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Trabajo de Ingles

Taller 3

Zulibeth Pérez Herrera

Ingrid Molina


Instituto Técnico Distrital Cruzada Social

Taller # 3- Present Perfect Tense.
Se usa el presente perfecto para acciones que ocurrieron en un tiempo no concreto antes de ahora.
El tiempo específico no es importante. Por lo tanto, no solemos usar expresiones de tiempo
específicas. Se puede usar el presente perfecto con expresiones de tiempo no concretas: “never”,
“ever”, “many times”, “for”, “since”, “already”, “yet”….

Este concepto de tiempo no específico es bastante difícil de comprender. Pero aquí están algunos
ejemplos: I have loved you since the day I met you. (Te he querido desde el día que te conocí.) O en
preguntas como:
How long has Michael been  in Barcelona? (¿Cuánto tiempo ha estado Michael en Barcelona.)
También usamos el presente perfecto para describir una experiencia. No lo usamos para acciones
Ejemplo: I have never flown in a plane. (Nunca he volado en un avión.)
Además, cuando queremos expresar un cambio en el tiempo.
Ejemplo: Their English has improved a lot this year. (Su inglés (el inglés de ellos) ha mejorado mucho
este año.)
Recuerden que el verbo principal lo usamos siempre en participio pasado, que son los de la tercera
columna en la lista de verbos.

A- Translate into Spanish.
1. My parents have been to Bogota many times.
 Mis padres han estado en Bogotá muchas veces.

2. Flu has killed more people around the world than the Coronavirus.
 La gripa ha matado a muchas personas en el mundo mas que el coronavirus.

3. Keren has not sent the teachers her work yet.

 Karen aun no ha enviado a los maestros sus trabajos.

4. I have already sent my school tasks.

 Ya he enviado mist areas escolares.

5. Have you heard the news about the pandemic today?

 ¿Has oido las noticias sobre la pandemia hoy?

B- Translate into English.

1. ¿Has ido al doctor últimamente?, ¿Qué te ha dicho?
 Have you been to the doctor lately? What did he said?
2. Maury ha tomado cursos de inglés gratis desde el año pasado.
 Maury has taken free English courses since last year.

3. Los medicos han estudiado la posibilidad de una vacuna para el Covid-19.

 Doctors have studied the possibility of a vaccine for Covid- 19.

4. Nosotros hemos visto cómo la gente ha perdido su trabajo en estos días.

 We have seen how people have lost their jobs these days.

5. Yo he pensado mucho en la situación que estamos viviendo.

 I thought a lot about the situation we are experiencing.


Ex: 0- We have gone to July’s party many times.
N: We have not gone to July’s party many times.
I: Have we gone to July’s party many times?
1- She has written two love letter.
 She has written two love letter.
(-) she hasn’t written two love letter.
(?) Has she written two love letter?

2- My parents have worked since they were children.

 My parents have worked since they were children.
(-) My parents haven’t worked since they were children.
(?)Have my parents worked since they were children?

3- You have already done your homework.

 You have already done your homework.
(-) You haven’t already done your homework.
(?)Have you already done your homework?

4- My friend has lost four subjects in this term.

 My friend has lost four subjects in this term.
(-) My friend hasn’t lost four subjects in this term.
(?)Has my friend lost four subjects in this term?

6. I’ve played basketball for three hours.

 I’ve played basketball for three hours.
(-) I haven’t played basketball for three hours.
(?)Have you I played basketball for three hours?



1- Katherine has worked (work) for Smith before she came to work for us.
2- Janet have lived (live) in Boston for five years.
3- The Titanic has sank (sink) in 1912.
4- I have lost (lose) my key yesterday, so I couldn’t get into the house.
5- Charlie has seen (see) the movie Titanic three time. He’s going to see it again tonight.
6- I have walked (walk) to work every day for the las six weeks!
7- Somebody has stolen (steal) my bicycle! Now I’ll have to walk home.
8- Her brother has visited (visit) my parent last month.
9- When she was young she has written (write) for a newspaper.
10-Ouch! I have cut (cut) my finger!
11-Gerald have fell (fall) off his bike twice this week.


Dear Mashie,

I’ve had a busy day. I have tidied my bedroom. It was untidy. I’ve finished my homework. I had

English and Science homework. English is my favorite subject at school. I’ve helped my mum. My

mum wanted to make lunch for my aunt and uncle. We ate chicken and rice. It was very nice. I’ve

talked to my friends on telephone, too. We will play basketball together tomorrow, if weather is

good. I haven’t visited my grandparents, but I must go. I’m going to see them tomorrow morning.

I haven’t watched television. I’m going to watch a film this evening.

See you soon,

Answer, use full answer.
1- Has Mayra tidied her room? Yes, she has.
2- Will she play with her friends if it’s raining? Not, she will only play if the weather good.
3- Has Mayra visited her grandparents? Not, she hasn’t.
4-Is she going to watch a film this evening? Yes, she is.
5-Has Mayra finished her homework? Yes, she has.

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