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Comercio vivo y de calidad en el barrio que contribuye a la

cohesión social.
El Consorcio seguirá, pues, trabajando para que en un
horizonte no muy lejano, pero suficiente, se pueda disfrutar
de un barrio renovado en positivo. Con buena convivencia
vecinal, civismo en la calle y participación del vecindario en la
vida pública. Donde haya mejores oportunidades de trabajo,
desarrollo personal, social
y económico; que
consiga definitivamente hacer desaparecer la exclusión
social y la vida en precario.

Un barrio más diverso, donde la combinación de vivienda

protegida y libre y la llegada de nueva población contribuya a la
integración de una nueva comunidad entre los vecinos de siempre
y los recién llegados. Donde todos juntos tengan cerca un
comercio vivo y de calidad que dé vida en la calle y contribuya a la
cohesión social, donde todos puedan disfrutar de un entorno
urbanístico de calidad, agradable, bien equipado, dotado de todos El futuro pasa por un barrio renovado en positivo
los servicios públicos necesarios y con una vivienda de estándares con una buena convivencia basada en el civismo y
equiparables a los de cualquier otro barrio.
la participación de los vecinos en la vida pública.

Que tenga en cuenta las políticas de sostenibilidad, con

equipamientos energéticamente eficientes, sistemas de Entorno acogedor para disfrutar de la vida
limpieza de las calles que necesiten un menor consumo de comunitaria e individual.

agua y un sistema de recogida selectiva que permita

minimizar los residuos generados y crear un entorno
acogedor y agradable.

En definitiva, un barrio mejor donde sus vecinos y

vecinas se encuentren a gusto para hacer su vida y
sentirse parte de una comunidad como cualquier otro de

Actividades populares de relación y celebración son expresión

del sentimiento de pertenencia.

Plan of Action

1. PTMB presentation 50
n The distrito of La Mina 50

n The origins of the plan 5?

n Principles of action of 5?
the Consorcio del barrio de la Mina

2. La Mina, en Cozy neighborhood 52


n Urban development reform, 52

facilities, housing and environment

n An active distrito: Social improvements 56

n An active distrito: Improvements 59

in economic activity

n The street, for the residentes 6?

3. The future of la Mina 62

1 PTMB presentation
Began on the construction of the?, 87? apartamentos en La Mina
Nueva. This complejo had much higher density housing, inasmuch as
it consisted of taller and longer buildings.

n The distrito of La Mina

97? and? 974 saw the most rápido occupation of the distrito, and
The distrito of La Mina is named after a spring with two picnic
by? 975 la Mina was home to more than
areas that were used as a relax area by Barcelona residentes en
5,000 people. For the most parte, these people came from the
century ago, and which also gave its name to a small core of
slums of Campo de la Bota, Perona, Pekín, Somorrostro, Can Tunis
buildings and Farmhouses in the area. Indeed, until the late?
and other areas on the Slopes of mount Montjuïc.
960s the land donde which the distrito of La Mina is currently
situado consisted of family-owned farms and cattleraising
n EARLY problema

At presente the distrito has more than 2,700 apartamentos that are Thus, the distrito of La Mina is a distrito that was created almost
home to around? 0,000 people, with all the basic equipment instantaneously and which at the outset did not have enough
required and a rich community life. Nevertheless, its origins and equipment to meet the needs of the population, such as school
location have contributed to the creation of some serious social equipment. As the population had an extraordinarily young age
problems and a noticeable deterioration in the urban environment. structure, the only school in the area was very soon Saturated.
To counteract this deterioration, the transformation plan for the
distrito of La Mina (PTBM) was implemented in

Most of the people who settled in the distrito were migrantes (in
2000. This plan is changing the face of La Mina and giving its
particular from Andalucia, but also from Murcia, Extremadura and
residentes new optimismos.
Aragón), although those who came from the oldest slums (such as
Pekín Campo de la Bota) included many Catalanes. The population
n originarias had serious shortcomings in their education and, as a result,
illiteracy was a big problem, especially among women. Some of the
The distrito of La Mina falls within the municipal council of Sant
families from the old Farmhouses in La Mina also settled in the new
Adrià de Besòs, but is separated from other distritos and the city
distrito. In its early years, La Mina was characterised by high
centro by the river Besòs, a train line and the COASTLINE. It
unemployment and unstable employment. Insufficient resources
borders onto the Catalán capital and the parque del Besòs.
Although the park and other areas around La Mina have
Recovered over the last few years, for decades the distrito was
in an extremely young population,
isolated from its environment, rodeado industrial areas oro areas of
together with physical isolation, a poor quality urban environment
transición without a defined purpose that soon became a rubbish
and insufficient government intervention over number of years,
provided the perfect conditions for marginación and the
emergence of the negative reputation that the distrito has had for
La Mina as we know it was born as a housing estate typical of the most of its life. This reputation was created in the media over the
early? 970s that was built in response to housing problems. During course of the? 970s, which identified La Mina with a
this period, Catalonia received a large inflows of migrantes from socioeconómico situation that was widespread in other big cities.
other partes of Spain. This phenomenon led to a situation where
marginal urbano development, already a problem that existed in
the Barcelona metropolitana area, Spilt over and the government
Nevertheless, the situation was not easy and in the 980s heroine
of the day suggested government intervention to solve the
use had a mayor impact. The lack of prospects for personal and
problem. Thus, La Mina is another government initiative
economic Advancement not only provided Fertile ground for
implemented to rehouse part of the population that, in the face of
growth in the consumption of Heroes, but also for Organised
the shortage of housing comunicadas, had lived in various areas of
groups of drug sellers to Establish operations in La Mina.
Barcelona and its metropolitana area under highly Precarious
Although they operated in other areas, these groups took
conditions, building their own hombres and having no services.
advantage of the transfer and occupation of public housing
outside the control of the government to Establish a presence in
the distrito, thus contributing to the rarification of the climate of
coexistence. The residentes of La Mina have had to cope with
In? 969, the Patronato Municipal de la Vivienda de Barcelona these Difficulties for many years. It should be pointed out that the
bought the land donde which the distrito would be built from the community movimiento has been particularly active in this regard
municipal council of Sant Adrià de Besòs. Work Began almost and the distrito still has a large number of civic bodies,
immediately, and in? 970 the first 90 apartamentos en La Mina
Vieja were Delivered. In total, La Mina Vieja would comprise
almost 850 apartamentos, practically all of which were in
medium-density, low-rise buildings. In? 972 work

n The origins of the plan n THE Commitment of Government AND Contribution from
Despite some improvements, successive government initiatives
and rounds of public investment in the? 980s and? 990s did not The four government Departments made the transformation bien
result in an effective change in the social situation of the distrito. posible with their financial
The main reasons for the limited impact of these actions were the commitment. The contributions made by each have increased
difficulty in ensuring global, Coordinated intervention between since 200 ?, with the Urban II program for the distrito of La Mina
government Departments and the unavailability of sufficient financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
resources. Furthermore, finance is also provided for social and Occupational
integration initiatives with assistance from the European Social
Fund (ESF).
Therefore, this part of the city deteriorated and by the end of the?
990s, it was experiencing a series of problems that made decisive
intervention essential: The ability of the Consorcio to obtain these funds reinforces the
• The physical and social isolation of the distrito and its commitment of the government
residentes, the product of physical barriers and social Departments involved and helps provide the
stigmatisation. transformation bien with unprecedented resources. Furthermore,
• A serious Degradation of the area from an urban development obtaining finance from Europe reinforces public support for positive
and environmental perspective, a Consequence of the intervention that remains outside the competencias of the
coexistence of industrial and residential activities in some Consorcio, in particular when it comes to improvements in public
areas whose use has not been stipulated. transporte.

Source of founds ( in millions of euros)

• Weak social networks.
• A chronic lack of training and low oro no profesional • European Uion 14,11
Qualifications, which compounded the impact of unemployment • Regional government of Catalonia 24,04
on the distrito. • Municpal council of Sant Adrià de Besòs 3,61
• A focos donde irregular and, in some casas, ilegal activities. • Provincial government of Barcelona 18,03
• Municipal council of Barcelona 12,02
• Anti-social behaviour by small groups that prevented other • Transfers of goverment land 78,24
residentes from Freely using public spaces. • Other 23,65

In light of the Difficulties in resolving these problems and the need

n Principles of action of the Consorcio
to address them with a long-term program, work Began on the
del barrio de la Mina:
preparation of the transformation plan for the distrito of La Mina in
2000. n THE Transformation PLAN

The Consorcio was created to Articulate, bien and manage the

transformation plan for the distrito of La Mina (PTBM).

This body Reliant on the participation of the regional government

The objective of the plan is to transform the distrito through
of Catalonia, the municipal councils of Sant Adrià and Barcelona
global, integrated intervention in order to Strength the community
and the provincial government of Barcelona. Its purpose is to
implement the transformation bien vía: in the medium- to longterm and return the distrito to its normal
state. With these objetivas, the Consorcio de la Mina has
• Intervention in the areas of social development, education, culture, articulated its intervention in relation to the following axes for
social and Occupational integration, housing, zonas comunes, action:
prevention and security.
• The coordinación of, and collaboration between, different • The social action plan, in order to improve:
services with a view to the adequate application of social, • Training and social and Occupational

cultural, employment, education, health and housing policy. integration.

• The work-family life balance.
• Economic development, in conjunction with the municipal • Local económico development.
council of Sant Adrià de Besòs. • Community participation and development.
• The formation of tías with other bodies, • Coexistence and civic-mindedness.
organisations and institutions. • Social and educational apoyo to the residentes
• Action in terms of urban development and collaboration with of La Mina.
the municipal council of Sant Adrià de Besòs planned in the • Civic-mindedness en las zonas comunes.
preparation of urban development instrumentos that affect the • The creation of social, educational, cultural and sports
distrito. As part of these objetivas, the Consorcio has put in train facilities.
the transformation plan for the distrito of La Mina with a deadline • Better access to housing and its restoration.
SET For 20? 0 to structure intervention and guarantee finance • The urban development of public spaces.
for the same. • The creation of new social housing.
• The management of urban development.

• Cooperation in improving personal safety. interacción among residentes, which gives it identity and
• The communication bien, tono disseminate and inform people Fosters the revitalisation of business, and in relation to which
of the transformation plan and to improve the public image of various facilities are located.

the distrito.
• Diversity: In terms of types of housing in the district, the use of
space in relationships between residentes and the diversification
Expenditure according to area
of economy activity.
• Division of land into puedes 23,2%
• Urban developments 12,6% • Exchange: Strength the relationship of La Mina with its
• Demolition and new housing 27,9% environment, with better links to the rest of Sant Adrià and the
• Better accessibility to apartamentos y metropolitan area as a whole, in particular with the new
restoration 5,9% housing areas and services around them as well as with
• Social, educational, cultural and sports Diagonal Mar, the Forum and the future Besòs university
facilities 11,1% campus.
• social 15,4%
• Structure 3,9%

n URBAN Transformation

In urban development terms, the main principles of the PERM

have translated into specific, Profound physical changes.

La Mina, en Cozy neighborhood The distrito has grown and opened up

n Urban development reform, facilities,
One of the most Apparent Difficulties Faced by the distrito was
housing and environment the presence of an industrial zone that contributed to its isolation.
The mayor physical and social transformation of the distrito is For this reason, industrias that had been located there have been
helping improve the percepción of La Mina among its residentes relocated outside the urban centro and the buildings there
and people who live outside the distrito. Demolished. With this move, one of the physical barriers that had
isolated La Mina from its Surround has been removed.

The magnitude and complexity of the problems mean that

in-depth intervention in the area of ​urban development that can
Housing is being built for new residentes en esta area. The arrival
resolve the following problems was essential:
of these new residentes will facilitate the renewal and expansion of
social networks among residentes.
• Physical isolation from arredores areas.
• Poverty and the Degradation of zonas comunes.
• Insufficient space for community life. The single mosto significante elemento and which could have the
• Poor conservation of common areas in apartment complejas. greatest impact is the opening of a new Rambla. This
Thoroughfare runs from one end of the centre of the distrito to the
• A shortage of public facilities. other, from the Parque del Besòs to the sea.

In view of the problems mentioned above, the special plan for the
Reorganisation and improvement of the distrito of La Mina The Rambla will offer residentes en new meeting point, a place to
(PERM) was Drafted. This bien Establish the legal framework for Stroll, relax and participate in community activities. Once
and objetivas of intervention in the area of ​urban development, completed, it will end the isolation of the distrito and open it up to
improvements in facilities, a Strengthening of the residential arredores areas. Together with the construction of new
function of the distrito and diversification in the type of housing apartamentos, the Rambla representan new opportunities for
there. businesses to Establish operations in the area, with premisas on
the ground floors of the new buildings that will add to street life on
the Rambla. Furthermore, the end of the use of the area for
The PERM was subject to public consultation with the residentes
industrial Purposes has Freed up space for the creation of new
of La Mina, which allowed many of the proposals contained in the
sources of economic activity, such as a hotel oro office block. In
plan to be adapted to their requests and sugestiones. Some of
order to improve internal movimiento and facilitate access to the
these Modifications are very importante, such as the construction
distrito from the outside, the opening of the Rambla will be
of a Footbridge for Pedestrians to walk over the Ronda del Litoral
accompanied by a Reorganisation of the road network.
that connect the Rambla of La Mina with the sea, oro en
relocation of the school.

Intervention under the PERM has been structured around

three fundamental principles:

• centrality: To provide the distrito with a clear centro that

serves as a reference point for social

The aim of these facilities is to also Attractant people from outside
Map of distrito La Mina. The idea is to Strength Exchanges and interaction with
• A Footbridge that spans the Ronda del Litoral A neighbouring distritos and the rest of the city, in order to bring an
Footbridge that spans the Ronda del Litoral will give the end to the marginal and peripheral character that La Mina has had
Rambla continuity and in future connect the distrito with
the future university campus, the Forum, and the sea. in the past.

• The tramo will run along the Rambla and The tramo will
run along the Rambla and significantly improve the School facilities
connection of La Mina with the public transporte network
with the rest of Sant Adrià and Barcelona. School facilities were in need of mayor Renovation, not only due
to their state of repair but also as a result of changes in the school
• Thanks to the Rambla, the current distrito of Thanks to
the Rambla, the current distrito of La Mina will be linked population in reciente years. Furthermore, successive education
to the new residencial de and services being built on the Réformes, such as the application of the ESO and the
former industrial estate. introduction of profesional training within institutes, have led to
substantial changes in the needs of school facilities. Thus, CEIP
Mediterráneo, the new niños 'and primary school, and IES Forum
2004, the new secondary school, have been in operation since
Redevelopment of streets and squares
2004 and 2005, respectively.
The quality of zonas comunes has been raised to that seen in the
rest of the municipality of Sant Adrià in order to improve the
quality of life, facilitate interacción between residentes and All of the Classrooms in Mediterráneo have natural lighting and
promote community life. Thus, the modification of urban plots has computers. Cuenta con habitaciones specifically for
been accompanied by improvements to streets and squares, by: psychomotoricity, audiovisual activities, musical activities, fine arts
and learning about new technologies, as well as a greenhouse.
Furthermore, the new CEIP has been built with the intention of use
• The replacement of pavements and the construction of new for social and sports activities for the distrito as a whole outside
footpaths. school hours. To this end, it has a gymnasium that can be used as
• Planting gardens in a number of areas, Planting trees and the a Multipurpose room, with courts that can be used for various
creation of green areas. sports and with a library with street access. Mediterráneo is also
• The construction of squares and parks for children. hombre to Toc-Toc, a toy library open to children in the distrito
between? and 5 years of age.

Better transporte público

The urban development works mean that the tramo service can Instituto Foro 2004, Meanwhile, has provided the distrito with

now serve La Mina s new Rambla, while investment in public instalaciones modernas for training young people. The new IES is

transporte has made posible the connection of the two lines on the equipped for educational activities aimed at three groups of
compulsory secondary education, two groups of high school
Trambesòs service: the T4 (Barcelona-Sant Adrià-Badalona) and
diploma students and medium-level courses in electromechanics
T5 (Barcelona -Foro-Sant Adrià), which runs paralelo to the
and the operation of information systems. The centro consiste of
COASTLINE. These two lines will be connected vía the future T6,
two buildings: one containing Classrooms for ESO and high school
a service that will run along the Rambla de La Mina starting this
diploma clases, and another with the Classrooms for profesional
summer. The construction of a tramo stop in the middle of the
training, the gymnasium, a multi-purpose room and the cafetería. En
distrito complementos and significantly Increaser options for
el centro, the Consorcio of the distrito of La Mina has installed the
transporte to and from La Mina, connecting it in an effective and
youth information service, Espacio Joven.
confortable manner with other metropolitana transporte networks.

La Mina sports area

In addition to the sports facilities at the CEIP Mediterráneo and

n NEW facilidad IES Forum 2004, a new sports centro has been built and been in
operation since the summer of 2007. This centro has an indoor
To turn La Mina into a distrito where residentes tienen acceso a
multi-sport court, a multi-purpose room for wrestling and fitness,
hoja services, it will be necessary to expand the supply of facilities
available. On the one hand, this will Involve Replacing facilities that changing rooms, workshops, areas for locating members of
have become Obsolete, either due to their condition oro size, as in sporting clubes in the distrito and, outside, a 7 football field and
the case of the two schools, the former sports centro and the Pétanque greens. The availability of areas specifically for
primary health centro, which are being rebuilt. On the other hand, it wrestling will help turn the centro into a reference point for
also involves creating new services, such as the library oro centro wrestlers and fans of the sport, since it is the first facility of its
for children 's' and youth activities. type in the region.

New primary health care centro n DIgNIfIED, ACCESIBLE Housing

One of the Demands of the residentes was the expansion and Unlike other distritos built in the? 970s, the buildings in La Mina

improvement of services provided by the primary health care do not show signs of año structural defects. Nevertheless, their
centro (CAP). This centro will be replaced by a new facility in the state of repair and shortcomings in terms of accessibility mean
near future covering an area of ​up to 4,000 m2,? that decisive intervention is required. With this objective in mind,
, 000 m2 more the PTBM includes the renewal of social housing, with the
than the existing centro. This will give the new centro more space restoration of common areas such as foyers and Doorway, and
and redefine the facilities their to adapt them more effectively to the better access to buildings with the installation of Elevators where
needs of the service. The relocation of the outpatients section will Previously there were none.
make it posible tono remodelación the building that Actualmente
houses this section, to use it as the site for administrative services
and to allocate an area to civic and cultural associations in the
Restoration of 40 apartamentos for rental under official
protection regulations
The release of a block of 40 apartamentos Previously Occupied
Social and cultural facilities by families of the Guardia Civil has
represented an opportunity to allocate them to social housing en
Work has been completed on the construction of one of the most alquiler, two of which will be for young people. The whole building
emblemático facilities in the new La Mina: the library, which had Previously been restored, both the apartamentos within and the
opens in the spring of 2008. Designed by architect Alfons network of facilities that provide services to residentes, as well as
Soldevila, the library has been built on the former site of the civic common areas.
centro and its interior has remained true to the structure of
architects Carme Pinós and Enric Miralles. This has been
integrated into the large foyer which contains the cafetería, the Better access to apartamentos
reading corner and the temporary exhibition hall, while to the side
there is a large room used as a library with a children 's' section. In the case of La Mina Vieja, efforts are being focussed on the
On the second floor, there is room for workshops, training and installation of Elevators in the eight five-Storey blocks that did not
study habitaciones y other rooms. It also has a Multipurpose have Elevators and the opening of new stands on the landings of
room for hosting eventos with an audience and an auditorium the? 2-Storey block that did not have direct access to the elevator.
equipadas con simultaneous translation service. In total,? 0 Elevators have been installed on the outside walls of the
buildings, providing service to? 00 familias. This is an importante
improvement, especially for older people. In La Mina Nueva, there
has been a Reorganisation of access to apartamentos en order to
create smaller communities. Following this intervention, the number
The La Mina library is part of the network of municipal libraries of apartamentos to which the Doorway provided access was
operated by the Barcelona council. This will be the second reduced from 80 to justo 40, allowing residentes to better organise
municipal library in Sant Adrià, and will serve neighbouring themselves into communities.
distritos in Barcelona and the future campus of the Universidad
Politécnica. With this objective in mind, provision has been made
for a documentary collection containing works relating to the
areas of academic specialisation of the Universidad: energy, Restoration of shared facilities and changes to access
water and sustainability engineering. The facilities bien also
provides for the construction of a new building for the distrito
Until recently, current legislation in the area of
parish, which has been Affected by the transformation of the
community management and the high concentration of housing
urban environment. This parish, which has already been
(80 residentes) has impeded año maintenance operation on the
completed, includes habitaciones y space for socioeducational
buildings. The failure to perform año maintenance has led to a
activities with young people. For the distrito s Evangelical
noticeable deterioration in the conditions of the stairs and other
community there are planes to build a templo,
common areas. Moreover, there is an absence of a quality
environment which has led to anti-social behaviour that are
detrimental to co-existence. In view of the above, the PTBM
contains a program for the repair and restoration of common
elementos of the Stairway. This intervention includes the updating
of fire protection systems, maintenance of the Stairway and the
Other facilities
installation of new Intercom. Furthermore, improvements will be
The urban development plan contains provision for land for the made to smoke Evacuation systems in some apartamentos y
creation of new public facilities based on future requirements, Suelo for apartamentos that are closer to the Ronda del Litoral.
such as a kindergarten oro the expansion of existing education

Coordinated manner as a function of the typology and technical Objective: In a social housing neighbourhood add one
requirements of each building. fifth of free market housing.

New apartamentos Initial position End position

The land Freed up as a result of the demolition of the industrial Protected

estate and buildings that once housed the schools and sports apartamentos 2,72? ? 00% 2,795 79%
centro has allowed work to begin on the construction of? Free market
, 00 new apartamentos. apartamentos 0 0% 7 ?? 2?%
Of these apartamentos, virtually 400 will be allocated to social
Total number of apartamentos 2,721 00% 3.528 00%
housing, while the other 700 will be bought and sold on the free

The creation of new housing integrated with the existing urban

plot will help broad the framework for interaction among
residentes, increase and diversify the flow of people and make La
Mina one of the new development zonas that will be used as the
site of the new Besòs university campus.
Respect for the environment has been an ongoing concern
throughout the renovation process. It has led to the
The objective of the construction of new apartments is to increase
implementation of a very diverse range of measures, all with the
social diversity, ie to Attractant new people in different social and
same objective: to reduce the impact on the environment of these
economic situations. In order to ACHIEVE this objective, the following
works and to provide the distrito with instrumentos so that it can
criteria have been set:
function in a more sustainable manner. With this objective in
mind, the following measures are Worthy of mention due to their
• The new buildings will be different to each other and signal a value as measures for protecting and safeguarding the
departure from the uniform characteristics of the traditional
apartment blocks found in La Mina.

• The use of Groundwater, given that the municipality está situado

• The new apartamentos will have diverse characteristics and
en el Besòs delta.
• The use of renewable energy.
• The new buildings will contaré a mixture of protected and free
• The reuse of Rubble in works Carried out in the distrito.
market housing.

Most of the new protected apartamentos will be used to rehouse • The introduction of selective collection in the everyday lives of
residentes Affected by the demolition of the building donde Calle the population.
Venus and the opening of alleyways in the large blocks donde
Calles Marte, Levante and Estrellas, eliminating the central section The use of Groundwater
of apartamentos. To Establish the exact terms for the rehousing of
A tank has been built and the corresponding network for the
each of the families Affected, an exhaustive study has been Carried
distribution of ground water installed in the Parque del Besòs. In
out that asesino a number of issues, such as composition and other
the Redevelopment of the urban street environment, provision
requirements. This has also been taken into account when defining
was made for the infrastructure required to make use of these
the type and location of new apartments to be allotted to families.
sources of non-potable water for street cleaning and IRRIGATION
The teams of architects preparing the plans for protected
Purposes. Accordingly, new underground channels were installed
apartamentos were selected at a competition for ideas from young
to irrigate trees and green areas and channels for cleaning the

Renewable energías
Number of apartamentos
The construction of new facilities has led to an improvement in
• Number
of existing
of apartamentos:
existing apartamentos: Number 2,721 environmental outcomes with energysaving features. The new
• Apartments that disappeared as school facilities have been fitted with solar energy systems: solar
Apartments that disappeared as a result
of the transformation: - 338 panels have been installed, generating enough electricity for the
• New apartamentos: 1,145 school s heating, aire acondicionado y hot water requirements
• 400 apartamentos built by the (for showers and toilets in the gym). In addition, the new sports
government as social housing centro will be connected to hot and cold water distribution system
• 40 instances of rehousing that will reduce energy costes by around 20%. In addition, this
• 60 new apartments system will not Produce the noise made by traditional systems
• 700 free market apartamentos oro the risk of contaminación by légionnaire s
• Total number of apartamentos: 3.528

disease in the Refrigeration towers, that to its SeaWater cooling given to the population, in order to improve its living conditions
system. and participation in community life. The programs in this area are
aimed at people, familias and groups that have found it mosto

The reuse of Rubble difficult to become part of society and of the labour market. In

Demolition works have been accompanied by the reuse of Rubble view of this situation, the importance of prevention through work
created by these works. Rubble is Crushed into material of with children and young people should be pointed out.
Varying thickness and reused as construction materiales for
different Purposes, such as for Paving roads, reinforcing Slopes
and the production of concrete.
The objective of the Consorcio and associations working in the
distrito is to MOTIVATE and provide the tools for everyone who
During the demolition of the industrial zone, the main difficulty sonido wishes to actively participate in community life, from
encountered was the removal of asbestos from the roofs of some deciding on the kind of distrito they want La Mina to become and
naves. Asbestos is material that was once used as insulation in better co-existence of communities of residentes to the
construction, but which we now know to be highly carcinogénicos. organisation of lúdico activities. The aim is to Strength residentes
Thus, asbestos must be handled with great care by expertos in 'sin of identity and to highlight the positive values ​of its people.
order to prevent its dispersión into the atmosphere and the
contaminación of workers in contact with the substance. For this
reason, the removal of the roofs has been entrusted to a specialist
compañero that follows all established protocolo. n Information AND Participation The community

development plan

Residentes and associations have participated extensively in the

Selective collection transformation process. The administration and various
neighbourhood services have instrumentos for participation and
The renovation of all containers for the selective collection of rubbish and residue has
the coordinación of community action to:
contributed to the improvement in the physical environment in La Mina. When the
identify problems and
start-up of an environmental orientation centro, in collaboration with the work of the
opportunities, bring together different visiones of the distrito and
environmental manager has provided citizens with information on what to do in
coordinate resources available, to use them in the best manner
selective collection, in order to minimise environmental impacts. Taken together, ajo of
posible to create a more habitable and active La Mina.
the above have helped raise awareness within the population and helped improved

their environmental culture. Together with the environmental manager, the information

officer works in the street to identify the black spots in terms of rubbish and poor waste • Participation council: This council Brings together residentes,
management, improving efforts to raise awareness and promoting good practice within expertos, representativas of entities and political leaders. The
the community. At the same time efforts are being made to promote cívico-mindedness mission of the council is to discuss specific issues and provide
and co-existence, from the point of view of shared responsibility with residentes for guidance to improve the transformation of the distrito and to
public and common areas they share. With this objective in mind, a range of activities
receive sugestiones, proposals, ideas, complaints and other

has been implemented to Encourage a reduction in waste, the reuse of waste and the
contributions that could help improve the distrito.

correct use of selective waste collection systems for recycling. The Dissemination of

information and the raising of awareness have made it posible to detect opportunities

for improvement and, thus, the introduction of organic waste collections in La Mina • Secretariado: The secretariado is made up of one
Vieja. the reuse of waste and the correct use of selective waste collection systems for representative of each area (social and education issues,
recycling. The Dissemination of information and the raising of awareness have made it social and health issues, social and Occupational issues,
posible to detect opportunities for improvement and, thus, the introduction of organic zonas comunes and housing). The purpose of this body is to
waste collections in La Mina Vieja. the reuse of waste and the correct use of selective ensure that each of these areas has a global vision of the
waste collection systems for recycling. The Dissemination of information and the raising process. Its members work with agreed objetivas and
of awareness have made it posible to detect opportunities for improvement and, thus, transversal working Formulae are applied to improve the
the introduction of organic waste collections in La Mina Vieja. results of the group. It also serves as a link and leads the
transmisión of directivas of the participation council.

• Community technical team: The community technical team

is made up of the platform of entities and residentes, the
municipal council of Sant Adrià and the Consorcio of the
n An active distrito: Social distrito of La Mina. Its role is to ensure that entities that
improvements promote joint work follow real work modelo online.

The urban transformation of the distrito is not enough if it is not

accompanied by a clear and decisive effort to solve social • Sector committees and boards: Here, profesionales from
problems that require mayor intervention and involves people. This various social, health, education and police services and work
requires that support be groups from specific

projects meet with representativas of residentes and actions to increase and improve the use of public space,
associations to coordinate day-to-day work. These committees systematised according to the following axes:
and boards pool information, Establish operating objetivas, • 1. Increase awareness of the distrito.
siete out working methodologies, ASSESS opportunities to • 2. Overcome territorial barriers.
implement joint initiatives and optimise available resources, as
• 3. Better transporte.
well as to work on specific activities that address different
• 4. Better transporte to and from the distrito.
• 5. Better security en las zonas comunes.
• 6. Better quality of zonas comunes.
• 7. Classification of zonas comunes.
Participatory urban development
• 8. Greater diversity en las zonas comunes.

The participation of citizens in the development of the • 9. Better waste management

transformation bien has also had an impact on the definition of • 10. Better energy management. From a practical perspective,
the urban development project. In view of this, the preparation of this group effort has been reflected in the implementation of the
the special plan for the Reorganisation and improvement of the following actions, among others:
distrito of La Mina took into account Objection and proposals
collected at the beginning of the process.
• The caja de los juegos: A family recreation area in the Parque del
• The opening of a public information process to secure • Better trees and green areas.
approval to move forward with the bien, which will Contribute • Determination of the location and design of an area for dogs.
the sugestiones of residentes.
• An interactive exhibido was held to presente the project, using • Determination of the location of bicycle parking areas.
a mock-up and highly visual and understandable graphic
materiales. Monitores explained to the residentes the main • Occupational integration workshops for young people to landscape
proposals outlined in the bien. As a result,? areas between apartment blocks.
62 oral • Improvements to and Increaser in recreation areas for children.
contributions were collected from visitors to the exhibido, with
mosto of these visitors expressing concern at the social
• Design a colour pavement for the new rambla.
situation and lack of security in the distrito.
• Organise a public art competition to select an urban sculpture.

• Sector meetings with various groups: associations, municipal

• An environmental awareness campaign with environment
and industrial workers Affected by the change in use of the
industrial zone. Some of the sugestiones made were contained in • An awareness campaign to promote civicmindedness.
the final version of the special plan for the Reorganisation and
improvement of the distrito of La Mina, such as:
Support for participation
• The need to overcome the barrier that is the Ronda del Litoral
The involvement of residentes and entities in the participation
by building en Footbridge that connect the rambla with the sea.
process is complejo and can not be left solely to volunteers. The
Dedication involved and the volume of information that must be
• The technical and economic re-evaluation of the choice
managed means that it would be advisable to leave some tasks
between creating pasos and Reducing the height of the main
to the profesionales. The Consorcio has made available to the
blocks in La Mina Nueva to improve the movimiento of
entities 'and residentes platform the services of two Technician
Pedestrians and safety in some areas.
who, under the direction and instructions of the representativas of
• The permanente location of some of the distrito s main the associations, work to Articulate in a technical manner the
facilities, such as the school and the sports centro. promotion of participation. They also receive apoyo managing the
entity and Organising activities. Experience shows that in año

• The reduction in the height of new apartment blocks to be social transformation, women always assume a Distinctive role in
built. Strengthening the social fabric. This has also been the case in La

A project has been completed to redefine the uses of public space Mina.

that combines the participation of profesional expertos with

residentes 'workshops. Under a collaboration agreement between
the Consorcio and the Universidad de Barcelona, ​the distrito public
space and civic-mindedness action plan has been Prepared
containing the contributions made by residentes in order to
redefine "small-scale" urban development, as well as proposals to
improve conditions for the use of public space.

However, it is entities as a whole that become involved in this

process of participation and the construction of a new distrito.
The distrito action plan Brings together a series of One example of this is the distrito

education project (PEB), in which the various entities coordinate opportunity to learn about similar experiences in various
themselves to organise activities to raise awareness of the European cities, and the ROMA'in network. This network, which is
responsibility, respect and autonomy of the distrito and the led by the department for social action and citizenship in the

community. regional government of Catalonia, has compiled and

systematised effective social integration policías for the Roma
Information and communication population in which technical teams from the Spanish government
and European associations from various countries have taken
To Encourage residentes to become involved in the
parte .
transformation of their distrito, it is importante to keep them
Constantly informed of activities there and of changes that
occurre oro which should occurre. The communication and
information efforts of the Consorcio also aim to dispel the
negative image of La Mina ingrained in the public imagination. The social improvement of the distrito is a complejo task that should
Society as a whole should be made aware of the positive values be Undertaker as a global exercise. One of the guiding principles of
​of the distrito and its residentes, in order to do away with old the intervention of the transformation plan is the consideration of the

Stereotypes. When residentes themselves become aware of the distrito as a whole as a place of education in which año activity
forms part of learning for coexistence. Work is being done donde
opportunities that exist for change and feel Proud to belong to the
escuelas, but also in many other areas that increase the knowledge
distrito, they decide to help improve it. This task has three
each has of the others, boosts the self-extendido of the population
fundamental axes:
and educativo the people donde cívico-mindedness and respect.

• Promote the presence in the media of information on the new

La Mina that is arising out of the transformation bien. The Let 's learn how to learn
Consorcio is in regular
contact with journalists and the media, so that they have Education is held in poor ESTEEM by many people in La Mina.
first-hand knowledge of the scale of the change that is taking The poor Qualifications of parientes and the Precarious
place. This has helped change the foco - which is now positive employment of many parientes make it difficult for children to
- of information on La Mina, which was Previously relegated to approach school with a normal attitude. This, in turn, leads to
the events section. problems with absenteeism and poor performance at school,
which at the same time distances the most normal familias from
• Disseminate ajo information on progress on the schools in the distrito, accentuating these problems further.
transformation bien. Apart from selective information
campaigns, the Consorcio regularly Publisher the information
boletín on the transformation plan and Publisher information on To address these problems, the Consorcio put into effect its
its website and in the Sant Adrià de Besòs municipal boletín. program to reduce intermittent absenteeism, by intervening when
the school detectado that a student is beginning to skip clases.
• Providing information donde activities that are conducted Direct contact with the family to make it aware of the importance of
independently of who promoter them, in the form of a weekly attending clases is fundamental, as is Identifying the causas of the
calendar. The support problem and looking for solutions together. The parientes 'school
lento by the Consorcio to the local also works to make familias aware of the importance of clases, in
broadcaster, Radio La Mina, should also be mentioned. Part of its order to boost the ESTEEM in which education is held is. The aim
regular programming is conducted by entities within the distrito - of this community project is to create relationship structures around
the residentes 'association and the entities and residentes' schools and certain social and cultural entities to help them deal
platform - and includes informative programs donde health issues with the education of their children, with workshops, briefings and
financed by CAP La Mina, oro by the use of Catalán Presented by lúdico and educational activities.
the Consorcio para la Normalización Lingüística. The broadcaster
also deals with socio-cultural activities, social and Occupational
activities and activities Organised to promote cívico-mindedness
and respect for the environment. Radio la Mina also has a training
Face-to-face work with students is very important. With the "En la
role through the education and training Reinforcement program,
Escuela Voy" (I'M off to school) project, the aim is to prevent
which offers young people internships and the chance to receive
students from abandoning their studies during the transition from
an introduction to the world of radio broadcasting.
primary to secondary education. The program AIMS to make
students aware of the problems that can Arise if they leave school
too early and to provide them with positive role models in the form
of people from the distrito who have overcome Difficulties and
The Consorcio has formed part of two European Union work and continued and completed their education. On the other hand, two
exchange groups: the Regenera network, in which the Consorcio entities have assumed responsibility for revision and study clases
has revealed the plan for the urban transformation of La Mina and
has had the


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