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GEOMETRÍA arcturian

Estamos Arcturianos de
conciencia dimensional
sexto. Nosotros transmitimos
a usted el sentido y la
conciencia de que estos
símbolos gráficos pueden
provocar en el ser los
espectadores. Cada se
codifica con un patrón
particular que se alinea con
una frecuencia específica que
está codificado en el
potencial de cada ser
Al ver estas imágenes, y
recitando la meditación
intención, se puede activar
estas frecuencias dentro de
uno mismo. Estas imágenes
se pueden utilizar como
herramientas para despertar
a todo el ser a un nivel
superior de conciencia o
inspirar ascensión a un
estado más consciente de
ser. Todos los aspectos de la
imagen; colores, formas,
tamaños de las formas y el
posicionamiento y el número
de cada forma en toda la
imagen ha significado a la
matriz de la Tierra, y el ser
humano dentro de su esfera.

Abundance Life force
Alignment Demonstration
Arcturus Mental domain
happiness Repatterning
DNA Activation Star Gate
Attention Soul Purpose
Sorry Telekinesis
Integration Transformation
karmic Balance

abundență forță de viață
aliniere demonstrație
fericire remodelare
trezirea divină rezistență
Activarea ADN-
stele Gate
atenție sufletul Scop
iertare telekineză
a patra
integrare transformare
multidimenională unitate

abondance force de vie
alignement démonstration
bonheur Repatterning
éveil Divin endurance
L'activation de
Star Gate
attention soul Purpose
Pardon télékinésie
intégration transformation
Solde karmique

La fuerza de la creación dentro
de los tres reino dimensional
se despertó de esta
imagen. Activa la capacidad de
hacer que los deseos se
manifiestan en su mundo. Se
aumenta la capacidad creativa
y la motivación para hacer que
los conceptos toman forma
Meditación Intención

Los deseos de mi alma se

manifieste en mi realidad.

Viendo esta formación permite

un acceso a los viejos patrones
y cambiar en algo
nuevo. Utilice esta herramienta
cuando esté dispuesto a
renunciar a los
comportamientos negativos o
para transformarlos en una
cualidad positiva. Esta imagen
le permite alterar sus hábitos
subconscientes y
reacciones. Te permite
rediseñar su pensamiento y
acciones automáticas.Utilice
esto cuando usted está listo
para hacer un cambio
duradero. Se utiliza mejor en
un patrón específico que desea
La intención de la
ya no soy controlado por este
impulso subconsciente. Estoy
Repatterning este
comportamiento vieja en una
dirección más beneficiosa.
Soul Purpose
Soul Purpose

Cada persona viene a la

encarnación con un propósito
que desean cumplir. Esta
formación activa el
conocimiento interno de ese
propósito y permite ver las
señales que los llevarán a su
destino previsto más alto de
cada día.
Intención Meditación

Mi alma propósito se revela a

mí cada día y estoy actuando
sobre esta

En el mundo de la polaridad,
se puede encontrar la
verdadera integración de las
fuerzas de opuestos. Esta
imagen permite al alma para
revelar la luz dentro de su
propia oscuridad y para ver la
luz en la oscuridad del
mundo. Cuando se unen estas
fuerzas aparentemente
opuestas, el alma está
verdaderamente integrado y la
polaridad se apodera de existir.
Meditación Intención

Acepto mi oscuridad como la

revelación de mi luz y siento mi
alma integrar
en su finalización.

Conocimiento interior
que mira hacia el remolino
central de este modelo le
permite ir hacia adentro y
acceder a conocer el interior de
tu alma. Se abre la puerta a la
intuición y su sensibilidad a su
propia verdad. Todas las
respuestas se pueden
encontrar en este lugar de
conocimiento interno. El agarre
de las influencias exteriores se
disuelve y la verdad se ve.
Intención Meditación

reconozco la verdad mediante

la conexión a conociendo

Viaje Interdimensional
codificada en este diagrama es
el poder de viajes
interdimensionales. Cuando
uno llega más allá de las
restricciones percibidas del
tiempo y el espacio, mundos
más allá de los mundos puede
ser visto y experimentado. La
medida en que este diseño
puede ser decodificado
depende del nivel de conciencia
el espectador ha obtenido. Se
activará el nivel de viajes
interdimensionales que cada
uno es listo para percibir.
Intención Meditación

abro mi conciencia para ver

más allá de la percepción del
tiempo y el espacio para mirar
en otras dimensiones.

La especie humana tiene la

capacidad de adaptarse a la
Madre Tierra como ella
despierta a su siguiente
octava. Esta imagen trae toda
la naturaleza de las que son en
alineación con la frecuencia de
Gaia mientras se mueve a
través de sus ciclos de
alrededor del sol y el sistema
solar y la galaxia y eleva a una
forma más clara.
Intención Meditación

estoy en completo alineamiento

con las vibraciones de la Madre
Tierra mientras se muda a su
nuevo ser.

La energía de esta forma da el

impulso necesario para traer la
unidad a un grupo de
individuos para cumplir un
propósito más elevado. El
individuo se siente honrado
dentro de la unificación de las
almas que llevan a cabo una
tarea más grande. En la
unidad hay poder.
Meditación Intención

En Unity estamos conjunto y

damos propósito más elevado
para nuestras creaciones.

With this tool you can finally
let go of resentment and guilt
not resuelta.Este model allows
one to release the bonds of the
past that cause sorrow and
pain in the present. It comes to
a place that opens old wounds
and released, so that the true
forgiveness can be done and
soul can be free.
Intent meditation

I forgive myself and everyone

else in the depths of my being.
This combination of active
geometric shapes the ability to
transform one thing in otra.Le
reminiscent of a deep level of
his powers of
transformation. Access your
capacity as creator to change
your reality. This is a gift that
each person has. You can
transform any thought or
feeling into something
different, and all
circumstances can be altered
to another, with the power of
consciousness. How are you
going to use this power? What
will you choose to transform?
intent Meditation
I have the power to transform
my reality. I will use this power
to transform into ___________
____________ in my life.

Everything on your planet is

connected in a network of
filaments of light. This graph
shows that this matrix of light
is real and an illusion at
once. You can take this matrix
and read the lines of light,
because everything is
interconnected. A line of light
leads to all
beamlines. Everything is a
point of light in a holographic
interconnected. Contemplate
what this means, while
watching this picture.
intent Meditation

I am a point of light in the

infinite web of light.

divine Awakening
You are each a divine being
who has forgotten who you
are. This image awakens your
soul to its true divinity and
connection to a spiritual realm
that transcends the physical
world. The juxtaposition of
shapes talks with the spiritual
side of his conscience and
brings that sense of the divine
in their current state of
consciousness. It consists of
the spiritual patterns as
manifested in its present
intent Meditation
I am a divine being to
participate in a divine plan.

All human beings have the

capacity for telepathic
communication. This image
contains data that can only be
read as you allow your
telepathic skills to become
real. You can send large
amounts of information into
simple geometric shapes 3D
using the power of your
imagination. Allow your
imagination to turn your
Intent meditation
It's natural for me to be
telepathic and can send blocks
of information into a single 3D
shape with my mind.

Focus your attention on the

center of this chart and you
find that you can not help
maintain mental
concentration. This can be
used to focus your intentions
and help keep the task of
achieving their goals. Just a
few seconds of attention with
the intention of the image and
find focus.
Intent meditation

I will keep my focus on

____________ of (time).

This pattern gives you the

strength to continue its long-
term goals and keep your
promises to yourself and
others. Speak to your cellular
level and creates strength in
your being. The bull's eye in
the center is its aim and ways
surrounding build your
character to inspire you to
move forward with firm
determination. You have the
power to achieve your soul
purpose and this will help to
access that inner strength.
intent Meditation

I have the stamina to fulfill my

DNA Activation

DNA Activation

physical nature in its three

dimensions receive only two
strands of DNA that make the
model for your form. However,
there are invisible threads of
DNA by a total of twelve who
are awakening in your
being. These filaments are an
energy blueprint for the new
luminous human being. As you
raise in a lighter vibrational
frequency, its threads are
activated. This diagram speaks
to the strong DNA and codes
them for activity.
intent Meditation

I'm ready for my full 12 strand

DNA activation and accept my
soul and
governor of my new light car.
Star Gate

Star Gate
Care to mark another galaxy or
planetary system? This
diagram acts as a dial to allow
contact through outer
space. For those who are ready
to be ambassadors to the stars
and open communication to
other worldly beings, this line
can help you make
contact. Each of the written
symbols is a card that tells
others your area code. It is a
gateway. It is up to you to
decide which dial number and
want to know how much
there. Let your intentions to
guide you.
intent Meditation
I am an ambassador of light in
the universe and I am open to
make contact with other
stellar beings of light.

The subtlety of peace overlaps

the cracks of life giving only
ease of recognition by the state
of mind that is calm, even
amid the chaos. This image
reminds us that the state of
tranquility is an option only to
be at peace within the moment
as imperfect as the
environment, and ego can
be. Give yourself permission to
be at peace and feel the
tranquility despite what is
happening in your life. Here is
where the true peace of mind.
intent Meditation

I am at peace now and let me

feel calm.

Abundance is the natural state
of the universe. Be careful
what you think of as you
ponder this image. It has the
coding to create more of
whatever you're thinking. This
is a state amplifier abundance
in what you are attracting.
Intent meditation

I'm attracting a lot of what I

need to fulfill my soul purpose.

The art of being in more than

one place at the same time, or
move from one place to another
in an instant, is an ancient
practice and its future. No, you
do not teleport if you see this
graphic. However, in this image
it is the secret to exploit this
capability. There are many
levels to teleport and some
require not physically go
anyway in order to be instantly
elsewhere.As you progress in a
higher state of consciousness
this idea becomes clearer and
so does the meaning of the
intent Meditation
My conscience is a means of
transport that transcends the
limits of matter and time.

the phrase mind over matter is

used, and this is as a matter of
fact, a true statement. The
mind is on the
matter. However, the prevailing
view in your planet is that
matter is more of Mind. This
powerful graphic image breaks
this misbelief and makes your
soul to reverse this. Your
conscious mind may find this a
bit unpleasant image. This is
because it is changing your
mind so you can recognize that
the mind is what causes
matter to be what it is, and
therefore can be moved and
shaped objects and the laws
that you think that govern
them. In other words, they are
meant to be telekinetic and
this opens this possibility
intent Meditation

Telekinesis is natural. My soul

eye of the mind is the engine
sees and matter.
Life force
Life Force

In this training, you can feel

the life force that is
generated. It contains the
Torus shape or donut, which is
the way of creation creation. It
can be found throughout the
universe, but can be viewed
differently depending on their
perspective.Flames vibrant
color show the life force that
arises from the act of
creation. If you need to
strengthen your creative juices
or motivate your passion for
life, then spend some time with
this image.
intent Meditation

life force of creation welled

within me and my efforts
with light.
fourth Dimension

This design contains all the

necessary elements to awaken
the fourth dimensional world
from its current position. The
bottom sheet shows the symbol
for forgiveness and the ability
to see many sides of every
issue. The image of stars
showing the origin of all as one
and the same. The image above
retransmits the knowledge that
the physical and spiritual
worlds come together in the
center and form follows
consciousness. The cube is the
limits you leave behind and
beyond as you acknowledge
that it is your consciousness
that creates all the boxes. You
can play with different words
as you want, but the essence is
printed inside.
intent Meditation

My soul is ready to lead my

physical form in a fourth
dimensional perspective with
Mental domain
Mental domain

The pieces do not always fit

into the puzzle of the way you
think they do. The numerous
plazas challenge your mental
limits to see the balance
heading into the center of this
graphic display. Squares fit
only if you stop feeling the
need to make it appear. Mental
domain in the next octave of
consciousness comes from
seeing that everything fits,
even when it seems not.
intent Meditation

My mind can expand beyond

the confines of the puzzle and
its pieces. I can have mental
domain for fluid balance.

If you feel the inclination, you

can use this dial Arcturian to
contact the Arcturus star
system in order to
communicate with the
Arcturians. This combination
of symbols and shapes given to
the artist as a tool to mark up
Arcturus. Open your soul to
our frequency and transmits a
message of their desire to
make contact. We coded image
so we can read his conscience
and intention as it passes
through their brainwaves and
lives within his soul vibration.
intent Meditation

My soul is open to connect

with friends Arcturians to help
human on Earth.
karmic Balance
karmic Balance

This graphic is full of symbols

of power reinstallation of
karmic balance. The light and
dark circles unite and show
the enlightened eye of wisdom,
because they bind. The central
dodecahedron contains the
power of forgiveness and see
the many faces of all
interactions. The cyclical
nature of number six
surrounds the form "As above,
so below." These images are
the essence of the importance
of balancing their actions
because they affect forever. The
waves flowing outward are a
reminder that their actions are
fluid and can change in an
instant, thus altering the
karma affects over time and
intent Meditation

I think and act with the

awareness of karmic balance
and seek the maximum
expression of forgiveness and

The ancient symbol in the

center of tenderhearted fish
tails, are intended to get you
out of your problems and in its
primitive state of true
happiness. Its origin is the
state of euphoria and is the
right of your soul to feel this
bliss even in the physical
density of their world. The
brightness of the orange and
blue set your ego aside from
the soothing frequencies
diffuse background colors that
are united in their aura and
heal your chakras, returning to
the blissful feeling that their
Intent Meditation
I keep my ego let go in me and
now live in a peaceful state of
my true eternal happiness.
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