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Docente: Mag. María Esther Barriga Ruiz
Ciclo: 6 Sección: 1 Nota:

Datos del alumno

Apellidos y nombres: Miranda Carbajal Luis Fernando Martin
Código de matrícula: 2013207061 Filial de matrícula: Lima

Fecha de envío
Publique su trabajo en la opción “TRABAJO ACADÉMICO” del Hasta el
menú contextual de su curso (Aula Virtual) (dd/mm/2020):

1. Verifique la correcta publicación de su Trabajo Académico en el Aula Virtual de la plataforma
Blackboard antes de confirmar al sistema el envío definitivo al Docente.
2. Revise la previsualización de su trabajo para asegurar archivo correcto.
3. La fecha de publicación del trabajo académico está definida de acuerdo al cronograma académico
2020-2. No se aceptarán trabajos extemporáneos.
4. Recuerde que no debe copiar de internet. Las copias de internet son verificadas con el Sistema
Antiplagio UAP y serán calificados con la nota cero (“00”).

Criterios de evaluación del Trabajo Académico

El trabajo académico es calificado considerando los criterios de evaluación según la naturaleza del curso:
1. Presentación adecuada del trabajo. Evalúa la redacción, ortografía, y presentación del trabajo
2. Investigación bibliográfica. Considera la revisión de diferentes fuentes bibliográficas y
electrónicas confiables y pertinentes a los temas tratados de acuerdo a la normativa APA.
3. Situación problemática o caso práctico. Considera el análisis contextualizado de casos o la
solución de situaciones problematizadoras de acuerdo a la naturaleza del curso.
4. Otros contenidos. Abarca la aplicación de juicios valorativos ante situaciones y escenarios
diversos, componentes actitudinales y éticos.

Reciba usted la más cordial bienvenida al presente Ciclo Académico de la

Escuela Profesional de Administración y Negocios de la Universidad Alas

En la guía de trabajo académico que presentamos a continuación se le plantea

actividades de aprendizaje que deberá desarrollar en los plazos establecidos y
considerando la normativa e indicaciones del Docente Tutor.

Las consultas e inquietudes se harán en las sesiones en líneas con el docente

en los horarios programados para el curso es de 17:00 a 18:40 horas. y al
siguiente correo Institucional:


Con la realización de su trabajo, usted., aplicará los conocimientos

desarrollados a lo largo del curso.

Se les recuerda que para que usted, alcance el éxito que desea en el
aprendizaje necesita revisar la bibliografía que se le hace llegar a través del
aula virtual.

La redacción y ortografía también serán evaluadas (2 puntos)

Éxitos en su trabajo
1. My favorite athlete (3 points)

 Select your favorite athlete

 Do a research on his/her life and achievements.
 Write an article about him/her for your magazine and illustrate it.
My favorite Athlete is Diego Armando Maradona was a soccer player and football manager.

Maradona played in four FIFA World Cups, including the 1986 World Cup in Mexico where he
captained Argentina and led them to victory over West Germany in the final, and won
the Golden Ball as the tournament's best player. In the 1986 World Cup quarter final, he
scored both goals in a 2–1 victory over England that entered football history for two different
Diego Armando Maradona died at the age of 60 after undergoing head surgery, he was
complicated by a heart attack date of death November 25, 2020

2. Your life in the future (3 points)

 Choose a year in the future and make predictions about how you think your life will
develop from now to then.
 Present your work in a timeline

I´ll ascend as
manager I´ll buy a car

I´ll travel to I,ll open my

Dysneyworl own
with my business

Timelines year 2021

3. That unbelievable trip! (4 points)
 Brainstorm names of places near your town or city you know have local myths or
 Do some research on these myths or legends. Choose the one you think is the most
 Write the local myth or legend and paste picture about it.

Legend of priest Urraca

Fray Pedro de la Santísima Trinidad Urraca García, better known as Father Urraca
(Jadraque, 1583-Lima, August 7, 1657) 1 was a Mercedarian friar known and venerated
in Lima for his sermons and the support he gave to the most people in need.

It is said that on one occasion, the evil one attacks Father Urraca and he asked
almighty God to help him, they say that the wall where this wooden cross was opened
and that way he escaped from it, crossing the wall with it. Many years have passed and
the aforementioned cross is surrounded by miracles and faithful who attach personal
letters of request, touch the cross to fill up with their energies or spend hours talking
privately with him They say that it is particularly miraculous in cases of infertility
Church Location
Address: Jr. de la Union street 6 crosing street La Merced- Lima-Peru.
4. Outdoor activity (4 points)

 Choose an outdoor activity you are interested in or enjoy

 Research: What does the activity consist of? What equipment is needed?
 Identify local clubs or areas to practice outdoors activities.
 Write questions: How do you feel about outdoor activities? What are the benefits of
these activities? What obstacles prevent people from participating? How can you
overcome these obstacles in your community?

This activity is enjoyed with family or friends, it can be done in different places.

Inside the campsite you can do various activities such as:

- Tell horror stories at night.
-Armed the tend.
4. Reading comphrension: Restaurant. Read through the text below, answer the
questions that follow. (4 points)

Look at the graph, which shows a restaurant's income, total expenditure and
advertising costs over an eight-month period. Which month do the sentences
underneath describe? For each sentence, choose a letter from A-H. Don't use a
letter more than once.

Q1 - In this month, total expenditure was at its highest while advertising costs
were at their lowest.

Q2 - This was the most profitable month.

Q3 - In this month, the restaurant made a loss, but advertising costs were lower
than in the previous month.

Q4 - In this month, the restaurant made £3,000 profit and advertising costs were
under £1,000.

Q5 - In this month, advertising costs were at their highest.


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