On Saturday I woke up early to work. At 4 O’clock I went to the
supermarket with my parents.
It was very busy day because I had to do somethings I needed for the
work, then I did my homework from English.
At night a I went out and I bought a hamburguer for my dinner.
I went to bed a Little bit early on Saturday, rigth after I finished
watching Netflix.
On Sunday I woke up at 10 O’clock (not so early), I cleaned the house,
I listened to my favorite music, I took a brunch then I read for an hour.
For lunch I ate pizza wtih my family then we watched Tv together. I
went to bed early because nect day was Monday and I had to work.

En español, sería:
El sábado yo me desperté temprano para limpiar mi casa, pasear 3
veces al perro e ir con mi familia al supermercado. Fue un día
bastante ocupado, dado que también tuve que hacer algunas tareas y
preparar unas cosas para la escuela, que necesito para la semana y
que usualmente no puedo hacer de lunes a viernes, por eso lo hago
los fines de semana. Me acosté a dormir temprano el sábado, justo
después de terminar de ver una película de comedia en TV.
El domingo me desperté a las 9 en punto (no tan temprano), terminé
de limpiar la cosa y escuché mi música favorita de Jesse McCartney
mientras lo hacía. Para almorzar comí pizza, que me gusta mucho, y
terminé de hacer mis deberes de inglés y matemáticas. Tomé algún
tiempo para ver TV, hacer mis uñas y cabello, porque me tenía que ir
a la cama temprano dado que al día siguiente era lunes. Eso hice el fin
de semana pasado.

el sábado por la mañana vi la tele

On Saturday morning I watched tv
luego, por la tarde paseé a mi perro con mi amigo durante dos horas
Then, in the afternoon I walked my dog with my friend for two hours
cuando volví, mi perro estaba muy sucio así que lo duché
When I returned, my dog was very dirtry so I washed him
después vi una película con mi padre y mi hermana que me gustó
After I watched a film with my dad and my sister which I liked
por la noche, me relajé en mi habitación y leí un libro
At night, I relaxed in my room and read a book
el domingo por la mañana le di un regalo a mi madre por el día de la madre
On Sunday morning I gave my mum a present for Mother's Day
luego leí y vi la tele durante el resto del día
Then I read and watched tv for the rest of the day
hice los deberes por la noche y luego me acosté
I did my homeworks at night then I went to bed

I get up everyday at seven o clock, Then I have a Shower,

after that, I have Breakfast and go out to take the bus for go class.

I finish my classes at twelve, then I have luch at the University's Restaurant.

At two pm, I go to study to the library, then at five pm I go home.

At home I watch television one hour, Then I have dinner. After that,

I play at the computer and finally at ten pm I go to sleep

I wake up at 6 o’clock. I get up at 6.50. I make a cup of tea and iron my clothes. I
have a shower and get dressed. I usually wear jeans, a blouse, a jumper or
cardigan and boots in the winter, or a skirt and blouse in the summer. I brush
my hair, put on my make-up. I pack my bag with all my teaching materials. I then
put on my coat and leave the house. I walk to the bus stop. I catch the bus at
8.15, and then I pay my fare and sit down. It takes about 45 minutes to get to
my destination three miles away. I get off the bus and walk to the school where
I teach English. I have to sign in and get the key. Class starts at 9.25 and ends
at 11.25.

I have lunch at 12. I eat a baguette or sandwich at the local café. I sometimes
do some shopping before I walk back to school. I do some photocopying and go
back to my classroom. I teach in the afternoon from 1 to 3pm. I then catch the
bus back home and spend a couple of hours relaxing before I cook dinner.

My son goes to work shortly after I come home. Sometimes he cooks dinner
before I get home, and sometimes I cook. I like to eat rice or pasta with a sauce.
I chop the onions, fry them and then mix them with garlic, tomatoes, carrots,
spinach and chilies. I boil the rice and then add the sauce. After dinner I wash
up, sweep the floor, and tidy up a bit.

Then I make phone calls, mark my students’ work, do the laundry. Then I go on
Facebook, or watch TV until about 10.30 when my son comes home. We catch
up on our day, and at about 11 o’clock I go to bed.

Other days I get up early, go downstairs, put on my computer and teach on EF English
Live for three hours. Then I have a break, eat dinner with my son, have a walk or go
shopping before returning to work and teaching again for another three hours. Working
at home can be very convenient and I love being able to talk to people around the
world. It is also nice working in a school and seeing people on a regular basis and
working in a team. So I feel I have the best of both worlds.

Hi I’m Carlos, I’m from Barranca. Barranca is a nice place in summer season, because the beach
is really close and you can practice surf (I like to surf), There are hotels and restaurants.

I dislike the cold, for thar reason I dislike winter season. Obviously I like the summer more tan
the other season.

I going to talk about my routine. I usually wake up early at about 4:30 am, I get up at 4:40, I get

I go to work by bus, I star work at 6:30, I have breakfast at 8:00 and I have lunch at 12:00, I
finish work at 3:30.
I go to the gym at 5:00 then I take a shower at 6:00, I usually start studie at 7:00 and finish at
10:00, I go to bed before 11:00 becuase I need to rest well to be energetic the next day.

I work every day, but I dislike get up very early. I always listen to music. I have a large playlist
collection on my Spotify, I like to listen my music and I listen when I have opotunity.

I go to the gym for four days a week and I like to play soccer and swim. I dislike basketball but I
try to play it.

I like to read all kind of books and I read 1 hour every day. I dislike to watch TV programs, I
prefer to watch movies and series on Netflix.

I love to cook, I cook desserts sometimes in my free time or holydays.

From this perspective it can be determined that the habits necessary to
lead a healthy life are the following:

Desde esta perspectiva se puede determinar que

los hábitos necesarios para llevar una vida
saludable son los siguientes:

Balanced diet: a healthy diet is governed by including all the foods

included in the nutritional pyramid, but in the right proportions and in
sufficient quantity (no more) to maintain the nutritional needs of the
organism based on the energy consumption that it makes with the daily
activity. The daily energy value of the diet should be 30-40 kilocalories
per weight.

Dieta equilibrada: una dieta saludable se rige por

incluir todos los alimentos incluidos en la
pirámide nutricional, pero en las proporciones
adecuadas y en cantidad suficiente (no más) para
mantener las necesidades nutricionales del
organismo en base al consumo energético que
realiza con el actividad diaria. El valor energético
diario de la dieta debe ser de 30 a 40 kilocalorías
por peso.

Toxic habits: tobacco, alcohol and drugs have a very negative impact
on health. The only tolerance refers exclusively to wine or beer, of
which even the consumption of the equivalent of a daily drink is
Hábitos tóxicos: el tabaco, el alcohol y las drogas
tienen un impacto muy negativo en la salud. La
única tolerancia se refiere exclusivamente al vino
o la cerveza, de los cuales se recomienda incluso
el consumo del equivalente a una bebida diaria.

Physical exercise: the general recommendations determine about 30
minutes of physical activity per day, being sufficient to walk at a rapid
pace during this time. This allows you to burn excess calories and
strengthen muscles and bones, but also helps control blood pressure,
cholesterol and blood glucose levels, in addition to helping to eliminate
stress and help you sleep better, acquire a state of relaxation and
avoid mood swings, improve self-esteem and the state of personal

Ejercicio físico: las recomendaciones generales

determinan unos 30 minutos de actividad física
por día, siendo suficiente caminar a paso rápido
durante este tiempo. Esto te permite quemar el
exceso de calorías y fortalecer músculos y huesos,
pero también ayuda a controlar los niveles de
presión arterial, colesterol y glucosa en sangre,
además de ayudar a eliminar el estrés y ayudarte a
dormir mejor, adquirir un estado de relajación y
evitar cambios de humor, mejorar la autoestima y
el estado de satisfacción personal.
I going to talk about my routine. I usually wake up early at about 4:30 am, I get up at 4:40, I get
I go to work by bus, I star work at 6:30, I have breakfast at 8:00 and I have lunch at 12:00, I
finish work at 3:30.
I try to eat healthy foods and I have a balance diet, I don’t have toxic habits, and eat all kind of
foods, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, chicken, eggs and a lot of water is very important to healthy
I go to the gym at 5:00 then I take a shower at 6:00, I take dinner at 8:00, I go to bed before
11:00 becuase I need to rest well to be energetic the next day.
I go to the gym for four days a week and I like to play soccer and swim.
During the pandemic at 2020, at the begenning I tried to continue eating healthy and keep doing
exercise, but I couldn’t because of the situation and I started eat bad and I ate whatever but now
I keep working at same hours and I keep going to gym and keep eating all healthy foods and I’m
feeling that now I’m better than last year.

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