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Actividad de aprendizaje 9

Evidencia 2: Workshop: Understanding the distribution center layout

Tener claridad respecto a los procesos internos de la gestión logística es tan

importante como entender la importancia de la adecuada gestión de la
infraestructura física de las bodegas y centros de distribución, ya que, como algunos
afirman, es el corazón o núcleo de las operaciones logísticas, en tanto allí se
almacenan los productos que posteriormente serán distribuidos al comercio tanto
minorista, como mayorista.

Por lo anterior, es importante que el aprendiz de gestión logística esté en la

capacidad de entender textos en inglés que den cuenta de los estándares de calidad
para la infraestructura de un centro de distribución. Esto le permitirá al aprendiz
tener herramientas para gestionar procesos físicos – de infraestructura - de la
cadena de abastecimiento.

Así, con el fin de ayudarle a adquirir estas herramientas, la presente evidencia de

aprendizaje consiste en realizar un taller sobre el diseño de un centro de distribución
denominado Workshop: Understanding the distribbution center layout. Este taller
consta de dos momentos en los que usted deberá hacer uso del conocimiento
técnico adquirido hasta el momento en el área de inglés para, posteriormente, como
segundo momento, participar en un debate, junto con otros tres compañeros –
seleccionados por el instructor- para compartir su opinión respecto a las
recomendaciones de diseño de un centro de distribución que aparecen enunciadas
en el taller.

Para la elaboración de la presente evidencia, tenga en cuenta lo siguiente:

Primer momento: comprensión y producción escrita

1. Estudie en su totalidad el material de formación Using prepositions to

describe Distribution Centers junto con el material complementario disponible
para esta actividad.
2. Desarolle completamente el taller disponible para la presente actividad de
aprendizaje Workshop: Understanding the distribution center layout. Para la
elaboración de este taller puede usar la herramienta ofimática de su
3. Envíe el archivo al instructor en formato .doc o .pdf a través de la plataforma
virtual de aprendizaje.
Segundo momento: comprensión y producción oral

1. Revise constantemente los anuncios de la plataforma para obtener

información de fecha y hora del encuentro sincrónico al que usted asistirá
para completar el segundo momento de la presente evidencia: Un debate
respecto a las prácticas para el diseño de un centro de distribución.

2. Participe en el encuentro sincrónico propuesto por su instructor para discutir

brevemente las respuestas brindadas por usted en la sección “Critical
thinking-Making decisions” del taller Workshop: Understanding the
Distribbution Center Layout.

Recuerde que debe sustentar su opinión por medio de las ventajas y

desventajas señaladas por usted para cada uno de los enunciados que usted
trabajó en el taller. De igual modo, recuerde utilizar el vocabulario técnico
aprendido. No olvide tener en cuenta el material complementario
““Expressions for Discussion and Debate” además de los diferentes aspectos
de pronunciación de inglés estudiados en actividades de aprendizaje
anteriores y en el video provisto en el taller mencionado.

Cabe aclarar que dicho encuentro contará con la participación de tres

aprendices más seleccionados por su instructor y, aunque este segundo
momento se realizará de manera grupal, su desempeño se evaluará de
manera individual.

3. Asegúrese de responder a cabalidad cada una de las preguntas de su tutor

o compañeros.

En caso de tener dudas relacionadas con la participación en una videoconferencia,

se recomienda consultar el video: ¿Cómo unirse a una sesión virtual de Blackboard
Collaborate?, ubicado en el botón Tutoriales del menú del programa de formación.

Workshop: Understanding the distribution center layout

Your warehouse or distribution center layout greatly affects the performance of your
business. In fact, without a properly configured warehouse layout, you could face
capacity issues and even a decrease in productivity.
Complete the following activities in order to understand the importance of the layout
when designing a Distribution Center or warehouse.

1. Getting familiar with Distribution Centers

a. Read the following description of a Distribution Center and complete it with
the words from the box.


All distribution centers have three

main areas and may have additional
specialized areas. The three main
areas are the receiving dock, also
called loading dock, the storage area
or cargo deck, and the shipping dock.
In small organizations it is possible
for the receiving and shipping
functions to occur side by side, but in
large centers, separating these
areas simplifies the process.
b. Read and match. Read the
definition for each of the areas that a distribution center may include and
match the definition with the name of such area.

1. LOADING DOCK 2 A. This area controls and ships large. This

department usually includes forklift truck
drivers to load containers and wagons,
and man-up or combi forklift trucks to
unload full pallets from warehouse
2. BULK DEPARTMENT 5 B. This department controls orders which
are leaving the country of the distribution
center. This department is almost
identical in function to a bulk department;
however, workers in this department
build pallets conforming to
different standards and sizes.
3. QUALITY ASSURANCE 7 C. This area is in charge of replenishing and
DEPARTMENT storing goods in the store's backroom or
4. TRANSPORTATION 6 D. An area reserved for inventory that is
AREA ready for final assembly or transport.
5. EXPORT DEAPARTMENT 8 E. There are many types of this racking.
However, all types allow for
the storage of palletized materials in
horizontal rows with multiple levels.
6. STAGING LOCATION 1 F. This is an area of the warehouse where
goods vehicles (usually road or rail) are
loaded and unloaded. This area usually
includes pallet wrapping workers,
conveyor belt unloaders, forklift drivers,
and administrative staff
7. STOCKING 4 G. Arranges and coordinates shipments in
DEPARTMENT and out of the distribution center.
8. PALLET RACKING 3 H. This department performs periodic
checks of random samples of stock to
check quality, including from the
warehouse racking, goods in, and
returned stock.

Note: In case you have any questions with vocabulary, remember to check the
following dictionaries:

2. Describing a Distribution Center

Following, you’ll see the very basic design of any Distribution Center. Check the image and
answer the questions:

Fuente: SENA
A) According to the image, complete the following paragraph by selecting the
best preposition for each case.
While creating a layout for your warehouse or distribution center can
be considered a big task, it doesn't have to be complicated. The
following tips can help you navigate the process of laying out your
warehouse and make the most out of your space.

1. Make sure you have enough pallets to store all your goods on
2. Organize your pallets evenly in specific racks in such way that
it is easy for the machinery –forklifts- to access them.
3. There should be enough space for your equipment or
machinery to move through the warehouse.
4. The machinery or equipment station must be far the shipping
and receiving area in order to load and unload freight trucks.
5. The offices must be located in front of the warehouse
racking for you to supervise the activity within the warehouse.

Let’s check another example of a distribution center. Pay attention to the different
areas within this distribution center and answer the questions below:

Fuente: SENA

B) Write sentences to describe the previous distribution center. Do not forget to

use prepositions to describe their location. Check the example:
Where is the…? Answer
- Loading area The loading area is located next to the
- Value added services area The Value added services area is in front of
the line loading
- Inventory control area The Inventory control area is next to
- Quality auditing area Quality auditing area is within Inventory
control area
- Order packing area The Order packing area is Opposite the Put-
- Refrigerated specialty The Refrigerated specialty products area is
products area Among the Value added services area and
high value products area
- Put-to-store area The Put-to-store area is next to reverse

3. Critical thinking – Making decisions

A) Pros and Cons. Read the following statements about Distribution Center
Design and decide in your agree or disagree with the statement. Do some
research on the topic and provide pros and cons for each statement.

Check the example:

Your opinion:
I disagree. I think Distribution
Centers must have a specific design
that helps the regular non-changing
flow of goods.
The layout in your warehouse must
be flexible PROS:
-With flexible Distribution
Centers you can ensure your
facilities are ready for anything that
comes in the future.
-Flexible Distribution Centers tends
to be more disorganized. It is hard to
keep control of the changes.
Save space: cram as many pallet Your opinion: I agree As long as it
racks into your warehouse as does not harm the normal
possible development of machinery and
PROS: I agree As long as it does not
harm the normal development of
machinery and personnel.
CONS: hinders good management
within CEDI

Having an aisle map will help you Your opinion: It is perfect to locate,
validate that the correct item is in the verify and load the desired item
assigned location. efficiently
PROS: The aisle maps not only
facilitates the location of the article,
but also to propose ideas for a new
CONS: can hinder the good work of
the staff, since it will be attached to a
map and not to your experience
Provide for the level of automation Your opinion The person in charge
that can be cost-justified based on must study the areas that need this
your particular operation and cost process in a more relevant way
structure. PROS Improves the flow of
processes and reduction of steps to
perform a task
CONS Care must be taken to find
the practical way, it can lead to
capital expenditures

4. Sharing your opinion

It is time to share your opinions about distribution centers design. Study the
complementary material “Expressions for Discussion and Debate” and get ready for
your Blackboard Collaborate session.
Study the following video to have a successful participation in your debate session.
Pay attention to pronunciation and the different expressions to participate in a
discussion How to discuss a topic in a group:

Pasos para enviar la evidencia:

Clic en el título de la evidencia.

Clic en Examinar mi equipo y buscar el archivo previamente guardado.
Dejar un comentario al instructor (opcional).
Clic en Enviar.

Nota: Recuerde que la elaboración de esta evidencia es de carácter individual y

para su desarrollo exitoso, usted debe revisar el material de formación “Using
prepositions to describe Distribution Centers” y los materiales complementarios
pertenecientes a esta actividad de aprendizaje.

Criterios de evaluación
 Explica claramente las ventajas y desventajas de una posible decisión en
lo técnico.

 Toma parte activa en debates informales dentro de contextos de trabajo


 Plantea, explica y contesta hipótesis técnicas.

Nota: Recuerde que la elaboración de esta evidencia es de carácter individual y

para su desarrollo exitoso, usted debe revisar el material de formación “Using
prepositions to describe Distribution Centers” y los materiales complementarios
pertenecientes a esta actividad de aprendizaje.

Criterios de evaluación
 Explica claramente las ventajas y desventajas de una posible decisión en
lo técnico.

 Toma parte activa en debates informales dentro de contextos de trabajo

 Plantea, explica y contesta hipótesis técnicas.

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