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Por otra parte, a menos que esté haciendo un doctorado o tratando de entrar en la

escuela de medicina o derecho, hay pocos casos en los que alguien en su vida post-
universitaria va a estar interesado en lo bien que se anotó en sus módulos. Y, en el
caso de la ley o la medicina, si obtuviste puntajes directos, pero no tienes nada que
ofrecer al comité de admisiones, aparte de un increíble historial académico,
probablemente no consigas una aceptación de todos modos. Demostrar cómo usted
la red con otros bebiera. Por supuesto, usted no tiene que ser un extrovertido.
Simplemente desarrolle conexiones positivas y mantenga contacto con ellos.

There's a powerful argument for self - development place of academic perfection that
is unrelated to future employers. It is thought that the most valuable knowledge in a
knowledge-driven culture is self-knowledge. Knowing what drives you, inspires you and
fulfills you and then be able to balance these interests with the things that you need to
do, is what a happy life looks like. College is the best time to start learning this and
often that comes from your interaction with your course mates, not professorial

So, if you're heading back to campus in the next few days keep your textbooks close,
but keep your social calendar closer.

Hay un argumento poderoso para el lugar de auto-desarrollo de la perfección

académica que no está relacionado con los futuros empleadores. Se cree que el
conocimiento más valioso en una cultura basada en el conocimiento es el
autoconocimiento. Saber lo que te impulsa, te inspira y te satisface y luego ser capaz
de equilibrar estos intereses con las cosas que usted necesita hacer, es lo que parece
una vida feliz. La universidad es el mejor momento para aprender esto y muchas
veces eso viene de tu interacción con tus compañeros de curso, no de conferencias
de profesores.

Por lo tanto, si regresas al campus en los próximos días, mantén tus libros de texto
cerca, pero mantén tu calendario social más cerca.


7 In fact, this year's college students would be wise to do less studying and more socializing.

9 Researchers found that 43% of college grades awarded to alumni are top scores.

11 How you expand your social circle and make contacts says more.

13. If you got straight top scores, but don't have anything to offer the admissions committee other
than an incredible track record, you're probably not getting an acceptance letter anyway.
Knowing what drives you, inspires you and fulfills you and then be able to balance these interests with the thin
gs that you need to do, is what a happy life looks like. College is the best time to start learning this.

I grew up in England which is where I studied and without doubt, I believe that the university years
are the best years of your life. In the UK, students are always partying and socializing but they also
know when it is time to study. Students are encouraged to participate in groups and clubs relating to
university life and to build positive relationships that will help them in the future both personally and

What surprised me when I came to Chile, was that students had less time to socialize because they
had classes all day. In England, I was in classes about 15 hours each week and the rest of the time,
we had to study and work independently. I had to learn to manage my time so that I could work,
study and socialize. I think I socialized a lot when I was studying but not excessively because I
wanted to get good grades and also earn money in my job to go travelling in the summer. I always
tried to find a balance.

Having read the article, I think that grades reveal very little about a person. Very often, people
simply study the night before the test and retain just enough information to pass the test, but then
they forget all the information. Many believe that a person who starts studying the night before the
test, is not good at time management and they are unfocused and lazy. But, if they get good grades,
nobody knows about their defects, just that they got a high score.

I truly believe that my course mates would describe me as friendly and helpful, who studies when it is
necessary but tries not get too stressed about things. I think they would agree with me that
expanding your social circle will help you to develop a positive attitude for the times when things are
difficult such as the end of the semester. They would say that I like to party, but not too much.

having read the article, I find that / haber leído el artículo, considero que

Based on the text and my own knowledge, i can say that / Basado en el texto y mi propio conocimiento,
puedo decir que

I truly believe that / Realmente creo que

Without a doubt, one can say that / Sin duda, se puede decir que

what surprise with me, was that / qué sorpresa conmigo fue eso

What shocked me, was that / Lo que me sorprendió fue que

Undoubtedly, based on my knowledge and experience, I can say that I don’t agree with the audio at
all. It is not correct at all to suggest that people who socialize get poor grades but I think that a
balance is essential. The thing that surprised me the most is that students who always use social
media are very often depressed or stressed. The majority of people I know who are always on
Facebook are actually very social and get really good grades because they manage their time well.
Therefore, I don’t think that the research in this audio is correct.
Actually, I am not a person who is always on Facebook because I simply don't have time.For instance,
when I was younger and I didn't work as much, I was constantly updating my status and commenting
on every photograph that was in my news feed. Then I just got too busy to do all that. A lot of people
would disappear from Facebook because they have their own real lives and so the original reason that
I had the account was no longer the case because I couldn't reach my friends. Now we just use
WhatsApp. It's quicker and with fewer distractions. Based on this, I am not always getting distracted
by social networking sites such as Facebook due to time constraints.

It is advisable for those who study at university to make contacts that will help them professionaly
after they graduate.

It is advisable for those who study at university to make contacts that will help them professionaly
after they graduate.

She didn't stay in contact with the people she knew in her home city so she needs to expand her
social circle here

In the beginning, I was a little isolated before I made some friends and we spend time together

Being an extrovert is not necessary to find friends, just be nice

At university, tyou can find lots of activities and events to help you make new friends

It is important to form new connections if your family don't live near you

When studying at university it is important to go out and meet new people, not just study all the time

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