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Ejemplos oraciones presente continuo ingles

El presente continuo o presente progresivo (present continuous tense) se forma

escribiendo el verbo to be que corresponde a cada sujeto y el verbo principal con
la terminaci�n -ing, esta terminaci�n corresponde al gerundio en espa�ol:

I am working (Yo estoy trabajando)

You are working (T� est�s trabajando)
He is working (�l est� trabajando)
She is working (Ella est� trabajando)
It is working (Eso est� trabajando)
You are working (Usted est� trabajando)
We are working (Nosotros estamos trabajando)
They are working (Ellos est�n trabajando)
El presente continuo describe una situaci�n que est� sucediendo en el momento en
que se habla:

He is playing in the park. (�l est� jugando en el parque)

Tambi�n, sirve para expresar algo que suceder� en el futuro:

I am getting up early next week. (Yo me estoy levantando temprano la siguiente

Las contracciones son comunes:

I�m (I am)
You�re (You are)
He�s (He is)
She�s (She is)
It�s (It is)
We�re (We are)
You�re (You are)
They�re (They are)
Ejemplos sin contracciones:

She is reading the newspaper in the living room. (Ella est� leyendo el peri�dico en
la sala)
You are working very hard. (T� est�s trabajando muy duro)
They are playing in the park. (Ellos est�n jugando en el parque)
She is doing the work of two people. (Ella est� haciendo el trabajo de dos
He is speaking German. (�l est� hablando alem�n)
The plane is leaving the airport. (El avi�n est� saliendo del aeropuerto)
He is playing in the park. (�l est� jugando en el parque)
They are selling books there. (Ellos est�n vendiendo libros all�)
They are playing chess. (Ellos est�n jugando ajedrez)
The boy is crying because his toy is broken. (El ni�o est� llorando porque su
juguete est� roto)
The telephone is ringing. (El tel�fono est� sonando)
Someone is knocking the door. (Alguien est� tocando la puerta)
Ejemplos con contracciones:

They�re waiting for you. (Ellos te est�n esperando)

It�s raining. (Est� lloviendo)
He�s sleeping. (Ella est� durmiendo)
She�s cleaning the room now. (Ella est� limpiando la habitaci�n ahora)
She�s looking for the book which she lost. (Ella est� buscando el libro que perdi�)
He�s taking a bath. (�l se est� ba�ando)
I�m fixing the machine. (Yo estoy arreglando la m�quina)
We�re planning a party. (Nosotros estamos planeando una fiesta)
They�re eating in the restaurant on the corner. (Ellos est�n comiendo en el
restaurante de la esquina)
She�s traveling to Europe. (Ella est� viajando a Europa)
I�m having my dance lesson. (Yo estoy tomando mi lecci�n de baile)
He�s watching his favorite television program. (�l est� viendo su programa de
televisi�n favorito)

Good morning students.Today's class is present progressive we will use the verb to
be and the verbs in gerund form.FUNCIONES DEL "PRESENT CONTINUOUS" AND SIMPLE

Como ocurre con todos los tiempos verbales del ingl�s, la actitud del hablante es
tan importante como el momento en que ocurre la acci�n o el evento. Al emplear el
"present continuous", nos estamos refiriendo a algo que no ha terminado o est�


para describir una acci�n que est� teniendo lugar en este momento: You are using
the Internet. You are studying English grammar.
para describir una tendencia o una acci�n que est� sucediendo en la actualidad: Are
you still working for the same company? More and more people are becoming
para describir una acci�n o evento futuros que ya est�n programados: We're going on
holiday tomorrow. I'm meeting my boyfriend tonight. Are they visiting you next
para describir una situaci�n o evento temporales: He usually plays the drums, but
he's playing bass guitar tonight. The weather forecast was good, but it's raining
at the moment.
con "always, forever, constantly", para describir y enfatizar una sucesi�n de
acciones repetidas: Harry and Sally are always arguing! You're constantly
complaining about your mother-in-law!
El "present continuous" de cualquier verbo se compone de dos partes: el presente
del verbo to be + el "present participle" del verbo principal.

(Para formar el "present participle": ra�z+ing, e.g. talking, playing, moving,


Sujeto + to be + ra�z + ing
She is talking.
Sujeto + to be + not + ra�z + ing
She is not (isn't) talking
to be + sujeto + ra�z + ing
Is she talking?
Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa
I am going I am not going Am I going?
You are going You aren't going. Are you going?
He, she, it is going He, she, it isn't going Is he, she, it going?
We are going We aren't going Are we going?
You are going You aren't going Are you going?
They are going They aren't going Are they going?


James is travelling around Australia. He is staying at a youth hostel in a little
Australian town. The town is becoming more and more popular because of its
beautiful beaches.

James is meeting his friend Brad in town tonight. Brad is working there as a tour
guide over the summer.

James is in the town centre now. Look! James is taking a picture of another

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