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JUNIO 2019.


El monitoreo y control de la contaminación atmosférica en Bogota ha tomado día a día
mayor importancia, debido a que, según cifras de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, una
de cada ocho muertes ocurridas a nivel mundial, es ocasionada por la contaminación del
Según los últimos informes de calidad del aire en bogota, el contaminante con mayor
potencial de afectación en el territorio nacional es el Material Particulado Menor a 2,5 micras
(PM2.5), el cual está constituido por partículas pequeñas, producidas por los vehículos
pesados que utilizan diésel como combustible, y que pueden transportar material muy
peligroso para el cuerpo como metales pesados, compuestos orgánicos y virus, afectando
de este modo las vías respiratorias.
Bogota tiene una Red de Monitoreo de Calidad del Aire, que permite recolectar información
sobre la concentración de material particulado (PM10, PST, PM2.5), de gases
contaminantes (SO2, NO2, CO, O3), precipitación, velocidad y dirección del viento,
temperatura, radiación solar, humedad relativa y presión barométrica, en forma continua y
permanente. Está Red está definida como un SVCA nivel IV y cuenta con 12 estaciones de
medición fijas automáticas y una estación móvil
un conjunto de quipos de monitoreo de los contaminantes atmosféricos, que se encuentran
instalados en un lugar de interés con un propósito determinado; esta infraestructura debe
estar acompañada de todas las actividades necesarias para su correcto funcionamiento,
dentro de las cuales se puede mencionar la operación por personal calificado, programas
de mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo, un sistema de administración de información que
permita una correcta validación de los datos, entre otras. Su implementación se realiza bien
sea cuando se presenta una problemática específica relacionada con la calidad del aire, o
en zonas con población por encima de los cincuenta mil habitantes.
CONTAMINACIÓN ATMOSFERICA: La contaminación atmosférica es la presencia que
existe en el aire de pequeñas partículas o productos secundarios gaseosos que pueden
implicar riesgo, daño o molestia para las personas, plantas y animales que se encuentran
expuestas a dicho ambiente.
Los principales medios por los cuales se produce contaminación atmosférica se concentran
en los procesos industriales en donde se realiza combustión, así como por fuentes móviles
tales como los automóviles.
RED DE MONITOREO: Permite recolectar información sobre la concentración de
contaminantes de origen antropogénico y natural y el comportamiento de las variables
meteorológicas que regulan la distribución de los mismos en la atmósfera bogotana.
MATERIAL PARTICULADO: Mezcla de partículas líquidas y sólidas, de sustancias
orgánicas e inorgánicas, que se encuentran en suspensión en el aire. El material particulado
forma parte de la contaminación del aire. Su composición es muy variada y podemos
encontrar, entre sus principales componentes, sulfatos, nitratos, el amoníaco, el cloruro
sódico, el carbón, el polvo de minerales, cenizas metálicas y agua.

ESTACIONES: Permiten medir la contaminación de fondo en condiciones naturales, la calidad del

aire en zonas urbanas y también entornos industriales. De forma general se clasifican según el área
donde estén; rurales, urbanas o suburbanas y según el origen de la contaminación que este
recogiendo; tráfico, industria o fondo (cuando es una mezcla de varias fuentes).
d. Introduction: previous studies, or developments in the area selected for the phase-
2 air quality monitoring network designed, justification of the area in which the air
Quality n Activities in the area. The activities in the area can be known from statistics and
censuses, both population and industrial and, of course, through field trips. The type of
network that must be installed depends basically on the activities in the area. For example,
if the primary activity is the industrial one, the measurement should focus on this type of
pollutant; if it is a purely residential area, the pollutants coming from vehicular, commercial
and service emissions should be measured
Meteorological information The meteorological information is fundamental to establish a
diagnosis of the air quality in a determined locality, for which reason it is recommended to
establish contact with the meteorological services of the study area. It is important to say
that the purposes of the meteorological service may be focused on others than that of
measuring air quality, such as: weather forecasts, air traffic support and services to
agriculture and hydrology. In this sense, although in some cases it is possible to have
meteorological information, it will not always be possible to have information related to air
Topographic information Topography is an important factor in the selection of monitoring
sites due to the effect of this on local winds and stability conditions. There are many urban
and / or industrial developments that have settled in valleys where conditions favor the
formation of thermal inversions, which make the dispersion of pollutants difficult. Cities built
on hilly terrain show substantial variations in concentrations within the urban area. In
general, the more complex the terrain, the more measurement sites will be needed.
Mountains, lakes and oceans are other geographical aspects that affect the dispersion of

In the selection of an air quality measurement zone, first of all the fulfillment of the
measurement objectives must be considered (Manual 1). However, it has been found that
due to both budgetary and time constraints, it is practically impossible to place a very large
number of stations in a given area. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate the distribution of
concentrations throughout the locality to be studied, carrying out a limited number of
measurements or by means of a simulation, although it will always be necessary to specify
the representativeness of each station. There are different methodologies for selecting the
sites where the measuring stations should be installed, ranging from the creation of a grid
of the study area, to the use of complex statistical models that provide us with the number
and optimal distribution of the stations. , but that depend closely on the amount of information
with which the model is fed (Martínez, 1997). It is worth mentioning that sometimes there is
not enough information, so the experience and knowledge of the area becomes a factor of
equal importance. In addition, the location results obtained through these methodologies
often have to be changed due to the lack of infrastructure (availability of water, electricity,
etc.), insecurity or difficult access of the selected site.

The following section describes how to determine the distribution of pollutant

concentrations in a zone: so that later on the number of measurement sites can be
established in the design of a new network, and / or evaluate the coverage of a network. it
already exists.
Determination of the distribution of pollutant concentrations. Knowing the distribution of
pollutant concentrations is extremely important to establish a study area and locate where
and how many air quality measurement stations will be integrated into the network. Below
are listed and describe some methodologies to perform this activity.
• Simplified measurement.
• Sampling to trial.
• Simple random sampling.
• Systematic sampling.
• Stratified sampling.
• Information overlap

e. Methods: information of the area for the air quality monitoring network
implementation, demographical data, weather, air quality problems registered and
available actual technology (3 to 5 pages).

Information of the area for the implementation of the air quality monitoring network.
The Capital District has the Bogota Air Quality Monitoring Network - RMCAB, which allows
collecting information on the concentration of anthropogenic and natural pollutants and the
behavior of the meteorological variables that regulate the distribution of pollutants in
Bogotá's atmosphere .
The data collected in different parts of the city are received at a central station where they
undergo a final validation process and subsequent analysis in order to assess compliance
with the air quality standards in Bogota given by Resolution 610 of 24 March 2010 issued
by the then Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development (MAVDT). In
addition, basic information is provided for the definition of pollution control and
environmental management policies.

Kennedy's RMCAB is made up of 7 fixed monitoring stations and a mobile station, located
in different parts of the city, equipped with state-of-the-art equipment that allows continuous
monitoring of particulate material concentrations (PM10, PM2.5) , of polluting gases (O3)
meteorological station of precipitation, wind speed and direction, temperature, solar
radiation, relative humidity and barometric pressure.
Demographic data
The locality represents 4.5% of the total area of the city, it is the eighth locality in total
territorial extension with 3,861 hectares, and the second in extension of urban area; it has
316 Ha. (0.18%) of expansion floor. It does not have rural land.
The town of Kennedy is located in the south-western sector of the city and is demarcated as
follows: on the East, it borders Avenue of the Eucharistic Congress (AV KR 68); by the North,
with the Fucha River and the CL 13; to the South, with the Autopista Sur, Tunjuelito River
and CL 40 Sur Avenue; by the West, with Camino Osorio Bosa and the Municipality of

The local climate is very close to the parameters of the District, with rain and drought
seasons; there are two rainy seasons per year, an average temperature of 14 ° C; relative
humidity from 86% to 87% in the rainy months, and from 79% to 81% in the dry months;
precipitation from 151 to 218 mm in the rainy months and from 29 to 54 mm in the dry
months, according to the Local Environmental Agendas of the Administrative Department of
the Environment (DAMA).

Registered air quality problems.

Air pollution originated by mobile sources given the high vehicular traffic. - Pollution by
particles caused by industrial activity especially industries settled legally and illegally.
(Industrial sectors of Dry Cleaners, Foundry, Carboneras, Hydrocarbons, Open Burning and

Environmental deterioration to the atmosphere. - According to the Bogotá Air Quality
Monitoring Network, the zone presents a marked index at vehicular and industrial levels,
which determine high levels of particulate material and gases. - Respiratory diseases in
children and older adults.
Real technology available.
Manual active samplers.
Low Vol Equipment (Low Volume Sampler).
Portable Sampler.
Semi-automatic active samplers.
Automatic analyzers.
Automatic Equipment for Gas Measurement.
Remote sensors.
Measurement of Black Carbon (Aetalometry).
Bibliographic references.

Uñates, Carlos A. (2014). Guide for the understanding and use of air quality models. Santa
Fe, AR: Ediciones UNL. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 24 November 2016. Retrieved dehttp:
// 2077 / lib / unadsp / reader.action? Ppg = 12 & docID =
11046255 & tm = 1480030627108

Pérez, O. Y. (2011). Modeling of air quality in the CUJAE campus using the ENVI-met 3.1
model. Havana, CU: D - José Antonio Echeverría Higher Polytechnic Institute. CUJAE.
Retrieved dehttp: // 2077 / lib / unadsp / reader.action? Ppg =
14 & docID = 10624229 & tm = 1480028719575


FROM NASA. [Video file]. Retrieved from:

Kumar, A., Jimenez, R., Belalcazar, L.C., & Rojas, N.Y. (2016). Application of WRF-Chem
model to simulate PM10 concentration over Bogota. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 16
(5), 1206-1221. Retrieved dehttps: //
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