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La Oficina en Costa Rica del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR), 
informa y les invita a participar en concurso para un puesto de “Senior Psychosocial Associate 
(Community Based Protection and Durable Solutions)”. 
Los detalles generales de la vacante se describen en el documento adjuntado. 
IMPORTANTE: Por favor de notar que no se consideraran aplicaciones que no cumplen TODOS los requisitos. 
Solo se contactarán a las personas que hayan sido preseleccionadas (lista corta). 
“Senior Psychosocial Associate (Community Based Protection 
Nombre del puesto 
and Durable Solutions). 

Numero de puesto   10025695 

Nivel del puesto  G7 

Sede de trabajo  San Jose. 

Duración del puesto                      01 Octubre 2018 hasta 31 Diciembre 2019 (posición anual) 

Fecha límite para aplicar  Martes 04  de Septiembre 2018, 12 md (hora de Costa Rica) 
 Las personas interesadas deben ser costarricenses, 
nacionalizadas costarricense, o extranjera con residencia 
permanente en Costa Rica con permiso laboral 
 Inglés fluido (oral y escrito) 
 Formulario PHF (completado, completo y firmado) 
Favor enviar sus aplicaciones a cualquiera de las siguientes 
 correo electrónico: 
 Medio/forma de aplicar   Físicamente: ACNUR, San José, Rohrmoser, de casa de don 
Oscar Arias: 100 m oeste y 100 m sur. 
Indicar en el asunto: Puesto + apellido + nombre 
 Descripciones de Tareas 
 Documentos adjuntos 
 Formulario PHF. 
(When finalised and approved by the Post Manager(s), e-mail to HQPC00)
Date of Classification (1): February 2018
Position No: 10025695

Position Title: Senior Psychosocial Associate (Community-Based Protection Position Grade: G7

and Durable Solutions)

Position Location : San Jose, Costa Rica Functional Group(1) : 3.5.d

Supervisor Position No., Title & Grade: 10025929, Associate Durable Solutions CCOG Code (1) : 2.2.02
Officer, NB

Job Code (1) : 103324 Category: (1) : STD*

(1) To be completed by PCU


2.1 ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT. Define the role of the position within the team, describing its leadership role, if any, it’s
external/internal work relationships or contacts, the contextual environment in which it operates and the scope of supervision received, and where
applicable, exercised by the incumbent.

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) describes any type of local or outside support that aims to protect or
promote psychosocial well-being and/or prevent or treat mental disorder. It is therefore, by definition, a multi-sectoral
issue. Within the work of UNHCR and partners, MHPSS activities do not constitute a separate sector, but are mainly
realized within existing sectors and work fields such as health, nutrition, community-based protection, child protection,
and SGBV. The multisectoral MHPSS incumbent will be placed within the Protection and Durable Solutions Unit and has
strong functional ties with the other relevant units in programme, monitoring, evaluation and communication. The main
task of the MHPSS team is to build and maintain capacity for MHPSS interventions within UNHCR and partners in order
to foster delivery of quality MHPSS interventions for refugees and surrounding host communities. The Senior
Psychosocial Associate directly reports to the Associate Durable Solutions Officer. The supervisor defines the general
work objectives and provides necessary advice and guidance.

Under the overall direction of the Protection Officer, and in coordination with other UNHCR staff, government, NGO
partners and other stakeholders, the Senior Psychosocial Associate works directly with communities of concern to identify
the MHPSS risks, to promote that they receive appropriate MHPSS services and supports. By doing so, the incumbent
will pursue a AGD approach, ensuring that persons with specific needs and those most vulnerable and at risk will be
considerer in all activities. This may imply the direct provision of MHPSS interventions (particularly Psychological First
Aid and scalable psychological interventions) to persons of concern (particularly in the earlier stages of the emergency
and with focus on the most vulnerable and persons with specific needs) but will progressively focus on supporting partners,
community outreach members and other UNHCR staff to provide such supports. Additionally, the incumbent coordinates
the proper implementation of the UNHCR-National Social Welfare Institute (a.k.a. IMAS) agreement for the social
inclusion of PoC within the State-led welfare programs and monitors the provision of Cash-Based Interventions (CBI).
To fulfil this role the Senior Psychosocial Associate is required to spend a substantial percentage of her/his time working
outside the office, building and maintaining networks within communities of persons of concern, in particular considering
the most vulnerable and persons with specific needs. The incumbent provides support and advice to strengthen the
processes of community organization with refugee-led community groups through participatory assessments and
community-based approach to feed the strategy of the UNHCR operation.

The incumbent also supports capacity building and hands-on support to relevant protection units for community-based
protection, Child Protection and SGBV and their partners, and as such needs to have a sound understanding of survivor
centered approach, including women, men, girls and boys survivor, guiding principles of SGBV prevention and response,
and working with children and child survivors based on the best interest of the child. The incumbent provides technical
advice to comprehensive case management programs of UNHCR and local staff of partner agencies, with a particular
focus on MHPSS and Community-Based Approach interventions. Accordingly, will attend Durable Solutions committee
and follow up on agreed actions.

The incumbent will promote the implementation of solidarity networks among civil society organizations, Academia and
the private sector to address gaps in assisting newly arriving PoC, particularly in the case of child and elderly care,
temporary shelter and nutrition.

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2.2 FUNCTIONAL STATEMENT. Describe the accountabilities, responsibilities and authorities associated with the position.
Accountability (key results that will be achieved)

- UNHCR’s policies, standards and procedures around MHPSS are constantly and coherently applied.
- UNHCR’s policies, standards and procedures regarding Protection, Child Protection and working with survivors and
persons of risk of SGBV, including women, girls, men and boys are constantly and coherently applied.
- MHPSS assistance provided by the incumbent is guided by the UNHCR country protection strategy, including Child
Protection and SGBV guidelines, and by relevant UN/UNHCR protection standards and IASC guidelines.
- Capacity for MHPSS is built within UNHCR staff in protection unit and relevant partners.

Responsibility (process and functions undertaken to achieve results)

- Work directly with communities of concern to identify MHPSS problems and to promote that they receive appropriate
services and supports.
- Upon consultation, assist UNHCR protection unit in assessing the MHPSS needs of persons of concern (high priority
cases and or persons with complex or severe problems, including survivors and persons at risk of SGBV) initiate
treatment and define appropriate follow up interventions.
- Proposes and organize capacity building and hands-on support on MHPSS interventions to relevant protection units,
particularly those for community-based protection, child protection and SGBV and their partners.
- Assist functional units, Multi-Functional Teams (MFT) and senior management to integrate MHPSS approaches in
the overall protection delivery strategy and operational procedures, including in community-based protection, child
protection and SGBV.
- Implement the Special Needs approach according to UNHCR standards in the Operation.
- Provide support to the Programme Unit to monitor the provision of CBI according to SOP and attend the CBI
committee accordingly.
- Identify capacities within communities of concern and the analyse of risks they face.
- Provide technical guidance to partners around MHPSS and CBI.
- Assist the partner agencies on the implementation of the Heightened Risk Identification Tool (HRIT) and Guide to
enhance UNHCR’s effectiveness in identifying refugees at risk.
- Provide technical guidance to UNHCR staff around MHPSS, in particular community-based protection, child
protection and SGBV units.
- Keep regular contacts with local authorities and partners as requested by supervisor.

Authority (decisions made in executing responsibilities and to achieve results)

- Identify and select which individuals or groups to prioritize for MHPSS interventions and field visits based on agreed
- Ensure compliance of implementing partners with global protection policies and standards of professional integrity
in the delivery of MHPSS services.

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2.3 REQUIRED COMPETENCIES, which illustrate behaviours that are essential to achieving deliverables described above, and
that are critical to successful performance. All jobs require the staff to abide to the Values and Core competencies of UNHCR. Where applicable,
select a maximum of six Managerial and three Cross-Functional Competencies. (Note that the Performance Appraisal and Management System
(PAMS) allows for up to five Cross-Functional Competencies to be selected by the staff member and the supervisor.

Code Managerial Competencies

1. M001 Empowering and Building Trust
2. M002 Managing Performance
3. M003 Judgement and Decision Making
4. M004 Strategic Planning and Vision
5. M005 Leadership
6. M006 Managing Resources

Code Cross-Functional Competencies

1. X001 Analytical Thinking
2. X002 Innovation and Creativity
3. X003 Technological Awareness
4. X004 Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
5. X005 Planning and Organizing
6. X006 Policy Development and Research
7. X007 Political Awareness
8. X008 Stakeholder Management
9. X009 Change Capability and Adaptability


REQUIRED. Define the educational background, the relevant job experience and the language(s) that are essential to perform the work of the

- Education: University Degree in Psychology, Social Work, with training/certificate in Psychology or other clearly
related disciplines.
- Experience: Minimum of 6 (six) years previous relevant job experience, preferably in humanitarian settings.
- Experience with provision MHPSS and CBI services in refugee settings or other disadvantaged communities.
- Computer skills (MS Office, including Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access).
- Fluency in spoken and written English and working knowledge of another relevant UN language or local language.

2.5 DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS & COMPETENCIES. Describe any experience or knowledge that would be an
asset, such as: UNHCR Learning Programmes, other training, additional languages, Field/HQs experience, etc.

- Knowledge of Administrative/financial rules, procedures, processes in the context of UNHCR offices and Field
- UNHCR protection programmes.
- Knowledge of MSRP and proGres an asset.
- Experience in working in the field of protection, durable solutions, SGBV and/or child protection is an asset.

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