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Ficha caracterización 2104716


Centro de Industria y Construcción

SENA Regional Tolima- Centro de Industria y Construcción.

Plataforma de educación virtual.
Programa de Tecnólogo en Gestión de Mercados.
1. Lea el vocabulario ubicado en la sección “Vocabulary”. Desarrolle el crucigrama
de vocabulario sobre variables de segmentación y una los conceptos con los
términos referentes a este tema. Tome capturas de pantalla a los resultados
obtenidos y péguelos en el documento.
2. Lea el texto “Food arounf World” que se encuentra en la sección “Let’s read”.
Desarrolle los ejercicios de comprensión de lectura. Tome capturas de pantalla de
las respuestas correctas y péguelas en el documento.
3. Lea la información sobre contables y no contables en la sección “Let’s read” y
clasifique los sustantivos en contables y no contables. Tome captura de pantallade
los resultados obtenidos y péguelos en el documento.
4. Escuche un audio sobre una información provista por Albert Roberts, en la
sección “Let’s listen”. Desarrolle los ejercicios de comprensión sobre el audio y
tome capturas de pantalla de los resultados obtenidos. Guarde las capturas en el
5. Lea y escuche la información sobre los modismos en ingles en el contexto de los
6. Elabore una propuesta sobre como presentar un producto o servicio en el
mercado de la ciudad que Albert describió. Utilice el vocabulario y los modismos
estudiados en este Objeto de Aprendizaje. Grabe la propuesta en audio, en el
formato de su preferencia. El audio no debe durar más de dos minutos. Guarde el
archivo y envíelo al instructor a través de la plataforma virtual de aprendizaje.

Good morning everyone!
Thank you for attending this meeting.
I’ve gathered you all because I want to introduce Albert Roberts.
He’s an expert in marketing, and we have hired him to do some research in the city
where we’re planning to introduce our new product.

Albert Roberts
Good morning! As Jane said, my name’s Albert Roberts, and I’m here to tell you about
the main characteristics I observed in the city. About the population, I can say there are
about 8 million inhabitants in this city. 60% of them are women and 40% are men. 3
million people are between the ages of 60 and 90, 2 million are between 35 and 59, 2
million are young people between 20 and 34, 500.000 are teenagers between 13 and 19,
and the rest of the population are little kids aged 0 to 12 years old. I also found out that
60% of the elderly are pensioners, 50% of the adults are professional, 20% of the whole
population is poor, 50% have incomes that permit them to have good life conditions, and
30% of the population in this place is wealthy.

About the city itself, I found there are 10 malls, which were built by the same
construction company; their plan is to corner the market. Each of the malls has a movie
theater but there is only one 3D movie theater at one of these malls. It is really cutting
edge and has room for 300 people. Moreover, the city’s blockbuster of the year is the big
gym in the centre of town. People who exercise need to go to this gym because there are
few parks for them to run. The main attraction in the city is the amusement park. There
are roller coasters, live shows, there is an artificial beach, an outdoor water park, and
there are several nearby resorts. The people buy lots of convenience food because they
have busy lives, and because there is a convenience store in every corner of the city.
However, when they celebrate important dates, they cook at home because restaurants
are so expensive. There are also plenty of stores where all of the urban tribes: emos,
punks, rappers and others, find the clothes and the accessories they feel identified with.
These are, in general terms, the main things I observed in the city. We just need to work
out a strategy that permits us to successfully introduce our new product.
Pro-tilapias del Norte, is a producer of red tilapia, which seeks to meet the needs of the
local market, municipal and departmental, because the fish is a good source of protein,
vitamins and minerals that are essential for good nutrition and metabolic activity can be
considered a staple of the family basket, this because it has easily digestible protein and
is low in carbohydrates which means that it does not create fat deposits also in it are
essential amino acids that man is not able to make from vegetable protein.

It supplies homes, restaurants and family micro businesses with fresh, high quality red
tilapia with an average weight of 350-450 grams.

This product is delivered fresh and gutted. It leaves the collection center in clean and
disinfected baskets and plastic containers with ice, each weighing 10 kilograms, with
approximately 23 fish per container

Finally, from the environmental point of view, to the extent that cachamas, boca chico
and tilapia are raised and fattened in a more natural way, as much as possible without
so much concentrate content, and in ponds, it will be contributing to reduce the
problems of excessive water pollution and habitat degradation used in fish farming.

Pro-tilapias del Norte, es una empresa productora de tilapia roja, que busca suplir las
necesidades existentes en el mercado local, municipal y departamental, debido a que el
pescado es una buena fuente de proteínas, vitaminas y minerales que son indispensables
para la buena nutrición y actividad metabólica se puede considerar como un producto
básico de la canasta familiar, esto a causa de que posee proteína fácilmente digerible y es
baja en carbohidratos lo que significa que no crea depósitos de grasa también en él se
encuentran aminoácidos esenciales que el hombre no es capaz de elaborar a partir de
proteínas vegetales.
Suministra a hogares, restaurantes y micro empresas familiares, tilapia roja fresca, de
alta calidad con un peso promedio de 350-450 gramos.
Este producto se entrega fresco y eviscerado. Sale del centro de acopio en canasta y
contenedores plásticos con hielo, limpios y desinfectados cada una de 10 kilogramos con
aproximadamente 23 pescados por contenedor
Finalmente desde el punto de vista ambiental, en la medida en que se crié y engorden las
cachamas, el boca chico y la tilapia de una manera más natural, en lo posible sin tanto
contenido de concentrado, y en estanques se estará contribuyendo a reducir los
problemas de contaminación excesiva de las aguas y a la degradación de hábitat
utilizadas en la piscicultura.

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