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93 (45 minutos) UA 10 27



 Identifica la intención del  Reconoce la intención del

interlocutor. emisor del texto oral.
Expresión y comprensión
oral  Intercambia información
 Interactúa mostrando interés oportuna con su interlocutor
en su interlocutor. para describir eventos
 Elabora textos escritos con  Utiliza diversas estructuras
Producción de textos adecuación, cohesión y gramaticales y lexicales para
coherencia. describir eventos pasados.


INICIO (10 minutos)

 El docente ingresa al aula y saluda a los estudiantes diciendo: Good morning / Good afternoon, según sea el
 Se solicita a los estudiantes que se agrupen en pares y se coloca en la pizarra la siguiente información:

“Pedro helped people when “Tom drove cars, buses, “My grandmother taught
they were ill. He was a(n) trucks, etc. He was a(n) English at a school college.
______.” _____.” She was a(n) _____.”

“My sister cooked food in a “I painted portraits,

restaurant. She was a(n) landscapes, etc. when I was
_____. young. I was a(n)___.

 En pares conversan acerca de cuál es la apropiada profesión que completa cada espacio en blanco.
 Algunos voluntarios leen las oraciones en voz alta. El docente anota las respuestas en la pizarra.
 El docente indica a los estudiantes que hoy conversarán acerca de las actividades que las personas
realizaban en el pasado.
DESARROLLO (25 minutos)

 El docente coloca en la pizarra la siguiente imagen y pregunta a los estudiantes:

- Who is she?
- What do you think she did when she was young?

 Algunos estudiantes voluntarios responden a las preguntas en voz alta. El docente anota las respuestas en la
 Luego se coloca el siguiente texto en la pizarra y se solicita a los estudiantes que lean la información para
luego compararla con las respuestas previas:

“This is my grandmother. Her name is Teresa. When she was young, she was a teacher. She taught
English. She worked at Santa Rosa School in Callao for fifteen years. She was very nice but strict. ”

 Los estudiantes en pares deciden si las oraciones que la docente ha anotado en la pizarra son verdaderas o
falsas. Si son falsas, las corrige.
- Julio is Teresa’s grandson. True False
- Teresa wasn’t an English teacher. True False
- She worked at the school for 50 years. True False
- She wasn’t a strict teacher. True False

 Estudiantes voluntarios encierran las respuestas en la pizarra. Luego, todos corrigen la actividad.
 Los estudiantes practican la conversación utilizando la información colocada en la pizarra.

A: Who is she?
B: She’s my grandmother.
A: What did she do when she was young?
B: She was a teacher.
A: Where did she work?
B: She worked at Santa Rosa School.
A: What was she like?
B: She was very nice but strict.

 Luego se procede a borrar información de la conversación para que los estudiantes la completen con sus
propias ideas.

A: Who is she/he?
B: ___’s my ______________.
A: What did _____ do when ____ was young?
B: ____ was a _________. c
A: Where did _____ work?
B: _____ worked at ___________.
A: What was _____ like?
B: ____ was very __________ but __________.

 Se brinda un ejemplo para verificar que los estudiantes sepan qué hacer en la actividad. Se brinda un tiempo
prudencial para el desarrollo de la actividad.
 El docente monitorea el trabajo de los estudiantes y absuelve las dudas que puedan surgir.
 Al término del tiempo dado, se invita a algunas parejas voluntarias para que salgan al frente de la clase y
presenten su conversación.
CIERRE (15 minutos)

 El docente entrega una ficha para ser trabajada en la sesión.

 Los estudiantes resuelven los ejercicios propuestos y al término del tiempo, todos devuelven la ficha para que
sea corregida por el docente.

What I knew What I learned today What I need to reinforce


➢ No se asigna tarea para la casa.

 Pizarra
 Plumones o tizas
 Papelógrafos con diversa información escrita
 Flashcards
 Ficha de aplicación
 REDSTON, C. & CUNNINGHAM, G. (2009). Face2Face Elementary Student’s Book. Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press.

Name: ________________________________________ Date: _________________

Teacher: ______________________________________

A. Listen to you teacher and circle the correct answer (a, b or c):
1. Rosita’s ____ was a nurse.
a. uncle b. grandfather c. father
2. He worked in the hospital for ___ years.
a. 12 b. 22 c. 20
3. Julio’s father was a ___.
a. baker b. seller c. nurse
4. Now he has his own ___.
a. restaurant b. store c. bakery
5. Luis and Jackie’s mother was a ___.
a. cook b. waitress c. teacher
6. Now, she is a ___.
a. housewife b. cook c. seller

B. Read the text and decide if the statements below are true or false:

Gaston Acurio

This is Gastón Acurio. He studied cooking in a famous institute in Paris,

Le Cordon Bleu.

In 1994 he came back to Peru and opened, with his wife’s help, their
first restaurant called “Astrid & Gastón” in the district of Miraflores, in
Lima. They expanded to South America opening restaurants in Santiago
de Chile, Bogotá, Quito, Caracas and recently in Europe in countries such
as Spain.

Acurio has contributed to the development of the so-called Cocina Novoandina and he’s
currently recognized as one of the most important chefs in the world and ambassador of
Peruvian Cuisine.

1. He studied cooking in Peru. True False

2. He opened his first restaurant in Lima. True False
3. He has various restaurants around the world. True False
4. He isn’t single. True False
5. He is an ambassador of Peruvian cuisine. True False
C. Read the text below and fill in the chart:


Jorge Mario Pedro Vargas Llosa, our famous writer, journalist, essayist,
professor, and recipient of the 2010 Nobel Prize in Literature, was born in
Arequipa, Peru. He studied two years in Leoncio Prado Military Academy in
Lima after having lived in Bolivia and Piura. He studied Law and Literature
at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Then, in 1959 he obtained
the Javier Prado Scholarship and traveled to Spain where he obtained a
PhD from the Complutense University of Madrid.

In 1963 he published his first book called “La Ciudad y Los Perros”, book that gave him a lot
of popularity. He has also been a Visiting Professor at prestigious universities such as
Harvard, Oxford, Princeton, Columbia, Cambridge and Georgetown. Vargas Llosa is one of
Latin America's most significant novelists and essayists, and one of the leading writers of his




First Publication

Other books

Nobel Prize

D. Write a short paragraph describing what Esteban did when he was young. Use the
words given in the boxes:

fruit seller street fruit shop in a market

This is Esteban. He’s my neighbor. He was a _______________________________________

Now he doesn’t work in the street anymore. He ___________________________________

1. This is my friend Rosita. Her grandfather, Juan, was a nurse when he was young. He
used to work at Emilio Valdizán Hospital. He worked there for twenty years. He
doesn’t work now. He’s retired.

2. This is my friend Julio. His father was a baker when he was young. He worked in a
bakery near his house. He worked there for ten years. Then he decided to open a
small store in his house. Now he works at his house and Julio and his sister help him.

3. They are my friends Luis and Jackie. Their mother was a waitress when she was
young. She worked at a restaurant in Lima downtown for fifteen years. Now she is a
housewife and takes care of their family.

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