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Guri: Gestión de Proyectos trae alimentación fiable y crecimiento a la región venezolana remoto


Guri Dam
Project Management Brings Reliable Power and Growth To Remote
Venezuelan Region

Comúnmente conocido como Guri, la Hidroeléctrica Raúl Leoni central (hidroeléctrica Raúl ■ La falta de conocimiento nacional en la construcción de presas significaba

Leoni Center) es uno de los más grandes proyectos hidroeléctricos que operan en el mundo. empresas sólo no venezolanas competirían por los contratos de construcción

Se encuentra ubicado en el Estado Bolívar en la región de Guayana, en Venezuela, y fue

construido en un período de 23 años utilizando un concepto de construcción por etapas. Este

diseño reduce al mínimo la inversión inicial del proyecto y la fuente de alimentación adaptado soluciones
al crecimiento de la demanda en el sistema eléctrico de Venezuela.
In 1960, the Venezuelan government created Corporacion Venezolana de
Guayana (CVG) to lead the development of the Guayana region. The CVG
would study, develop and organize the hydroelectric potential of the Caroní

A 1.300 metros de largo y 162 metros de altura, enorme embalse de Guri ahora River and promote the industrial development of the region in both the private

suministra tanto como el 70 por ciento de la electricidad de Venezuela, salvar al país and public sectors. In 1961, CVG authorized preliminary economical and

300.000 barriles de petróleo al día. technical studies, which were conducted by a North American company and
completed in 1962.

El gobierno de Venezuela reconoce en la década de 1940 que las reservas de In 1963, with significant funding from the World Bank, CVG created
petróleo del país serían fundamentales para el desarrollo económico a largo plazo y la Electrificadora del Caroni, C.A. (EDELCA) to coordinate the size the Guri
estabilidad. Para liberar una mayor proporción de petróleo del país para la venta y la project. EDELCA became the agency in charge of the project and its
exportación, el gobierno venezolano hizo el paso audaz de transición de hidrocarburo subsequent operations.
a la energía generada por hidroeléctrica como fuente de energía eléctrica principal del
During the project’s inception, cost estimates included all subprojects and bids
from different consortiums. This allowed for comparison, and was critical in the
shift from using international companies during the first stage of the project to
Una firma consultora internacional fue contratado en 1949 para desarrollar un plan domestic companies for the second phase and operation of the dam. A plan
nacional de energía eléctrica. Los estudios de ingeniería realizadas desde was developed to encourage the transnational companies to train and involve
1953-1963 mostraron el gran poder hidroeléctrico del río Caroní, el segundo río más Venezuelan employees in the dam’s construction and operation. This
grande de Venezuela. Como resultado, el Cañón Necuima, situado a 100 km aguas increased participation of Venezuelan contractors from 30 percent in the initial
arriba de la desembocadura del río Caroní en el Orinoco, fue elegido como el sitio de project phases to 60 percent during the final phase.

The companies and consortiums working on the project were selected through
a bidding, evaluation and selection process, which was supervised by
■ El sitio de construcción de la presa se encuentra en un lugar muy remoto, EDELCA. With more than 70 national and transnational organizations
con una población relativamente pequeña y no hay sistema de participating in the project’s development, ensuring the quality of the finished
comunicaciones product was a main concern of both CVG and EDELCA. Skipping any
preliminary steps could have resulted in additional time and cost.
■ Una falta en todo el país de los conocimientos técnicos necesarios para llevar a

cabo estudios sobre el potencial hidroeléctrico del río requiere el uso

experimentado de empresas extranjeras

Guri Dam: Project Management Brings Reliable Power and Growth To Remote Venezuelan Region

To mitigate these problems, all potential contractors were required to These changes were implemented within the expected time and budget, and
have: the final stage of construction was initiated earlier than planned thanks to
corrective actions taken to improve cost surpluses during construction. During
■ a minimum of five years of operations in the market
the project’s final stage, energy sales produced by the first stage operation not
only helped finance the project, but also helped CVG and EDELCA account for
■ a verifiable executed work curriculum
the devaluation of Venezuela’s currency during the project’s closing stages.
■ an appropriate credit line to ensure their ability to respond to
the project’s financial obligations

■ defined guarantees for quality

Critical steps aimed at preventing quality issues in the project’s final The economic efficiency of Guri Dam’s construction can be attributed to its
stages included: phased development. While other concepts called for the dam to be built to
the final height at the first stage—a much easier design—the region would not
■ identifying and implementing critical provisions during initial planning
have been able to absorb all of the generated power, making it more difficult
to finance.

■ conducting internal and international inspections

In addition, the compact and incremental design of the dam resulted in

■ obtaining signatures of guarantee from vendors and contractors
inexpensive power at the time—approximately US$550 per kW—which
attracted aluminum and iron ore smelting industries to the area.
The project also focused heavily on risk management and prevention.
EDELCA integrated a communication program into the project, which
included a central telephone network, mobile radio service connecting the Key Achievements
operations, construction, guards, administration and hydrology, and a VHF
■ Completed 15 days ahead of schedule and in line with expected
system controlling the lake’s navigation.

■ Raised EDELCA’s contribution to the Venezuelan national electrical

In addition, a Hydro-meteorological Forecast Center generated and
power grid from 22 percent in 1963 to as much as 70 percent today
disseminated hydrological, meteorological and climatological forecasts and
studies, which would help prevent or diagnose any potential natural threat to
the dam. EDELCA also mitigated environmental risks that could have ■ Fulfilled government’s goal to significantly decrease dependence on
impacted popular support by including plans to relocate both the hamlets petroleum as a domestic power source: ability to generate more than
and animal life threatened by the dam’s construction and subsequent 10,000MW and produce up to 50,000GWh per year—the equivalent
reservoir. of 300,000 barrels of oil per day

Cuando la construcción comenzó en 1963, el proyecto utiliza un concepto único para la ■ Extremely reliable source of power generation, with only one partial
época: el uso de la construcción por fases para minimizar la inversión inicial y la fuente de system failure since completion, which was solved in less than three
alimentación coincidencia con el crecimiento de la demanda del sistema eléctrico. La hours
planificación de este proyecto resultó ser un trabajo muy complejo, ya que el diseño tuvo

que reconocer la interfaz entre el antiguo y el nuevo hormigón con cada incremento en la

altura. El equipo de diseño ha desarrollado la solución para futuras ampliaciones en el

inicio del proyecto, lo que resulta en pocas dificultades durante la elevación final de la


Durante la primera fase de la construcción, el éxito funcionalidad, junto con el rápido

crecimiento de la demanda de energía eléctrica en la región de Guayana y en toda

Venezuela, dio lugar a un cambio importante en el número de unidades de potencia de

cinco a 10.

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