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fe E D opzue CATALOGUE DayLiout, 60 pq HIRAYAMA FIREWORKS, | |_U.S. PATENT. AUG. 7TH, 1883, INCH YOKOHAMA, JAPAN. t : a ta BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ® LETTERS PATENT. August 7th, 1883. a HIRAYAMA’S JAPANESE DAYLIGHT FIREWORKS. NOTICE. Q"" prices are always quoted for one dozen shells of our ordinary assortment according to which we put three double shells in an assortm- ent of one dozen shells. i \ TICFHIE Mlostratons in this new catalogue are inserted’ merely for the purpose of giving Double shells are numbered as follows: (see catalogue) I rough representation of the fireworks, which include many newfangled pieces, it being impossible for an artist to represent the brlliancy and grandeur of the effect produced at the time Nos, 4, 62, 54. 56, 57, 68 5, Eat ot 80k gL. ee J] of the explosion, ‘They are carefully prepared and a failure to explode should not occur. Besides the descriptions illustrated in this catalogue there are many other varieties of fireworks, both Day and Night which are given as under: Day and Night Fireworks and Bombshells of 2, 3, 4, and 6, inches in diameter. 83, 84, 85, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 2, & EX16, ee ‘Water Fireworks, Sky Rockets (Day and Night). Coloured Flower Pots, Triangular Wheels, China Flyers, Star Mines, Double ‘Triangles, Bator aa Flying Pigeons, Garden Picoes, Lawn Picoes, Set Fireworks, Mammoth Torpedoes, & Fire Balloons with figures of Men, Women, Fishes, and Animals, of comical and curious designs (over 50 kinds.) ‘The Bombshells, specially prepared for export and which are proof against both fire and water will bo shipped to any part of the world. Tt must not be forgotten that a long fuse and eartridge are to be used. Belbre fixing them, the cover of the shell fuse must be pel fee soratched out until the powder ean be seen as shown in the picture. iy Quastery of Dscuanarxa Powpn:—5} to 6 ors. of eannon powder is tho usual charge for 6” guns and 8 t» 8} ors for 4” gans. see DIRECTIONS FOR FIRING. Bombshells fired from Mortars should be handled with great care, to prevent accidents from prematare discharge, &e, ‘The Mortar should bo planted upright on the ground in an open space. the Bombshell should be dropped in, eartridgeend down, with the fuse uneoiled snd hanging out of the muzzle of the gun, ‘The Mortar should be swabbed out carefully after each shell is fired, so that no spark remains, and ‘great care should be taken when loading or firing, that no part of the persons projects over the ‘meuzele of the gun. ‘The Bombshell is fired by removing the paper cover from the end of the fuse, lighting the black end of the fuse and retiring to a safe distance. (See back cover) All orders entrusted to us will be faithfully executed at most reasonable rates. Special attention paid to the selecting, packing and shipping of goods for foreign countries. ‘The catalogues and pricelists will be forwarded on application. S. EWATA R. HIRAY. i PROPRIETORS, OFFICH: No. 35, Water Srreer, Yoxouama. Pao ree) been IPPON MATSU, MAITA MURA. Wistant about one mile from our Office.)

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