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The Plastic Plague: Can Our Oceans Be Saved from Environmental Ruin?
Source: Kieron Marks,, September 2, 2016

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch has become the stuff of legend. This hotspot of marine waste, created by the
spiral currents of the North Pacific Gyre, has been described as a floating trash island the size of Russia.
But when filmmaker Jo Ruxton visited the location, she found clear blue water, and a deep-rooted problem.
"If you were diving, it looked like you had just jumped out of a plane," says Ruxton. "But our nets were
coming up completely choked with plastic pieces."
The pieces were small enough to mingle with plankton, the tiny organisms at the base of the food web that
support many fish and whale species. Researchers have found 750,000 microplastic pieces per square kilometer in the
Garbage Patch, and the marine life is riddled with them.
"This was much more insidious than a huge mountain of trash which could be physically removed," says
Ruxton. "You can't remove all the tiny pieces."
Rising tide
Ruxton visited the site while producing the film "A Plastic Ocean," in association with NGO Plastic Oceans,
which documents the impact of half a century of rampant plastic pollution.
Around eight million tons of plastic enter the marine environment each year, and the figure is set to rise. The
Ellen Macarthur Foundation estimates that 311 million tons of plastic were produced in 2014, which will double within
20 years, and projects that there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by 2050.
Plastic is a remarkably durable material, with a potential lifespan of centuries. It does not biodegrade, but
photodegrades under sunlight, breaking down into smaller and smaller pieces, which attract toxins and heavy metals as
they travel on the tides. Plastic is pulled together in the powerful, circling currents of gyres, but it is also found in Arctic
ice, washing up on remote islands, and infesting tourist destinations.
Ruxton's crew visited dozens of locations without escaping the plastic plague. They found it covering the
Mediterranean Sea bed, the shorelines of Bermuda, and Lord Howe Island in the Tasman Sea, a World Heritage site that
has been severely affected.
"We kept coming across dead chicks," Ruxton recalls of Howe Island. "We opened 10 of their stomachs which
were so full of plastic they were swollen ... These birds were dying of starvation with their stomachs bulging full."
But the most disturbing find was on the South Pacific island of Tuvalu.
Health impact
Tuvalu was once a pristine beauty spot. But the island lacks the infrastructure to dispose of the plastic it
imports, which has become a serious hazard for the local population.
"People were just throwing plastic outside," says Ruxton. "They were drowning in the stuff, and trying to burn it. There
was a constant pall of black smoke, and people were always exposed to the gases that come out when you burn plastic,
including two very scary ones that have been linked to cancer, dioxins and furans."
From a group of 30 islanders featured in the film, five had cancer and two have died in the last 18 months,
Ruxton says. She is raising funds to research the health impact of burning plastic.
The team is also studying the effects of ingesting seaborne plastic through a partnership with toxicology specialists at
London's Brunel University. Studies have shown a quarter of food fish sold at markets in California and Indonesia
contain plastic, and although this has not yet resulted in public health warnings, tests have shown ingestion can cause
tumors in lab animals.
Californian oceanographer Captain Charles J. Moore, who first discovered the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and
studies the impact of seaborne plastic, feels the "jury is still out" on the effects of ingestion on human health. But he
believes our exposure is rapidly increasing, particularly through the spread of microplastics.
"Plastic is in the air we breathe, it's become part of the soil and the animal kingdom," says Moore. "We're
becoming plastic people."
Counting the cost
Moore believes we do not fully comprehend the damage caused by plastic pollution, largely as the gyres where
it collects have been ignored.
"The gyres are 40% of the world ocean -- one third of the planet," says Moore. "But these areas are not part of
any exclusive economic zone, they are not used for the shipment of goods, they are not harvested for marine resources,
and their welfare is no one's concern ... I'm convinced we haven't scraped the surface of the damage being done."
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From his own research, the volume of plastic has ​t​ripled in the gyres since the turn of the century, and plastic is
disproportionately consumed by fish at the bottom of food chains, leading to rapid and deadly proliferation.
"It is impossible to quantify death in the ocean as weak and dying creatures are so rapidly consumed," says
Moore. He believes U.N. estimates that plastic kills around one million sea creatures a year far understate the impact.
The U.N.'s Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Protection (GESAMP) has conducted
several recent studies of plastic pollution and found far-reaching effects.
"If we don't do anything, we will see certain species disappear," says GESAMP Chairman Peter Kershaw,
citing the toll of entanglement and ingestion on endangered seals and whales. "In wider ecosystems, (plastic) certainly
has an impact on sensitive habitats, including coral reefs."
Kershaw also highlights the economic impact. Plastic causes $13 billion of damage to the marine environment
each year according the UN, which affects the fishing, shipping and tourism industries.
Getting a grip
The issue of plastic pollution has gained traction over the past decade, which has seen research increase, and
the launch of major initiatives such as the Global Partnership on Marine Litter, bringing together policymakers,
conservationists and business interests to pursue solutions.
Kershaw believes the key is to end the culture of disposable plastic, and implement closed loop systems for the
material to be reused, which would reduce the demand for new production. Around 80% of plastic waste in the oceans
originates on land, and recycling rates are poor, with just 9% of plastic in the U.S. recycled, according to the EPA.
"We're suffering from a linear approach," he says. "We need to design waste out of the system."
Kershaw adds that incentive schemes have proved effective. Charging consumers for plastic bags has reduced their use,
and introducing refundable deposits for plastic bottles has created a market for collectors in Ecuador. Kershaw sees a
role for entrepreneurs to redesign popular goods, such as an initiative to make tiles from discarded fishing nets in the
Emerging technologies are contributing to the struggle. Captain Moore uses separation machines to improve
recycling and spare plastic pickers from dangerous work. Dutch entrepreneur Boyan Slat is testing a prototype of his
Ocean Cleanup machine that he believes could clear 99% of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch within 30 years, although
many conservationists are skeptical.
The plastics industry also has a critical role, and leaders recognize the imperative to reform.
"Our number one priority is tackling marine litter," says Karl H. Foerster, head of industry association Plastics Europe.
"We fully support the circular economy concept."
Foerster cites 260 initiatives the group has launched, from removing microplastics to improving wastewater
treatment in developing countries, and developing biodegradable forms of plastic.
Tipping point
Jo Ruxton wants to see greater responsibilities placed on plastic producers, such as in Germany where strict
recycling quotas forced companies to use less plastic. Similar quotas will soon be introduced across the European
But the filmmaker is encouraged by the increased focus on the issue in recent years, and is confident that
greater public awareness can have a significant impact.
"If people realize how easy it is to make changes, and if they understand the consequences of not doing so,
they want to change," she says.
Ruxton stresses that time is short. If the culture does not change imminently, more communities will face a
grim fate.
"We're at a tipping point," she says. "I see Tuvalu as a snapshot of the future for all of us if we don't get this
addiction under control."
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Joshua Zempoalteca

Mr. Sira

CP English 3

June 15, 2017

Saving Nemo

In Kieron Mark’s article, “The Plastic Plague: Can Our Oceans Be Saved from

Environmental Ruin?”, Kieron talks about the devastating effects that plastics have on the

environment, more specifically the marine environment​; ​the article also mentions what is being

done to help against these effects and ​humanity’s​ role in it.

In the world we live in today, we see plastics all around us.​ ​It is used to make an array of

things: bags, bottles, furniture, and many more. ​The list can go on and on. It is such a convenient

item in modern-day society, but it comes at a heavy price.

As Kieron states,” Plastic is a remarkably durable material, with a potential lifespan of

centuries​.” (Marks CNN) That means it not destroy easily​; however,​ it does one type of type of

degrading, and that is photodegradation. That means it degrades in sunlight. It only breaks down

into smaller pieces and, as Kieron also states, “...attract toxins and heavy metals as they travel on

the tides.” (Marks CNN) This is not good at all.

And it shows. Tuvalu, which is a tourist spot, is infested with plastic. It doesn’t have the

technology or infrastructure to get rid of it either. They dump it into their water, but that just comes

back to bite them. They try to burn it, but it releases a black smoke and many toxins that are linked

with this one terrible disease called cancer. It’s not all that great.

Tuvalu is not the only place affected by this. Everyone around the world faces some

repercussion when they use plastics.

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First off, it costs a total of $13 billion each in year in damages, according to Kieron. Imagine

where all that money can go to, but it goes to fix something so big caused by something that’s so

small and fixable.

It also destroys the environment. Gyres contain them, and the fishes in those gyres die

consuming them. That’s not a very pleasant last meal since it leaves them hungry.

And if that wasn’t scary enough, it’s also in the food we consume! A fourth of the fish in

California and Indonesia that is consumed contain plastic. We’re slowly becoming Barbie dolls, one

meal at a time.

However, a recent push in helping people understand the effects of plastics and helping

remove the plastics in the ocean has had some good effects. In Germany, stricts laws are in place,

and the European countries around hope to soon follow.

Although we have been destroying our on Earth, we can still fix it, and plastics are one issue

that we can tackle and fix in the coming years.

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Works Cited

" Is a 21st Century Deal with the Devil." ​Los Angeles Times​. Los Angeles Times. Web. 15 June


Monks, Kieron. "The Plastic Plague Washing up on Our Shores." ​CNN​. Cable News Network, 02 Sept. 2016.

Web. 15 June 2017.

Tsipursky, Gleb. "Conquer Fear Of Public Speaking Through Emotional Intelligence." ​The Huffington Post​., 17 Sept. 2016. Web. 15 June 2017.

"The Rise of Legal Weed in America." ​The Week - All You Need to Know about Everything That Matters​. 26

Nov. 2016. Web. 15 June 2017.

Criteria A (3) B (2.5) C (2.1) D (1.9) No Evidence

MLA Format​- Perfect!!! It’s all here 1-2 aspects are 2-3 aspects are 4 or more aspects Did not follow
and done correctly. missing or missing or missing or MLA format.
incorrectly used. incorrectly used. incorrectly used.

Works Cited Page It is its own page and *Incorrect font/size

properly structured. *Incorrect

Word Count 400 or more. 399-250. Less than 250.

5 4.2 3.7 3.2 0

TAG Sentence w/ summary. Correctly written and Correctly written TAG has some Incorrectly written Missing TAG
perfectly summarizes and adequately problems and does and does not sentence w/
article. summarizes article. not really summarize summarize article. summary.

Includes at least one ​quote​ to Cited source. Did not cite source. Missing quote.
discuss and its cited correctly.

Sentence Variety​- The writer 3 different sentences 2 different sentences 1 sentence is Did not provide
uses a variety of sentence highlighted and correctly correctly correctly evidence.
structures, varying between constructed. constructed. constructed.
sentence length.

Grammar/Spelling​- No errors. 1-2 minor errors. 3-4 more noticeable Writer has multiple The paper was
errors. careless errors. clearly not

Focus on response and not on Only summary exists in At least half the The writer’s 42/45
summary the TAG. Writer assignment is assignment is more
responds to topic of summary. than half summary.

Overall Support​- The writer was Writer adeptly responds The writer responds Spends a lot of time Mostly summary. All summary.
highly effective in exploring and supports response. and supports summarizing and Writer never
his/her beliefs in this response. response. little time responds to the
responding. article.

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