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Mientras la Alemania Nazi se expandía por toda Europa, en

mil novecientos cuarenta y dos miles de judíos fueron

llevados, junto con sus pertenencias a Auswitch Birkenau en
Polonia, donde una vez estando ahí eran separados entre
aptos y no aptos para el trabajo, los no aptos eran asesinados
ahí mismo y los aptos eran trasladados a una sección donde
eran despojados de sus pertenencias y objetos de valor,
después los rapaban y les tatuaban en el antebrazo su
número de serie y les otorgaban un uniforme, después de eso
les asignaban trabajos duros bajo condiciones pésimas para el
beneficio del ejército alemán y posteriormente tras a ver
estado en arduo trabajo los llevaban a cámaras de gas donde
eran asesinados con cianuro de hidrógeno, al día morían más
de diez mil personas bajo esta técnica o por los arduos
trabajos o simplemente por someterlos a torturas o
experimentos científicos . Los prisioneros dormían en literas y
tenían una dieta de cebada, pan, papas y agua, que se
dividían en dos comidas al día.
Hasta la derrota de la Alemania nazi, donde el ejército rojo
llega a Auswitch en enero de mil novecientos cuarenta y
cinco, libera a más de un millón trescientos de cautivos y son
llevados a Varsovia, posteriormente el ejército rojo mata a los
militares del campo y dinamita la mayor parte de este, así
como a otros campos.
While Nazi Germany was expanding throughout Europe, in
nineteen forty-two thousand Jews were taken, along with
their belongings to Auswitch Birkenau in Poland, where once
they were there they were separated between fit and unfit
for work, they were not fit were killed right there and the fit
were transferred to a section where they were stripped of
their belongings and valuables, then they were shaved and
tattooed on their forearms their serial number and granted
them a uniform, after that they were assigned hard jobs
under terrible conditions for the benefit of the German army
and later after seeing a state of hard work, they were taken to
gas chambers where they were killed with hydrogen cyanide,
more than ten thousand people died under this technique or
because of the hard work or simply for subjecting them to
torture or scientific experiments. The prisoners slept in bunk
beds and had a diet of barley, bread, potatoes and water,
which were divided into two meals a day.
Until the defeat of Nazi Germany, where the red army arrives
in Auswitch in January of nineteen forty-five, it releases more
than one million three hundred captives and they are taken
to Warsaw, later the red army kills the military of the field
and dynamite most of this, as well as other fields.

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