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INGLES- (90008)




GRUPO: 90008_49



speaking is something fundamental in the human being to communicate with each other,
but many speak different languages. this is why the language in english has been adocted as
a universal language of communication; where we will develop in the present work the
correct pronunciation of many words

Stage 1: Audio 1
• Ir al módulo 5 Actividad 7 (ver imagen) y hacer una grabación (Vocaroo o MP3) que será
colocada en el foro de la actividad. El audio debe ser en inglés y contener nombre del estudiante y
practicar la pronunciación de las INDOOR ACTIVITIES y OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES
Stage 2: Listening
• Realizar la actividad del Módulo 5 ejercicio 11 y coloca un pantallazo del mismo en el foro. En
este ejercicio practicaremos la habilidad de listening.
Stage 3: Audio 2 & Listening
a. Ir al módulo 5 ejercicio 13 y aprender sobre las expresiones para hablar de planes futuros. Grabe
un audio (Vocaroo o MP3) en el cual mencione su nombre y lea las expresiones que se encuentran
en los ejemplos. Colocar su audio en el foro.
WhatsApp Audio
2021-07-11 at 10.24.42 AM.ogg
i like to go with my friends to the movies and to drink; although sometimes i don't like it when they
invite their friends since i don't know them; i also like going to play basketball; i do not like the
football; i like music a lot ; but i disgust the new reggetoon; i like the classic more; i like to walk to
know many wonderful places; i like to play video games i can last for hours, playing them when it
is in company is better ; i don't like to play only video games is boring
Stage 4: Interview practice.
o Agendará una cita con su tutor a través de Skype en la cual participará de una entrevista sencilla
(15 minutos) donde usted deberá desarrollar lo siguiente:
a. Realizar una presentación personal en el idioma inglés, que incluya información relacionada a:
Name, age, nationality, city, family members (who do you live with?), study program, likes &
dislikes. Máximo 5 Minutos.
b. Hablar sobre su último viaje (recuerde Stage 4 Writing task) y planes a futuro con respecto a otro
viaje que planee o vaya a realizar por motivo de trabajo o actividades de esparcimiento. Su tutor le
hará preguntas para usted familiares (Name of the city or place, where is located? What were you
doing there? How was the weather like? How often did you do things?)
R/ Professor, it's a shame not to schedule an appointment with you but I am in the municipality of
Arauca and we have a power failure, so I have had difficulties connecting to the internet and having
the device charged for that reason; If you see fit to leave this point for when you have an excellent
internet, thank you very much for your attention
Stage 5: Video
o El estudiante graba un video en YouTube en el que se ve él/ella claramente como resultado del
proceso de entrenamiento. En el vídeo debe realizar una presentación personal (Stage 4 – a) y
hablar sobre su último viaje, además de los planes que tiene a futuro con respecto a otro viaje (real o

In this activity, the correct pronunciation of the English language was observed through the
exercises requested, as well as the practical learning in didactic modules that are reflected
in the activity demonstrating a development of communication and listening in English,
managing daily affairs of ourselves.

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