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El trabajo de modelado para este taller, corresponderá a la construcción de una maqueta sencilla en donde se represente un lago o
cuerpo de agua, como parte de un afluente o rio, con sus elementos principales. Para esta labor, se proporcionarán una serie de
instrucciones acerca de las consideraciones y recomendaciones para asumir este trabajo, dejando en claro que como se indica son
consideraciones y recomendaciones generales, las cuales no implican necesariamente una camisa de fuerza al momento de poner en
práctica el proyecto. Además como existe un elemento artístico, se deja un espacio para la creatividad (eso si buscando que el
resultado sea lo solicitado en el taller). Lo que si hay que establecer desde este mismo instante, es el hecho de que las instrucciones
vienen complementadas con las imágenes del trabajo que se esta ejecutando en cada una de las etapas del proceso, pero están
escritas en ingles, de ahí la importancia de una correcta interpretación del lenguaje y de la imagen. El segundo trabajo de artística
será un motivo para el día de la madre, el cual corresponderá a una tarjeta desplegable con flores, como conmemoración de dicho
día (y al igual que el anterior estará en ingles). Los dos trabajos luego de elaborados, se les tomaran las respectivas fotos y se
enviaran por whatsapp o e-mail debidamente identificados con el NOMBRE COMPLETO DEL ALUMNO, el GRADO AL QUE PERTENECE

1. Maqueta sencilla de un lago o cuerpo de agua:

 Empty Cardboard Box
 Green Construction Paper
 Play Dough, Sandpaper, Paint
 Labels, Marker

Before you can make a landform diorama, you’ll need to find a base. You can use the lid of a cardboard box, a
Styrofoam packing insert, or really anything that is wide and shallow. This is something you don’t need to keep for
anything else as we’ll be gluing thing down inside.

Glue a piece of green construction paper to the bottom of your container. This will serve as land areas we can build
on! Grab some brown play dough and make a large mountain for the corner of your diorama. Use your thumb to
press a small indentation on the side of the mountain. Using white paint to represent snow, paint the top of the
mountain so that is it “snow-capped.”
Using blue paint, paint inside the groove on the mountain (representing the snow melting and a traveling stream)
and near the base of the mountain. This is a great visual for students to understand how in the summer snow melts
and water travels from the top of the mountain down to the valley.

Continue the path of water to the upper corner of the container. This will be our river and our lake later.
Add a few more landforms around your diorama. Place a small hill over near the mountain. Add a land island in the
middle of your water. Use artificial grass or painted crumpled paper to represent forests. Paint a separate body of
water that can represent a small lake or pond.

Cut a small wedge of sandpaper to fit the remaining corner of the container. This can represent a dessert in our
landform diorama.

Use a label maker or small label stickers to add titles to each of your landforms. If you are using this project for a
science fair, you can number each title to correspond with your science display board or written report.
If you have small plastic animals available, these would be a grea t way to expand your project to showcase animal
habitats! Just don’t place your polar bear in the desert!

2. Tarjeta desplegable con flores del Día de la Madre:

This is a tutorial for making a Seven Flower Pop Up Card. Trust me, it is easy to make and looks beautiful. It looks fresh and
can be made to greet on several occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, Mothers' day, friendship day or just to say a Hello!
1. Cut 7 squares of 8 x 8 cm each using colored papers of your choice.

2. Fold them into half.

3. Make the second fold, they take the shape of a square again.
4. Make a triangular fold from the top right corner.

5. With the triangles facing upwards, draw a petal like shape as shown in the picture.

6. Cut on the marked petal line and open up the squares. You will find them turned into beautiful flowers. Each flower has 8
7. Cut one petal from each flower. Now every flower should have only 7 petals.

8. Overlap one of the petals onto the other and bring the flower together by applying glue on one side and stick adjacent
petal on top of this petal.
9. Fold the flowers into half and arrange it in a way you want them to be in the bouquet. Apply glue as shown in the picture.
I have numbered the flowers so that I can make easier for you to locate the points to apply glue.

Very Important: Do not apply the glue to the entire petal but only like the points (white dots) shown in the image and stick
the two flowers only on the points marked, else the flower will not open up.

10. After sticking all flowers onto each other as shown in above picture, it will look like the one you see below.

11. Let it dry till for a couple of hours so that it gets the strength. If you open up instantly, the glue might not stay for long.
After a few hours, open it up, it looks like a bouquet.
12. Take a card stock paper sheet (or a thicker chart paper or ivory paper) measuring 27 x 22 cm aprox. You can choose the
paper which compliments with your flower colors the best.

13. Paint a 0.5 cm wide border with color of your choice. Hand painted borders give a very rustic feel to the card. I used
pink glitter acrylic color from Fevicryl Hobby Ideas.

14. To decorate the flowers further, apply glue in the center of each flower.
15. Cut approx 12 x 2.5 cm wide strips of paper and fringe them. That is, with a fine tip scissor, make vertical cuts on the
strip leaving some space (approx 0.4 cm) on the top of the strip. Roll it up and stick the ends. Insert it into the flower and
stick it in the center of each flower.

16. Hand paint some similar looking flowers on the front of the card with acrylic colors of your choice. Write your message
too on the front of the card. Also paint the borders of the flowers in the bouquet.
17. Cut out 6 petals from a green card stock paper.

18. Beautify the leaves further using your imagination. I used Fabrica cone liner, metallic 3D acrylic gold color, to line the
petals on the edges.

19. Now apply glue on the point as shown on the image, on both sides of the folded bouquet and paste it inside the card on
each side. Try to get it in the middle as far as possible. Let it stay idle for few hours before opening it up.
20. Now open up your beautiful card. Stick the petals on the sides of the bouquet.

Nota: Los materiales enunciados en esta manualidad, son los mínimos y necesarios para elaborarlo, pero si ud no cuenta
con alguno de ellos, puede utilizar otros similares que estén su alcance y que causen un efecto decorativo similar.

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