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Mi Álbum

Textos e ilustraciones: ___________________________________________________Grado: _____

Una estrategia didáctica del Área de Filosofía de la I.E. Santa Elena para los grados 6º y 7º.
Docente: Juan David Arias Calle Correo-e:
Uno de los más grandes obstáculos con que se enfrenta la práctica filosófica
con los niños y jóvenes es el de la formidable terminología de la tradición filosófica.
Comprometerse en la actividad filosófica, ya sea como estudiante de una carrera o
una licenciatura en filosofía, o como profesional de la filosofía, implica aprender a
operar con un vocabulario técnico sancionado por 2.500 años de uso. El prestigio y
el poder de este vocabulario son absolutamente abrumadores. Éstos ciertamente
son suficientes para intimidar a cualquier niño o joven que se haya atrevido a
aventurarse entre las páginas de un libro de filosofía. Ésta es la razón básica por la
cual el trabajo filosófico con los niños y jóvenes requiere pasar por alto, o de lado,
ese vocabulario. En la medida de lo posible, el pensamiento filosófico entre los niños
y jóvenes debe ser estimulado de tal manera que dicho pensamiento tenga lugar en
los términos y conceptos del lenguaje ordinario, que es aquel con el que ellos se
sienten más cómodos.

(Matthew Lipman, Ann M. Sharp y Frederick S. Oscanyan. La filosofía en el salón de clases, 1980).

Cómo llenar tu álbum

El propósito de este Álbum filosófico, diseñado para ser ilustrado y escrito por estudiantes de los grados
6º y 7º de la Institución Educativa Rural Santa Elena, del Municipio de Medellín, Colombia, es que los niños
y niñas se apropien y construyan su propio vocabulario filosófico a través del fascinante juego del llenado
de álbumes.

El álbum contiene un total de 46 láminas. Las primeras 24, corresponden a un término o concepto
importante para el estudio de la historia o los problemas fundamentales de la filosofía. Las siguientes 18,
de autoría del abogado y artista estadounidense Ian Vanderwalker (textos en inglés), presentan los retratos,
al modo de muñecos de acción, de un igual número de reconocidos filósofos. Las 4 restantes se consideran
láminas fuera de serie, para que cada estudiante, de manera libre, aporte los cuatro términos filosóficos
que más le llamen la atención durante el año escolar.

Tanto el espacio para las ilustraciones, como el de los textos que acompañan las láminas 1 a 24, han sido
dejados en blanco para que sean los propios estudiantes quienes ilustren y definan cada entrada, según
su imaginación y creatividad. Se sugiere emplear un máximo de 20 palabras para definir cada término, y
hay total libertad en cuanto a la técnica pictórica y los materiales empleados para las ilustraciones.

Las láminas 25 a 42, serán entregadas por el profesor de filosofía durante las actividades de aula, como
una manera de estimular la participación activa, y otros aspectos actitudinales o comportamentales de los
estudiantes. Al finalizar el año lectivo, los autores expondrán su obra a la comunidad educativa.
Algunos verbos de uso
corriente en Filosofía

3. SENTIR: ________________________________
1. PENSAR: _______________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

4. PERCIBIR: ______________________________
2. SER: ___________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
5. VER: ___________________________________ 6. MIRAR: _________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

7. CONTEMPLAR: __________________________
______________________________________________ 8. SABER: _________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Los conceptos fundantes

10. SUSTANCIA: ___________________________

9. TIEMPO: ________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

11. ALMA: _________________________________ 12. CUERPO: ______________________________

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
13. DEVENIR: ______________________________
______________________________________________ 14. ETERNIDAD: ___________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

15. FINITUD: _______________________________

______________________________________________ 16. ALTERIDAD: ____________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
17. ESPÍRITU: ______________________________
______________________________________________ 18. MATERIA: ______________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

19. FINITUD: _______________________________

______________________________________________ 20. INFINITO: ______________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Vocablos éticos

22. LO BUENO: _____________________________

21. LIBERTAD: _____________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

23. LO MALO: ______________________________ 24. EL DEBER: _____________________________

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
The "Angry" Ancients
25. "Plunderous" Plato The "Terrible" Transcendental
26. "Arrogant" Aristotle Idealist
36. "Killer" Kant
The "Merciless" Medievals
27. "Awful" Augustine The "Abominable" Absolute Idealist
28. "Angry" Anselm 37. "Hateful" Hegel
29. "Acrimonious" Aquinas
The "Contumelious" Continental The "Exacerbating" Existentialist
Rationalists 38. "Nefarious" Nietzsche
30. "Dangerous" Descartes
31. "Spiteful" Spinoza The "Antagonistic" Analytic
32. "Liable" Leibniz Philosophers
39. "Ferocious" Frege
The "Brutal" British Empiricists 40. "Vindictive" Wittgenstein
33. "Lethal" Locke 41. "Rough" Russell
34. "Bashin'" Bishop Berkeley 42. Quine "The Quasher"
35. "Hurt 'em" Hume
“I had a little extra time on my hands the summer after my first year as a graduate student
in Indiana University's prestigious philosophy department, so I decided to take on a project
that would blend two of my greatest interests at the time--or rather, one of my petty
distractions and my greatest interest, which are philosophy and toys, respectively. I wanted
to do something that would bring a discipline that is often seen as difficult, esoteric, and
even irrelevant, into new light--especially in the eyes of young people. Pretty early on, we
made it onto David Chalmers's comprehensive list of philosophy humor sites (although it
looks like he hasn't updated his links for several years--where are his priorities?).
Philosophical Powers is periodically mentioned in some nerd thing or another--even Reddit.
Somebody who actually wanted to make a product ripped off the idea (which clearly I'm the
only person to have thought of) for some finger puppets, and of course there's these
Words and pictures by Ian Vandewalker 2003-2004
The "Angry" Ancients 26. Aristóteles [384-322 B.C.E.]
Nationality: Greek
Group Alliances: "Angry" Ancients and "Vicious" Virtue
Powers: walking
25. Platón [circa Weaknesses: some people think maybe he could have taught
427-347 B.C.E.] Alexander the Great a little more about diplomacy.
Group Alliances:
"Angry" Ancients,
"Rabid" Realists and
"Ragin'" Rationalists.
Powers: talented
invulnerable skin
Weaknesses: his
mentor was
executed early in
Plato's career,
leaving him to come
up with some pretty
weird stuff on his

The "Merciless" Medievals

28. San Anselmo

Nationality: Italian
Group Alliances:
Schoolmen, "Thorny"
Theists, "Belligerent"
Benedictines and
"Sadistic" Saints
Powers: the power
to preserve rectitude
of the will for its own
27. San Agustín [354-430] Weaknesses:
Nationality: from Numidia, a Roman province in northern Africa vulnerable to
Group Alliances: "Nefarious" Neoplatonists, "Thorny" Theists Gaunilo's™ Perfect
and "Sadistic" Saints Island® attack.
Powers: cognition aided by divine illumination; shape shifting
Weaknesses: inability to do anything that will earn the divine
grace necessary to make up for original sin.
29. Santo Tomás de
Aquino [1225-1274
Nationality: Italian
Group Alliances:
"Monstrous" Moderate
Realists, "Dominating"
Dominicans and
"Sadistic" Saints.
Powers: breathes
sainthood not all it's
cracked up to be.

The "Contumelious" Continental 31. Baruch Spinoza [1632-1677]

Rationalists Nationality: Jewish/Portugese/Dutch
Group Alliances: "Contumelious" Continental Rationalists,
"Destructive" Determinists and
30. René Descartes [1596-1650] "Pernicious" Pantheists
Nationality: French Powers: knowledge of the infinite intellect of God, invisibility.
Group Alliances:"Contumelious" Continental Rationalists and
"Duelin'" Dualists
Powers: certainty, laser vision
Weaknesses: Cartesian circle, susceptibility to bronchial

32. Gottfried
Wilhelm Leibniz
Nationality: German
Group Alliances:
Rationalists and
"Nasty" Nativists
Powers: monads
The "Brutal" British Empiricists
34 George
Berkeley [1685-
Nationality: Irish
Group Alliances: "
"Brutal" British
"Infamous" Idealists
and Catholic Church
Powers: God on his
side (not a unique
power among
Moderns), ninja
stealth skills.
Weaknesses: eye-
closing defense is
vulnerable to
Samuel Johnson's™

The "Terrible" Transcendental

33. John Locke [1632-1704]
Nationality: English Idealist
Group Alliances: "Brutal" British Empiricists, and "Sorrow-
causin'" Social Contract Theorists.
Primary qualities: invulnerability, super strength
Secondary qualities: smells great, facility with prose

35. David Hume

Group Alliances:
"Brutal" British
Empiricists and
"Scary" Skeptics
Powers: Scottish
Karate, local
Never really sure
about anything other
than the contents of
his own experience.
36. Immanuel Kant [1724-1804]
Nationality: Prussian
Group Alliances: "Terrible" Transcendental Idealists,
"Destructive" Deontologists and "Contemptible" Constructivists
Powers: follows rules well, can leap as high as hundreds of
times his own height
Weaknesses: sometimes seen as overly critical.
The "Antagonistic" Analytic
The "Abominable" Absolute Idealist

37. Georg
Friedrich Hegel
Group Alliances:
“Genocidal” German
Idealists, and
Absolute Idealists
Powers: he is
Weaknesses: he is
39. Gottlob Frege [1848-1925]
Nationality: German
Group Alliances: "Loathsome" Logicists, and "Ragin'" Realists
Powers: first axiomatization of logic; knowledge of eternal,
immaterial entities
The "Exacerbating" Existentialist Weaknesses: Russell's Paradox, unpopular with publishers.

38. Friedrich
Nietzsche [1844-
Nationality: German
Group Alliances:
"Aggressive" Atheists, 40. Ludwig
and "Reprehensible" Wittgenstein
Relativists [1889-1951]
Powers: remarkably Nationality:
original, ahead of his time Austrian
Weaknesses: crazy nationalized British
Group Alliances:
"Libertine" Linguistic
Powers: poker-
wielding ability
teaching ability.
41. Bertrand
[1872-1970] 42. Willard Van Orman
Nationality Quine [1908-2000]
British Nationality: from the United
Group States
Alliances: Group Alliances:
"Antagonistic" "Antagonistic" Analytic
Analytic Philosophers, "Loathsome"
Philosophers, Logicists, "Homocidal"
"Loathsome" Holistic Empiricists, and "No-
Logicists, and good" Naturalists.
"Noisome" Powers: in 1951, he
Nobel punched through the wall
Laureates. between the legendary twin
Powers: cities of Analyti City and
comprehension Syntheti City, thereby
of sets debunking the Empiricist
Weaknesses: Dogma that Analyti City was
radical political populated.
views about Weaknesses: possible
war and nuclear world semantics, baldness.
weapons being

Colección Fuera de Serie

43. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 44. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
45. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Control de llenado:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46


Jaime Alberto Vélez González (Colombia)
El cordero permanecía solo, encerrado en su casa, cuando oyó que
llamaban a la puerta.
- ¿Quién es? –preguntó.
- Soy tu madre– respondió el lobo con voz fingida-. Ábreme, por favor.
- Debo creerte–dijo el cordero- porque nadie debe mentir.
- Claro, hijo. Te felicito por tu sensatez–repuso el lobo.
- Pero en caso de que tú fueras mi madre–prosiguió el cordero–, ya no
sería hijo tuyo.
El lobo enmudeció.
- Entonces, ¿quién sería yo? ¿Ah? –preguntó con insistencia el
El lobo comprendió que resultaba imposible deshacer un cerrojo como
aquel, de modo que decidió retirarse en silencio del lugar.
(Tomado de: Bajo la piel del lobo. Bogotá: Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia, 2002)

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