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Universidad de Salamanca
Facultad de Traduccin y Documentacin

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1 de septiembre de 2017

Propiedad Intelectual
Qu es la Propiedad Intelectual? [e-Book] Ginebra, OMPI, 2016.
Texto completo

La propiedad intelectual es el conjunto de derechos que corresponden a los autores y

a otros titulares (artistas, productores, organismos de radiodifusin...) respecto de las
obras y prestaciones fruto de su creacin. (Ministerio de Educacin y Cultra)

Para la OMPI La propiedad intelectual (P.I.) se relaciona con las creaciones de la

mente: invenciones, obras literarias y artsticas, as como smbolos, nombres e
imgenes utilizados en el comercio. La legislacin protege la P.I., por ejemplo,
mediante las patentes, el derecho de autor y las marcas, que permiten obtener
reconocimiento o ganancias por las invenciones o creaciones. Al equilibrar el inters de
los innovadores y el inters pblico, el sistema de P.I. procura fomentar un entorno
propicio para que prosperen la creatividad y la innovacin.

La propiedad industrial, que abarca las patentes de invencin, las marcas, los diseos
industriales y las indicaciones geogrficas.

El derecho de autor, que abarca las obras literarias (por ejemplo, las novelas, los
poemas y las obras de teatro), las pelculas, la msica, las obras artsticas (por
ejemplo, dibujos, pinturas, fotografas y esculturas) y los diseos arquitectnicos. Los
derechos conexos al derecho de autor son los derechos de los artistas intrpretes y
ejecutantes sobre sus interpretaciones o ejecuciones, los de los productores de
fonogramas sobre sus grabaciones y los de los organismos de radiodifusin respecto
de sus programas de radio y televisin.
Para saber ms sobre Propiedad Intelectual.

"Propiedad intelectual versus conocimiento. el debate sobre "acceso

abierto"Relaciones " Relaciones vol. 26, n. 104: pp.

Propiedad intelectual versus conocimiento. el debate sobre "acceso

abierto"Relaciones [en lnea] 2005, XXVI (Sin mes) : [fecha de consulta: 4 de
octubre de 2011] Disponible en:
ISSN 0185-3929

"Propiedad intelectual versus conocimiento. el debate sobre "acceso

abierto"Relaciones " Relaciones vol. 26, n. 104: pp.

Propiedad intelectual versus conocimiento. el debate sobre "acceso

abierto"Relaciones [en lnea] 2005, XXVI (Sin mes) : [fecha de consulta: 4 de
octubre de 2011] Disponible en:
ISSN 0185-3929

"Informe sobre el convenio-tipo entre determinadas instituciones y CEDRO,

sobre actividad reprogrfica." AABADOM vol. 10, n. 1-2
(1999). pp.:

La Federacin Espaola de Sociedades de Archivstica, Bibliotecas y

Documentacin (FESABID) ha elaborado, a peticin de la Subdireccin General de
Propiedad Intelectual del Ministerio de Educacin y Cultura, el presente informe
sobre el borrador de conveniotipo elaborado por CEDRO sobre actividad
reprogrfica. Como ya es conocido por la Subdireccin General de Propiedad
Intelectual, FESABID apoya firmemente la proteccin de los derechos de autor y
cree que los intereses morales y econmicos de los titulares deben estar
adecuadamente protegidos. Reconoce, asimismo, la importancia de combinar
esta proteccin asegurando un acceso y uso razonables de todas las personas a
los recursos de informacin de las bibliotecas.

(2003). [e-Book] Gua para determinar la contribucin econmica de las

industrias relacionadas con el derecho de autor,. Ginebra, OMPI. Texto

Las perspectivas tradicionales del derecho de autor han cambiado

sustancialmente desde la aprobacin, en 1886, del Convenio de Berna, que es el
pilar fundamental del sistema internacional del derecho de autor. Ms
recientemente, a partir de la aprobacin de los dos Tratados Internet de la
OMPI en 1996, y como consecuencia de la tecnologa digital, han ocurrido
muchos cambios en el mbito del derecho de autor, que han abierto nuevos
horizontes para que los compositores, los artistas, los escritores y otras personas
usen la Internet con confianza para crear, distribuir y controlar el uso de sus
obras en el entorno digital. El derecho de autor, otrora considerado
un concepto jurdico de difcil comprensin, est hoy en da cada vez ms ligado
a la vida cotidiana de una cantidad extraordinaria de personas. En la economa
mundial, la proteccin del derecho de autor constituye la base de sectores
enteros, como el de la msica, el sector editorial, la industria cinematogrfica, la
radiodifusin y los programas informticos, e influye tambin en muchas otras
actividades comerciales. De esta manera, el derecho de autor es una poderosa
fuente de crecimiento econmico, que genera empleo y estimula el comercio.

(2005). [e-Book] La gestin colectiva en el mbito de la reprografa. Ginebra,

OMPI. Texto

La Organizacin Mundial de la Pr opiedad Intelectual (OMPI) y la

Federacin Internacional de Organizaciones de Gestin de Der echos de
Reproduccin (IFRRO, International Federation of Reproduction Rights
Organisations) tienen la satisfaccin de presentar esta publicacin conjunta. En
ella se describe de for ma general el concepto de gestin colectiva y su papel en
el campo de la r eprografa, el marco legislativo de la misma y las or ganizaciones
de derechos de reproduccin nacionales y sus actividades. Esta publicacin se ha
elaborado en el mar co del Acuerdo de Colaboracin firmado por la OMPI y la
IFRRO en el ao 2003. El Acuer do ofrece a ambas organizaciones oportunidades
para trabajar conjuntamente en actividades de promocin y concienciacin sobr
e este impor tante asunto. La compleja tarea de recopilar esta informacin ha
sido realizada por la Sra. Tarja Koskinen-Olsson, Presidenta Honoraria de la
IFRRO. La Sra. KoskinenOlsson es una reconocida experta en este campo, y ha
trabajado durante tr es dcadas al servicio de la gestin colectiva.
Esta publicacin servir indudablemente como valiosa fuente de informacin
para especialistas en derechos de autor y der echos conexos y para todos
aquellos que estn estrechamente vinculados a la gestin colectiva de la r
eprografa en todo el mundo.
(2006). [e-Book] Copyleft. Manual de uso. Madrid, Traficantes de Sueos. Texto

Hace ya algn tiempo, el trmino copyleft saltaba los mrgenes del

cdigo informtico y se instalaba en todos los mbitos de la produccin
intelectual. Todava relativamente desconocido, torpemente pronunciado por los
no iniciados, el copyleft se ha convertido sin embargo en la bandera de un
movimiento cultural y poltico que reune a toda clase de creadores y trabajadores
intelectuales: msicos, escritores, programadores, artistas, editores, juristas,
mediactivistas y un largusimo etctera que amenaza con instalarse en cada
rincn de la sociedad.

(2006). [e-Book] Gestin de la propiedad intelectual en la industria editorial

de libros: una publicacin informativa orientada a las empresas, OMPI. Texto

La Organizacin Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI) se complace

en presentar esta gua introductoria para editoriales que deseen saber ms sobre
cmo gestionar los derechos de propiedad intelectual en un contexto
empresarial. El libro ofrece informacin prctica para ayudar a los editores a
explotar tanto los derechos de propiedad intelectual como los activos
econmicos, y para evitar que infrinjan los derechos de los dems. Aunque se
centra sobre todo en las editoriales de libros comerciales, los conceptos que
aborda son igualmente relevantes para las editoriales de otras obras impresas,
como libros de texto, peridicos, revistas y publicaciones corporativas. Los
autores comienzan presentando algunas nociones bsicas sobre la propiedad
intelectual, usando ejemplos del mundo editorial, para centrarse despus ms
especficamente en el conjunto de derechos que comprende el derecho de autor.
Las relaciones jurdicas inherentes a estos derechos se estudian con respecto a
cada una de las distintas etapas de la cadena de valor econmica de la edicin de
libros, desde la creacin hasta el consumo. La segunda parte del libro aborda la
negociacin de las licencias y los contratos de derecho de autor. Este proceso
comienza con el contrato principal o marco entre un autor y una editorial, y
sigue con las autorizaciones necesarias para incorporar dentro de una
publicacin otro material con derechos de autor, como imgenes o pasajes, y la
concesin de derechos subsidiarios para crear, por ejemplo, una pelcula o
material de merchandising basados en la publicacin original. En los ltimos
captulos, los autores presentan una serie de modelos comerciales concretos. En
esencia, proporcionan directrices prcticas sobre cmo calcular las regalas y
otros pagos, incluidas diversas escalas de pago ilustrativas. La informacin se
basa en las prcticas convencionales de las editoriales y no pretende abarcar
todos los modelos de empresa. En concreto, queda fuera del mbito de esta
publicacin un debate especfico sobre cuestiones complejas relacionadas con la
edicin digital y electrnica. La gua establece los principios generales de la
legislacin relativa a la propiedad intelectual de una forma en absoluto
prescriptiva. Sin embargo, estas descripciones no deben considerarse
afirmaciones jurdicas con valor universal y la gua tampoco debe utilizarse como
sustituta del consejo profesional en materia legal o de la legislacin nacional
sobre el derecho de autor. Esta es la primera publicacin en la serie de Industrias
Creativas de la OMPI. Est escrita por dos editores con gran experiencia: Monica
Seeber (asesora), de la asociacin de autores acadmicos y de no ficcin de
Sudfrica o ANFASA (Academic and Non-Fiction Authors Association of South
Africa) y Richard Balkwill (asesor), del centro de estudios editoriales
internacionales (Centre for International Publishing Studies) de Oxford Brookes.
Tambin han realizado importantes aportaciones Rightscom (Reino Unido) y la
Unin Internacional de Editores (UIE)

(2008). [e-Book] Gestin de la propiedad intelectual en la industria editorial

de libros : Una publicacin informativa orientada a las empresas. Ginebra,
OMPI. Texto

La Organizacin Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI) se complace

en presentar esta gua introductoria para editoriales que deseen saber ms sobre
cmo gestionar los derechos de propiedad intelectual en un contexto
empresarial. El libro ofrece informacin prctica para ayudar a los editores a
explotar tanto los derechos de propiedad intelectual como los activos
econmicos, y para evitar que infrinjan los derechos de los dems. Aunque se
centra sobre todo en las editoriales de libros comerciales, los conceptos que
aborda son igualmente relevantes para las editoriales de otras obras impresas,
como libros de texto, peridicos, revistas y publicaciones corporativas

"Aplicaci de les llicncies de Creative Commons en les obres

culturals." Metodologies vol., n. 4
(2009). pp.:

Grcies a Internet disposem dun seguit de mitjans de difusi que

permeten fer arribar els continguts culturals a una gran part de poblaci a un
cost relativament baix. Eines com el web, el bloc, serveis com Flickr, Facebook o
Youtube sn instruments que certament resulten de gran utilitat per facilitar la
comunicaci de continguts a la nostra comunitat dusuaris

"Gua de licencias Creative Commons." FLACSO Virtual Argentina vol., n.

(2009). pp.:

La presente gua introduce una serie de claves para comprender el

sistema de licencias de Creative Commons. Tiene el propsito de ampliar el
conocimiento acerca de los derechos de autor y presentar soluciones ms
abiertas frente a la produccin, circulacin y regulacin de obras intelectuales
que garanticen la autora al mismo tiempo que contribuyan a la libre circulacin
del saber. En primer lugar, la gua analiza qu es una licencia y qu significa la
frase algunos derechos reservados en el contexto del derecho de autor. Luego
describe qu es Creative Commons, algo de su historia y quines gestionan las
licencias a nivel nacional. Posteriormente, describe qu obras se pueden licenciar,
presenta las licencias Creative Commons y los procedimientos para obtenerlas. En
la parte final, se ofrece informacin y algunas recomendaciones tanto para el
licenciamiento de obras como para la bsqueda de producciones intelectuales
bajo el sistema de Creative Commons.

"Advice to Authors: A guide to copyright and local deposit of full text." UCD
Library vol., n. (2011). pp.:

This guide addresses some frequently asked questions about repositories

and intellectual property rights, and points to additional sources of information. It
is not intended as a source of legal advice.

"Advice to Authors: A guide to copyright and local deposit of full text." UCD
Library vol., n. (2011). pp.:

This guide addresses some frequently asked questions about repositories

and intellectual property rights, and points to additional sources of information. It
is not intended as a source of legal advice.

(2011). [e-Book] Manual de desobediencia a la Ley Sinde. Madrid, Traficantes

de Sueos. Texto

Este Manual tiene el objetivo de demostrar la ineficacia radical de la Ley

Sinde desde un punto de vista prctico. Los usuarios y webmasters encontrarn
los mtodos ms tiles para sortear las barreras de la censura gubernamental. La
llamada Ley Sinde ha despertado la oposicin de diversos colectivos de
ciudadanos tanto por la forma en la que se promovi, al margen de la
ciudadana; como por el hecho de que no responde a los objetivos que dice
promover, la supuesta proteccin de creadores; como por las presiones externas
de las industrias que en definitiva han acabado por imponerla. La oposicin a la
nueva legislacin ha sido tan contundente y masiva que podemos decir sin
tapujos que esta Ley no es representativa de la voluntad general ni est dirigida
al bien comn.

Este Manual de desobediencia a la Ley Sinde tiene el objetivo de demostrar la

ineficacia radical de la Ley Sinde desde un punto de vista prctico. Los usuarios y
webmasters encontrarn los mtodos ms tiles para sortear las barreras de la
censura gubernamental. ha creado este Manual para que la
primera web que sea cerrada, se convierta en la ms popular de la blogosfera.
Para que sus contenidos, lejos de desaparecer, inunden la red. Porque mientras
ellos crean comisiones de censura, nosotras y nosotros rippeamos,
subtitulamos, traducimos y compartimos. Es un acto natural que crece de
nuestras acciones colectivas.

(2012). [e-Book] Copyright for Librarians. Utrecht, Berkman Center for Internet
and Society. Texto

"Copyright for Librarians" (CFL) is an online open curriculum on copyright

law that was developed jointly with Harvards Berkman Center for Internet and
Society. Re-designed as a brand new textbook, "Copyright for Librarians: the
essential handbook" can be used as a stand-alone resource or as an adjunct to
the online version which contains additional links and references for students
who wish to pursue any topic in greater depth. Delve into copyright theory or
explore enforcement. With a new index and a handy Glossary, the Handbook is
essential reading for librarians who want to hone their skills in 2013, and for
anyone learning about or teaching copyright law in the information field.

(2014). [e-Book] El derecho de autor y los derechos conexos y el sistema de

gestin colectiva del derecho de autor al servicio de los creadores y los
consumidores. Geneva, OMPI. Texto

Qu camino recorre una obra desde que es creada por el artista hasta
que es disfrutada por el pblico? Cmo llega a ser programada en las emisoras
de radio la msica creada por los compositores? De qu manera aparece el
cuento de un escritor en forma impresa, en las libreras y en las bibliotecas
pblicas? Cuando se reproduce una fotografa en carteles y revistas, cmo se
paga al fotgrafo? Cmo cosechamos nosotros, los consumidores, los frutos de
toda esa actividad creativa? O lo que es igualmente importante, cmo logran
vivir de los frutos de su trabajo los compositores, los artistas, los escritores y
otros creadores? El presente folleto responde a algunas de esas preguntas
examinando una de las maneras en que funciona el sistema de derecho de autor
y derechos conexos, a saber, la gestin colectiva de los derechos. Se trata de un
sistema que funciona en muchos pases del mundo y que se est extendiendo a
muchos ms. Este sistema desempea una funcin importante en el desarrollo
cultural y en la difusin de la cultura, poniendo las obras de los artistas, los
autores y dems creadores a disposicin del pblico a gran escala. Asimismo,
desempea una funcin importante en el desarrollo econmico: el sistema de
gestin colectiva no slo contribuye a que los creadores puedan vivir de los
frutos de su labor, sino que tambin enriquece y fortalece las industrias
culturales. Autores y artistas de numerosos mbitos cuentan con organizaciones
profesionales establecidas denominadas por lo general organizaciones de
gestin colectiva para administrar el derecho de autor, facilitar su liquidacin y
asegurarse de obtener una retribucin econmica por su produccin creativa. En
el presente folleto se examina la manera en que se proporcionan esos servicios
por medio de la gestin colectiva del derecho de autor y se ofrecen ejemplos
concretos, especialmente relacionados con industrias culturales de primer orden,
a saber: Las grabaciones musicales y sonoras. Las obras literarias y las
publicaciones. La industria cinematogrfica y la televisin. Las artes grficas y la
fotografa. El teatro y las obras dramticas

(2015). [e-Book] Intellectual property rights. Paris, Unesco. Texto

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are set of rights associated with
creations of the human mind. This module has three units covering the basics of
IPR, the components of copyright and the conventions associated with it, as well
as the emergence of liberal licensing to share human creation in the commons.
The Creative Commons approach permits the authors to exercise their rights to
share in the way they intend to. Creative Commons provides six different types of
licenses, of which the Creative Commons Attribution license is the most widely
used in research journals.

(OMPI), O. M. d. l. P. I. (2008). [e-Book] Principios bsicos del derecho de autor

y los derechos conexos. Ginebra, Suiza, OMPI. Texto

La legislacin de derecho de autor forma parte del cuerpo ms amplio

del Derecho de la propiedad intelectual. Por "propiedad intelectual" se entiende,
en trminos generales, toda creacin del intelecto humano. Los derechos de
propiedad intelectual protegen los intereses de los creadores al ofrecerles
prerrogativas en relacin con sus creaciones. En el Convenio que establece la
Organizacin Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (1967) consta una lista de
objetos que se prestan a la proteccin por conducto de los derechos de
propiedad intelectual: - Las obras literarias artsticas y cientficas.Las
interpretaciones de los artista intrpretes ylas ejecuciones de los artistas
ejecutantes, los fonogramas y las emisiones de radiodifusin. Las invenciones en
todos los campos de la actividad humana. Los descubrimientos cientficos.
Los diseos industriales. Las marcas de fbrica, de comercio y de servicio y los
nombres y denominaciones comerciales. La proteccin contra la competencia
Todos los dems derechos relativos a la actividad intelectual en los terrenos
industrial, cientfico, literario y artstico.
Abrams, D. E. "Plagiarism in Lawyers Advocacy: Imposing Discipline for
Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice." Social Science Research
Network vol., n. (2012). pp.:

In a recent high-profile prosecution, the federal district court criticized

defense counsel for filing a post-trial brief that copied passages from previously
published material without attribution. The court followed other recent decisions
that, since about 2000, have chastised lawyers for briefs marked by plagiarism.
Some lawyers had copied passages from earlier judicial opinions that rest in the
public domain, and some lawyers (as in the recent prosecution) had copied
passages from private sources that are subject to the copyright laws. In either
event, courts have labeled lawyers plagiarism reprehensible, intolerable,
completely unacceptable, and unprofessional.The courts have found or
intimated that counsels plagiarized submissions violated Rule 8.4(c) of the ABA
Model Rules of Professional Conduct, which states that it is professional
misconduct for a lawyer to engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit
or misrepresentation. Perhaps because Model Rule 8.4(c)s four proscriptions
normally seem such natural fits, courts finding plagiarism have not yet explored
application of Model Rule 8.4(d), which reaches lawyers who engage in conduct
that is prejudicial to the administration of justice. Grounding professional
discipline in both provisions would not be redundant because under the ABA
Standards for Imposing Lawyer Sanctions, a single act may violate more than one
ethical duty and multiple violations would be relevant to the sanction
imposed.Lawyers plagiarism in briefs and other filings violates Model Rule 8.4(d)
as conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice because this plagiarism
creates a risk that the courts written opinion itself will inadvertently plagiarize. A
lawyers plagiarism can also distort the meaning and import of parties adversary
argument by inducing the court to mistake the copied passages as products of
the lawyers own thought processes, rather than as an uncompensated
non-partys analysis presumably helpful to the proponent.

Abrams, D. E. "Plagiarism in Lawyers Written Advocacy (Part 1)." University of

Missouri School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper vol., n. 2013/9
(2013). pp.:
Professor Abrams authors a column, Writing It Right, in Precedent, the
Missouri Bar's quarterly magazine. In a variety of contexts, the column stresses
the fundamentals of quality legal writing - precision, conciseness, simplicity and
clarity. Future columns will be posted as they are published, every three months
or so.

Abrams, D. E. "Plagiarism in Lawyers Written Advocacy (Part

II)." Precedent vol. 7, n. 3 (2013). pp.:

Professor Abrams authors a column, Writing It Right, in Precedent, the

Missouri Bar's quarterly magazine. In a variety of contexts, the column stresses
the fundamentals of quality legal writing - precision, conciseness, simplicity and
clarity. Future columns will be posted as they are published, every three months
or so.

Acuyo Verdejo, M. C. "Texts in Multilingual Settings: The case of the

European Union." The Translation Journal vol. 9, n. 1
(2005). pp.:

The continuing harmonisation of national legislations within the

European context is causing most of the texts to be modified by simply
contacting with other texts coming from different legal and rethorical cultures.
This is particularly evident in multilingual contexts, such as European institutions
and international organisations. This paper is intended to show how the
phenomenon of globalisation and legal harmonisation, in multilingual settings,
affects the creation of new texts in that they are becoming more and more hybrid
and stardardised. We have taken as examples texts from different legal cultures,
such as those coming from Spain, United Kingdom and the European Union. The
context within which the analysis has been developed is that of industrial
property law.

Agero Boza, D. I. "El traductor y el derecho de autor." Acimed: revista cubana

de los profesionales de la informacin y la comunicacin en salud vol. 9, n. 2
(2001). pp.:

En la presente exposicin, se analizar si el traductor se considera y

protege por las normas del derecho de autor como creador de obras, con
particular referencia a la legislacin nacional, pero antes se debe hacer un poco
de historia. Segn Daniel Rocha, en su artculo El traductor y el derecho de autor,
este siempre desempe un papel importante en el desenvolvimiento cultural de
los pueblos, llev el progreso literario, artstico y cientfico al resto de su nacin y
describi sus orgenes: los brbaros romanos, vencedores en los campos de
batalla, rendidos a fuerza de una civilizacin que abri nuevos caminos; los
vencidos, apresados como esclavos, portadores de una elevada cultura, se
emplearon en las casas de la naciente nobleza para llevar al latn los textos
reveladores del elevado conocimiento de la Grecia antigua.

Ahmad, T. and I. Ghosh "Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement." Social

Science Research Network vol., n.
(2011). pp.:

The word "Plagiarism" is taken from the word Plagiarius, a kidnapper.

Plagiarism or the act of stealing or copying from the original authentic source is
one of the major dilemmas in Copyright law. It is a dilemma because of the idea,
the expression dichotomy which exists. So, if a person is accused of Plagiarism,
the burden of proof lies on him to show that he has a different expression
through his work overall, even if there might be a similarity of ideas. However,
such an action would actually diminish the inherent value of an intellectual
property. Hence, the actual author suffers a substantial amount of loss, both in
pecuniary terms and the intellectual value attached to his work. The degree of
authenticity involved on the part of the actual author has also been taken into
account. Therefore, it becomes a necessity to determine the actual mens rea
and actus reus involved before concluding any criminal act on the person
accused of plagiarizing. Also, it must be determined whether substantial copying
has taken place. The paper will focus and delineate all the aspects of Plagiarism
and when such an act would actually constitute an infringement. The paper will
also try to bring out the necessary safeguards that have been undertaken to
prevent such acts.

Ahmed, P., B. Kaveh, et al. "Evaluation of cheating detection methods in

academic writings." Library Hi Tech vol. 29, n. 4 (2011). pp.

Purpose This paper aims to focus on plagiarism and the consequences

of anti-plagiarism services such as, iThenticate, and in detecting the most recent cheatings in academic and
other writings. Design/methodology/approach The most important approach is
plagiarism prevention and finding proper solutions for detecting more complex
kinds of plagiarism through natural language processing and artificial intelligence
self-learning techniques. Findings The research shows that most of the
anti-plagiarism services can be cracked through different methods and artificial
intelligence techniques can help to improve the performance of the detection
procedure. Research limitations/implications Accessing entire data and
plagiarism algorithms is not possible completely, so comparing is just based on
the outputs from detection services. They may produce different results on the
same inputs. Practical implications Academic papers and web pages are
increasing over time, and it is very difficult to capture and compare documents
with all available data on the network in an up to date manner. Originality/value
As many students and researchers use the plagiarism techniques (e.g. PDF
locking, ghost-writers, dot replacement, online translators, previous works, fake
bibliography) to cheat in academic writing, this paper is intended to prevent
plagiarism and find suitable solutions for detecting more complex kinds of
plagiarism. This should also be of grave concern to teachers and librarians to
provide up to date/standard anti-plagiarism services. The paper proposes some
new solutions to overcome these problems and to create more resilient and
intelligent future systems.

Aliprandi, S. (2014). [e-Book] Capire il copyright : Percorso guidato nel diritto

d'autore. Milano, Ledizioni. Texto

Questa la versione rivisitata e aggiornata di uno dei libri di maggior

successo per coloro che si approcciano al mondo del diritto dautore senza
provenire da studi specialistici. Si tratta infatti di un libro che, quando fu
pubblicato nella sua prima versione (2007), fu appositamente pensato per essere
rivolto ad un pubblico di operatori del settore comunicazione e produzione
culturale (sviluppatori, designer, bibliotecari, archivisti, docenti, giornalisti...), i
quali, pur non avendo un background giuridico necessitano di una solida
alfabetizzazione su questi temi. Il linguaggio utilizzato accessibile e i concetti
vengono esplicati in modo chiaro ed efficace anche grazie allausilio di appositi
schemi e diagrammi. Inoltre questo il primo manuale di diritto dautore in Italia
a tenere in considerazione anche gli aspetti critici (o per cos dire gli anelli
deboli) del sistema classico della propriet intellettuale, e quindi a riportare le
impostazioni dottrinali alternative e a dedicare la giusta rilevanza alle nuove
istanze dovute alla rivoluzione digitale e ai nuovi modelli di gestione dei diritti
dautore (copyleft, open licensing, Creative Commons). In questa nuova edizione,
lautore riuscito a rendere lopera ancor pi completa e utile, arricchendola con
nuove riflessioni e nuove rappresentazioni grafiche che aiutano la comprensione
anche dei concetti pi tecnici

Alix, Y. "La banalisation des bibliothques : une offre non marchande dans le
march de linformation." Bulletin des bibliothques de France vol. 47, n. 1
(2002). pp.:
Comme mdiatrices d'information et comme fournisseurs de produits
culturels, les bibliothques se banalisent. Devenues un maillon dans la chane
troitement solidaire des changes d'information, elles sont aujourd'hui
confrontes deux dfis : l'intrusion de la proprit intellectuelle, qui menace
l'exercice de leurs missions, et une drive consumriste. Ces deux expressions
d'un phnomne complexe de concurrence doivent tre l'occasion d'une
rflexion sur leur place dans la circulation de l'information et l'accs la
connaissance et au fait culturel. Le dfi peut tre relev, si les bibliothcaires
vacuent les prsupposs (idologiques ou conomiques) qui masquent la ralit
des dangers, et s'attachent prioritairement proposer un projet documentaire
qui justifie leurs spcificits et consacre leur lgitimit. Ainsi la banalisation
peut-elle mener l'intgration et faire reconnatre les privilges des
bibliothques comme autant de garanties du bon exercice de leurs missions,
dans le respect des droits des producteurs de l'information et de ceux des
utilisateurs finals qu'elles servent.

Alonso Arvalo, J., F. Carbajo Cascn, et al. (2011). La propiedad intelectual y los
derechos de autos en bibliotecas y centros de informacin: revistas digitales y acceso
abierto. El "copyright" en cuestin: dilogos sobre propiedad intelectual, Bilbao :
Universidad de Deusto, 2011: 135-160.
Parece un tpico recurrente y excesivamente manido empezar a hablar
de cualquier tema que afecte a las bibliotecas y servicios de informacin
poniendo de relieve que las nuevas tecnologas han tenido una incidencia
fundamental sobre el trabajo profesional, la gestin y los servicios que se ofrecen
en las bibliotecas. Pero cuando nos referimos a cuestiones de propiedad
intelectual quizs lo atrevido sera no hacer mencin a cmo las tecnologas han
transformado la calidad y cantidad de los servicios ofrecidos, la disponibilidad de
nuevos soportes y recursos, y la capacidad de trascender el mbito de influencia
de la propia biblioteca con el concepto de biblioteca digital. Las tecnologas han
afectado a todos los sectores profesionales sin excepcin, desde aquellos que
trabajan manualmente a quienes lo hacen con el intelecto, pero sin menoscabo
alguno se puede afirmar, sin temor a equivocarse, que especialmente se han visto
afectados los sectores que trabajan directamente con informacin. A lo que no es
ajeno el factor regulador que afecta al desarrollo de estos nuevos recursos y

Alonso Arvalo, J., J. A. Cordn Garcia, et al. (2011). La propiedad intelectual y los
derechos de autor en bibliotecas y centros de informacin: revistas digitales y acceso
abierto. El copyright en cuestin : Dilogos sobre propiedad intelectual. J. T. R. y. J. A. G.
H. (coords). Bilbao, Deusto.
El sector del libro se define en trminos econmicos como un oligopolio
por sectores: algunos grandes grupos controlan el mercado y muchos pequeos
editores se sitan en los mrgenes. Estos mrgenes ocupan su lugar dentro del
sistema; constituyen laboratorios para el descubrimiento y lanzamiento de
autores sin asumir el riesgo financiero inherente al lanzamiento y
comercializacin de un libro. Son los grandes grupos los que recuperan a los
autores exitosos gracias a su potencial financiero y publicitario.

Alonso-Arvalo, J. "Qu es el plagio y como detectarlo?" Desiderata vol., n. 6

(2017). pp.

odos quienes trabajamos en el mbito acadmico sabemos que el plagio

es algo a evitar, pero no todos saben a ciencia cierta lo que es y no es plagio.
Tomando aquella frase que se atribuye a Newton a hombros de gigantes, la
ciencia se asienta sobre los conocimientos de otros pensadores que nos
precedieron. Ya Ortega y Gasset en su famoso discurso de inauguracin del
Congreso Internacional de Bibliotecarios de 1935 titulado La misin del
bibliotecario, vena a comentar que El tigre de hoy tiene que ser tigre como si
no hubiera habido antes ningn tigre; no aprovecha las experiencias milenarias
que han hecho sus semejantes en el fondo sonoro de las selvas. Todo tigre es un
primer tigre; tiene que empezar desde el principio su profesin de tigre. Pero el
hombre de hoy no empieza a ser hombre, sino que hereda ya las formas de
existencia, las ideas, las experiencias vitales de sus antecesores, y parte, pues, del
nivel que representa el pretrito humano acumulado bajo sus plantas. Ante un
problema cualquiera, el hombre no se encuentra slo con su personal reaccin,
con lo que buenamente a l se le ocurre, sino con todas o muchas de las
reacciones, ideas, invenciones que los antepasados tuvieron. Por eso su vida est
hecha con la acumulacin de otras vidas (Ortega y Gasset 2005). Por lo tanto, es
licito utilizar las ideas de otros siempre que se reconozca la autora de la misma.
Amadei, J. R. P. and A. L. V. Torkomian "As patentes nas universidades: anlise
dos depsitos das universidades pblicas paulistas." Cincia da
informaao vol. 38, n. 2 (2009). pp. 9-18.

The present work analyzed the deposits of Paulista public universities

with the National Industrial Property Institute (Inpi), in the period 1995-2006,
totaling 672 records. The universities taken into account, in this study, were:
Campinas State University, University of Sao Paulo, Paulista State University, Sao
Carlos Federal University and Sao Paulo Federal University. Based on the results
achieved, an improvement was verified, although unstable, in the number of
patent deposits from universities. As for the quantity of patents deposited,
Unicamp was ahead of other universities, being responsible for 60% of total
records. Another characteristic found, was the diversity in which deposits are
made. As a conclusion, it should be highlighted that the strengthening of internal
policies of universities related to industrial property, will cause a higher level of
protection for academic inventions, guaranteeing patent rights, stimulating new
research and through effective mechanisms, transfer the technology produced in
universities to the productive sector. Adapted from the source document.

Amelotti, E. "Protocollo OAI-PMH negli Open Archive e applicazione

CDSware per la rappresentazione dei relativi dati bibliografici." E-LIS: E-Prints
in Library and Information Science vol., n. (2004). pp.:

This work of experimental thesis considers an actual reality that concerns,

from a few years, with the process of scientific communication: Open Archives
and the OAI initiative (Open Archive Initiative). The interest for such matter has
sprung from the reading of an article, published on the News-bulletin of the
SIMAI (Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics) by Dott.ssa
Antonella De Robbio, Responsible of the library of the CAB (Center of athenaeum
for libraries) beside the University of the Studies in Padua, in which some open
problems were underlined related to the communication of the research results
inside the academic scientific community. Particularly this thesis focuses the
attention on the OAI protocol for the metadata harvesting developed by the
same organization. Are so evidentiated technical aspects related to the computer
communication through the web, giving particular importance to the Data
Provider subject, that is the active actor in such communicative process. Another
important treated aspect is made up of OAI-Rights: internal initiative of the same
OAI, which investigates on a new reality that is the guardianship of the
intellectual ownership right regarding the bibliografical metadata. The
experimental part of this work consists in the application of the CDSware
software (Cern Document Server Software) for the web representation of
bibliographical records imported by the library managerial system Aleph 500.
Particularly, the realization of such part is focused on the use of a CDSware
internal module: BibFormat, that allows the creation of representation formats
related to bibliographical data stored in the system for the end user.

Ananiashvili, I. and V. Papava "On the Optimal Tax Burden (Denunciation of

Plagiarism)." GFSIS Center for Applied Economic Studies Research vol. 02/2013, n.
(2013). pp.:

The problem of impact tax burden on economic activity and production

capacity is very popular among economists. This paper is a response to the article
published by Intellectual Economics in 2012 (No. 4) whose contents,
unfortunately, constitute plagiarism. Several parts of the article comprise
information taken from different publications under our authorship. This paper
gives a brief analysis of the most recent results related to the development of the
main ideas of supply-side economics based on the Laffer-Keynesian Synthesis.

Anekwe, T. D. "Profits and Plagiarism: The Case of Medical

Ghostwriting." Bioethics vol. 24, n. 6
(2010). pp.:

This paper focuses on medical ghostwriting in the United States. I argue

that medical ghostwriting often involves plagiarism and, in those cases, can be
treated as an act of research misconduct by both the federal government and
research institutions. I also propose several anti-ghostwriting measures, including:
1) journals should implement guarantor policies so that researchers may be
better held accountable for their work; 2) research institutions and the federal
government should explicitly prohibit medical ghostwriting and outline
appropriate penalties; and 3) a publicly available database should be created to
record researchers' ethics violations.

Araya, E. R. M. and S. A. B. G. Vidotti "Direito autoral e tecnologias de

informao e comunicao no contexto da produo, uso e disseminao de
informao: um olhar para as Licenas Creative Commons." E-LIS: E-Prints in
Library and Information Science vol. 19, n. 3 (2009). pp.

The development of information and communication technologies, in

particular, Internet,and its Web 2.0 information environment has led to signifi
cant changes in contemporary society as to the ways of producing informational
content. Collaboration and remix, favored by the new services and applications
resulting from the development of the Web, are practices which contribute for
the exponential growth of information producers. An important part of humanity
ceases to be a mere consumer of symbolic goods and becomes a member in a
society that sees in the collaboration and remix a new form of creation, use and
dissemination of intellectual content. However, as such practices involve the
production and use of information intelectual content, and are ruled by a
legisltion which determine determines under what conditions the author and the
user must produce and use the intellectual work. This legislation established for a
context prior to the develompment of the Web has created an imbalance in the
context of Web 2.0 which needs to be solved in some way so as to provide the
required rebalance for the fl ow of information. This study explores the
collaborative Web environment, the scope of copyright law in Web enviroment
and the Creative Commons licenses as an alternative for producers and users of
information to create, recreate, share, use, reuse and disseminate legally the
intellectual production for the benefi t of the construction of knowledge.
Arce, D. G., W. Enders, et al. "Plagiarism and its Impact on the Economics
Profession." Bulletin of Economic Research vol. 60, n. 3
(2008). pp.:

This paper integrates survey data on economists' experiences and

perceptions of plagiarism with a game-theoretic model of author strategies to
investigate whether information is being efficiently transmitted within the
profession. The surveys reveal editorial misperceptions of the nature of
plagiarism (e.g., plagiarism versus copyright infringement) and narrow
assumptions about who bears the cost of plagiarism. Further, a wide disparity in
author strategies to protect intellectual property rights exists, due to uncertainty
over editorial response. These considerations are shown to lead to a
Pareto-dominated publication process. By contrast, simple measures such as a
code of ethics and web-based anti-plagiarism software can improve the flow of

Arce Gmez, C. "Plagio y derechos de autor." El Foro vol., n. 10 (2009). pp.


El presente ensayo consiste en un anlisis el marco legal del plagio en

Costa Rica. El plagio es un creciente y desafiante problema que se da
especialmente en el mundo acadmico.A pesar de que existe evidencia suficiente
que indica que la mayora de los autores, incluidos los estudiante universitarios,
son conocedores de la reglas que rigen el uso de las citas textuales, el plagio de
texto es probablemente el tipo ms comn de plagio.No obstante en Costa Rica
no es un delito, por lo que da origen nicamente a responsabilidad civil, sea, a la
eventual responsabilidad de pagar por los daos causados.Asimismo la Ley de
Derechos de Autor de Costa Rica no da una definicin de plagio, lo que genera
mucha ambigedad.Por otro lado, existen otros trminos similares como piratera
y auto plagio que deben ser explicados para evitar mayor confusin.Finalmente,
en Costa Rica, Per y Colombia, por ejemplo, los tribunales judiciales han fallado
casos relevantes que tienen que ver con el plagio y lesin a los derechos de
autor, particularmente los derechos morales.
Arias, P., P. Barriga Flores, et al. (2014 ). [e-Book] Bienes comunes: espacio,
conocimiento y propiedad intelectual. Buenos Aires., CLASCO. Texto

Este libro aborda desde mltiples miradas las nuevas problemticas,

lmites y desafos relacionadas al bien comn y a la propiedad intelectual. Desde
los conflictos iniciados a partir de la consolidacin del universo digital y la
masificacin de internet, que modific la manera de comunicarse y de difundir
informacin, cultura y conocimiento; hasta los intentos de privatizacin de los
espacios pblicos urbanos y los problemas derivados de la generacin de
monopolios en la fabricacin de semillas vinculados al agronegocio a gran escala.
Una variedad temtica atravesada por la disputa entre los bienes comunes, la
mirada comunitaria, y los procesos de concentracin de riqueza y conocimiento.

Association of American, U. "Intellectual Property Rights in an Electronic

Environment." Reports of the AAU Task Forces vol., n.
(1994). pp.:

Most research universities already have a set of coherent policies

governing intellectual property subject to patent law, mainly developed since the
mid 1970s. By contrast, universities have given little attention to intellectual
property governed by copyright law even though copyrighted property is used
intensively in the classroom, library, and laboratory. Faculty and others at the
university create new copyrighted works in immense number each year.
University presses build their business on copyrights. All this notwithstanding,
university copyright policies are generally narrow, incomplete, and defensive in
character. As such, they do not optimize the research, teaching, or service
missions of universities.
Atade, M. E. M. "O lado perverso da globalizaao na sociedad da
informaao." Cincia da informaao vol. 26, n. 3
(1997). pp.:

El proceso de globalizacin trajo consigo el cambio en una serie de

paradigmas, no todos favorables para la mayora de la sociedad. este artculo
hace una anlisis de los primeros resultados de los efectos de la globalizacin
para la sociedad de la informacin. Pone de manifiesto la necesidad de una
adecuada preparacin profesional y de preparacin de la ciudadania contra el
peligro de la monopolizacin del conocimiento.

Atenas, J. and L. Havemann (2013). A Vision of Quality in Repositories of Open

Educational Resources. Open Education 2030. JRC-IPTS Call for Vision Papers. Part III:
Higher Education. J. Castao Muoz and C. Redecker, European Commission Joint
Research Centre Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) Information
Society Unit ICT for Learning & Inclusion: 54-59.
In the future, Open Educational Practices (OEP) will facilitate access to
open materials by promoting collaboration among educators, who will share,
reuse and evaluate digital pedagogical content using Repositories of Open
Educational Resources (ROER).

Awdry, R. and R. T. Sarre "An Investigation into Plagiarism Motivations and

Prevention Techniques: Can They Be Appropriately Aligned?" Social Science
Research Network vol., n. (2013). pp.:

This paper focuses on the emergence and expansion of the phenomenon

of plagiarism in higher education. Through a mixed-method investigation, and by
applying appropriate criminological theory, it explores the student motivations
that have been identified as leading to plagiarism, and tests the means employed
by higher education providers to combat it. The article highlights an apparent
disconnect between the perceived realities of both student and education
provider. It concludes that this disconnect must be carefully considered so that
higher education providers can develop effective policies to prevent academic
misconduct rather than exacerbate it.

Ayuso Snchez. M, J. "Los retos de la edicin electrnica en la sociedad del

conocimiento: nuevas perspectivas desde los derechos de propiedad
intelectual." Coloquio de la Asociacin Internacional de Bibliologa vol. 15, n.
(2000). pp.:

Las nuevas formas de comunicacin cientfica han experimentado una

transformacin constante en la ltima dcada. La aparicin de entornos
multimedia e hipertextuales, la consolidacin de Internet y los recursos world
wide web, los actuales sistemas de edicin electrnica y digital junto a los
sistemas de transferencia comercial o comercio electrnico, son algunos retos
que la sociedad del conocimiento tiene ya a su alcance. La edicin electrnica
requiere una tecnologa de transmisin en lnea (online) basada en redes digitales
y en infraestructuras multimedia sobre demanda (on-demand). Los usuarios
prefieren los servicios que facilita un sistema de edicin electrnica por su
interactividad con el medio en un entorno distribuido regulado por los derechos
de propiedad intelectual y una poltica de telecomunicaciones competitiva Se
analizan los factores implicados en la edicin electrnica, su repercusin en la
distribucin multimedia y las iniciativas de la Unin Europea en este mbito. En
concreto, el Programa de Trabajo de las Tecnologas en la Sociedad de la
Informacin (IST Work Program) en su accin III. Se revisan las propuestas de la
Organizacin Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI) en cuestiones que
afectan a los derechos de autor y derechos relacionados en la sociedad de la
informacin. La OMPI tambin es la promotora de un proyecto internacional cuyo
objetivo es crear una Red Mundial de Informacin (WIPONET)

Azam, M. (2016). [e-Book] Intellectual Property and Public Health in the

Developing World. Texto
Across the world, developing countries are attempting to balance the
international standards of intellectual property concerning pharmaceutical
patents against the urgent need for accessible and affordable medicines. In this
timely and necessary book, Monirul Azam examines the attempts of several
developing countries to walk this fine line. He evaluates the experiences of Brazil,
China, India, and South Africa for lessons to guide Bangladesh and developing
nations everywhere. Azam's legal expertise, concern for public welfare, and
compelling grasp of principal case studies make Intellectual Property and Public
Health in the Developing World a definitive work.The developing world is striving
to meet the requirements of the World Trade Organization's TRIPS Agreement on
intellectual property. This book sets out with lucidity and insight the background
of the TRIPS Agreement and its implications for pharmaceutical patents, the
consequences for developing countries, and the efforts of certain representative
nations to comply with international stipulations while still maintaining local
industry and public health. Azam then brings the weight of this research to bear
on the particular case of Bangladesh, offering a number of specific policy
recommendations for the Bangladeshi governmentand for governments the
world over.Intellectual Property and Public Health in the Developing World is a
must-read for public policy-makers, academics and students, non-governmental
organizations, and readers everywhere who are interested in making sure that
developing nations meet the health care needs of their people.

Baker, J., M. P. Eve, et al. (2015). [e-Book] Guide to Creative Commons for
Humanities and Social Science Monograph Authors. London, OAPEN-UK Texto

An output of the OAPEN-UK project, this guide explores concerns

expressed in public evidence given by researchers, learned societies and
publishers to inquiries in the House of Commons and the House of Lords, and
also concerns expressed by researchers working with the OAPEN-UK project. We
have also identified a number of common questions and have drafted answers,
which have been checked by experts including Creative Commons. The guide has
been edited by active researchers, to make sure that it is relevant and useful to
academics faced with making decisions about publishing.

Bakhtiyari, K., H. Salehi, et al. "Ethical and Unethical Methods of Plagiarism

Prevention in Academic Writing." Social Science Research Network vol., n.
(2014). pp.:

This paper discusses plagiarism origins, and the ethical solutions to

prevent it. It also reviews some unethical approaches, which may be used to
decrease the plagiarism rate in academic writings. We propose eight ethical
techniques to avoid unconscious and accidental plagiarism in manuscripts
without using online systems such as Turnitin and/or iThenticate for cross
checking and plagiarism detection. The efficiency of the proposed techniques is
evaluated on five different texts using students individually. After application of
the techniques on the texts, they were checked by Turnitin to produce the
plagiarism and similarity report. At the end, the "effective factor" of each method
has been compared with each other; and the best result went to a hybrid
combination of all techniques to avoid plagiarism. The hybrid of ethical methods
decreased the plagiarism rate reported by Turnitin from nearly 100% to the
average of 8.4% on 5 manuscripts.

Bast, C. M. and L. B. Samuels "Plagiarism and Legal Scholarship in the Age of

Information Sharing: The Need For Intellectual Honesty." Catholic University
Law Review vol. 57, n. (2008). pp.:

Those engaged in legal scholarship should strive for intellectual honesty

and avoid plagiarism, but what exactly is required? This article explores
plagiarism from the perspective of professors, judges, and practicing attorneys
and discusses topics such as reuse of ones own previously published writing,
authorship, and the difference between plagiarism and copyright infringement.
Battisti, M. "The future of copyright management. european
perspectives." IFLA Council and General Conference vol., n. 66
(2000). pp.:

First, a few words about the landscape of intellectual property rights in

Europe. It is not monolithic and this point is significant. Then, I will speak about
the European Community legal policy that relate directly to our activity. With
regard to it, I remind you that, when directives are adopted at the Community
level, they must then be adapted within the national laws of the various Member
States of the European Union. Finally, after this long but essential introduction, I
will cover, in the last part, the main evolutions one can expect in the area of
copyright and 'droit d'auteur' management.

Becerra, l. C. and A. M. vila "Juntos o revueltos? Traductores, editores, Ley

de Propiedad Intelectua." Vasos comunicantes vol., n. 36
(2006). pp.:

Juntos o revueltos? Traductores, editores, Ley de Propiedad Intelectual,

Concepcin Becerra, Antonio Mara vila - Modera: Andrs Ehrenhaus

Beer, J. d. "Intellectual property rights." Global Information Society Watch vol.,

(2009). pp.:
The issues of access to information and intellectual property (IP) rights
are fundamentally intertwined. A properly calibrated IP system is one of several
factors that can facilitate access to information by protecting incentives to create
and disseminate content while simultaneously safeguarding the human rights of
freedom of expression, communication and cultural participation. Equilibrium in
IP law, policy and practice is affected by a number of key issues and institutions.

Beilis, J., J. S. Garber, et al. "Pulitzer Plagiarism: The Malamud-Beilis

Connection." Cardozo Law Review de novo, Forthcoming vol., n.
(2009). pp.:

In writing The Fixer, Bernard Malamud plagiarized from Mendel Beiliss

memoir and debased the memories of Beilis and his wife. This short essay
corrects the record.

Berube, L. "E-Books in Public Libraries: a Terminal or Termination

Technology?" Interlending & Document Supply vol. 33, n. 1
(2005). pp.:

Purpose - Aims to present a background to the use of electronic

resources, especially e-books, in public libraries, which appears to threaten some
basic activities that define a reading culture dependent on the print book.
Design/methodology/approach - There are initiatives afoot which are working to
integrate e-books into the culture and process of resource-sharing. This paper
reviews some of the issues with e-books, and specifically how the Co-East
partnership proposes to contribute to the initiatives concerned with improving
accessibility. Findings - It is important that public libraries do take that first step
in implementing an e-books service and take care in its promotion. Their
traditional role, after all, is providing the bridge between rights holders and the
public and, with the advent of 'disruptive technology', this role is more crucial
than ever. Originality/value - An important precedent for this project has been
the findings from the Essex e-books project, and especially user feedback.
Although no one was asking about e-books, users from all age groups were
curious enough to participate in the project, and forthcoming in offering their
opinion, much of it positive, about the reading experience and the mobile

Biagioli, M. "Recycling Texts or Stealing Time?: Plagiarism, Authorship, and

Credit in Science." International Journal of Cultural Property vol. 19, n.
(2012). pp.:

Scientific plagiarism is as sui generis as the author function in science. A

study of the specificity of scientific plagiarism and the ways in which it diverges
from appropriation in other disciplines allows us to question traditional
definitions that focus on the copying of published copyrighted materials. The
form of plagiarism that is most damaging to scientists does not involve
publications, is largely outside the scope of copyright law, and is unlikely to be
detected by textual-similarity algorithms. The same features that make this kind
of plagiarism difficult to identify and control also provide a powerful window on
the unique construction of authorial credit in science, the problems of peer
review, and the limitations of plagiarism surveillance technologies.

Biagioli, M. "Plagiarism, Kinship and Slavery." Theory, Culture & Society vol. 31,
n. 2/3 (2014). pp.:

In conversation with Marilyn Stratherns work on kinship and especially

on meta- phors of intellectual and reproductive creativity, this paper provides an
analysis of plagiarism not as a violation of intellectual property but of the kinship
relationships between author, work, and readers. It also analyzes the role of
figures of kidnapped slaves and children in the genealogy of the modern concept
of plagiarism.
Bittar, A. C. "Unlocking the Gates of Alexandria: DRM, Competition and
Access to E-Books." Social Science Research Network vol., n.
(2014). pp.:

New technologies can often disrupt the balance between public and
private interests in copyright law. For example, the Internet has facilitated the
dissemination of artistic works by allowing users to mass distribute files within
seconds. In response, the entertainment industry has turned to digital rights
management (DRM) as one way of combating piracy. DRM is a technique that
allows copyright owners to enforce their rights by controlling what users can do
with their digital files, such as by restricting the platform on which the file can be
accessed. In addition, the DRM scheme is protected by anti-circumvention laws,
which prevent users from "breaking" the DRM. Although the main goal of DRMs
is to prevent piracy, this technique can adversely impact other interests, such as
privacy and fair use. This result is apparent in the e-book market, where it affects
competition. More specifically, since each bookseller uses a different proprietary
DRM scheme on their ebooks, compatible with a limited number of reading
platforms, consumers face problems with interoperability. For example, a Kindle
owner cannot buy books from Barnes & Noble, and a Nook owner cannot buy
books from Apple. This lack of interoperability can increase barriers to entry,
switching costs, and network effects. Consequently, consumers are often locked
into an e-book ecosystem, which permits booksellers to act as gatekeepers of the
e-book market. Moreover, this situation can undermine the potential of e-books
to spread knowledge, promote literacy, and extend the reach of literature.
Examining the effects of DRM in the e-book market, this paper will discuss the
equilibrium between three different public policies: the protection of copyrighted
works, the promotion of market competition and the fostering of a free and
robust cultural environment.

Bond, T. J. "Visual image repositories at the Washington State University

Libraries." Library Hi Tech vol. 22, n. 2
(2004). pp.:
The World Civilizations Image Repository (WCIR) and Photos Online are
two collaborative image database projects under way at the Washington State
University (WSU) Libraries. These projects demonstrate how the WSU Libraries
have employed OCLC/DiMeMa's (Digital Media Management) CONTENTdm in
partnership with other University departments to develop visual collections free
from copyright restrictions, as well as to manage 'born digital' images on a
collaborative basis.

Boussard, M.-A. and Y. Desrichard "Les bibliothques dans le renouveau de la

proprit intellectuelle: considrations liminaires." Bulletin des bibliothques
de France vol. 56, n. 3
(2011). pp.:

La mission de base des bibliothques est de mettre des collections la

disposition de publics. Une large part de la lgislation lie cette mission relve
du droit de la proprit intellectuelle, qui ordonne les usages qui peuvent tre
faits des produits culturels et ducatifs conservs et diffuss. l'heure d'internet,
cette lgislation volue, pas toujours dans un sens favorable l'accomplissement
de cette mission. Comment articuler la dfense, lgitime, des intrts des auteurs
et des producteurs et le souci de la diffusion la plus large possible de la
bibliothque comme lieu accessible usage immdiat et moderne du savoir et
de la culture ?

Boylan, P. J. "The 1954 Hague Convention on the protection of cultural

property in the event of armed conflict and its 1954 and 1999
protocols." IFLA Council and General Conference vol., n. 68
(2003). pp.:
Over a period of many centuries, in parallel with the slow emergence of
the concepts of international diplomatic and humanitarian law , both the
international community and national law began to accept the concept that in
times of armed conflict important immovable cultural property, such as historic,
religious and educational sites, buildings and zones, and movable cultural
property, such as works of art, and museum, library and archive collections and
the institutions caring for these were entitled to respect and protection from both
direct acts of war, and associated risks, particularly looting and acts of vandalism.
(A history of the evolution of the concept of cultural protection in times of war
from the Crusades to the present-day has recently been published: P.J. Boylan,
The concept of cultural protection in times of armed conflict: from the crusades
to the new millennium, pp. 43 - 108 in N. Brodie & K. Tubb (editors), 2002. Illicit
Antiquities (London: Routledge), and this present short paper has been largely
based on this.).

Braunstein, Y. M. "Economics of intellectual property rights in the

international arena." Journal of the American Society for Information Science vol.
40, n. 1 (1989). pp.:

Applies economic analysis to several issues related to the protection of

intellectual property in an international context. The discussion covers insights
into the rationales for using property rights laws gained by examining trade
agreements within the context of various economic models.

Bustos-Gonzalez, A., A. Fernandez-Porcel, et al. "Guidelines for the creation of

institutional repositories at universities and higher education institutions =
Directrices para la creacin de repositorios institucionales en universidades
y organizaciones de educacin superior = Diretrizes para criao dos
repositrios institucionais nas universidades e organizaes de educao
superior." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n.
(2007). pp.:
The ALFA programme of the European Commission (Latin America
Academic Training) promotes and supports cooperation activities between
universities of both continents1. The universities who are members of the ALFA
Network Babel Library2 assume, as part of their mission, the search for excellence
and educational quality. In the initial work proposal, it was determined, as one of
the expected results, to write a document, as Guidelines, about the development
of services based on the use of new information and communication technology.
The Institutional Repository (IR) is understood as an information system that
collects, preserves, disseminates and provides access to the intellectual and
academic output of the university community. Nowadays,the IR is a key tool of
the scientific and academic policy of the university. On the other hand, access to
the full text of the digital learning objects makes the repository become a
fundamental support tool for teaching and research, whilst at the same time
multiplying the institution?s visibility in the international community. Within this
scenario, it is the university libraries that must lead the implementation of the IRs
to enhance the university?s educational competitiveness, because of their
experience in information management in all its forms and contact with

Bustos-Gonzalez, A., A. Fernandez-Porcel, et al. (2007). [e-Book] Guidelines for

the creation of institutional repositories at universities and higher education
institutions = Directrices para la creacin de repositorios institucionales en
universidades y organizaciones de educacin superior = Diretrizes para
criao dos repositrios institucionais nas universidades e organizaes de
educao superior, Alfa Network Babel Library. Texto

The ALFA programme of the European Commission (Latin America

Academic Training) promotes and supports cooperation activities between
universities of both continents1. The universities who are members of the ALFA
Network Babel Library2 assume, as part of their mission, the search for excellence
and educational quality. In the initial work proposal, it was determined, as one of
the expected results, to write a document, as Guidelines, about the development
of services based on the use of new information and communication technology.
The Institutional Repository (IR) is understood as an information system that
collects, preserves, disseminates and provides access to the intellectual and
academic output of the university community. Nowadays,the IR is a key tool of
the scientific and academic policy of the university. On the other hand, access to
the full text of the digital learning objects makes the repository become a
fundamental support tool for teaching and research, whilst at the same time
multiplying the institutions visibility in the international community. Within this
scenario, it is the university libraries that must lead the implementation of the IRs
to enhance the universitys educational competitiveness, because of their
experience in information management in all its forms and contact with

Camargo, R. "Plagio y Cibercultura (Plagiarism and Cyberculture)." Social

Science Research Network vol., n.
(2011). pp.:

This essay is an attempt at synthesis and rearrangement of the elements

that bring various authors to the reading of Plagiarism in the world of
cyberculture. In general, reveals the existence of two opposing schools of
thought and disputed regarding plagiarism: Property individual vs. collective
ownership. Contrast, for its high potential for controversy, facilitates the
radicalization of these positions difficult dialogue, productive meeting for the
benefit of what ultimately matters, cultural progress.The search for balance
between individual property and collective property is the axis around which
diverse and conflicting views that the exercise of seeking knowledge, science and
knowledge to become welfare for all.

Camp, L. J. and S. Syme "Code as embedded speech, machine, and

service." Journal of information law & technology vol. 2, n.
(2001). pp.:
What is code and how should it be governed? This article frames the
question by considering the various forms of governance currently applied to
code: copyright, patents, embedded speech, and trade secrets. The current
governance models imply that code is a service, a document, and a machine.

Carbajo Cascn, F. "Problemtica jurdica de la edicin electrnica y Las

bibliotecas virtuales." Coloquio de la Asociacin Internacional de Bibliologa vol.
15, n.
(2000). pp.:

El rpido desarrollo de las tecnologas de la informacin (consecuencia

de la convergencia entre la informtica, la tecnologa digital desarrollada por la
microelectrnica y las telecomunicaciones) ha trado consigo importantes
modificaciones en las relaciones sociales, econmicas y culturales que se
manifiestan con especial intensidad en el campo de la industria y servicios
pblicos relacionados de alguna manera con el mundo de la cultura y la
informacin, los cuales han visto como se han abierto ante ellos nuevas
posibilidades de produccin y prestacin de servicios. En este nuevo contexto
econmico y sociocultural en general todas las opiniones coinciden en apuntar
que la viabilidad prctica y el xito comercial o informativo-cultural de estos
novedosos sistemas de edicin electrnica y de explotacin y prstamo a
distancia en lnea va a depender en ltimo trmino del tratamiento otorgado a
los derechos de propiedad intelectual implicados en los mismos por las instancias
legislativas oportunas tanto nacionales como supranacionales e internacionales.

Carbajo Cascn, F. (2017). [e-Book] La propiedad intelectual en la sociedad de

la informacin. Leer para descansar tranquilo. Pearanda de bracamonte,
Salamanca, Fundacin Germn Snchez Ruiprez. Texto
La propiedad intelectual est integrada por dos clases de derechos
independientes, aunque compatibles y acumulables entre s: los derechos de
autor y los derechos conexos o afines. Los derechos de autor recaen sobre
creaciones intelectuales originales literarias, artsticas o cientficas a las que
denominamos en trminos genricos obras. Los derechos conexos recaen sobre
prestaciones personales de tipo profesional (una interpretacin artstica o una
ejecucin musical) o industriales (un fonograma, una grabacin audiovisual, una
emisin de radio o televisin) que generalmente sirven como vehculo de
expresin y difusin de una obra preexistente.

Carson, L. C. and K. Greenhill "One hat or many? A comparison of two models

for the Copyright Officer position in university libraries." Library and
Information Research vol. 39, n. 121 (2015). pp.

Statute law provides university libraries with a framework for copyright

requirements, duties and privileges. In Australia, there are few guidelines or
standards for university libraries about providing those copyright services that are
not mandated by statute, such as copyright advice and compliance. There is little
formally-shared knowledge about the non-statutory services provided by
university library Copyright Officers. More information about this would benefit
libraries reviewing or establishing these positions. This research uses survey and
semi-structured face-to-face interviews with designated Copyright Officers in
four Western Australian universities to document four aspects of their work.
These four factors are interaction and support within the library and the
institution; involvement in institutional copyright advice, involvement in
institutional copyright compliance; and satisfaction with authority and resourcing.
The survey and interviews revealed two different models for structuring the
library Copyright Officer position; one model involving a part-time officer with
responsibility only for copyright, and the other model involving a full-time officer
who has only 5% of their duties involved in copyright with the remainder of the
copyright duties being managed by a member of the university legal /
governance office. Similarities were found between the activities of both models,
such as the strategies involved in ensuring copyright compliance, and education
and training sessions. There was agreement from all respondents that copyright
compliance within their institution could be improved by an increase in the
resources available to each position.

Cartagena, U. P. d. "Poltica institucional de acceso abierto a la produccin

cientfica, educativa y cultural de la Universidad Politcnica de Cartagena:
Acceso, visibilidad, impacto y preservacin de la produccin cientfica,
acadmica, educativa y cultural de la UPCT en Internet." Universidad
Politcnica de Cartagena vol., n.
(2010). pp.:

La publicacin de artculos publicados en revistas cientficas o de textos

presentados en encuentros de expertos (congresos, seminarios, etc.) en acceso
electrnico abierto en Internet, se est convirtiendo en un sistema de publicacin
complementario al tradicional en revistas de editoriales cientficas, actas de
congresos, etc. Archivar una copia de las publicaciones que emanan de las
actividades de investigacin en depsitos electrnicos abiertos, presenta los
siguientes beneficios: - Aumenta la difusin de los resultados de las
investigaciones: ms visibilidad para el autor y para sus resultados. - Favorece el
impacto de las publicaciones: ms citas a los autores y a las publicaciones.
- Incrementa la visibilidad de las instituciones a las que estn vinculados los
autores: mejora el posicionamiento institucional. Hasta hace unos aos, la
prctica de archivar en depsitos electrnicos abiertos estaba limitada por las
polticas de las editoriales cientficas. Actualmente, la casi totalidad de las
editoriales, autorizan al autor a depositar una reproduccin de la publicacin en
un depsito electrnico abierto, temtico o institucional.

Cartagena, U. P. d. "Poltica institucional de acceso abierto a la produccin

cientfica, educativa y cultural de la Universidad Politcnica de Cartagena:
Acceso, visibilidad, impacto y preservacin de la produccin cientfica,
acadmica, educativa y cultural de la UPCT en Internet." Universidad
Politcnica de Cartagena vol., n.
(2010). pp.:
La publicacin de artculos publicados en revistas cientficas o de textos
presentados en encuentros de expertos (congresos, seminarios, etc.) en acceso
electrnico abierto en Internet, se est convirtiendo en un sistema de publicacin
complementario al tradicional en revistas de editoriales cientficas, actas de
congresos, etc. Archivar una copia de las publicaciones que emanan de las
actividades de investigacin en depsitos electrnicos abiertos, presenta los
siguientes beneficios: - Aumenta la difusin de los resultados de las
investigaciones: ms visibilidad para el autor y para sus resultados. - Favorece el
impacto de las publicaciones: ms citas a los autores y a las publicaciones.
- Incrementa la visibilidad de las instituciones a las que estn vinculados los
autores: mejora el posicionamiento institucional. Hasta hace unos aos, la
prctica de archivar en depsitos electrnicos abiertos estaba limitada por las
polticas de las editoriales cientficas. Actualmente, la casi totalidad de las
editoriales, autorizan al autor a depositar una reproduccin de la publicacin en
un depsito electrnico abierto, temtico o institucional.

Caso, R. "Plagio, diritto d'autore e rivoluzioni tecnologiche (Plagiarism,

Copyright and Technological Revolutions)." Trento Law and Technology
Research Group Research vol., n. 10
(2012). pp.:

Lo scopo di questo saggio indicare alcuni possibili sviluppi dellanalisi

del rapporto tra plagio e diritto dautore. Nel primo paragrafo si introduce
largomento e si sostiene la necessit di indagare la relazione tra plagio e diritto
dautore mediante unanalisi interdisciplinare (in particolare, unanalisi in chiave di
diritto e tecnologia). Nel secondo paragrafo si commentano alcuni casi per
dimostrare come il plagio sia un concetto cangiante. Ad esempio, il concetto
muta a seconda dellopera dellingegno (lettaratura o musica), della norma
(giuridica o sociale) di riferimento. Nel terzo paragrafo si evidenzia poi che la
nascita e levoluzione del concetto di plagio, come quello del diritto dautore,
sono strettamente legate al passaggio dalla scrittura alla stampa a caratteri
mobili. Nel quarto paragrafo si tracciano alcune conclusioni sulla disciplina del
plagio mediante il diritto dautore, evidenziando come limitazione sia parte
integrante del progresso della conoscenza. Nella mutata dimensione propiziata
dalla rivoluzione delle tecnologie informatiche la libert di copiare e ricomporre i
tasselli digitali costituisce un valore di fondamentale importanza. Il diritto
dautore deve tener conto di questo valore.In this paper I describe some
promising developments in the analysis of plagiarism and copyright. In first part, I
introduce the topic arguing the need to explore the relationship between
plagiarism and copyright through interdisciplinary analysis (in particular, from a
law & technology perspective). In the second part, I discuss some cases to show
the changing nature of concept of plagiarism. For istance, the concept changes
according to the type of work of authorship (literary work or musical work) or
according to the kind of norm (legal or social) that governs it. In the third part, I
illustrate how the birth and the evolution of the concept of plagiarism as well as
the birth and the evolution of copyright itself is closely related to the printing
press revolution. In the last part, I draw together some conclusions about the
regulation of plagiarism through copyright law. In particular, I suggest that
imitation is an essential part of the creativity process as well as a significant facet
of the progress itself. In the new digital dimension, freedom of copying and
recomposition of digital pieces is a core fundamental value, which copyright law
has to take into account.

Cassella, M. "Rights management in digitization projects: public domain and

orphan works." vol. 4, n. 2 (2013). pp.

The essay is dedicated to the theme of digital rights management on

digitisation projects with particular reference to works into the public domain and
to orphan works. The aim of the essay is to explain the main issues and
criticalities that libraries have to face proposing and carrying out digitisation
projects. For some years, the digitisation of cultural heritage involves libraries,
archives and museums and is one of the main goals by the Digital Agenda for
Europe. Indeed the digitisation is one essential tool to broaden the accessibility
to the cultural heritage of Europe and to promote the growth. As a part of this
context, the essay highlights the legal issues related to the process of digitization
of cultural heritage for works into the public domain and for orphan works.
Castree, S. "Cyber-Plagiarism for Sale!: The Growing Problem of Blatant
Copyright Infringement in Online Digital Media Stores." Social Science
Research Network vol., n. (2012). pp.:

While much ink and rhetoric have been spilled over cyber-piracy, there
has been little mention of the problem of what we shall call 'cyber-plagiarism':
thieves copying completely the works of others and selling them on online digital
media stores like Apples App Store and Amazons Kindle Store. Because the
current state of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act does not properly address
cyber-plagiarism and digital media stores, this article suggests a new safe harbor
to be added to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act that is fair both to the
legitimate authors and to digital media store operators. The proposed safe
harbor would clarify many of the ambiguities of the current 512(c) safe harbor
for Information Residing on Systems or Networks At Direction of Users; it would
place slightly more stringent duties on digital media store operators, in return for
significantly limiting the amount of damages for which the operators would be
liable under secondary copyright liability.

Caterine, C. "Sui Generis Database Right: Ripe for Review?" Journal of

information law & technology vol. 3, n.
(2001). pp.:

In a digital era unoriginal collections of data, particularly those in

electronic form, have new significance and value. Digital technology also renders
such collections of information uniquely vulnerable to copying. The Directive on
the legal protection of databases created a new sui generis right for databases in
which there has been (qualitatively or quantitatively) substantial investment in
obtaining, verifying or presenting the contents against unauthorised extraction or
re-use of the whole or a substantial part.
Chanbonpin, K. D. "Legal Writing, the Remix: Plagiarism and Hip Hop
Ethics." Mercer Law Review vol., n.
(2011). pp.:

In this Article, I focus on hip hop music and culture as an access point to
teach first-year law students about the academic and professional pitfalls of
plagiarism. Hip hop provides a good model for comparison because most of our
entering students are immersed in a popular culture that is saturated with
allusions to hip hop. As a point of reference for incoming law students, hip hop
possesses a valuable currency as it represents something real, experienced, and
relatable. Significant parallels exist between the cultures of U.S. legal
writing and hip hop, although attempting direct analogies would be absurd. Chief
among these similarities is the reliance of both cultures on an archive of
knowledge, borrowing from which authors or artists build credibility and
authority. Whether it is from case law or musical recordings, the necessary
dependence on a finite store of information means that the past work of others
will be frequently incorporated into new work. The ethical and professional
danger inherent in this type of production is that one who borrows too freely
from the past may be merely copying instead of interpreting or innovating. In the
academic world, this is plagiarism. Members of the hip hop community call this
biting. In neither culture is this mode of production celebrated. My goals for
this project are two-fold. First, as a professor of legal writing, I want to ameliorate
the problem of plagiarism that I have seen growing worse each year. Second, as a
scholar, I would like to contribute to the growing body of literature on hip hop
and the law. This Article marks the beginning of my attempt to theorize a hip hop
ethics and develop its application to the teaching, the academic study, and
perhaps eventually, the reform of the law.

Chaparro, F. "Conocimiento, aprendizaje y capital social como motor de

desarrollo." Cincia da informaao vol. 30, n. 1
(2001). pp.:
Este paper analiza la aparicin de la Sociedad del Conocimiento como
una consecuencia del doble impacto del gran avanzo cientfico que caracteriza
esta virada de siglo, el reciente surgimiento de tecnologas de informacin y
comunicacin, y el proceso de globalizacin que est transformando los
mercados de produccin y finanzas, y causando profundos cambios en los
ambientes institucionales de la generacin del concocimiento y su utilizacin. Se
analiza tambin la importancia de redes y procesos de aprendizaje; la sinergia y
tensiones que son simultneamente generadas por la dinmica interaccin que
est ocurriendo entre la 'apropiacin social y privada del conocimiento'; y los
retos en la formacin de nueva estructura normativa para la generacin y
utilizacin del conocimiento en la solucin de cuestiones de poltica de derechos
de propiedad intelectual. Se hace referencia tambin a casos innovadores de
promocin de redes de aprendizaje y desarrollo de dilogo entre depositarios. Se
relatan tambin experiencias en foros sobre cuestiones estratgicas y otros
mecanismos relacionados a la apropiacin social del conocimiento, as como el
surgimiento del Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), como una nueva
expresin de globalizacin de la ciencia.

Chla, R. "What open source webpublishing software has the scientific

community for e-journals?" E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information
Science vol., n. (2007). pp.:

Chla, Roman (2007) What open source webpublishing software has the
scientific community for e-journals?. In Proceedings CASLIN 2007, Stupava
(Slovak Republic). Nowadays a scientific community can use different electronic
publishing systems for the e-journals (journal management systems).
Open-source ones were developed solely for e-publications' management and
now, in 2007, we can say three of them are of general use for e-journals: Digital
Publishing System (DPubs), ePublishing toolkit (ePubTk), Open Journal System
(OJS). There exists also different content management systems (CMS), yet those
were not primarily built for e-journals and are usable only with a special
publication module. Finally, the third option is to pay for a service of different
publishers and providers with their own publication systems. This paper deals
with comparison of the first two options: specialised systems for e-journals on
one side and general CMS on the other side. With examples of open-source
publication systems we want to compare their advantages and disadvantages,
area of aplication, and their functions for the management of the e-journal
publishing process.

Cvico Martn, R. and J. C. Villadniga Gmez "La gestin de los derechos de

autor de las tesis doctorales en acceso abierto." Jornadas Bibliotecarias de
Andaluca vol. 15, n.
(2009). pp.:

Se expone brevemente la experiencia que la Biblioteca de la Universidad

de Huelva est llevando a cabo en materia de derechos de autor, para la edicin
de las tesis doctorales en Arias Montano: Repositorio Institucional de la
Universidad de Huelva. Se ofrece una visin de cmo proteger los derechos de
autor de las tesis, con referencias al contrato de edicin electrnica, as como a
las licencias Creative Commons. Asimismo, se describe el proceso a seguir para
publicar e incorporar las tesis ledas a Arias Montano. Se concluye que el contrato
de edicin electrnica es un mecanismo que aporta ventajas tanto a la
Universidad como a los autores. A la Universidad le permite poner en acceso
abierto una parte importante de su produccin cientfica, y a los autores les
ofrece la posibilidad de publicar su tesis con total garanta de sus derechos, as
como la accesibilidad, difusin y visibilidad que permiten los actuales repositorios
abiertos (OAI).

Clavell Vergs, G. "La propiedad intelectual e Internet: su subordinacin a la

cultura y a la informacin." Cuadernos de documentacin multimedia vol. 8, n.
(1999). pp.:

La ya no tan reciente aparicin de toda una serie de Ciencias y Tcnicas,

englobadas bajo la expresin 'Nuevas Tecnologas de la Informacin y
Comunicacin', y del ordenador ha modificado las estructuras y
comportamientos sociales. El ordenador ha permitido gestionar grandes
volmenes de informacin y los avances en las comunicaciones conectar en
tiempo real cualesquiera puntos del planeta. El trasiego de informacin ha
replanteado su uso y tratamiento. La Propiedad Intelectual, aspecto que aqu
tratamos, ha adquirido nuevas perspectivas que estn en camino o ya son
reguladas por el Derecho y que inciden en los procesos informativo y
documental en todas sus vertientes de captura, tratamiento y difusin de la

Colodrn, V. "Los derechos del traductor." El espaol, lengua de traduccin vol.,

n. 2 (2004). pp.:

La Ley de Propiedad Intelectual incluye a las traducciones entre las obras

que son objeto de propiedad intelectual. De ello se deriva la consideracin legal
del traductor como autor, figura que el texto legal define como la persona
natural que crea alguna obra literaria, artstica o cientfica (artculo 5. del Texto
Refundido de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual). Entre los Derechos de Autor cabe
distinguir los derechos morales, de carcter personal (paternidad, integridad de la
obra, etc.), de los derechos llamados patrimoniales o de explotacin, que son los
que tienen un contenido econmico ms claro (derechos de reproduccin,
transformacin, comunicacin pblica, etc.). Por otra parte, existen los derechos
de remuneracin por la explotacin de las obras.

Cordn Garcia, J. A., J. Alonso Arvalo, et al. (2011). [e-Book] El libro

electrnico: propiedad intelectual, derechos de autor y bibliotecas. Bilbao,
Deusto. Texto

Vivimos en un momento de progresiva adaptacin de la industria

editorial y de los creadores propios de ese sector (escritores, periodistas,
dibujantes, fotgrafos...) a las nuevas posibilidades tcnicas y econmicas. La
tecnologa digital favorece la expansin de la industria editorial, surgiendo
paulatinamente editores plurimediticos que compatibilizan la explotacin
grfica o impresa tradicional con la explotacin electrnica fuera de lnea y en
lnea, aprovechando adems la Red como medio de publicidad y promocin5.
Aunque, como se ha dicho ya, lo digital ofrece tambin grandes oportunidades
para la autoedicin de contenidos por los propios creadores, a travs de pginas
o sitios web personales de escritores, desde donde pueden llevar a cabo una
explotacin comercial autnoma en rgimen de comercio electrnico (copyright
digital, mediante frmulas comerciales de pago por uso, impresin bajo
demanda o cualquier otra), o bien una difusin de sus contenidos en rgimen
abierto y gratuito mediante modelos no comerciales (licencias pblicas generales,
santo y sea del movimiento copyleft; a travs, fundamentalmente, de licencias
Creative Commons

Cordn-Garca, J.-A., J. Alonso-Arvalo, et al. (2011). El libro electrnico: propiedad

intelectual, derechos de autor y bibliotecas. Anuario ThinkEPI, Deusto: 168-194.
We live in a time of gradual adaptation of the publishing industry and the
sector's own creators (writers, journalists, artists, photographers ...) to new
technical and economic possibilities. Digital technology favors the expansion of
the publishing industry, publishers gradually emerging exploitation who combine
traditional printed graphic or electronic exploitation offline and online, further
leveraging the Internet as an advertising medium and promocin5. Although, as
stated above, the digital offers great opportunities for self-publishing by content
creators, through pages or personal websites writers, where they can carry out an
autonomous commercial e-commerce system (digital copyright, commercial
formulas pay per use, print on demand or otherwise), or dissemination of its
contents in open and free models by non-commercial (general public license,
symbol of the copyleft movement, through basically Creative Commons license

Costa Carballo, C. M. d. "Proteccin legal de los programas de

ordenador." Legal protection in software vol. 28, n. (2005). pp.
Vamos a analizar brevemente el tema de la proteccin legal del software
desde tres puntos de vista. En primer lugar, veremos la proteccin legal de los
programas de ordenador, en general, en Espaa y en la Unin Europea. En
segundo lugar, veremos como proteger legalmente las bases de datos. Frente a
estas dos opciones, nos encontramos con la posibilidad del software gratuito,
ltimo punto de vista que trataremos en el presente estudio. (A)

Covey, D. T. (2005). [e-Book] Acquiring Copyright Permission to Digitize and

Provide Open Access to Books. Washington, Digital Library Federation. Council
on Library and Information Resources. Texto

The contemporary academic library and its users have an appetite for
digital copies of books that far outstrips the willingness and ability of publishers
to provide such access. In the science disciplines, contemporary and historical
journal literature is becoming widely available in digital format, albeit at
considerable cost. Access to the scholarly record in digital form is already
transforming the manner in which science disciplines communicate, publish,
research, and review excellence. This widespread access is not the case for the
mass of works in the humanities, arts, and social sciences. Yet it is in these
disciplines that the utility of older scholarly books and journal articles tends to be
the greatest. Scholars have great interest in digital access to even the very earliest
primary works of literature, history, philosophy, religion, and culture that have
appeared in print.

Dalmon, S. "Dans la fort touffue des sciences juridiques: les grandes

ressources documentaires en droit en France." Bulletin des bibliothques de
France vol. 56, n. 3
(2011). pp.:
Sont ici prsentes les grandes ressources documentaires physiques du
droit en France, la Bibliothque nationale de France, dans les bibliothques
universitaires (avec une place particulire pour la bibliothque interuniversitaire
Cujas, spcialise en sciences juridiques), dans les bibliothques publiques, mais
aussi dans des bibliothques dpendant d'autres ministres que ceux de la
Culture ou de l'Enseignement suprieur. Ces ressources, parfois mconnues, font
l'objet d'une valorisation accrue dans le cadre de programmes de numrisation,
l'exemple de l'appel initiatives lanc par la bibliothque interuniversitaire Cujas
et la Bibliothque nationale de France.

Das, A.-K. (2014). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Research Communicators. Charaibeti:
Golden Jubilee Commemorative Volume of Department of Library and Information
Science, Jadavpur University, India. G. Maity, K. Majumder, U. Bhattacharya, C. Dutta and
S. K. Das, Kolkata, India: Department of Library and Information Science, Jadavpur
University: 356-365.
The emergence of Web 2.0 and simultaneously Library 2.0 platforms has
helped the library and information professionals to outreach to new audiences
beyond their physical boundaries. In a globalized society, information becomes
very useful resource for socio-economic empowerment of marginalized
communities, economic prosperity of common citizens, and knowledge
enrichment of liberated minds. Scholarly information becomes both
developmental and functional for researchers working towards advancement of
knowledge. We must recognize a relay of information flow and information
ecology while pursuing scholarly research. Published scholarly literatures we
consult that help us in creation of new knowledge. Similarly, our published
scholarly works should be outreached to future researchers for regeneration of
next dimension of knowledge. Fortunately, present day research communicators
have many freely available personalized digital tools to outreach to globalized
research audiences having similar research interests. These tools and techniques,
already adopted by many researchers in different subject areas across the world,
should be enthusiastically utilized by LIS researchers in South Asia for global
dissemination of their scholarly research works. This newly found enthusiasm will
soon become integral part of the positive habits and cultural practices of research
communicators in LIS domain.

Davis, D. M. and T. Lafferty "Digital rights management: implications for

libraries." The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances vol. 14, n. 2
(2001). pp.:

Since digital content can be perfectly replicated and distributed infinitely,

publishers and other content originators are employing DRM and persistent
protection to prevent the abuse of their intellectual property. However, locking
the content and controlling operations on the content have presented interesting
challenges in supporting fair use in the digital world. Not only are libraries
purchasing intellectual property, but they are also producing and maintaining it.
Libraries are publishers. Presents the core components of DRM and the value the
technology presents for libraries, and also scenarios to demonstrate where DRM
may have improved content delivery to libraries, where library operations may be
improved by the use of DRM, and offers critical information against which to ask
publishers and content aggregators about their use of DRM with the content they
sell to libraries.

de Laat, P. B. "Copyright or copyleft?: An analysis of property regimes for

software development." Research Policy vol. 34, n. 10 (2005). pp.

Two property regimes for software development may be distinguished.

Within corporations, on the one hand, a Private Regime obtains which excludes
all outsiders from access to a firm's software assets. It is shown how the
protective instruments of secrecy and both copyright and patent have been
strengthened considerably during the last two decades. On the other, a Public
Regime among hackers may be distinguished, initiated by individuals,
organizations or firms, in which source code is freely exchanged. It is argued that
copyright is put to novel use here: claiming their rights, authors write [`]open
source licenses' that allow public usage of the code, while at the same time
regulating the inclusion of users. A [`]regulated commons' is created. The analysis
focuses successively on the most important open source licenses to emerge, the
problem of possible incompatibility between them (especially as far as the
dominant General Public License is concerned), and the fragmentation into
several user communities that may result.

De Robbio, A. "Open access e copyright: il copyright scientifico nelle

produzioni intellettuali di ricerca." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information
Science vol., n. (2006). pp.:

The aim of Open Access international movement is the removal of any

economic, legal or technical barrier to the access to scientific information, this in
order to guarantee scientific and technological progress for the benefit of the
collectivity. Copyright Management in higher education is a strategic issue
because it is involved in any process from creation to dissemination of scholarly
works created at the university. Whatever the situation regarding ownership of
copyright, university policies should balance the interests of stakeholders by
reserving rights or benefits for research uses or teaching activities. A variety of
approach can exist even within one country, depending by laws or by habits to
faculties. Copyright laws - customized on musical and cinematographic
environment - are often inadequate to deal with the complex issues surrounding
the management of intellectual works created at universities. Nowadays, inside
scholarship communication world, the copyright is perceived as very strong legal
barrier, because copyright laws influence in a negative way the dissemination of
intellectual research output, and most intellectual content (90%) are hindered
inside editorial platforms. Furthermore authors, but also Universities, not always
are awake about difference between authorship and ownership with disastrous
consequences about rights ceased to third market actors which limit or slowdown
the dissemination processes and negatively influences the impact on the
community, with heavy cultural, social and economic relapses. For this reason
authors must take the control of their right and learn to determine the conditions
under which her or his work is made available on open access, choosing to
deposit a copy of a work in a repository or publish in an open access journal. On
the other side the universities, in particular in Italy, should put as priority the
identification of stakeholders and the allocation of their own interests. This
direction is a crucial step toward the development of policies or agreements that
seek to assure to the University and their authors the ability to use and manage
the works in fulfillment of their most important interests.
De Robbio, A. and A. Corradi "Biobanche in bilico tra propriet privata e beni
comuni: brevetti o open data sharing?" JLIS vol. 1, n. 2 (2010). pp.

The circulation and sharing of contents in biobanks is approached with

the study of the normative statutes of these institutions, with careful attention to
copyright. Such institutions are an organized set of human biological specimens
with diagnostic, therapeutic, and research aims. Since the issue is quite new, their
statutes are controversial; moreover, the exploitation of new detections is
particularly complicated. The ownership of samples (tissues, cells, organs) and the
ownership of the biobank as the entity managing the database is crucial in order
to determine any rights on researches that can be patented. The sui generic right
in Europe states some rights for the database builder, whom allocates economic
resources to organize information. However, the main issue of this kind of
databases is related to the quality of the patented object: organic and living
material. Regarding this fact, there exist stances for privatizing those biological
specimens, while the majority consider models of open data sharing as a more
suitable way, considering organic samples as commons. The latter tendency
seems to predominate, protecting the human body and its genome from
economical exploitation, although acknowledging some kinds of profits related
to the intellectual property.

Dee, T. S. and B. Jacob "Rational Ignorance in Education: A Field Experiment

in Student Plagiarism." NBER Working Paper vol., n. 15672
(2010). pp.:

Despite the concern that student plagiarism has become increasingly

common, there is relatively little objective data on the prevalence or
determinants of this illicit behavior. This study presents the results of a natural
field experiment designed to address these questions. Over 1,200 papers were
collected from the students in undergraduate courses at a selective
post-secondary institution. Students in half of the participating courses were
randomly assigned to a requirement that they complete an anti-plagiarism
tutorial before submitting their papers. We found that assignment to the
treatment group substantially reduced the likelihood of plagiarism, particularly
among student with lower SAT scores who had the highest rates of plagiarism. A
follow-up survey of participating students suggests that the intervention reduced
plagiarism by increasing student knowledge rather than by increasing the
perceived probabilities of detection and punishment. These results are consistent
with a model of student behavior in which the decision to plagiarize reflects both
a poor understanding of academic integrity and the perception that the
probabilities of detection and severe punishment are low.

Denise M. Davis, T. L. "Digital rights management: implications for

libraries." The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances vol. 15, n. 1
(2002). pp.:

Since digital content can be perfectly replicated and distributed infinitely,

publishers and other content originators are employing DRM and persistent
protection to prevent the abuse of their intellectual property. However, locking
the content and controlling operations on the content have presented interesting
challenges in supporting fair use in the digital world. Not only are libraries
purchasing intellectual property, but they are also producing and maintaining it.
Libraries are publishers. Presents the core components of DRM and the value the
technology presents for libraries, and also scenarios to demonstrate where DRM
may have improved content delivery to libraries, where library operations may be
improved by the use of DRM, and offers critical information against which to ask
publishers and content aggregators about their use of DRM with the content they
sell to libraries.

Daz Arias, R. "Algunos aspectos de los derechos de autor de los periodistas

en Espaa." Documentacin de las ciencias de la informacin vol. 23, n.
(2000). pp.:

La Constitucin espaola consagra como una de las manifestaciones del

derecho fundamental a la informacin la libertad de creacin literaria, artstica,
cientfica y tcnica (art. 20.1 c). Nuestro derecho, bajo la denominacin de
propiedad intelectual, ha protegido tradicionalmente los derechos patrimoniales
y morales de los creadores, dentro de los principios comunes propios del sistema
continental de derechos de autor. Desde la Ley de 1879 al Texto Refundido de 12
de abril de 1996 (modificado ya por la Ley 5/1998, de 6 de marzo) se han
conservado los principios bsicos protectores de los autores, adaptndolos a las
nuevas realidades tcnicas. La norma vigente refunde anteriores disposiciones de
los aos 90: la ley de 1992, que bsicamente pona al da el sistema de derechos
de autor en relacin con los medios audiovisuales y otro conjunto de normas,
que incorporaban al ordenamiento espaol las directivas comunitarias en materia
de proteccin de los programas de ordenador, derechos de alquiler y prstamo,
plazo de proteccin, radiodifusin va satlite y distribucin por cable. Sin
embargo, la nueva ley se queda en las puertas de la era digital y no contempla
los problemas suscitados por las nuevas formas de reproduccin digital,
informacin a la carta y difusin a travs de una red global. Por tanto, habr de
modificarse para incorporar los principios de la Directiva relativa a los derechos
de autor y derechos afines en la sociedad de la informacin, cuando sta entre
definitivamente en vigor.

Daz Noci, J. "Derechos de autor de los periodistas: el caso de los resmenes

de prensa." Zer vol. 14, n.
(2003). pp.:

Los problemas acerca de los derechos de autor sobre la obra informativa

reaparecen con frecuencia y, como en el caso de otros sectores de productores
intelectuales, se enfrentan cada poco a los retos que plantean los nuevos avances
tecnolgicos. La posibilidad de copia digital, sin merma respecto al original, y la
posibilidad de poner a disposicin de virtualmente todo el pblico conectado a
Internet la obra intelectual, de forma lcita o ilcita, ha agravado los tradicionales
problemas. La legislacin de los diferentes pases europeos, que las directivas
comunitarias pretenden armonizar lo ms posible, intenta hacer frente a esos
nuevos retos. Los agentes econmicos se movilizan igualmente. Por utilizar
terminologa jurdica, tanto los propios autores que, no hace falta recordarlo,
detentan originariamente todos los derechos sobre su obra- como aquellos
cesionarios de todos o parte de los derechos patrimoniales generalmente,
personas jurdicas, es decir, empresas-, as como terceras personas que
pretenden, alegando en ocasiones el amparo de preceptos jurdicos como el
derecho de cita o la excepcin de la revista de prensa, obtener beneficio
econmico de otros, han entrado en un conflicto de intereses que las
negociaciones basadas en el Derecho se encargarn de resolver.

Daz Noci, J. and A. Tous Rovirosa "La audiencia como autor: narrativas
transmedia y propiedad intelectual del pblico. Algunas reflexiones
jurdicas." El Profesional de la Informacin vol. 21, n. 5 (2012). pp.

Desde que se configur en el ordenamiento jurdico a principios del siglo

XVIII en Inglaterra, el derecho de autor se enfrenta con cada nueva tecnologa a
una necesaria adaptacin de sus mecanismos de proteccin a los autores. Las
herramientas de edicin y difusin de internet han potenciado fenmenos que ya
existan, como la participacin del pblico o la extensin narrativa a travs de la
transformacin de obras ya existentes, y han hecho que los usuarios se
conviertan, de una u otra manera, en autores. Fenmenos como el periodismo
participativo o ciudadano o las fanfictions, que adems se manifiestan en
diversos medios, lo que se ha dado en llamar narrativas transmediticas, han
provocado que el derecho se ocupe de ellas. Este texto analiza los nuevos retos
que dicha narrativa ha planteado al derecho de autor.
Dickerson, D. "Facilitated Plagiarism: The Saga of Term-Paper Mills, and the
Failure of Legislation and Litigation to Control Them." Social Science Research
Network vol., n. (2008). pp.:

This article discusses facilitated plagiarism: plagiarism or cheating by

students who purchase and submit papers obtained from term-paper mills. The
article begins by tracing forty-five years of term-paper mill history and
operations, including the move to the Internet and efforts to circumvent
regulations. It then discusses statutory and judicial efforts to control these
companies. Next, the article analyzes why legal efforts have failed. The article
concludes by laying the groundwork for future work regarding a comprehensive
approach to academic dishonesty on college campuses. That foundation involves
adopting and applying concepts of environmental management to issues of
academic dishonesty, including plagiarism and facilitated plagiarism.

Doloswala, K. N. and A. Dadich "The accidental criminal: Using policy to curb

illegal downloading." First Monday vol. 16, n. 6
(2011). pp.:

Illegal downloading is a multifaceted social issue. In addition to the loss

of intellectual property and revenue for copyright-holders, it can implicate
perpetrators into the criminal justice system. Despite legislative attempts to curb
illegal downloading, lessons to date suggest these do little to reduce the activity.
Drawing on psychological literature, this paper offers an innovative approach to
address illegal downloading. Attribution theory argues that the activity might be
moderated by increasing opportunities for engagement between the owners and
users of intellectual property. Rather than using policy and legislation to restrain
access to intellectual property, this theory suggests that policy that closes
proximal distances and creates psychological contracts might curb these
practices. Examples from the music industry are discussed as evidence that this
approach can be successful in changing downloader behaviour. To date, social
policy informed by attribution theory has not been tested as a way to prevent
illegal downloading. The paper argues the need to examine and critically evaluate
non-punitive approaches to curbing illegal downloading from a policy

Downes, D. M. "New Media Economy: Intellectual Property and Cultural

Insurrection." Journal of Electronic Publishing vol. 9, n. 1
(2006). pp.:;view=text;rgn=main

The new media landscape has created tensions between content

producers (scholars, computer programmers, and even the general public) and
copyright holders (institutional publishers and entertainment corporations) who
are increasingly engaged in a form of culture war over access to and
dissemination of information. This paper explores the emerging culture war as a
struggle over definitions of culture and rights. On the one hand there are those
who accept the traditional bargain between creators and society (sharing
information, publicity, and reputation) and on the other hand are those who seek
proprietary rights (ownership of material and all accompanying rights). Further,
the battle over the definitions of intellectual property and copyright is taking
place in a number of separate arenas including the music industry, academic
publishing and the software industry. In each of these arenas the challenge of
intellectual property in the digital age is manifested in similar yet distinct ways.

Dugdale, C. "The ResIDe Electronic Library: an evolving library

service." Ariadne vol., n. 22 (1999). pp.:

The ResIDe Electronic Library (

was first developed as the ResIDe Electronic Reserve at the University of the West
of England, Bristol (UWE) in 1996. Originally funded under the eLib Programme
(, the Electronic Reserve was created as a
research tool to explore such issues surrounding the implementation of an
electronic reserve as copyright and collection management control mechanisms.
Uniquely, in the electronic reserve strand, lead partners were the library and a
faculty (the Faculty of the Built Environment) of the same academic institution
and ResIDe sought, specifically, to examine issues relating to the mounting of
multi-media documents supporting Built Environment studies.

Dulong de Rosnay, M. "Image et droit, la ou la technique s'en

mele." Documentaliste-Sciences de l'information vol. 42, n. 6
(2005). pp.:

Les conditions d'usage des contenus de l'image et des videos sont

determinees par les questions de droit dont le numerique a profondement
renouvele l'approche. Apres un bref expose des regles de la propriete litteraire et
artistique applicables aux oeuvres audiovisuelles et multimedias, l'A. analyse les
differentes modalites de gestion des droits : la gestion individuelle par contrat
entre le titulaire des droits et l'exploitant, la gestion collective par une societe de
perception et de repartition des droits, et la gestion numerique a l'aide de
mesures techniques de protection et d'information sur les droits comme les
DRMs (systemes de gestion numerique des droits). .

Eisenschitz, T. "Non-literal copying of factual information: architecture of

knowledge." Aslib Proceedings vol. 59, n. 4/5
(2007). pp.:

Purpose - The paper seeks to explore the rights of researchers to use

facts gathered from previous authors, even when there are only one or a small
number of sources, and also to explore the limits of non-literal copying of textual
materials. Design/methodology/approach - The paper consists of a conceptual
analysis of legislation and cases that illustrate the effects of the law. Findings -
The paper finds that the charge of non-literal copying of factual literary works is
not accepted because of low levels of originality in structure of the material.
Public policy based on the needs of scholarship provides a more predictable level
of access to the contents of works. Practical implications - Originality arguments
are always open to try again. Only a policy statement will give a degree of
certainty. Originality/value - The paper aids in distinguishing the originality and
policy arguments and who benefits from each, and also relates this problem to
the more familiar one of the protection of free speech.

Eldridge, J. "Data visualisation tools--a perspective from the pharmaceutical

industry." World Patent Information vol. 28, n. 1 (2006). pp.

This article is based on some general overviews gained from my own and
AstraZeneca colleagues' experiences of data visualisation tools and techniques, as
applied to chemical and patent information, with some suggestions on how
commercially available tools might be improved. Examples of the tools to be
discussed include the visualisation components of programs used to process
search results, particularly for chemical information and patents data, as well as
specific packages targeted as mining and analysis tools, and also reminders of
some of the simpler, but still effective, options available to assist in identifying
patterns and relationships in data, even without integration with the more
sophisticated programs now available. Comments are included on development
suggestions and possible reasons for limited take up of these tools are offered.

Erickson, J. S. "A Digital Object Approach to Interoperable Rights

Management Fine-grained Policy Enforcement Enabled by a Digital Object
Infrastructure." D-Lib Magazine vol. 7, n. 6
(2001). pp.:
This article builds upon previous work in the areas of access control for
digital information objects; models for cross-organizational authentication and
access control; DOI-based applications and services; and ongoing efforts to
establish interoperability mechanisms for digital rights management (DRM)
technologies (e.g., eBooks). It also serves as a follow-up to my April 2001 D-Lib
Magazine article, where I argued that the introduction of additional levels of
abstraction (or logical descriptions) above the current generation of DRM
technologies could facilitate various levels of interoperability and new service
capabilities [ERICK01].

Erickson, J. S. "Information Objects and Rights Management A

Mediation-based Approach to DRM Interoperability." D-Lib Magazine vol. 7,
n. 4 (2001). pp.:

This article identifies certain architectural principles for the deployment of

networked information that, when applied, should contribute to an environment
in which digital objects can be readily discovered, retrieved and consumed in
ways that encourage the free flow of information while being consistent with
individual and organizational intellectual property rights (IPR) policies and
preferences. I attempt to reconcile the disparate forces driving the dissemination
of information today, including open and free access to materials; interoperability
of networked information systems; collection, deployment and maintenance of
metadata services; naming infrastructures for information objects;
relationship-based policy management; and practical aspects of today's rapidly
evolving applications and services. Although the central focus of this article is to
confront current information-opaque approaches to digital rights management
(DRM), I hope the principles presented here are broader in scope and will suggest
solutions elsewhere.

Eschenfelder, K. R. "Review of Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural

Expressions in a Digital Environment." Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology vol. 61, n. 6 (2009). pp.
Book Review Review of Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural
Expressions in a Digital Environment de Kristin R. Eschenfelder

Eschenfelder, K. R. "Review of Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural

Expressions in a Digital Environment." Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology vol. 61, n. 6 (2010). pp.

This book represents the outcome of a 2007 international symposium by

the International Communications and Art Law Research Center at the University
of Lucerene Law School. The symposium was part of the eDiversity project,
funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, to examine legal protection of
cultural diversity in a globalized networked digital environment. The book's
chapters collect contemporary European legal and cultural scholarly perspectives
on the potential for legal (intellectual property (IP) or human rights protections
for traditional cultural expressions (TCE), including visual art, folklore, dance,
song, etc. The stated goals of book include examination of collisions between
rules about use of TCE enacted by international legal instruments and those
enacted by local cultural norms, and also consideration of the role of information
and communications technologies (ICT) in protecting TCE or facilitating economic
development through TCE.

Fajardo Lpez, L. "El amplio mundo de las Licencias de Software

Libre." Novtica: Revista de la Asociacin de Tcnicos de Informtica vol., n. 181
(2006). pp. 5-8.

Las licencias de software (incluidas las de software libre) son escritos

jurdicos que regulan el uso de derechos de propiedad intelectual sobre los
programas de ordenador y que pueden contemplarse desde varios puntos de
vista, que hubo que evaluar al proponernos la direccin de las revistas Novtica y
UPGRADE la elaboracin de esta monografa.

Fernndez Calvo, R. "El software libre o la paradoja del altruismo." Novtica:

Revista de la Asociacin de Tcnicos de Informtica vol., n. 178 (2005). pp.

En este artculo se describe la paradoja que supone que el software libre,

nacido como alternativa radical sin nimo de lucro al software propietario, se
haya convertido en un firme competidor de ste en la esfera comercial. Asimismo
se lleva a cabo un anlisis breve e inicial de la adecuacin de la licencia GPL
(General Public Licence) a la legislacin espaola sobre proteccin de la
propiedad intelectual

Fernndez, F. R. "La realizacin de material audiovisual para los cursos

masivos en abierto (MOOC): cuestiones legales no resueltas en el mbito de
la propiedad intelectual." IDP. Revista de Internet, Derecho y Poltica vol. 19, n.
(2014). pp. 78-91.

La docencia a travs de las plataformas en lnea ha supuesto la

posibilidad de que las universidades puedan ofrecer cursos superando todas las
barreras fsicas, son los denominados cursos masivos en abierto, conocidos como
MOOC. El paso de la presencialidad a la virtualidad se ha producido con un gran
incremento en los ltimos aos gracias a las tecnologas de la informacin y la
comunicacin (TIC) y la globalidad que ofrece la red. Los materiales audiovisuales
elaborados incrementan las dudas sobre la proteccin de los derechos y plantean
una serie de cuestiones relacionadas con la propiedad intelectual que no estn
previstas en la legislacin actual. En este estudio nos proponemos analizar la
propiedad intelectual sobre el material audiovisual utilizado en los MOOC,
centrndonos en el caso de estudio de la Universitat Politcnica de Valncia,
queremos explicar las distintas modalidades de cesin de derechos, as como la
identificacin de posibles problemas (como es el plagio y el derecho de cita,
entre otros) y conflictos y las propuestas de solucin. Observamos que la falta de
delimitacin de lo permitido y lo prohibido en el mbito de los materiales
audiovisuales y su utilizacin en internet hace que sea necesaria una reforma de
la legislacin de propiedad intelectual para dar cobertura legal a las obras
protegidas, su uso y lmites en dicho mbito.

Fernndez Molina, J. C. "Proteccin tecnolgica y contractual de las obras con

derecho de autor: Hacia una privatizacin del acceso a la
informacin?" Cincia da informaao vol. 32, n. 2
(2003). pp.:

Los problemas que el gran desarrollo de la informacin digital e Internet

estn provocando al derecho de autor se estn intentando solucionar a travs de
tres vas: legislativa, tecnolgica y contractual. La proteccin proporcionada a las
obras con derecho de autor mediante medidas tecnolgicas complementa a las
condiciones de uso establecidas en las licencias y, adems, ambos tipos de
proteccin estn respaldados por las nuevas leyes surgidas para adaptarse al
nuevo contexto tecnolgico. Como resultado de esta triple proteccin se estn
poniendo en grave peligro las excepciones y limitaciones a los derechos de autor
reconocidas por las leyes de derecho de autor para beneficiar a las bibliotecas,
sus usuarios y los ciudadanos en general, dando lugar a una fuerte y peligrosa
privatizacin del acceso a la informacin.

Fernndez Molina, J. C. "The legal protection of databases: current situation

of the international harmonisation process." Aslib Proceedings vol. 56, n. 6
(2004). pp.:
The requisite of creativity set down by copyright laws does not fit well
into the context of digital databases. The risk of being unprotected increases in
the case of factual compilations, as simple facts or data are not copyrightable,
meaning that their contents can easily be copied and/or used by others without
infringing copyright. After more than a decade of intense debate about the need
to give or not give additional protection to non-original databases, and about the
most appropriate model to follow, international consensus is still far away. This
paper analyses the situation at the present point of the long, heated process of
harmonising the legal protection of databases. The European directive is first
examined, as well as attempts to extrapolate it to other countries. Then the paper
looks at some proposals from the USA, and finally at the treaties and projects of
an international nature.

Fernndez Morales, I. "El impacto de los archivos de e-prints en la

comunicacin cientfica entre los investigadores espaoles: aceptacin y
uso." Jornadas Espaolas de Documentacin vol. 9, n.
(2005). pp.:

Se discute la significacin de los archivos de e-prints entre los cientficos

del CSIC, en un contexto donde la funcin de las revistas cientficas tradicionales
est siendo puesta en duda por los investigadores y el entorno acadmico. A
travs de una encuesta, una revisin bibliogrfica y la navegacin por sitios web
estratgicos dedicados a los e-prints en todo el mundo se llega a la conclusin
de que este nuevo modelo de comunicacin no ha penetrado an entre nuestros
investigadores ni entre sus instituciones. Las causas que se desprenden de este
estudio tienen que ver con: Desconocimiento de las ventajas de este sistema de
publicacin; arraigada cultura de publicacin en revistas tradicionales con sistema
de evaluacin por expertos; infravaloracin de estas publicaciones para evaluar la
produccin cientfica; miedo a perder el control sobre la propiedad intelectual.
Sin embargo, los encuestados afirman mayoritariamente que los e-prints pueden
redundar en una productividad cientfica ms alta.
Fernndez-Molina, J. C. and J. A. Chaves Guimaraes "The WIPO development
agenda and the contribution of the international library community." The
Electronic Library vol. 27, n. 6 (2009). pp.

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze the international

strengthening of copyright law in developing countries and the active
involvement of the international library community in the movement against it.
Design/methodology/approach The paper describes the overprotection of
intellectual property rights through international and bilateral treaties, the
reaction against such through the proposal of a WIPO development agenda, and
the contribution of the international library organizations to the debates and
discussions in the WIPO arena. Findings The initiative for a development
agenda for WIPO has proven much more successful than many had imagined,
even its promoters. The most relevant proposals made by the international library
community were included in the final list of approved recommendations.
Originality/value The paper raises awareness of the relationship between
copyright and access to knowledge and, in consequence, the need for library
organizations to exert influence in such legislation

Fernndez-Molina, J.-C., J. B. E. Moraes, et al. "Academic Libraries and

Copyright: Do Librarians Really Have the Required Knowledge? ." College &
Research Libraries vol. 78, n.
(2017). pp.:

A solid professional performance on the part of academic librarians at

present calls for adequate knowledge about copyright law, not only for the
development of their own tasks without infringing the law, but also to guide and
provide pertinent advice for library users (faculty and students). This paper
presents the results of an online survey of Brazilian academic librarians, the
objective being to determine the level of knowledge about basic questions on
copyright related to their professional activities. The case of Brazil is especially
relevant, as it is one of the few countries still not including library exceptions and
limitations in its copyright law. Our results make manifest important gaps in
knowledge about copyright, underlining the need for a training program to
remedy the situation. Moreover, because training is needed for current as well as
future professionals, it should be implemented in both the professional and the
educational sector.

Filipett, C. "Tertulia sobre los aspectos econmicos de la ley de propiedad

intelectual." Vasos comunicantes vol., n. 28
(2004). pp.:

Tertulia sobre los aspectos econmicos de la ley de propiedad intelectual

celebrada el 13 de noviembre de 2003 en Barcelona entre los socios de ACETT y
su asesor jurdico, Mario Seplveda. Celia Filipetto actu como moderadora.

Fischer, J. D. "Avoiding Plagiarism in Legal Documents." Social Science

Research Network vol., n. (2007). pp.:

Lawyers may believe they know what constitutes plagiarism in student

papers, but the rules about plagiarism in the practice of law are less clear. Forms
from form books and law firm files are meant to be copied, so there is no issue of
copyright violation. Still, the lawyer who uses such a form must tailor it to the
needs of the specific case. And lawyers have been disciplined for filing
documents containing language they copied from treatises without attribution.
This problem was exacerbated in one case where the lawyer asked for fees for
preparing material he had not written. Professionalism means that documents
filed with a court must analyze the facts and issues in the pending case, and any
material from published sources must be properly attributed.
Fitzgerald, B. F. "Creative Commons (CC): Accessing, Negotiating and
Remixing Online Content." Intellectual property rights and communications in
Asia : conflicting traditions vol., n. (2005). pp.:

This chapter overviews the Creative Commons project and looks at key
issues facing copyright in the digital age

Fitzgerald, B. F. "Copyright 2010: The Need for Better Negotiability/Usability

Principles." Knowledge Policy: Challenges for the 21st Century vol., n.
(2008). pp.:

Creative economy guru, John Howkins, has a plan for a project over the
next few years culminating in a congressional styled conference in London in
2010. It will celebrate, commiserate and investigate three hundred years of
copyright law in England, since the passing of the Statute of Anne in 1709, and
most importantly will chart a course for the future. This chapter considers three
principles that might be invoked to make copyright material more legally
accessible in the digital environment and thereby starts a journey towards
Copyright 2010.

Fitzgerald, B. F., J. M. Coates, et al. "Open Content Licensing: Cultivating the

Creative Commons." vol., n. (2007). pp.:

Open Content Licensing: Cultivating the Creative Commons brings

together papers from some of the most prominent thinkers of our time on the
internet, law and the importance of open content licensing in the digital age.
Drawing on material presented at the Queensland University of Technology
conference of the same name in January 2005, the text provides a snapshot of
the thoughts of over 30 Australian and international experts including Professor
Lawrence Lessig, Futurist Richard Neville and the Hon Justice Ronald Sackville
on topics surrounding the international Creative Commons, from the landmark
Eldred v Ashcroft copyright term decision to the legalities of digital sampling in a
remix world. Edited book: Contributors include: Richard Neville, Professor Arun
Sharma, Mark Fallu, Professor Barry Conyngham AM, Greg Lane, Professor Brian
Fitzgerald, Nic Suzor, Professor Lawrence Lessig, Professor Richard Jones,
Professor Greg Hearn, Professor John Quiggin, Dr David Rooney, Neeru Paharia,
Michael Lavarch, Stuart Cunningha, Dr Terry Cutler, Damien OBrien, Renato
Ianella, Carol Fripp, Dennis MacNamara, Jean Burgess, The Hon Justice James
Douglas, The Hon Justice Ronald Sackville, Linda Lavarch MP, Tom Cochrane, Ian
Oi, Dr Anne Fitzgerald, Neale Hooper, Keith Done, Sal Humphreys, John Banks

Fitzgerald, B. F. and K. M. Pappalardo "The Law as Cyberinfrastructure." CT

Watch Quarterly vol. 3, n. 3 (2007). pp.:

The Law as Cyberinfrastructure considers open licensing models for use

in collaborative endeavour through networked cyberinfrastructure. Open content
licensing for copyright material is considered, with examples of the use of open
content licensing from two major scientific research publication projects. The
most common of the open content licensing models, Creative Commons, is
described and the potential use of Creative Commons for databases is
demonstrated. Open patent licensing is also examined and the perceived benefits
and risks of open patent licensing are discussed.

Fitzgerald, B. F. and J. F. Reid "Digital rights management (DRM): managing

digital rights for open access." Handbook On The Knowledge Economy vol., n.
(2005). pp.:

When one mentions the term digital rights management (DRM), the
immediate perception is of a copyright owner seeking to further exploit their
product for economic reward. This article explains the nonrivalrous nature of
information and how intellectual property rights can also be used to manage
digital content for open access. In short DRM should be seen as being capable of
facilitating not only restricted access but also facilitating open access. The
paradigm shift proposed is for us to conceptualise DRM as being about the
management of intellectual propert rights either for an open or restrictive

Flew, T., G. N. Hearn, et al. "Alternative intellectual property regimes in the

global creative economy." Intellectual property rights and communications in
Asia : conflicting traditions vol., n. (2006). pp.:

Flew, T., S. H. Leisten, et al. "Alternative systems for Intellectual Property in

the digital age." International Conference on Intellectual Property Rights vol., n.
(2004). pp.:

This paper investigates the current turbulent state of copyright in the

digital age, and explores the viability of alternative compensation systems that
aim to achieve the same goals with fewer negative consequences for consumers
and artists. To sustain existing business models associated with creative content,
increased recourse to DRM (Digital Rights Management) technologies, designed
to restrict access to and usage of digital content, is well underway. Considerable
technical challenges associated with DRM systems necessitate increasingly
aggressive recourse to the law. A number of controversial aspects of copyright
enforcement are discussed and contrasted with those inherent in levy based
compensation systems. Lateral exploration of the copyright dilemma may help
prevent some undesirable societal impacts, but with powerful coalitions of
creative, consumer electronics and information technology industries having
enormous vested interest in current models, alternative schemes are frequently
treated dismissively. This paper focuses on consideration of alternative models
that better suit the digital era whilst achieving a more even balance in the
copyright bargain.

Fructus, I. "Former des professionnels de l'information la documentation

juridique." Bulletin des bibliothques de France vol. 56, n. 3
(2011). pp.:

L'information juridique apparat comme trs particulire. Complexe dans

son organisation et ses contenus, elle est le plus souvent construite par des
juristes pour rpondre aux besoins des juristes, qu'ils soient universitaires ou
professionnels du droit. Il faut donc entrer dans la logique de la discipline et
connatre les attentes des utilisateurs pour comprendre le fonctionnement de la
documentation juridique, tre capable de trouver de l'information et aider le
juriste apprenti ou expriment dans ses recherches documentaires.

Gadd, E. "The Intellectual Property Rights Issues Facing Self-archiving Key

Findings of the RoMEO Project." D-Lib Magazine vol. 9, n. 9
(2003). pp.:

Inspired by the Open Archives Initiative, the United Kingdom (UK) Joint
Information Systems Committee (JISC) established the FAIR (Focus on Access to
Institutional Repositories) programme in 2002. One of the programme's
objectives was to 'explore the challenges associated with disclosure and sharing
[of content], including IPR and the role of institutional repositories'. To this end,
the JISC funded a one-year project called RoMEO (Rights Metadata for Open
archiving). RoMEO, which took place between 20022003, specifically looked at
the self-archiving of academic research papers, and the subsequent disclosure
and harvesting of metadata about those papers using the Open Archives
Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) by OAI Data and Service
Providers [Open Archives Initiative, 2002a].
Gadd, E., C. Oppenheim, et al. "The Intellectual Property Rights Issues Facing
Self-archiving Key Findings of the RoMEO Project." D-Lib Magazine vol. 9, n. 9
(2003). pp.:

Inspired by the Open Archives Initiative, the United Kingdom (UK) Joint
Information Systems Committee (JISC) established the FAIR (Focus on Access to
Institutional Repositories) programme in 2002. One of the programme's
objectives was to 'explore the challenges associated with disclosure and sharing
[of content], including IPR and the role of institutional repositories'. To this end,
the JISC funded a one-year project called RoMEO (Rights Metadata for Open
archiving). RoMEO, which took place between 20022003, specifically looked at
the self-archiving of academic research papers, and the subsequent disclosure
and harvesting of metadata about those papers using the Open Archives
Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) by OAI Data and Service

Gadd, E., C. Oppenheim, et al. "RoMEO studies 1: the impact of copyright

ownership on academic author self-archiving." Journal of Documentation vol.
59, n. 3
(2003). pp.:

This is the first of a series of studies emanating from the UK JISC-funded

RoMEO Project (Rights Metadata for Open-archiving) which investigated the IPR
issues relating to academic author self-archiving of research papers. It considers
the claims for copyright ownership in research papers by universities, academics,
and publishers by drawing on the literature, a survey of 542 academic authors
and an analysis of 80 journal publisher copyright transfer agreements. The paper
concludes that self-archiving is not best supported by copyright transfer to
publishers. It recommends that universities assert their interest in copyright
ownership in the long term, that academics retain rights in the short term, and
that publishers consider new ways of protecting the value they add through
journal publishing.

Gallart, N. "Propiedad intelectual en la era electrnica." El Profesional de la

Informacin vol. 8, n. 6
(1999). pp.:

Reflexiones en torno a la propuesta de directiva europea relativa a la

armonizacin de determinados aspectos de los derechos de autor y derechos
afines en la sociedad de la informacin COM(97)628 final, incluyendo las
enmiendas aprobadas por el Parlamento Europeo en su sesin plenaria de
10.02..1999, A4-0026/99

Gallart, N. "Las revistas cientficas electrnicas y la propiedad

intelectual." Jornadas Espaolas de Documentacin vol. 9, n.
(2005). pp.:

El autor tiene una serie de derechos sobre su obra: morales y de

explotacin: Derechos morales: Divulgacin, Reconocimiento de la autora,
Integridad, Modificacin, Retirada del comercio, Acceso al ejemplar nico.
Derechos de explotacin: Reproduccin, Distribucin, Comunicacin pblica,

Garca, R. and Ernesto "Es El Plagio Una Conducta Reprimida Por El Derecho
Penal?" La Propiedad Inmaterial vol., n. 14
(2010). pp.:
The message of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court is that the
criminal law does not have to be activated with behaviors that should be matters
of civil jurisdiction, but of course depending on who rush or run? (Remember that
the case in question involves a college professor) and could it be that the
theoretical and practical difficulty of matching the conduct to criminal offenses
related to copyright, means that criminal law is not the institutional instrument
appropriate to punish the infringement of the rights of that particular area of
law? The answer to these questions should be the beginning to think or rethink
whether the expansion of criminal law has come to the field of intellectual
property is worth checking and maintenance. Cesare Becara noted: "What
prevents crime, not the number of criminal reprimand, but the guarantee of its
punishment." If there is no certainty or guarantee that the punishment will it be
worth resorting to the judicial application of these types of crimes? This article
seeks to open the discussion on this point.

Garca, R. Q. P. d. "Sancin al plagio de obras literarias en el Instituto

Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Proteccin de la Propiedad
Intelectual (Indecopi) en Per." Investigacin Bibliotecolgica vol. 28, n. 63
(2014). pp.:

La investigacin describe y analiza la jurisprudenca del Tribunal de

Indecopi, que a travs de la Sala de Propiedad Intelectual emite sus resoluciones
en segunda y ltima instancia administrativa en Per. El estudio se realiz con
base en las resoluciones sobre casos de infraccin a los derechos morales del
autor en su modalidad de plagio, las mismas que se encuentran en la pgina web
de la institucin. El periodo objeto de anlisis comprende los aos 2008-2011. La
metodologa empleada ha sido bsicamente el anlisis documental, teniendo a la
vista cada una de las resoluciones emitidas por la Sala que resuelven las causas
de infraccin al derecho de autor. En conclusin, no obstante que la figura del
plagio se ha extendido con la aparicin de Internet, las denuncias son muy
escasas, la mayora son formalizada por denuncia de oficio a partir de la funcin
que ejerce la entidad competente encargada de velar por la proteccin a la
propiedad intelectual.

Garrett, J. R. and P. A. Lyons "Toward an electronic copyright management

system." Journal-of-the-American-Society-for-Information-Science vol. 44, n. 8
(1993). pp.:

Focuses on the economic, social, and legal aspects of copyright issues

that need to be addressed by rightsholders and users in a computer networked
environment. The Electronic Copyright Management System, a project that
demonstrates procedures for handling copyright works, is described. Key sections
of the copyright law are reviewed.

Gasaway, L. N. "Copyrigth, the Internet, and other legal uses." Journal of the
American Society for Information Science vol. 49, n. 11
(1998). pp.:

Los derechos de autor y los aspectos relativos a la propiedad intelectual

han sido objeto de discusin a cerca de los usos legales cuando esta informacin
es accesible a travs de Internet. Hay otra serie de consideraciones importantes
que atraen tambin considerablemente la atencin. El artculo establece cinco
usos legales que afectan a Internet : derechos de autor, servicios en lnea,
produccin de bases de datos, obscenidad y privacidad

Gerdy, K. "Law Student Plagiarism: Why it Happens, Where it's Found, and
How to Find it." BYU Education and Law Journal, vol., n.
(2007). pp.:
The author explores why law students plagiarize and how to detect it
using both personal and technological methods.

Gerhardt, D. R. "Plagiarism in Cyberspace: Learning the Rules of Recycling

Content with a View Towards Nurturing Academic Trust in an Electronic
World." UNC Legal Studies Research Paper vol., n. 1932386
(2006). pp.:

This article explores the challenges of instilling a sense of academic

integrity among a community of students who grew up in a cut and paste
electronic environment. It advocates the adoption and use of a straight forward
plagiarism definition without an intent element. Creating a clear understanding of
what plagiarism is and how can it can be avoided is necessary to avoid the harms
that result from incidents of plagiarism - both to individuals and to the academic
community. To achieve this goal, the article proposes teaching ten rules for
avoiding plagiarism in order to nurture a community of academic trust.

Gil, C. F. "La apuesta del contrato tipo." Vasos comunicantes: revista de ACE
traductores vol., n. (2014). pp.

Giusti, M. R. d., M. M. Vila, et al. "SeDiCI: Servicio de Difusin de la Creacin

Intelectual." Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecologia vol. 31, n. 2 (2008). pp.
This paper resents the intellectual creativity dissemination service
(SeDICI) of the National University of La Plata (UNLP) from the point of view of
the goals that led UNLP to its creation. The steps carried out to start up this
institutional repository are described in great detail; in particular, the easiness
provided by Celsius-DL the software developed at the UNLP, which supports the
SeDICI portal. Adapted from the source document.

Gmez Snchez, R. "Software libre vs. software propietario: programando

nuestro futuro." Historia Actual Online vol., n. 2
(2003). pp.:

Este trabajo estudia la evolucin de dos modelos contrapuestos: el

software propietario y el software libre. Mientras el primero est plenamente
establecido, y apoyado por la industria tradicional de los programas de
ordenador, el software libre se presenta como una atractiva alternativa que
promete corregir muchas de las deficiencias de aquel modelo. Basado en la
filosofa de respetar las libertades del usuario -libertad de compartir, mejorar y
utilizar los programas-, son cada vez ms las administraciones, empresas y dems
usuarios que optan por el software libre. La interaccin entre ambos modelos y
sus consecuencias, as como los intentos de las multinacionales del software por
no perder mercado, sern asimismo objeto de estudio.

Green, S. P. "Plagiarism, Norms, and the Limits of Theft Law: Some

Observations on the Use of Criminal Sanctions in Enforcing Intellectual
Property Rights." Hastings Law Journal, vol. 54, n. 1
(2002). pp.:
As the recent controversies surrounding alleged unattributed copying by
historians Stephen Ambrose and Doris Kearns Goodwin illustrate, plagiarism is a
concept that evokes both strong emotions and genuine puzzlement. Because it is
not, strictly speaking, a legal concept, plagiarism has mostly been ignored by
legal commentators. Yet there is much that legal theory can contribute to its
understanding. This article seeks to use criminal law concepts such as intent,
willful ignorance, consent, harm, and the distinction between mistake of law and
mistake of fact, to elucidate the meaning of plagiarism; and the idea of plagiarism
to explore the outer limits of theft law (particularly as it relates to the
misappropriation of various forms of intangible property, such as computer
software). Among the issues dealt with are the following: Why are some acts of
plagiarism regarded as a serious moral transgression while others a mere faux
pas? Is unattributed copying that is inadvertent still plagiarism? Is it plagiarism to
employ a ghostwriter or copy one's own work without attribution? What exactly
is it that the plagiarist steals, and is this the sort of thing that the law of theft is
meant to protect? This discussion leads, in turn, to a consideration of the
increasing criminalization of intellectual property law and the widening gap
between what the law is and what people think it should be. While powerful
social norms prevent most people from even thinking of, say, walking into a
bookstore and stealing a book, many people have no qualms at all about
downloading pirated music or software from the Internet. Unlike legislation that
makes theft of other kinds of property a crime, legislation that makes it a crime to
misappropriate various forms of intellectual property seems to lack the firm
foundation of social norms that such legislation generally needs to be effective.
Such legislation thereby presents a kind of paradox: Whereas the mostly
non-legalized rule against plagiarism is regarded, at least within the relevant
communities, as having something very much like the force of law (hence, the
repeated reference to plagiarism as theft, larceny, stealing, and so forth), many
intellectual property laws (which, after all, are law) are regarded as illegitimate
and non-binding. The article seeks to explore some of the implications of this
apparent paradox.

Grupo de Trabajo de Bibliotecas, U. "Bibliotecas universitarias y derechos de

autor." Asociacin Andaluza de BIbliotecarios vol., n.
(2006). pp.:
Los derechos de autor es un asunto que afecta de lleno a nuestra
profesin, y nuestras bibliotecas deben trabajar de acuerdo a los parmetros
establecidos por las distintas administraciones, teniendo en cuenta los cambios
presentes y futuros que puede tener esta normativa. Se hace un seguimiento
continuo de la legislacin en el mbito nacional e internacional, haciendo nfasis
en la UE, con relacin a la Propuesta de Directiva relativa a la armonizacin de
determinados aspectos de los derechos de autor y derechos afines en la sociedad
de la informacin. En las Bibliotecas Universitarias debe tenerse un extremo
cuidado con las fotocopias, ya que es una forma frecuente de uso de la
informacin por parte de sus usuarios. Por tanto, se deberan elaborar unas
pautas a seguir para no incumplir lo establecido en la normativa aprobada.

Hansen, R. F. and A. Anderson "Law Student Plagiarism: Contemporary

Challenges and Responses." Journal of Legal Education vol. 64, n. 3
(2015). pp.:

Though plagiarism is hardly a new topic, contemporary conditions in

higher education pose fresh challenges to law schools seeking to apply
anti--plagiarism rules. Rules against plagiarism nonetheless serve important law
school goals, relating to student learning, university values and preparation for
legal practice. Responsive strategies for addressing law student plagiarism are
thus required.

Haro-Goi, A. "El plagio del 2do Prrafo del Artculo 14 Constitucional y la

ignorancia de sus alcances (The Flagrant Plagiarism of the 2nd Paragraph of
the Article 14 of the Mexican Constitution and the Ignorance of its
Reach)." Social Science Research Network vol., n.
(2011). pp.:

El segundo prrafo del artculo 14 Constitucional establece el "debido

proceso legal". sta garanta, fue plagiada -literalmente- de la V Enmienda
Norteamericana.El plagio es demostrado en este trabajo y es el punto de partida
para hacer una anlisis del alcance de la garanta a un debido proceso legal que
los tribunales y la doctrina en Mxico no han podido entender por ignorar su
origen.The second paragraph of Article 14 of the Mexican Constitution
recognizes the right to a due process of law. This right is an absolute plagiarism
of the corresponding part of the V Amendment of the Bill of Rights.This paper
proves the plagiarism and sets such pagiarism as a starting point in the study of
such a constitutional right that the courts and scholars in Mexico have not
properly understood given their lack of knowledge regarding the origin of the
right to a due process of law.

Harper, G. K. "OA, IRs and IP: Open Access, Digital Copyright and
Marketplace Competition." University of Texas at Austin Libraries vol., n.
(2009). pp.:

The fundamental concerns about intellectual property for open access

institutional repositories are not about who owns what rights, or who can do
what with them, or what you have to require contributors to give your institution
to be sure youve got the rights you need to provide open access to their works.
Those guidelines are readily devised and applied. The copyright conundrum
created by open access is more basic than this: Is it appropriate, is it even
necessary, and certainly, is it the best way going forward, to artificially make our
works difficult to find and access and saddle them with high prices in an era when
people all over the world could quickly know about our current research results
through the Web for no more than the cost to them of their own infrastructure to
find and read our works? For more than 200 years copyright law has enabled, and
scholars and their publishers have depended on, the mechanism of state-granted
monopoly, "creating artificial scarcity" to give publishers a period of time during
which they can charge higher prices than the market would otherwise dictate and
recover their costs of publishing plus a profit in most cases. But today we have
instant access to digital creative works, and easy, world-wide distribution for
almost no cost for the reader beyond the cost of computers, internet access and
electricity. In this world, the monopolistic mechanism of "artificial scarcity" turns
what is one of the most important, most critical advantages of the digital world
into something to be fought tooth and nail. The solution isnt stronger and
longer copyrights. It more likely will emerge from massive experimentation to
find satisfactory business models that can fund the creation of works, still a costly
undertaking, without sacrificing the digital benefit of relatively free distribution to
anyone and everyone who might desire to access our works.

Harper, G. K. "OA, IRs and IP: Open Access, Digital Copyright and
Marketplace Competition." University of Texas at Austin Libraries vol., n.
(2009). pp.:

The fundamental concerns about intellectual property for open access

institutional repositories are not about who owns what rights, or who can do
what with them, or what you have to require contributors to give your institution
to be sure youve got the rights you need to provide open access to their works.
Those guidelines are readily devised and applied. The copyright conundrum
created by open access is more basic than this: Is it appropriate, is it even
necessary, and certainly, is it the best way going forward, to artificially make our
works difficult to find and access and saddle them with high prices in an era when
people all over the world could quickly know about our current research results
through the Web for no more than the cost to them of their own infrastructure to
find and read our works? For more than 200 years copyright law has enabled, and
scholars and their publishers have depended on, the mechanism of state-granted
monopoly, "creating artificial scarcity" to give publishers a period of time during
which they can charge higher prices than the market would otherwise dictate and
recover their costs of publishing plus a profit in most cases. But today we have
instant access to digital creative works, and easy, world-wide distribution for
almost no cost for the reader beyond the cost of computers, internet access and
electricity. In this world, the monopolistic mechanism of "artificial scarcity" turns
what is one of the most important, most critical advantages of the digital world
into something to be fought tooth and nail. The solution isnt stronger and
longer copyrights. It more likely will emerge from massive experimentation to
find satisfactory business models that can fund the creation of works, still a costly
undertaking, without sacrificing the digital benefit of relatively free distribution to
anyone and everyone who might desire to access our works.
Hayrapetyan, L. R. "Prevention and Detection of Certain Types of Plagiarism
During Computerized Assessments." Business Education & Administration vol.
3, n. 1 (2011). pp.:

Unfortunately, plagiarism is widespread on university campuses across

the nation. The advances in the information technology provide even more
sophisticated cheating prospects. Although there are many commercially
available tools for detecting plagiarism but policing alone is not a comprehensive
solution. We should strive to change the overall culture on university campuses in
such a way that it discourages academic dishonesty. In this study, we present a
tool called Test Guard that has two main features. First, it disables some cheating
techniques such as copy-paste, insert file, etc. Then it checks the test for several
types of plagiarism and generates a report on its findings.

Henderson, K. and H. Kane "Internet patents: will they hinder the

development of E-Comerce?" Journal of information law & technology vol. 1, n.
(2001). pp.:

Organisations have recognised that the Internet is a new medium

through which business can be conducted. To capture the benefits of reaching
consumers globally, businesses in the US attempt to protect new ways of
reaching the market place by patenting business models used in electronic
commerce transactions. This development means that confronted with possible
monopolisation by a small number of companies who patent their business
models the scope of what can be patented becomes an important issue for the
development of web based enterprises.

Hidalgo Goyanes, P. and I. Lpez de Sols "Reutilizacin de imgenes de

archivo en televisin: derechos de propiedad y de uso." El profesional de la
informacin vol. 23, n. 1 (2014). pp.

La reutilizacin de imgenes de archivo es habitual en la produccin de

televisin, para completar o contextualizar una noticia, elaborar biografas,
necrolgicas, efemrides, como recurso cuando no existen imgenes de alguna
noticia o para completar las parrillas de emisin. No todas las imgenes que se
conservan en los archivos de las televisiones pueden reutilizarse: los derechos
contractuales, la propiedad intelectual y los derechos fundamentales de las
personas deben salvaguardarse; el desconocimiento o incumplimiento de estas
pautas y de las restricciones de reutilizacin de algunos documentos genera
problemas. La utilizacin de imgenes procedentes de Internet se ha convertido
en una prctica habitual sin embargo, debido a sus especiales caractersticas,
estas imgenes deben ser empleadas con sumo cuidado.

Himma, K. E. "The justification of intellectual property: Contemporary

philosophical disputes." Journal of the American Society for Information Science
and Technology vol. 59, n. 7 (2008). pp.

Once taken for granted as morally legitimate, legal protection of

intellectual property rights have come under fire in the last 30 years as new
technologies have evolved and severed the link between expression of ideas and
such traditional materialbased media as books and magazines. These advances in
digital technology have called attention to unique features of intellectual content
that problematize intellectual property protection; any piece of intellectual
content, for example, can be simultaneously appropriated by everyone in the
world without thereby diminishing the supply of that content available to others.
This essay provides an overview and assessment of the arguments and
counterarguments on the issue of whether intellectual property should be legally
Hoorn, E. "Towards good practices of copyright in Open Access Journals: A
study among authors of articles in Open Access journals." University of
Groningen vol., n.
(2005). pp.:

Aim of the study: This study aimed to identify good practices in copyright
management in Open Access journals with an emphasis on the authors attitudes
and viewpoints. Methods: In preparation of a qualitative and quantitative study
among academic authors of articles in Open Access journals both a literature
survey and a series of interviews with Open Access publishers and copyright
experts were carried out in order to identify the main issues in copyright as well
as good practices in copyright in Open Access journals. These results were used
in a qualitative study among academic authors of articles in Open Access journals
(12 interviews) and a quantitative study by means of a websurvey among 1200+
authors mainly from medical and life sciences (with a response of 355 academics,

Hoorn, E. "Towards good practices of copyright in Open Access Journals: A

study among authors of articles in Open Access journals." University of
Groningen vol., n.
(2005). pp.:

Aim of the study: This study aimed to identify good practices in copyright
management in Open Access journals with an emphasis on the authors attitudes
and viewpoints. Methods: In preparation of a qualitative and quantitative study
among academic authors of articles in Open Access journals both a literature
survey and a series of interviews with Open Access publishers and copyright
experts were carried out in order to identify the main issues in copyright as well
as good practices in copyright in Open Access journals. These results were used
in a qualitative study among academic authors of articles in Open Access journals
(12 interviews) and a quantitative study by means of a websurvey among 1200+
authors mainly from medical and life sciences (with a response of 355 academics,

Iain, S. "Coincidence or Derivation? When Julius Stone Accused Hans Kelsen

of Plagiarism." Griffith Law Review vol. 17, n.
(2009). pp.:

Julius Stone, while a law professor at the University of Sydney,

denounced Hans Kelsens notion of a basic norm (Grundnorm) as mere mystery
and mystique. This accusation and Kelsens trenchant response to it are well
known. Less well known, yet an integral element of that exchange and
responsible for some of its sharpness, is Stones careless allegation that in
another aspect of his theory of law, the distinction between a nomostatic and a
nomodynamic approach, Kelsen had plagiarised from John Henry Wigmore. This
article is an attempt to provide a definitive account of that moment. It is also a
study in the inability of a particular kind of jurist to grasp theory that has been
constructed in a non-empiricist framework.Available in Spanish: "Coincidentia o
Derivacin? Cuando Julius Stone acuso a Hans Kelsen de Plagio", trans. Guzmn
Rodrguez Carrau, in Gonzalo A. Ramrez Cleves (ed.), Ecos de Kelsen: Vida, Obra y
Controversias (Bogot, Universidade Externado de Colombia, 2012), pp. 565-592.

Iannella, R. "Digital Rights Management (DRM) Architectures." D-Lib

Magazine vol. 7, n. 6
(2001). pp.:

Digital Rights Management poses one of the greatest challenges for

content communities in this digital age. Traditional rights management of
physical materials benefited from the materials' physicality as this provided some
barrier to unauthorized exploitation of content. However, today we already see
serious breaches of copyright law because of the ease with which digital files can
be copied and transmitted.

Iglesias, G. "Argentina: licencias de Uso No Propietarias: Software Libre y

Software de Cdigo Abierto." AR: Revista de Derecho Informtico vol., n. 120
(2008). pp.:

La licencias de uso como forma de contractual de distribucin del

software puede ser divididas en propietarias y no propietarias, segn las
atribuciones concedidas a los usuarios finales. Dentro de las licencias no
propietarias podemos distinguir aquellas certificadas por la Open Source
Initiative de la GPL, propuesta por la Free Software Fundation. El presente trabajo
analiza cada una de estas licencias, en particular la GPL version 3, de reciente

Imre, S. "A Propriedade Intelectual na Era da Internet." DataGramaZero:

Revista de Cincia da Informao vol. 1, n. 3
(2005). pp.:

A propriedade intelectual abordada vista das perplexidades que a

cercam diante do advento da era digital, cialmente da Internet. feito um breve
histrico do conceito e das suas motivaes. Relatam-se algumas experincias
recentes e bastante inovadoras na procura de novos modelos de utilizao do
direito que o autor possui de influir sobre a eminao da sua criao. O artigo
termina com algumas reflexes sobre o possvel futuro da propriedade
Janes, J. W. and L. B. Rosenfeld "Networked Information Retrieval and
Organization: Issues and Questions." Journal of the American Society for
Information Science vol. 47, n. 9
(1996). pp.:

Discusses the creation of guides to resources on the Internet, focusing on

the Internet environment, including its culture and etiquette, authority,
publication, standards, and searching tools and processes; and the process of
guide construction, including the human element, the nature of resources,
intellectual property, and time.

Joy, P. A. and K. C. McMunigal "The Problems of Plagiarism as an Ethics

Offense." Washington University in St. Louis Legal Studies Research Paper vol., n.
(2011). pp.:

This column questions the practices of labeling attorney copying, even

without acknowledgement, as plagiarism, and treating it as a per se ethics
violation. Instead, the column argues that analysis of copying in the litigation
context should focus directly on the quality of the filing at issue and the
competence and diligence of the lawyer who prepared it.

Julian, W. "Information society or cash nexus? a study of the United States as

a Copyright haven." Journal of the American Society for Information Science vol.
50, n. 5 (1999). pp.:

El artculo muestra como en un contexto particular en el cual el los

desarrollos de informacin pueden aislarses y estudiarse en relacin a los
factores econmicos y socailes: la historia de los Estados Unidos un caso aislado
de copyright desde 1970 hasta el Chac Act de 1891. El estudio tiene una triple
intencin: 1. El estudio emprico de los derechos de autor en estados Unidos. 2.
Indicar las diferencias y analogas entre la prctica histrica de estados Unidos y
la aplicacin de la propiedad intelectual en Estados Unidos. En tercer lugar, el
estudio de los Estados Unidos como un caso aislado de propiedad intelectual se
usa para examinar el contraste entre la idea de una transicin a una sociedad de
informacin y el determinismo econmico. existiendo una tensin entre la
autonoma de informacin y el papel de conocimiento terico como un director
de cambio social. La propiedad debera reflejar cambios en la base econmica. Se
sugiere que el desarrollo de la ley de propiedad intelectual es limitado por el
contexto histrico

Kapitzke, C. "Intellectual property rights: Governing cultural and educational

futures." Policy Futures in Education vol. 4, n. 4
(2006). pp.:

This article uses Foucauldian theories of governmentality to examine

ways in which intellectual property rights regimes are embedded within broad
spectrums of global and globalising discourses and yet are enacted through
changing subjectivities at the local level. Using the 2004 AustraliaUnited States
Free Trade Agreement as a case in point, it shows how culture, education, free
trade, foreign policy, and national security intersect and have the potential to
limit access to cultural knowledge and textual resources for young people and

Karabag, S. F. and C. Berggren "Retraction, Dishonesty and Plagiarism:

Analysis of a Crucial Issue for Academic Publishing, and the Inadequate
Responses from Leading Journals in Economics and Management
Disciplines." ournal of Applied Economics and Business Research vol. 2, n. 3
(2012). pp.:
Academic dishonesty and plagiarism have become hot issues in
newspapers and academia. However, there are few studies of how leading
journals are handling these issues. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to
analyze the current situation and policies concerning academic dishonesty,
plagiarism and paper retractions in academia in general, and business and
economics disciplines in particular. Four databases, Ebsco Business Source
Premier, Emerald, JSTOR and ScienceDirect, have been examined. This survey
shows that while some science journals, e.g. medical journals, are very active in
retracting papers due to the dishonesty and plagiarism, business and economics
journals are not. The survey also displays that some journals have already
published explicit policies regarding academic honesty; within the business field,
however, only two established and one emerging journal discuss such policies.
Given the extent of the problem, it seems important that more journals openly
confront the situation, elaborate and publish explicit policies how to reduce the
future occurrence of academic dishonesty and plagiarism.

Katuli, T. "Intelektualno vlasnitvo danas." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and

Information Science vol. 5, n. 36 (2005). pp.:

Intellectual property is one of buzzwords that we hear every day from

politicians, businessmen or scientists. Also, media constantly remind us of that
immaterial, ethereal category of ownership.

Kenneth Einar, H. "Foundational issues in information ethics." Library Hi

Tech vol. 25, n. 1
(2007). pp.:

Purpose - Information ethics, as is well known, has emerged as an

independent area of ethical and philosophical inquiry. There are a number of
academic journals that are devoted entirely to the numerous ethical issues that
arise in connection with the new information communication technologies; these
issues include a host of intellectual property, information privacy, and security
issues of concern to librarians and other information professionals. In addition,
there are a number of major international conferences devoted to information
ethics every year. It would hardly be overstating the matter to say that
information ethics is as 'hot' an area of theoretical inquiry as medical ethics. The
purpose of this paper is to provide an overview on these and related issues.
Design/methodology/approach - The paper presents a review of relevant
information ethics literature together with the author's assessment of the
arguments. Findings - There are issues that are more abstract and basic than the
substantive issues with which most information ethics theorizing is concerned.
These issues are thought to be 'foundational' in the sense that we cannot fully
succeed in giving an analysis of the concrete problems of information ethics (e.g.
are legal intellectual property rights justifiably protected?) until these issues are
adequately addressed. Originality/value - The paper offers a needed survey of
foundational issues in information ethics.

Klang, M. and J. Nolin "Tolerance is Law: Remixing Homage, Parodying

Plagiarism." SCRIPTed vol. 2, n.
(2012). pp.:

Three centuries have passed since copyright law was developed to

stimulate creativity and promote learning. The fundamental principles still apply,
despite radical developments in the technology of production and distribution of
cultural material. In particular the last decades developments and adoption of
ICTs have drastically lowered barriers, which previously prevented entry into the
production and distribution side of the cultural marketplace, and led to a
widening of the base at which cultural production occurs and is disseminated.
Additionally, digitalisation has made it economically and technically feasible for
users to appropriate and manipulate earlier works as method of production. The
renegotiation of barriers and the increasing number of creators who publish their
works has led to an increase in copyright violations and a pressure on copyright
legislation. Many of these potential violations are tolerated, in some cases have
become common practice, and created social norms. Others have not been so
fortunate and the law has been rigidly enforced. This arbitrary application
decreases the predictability of law and creates a situation where creation relies on
the tolerance of the other copyright holders. This article analyses different cases
of reuse that test the boundaries of copyright. Some of these are tolerated,
others not. When regulation fails to capture the rich variation of creative reuse, it
becomes difficult to predict which works will be tolerated. The analysis suggests
that as copyright becomes prohibitive, social norms, power and the values of the
copyright holder dominate and not law.

Klebanow, A. "Is Music the Next Ebooks? An Antitrust Analysis of Windowing

in the Music Industry." Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts vol., n.
(2015). pp.:

Windowing is the act of withholding the release of content on certain

services while providing exclusive access for a period of time to only one service.
It involves staggering a titles release-date, resulting in consumers having access
to content at different times on different services. Windowing agreements are a
form of exclusive dealings. Windowing, while widespread in the movie industry,
has only recently become popular in the music industry. Windowing is now
viewed as a way for artists to increase music sales, appealing to those dissatisfied
with current streaming royalties. Exclusive dealings may be deemed unreasonable
under the federal antitrust laws if they foreclose outlets or supplies to potential
entrants, raise barriers to entry, and make it easier for firms to exploit their power.
With an industry dominated by technology giant Apple and three music
companies who together control 89% of global music sales, exclusive licensing
agreements that enable windowing should be examined cautiously for antitrust
concerns.This Note engages in the first antitrust analysis of windowing in the
music industry. It claims that windowing can have anticompetitive effects
depending on the terms of the agreements and the parties involved. The Note
examines the structure of the music industry and why exclusionary tactics are
particularly troubling given the interdependent nature of an industry dominated
by large market powers. The Note engages in an examination of the strength of
section 1 and section 2 Sherman Act claims against technology giant Apple. The
Note concludes by providing recommendations for how to structure windowing
agreements to avoid federal antitrust law violations.
Klimas, T. "Plagiarism (in Lithuanian)." Apskaitos, audito ir mokesciu
aktualijos vol. 19, n. 39 (2009). pp.:

Compares and contrasts the concepts of plagiarism, academic

dishonesty, and author's rights (copyright), including a brief exploration of the
problematics of contracting to transfer rights to intel. property upon their
creation, with reference to the Lithuanian Civil Code and the LT law on Authors
Rights, with some comparison to U.S. law and practice..

Koh, H. P., G. Scully, et al. "The Impact of Cumulative Pressure on Accounting

Students Propensity to Commit Plagiarism: An Experimental
Approach." Accounting & Finance vol. 51, n. 4
(2011). pp.:

Adopting aspects of Jones, T.M., 1991, Academy of Management

Review16, 366395 issue-contingent model of ethical decision-making to guide
our choice of variables, we investigate perceptions of factors that affect student
plagiarism. In an experimental setting, time pressure and assessment weighting
are manipulated between-subjects, whilst the severity of plagiarism is examined
within-subjects. Our findings confirm that time pressure and assessment
weighting are positively related to perceptions of the likelihood of plagiarism and
that plagiarism is perceived as more likely for less severe acts. Further, the
likelihood of plagiarism increases as the cumulative pressure of both time
deadline and assessment weighting increases.

Kramer, E. F. "Digital Rights Management: Pitfalls and Possibilities for People

with Disabilities." Journal of Electronic Publishing vol. 10, n. 1 (2007). pp.
This paper argues that electronic barriers intended to protect intellectual
property can prevent equal access to digital materials by readers with visual or
hearing disabilities, and thus deny those readers their fair-use rights. It provides a
basic overview of copyright law, summarizes publishersG) concerns about
intellectual property, and discusses information access by users with special
needs to explain why digital rights management (DRM) is used, how it can
interfere with access and fair use, and some ways those problems are being

Kranich, N. and J. Schement "Information Commons." Annual Review of

Information Science and Technology (ARIST) vol. 42, n.
(2008). pp.:

This chapter reviews the history and theory of information commons

along with the various conceptual approaches used to describe and understand
them. It also discusses governance, financing, and participation in these
commons. Digital technologies offer unprecedented possibilities for human
inventiveness, global communication, innovation, and access to information.
These same technologies also provide new opportunities to controlor
encloseintellectual products, thereby threatening to erode political discourse,
scientific inquiry, free speech, and the creativity needed for a healthy democracy.
Advocates for an open information society face an uphill battle to influence
outcomes in the policy arena; yet they are developing information commons that
advance innovation, stimulate creativity, and promote the sharing of information
resources. Designers of these new information resources can learn from those
who have studied other commons, such as forests and fisheries. Multidisciplinary
research efforts need to go beyond rejecting enclosure to assessing whether
alternatives are viable. This requires applying a framework for analysis to
determine whether information commons are sustainable as a fundamental
information construct for the 21st century.

Kristina, E. and K. B. Anne "HathiTrust: digital access at the intersection of

interlibrary lending potential and the protection of intellectual property
rights." Interlending & Document Supply vol. 40, n. 2 (2012). pp.

Purpose The aim is to provide an overview of the HathiTrust digital

repository and assess the impact that intellectual property rights may have on its
utility for ILL operations. Design/methodology/approach The authors use a case
study approach based on their professional experience. Findings In order to
make digital repositories such as HathiTrust useful for international ILL purposes,
librarians need to know more about users' e-book preferences for delivery speed,
cost, and format, and under what circumstances users prefer print or electronic
copies. Originality/value HathiTrust is one of the newest and yet largest digital
repositories in the world. The impact of such digital collections upon ILL is still
unknown. The authors present highly original work that is sure to help ILL
professionals navigate what is as yet uncharted territory.

Labastida i Juan, I. "Nota al artculo El sistema de las Creative commons." El

Profesional de la Informacin vol. 14, n. 5
(2005). pp.:

Despus de leer el artculo El sistema de las Creative Commons de

Marco Marandola, me gustara presentar de manera ms completa el proyecto de
las licencias de Creative commons. Actualmente las palabras copyleft, copyright,
open access, creative commons, procomn, se utilizan mucho pero a veces se
mezclan conceptos y se informa de manera errnea. Agradezco a los editores la
posibilidad de escribir esta nota que personalmente considero de rectificacin.
unos textos legales para que los autores pudieran ceder algunos derechos sobre
sus obras y se pudieran reservar otros. Creative commons no est contra los
derechos de autor, sino todo lo contrario, de hecho su objetivo es promover la
cultura ayudando a los creadores a ejercer sus derechos.
LaFollette, M. C. "Observations on Fraud and Scientific Integrity in a Digital
Environment." Journal of the American Society for Information Science vol. 51, n.
14 (2000). pp.:

Marcel C. LaFollette considers ethical conduct in electronic publishing in

'Observations on Fraud and Scientific Integrity in a Digital Environment.' She
identifies concerns deserving of special attention that include insuring integrity of
content, building trust among authors, reviewers, and publishers, and protecting
intellectual property. How these issues relate to digital media is explored in her

Lahary, D. "Clones, avatars, lobbies et incomprhensions autour de la loi

Dadvsi." Bulletin des bibliothques de France vol. 56, n. 3
(2011). pp.:

l'occasion de l'examen par le Parlement ce qui devait devenir la loi n

2066-961 du 1er aot 2006 relative au droit d'auteur et aux droits voisins dans la
socit de l'information, dite Dadvsi, 15 associations d'archivistes, bibliothcaires
et documentalistes, runies au sein de l'Interassocation Archives Bibliothques
Documentation... (IABD...) dcidrent d'exercer un rle de lobby pour la prise en
compte au sein du texte d'une partie de leurs revendications sur ces sujets.
L'article expose le droulement des dbats, rend compte des forces en prsence,
analyse les conditions souvent difficiles de l'application de la loi, notamment au
regard de l'un des grands enjeux contemporains des bibliothques, la mise en
oeuvre de politiques de numrisation de leurs collections.

Landa, G. and J. Angel "Retroprospecciones intertextuales: A propsito de

Pierre Bayard y el plagio por anticipado (Intertextual Retroprospections: On
Pierre Bayard and Anticipatory Plagiarism)." Enthymema vol. 8, n. 23
(2013). pp.:
Este artculo expone la nocin de plagio por anticipado desarrollada por
el crtico francs Pierre Bayard, as como sus precedentes, y la sita en el marco
de una teora narrativa de la experiencia humana y una teora hermenutica de la
lectura entendida a travs de los fenmenos de la retroprospeccin y la
retroaccin.This paper expounds the notion of plagiarism by anticipation, put
forward by the French critic Pierre Bayard, as well as its precedents, and situates it
within the framework of a narrative theory of human experience and a
hermeneutic theory of reading based on the phenomena of prospective hindsight
and retroaction.

Landesman, B. "Copyright Website LLC," Technical

Services Quarterly vol. 28, n. 1 (2011). pp.

This Website was created and is maintained by Benedict O'Mahoney, an

attorney specializing in intellectual property protection. It should not be confused
with the similar-sounding, the Copyright Clearance Center's
Website. The Copyright Website, launched in 1995, describes itself as the
ultimate copyright portal for real world, practical copyright information. Its
stated intent is to provide specialized information for webmasters, musicians,
moviemakers, screenwriters, programmers, and photographers and general
copyright information for educators, students, web-surfers, re-mixers,
mash-uppers, and confused citizens. It is far from being the ultimate portal,
and is certainly not aimed at librarians; nonetheless, it contains some useful
information that is worth a look.

Lee, S. "Digitizing Intellectual Property: the Oxford Scoping

Study." Ariadne vol., n. 22
(1999). pp.:
This paper outlines the methodology and main results of the recent study
conducted by the University of Oxford into Digitization. The study was funded by
the A W Mellon Foundation and looked at a strategic approach to the digitization
of Oxford's holdings. The author is Stuart Lee, head of the Centre for Humanities
Computing, University of Oxford.

Lefevre, F., L. Pillet, et al. "Documents numriques, une mutation ? Le livre et

le numrique, 3e journe." Bulletin des Bibliothques de France vol. 54, n. 3
(2009). pp. 94-95.

PICASCO proposed three daylong workshops focused on the digital

document. In October 2007, the first focused on music and digital images. The
second, in May 2008, concerned writing in the digital age. The House of Culture
in Amiens hosted the final day on December 8, 2008. Panels comprising
publishers, booksellers, authors, and librarians met to discuss the future of the
book, with a particular emphasis on Ebooks, their implementation, and the role of
the government concerning the legal status of the book with respect to
intellectual property. Adapted from the source document.

Licea Jimnez, I., Y. Collazo Martnez, et al. "Algunas consideraciones en torno

al derecho de autor." Acimed: revista cubana de los profesionales de la
informacin y la comunicacin en salud vol. 10, n. 5
(2002). pp.:

Se exponen brevemente algunos aspectos que evidencian la importancia

del conocimiento del derecho de autor para los profesionales de la informacin,
a partir de elementos y conceptos esenciales de esta materia y su reflejo en otras
legislaciones. Se compara al derecho de autor con el copyright.
Lilley, S. "Indigenous intellectual and cultural property rights." Asia-Pacific
Specials, Health and Law Librarians Conference vol., n. 8
(1999). pp.:

1999 heralds the beginning of the United Nations Decade for Indigenous
Peoples. A number of issues will be highlighted throughout the decade and new
opportunities will emerge. In recent years both Australia and New Zealand have
witnessed a rebirth of interest in indigenous issues. One of the more complex
issues that has emerged has been that of cultural and intellectual property rights.
Assertion of property rights over traditional forms of knowledge will become one
of the leading challenges for indigenous peoples during this decade. Indigenous
intellectual and cultural property rights do not fit neatly into western legal
frameworks and this therefore leaves the knowledge of indigenous peoples
vulnerable to exploitation. Indigenous peoples are establishing their own
networks and working through international organisations such as the United
Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations to identify sectors where
cultural and/or intellectual property rights are being compromised. Libraries and
information centres store and provide access to a variety of resources that fall
into the category of intellectual and cultural property and this will subject our
sector to intense scrutiny. This paper will identify what constitutes cultural and
intellectual property rights, how it conflicts with western law, and what the
implications for libraries and information centres are.

Lindenthal, T. "Valuable words: The price dynamics of internet domain

names." Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology vol. 65,
n. 5 (2014). pp. 869-881.

This article estimates the first constant quality price index for Internet
domain names. The suggested index provides a benchmark for domain name
traders and investors looking for information on price trends, historical returns,
and the fundamental risk of Internet domain names. The index increases
transparency in the market for this newly emerged asset class. A cointegration
analysis shows that domain registrations and resale prices form a long-run
equilibrium and indicates supply constraints in domain space. This study explores
a large data set of domain sales spanning the years 2006 to 2013. Differences in
the quality of individual domain names are controlled for in hedonic repeat sales

Lpez Alonso, M.-. "Convergencia de jurisdicciones sobre propiedad

intelectual." vol., n. 2
(2004). pp.:

Podemos definir la terminologa como: 'un conjunto de trminos y sus

definiciones en determinado campo cientfico', y a estos trminos como: 'las ms
pequeas unidades del conocimiento especializado'. Por otro lado, en este
trabajo nos referiremos a: 'la infraestructura conceptual del conocimiento
especializado y a su aplicacin a la gestin terminolgica para la creacin de
terminologas especficas' (Cabr, 1999). La cuestin es que, cada vez ms, la
diferente dinmica evolutiva de cada campo del conocimiento lleva al discurso
cientfico especializado a una continua diversificacin en lenguajes y
terminologas cada vez ms especializados. Estas herramientas de comunicacin
se vuelven cada da ms ambiguas, debido al estricto nmero de conceptos que
deben definirse con los recursos lingsticos del lenguaje natural, lo que obliga
adems a los especialistas a normalizar su terminologa a un nivel multilinge

Lpez, M. n. "Convergencia de jurisdicciones sobre propiedad

intelectual." vol., n. 2
(2004). pp.:

Different evolutionary dynamics from each field of the knowledge takes

to the scientific speech to a continuous diversification in languages and
terminologies more and more specialized. These tools of more ambiguous
communication become every day, due to the strict number of concepts that
must be defined with the linguistic resources of the natural language, which
forces in addition the specialists to standardize their terminology at a multilingual
level. This work reviews the problems of the Intellectual Property of the
terminological data bases and other similar linguistic forms of representation of
the information and the knowledge: documentary languages, scientific
bibliographies, etc., coming near to the problems of the electronic distribution of
the digital data bases: the information multimedia, the knowledge bases of the
Web, etc. From the study of the effective normative frame in the main
predominant legal systems on world-wide scale, beneficial implications in the
improvement will be derived from the electronic commerce in general and the
industries of linguistic contents in individual of the distributed networks of
Internet of the Society of the Information.

Lorenzo-Escolar, N. "La ley de propiedad intelectual y su repercusin en la

actividad de las bibliotecas." Revista Espaola de Documentacin Cientfica vol.
32, n. 4 (2009). pp. 34-45.

Se analizan las repercusiones que la legislacin y las nuevas tecnologas

tienen en las bibliotecas en relacin a la propiedad intelectual. Tambin se
examina el papel que han de tener las bibliotecas en la gestin de aspectos de la
propiedad intelectual y las opciones alternativas de publicacin en el mbito
acadmico (Open Access, repositorios)

Machado Torres, O. L. "Desarrollo histrico del derecho de autor en la

traduccin." Acimed: revista cubana de los profesionales de la informacin y la
comunicacin en salud vol. 9, n. 2
(2001). pp.:
Segn el glosario de trminos sobre derecho de autor de la Organizacin
Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual, la traduccin es la expresin de obras
escritas u orales en un idioma distinto al de la versin original.. En lingstica no
es ms que el proceso de llevar a la lengua de llegada un texto elaborado en otra
lengua, la de partida. Ahora bien, sea cual fuera la definicin: lingstica o jurdica;
la totalidad de las legislaciones del mundo protegen a la traduccin como obra
derivada, pues la creacin que hace el traductor sobre la obra preexistente no va
en detrimento del derecho de su autor, siempre que haya obtenido su
autorizacin para realizarla. As mismo el autor de la traduccin deber ser
consultado para realizar otra traduccin de la suya. La traduccin ha
desempeado, en la historia de la humanidad, una funcin sumamente
importante en el desarrollo, tanto en general como en la interpenetracin de las
culturas. Desde una panormica cultural, todos los idiomas se interfecundan. La
traduccin como fenmeno social halla la forma de establecer una identidad
entre situaciones, a partir de la nocin de equivalencias.2 Es en ese proceso de
establecimiento de las equivalencias, donde se encuentra la creacin; es la forma
personalizada de crear a partir de un texto original en una lengua de partida,
donde surge el fenmeno de que se ocupa el derecho de autor: el
reconocimiento a la paternidad de una obra derivada.

Magnussen, A. "Electronic rights management in the United

Kingdom." Library Management vol. 23, n. 3
(2002). pp.:

In recent years, there have been considerable developments in both

international and national laws relating to copyright, as governments struggle to
come to terms with developments in technology. Libraries, too, are attempting to
find appropriate ways of managing the rights in electronic materials. Based on a
research trip made to the UK in 2001, explores some of the electronic rights
management systems and solutions being developed in UK libraries and
information organisations. Study participants were interviewed about the various
technologies that have been developed in this area, the types of materials
covered by each, and their costs, availability and intended future developments,
with a view to gaining an understanding of the electronic rights management
tools that might be available to libraries.
Malheiro de Ferraz, J. M. "Algunos apuntes histricos sobre el nacimiento de
la Propiedad Intelectual en Portugal." Documentacin de las ciencias de la
informacin vol. 26, n.
(2003). pp.:

En el trabajo se recoge la polmica generada en Portugal en la primera

mitad del siglo XIX, sobre la naturaleza de la propiedad intelectual en la que
fueron protagonistas dos de las grandes figuras literarias del siglo XIX portugus:
Almeida Garret y Alexandre Herculano. Las fuentes de este estudio proceden de
la correspondencia epistolar entre ambos, recogida muchas veces en la prensa o
defendida oficialmente en las Cortes. De una parte, Garret fue el autor del
Proyecto de Ley de la Propiedad Intelectual en Portugal y, como Ministro del
Reino, promovi algunas Convenciones y Tratados Internacionales en su defensa.
Herculano lo criticara ferozmente, por creer que no puede consagrarse cualquier
tipo legal de propiedad intelectual, por no existir caracterstica o especificidad en
la produccin intelectual y que sta jams podr ser entendida como una
verdadera propiedad.

Mandel, G. N., A. A. Fast, et al. "Intellectual Property Law's Plagiarism

Fallacy." Temple University Legal Studies Research Paper vol., n.
(2015). pp.:

Intellectual property law is caught in a widespread debate over whether it

should serve incentive or natural rights objectives, and what the best means for
achieving those ends are. This article reports a series of experiments revealing
that these debates are actually orthogonal to how most users and many creators
understand intellectual property law. The most common perception of intellectual
property among the American public is that intellectual property law is designed
to prevent plagiarism.The plagiarism fallacy in intellectual property law is not an
innocuous misperception. This fallacy likely helps explain pervasive illegal
infringing activity on the Internet, common dismissal of copyright warnings, and
other previously puzzling behavior. The received wisdom has been that the public
is ethically dismissive or indifferent towards intellectual property rights. This
research reveals instead that experts have failed to comprehend what the publics
conception of intellectual property law actually is.The studies reported here
uncover several additional intellectual property law findings, including that: (1)
the majority of the American public views intellectual property rights as too
broad and too strong, (2) knowledge of intellectual property law does not affect
opinions about what the law should be, and (3) there are significant demographic
and cultural divides concerning intellectual property rights. The findings as a
whole raise central questions concerning the public legitimacy of intellectual
property law, and consequently its ability to function as intended.

Marandola, M. "El sistema de las Creative Commons: Creative Commons

scheme." El Profesional de la Informacin vol. 14, n. 4 (2005). pp.

El movimiento Creative Commons representa la vertiente jurdica de los

elementos que componen el copyleft. Las licencias se basan en algunos puntos,
fundamentales: todo titular de la copia de una obra protegida por la licencia
puede utilizarla sin lmites; distribuir o redistribuir tantas copias como desee y
modificarla del modo que desee, siempre que se juzgue conveniente. Existen tres
esquemas generales de licencias: las common deed, las legal code y las digital
code. Los Creative Commnons son el primer intento de proveer de un marco
jurdicamente vlido al acceso abierto.

Marcos, J. "Un enfocament jurdic de les Memries de

Traducci." Tradumtica vol., n. 0
(2001). pp.:
Segons la interpretaci que l'autor fa de la legislaci espanyola sobre
propietat intellectual, les memries de traducci en forma de base de dades sn
creacions del traductor i, per tant, propietat intellectual seva. Cal, per, que
aquest dret estigui protegit per un contracte que estableixi les tasques i drets de
cada part. Paraules clau: Propietat intellectual, memries de traducci, bases de

Marcos, M. C. "Haca la proteccin de los derechos de autor y editor." El

Profesional de la Informacin vol. 9, n. 1-2
(1999). pp.:

El hecho de la gratuidad o no de la informacin tiene las ms variadas

respuestas, en funcin de las circunstancias de cada situacin, la clase de
informacin de que se trata, y el tipo de usuario a quien se le va a proporcionar,
la voluntad del propietario de esa informacin y el mbito en donde sta sea

Marcos Recio, J. C., J. M. Snchez Vigil, et al. ""Google News" y el impacto de la

Ley de Propiedad Intelectual en la prensa: un nuevo amanecer para la
informacin." Documentacin de las ciencias de la informacin vol., n. 38
(2015). pp. 67-81.

2015 se recordar como el gran ao del cambio en los medios de

comunicacin, especialmente para la prensa. A lo largo del mismo se ha llevado a
cabo una enconada lucha entre los editores y Google News, a la que se han
sumado Yahoo News, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc., para determinar quin
debe pagar por los contenidos, quin los crear, quin los distribuir y quin y
cmo los leer. Nuevos pactos para nuevos lectores. Nuevos acuerdos para
reflotar econmicamente la prensa. Y todo ello bajo el paraguas de la Ley de
Propiedad Intelectual en Espaa y otras similares que se irn publicando o
adaptando en Europa. Se ofrece un estudio y anlisis de la situacin previa al
establecimiento de dicha ley y las consecuencias de su aplicacin.
2015 will be remembered as the great year of change in the media, especially the
press. Along the same, a close fight between newspaper publishers and Google
News, which have joined other Yahoo News, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. To
determine who should pay for content, who will create them, who will distribute
them and who and how read. New agreements for new readers. New agreements
to economically revive the press. And all under the umbrella of Intellectual
Property Law in Spain and similar ones will be published or adapted in Europe. A
study and analysis of the situation before the establishment of the law and the
consequences of its application is available.

Martin, D. E. "Culture and Unethical Conduct: Understanding the Impact of

Individualism and Collectivism on Actual Plagiarism." Management
Learning vol., n. (2011). pp.:

This criterion study examined the impact of the cultural dimensions of

individualism and collectivism on actual plagiarism in working business students.
Given globalization of business and recent business scandals, furthering our
understanding of international ethics remains critical. Business students are the
potential employees, managers and leaders of organizations in the future. In this
study we focus on one form of unethical conduct by business students, i.e. actual
plagiarism, and seek to determine the link between this behavior and cultural
values of individualism/collectivism and associated stereotypes of
Asian/Caucasian students. Our findings suggest that individualists plagiarize
more than collectivists, and that no significant differences in plagiarism exist
between Asian and Caucasian students, contrary to popular beliefs. The
implications of these findings for scholars and managers are discussed.
Martin, D. E., A. Rao, et al. "Ethnicity, Acculturation, and Plagiarism: A
Criterion Study of Unethical Academic Conduct." Human Organization vol. 70,
n. 1 (2011). pp.:

Ethics have received increased attention from the media and academia in
recent years. Most reports suggest that one form of unethical conduct -
plagiarism - is on the rise in the business schools. Stereotypes of Asian students
as being more prone to plagiarize are frequently found in the literature, though
not concretely substantiated. This study used a behavioral criterion to examine
the relationships among ethnicity, acculturation, and plagiarism in a sample of
158 undergraduate and graduate students. Significant differences in plagiarism
behavior were found based on level of student acculturation, but not ethnicity.
Considerations and implications for training and managing international students
and workers are discussed.

Martin, D. E., A. Rao, et al. "Plagiarism, Integrity, and Workplace Deviance: A

Criterion Study." Plagiarism, Integrity, and Workplace Deviance: A Criterion Study
Ethics and Behavior vol. 19, n. 1
(2009). pp.:

Plagiarism is increasingly evident in business and academia. While links

between demographic, personality, and situational factors have been found,
previous research has not used actual plagiarism behavior as a criterion variable.
Previous research on academic dishonesty has consistently used to self-report
measures to establish prevalence of dishonest behavior. In this study we use
actual plagiarism behavior to establish its prevalence, as well as relationships
between integrity-related personal selection and workplace deviance measures.
This research covers new ground in two respects: 1) That the academic
dishonesty literature is subject to revision using criterion variables to avoid self
bias and social desirability issues, 2) We establish the relationship between actual
academic dishonesty and potential workplace deviance/white collar crime.
Martn Gaviln, C. "Temas de Biblioteconoma: La legislacin espaola sobre
patrimonio artstico, bibliogrfico y documental. La Ley de Propiedad
Intelectual." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n.
(2009). pp.:

La primera parte de este trabajo hace un repaso de la legislacin

espaola sobre patrimonio artstico, bibliogrfico y documental. Sin olvidar los
antecedentes de la ley actual, se resalta el nivel jurdico autonmico y la
legislacin universitaria al respecto. La segunda parte del trabajo est dedicada a
la Ley de propiedad intelectual espaola, aportando una visin general sobre el
concepto, sujetos y objetos, derechos, mecanismos de proteccin y lmites a la
propiedad intelectual. Finalmente, se plantean algunas cuestiones de actualidad
sobre propiedad intelectual que afectan a las bibliotecas, como el prstamo de
pago, la preservacin digital o los servicios de obtencin de documentos.

Martnez Valencia, M. "Jornadas contra el prstamo de pago en

bibliotecas:crnica de una lucha anunciada." Educacin y Biblioteca vol. 16, n.
140 (2004). pp.:

Jornadas contra el prstamo de pago en bibliotecas:crnica de una lucha


Mas i Hernndez, J. "La importncia de la propietat intellectual per a l'avan

del catal a les noves tecnologies." Softcatal ( vol.,
n. (2003). pp.:

No abstract available
Masseron, P. "Droit de copie et bibliothques: le grand malentendu." Bulletin
des bibliothques de France vol. 56, n. 3
(2011). pp.:

Droit de copie et bibliothques ont, semble-t-il, beaucoup pour

s'opposer. Les activits du Centre franais d'exploitation du droit de copie (CFC)
qui, au titre de la loi du 3 janvier 1995, a en charge la perception des sommes
lies l'exercice de ce droit, sont souvent mal considres par les professionnels.
L'auteur considre qu'il s'agit d'un malentendu qui doit tre dissip. Il rtablit la
ralit juridique et conomique de cette relation particulire en dressant un
panorama du traitement, par les ayants droit de l'crit, des diffrents types de
reproduction d'oeuvres protges effectus dans les diffrents types de

Maurel, L. " Le droit d'auteur dans l'conomie de la connaissance :Le

nouveau livre vert de la commission europenne, une opportunit pour les
biblioth+ques?" Bulletin des bibliothques de France vol. 54, n. 1 (2009). pp.

Le nouveau Livre vert de la Commission europenne consacr la

question du droit d'auteur en Europe s'inscrit dans une dmarche qui, terme,
pourrait conduire une rvision de la directive europenne de 2001 et de la loi
franaise Dadvsi, sur le droit d'auteur et les droits voisins dans la socit de
l'information. L'auteur montre en quoi cette dmarche pourrait constituer, pour
les bibliothques, une opportunit saisir pour rquilibrer la situation et
parvenir un meilleur compromis dans la lgislation du droit de la proprit
intellectuelle, la fois en France et en Europe.
Maynard, S. and A. O'Brien "Scholarly output: print and digital in teaching
and research." Journal of Documentation vol. 66, n. 3 (2010). pp.

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to report the outcomes of a Joint

Information Systems Committee (JISC)-sponsored study to determine the current
state and trends in different forms of scholarly output used in teaching and
research; and the nature and extent of problems associated with their use.
Design/methodology/approach A total of 60 UK HE institutions were chosen at
random and a selection of departments within these was contacted. An online
questionnaire was distributed to the selected departments; resulting in responses
from 304 academics across a broad range of subjects and institution types.
Findings The study showed that printed output was still the preferred option in
both teaching and research, although electronic journals now have a
well-established presence. Web-based material is increasingly provided in
teaching and used in research but this includes primarily traditional tools such as
reading lists and links to scholarly resources. Some content creation was evident.
Use of web 2.0 was not extensive, although respondents were making use of
Institutional Learning Environments. Academics were aware of Intellectual
Property Rights (IPR) issues but not always clear about their responsibilities in this
area. Research limitations/implications The study revealed an essentially
conservative approach to the developments in digital information. This may have
been due to the sample size which was relatively small, and the age profile which
clustered around the 45-65 years range. In the case of research the influence of
the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) was clear. Originality/value No
equivalent study has been reported on the transition between traditional and
new forms of scholarly output used in teaching and research. In this fast
developing area this research provides a benchmark for future studies.

McNally, M. and S. Trosow "Makerspaces and Canadian Intellectual Property

Law." vol.,
n.: pp.:
Libraries do serve both purposes education and entertainment From a
copyright perspective though, education, research and private study are fair
dealing categories, and in general entertainment is not Research will cover
some personal interest uses, and according to the Supreme Court it: Can be
piecemeal, informal, exploratory, or confirmatory. It can in fact be undertaken for
no purpose except personal interest (SOCAN v. Bell, para. 22). Some makerspace
technologies (e.g. gaming consoles) present no IP concerns Most makerpsace
technologies (e.g. book printing machines, digital conversion tools) simply
reproduce copyright issues of other library technologies 3D printers offer some
unique considerations with regard to copyright, patents and trademarks

Medina, E. "Conflicts in the Knowledge Society: The Contentious Politics of

Intellectual Property by Sebastian Haunss." Journal of the Association for
Information Science and Technology vol. 66, n. (2015). pp.

In Conflicts in the Knowledge Society, Sebastian Haunss studies the most

visible movements that have challenged international intellectual property (IP)
regimes. He positions the growing politicization of IP as part of a more expansive
process of social change that social theorists have historically associated with the
transition from an industrial to a knowledge society. Haunss opts to use the
phrase knowledge society instead of such terms as information society or
network society because knowledge society is the most generic term, capturing
the central element that distinguishes these societies from earlier forms (p. 4).
According to Haunss, four factors have increased the politicization of IP in recent
years: the increasing economic importance of knowledge-based industries; the
growing internationalization of IP issues; the greater attention IP issues receive in
nonspecialist and high-level forums; and the trend toward personalizing IP rules
so that they affect end users as well as producers and sellers. Though Haunss
does not list the signing of the 1994 Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of
Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) as a causal factor, the treaty plays an
important role in his analysis.
Merlo Vega, J. A. and A. Sorli Rojo "Recursos sobre propiedad intelectual en
internet." Revista espaola de documentacin cientfica vol. 24, n. 4
(2001). pp.:

El concepto de propiedad intelectual, entendido en su sentido ms

amplio, engio- bara todos los aspectos relacionados con los derechos que se
obtienen de una creacin, tanto en su forma original, como de sus posibles
reproducciones y transforma- ciones. En este trabajo se recopilan y analizan una
serie de fuentes de informacin accesibles en Internet sobre este tema. No
obstante, la idea de propiedad intelectual no coincide plenamente con la de
propiedad industrial, que es mucho ms compleja debido a las cuestiones
mercantiles y tecnolgicas que implica cualquier creacin in- dustrial. En estas
reseas se podrn encontrar solamente webs orientados hacia los de- rechos de
autor: directorios de recursos, asociaciones que trabajan para la defensa y
aplicacin de estos derechos, instituciones responsables o muy vinculadas
oficialmen- te con estos temas y recursos para la obtencin de normas legales
sobre propiedad intelectual.

Michael, S. "Archiving in the networked world: preserving plagiarized

works." Library Hi Tech vol. 29, n. 4 (2011). pp.

Purpose Plagiarism has become a salient issue for universities and thus
for university libraries in recent years. This paper aims to discuss three
interrelated aspects of preserving plagiarized works: collection development
issues, copyright problems, and technological requirements. Too often these
three are handled separately even though in fact each has an influence on the
other. Design/methodology/approach The paper looks first at the ingest
process (called the Submission Information Package or SIP), then at storage
management in the archive (the AIP or Archival Information Package), and finally
at the retrieval process (the DIP or Distribution Information Package). Findings
The chief argument of this paper is that works of plagiarism and the evidence
exposing them are complex objects, technically, legally and culturally. Merely
treating them like any other work needing preservation runs the risk of
encountering problems on one of those three fronts. Practical implications This
is a problem, since currently many public preservation strategies focus on
ingesting large amounts of self-contained content that resembles print on paper,
rather than on online works that need special handling. Archival systems also
often deliberately ignore the cultural issues that affect future usability.
Originality/value The paper discusses special handling and special
considerations for archiving works of plagiarism.

Milln, J. A. "El polimorfo libro electrnico." El Profesional de la Informacin vol.

17, n. 4 (2008). pp.

Repaso de las caractersticas ms relevantes de los libros electrnicos, en

sus dos acepciones: como aparatos de lectura y como contenidos. Se describen
ventajas e inconvenientes, funciones, propiedad intelectual, aceptacin,
mercado... La disparidad de formatos, dispositivos y precios, y la inexistencia de
una base social importante de uso de un dispositivo dedicado slo a la lectura
hacen que el libro-e sea todava un producto incierto. (A)

Mitchell, N. "Adrian Jones: Piracy: The Intellectual Property Wars From

Gutenberg to Gates." Publishing Research Quarterly vol. 26, n. 1 (2010). pp.

Book Review Adrian Jones: Piracy: The Intellectual Property Wars From
Gutenberg to Gates The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 2010, 656 pp,
Softcover, $35.00, ISBN 978-0-226-40118-8
Morejn Borjas, M. M. and R. Velzquez Zaldvar "Propuesta de una tecnologa
para la gestin de la propiedad intelectual en la empresa estatal
cubana." ACIMED vol. 22, n. 3 (2011). pp.

La gestin de la propiedad intelectual en las organizaciones adquiere

mayor importancia en un entorno econmico cada vez ms globalizado. El
objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar una propuesta terico- metodolgica para su
gestin en la empresa estatal cubana, compuesta por un modelo conceptual que
se materializa a travs de procedimientos y de un sistema de indicadores, con
cuya aplicacin en las empresas seleccionadas se ha logrado el incremento de los
signos distintivos protegidos, combinados con registros de derechos de autor, as
como la consolidacin de carteras de I+D+i y activos de propiedad intelectual
que propician el incremento de su capacidad innovadora y el desarrollo

Muoz Castao, J. E. "Bancos de imgenes: evaluacin y anlisis de los

mecanismos de recuperacin de imgenes." El Profesional de la
Informacin vol. 10, n. 3
(2001). pp.:

El crecimiento de Internet ha obligado a que las agencias de distribucin

de imgenes comercialicen sus fondos en la red. Se evaluan en este artculo los
sistemas de gestin de los derechos de autor y de recuperacin de imgenes,
desarrollados o puestos al servicio de los principales bancos de datos de
imgenes digitales, ofrecindose tambin una valoracin del estado de la
cuestin en Espaa. En la descripcin de los sistemas de recuperacin de
informacin se han tenido en cuenta los criterios relacionados con un anlisis
conceptual, como aquellos basados en los elementos intrnsecos de la imagen.
Nafta "Plagiarism: Misconduct Awareness on Novice Research within the
Cyberworld." Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal vol., n.
(2010). pp.:

More often than not, there exists some form of infringement relating to
the use of other authors' work. This is particularly so in instances in which novice
authors make use of the information available within the cyber-digital
environment. The article explains the meaning of plagiarism and describes the
many manifestations thereof, with the primary aim of providing guidance to
novice authors.

Office, U. S. G. A. (2010). [e-Book] Observations on Efforts to Quantify the

Economic Effects of Counterfeit and Pirated Goods. Whasington, Government
Accountability Office. Texto completo:

In October 2008, Congress passed the Prioritizing Resources and

Organization for Intellectual Property Act of 2008 (PRO-IP Act), to improve the
effectiveness of U.S. government efforts to protect intellectual property (IP) rights
such as copyrights, patents, and trademarks. The act also directed GAO to
provide information on the quantification of the impacts of counterfeit and
pirated goods. GAO (1) examined existing research on the effects of
counterfeiting and piracy on consumers, industries, government, and the U.S.
economy; and (2) identified insights gained from efforts to quantify the effects of
counterfeiting and piracy on the U.S. economy. GAO interviewed officials and
subject matter experts from U.S. government agencies, industry associations,
nongovernmental organizations, and academic institutions, and reviewed
literature and studies quantifying or discussing the economic impacts of
counterfeiting and piracy on the U.S. economy, industry, government, and
consumers. GAO is making no recommendations in this report. According to
experts and literature GAO reviewed, counterfeiting and piracy have produced a
wide range of effects on consumers, industry, government, and the economy as a
whole, depending on the type of infringements involved and other factors.
Consumers are particularly likely to experience negative effects when they
purchase counterfeit products they believe are genuine, such as pharmaceuticals.
Negative effects on U.S. industry may include lost sales, lost brand value, and
reduced incentives to innovate; however, industry effects vary widely among
sectors and companies. The U.S. government may lose tax revenue, incur IP
enforcement expenses, and face risks of counterfeits entering supply chains with
national security or civilian safety implications. The U.S. economy as a whole may
grow more slowly because of reduced innovation and loss of trade revenue.
Some experts and literature also identified some potential positive effects of
counterfeiting and piracy. Some consumers may knowingly purchase counterfeits
that are less expensive than the genuine goods and experience positive effects
(consumer surplus), although the longer-term impact is unclear due to reduced
incentives for research and development, among other factors. Three widely cited
U.S. government estimates of economic losses resulting from counterfeiting
cannot be substantiated due to the absence of underlying studies. Generally, the
illicit nature of counterfeiting and piracy makes estimating the economic impact
of IP infringements extremely difficult, so assumptions must be used to offset the
lack of data. Efforts to estimate losses involve assumptions such as the rate at
which consumers would substitute counterfeit for legitimate products, which can
have enormous impacts on the resulting estimates. Because of the significant
differences in types of counterfeited and pirated goods and industries involved,
no single method can be used to develop estimates. Each method has limitations,
and most experts observed that it is difficult, if not impossible, to quantify the
economy-wide impacts. Nonetheless, research in specific industries suggest that
the problem is sizeable, which is of particular concern as many U.S. industries are
leaders in the creation of intellectual property.

Oppenheim, C. "Teaching of Intellectual Property: Principles and

Methods." Journal of the American Society for Information Science and
Technology vol., n. (2009). pp.:

This paperback has been issued under the auspices of the World
Intellectual Property Organisation's Worldwide Academy, a body set up with the
express intention of teaching intellectual property (IP). The emphasis of the
Academy is distance learning for people in developing countries. The three
editors are all WIPO employees, with Takagi and Sinjela both directly involved in
the Academy. This volume comprises 12 contributed chapters together with an
index. The chapters, written by international experts in their subjects, cover topics
including teaching patents, copyright, trademarks, industrial designs, unfair
competition, and the economics of IP rights (IPR), together with topics such as
teaching IP in a business school, teaching practical skills for IP practitioners, and
teaching IP to non-law students.

Ortiz Herrera, S. "La obra digital y el derecho de reproduccin. Especial

referencia a la copia privada." Jornadas Espaolas de Documentacin vol. 6, n.
(1998). pp.:

Existe una gran incertidumbre sobre el futuro de los derechos de autor y

derechos afines en el nuevo entorno tecnolgico. Una de las cuestiones que ms
preocupan en todas las instancias es la de las repercusiones de la aplicacin de la
tecnologa digital y la evolucin hacia la convergencia, sobre el derecho de
reproduccin y ms concretamente, sobre la regulacin de la copia privada. Por
ello, se hace necesaria una permanente actualizacin y una mayor armonizacin
de la normativa sobre la materia, tanto en el mbito comunitario como en el ms
global de la sociedad internacional, que se ha plasmado en numerosos
documentos comunitarios y en los tratados internacionales ms trascendentales
sobre la materia. El principio de equilibrio exige igualmente una redefinicin para
evitarsu ruptura, evitando una sobreproteccin de la obra que impida la
promocin de la innovacin, la educacin y el acceso pblico a la informacin.

Pantalony, R. E. (2013). [e-Book] Guide - Managing Intellectual Property for

Museums, OMPI. Texto
Effective use of the intellectual property (IP) system offers museums
across the world significant opportunities to better understand the full potential
of their collections and to increase the overall quality of preserving their cultural
heritage asset. This Guide, prepared by Rina Elster Pantalony, was recently
updated to reflect the tremendous developments since it was first published in
2007, in particular Digital Rights Management, the role of social media as a
business opportunity and traditional knowledge. The two-part Guide first
describes IP issues relevant to museums then reviews existing business models
that could provide museums with appropriate opportunities to create sustainable
funding, and deliver on their stated objectives.

Pantalony, R. E. (2013). [e-Book] La gestin de la propiedad intelectual en los

museos OMPI. Texto

Entre los profesionales del sector del patrimonio cultural de los pases
industrializados ha prevalecido tradicionalmente la opinin de que ellos son
usuarios, y no titulares, de la propiedad intelectual (en adelante, P.I.). Los
aspectos relacionados con la P.I. slo se tenan en cuenta al publicar textos en los
que se adaptaba material ya existente, ya fuera grfico o textual. Sin embargo,
con la llegada de las nuevas tecnologas, esos mismos museos se encuentran
ahora ante un cambio de percepcin en su propio sector, que es cada vez ms
consciente de la importancia de la P.I. para poder compartir conocimientos, dar
acceso a las colecciones, preservarlas y gestionarlas. Si antes lo que preocupaba a
los museos era el uso que hacan de la P.I. de otros, ahora se enfrentan a la
responsabilidad de gestionar su propia P.I. y actuar como intermediarios en su
posible uso por terceros. La P.I. de un museo puede consistir en contenidos de
tipo interpretativo o contextual creados por el museo y avalados por su autoridad
cientfica y cultural, en tecnologas elaboradas internamente
para facilitar la divulgacin o la administracin de sus colecciones, y en signos de
identidad de marca que permiten reconocer y promocionar al museo en un
contexto comercial.

En los museos de los pases en desarrollo, la percepcin de la P.I. ha sido ms

variada: mientras que algunos han procurado servirse de ella para alcanzar su
objetivo de proporcionar un amplio acceso al patrimonio cultural documentado,
en otros no ha sido sino un elemento ms en el amplio debate sobre la retencin
y la conservacin del patrimonio cultural nacional. Con la llegada de las nuevas
tecnologas, los museos de los pases en desarrollo se enfrentan ahora a desafos
similares, al tratar de gestionar y distribuir los contenidos del patrimonio cultural
sin que se pierdan las referencias a su procedencia, su paternidad y su
autenticidad, objetivos que comparten con los museos de todo el mundo.

Prez Pulido, M. and M. A. Encabo Vera "Gestin y tarificacin de los derechos

de propiedad intelectual en servicios bibliotecarios." Jornadas Espaolas de
Documentacin vol. 6, n.
(1998). pp.:

Los principios rectores de la Poltica Econmica y Social previstos en la

Constitucin Espaola (CE, en adelante), vienen a significar un mandato a los
poderes pblicos. Entre estos mandatos, y en orden al desarrollo cultural de los
ciudadanos, establece la Constitucin en su artculo 44.1, la promocin y tutela
del acceso a la cultura, a la que todos tienen derecho. Las bibliotecas junto con
otros centros de informacin y documentacin, han constituido hasta la fechael
vehculo ideal de acceso a la cultura, derecho ste que supone la exigencia de
prestaciones de servicios de ndole cultural. La propiedad intelectual no
constituye un obstculo al acceso a la cultura en las bibliotecas, puesto que se ha
adaptado a las exigencias de inters pblico ( art. 37 del Texto Refundido de
Propiedad Intelectual, TRLPI en adelante). Esta adaptacin ha supuesto limitar la
autorizacin a los propietarios de derechos de autor (art. 33 CE), pero plantea la
duda sobre la conveniencia de remunerar o no los actos de reproduccin que se
lleven a cabo en estos centros pblicos ( art. 46.1 TRLPI).

Prez Vidal, A. "Amistades peligrosas: proprit intellectuelle/propiedad

intelectual." Puntoycoma vol., n. 67
(2001). pp.:
Diversos diccionarios jurdicos bilinges y multilinges recogen sin ms
las equivalencias proprit intellectuelle / intellectual property / geistiges
Eigentum = propiedad intelectual; lo mismo hace un buen diccionario
multilinge especializado, el Wrterbuch des Patentwesens in fnf Sprachen, de
Gyrgy L. Szendy (2. ed. revisada, Dsseldorf, VDI-Verlag, 1985).2 Un diccionario
jurdico de lengua espaola (Guillermo Cabanellas, Diccionario enciclopdico de
Derecho usual, tomo VI, 20. ed., Buenos Aires, 1981, pp. 473-474) da una pista
para analizar el problema al que esas equivalencias pueden dar lugar (las que
propongo aqu pueden verse en el cuadro que figura al final); mientras que la
extensa explicacin del concepto de propiedad intelectual se refiere
exclusivamente a los derechos de autor, un breve apartado final, bajo el subttulo
Rgimen internacional, indica sin ms, remitindose al Convenio de la OMPI, que
ese rgimen abarca tambin las invenciones, en todos los campos de la actividad
humana, las marcas y los dibujos y modelos, es decir, todo lo que suele
entenderse por propiedad industrial. Esa duplicidad de significado, por la cual
una misma expresin puede designar conceptos parcialmente coincidentes pero
de extensin muy distinta, puede originar problemas de traduccin.

Perromat Augustn, K. "Algunas consideraciones para el estudio del plagio

literario en la literatura hispnica." Espculo: Revista de Estudios Literarios vol.,
n. 37
(2007). pp.:

La crtica literaria ha mostrado un inters creciente en los ltimos veinte

aos por el fenmeno del plagio, lo que se ha traducido en una proliferacin de
publicaciones principalmente en EE.UU., Francia, Canad y Reino Unido. No
obstante, la atencin dedicada en la crtica en estos pases contrasta con la
escasa produccin de estudios actuales en las literaturas hispnicas. Antao
considerado como una mera infraccin moral o jurdica, y posteriormente
asimilado a una difusa nocin de intertextualidad, los estudios ms recientes se
sirven de la pragmtica para intentar explicar la naturaleza ambigua y polmica
del fenmeno. Este artculo recoge sta y otras perspectivas, ya aplicadas en
otras literaturas, para proponer posibles lneas de investigacin sobre el plagio en
el mbito de la literatura hispnica.
Perry, M. "A Review of Posner's Little Book of Plagiarism." Canadian Business
Law Journal vol., n. (2009). pp.:

A review of Posner's Little Book of Plagiarism.

Peter, W., N. David, et al. "The attitudes and behaviours of illegal

downloaders." Aslib Proceedings vol. 62, n. 3 (2010). pp.

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to summarise and evaluate the

literature on digital consumer behaviour and attitudes towards digital piracy.
Design/methodology/approach The paper presents a review and synthesis of
the academic literature on the subject, using the authors' unique pro-forma
approach to the evaluation of individual papers. Findings A major limitation in
the studies reported became apparent. They are almost exclusively concerned
with the behaviours and attitudes of young people. There is a dearth of studies
looking at demographic differences, and also a lack of longitudinal work. Given
these constraints, the literature strongly suggests that social and situational
factors impact on the likelihood of illegally obtaining digital content more than
ethical considerations. Anonymity is a strong indicator, de-individualising
people and releasing them from traditional societal constraints and making the
digital world far different from the physical one. The literature is ambiguous on
whether punishment acts as a deterrent. Practical implications The main point
that comes out of these studies is that the digital world is not the same as the
physical world. It is changing basic assumptions about the idea of ownership,
sharing, and copying content. Laws prohibiting all unauthorised downloading
potentially criminalise millions of people, so new and creative business models
are needed to resolve the problem. Originality/value The authors believe this to
be the first systematic review of current literature in this area since the issue
became topical with the Pirate Bay trial and the Government's Digital Britain

Ramrez, R. and A. Surez "Sistema de gestin de propiedad Intelectual para

centros de investigacin-desarrollo." Info: Congreso Internacional de
Informacin vol. 5, n.
(2004). pp.:

Para garantizar la proteccin de los valores intangibles producidos en

centros de investigacin-desarrollo es posible por tanto, establecer una gestin
de Propiedad intelectual aplicando conceptos de Aseguramiento de la Calidad,
comprendidos en las normas ISO 9000, y crear un verdadero Sistema Interno de
Propiedad Intelectual, que de respuesta al Sistema Nacional de Propiedad
Industrial y extienda su alcance a las modalidades susceptibles de proteccin por
Derecho de Autor. Este sistema posibilita el reordenamiento y constancia de la
actividad de Propiedad Intelectual, a travs de una documentacin generada y
ordenada en cada proceso, dando respuesta a los requerimientos que se plantee
la organizacin.

Ramos Surez, F. "Proteccin de los derechos de autor en

Internet." Cuadernos de documentacin multimedia vol. 9, n.
(2000). pp.:

La proteccin de los Derechos de Autor en la Sociedad de la Informacin

es un problema jurdico que con el tiempo va adquiriendo mayor relevancia. Son
ya muchos los casos en los que se reproducen, distribuyen y comunican al
pblico creaciones intelectuales sin el correspondiente consentimiento de la
persona autora de las mismas y por tanto sin su correspondiente
contraprestacin econmica. El jurista debe utilizar cuantos medios estime
oportunos para la correcta proteccin de los derechos de autor. En el presente
artculo se analizan lo s medios jurdicos disponibles para la proteccin de estos
derechos y evitar con ello la copia y aprovechamiento ilcito por terceras

Rao, S. S. "IPR in the ensuing global digital economy." Library hi tech vol. 19, n.
(2001). pp.:

This article covers the evolution of traditional intellectual property rights

(IPR) laws and associated concepts from printed to digital works, and discusses
how the characteristics of digital replication pose problems for traditional IPR
systems. It highlights international treaties on copyright, including the Universal
Copyright Convention, the Berne Convention, the Performers and Phonograms
treaty and the Sui-Generis Protection of Databases. It provides some insight into
the Indian software industry by discussing the scope of Indian copyright law, the
rights of owner, infringement, penalties, and makes a comparison with US law.
The article concludes that judicious participation by all countries in the
development of a globalized IPR regime would strengthen the global digital

Rebium "Grupo Bibliotecas y Propiedad intelectual de FESABID." REBIUN vol.,

n. (2003). pp.:

El Grupo de trabajo BPI (Bibliotecas y propiedad intelectual) fue creado

en octubre de 1996. En la actualidad, el grupo cuenta con el respaldo de FESABID
(Federacin Espaola de Sociedades de Archivstica, Bibliotecas y
Documentacin) al entenderse que su trabajo y lneas de inters son de mbito
claramente estatal. Sus objetivos son estudiar y elaborar informes tcnicos sobre
temas relacionados con las bibliotecas y los derechos de autor. El Grupo de
trabajo est abierto a todos aquellos profesionales dispuestos a participar en los
objetivos y mbito de trabajo del grupo.

Reddy, K. S. "What is (Not) Plagiarism? Some Examples." Social Science

Research Network vol., n. (2014). pp.:

I found two important waves in academic research, which related to

business and economics discipline. First, there is a great deal of integrity,
capitalism, network, dominance, and importantly articulated knowledge and
research contribution in developed (advanced economies). By contrast, there is a
sophisticated evidence that emerging markets' scholars are - replicating not
innovating, easy-doing not seriously-doing, which supported by inconsistency of
research thoughts and practices. With this backdrop, I have provided new
definition and explanations to the counter query: What is (Not) Plagiarism with
few examples of text and figures. In addition, I have discussed the chances of
plagiarism of the paper where the most attractive places of occurrence. I found
that conference presentations is the first place where your idea likely to be
plagiarized, followed by Reviewers, Colleagues, Principal, Working paper series,
and Social networks. Finally, I have suggested some ideas on publishing the
research work without copying others ideas and work (vice-a-verse).

Review, L. and Marquette "What Plagiarism Was Not: Some Preliminary

Observations on Classical Chinese Attitudes toward What the West Calls
Intellectual Property." Marquette Law Review vol. 92, n.
(2009). pp.:

China has never viewed intellectual property the way we do in the West.
Chinese culture and its educational system long placed great emphasis on
borrowing passages from its rich heritage of classical texts. In imperial China, no
man's education was complete until he could quote vast tracts of the Confucian
classics verbatim and weave appropriate selections into his written work and daily
conversation. When traditional Chinese authors borrowed words and phrases
from a classic, they rarely identified the quoted material because all educated
readers already recognized the source. It was superfluous. Yet it was also
sometimes necessary for the reader to identify precisely where the quoted
material was borrowed from before it was possible to determine what it meant in
its new context. The assertion that China did not develop intellectual property
rights for the written word because the Confucian tradition did not consider the
provenance of borrowed material important is therefore not persuasive.
Furthermore, other schools of thought, and Buddhism in particular, also affected
early attitudes toward the lack of property rights in printed works. Buddhism was
extensively involved in all aspects of early book production in China; because the
motive was the acquisition of religious merit, and because Buddhism was
inherently suspicious of the concept of property, it is not a surprise that several
hundred years elapsed between the first mass printing of Buddhist works and the
first claims that an author might possess some kind of property right to his
printed work. This is an aspect of the development of intellectual property in
China that has not received the attention it deserves.

Ribes Traver, M. E. "Legislacin y control de la propiedad intelectual en bases

de datos." El Profesional de la Informacin vol. 7, n. 7-8
(1998). pp.:

La consideracin de una bases de datos como un bien que debe de ser

protegido por las leyes de propiedad intelectual es un hecho que, en nuestro pas,
empez a regularizarse expresamente a partir del ao 1996 con la publicacin del
texto refundido sobre propiedad intelectual y con la directiva europea de
proteccin jurdica de las bases de datos, recientemente transpuesta al derecho

Richard, A. S. "Intellectual property rights." Library Hi Tech vol. 25, n. 1

(2007). pp.:
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of
intellectual property justifications and the basics of intellectual property law.
Design/methodology/approach - The paper examines intellectual property rights,
discussing such areas as: copyright protection, patents, trademarks, trade secrets
and common and current misconceptions. Findings - Overprotection can be as
damaging as underprotection because of the harm to the intellectual commons.
The ideal property rights regime is one that prudently seeks balance.
Originality/value - Advises that the goal of the legal system should be the
provision of just enough protection to reward creative workers for their labor and
to spur future innovation. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid overly strong
protection that will deplete the intellectual commons or unduly restrict its
expansion, and thereby fail to promote social welfare.

Richmond, D. R. "Unoriginal Sin: The Problem of Judicial Plagiarism." Arizona

State Law Journal, Forthcoming vol., n.
(2014). pp.:

Judicial opinions are the core work product of judges; they should be
tangible proof to the parties that the court analyzed their claims or defenses and
independently reached a reasoned decision. Yet courts often request that parties
prepare proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law and thereafter adopt
the prevailing partys findings and conclusions verbatim or nearly so. In other
cases, courts copy portions of the winning partys brief or legal memorandum
into their opinions or orders without attribution. These practices are fairly
described as judicial plagiarism. The limited case law on-point establishes that if
a courts verbatim adoption of a partys positions or its replication of a partys
brief reflects a lack of independent analysis or reasoning, or an apparent
abdication or delegation of the courts judicial function, it may furnish grounds
for reversal. Grounds for reversal should also exist if judicial plagiarism reasonably
evidences a courts alleged bias or partiality. This Article goes further, however, to
argue that judicial plagiarism may constitute judicial misconduct for which the
offending judge may be disciplined under the Model Code of Judicial Conduct.
Deciding whether judicial plagiarism rises to the level of judicial misconduct or
whether it is simply a judges ill-considered stab at efficiency is a difficult inquiry.
To aid in this important determination, the Article identifies factors that higher
courts and judicial conduct authorities should consider in the process. The Article
also explains why courts and scholars long-standing defenses of judicial
plagiarism fail.

Riera Barsallo, P. "Reforma de la ley de propiedad intelectual y la copia

privada." Anuario ThinkEPI vol., n. (2007). pp.

Rimmer, M. "The Demidenko Affair: Copyright Law, Plagiarism and

Ridicule." Media and Arts Law Review vol. 15, n. 3
(2004). pp.:

This article provides an account of one of Australia's great literary hoaxes

- the Demidenko affair. In particular, it focuses upon the accusations that Helen
Darville plagiarised a number of historical and literary texts in her novel, The
Hand That Signed The Paper. This article considers how the dispute was
interpreted in three different contexts - the literary community, the legal system,
and the media. Part 1 examines how writers, publishers, and editors understood
the controversy in terms of the aesthetics and ethics of plagiarism. Part 2 details
how lawyers framed the discussion in light of economic rights and moral rights
under copyright law. Part 3 deals with the media attention upon the personalities
and politics of the scandal. The conclusion charts the competition between these
various communities over who should resolve the dispute.

Ro Sadornil, J. L. D. "La propiedad intelectual y las nuevas tecnologas

documentales." Documentacin de las ciencias de la informacin vol. 20, n.
(1997). pp.:

La propiedad intelectual y los derechos de autor han sido objeto de

preocupaclon constante en el mundo de la cultura, de modo especial en nuestro
siglo y, particularmente, en los ltimos tiempos. en los que las nuevas
tecnologas, en especial la digital y la navegacin por las arnopi?stas de la
informacin, han planteado una plica nueva en el campo documental y en
relacin con los derechos de autor, tanto en la Unin Europea, como en el rea
anglo-sajo>na, que ha supuesto una problemtica de urgente, pero difcil
solucin. El ncleo de la cuestin radica en la inmaterialidad de la documentacin
que fluye por las redes integradas y en la interactividad, que puede desfigurar la
originalidad de la misma, haciendo prcticamente imposible su proteccin y

Rioseco Pais, M. H. "Software libre como herramienta de produccin de

conocimiento en el mbito educativo. El caso de Chile." Free software as tool
of production of knowledge in the educational area. The case of Chile vol. 7, n. 2
(2008). pp.

El artculo que se presenta a continuacin describe el problema de

legalidad que actualmente existe con el uso del software en los computadores de
escritorio, entrega informacin del software libre como alternativa de solucin y
relaciona esta situacin con el mbito de la educacin chilena. Posteriormente,
describe algunos de los proyectos emblemticos promovidos por los gobiernos
de las ltimas dos dcadas en esta rea, cuestionando la falta de inters y de
voluntad poltica para apoyar la insercin del software libre y el de cdigo abierto
en la educacin. Por ltimo, propone algunas soluciones, principalmente
centradas en mejorar la informacin de los usuarios y en estimular cambios en el
hbito de utilizar software sin licencia. (A)

Robayo Len, E. I. and E. S. Varela Pezzano "Antinomia entre la proteccin a los

autores y el derecho a la privacidad por la batalla legal contra las
tecnologas P2P." Revista Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Polticas vol., n. 111
(2009). pp.

La posibilidad de utilizar todo tipo de programas para descargar

informacin de manera gratuita msica, pelculas, libros electrnicos, juegos o
software le facilita a cualquier sujeto conectado a la Internet perpetrar
infracciones al material protegido por derechos de autor o copyright, on lo que
la industria del entretenimiento deja de percibir millones de dlares en ingresos.
Como consecuencia, se han iniciado procesos judiciales en contra de usuarios en
diferentes partes del mundo, los cuales han dado lugar a diferentes posiciones
jurdicas que defienden o atacan la utilizacin de estas tecnologas, as como
sanciones bastante importantes que pueden resultar, en algunos casos,
desmedidas. Esta
investigacin tiene como propsito analizar la antinomia que existe entre la
proteccin al derecho de autor o copyright y el amparo al derecho a la intimidad,
desde la perspectiva de la proteccin del habeas data, por la utilizacin de
programas peer-to-peer (P2P).

Robert, T. "How copyright affects interlibrary loan and electronic resources

in Canada." Interlending & Document Supply vol. 40, n. 1 (2012). pp.

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to discuss how interlibrary loan

practice and access to electronic resources in Canada are affected by copyright
law, copyright collectives, and license agreements.
Design/methodology/approach The author summarizes the current Canadian
copyright laws and copyright collectives governing interlibrary loan practices,
reviews the terms of typical electronic resource license agreements, describes
how copyright laws in the USA are often imposed upon Canadian libraries
through their various license agreements, and discusses the confusion created by
these often conflicting obligations. Findings Although the current state of
Canadian copyright law creates confusion for libraries, the promise of new
legislation and future Supreme Court rulings may help resolve some thorny
issues. Originality/value The paper provides a thorough review of Canadian
copyright law as it pertains to interlibrary loan practices. It should be of great
interest to any interlibrary loan practitioner who is interested in copyright issues,
licensing agreements, and their combined impact upon the future of resource

Rodrguez Gallardo, A. "Elementos que fundamentan el acceso

abierto." Investigacin Bibliotecolgica vol. 22, n. 44 (2011). pp.

Las bibliotecas han soportado durante ms de dos dcadas el constante

incremento habido en el costo de las publicaciones peridicas que ponen a
disposicin de sus comunidades. No se trata slo de una cuestin financiera, el
trasfondo es una grave interferencia en la comunicacin cientfica que ha
sobrepasado la esfera del trabajo bibliotecario. El costo de las suscripciones de la
comunicacin cientfica, ha sido analizado por aquellos a quienes afecta ms
significativamente: cientficos y acadmicos, quienes han concluido que la
solucin al problema son las publicaciones cientficas de acceso libre. Se intenta
determinar que los principales factores que fundamentan el paradigma del
acceso abierto identificando los intereses que se mueven alrededor de este
modelo y de la publicacin comercial. Se encontr que las iniciativas,
declaraciones y proyectos del acceso abierto favorecen el ingreso irrestricto a la
informacin por parte de la comunidad cientfica y se analizan y argumentan, con
relacin al costo de la informacin, las restricciones derivadas del derecho de
autor, la calidad de la informacin, y los aspectos tecnolgicos entre los que se
encuentran la interoperatividad y la normalizacin. Tambin se identifican
acciones concretas de algunas de las publicaciones de acceso libre que han sido
puestas en marcha

Rodrguez Gallardo, A. "Elementos que fundamentan el acceso

abierto." Investigacin Bibliotecolgica vol. 22, n. 44 (2011). pp.

Las bibliotecas han soportado durante ms de dos dcadas el constante

incremento habido en el costo de las publicaciones peridicas que ponen a
disposicin de sus comunidades. No se trata slo de una cuestin financiera, el
trasfondo es una grave interferencia en la comunicacin cientfica que ha
sobrepasado la esfera del trabajo bibliotecario. El costo de las suscripciones de la
comunicacin cientfica, ha sido analizado por aquellos a quienes afecta ms
significativamente: cientficos y acadmicos, quienes han concluido que la
solucin al problema son las publicaciones cientficas de acceso libre. Se intenta
determinar que los principales factores que fundamentan el paradigma del
acceso abierto identificando los intereses que se mueven alrededor de este
modelo y de la publicacin comercial. Se encontr que las iniciativas,
declaraciones y proyectos del acceso abierto favorecen el ingreso irrestricto a la
informacin por parte de la comunidad cientfica y se analizan y argumentan, con
relacin al costo de la informacin, las restricciones derivadas del derecho de
autor, la calidad de la informacin, y los aspectos tecnolgicos entre los que se
encuentran la interoperatividad y la normalizacin. Tambin se identifican
acciones concretas de algunas de las publicaciones de acceso libre que han sido
puestas en marcha

Rodrguez Lora, M. E. and M. E. Zulueta Blanco "Sobre los derechos

intelectuales del autor y del editor." Acimed: revista cubana de los profesionales
de la informacin y la comunicacin en salud vol. 9, n. 2
(2001). pp.:
Sobre los derechos intelectuales del autor y del editor Los derechos de
autor, que tan importante funcin desempean hoy da, no fueron concebidos en
la antigedad por los griegos y romanos. El derecho romano, que cubre todas las
eventualidades de la vida tan minuciosamente, no dice nada sobre las
producciones literarias y cientficas. En aquellos tiempos algunos autores se
quejaban de que sus colegas saqueaban sus obras, pero no podan apelar a
ningn procedimiento legal porque estos no existan. Es evidente que lejos de
esperar provechos econmicos de sus obras, estaban ms bien dispuestos a
pagar para que fuesen publicadas, porque muchos eran aristcratas acaudalados,
sin preocupaciones econmicas; los poetas eran de cuna muy modesta y slo
aspiraban a encontrar un mecenas, o sea, un protector.

Rodrguez Pardo, J. and M. V. Nuo Moral "Propiedad intelectual y

documentacin audiovisual: derecho de autor en las bases de datos de las
cadenas de televisin." El Profesional de la Informacin vol. 13, n. 6
(2004). pp.:

This article examines aspects of copyright related to informative

documentation. It focuses on audio-visual databases from a double perspective:
on the one hand, the database as 'archive' and, on the other, copyright aspects
relating to the sources and different categories of the materials contained within
the archive. Propiedad intelectual y documentacin audiovisual: derecho de autor
en las bases de datos de las cadenas de televisin.

Rozenberg, D. "Les droits de traduction." Point Com vol., n. 12

(2001). pp.:

Dorothe Rozenberg (T89) a travaill pendant cinq ans dans l'dition,

essentiellement dans des services de droits trangers. Tout d'abord l'agence de
droits littraires Michelle Lapautre Paris, en tant qu'agent littraire au Bureau du
Livre Franais de New York o elle a vendu les droits de langue anglaise de livres
franais, puis chez Little, Brown and Co. Boston o elle a t responsable des
coditions de livres d'art. Elle travaille actuellement en tant que traductrice
technique chez Parametric Technology Corporation.

Salah, B. "The Thorn of Translation in the Side of the Law: Toward Ethical
Copyright and Translation Rights." The Translator vol. 7, n. 2
(2001). pp.:

As far as issues touching on translation are concerned, international

copyright law is inadequate to the realities and perspectives of a multicultural
world, particularly with respect to the right to translate educational works in
developing countries. This inadequacy may be traced through the history of
copyright agreements, from the Berne Convention (1971) to the Nairobi
Recommendations (1976) and the Trips Agreement of the World Trade
Organization (1995). Calls to integrate ethical and cultural considerations into
such international conventions tend to conflict with the purely economic trends
that dominate the World Trade Organization, which is currently appropriating a
large part of the international law system. Here it is proposed that far more than
being a mere practice, translation can be the horizon and pretext for a new
opening to the Other, for an ethics of rights and solidarity.

Sampson, K. A. "Resources for Scholarly Research and Writing as Antidote to

Plagiarism." Arizona State Law Journal vol., n.
(2011). pp.:

Avoiding plagiarism is about good record keeping and then constructing

reliable references that are transferred to new scholarly work. This piece identifies
and links useful sources of information about such scholarly writing and citation,
and highlights the truism that mindful record keeping and citation is critical to
avoid academic plagiarism. This piece succinctly describes scholarly research and
summarizing techniques and resources.

Samuels, L. B. and C. M. Bast "Strategies to Help Legal Studies Students Avoid

Plagiarism." Journal of Legal Studies Education vol. 23, n. 2
(2006). pp.:

This article first reviews the importance of helping legal studies students
improve their written communication through written assignments, despite the
problem of plagiarism. The article argues that students need more education
about plagiarism. It looks at definitions of plagiarism and considers typical
problems legal studies students may have with plagiarism. The article then
suggests faculty strategies for structuring assignments to avoid plagiarism in
student assignments.

Santovenia Daz, J., R. Caedo Andalia, et al. "La informacin de patentes en las
ciencias de la salud." Acimed: revista cubana de los profesionales de la
informacin y la comunicacin en salud vol. 13, n. 2
(2005). pp.:

Las patentes, generadas alrededor del proceso de proteccin legal de las

invenciones, constituyen una fuente esencial, tanto para el avance de los
procesos de investigacin y desarrollo como para el estudio del estado actual de
dichos procesos en una rama del conocimiento o regin socioeconmica
cualquiera. La Oficina Cubana de la Propiedad Intelectual es el rgano rector en
esta materia en el pas. Se exponen sus principales servicios de informacin,
recursos, investigaciones, etctera.
Schamber, L. "What Is a Document? Rethinking the Concept in Uneasy
Times." Journal of the American Society for Information Science vol. 47, n. 9
(1996). pp.:

Describes the challenge of redefining the fundamental concept of a

'document,' focusing on information professionals' apprehensions about changes
in information generation, control, and access, and the future of the information
professions. Topics include bibliographic control, professional roles in electronic
publishing, intellectual ownership, and redefining the concept of 'document' to
encompass electronic documents.

Schroeder, J. L. "Copy Cats: Plagiarism and Precedent." Cardozo Legal Studies

Research Paper vol., n. 185 (2007). pp.:

Spring 2006 experienced two very different understandings of copying.

First, Daavya Viswanathan, a Harvard College student who had enjoyed a certain
fame for landing a half-million dollar publishing deal while still in high school,
was revealed to have copied significant language from another novel. This
sparked an intense, if short-lived, media blitz. As a result, her publisher withdrew
the book from circulation and canceled the contract. At approximately the same
time, the Michigan Law Review published a symposium issue on the use of
"boilerplate" - standard language or precedents copied from other sources - in
contracts. Although the participants raised numerous interesting issues, none of
them questioned the propriety of copying per se. Those writing about the
Viswanathan kerfuffle presumed that it proved that copying language penned by
another is morally reprehensible. Nevertheless, the Michigan symposium proved
that lawyers copy all the time. That plagiarism is "wrongful" is a truism - the word
is a pejorative. What we need to ask is why only some forms of copying are tarred
with the epithet "plagiarism", while others are completely respectable.
Seadle, M. "E-mail attachments." Library hi tech vol. 17, n. 2
(1999). pp.:

Muchas prcticas que son legales o se admiten como tal en soporte

impreso plantean problemas jurdicos en su formato digital. Ms cuando la
legislacin no refleja las situaciones de los documentos electrnicos. en este
artculo se recogen dos aspectos del uso del correo electrnico como es el envo
de documentos adicionales y los problemas que plantea legalmente.

Seadle, M. "Copyright in the networked world: multimedia fair use." Library

hi tech vol. 19, n. 4
(2001). pp.:

This column examines a 'non-legislative' report on 'Fair use guidelines for

educational multimedia'. Although the guidelines have serious flaws, they offer
several positive features: they recognize that fair use applies to multimedia, they
include photographs and numeric databases, and they provide easily understood
metrics for the amount of material that can be used.

Seadle, M. "Copyright in the networked world: sound publication." Library hi

tech vol. 19, n. 2
(2001). pp.:

There are times when the US copyright laws seem to stem from a culture
that puts little value on providing public access to its own past. Two recent
conferences discussed problems raised by copyright laws for those interested in
multimedia (especially sound) recordings. Part of the discussion focused on how
to interpret the copyright status of pre-1972 sound recordings. One provision of
the current law appears to throw all pre-1972 sound recordings into a uniquely
old-fashioned situation where no federal copyright regulation applies until all
protection ceases in 2067. Many common assumptions based on the 1976 law
and on analogies from print may not hold up.

Seadle, M. "Copyright in a networked world: permissions services." Library hi

tech vol. 20, n. 4
(2002). pp.:

What happens when 'fair use', 'fair dealing', face-to-face teaching

guidelines and other copyright exceptions do not apply? Only three choices
remain: give up plans to use the protected work, make a risk-assessment about
the likelihood of a lawsuit, or seek a permission from the rights holder. This
column examines both public and internal library-based permissions services.

Seadle, M. "Copyright in the networked world: new rules for images." Library
hi tech vol. 20, n. 2
(2002). pp.:

Two recent court cases have redefined how images may be used on the
Internet without copyright infringement. The Bridgeman case is based explicitly
on British as well as US law. Kelly v. Arriba rested on the definition of fair use in
the US copyright law, and therefore has more limited (or perhaps merely more
complex) implications. Before these cases, essentially all photographs since 1923
had the presumption of copyright protection. Now exact copies of public domain
art, and perhaps other images that lack originality, are in the public domain. And
thumbnail copies of protected images can be regarded under at least some
circumstances as being safely within the US fair use guidelines.

Seadle, M. "Copyright in the networked world: interlibrary services." Library

Hi Tech vol. 22, n. 3
(2004). pp.:

Interlibrary lending and document delivery have become an integral part

of the services that contemporary libraries offer. The copyright laws in most
countries authorized this copying within reasonable limits, but tensions with
publishers may be growing. For interlibrary services to remain effective, libraries
must continue to lobby politicians to defend their legal basis. Libraries must also
continue to work with publishers to address legitimate economic concerns. This
paper looks at the legal basis for interlibrary services, particularly document
delivery, in the US, Canadian, and German law.

Shipman Iii, F. M. and R. Furuta "Guided paths through web-based collections:

desing, experiences, and adaptations." Journal of the American Society for
Information Science vol. 51, n. 3
(2000). pp.:

Las bibliotecas digitales necesitan facilitar el uso de informacin digital

en una serie de contextos. Una de las posibilidades para facilitar el uso de
informacin digital es anticiparse en su aplicacin por parte de los autores
originales. Experiencias en la utilizacin de las 'Walden's Paths' permiten a los
autores recoger, organizar, y anotar la informacin en lnea desde colecciones
para ponerla a disposicin de sus lectores. Las experiencias con el uso de
'Walden's Paths' en aulas de secundarias han identificado cuatro aplicaciones de
mejora: (1) Mejora en la autora para los profesores, (2) Apoyo para el estudiante,
(3) ms obva distincin entre el contenido de la fuente original y lo que el autor
aadi posteriormente, y (4) apoya para mantener trayectorias sobre la evolucin
de un conjunto de documentos fuente. Estas observaciones sobre las
necesidades condujeron a el desarrollo de nuevas versiones de 'Walden's Paths'.
Todas estas experiencias han desarrolado en los autores el concepto de
metadocumentos, asi como el desarrollo de prcticas de colaboracin, propiedad
intelectual y mantenimiento que son sutancialmente diferentes a la publicacin
de documentos en formato tradicional

Shkolnikov, T. "To link or not to link: how to avoid copyright traps on the
internet." Journal of Academic Librarianship vol. 28, n. 3
(2002). pp.:

The problem of avoiding Web-related copyright liabilities in library

activities, including legal ramifications of linking and librarians' responsibility for
the content of the linked sites, is discussed. The recommendations offered may
help librarians stay safe on the Web and be instrumental in developing
intellectual property guidelines for their libraries.

Shrybman, S. "Information, commodification and the world trade

organization." IFLA journal vol. 26, n. 5-6
(2000). pp.:

The author focuses on damages already done by WTO (World Trade

Organization) rules, and covers in depth two disputes because they provide the
most persuasive evidence of the enormous influence WTO will have in shaping
national and international policies and law as these relate to intellectual property
protection. He states that the rules of the TRIPs (Trade-Related Aspects of
Intellectual Property Rights) Agreement and other WTO Agreements are the
products of highly secretive negotiation processes informed almost exclusively by
the views of large corporations with a significant stake in global markets. He
stresses that the role librarians can play is to provide effective public access to
the complex and often secretive reports, submissions, studies, and negotiationg
texts which comprise the record of contemporary trade negotiations and dispute

Snider, J. H. "Think Tanks Dirty Little Secret: Power, Public Policy, and
Plagiarism." vol., n.
(2013). pp.:

In academics, idea plagiarism is a sin of the first magnitude, whereas in

business and politics, it is considered, well, academic - of no practical significance.
Where do think tanks fit on that spectrum? Are they fish or fowl, or neither?
Compared to academic scholars, think tank scholars have a greater incentive to
plagiarize ideas. The pressure to claim credit in both scholarly communities is
great, but the pressure to give credit is relatively weak in think tanks. One reason
is that the problem-solution structure of think tank work doesnt include a
contribution-to-literature section. Another reason is that think tanks dont publish
their work in peer-reviewed publications, which are well-designed for
cost-effectively weeding out idea plagiarism. Think tanks may claim to respect
original work as much as universities. But that doesnt mean its in their
self-interest to act in accordance with those values. This paper provides eight
case studies related to such behavior. The paper assumes that if think tank
scholars, like academic scholars, claim to provide original work, then they should
be held accountable for proving that they in fact do so. The author hopes that
others will investigate the limitations of such an assumption.Unfortunately, the
two traditional approaches to discouraging idea theft, passing intellectual
property law (primarily used in commerce) and relying on private institutions to
cultivate social sanctions (primarily used in academics) are not well suited for
think tanks. An alternative approach is a hybrid policy where law is used to
strengthen social sanctions. For example, libel and transparency laws pertaining
to think tanks could be reformed to encourage a more robust market in
evaluations of public policy credit claims.

Sorbara, J.-G. "De quelques consquences du Code gnral de la proprit

des personnes publiques sur la gestion des collections." Bulletin des
bibliothques de France vol. 54 n. 1 (2009). pp.

L'entre en vigueur du nouveau Code gnral de la proprit des

personnes publique modifie les rgles applicables aux livres des bibliothques.
Les nouvelles rgles apportent une certaine souplesse de gestion pour les
bibliothques publiques, par la limitation de l'tendue de leur domaine public
mobilier. Mais de nombreuses incertitudes cres par ces nouvelles rgles restent
en suspens, notamment en ce qui concerne la numrisation des livres du
domaine public.

Sorkin, D. E. "Practicing Plagiarism." Illinois Bar Journal vol. 81, n.

(2008). pp.:

Plagiarism is among the greatest sins in journalism, literature, science,

and higher education in general, but the practice of law often seems to include
the wholesale copying of others' words and ideas. The essence of plagiarism is
the passing off of another person's words or ideas as one's own. Lawyers must be
vigilant in avoiding plagiarism, but in practice it is often difficult to draw the line
between plagiarism and acts that are accepted and entirely proper, such as
adapting a form rather than drafting a document from scratch. Circumstances
dictate when giving credit to a source is appropriate. A citation should always be
given for a direct quotation, in any other situation where a source deserves
attribution, and where attribution is needed to avoid creating a false impression
that the stated ideas represent the author's original work.

Spink, A. and C. Coleb "Information and poverty: information-seeking

channels used by African American low-income households." Library &
information science research vol. 23, n. 1
(2001). pp.:
This study investigated the information environment, including the
information seeking and information needs, of low-income largely African
American households at the Parks at Wynnewood in Dallas, Texas. These
households were surveyed regarding their household situation and their need for
community and information services. Residents' information-seeking behavior
focused on their family and neighbors, with a lower use of external channels,
except for health and employment information issues. A model of the residents'
information environment is presented.

Stock, M. and W. G. Stock "Intellectual Property Information: a Comparative

Analysis of Main Information Providers." Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology vol. 57, n. 13
(2006). pp.:

After modeling expert user needs with regard to intellectual property

information, we analyze and compare the main providers in this specific
information area (Thomson DIALOG, Esp@cenet by the European Patent Office,
Questel-Orbit, and STN International) in terms of system content and system
functionality. The key question is whether the main providers are able to satisfy
these expert user needs. For patent information, some special retrieval features
such as chemical structure search (including Markush search), patent family
references and citations search, biosequence search, and basic informetric
functionality such as ranking, mapping, and visualization of information flows are
realized. Considering the results of information science research the practice of
patent information shows unexhauste improvement opportunities (e.g., the
application of bibliographic patent coupling and co-patent-citation for mapping
patents, patent assignees, and technology specialties). For trademark search,
users need multiple truncated search (realized) as well as phonetic search and
image retrieval (not realized yet).
Story, A., C. Darch, et al. "The copy/south dossier : issues in the economics,
politics, and ideology of copyright in the global south." E-LIS: E-Prints in
Library and Information Science vol., n. (2006). pp.:

The aim of the dossier is to open up debate on the real impact of

copyright laws affecting the people of the more than 150 developing countries in
the Global South, many of whom have never read a book, have no access to the
Internet and are facing an indeterminate future. The dossier highlights issues that
are not only unique to the Global South, but also focuses on those issues that
affect both sides of the North - South divide. This dossier is addressed to the
general public, researchers, educators, librarians, activists, and organizations
concerned about access to knowledge who want to learn more about the global
role of copyright and, in particular, copyright's largely negative role in developing
countries of the global South. In more than 50 articles totalling 215 pages, we, in
the Copy/South Research Group, who have researched and debated these issues
over the past 12 months, have tried to critically analyse and assess a wide range
of copyright-related issues that impact on the daily lives (and future lives) of
those who live in the global South.

Story, A., C. Darch, et al. (2006). [e-Book] The copy/south dossier : issues in the
economics, politics, and ideology of copyright in the global south,
Copy/South Research Group. Texto completo:

The aim of the dossier is to open up debate on the real impact of

copyright laws affecting the people of the more than 150 developing countries in
the Global South, many of whom have never read a book, have no access to the
Internet and are facing an indeterminate future. The dossier highlights issues that
are not only unique to the Global South, but also focuses on those issues that
affect both sides of the North - South divide. This dossier is addressed to the
general public, researchers, educators, librarians, activists, and organizations
concerned about access to knowledge who want to learn more about the global
role of copyright and, in particular, copyright's largely negative role in developing
countries of the global South. In more than 50 articles totalling 215 pages, we, in
the Copy/South Research Group, who have researched and debated these issues
over the past 12 months, have tried to critically analyse and assess a wide range
of copyright-related issues that impact on the daily lives (and future lives) of
those who live in the global South.

Story, A., C. Darch, et al. "El dossier copia/sur: problemas econmicos,

polticos, e ideolgicos del copyright (derecho de autor) en el sur
global." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n.
(2008). pp.:

In 2005, a group of scholars and activists, mostly from the global South,
created the Copy/South Research Group to analyse, criticise, and confront the
oppressive nature of current global copyright regimes, such as those defended by
the World Intellectual Property Organisation, and similar ones around the globe.
In May 2006, 22 of us, including 15 people from the global South, published THE
COPY/SOUTH DOSSIER: Issues in the economics, politics, and ideology of
copyright in the global South. The aim of the Dossier was to open up a critical
and radical debate on the real impact of copyright laws and how they affect the
daily lives of people living in more than 150 developing countries of the global
South. We also highlighted issues that are not unique to the Global South, but
also affect both sides of the North-South divide. This publication of more than 50
articles was addressed to researchers, educators, librarians, musicians, activists,
organizations concerned about access to knowledge, and all of those who want
to learn more about the oppressive global role of copyright laws and, in
particular, their largely negative role in the developing countries of the global
South. Given the democratic objectives of the Copy/South Research Group, the
Dossier was not restricted by copyright. Therefore, it has been accessed openly
and freely in both electronic and paper formats by thousands of readers from
around the world in English. But English is not spoken by all citizens in the global
South. With this in mind, the entire 200-page Dossier was translated into Spanish
in late 2007 by an enthusiastic team of voluntary translators from Argentina,
Bolivia, Cuba, Mexico, Spain, and Venezuela. As for this Spanish version, made
with the support of the Intellectual Property Automous Service (SAPI), from the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, we must acknowledge the prior SAPI's General
Director Eduardo Samn for promoting the making of this translation. Besides the
general revision of Gerardo Crdenas and his labor as main translator, some
other volunteers translated or revised important sections of the Spanish edition:
Mara Jess Morillo (Spain), Oscar Prez Pea and Gilda Gil (Cuba), Edgardo
Civallero (Argentina) and Rafael Carreo (Venezuela), who coordinated the
process of translation in 2007. Also it is worth to mention the additional
colaboration of Ana La Lpez (Bolivia), Richard Castro, Rafael Bellota and Carmen
Chirinos (Venezuela), Zapopan Muela and Gonzalo Lara (Mexico), and Lilian
lvarez (Cuba). But what is still more extraordinary about this Spanish translation
is that it was completely coordinated and edited by the Servicio Autonomo de la
Propiedad Intelectual (SAPI) of the democratic government of the Venezuelan
Bolivarian Republic. The Dossier provides ?useful material to introduce this topic
to teachers and students? and does a good job of ?summarizing a complex and
conflicting situation? for developing countries, Jumersi La Rosa, SAPI?s new
director, said last week in announcing the release of the Spanish edition. She has
written a special new introduction for the Spanish-language edition. The Copy
South Research Group is very pleased that the radical message of resistance
found in the Dossier can now be read by thousands of Spanish-language
speakers who are questioning the current copyright regime and who hopefully
will be ignited by the ideas in the Dossier to take up the fight against oppressive
regimes based on copyright. You can get a copy of the Dossier in Spanish and
English by downloading it, free of charge, at . We also
still have a limited number of printed and bound copies of the English-language
version of the Dossier. If you would to be mailed a copy of the English-language
version, which contains eight posters, send us an e-mail (
and include your full postal details. COPY/SOUTH RESEARCH GROUP, 28 April

Story, A., C. Darch, et al. (2008). [e-Book] El dossier copia/sur: problemas

econmicos, polticos, e ideolgicos del copyright (derecho de autor) en el
sur global, Copy/South Research Group. Texto

In 2005, a group of scholars and activists, mostly from the global South,
created the Copy/South Research Group to analyse, criticise, and confront the
oppressive nature of current global copyright regimes, such as those defended by
the World Intellectual Property Organisation, and similar ones around the globe.
In May 2006, 22 of us, including 15 people from the global South, published THE
COPY/SOUTH DOSSIER: Issues in the economics, politics, and ideology of
copyright in the global South. The aim of the Dossier was to open up a critical
and radical debate on the real impact of copyright laws and how they affect the
daily lives of people living in more than 150 developing countries of the global
South. We also highlighted issues that are not unique to the Global South, but
also affect both sides of the North-South divide. This publication of more than 50
articles was addressed to researchers, educators, librarians, musicians, activists,
organizations concerned about access to knowledge, and all of those who want
to learn more about the oppressive global role of copyright laws and, in
particular, their largely negative role in the developing countries of the global
South. Given the democratic objectives of the Copy/South Research Group, the
Dossier was not restricted by copyright. Therefore, it has been accessed openly
and freely in both electronic and paper formats by thousands of readers from
around the world in English. But English is not spoken by all citizens in the global
South. With this in mind, the entire 200-page Dossier was translated into Spanish
in late 2007 by an enthusiastic team of voluntary translators from Argentina,
Bolivia, Cuba, Mexico, Spain, and Venezuela. As for this Spanish version, made
with the support of the Intellectual Property Automous Service (SAPI), from the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, we must acknowledge the prior SAPI's General
Director Eduardo Samn for promoting the making of this translation. Besides the
general revision of Gerardo Crdenas and his labor as main translator, some
other volunteers translated or revised important sections of the Spanish edition:
Mara Jess Morillo (Spain), Oscar Prez Pea and Gilda Gil (Cuba), Edgardo
Civallero (Argentina) and Rafael Carreo (Venezuela), who coordinated the
process of translation in 2007. Also it is worth to mention the additional
colaboration of Ana La Lpez (Bolivia), Richard Castro, Rafael Bellota and Carmen
Chirinos (Venezuela), Zapopan Muela and Gonzalo Lara (Mexico), and Lilian
lvarez (Cuba). But what is still more extraordinary about this Spanish translation
is that it was completely coordinated and edited by the Servicio Autonomo de la
Propiedad Intelectual (SAPI) of the democratic government of the Venezuelan
Bolivarian Republic. The Dossier provides useful material to introduce this topic
to teachers and students and does a good job of summarizing a complex and
conflicting situation for developing countries, Jumersi La Rosa, SAPIs new
director, said last week in announcing the release of the Spanish edition. She has
written a special new introduction for the Spanish-language edition. The Copy
South Research Group is very pleased that the radical message of resistance
found in the Dossier can now be read by thousands of Spanish-language
speakers who are questioning the current copyright regime and who hopefully
will be ignited by the ideas in the Dossier to take up the fight against oppressive
regimes based on copyright. You can get a copy of the Dossier in Spanish and
English by downloading it, free of charge, at . We also
still have a limited number of printed and bound copies of the English-language
version of the Dossier. If you would to be mailed a copy of the English-language
version, which contains eight posters, send us an e-mail (
and include your full postal details. COPY/SOUTH RESEARCH GROUP, 28 April

Sturges, P. "The internet and Academic freedom." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and
Information Science vol., n. (2007). pp.:

Sturges, Paul (1999) The internet and Academic freedom. In Proceedings

8th Panhellenic conference of Academic libraries, pp. 113-126, Rhodes (GR). The
principle of academic freedom is central to the true functioning of the university,
It asserts the right of scholars and teachers to communicate their ideas and
research results, free of interference on political or other grounds unconnected
with the quality of what they might say. This includes the freedom to choose and
pursue iines of investigation on academic grounds alone. The principle therefore
implies the need for information services and resources for the academic
community to be free of intervention on non-academic grounds. Academic
librarians have recognized this need and have defended their role as providers of
open and uncensored document collections and access to other resources. The
internet, as a means of obtaining a great range and quantity of information
worldwide, is potentially crucial to the practice of academic freedom. However
for libraries as providers of access to the Internet and librarians as intermediaries
searching the World Wide Web (WWW) on behalf of their users there are issues
to be addressed. The Internet is a largely unregulated communication and
information medium. It gives access to material including some which is allegedly
harmful (pornography, hate speech, etc.), is unendorsed as to quality and
accuracy, is of doubtful provenance and ownership, or may indeed have been
created in a spirit of mischief. It also permits communication that may or may not
be secure, could be used for harmful purposes and might contain misinformation.
There is pressure for control of the Internet from commerce, interest groups of
various kinds, and governments. The academic library is a key forum for the
negotiation and resolution of these difficulties and contradictions. It is important
that this is done with both a strong vision of the value of the internet and an
appropriate respect for academic freedom.
Su, F. P., K. K. Lai, et al. "Patent priority network: Linking patent portfolio to
strategic goals." Journal of the American Society for Information Science and
Technology vol. 60, n. 11 (2009). pp.

When applying for patents, companies should consider performing

patent portfolios as a means of integrating their patent strategy to shape their
overall business strategy. This is an important issue for any company in pursuit of
enhanced operational performance because the whole raison d'tre behind the
application of patents is the anticipation of achieving maximum competitive
advantage. A prerequisite for such a company is a decision analysis model of
patent portfolios because this has the added advantage of being readily
applicable to the evaluation of the quality of its competitors' portfolios; thus, by
understanding both itself and its competitors, a company can attain a superior
position. To demonstrate this, we examine patent priority networks (PPNs)
formed through patent family members and claimed priority patents, performing
a model of patent portfolio analysis and then going on to determine the
algorithms. We suggest that information retrieved from this network can provide
a useful reference tool for decision-making by company CEOs, CTOs, R&D
managers, and intellectual property managers.

Surez Castro, A., Y. Centeno Miranda, et al. "Apuntes sobre la proteccin de

los conocimientos tradicionales." El Profesional de la Informacin vol. 15, n. 1
(2006). pp.:

El conocimiento tradicional est integrado por diferentes elementos que

comnmente se designan como conocimientos indgenas o tribales, folklore,
medicina tradicional, etc. En estos momentos resulta una necesidad
imprescindible saber en profundidad las regulaciones que existen en relacin con
este tema de la propiedad intelectual y los recursos genticos, conocimientos
tradicionales y folklore. En este trabajo se exponen aspectos bsicos existentes en
el debate internacional que tienen lugar bajo el auspicio de la Organizacin
Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI).

Sureda, J. and R. Comas "Ciber-Plagio Acadmico. Una aproximacin al

estado de los conocimientos." Textos de la CiberSociedad vol., n. 10
(2006). pp.:

La irrupcin de las tecnologas de la informacin y la comunicacin (TIC)

ha provocado o facilitado importantes cambios que no pueden valorarse de
forma positiva. Es el caso del llamado ciber-plagio acadmico. Adoptar y
presentar como propias ideas, teoras e hiptesis de otros no es algo nuevo, pero
las tecnologas asociadas a la Sociedad de la Informacin (SI), sobre todo Internet
y ms concretamente el World Wide Web (WWW), facilitan enormemente esta
prctica ticamente reprobable y acadmicamente incorrecta.

Sutton, P. "Sounding the Language-Elephants Trumpet (a guide for

intelligent buyers of translation services)." The Translation Journal vol. 5, n. 2
(2001). pp.:

This article addresses people in these and similar situations: those who
imagine that there is somehow a 'right answer' in translation, and that the work
of different translators will therefore differ little; those who are being hoodwinked
into buying from suppliers that promise industrial-style reliability; those who are
struggling from one bad translation experience to another in an unsuccessful
attempt to develop international credibility; and those who are simply curious
about what translation is all about. Many of my examples and anecdotes are
drawn from the world of technical translation, but my reasoning applies
indistinctly across all areas of translation
Suzor, N. P. and B. F. Fitzgerald "The Role of Open Content Licences in
Building Open Content Communities: Creative Commons, GFDL and Other
Licences." vol., n. (2007). pp.:

This article seeks to highlight the unique and fundamental interaction

between the legal notion of providing permission to reproduce or communicate
copyright content (copyright licensing) and the building of open user generated
online communities such as ccMixter and Flickr. As much of the information and
content that is found in online communities especially text, images, music and
film is subject to copyright, it can only be reproduced or communicated to the
public with the permission of the copyright owner. Copyright licensing therefore
plays a fundamental role in the development and day to day functioning of these
online communities. In this way, copyright plays the role of a constitutional
principle which delineates the rights to reuse expression. This article examines a
number of case studies and provides some commentary on the way open content
licensing can be used to support community building.

Syren, A.-P. "Le patrimoine: un projet ditorial." Bulletin des bibliothques de

France vol. 54 n. 1 (2009). pp.

A travers 'une rflexion historique sur l'largissement et l'volution du

champ du patrimoine crit et graphique, l'auteur s'interroge sur la lisibilit de
celui-ci - notamment dans sa relation la lecture publique - et sur la place qu'il
occupe dans la concurrence multiculturelle de la socit de l'information. Face
aux nouvelles contradictions lies la valorisation du patrimoine dans un
contexte profondment modifi par la numrisation et internet, l'activit des
bibliothques se tourne de plus en plus vers l'dition - et non plus la constitution
de collections. diter la bibliothque ouvre alors de multiples perspectives.
Thomas, D. A. "How Educators Can More Effectively Understand and Combat
the Plagiarism Epidemic." Social Science Research Network vol., n.
(2004). pp.:

This brief article is intended to aid higher education teachers in

understanding and responding to plagiarism, which mostly occurs among
students, but also occasionally among established professionals.It begins with
definitions and definitional issues relating to plagiarism. Then, it asks if an ethical
vacuum helps plagiarism flourish. Seven reasons why this misconduct occurs are
discussed (academic pressures, poor planning, poor preparation, excessive or
mindless workload, opportunity, cultural background, and prominent bad
examples), as well as where and how plagiarism occurs. Finally, the article
concludes with a discussion of how plagiarism can be best detected, combated,
and prevented, as well as appropriate sanctions.This article is based on remarks
made at the Committee on Libraries and Technology session of the 2004
Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.

Toller, F. M. "Propiedad intelectual y plagio en trabajos acadmicos y

profesionales." Revista la propiedad inmaterial vol., n. 15 (2011). pp.

El texto estudia un rea poco explorada de la propiedad intelectual. En

efecto, el plagio suele estudiarse en relacin con la defraudacin de la autora
ajena que tiene relevancia comercial y, por tanto, resonancias penales y civiles. El
plagio en escritos cientficos, exmenes universitarios y monografas estudiantiles,
as como el plagio en escritos profesionales de jueces y abogados, han quedado
sin embargo desdibujados en los estudios del rea. En el artculo se plantea, en
primer lugar, la importancia que ha cobrado el problema del plagio en el mbito
acadmico, a partir del auge de Internet y las facilidades que esto implica para el
mal hacer de estudiantes y, en ocasiones, de profesores. En el escrito se
establecen tipologas del plagio en trabajos cientficos, deslindando los
relevantes de los irrelevantes.El autor defiende la postura de que el plagio
acadmico es siempre socialmente reprochable y merecedor de sanciones
disciplinares en el mbito universitario, aun cuando no importe un delito penal o
un ilcito de carcter civil. Se dan, por ltimo, una serie de pautas de buenas
prcticas ticas y cientficas en la investigacin jurdica, exponiendo, entre otros
elementos, el derecho de cita y el uso honrado de las fuentes, a fines de respetar
la propiedad ajena y para no incurrir en esta figura que, en definitiva, falta a la
verdad, destruye la creatividad y se apropia de los derechos de terceros.

Toller, F. M. "Propiedad Intelectual y Plagio en Trabajos Acadmicos y

Profesionales (Copyright and Plagiarism in Academic and Professional
Work)." evista la Propiedad Inmaterial, vol. 85, n. 15
(2011). pp.:

The paper examines a relatively unexplored area of Intellectual Property.

Plagiarism is usually studied in relation to the fraud of authorship that has
commercial significance, and therefore criminal resonances and civil liability.
Plagiarism in scientific writing, university exams and student papers, and
plagiarism in legal opinions, briefs and resolutions of lawyers and judges have
been mainly unattended in studies of the area. First, the article presents the
importance that has taken the problem of plagiarism in academia from the
Internet boom, where the technology helps the deceitfulness of students and,
sometimes, of professors. In The work is establishing typologies of plagiarism in
scientific research, determining which are relevant and which not. The author
defends the position that the academic plagiarism is always socially
reprehensible and worthy of disciplinary sanctions in the universities; even if does
not imply a criminal offense or a civil wrong. The paper offers, finally, a set of
guidelines for good practices and scientific ethics in legal research, stating, inter
alia, the right of quotation and the fair use of sources, with the aim to respect the
intellectual property of others, and avoid to commit this kind of mistakes that, in
short, contempt the truth, destroys the creativity and appropriates the rights of

Torres Pombert, A. "Diseo de sistemas internos de propiedad intelectual en

el modelo cubano: una propuesta metodolgica." Acimed: revista cubana de
los profesionales de la informacin y la comunicacin en salud vol. 21, n. 1
(2010). pp.:

La creacin y la innovacin son parte esencial de la vida en todas sus

esferas; para cualquier rama de la economa, constituye un componente bsico. El
registro, la proteccin y la remuneracin de esa actividad creadora estn
amparados por leyes que contienen las disposiciones normativas que conforman
lo que se conoce como Sistema Internacional de la Propiedad Intelectual. La
propiedad intelectual comprende el derecho de autor y los derechos conexos, as
como la propiedad industrial, y se encuentra organizada en sistemas, por pases,
sectores o
instituciones. La organizacin de la propiedad intelectual en sistemas
institucionales es una prioridad en nuestro pas y constituye una garanta para la
sociedad, porque permite identificar la creacin desde su concepcin, insertarla
en la modalidad correspondiente y decidir si publicar, proteger o mantener en
secreto. Mucho se escribe sobre propiedad intelectual; sin embargo, no resulta
fcil encontrar una metodologa que sirva de gua para la organizacin sistmica
de esta actividad en las organizaciones. El propsito de la presente contribucin
es proponer una gua metodolgica para su diseo.

Torres Ripa, J. and J. A. Gmez Hernndez (2011). [e-Book] El copyright en

cuestin : Dilogos sobre propiedad intelectual. Bilbao, Deusto. Texto

Es evidente que en el marco de la sociedad de la informacin se ha

producido una revolucin en las formas de acceso y difusin del conocimiento.
Se han multiplicado las facilidades que Internet ofrece para la difusin y el acceso
a los contenidos, conformando para el mundo del libro tradicional un marco de
realidades ms amplias que las recogidas hasta ahora en los diferentes
ordenamientos jurdicos. En este aspecto se tiene la sensacin de que la realidad
ha ido ms rpido que la legislacin de propiedad intelectual, y de que sta es de
muy compleja aplicacin en el contexto digital. Los nuevos problemas y las
nuevas oportunidades existentes dan cuerpo a una inquietud jurdica que
cobra, cada da, un mayor eco en la sociedad y que, adems, genera una
preocupacin creciente entre los editores, los creadores de originales, las
instituciones culturales y los lectores. Tratar de algunas de las dimensiones de la
situacin es el objetivo de este libro

Trillo, F. (2013, 2013/11/23/

2014/02/17/13:20:06). "Beneficios de generar indicadores mtricos en materia de
documentacin cientfica." from
Esta presentacin forma parte de una conferencia brindada a editores de
revistas nacionales biomedicas en Mxico y muestra conceptos bsicos de
cienciometra, bibliometra e informetra. Donde el principal objetivo es mostrar
las dificultades de anlisis que se presentan por no contar con una homologacin
de autores e instituciones en las que estn afiliados los investigadores mexicanos.

Uchtenhagen, U. (2005). [e-Book] El establecimiento de una sociedad de de

una sociedad de derecho de autor derecho de autor. Ginebra, OMPI. Texto

En el marco de sus actividades relativas a la gestin colectiva del derecho

de autor y los derechos conexos, y habida cuenta de las numerosas preguntas
que suscita la creacin de organizaciones nacionales que se ocupen de
administrar esos derechos en el campo de la msica, la OMPI ha decidido poner
a la disposicin de sus Estados miembros, en forma de folleto, un documento
redactado hace algunos aos por el Sr. Ulrich Uchtenhagen, intitulado El
establecimiento de una sociedad de derecho de autor: experiencias y
En dicho documento se explican concisamente las diferentes etapas y
condiciones, as como diversos parmetros indispensables, para la creacin de
sociedades de gestin colectiva de obras musicales. Contiene adems un
interesante plan de trabajo en el que se indican las diferentes etapas y los plazos
necesarios para alcanzar ese objetivo. Las opiniones expresadas en esta
publicacin son las del autor y no reflejan necesariamente las de la OMPI.
Vercelli, A. "Creative Commons y la Profunidad del Copyright." E-LIS: E-Prints
in Library and Information Science vol., n. enero
(2003). pp.:

Description of the Creative Commons project like an attempt of

promoting an ethos based on the possibility of sharing with the neighbor (as
Richard Stallman comes affirming for several years), in the public education and
in the creative interactivity. There are synthesized the types of licenses CC, and its
relation with the copyright.

Vercelli, A. "Gua de Licencias Creative Commons 2.0." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library

and Information Science vol., n. (2009). pp.:

This guide introduces a key series to understand the open licensing

system 'Creative Commons'. Shows how this open licenses help the exercise of
certain copyright and at the same time, allow the public broad access to the
culture. This guide is intended to extend knowledge about the 'copyright and the
right to copy' in the digital age.

Vercelli, A. (2009). [e-Book] Repensando los bienes intelectuales comunes :

anlisis sociotcnico sobre el proceso de coconstruccin entre las regulacion
es de derecho de autor y derecho de copia y las tecnologas digitales para s
u gestin. Buenos Aires, Ariel Hernn Vercelli. Texto
Repensando los bienes intelectuales comunes analiza, desde un enfoque
socio-tcnico, las tensiones jurdico-polticas que se presentan entre la
apropiacin y la liberacin de los bienes y obras intelectuales en la era digital. En
la tesis se describen los procesos de co-construccin entre las regulaciones de
derecho de autor y derecho de copia y las tecnologas digitales orientadas a la
gestin de estos derechos. Para ello, se analizan tres casos que evidencian las
tensiones entre la apropiacin y la liberacin de bienes intelectuales y muestran
estos procesos de co-construccin. El primer caso de anlisis es un artefacto
anti-copia diseado por la corporacin comercial Sony-BMG Music
Entertainment. El segundo es el sistema de licencias abiertas de reserva selectiva
de derechos de autor y derechos de copia de Creative Commons Corporation. El
tercero es el sistema de gestin de obras intelectuales del mundo virtual llamado
Second Life. Las nuevas formas regulativas vinculadas al diseo de las tecnologas
definen el futuro poltico, cultural, social y econmico de las sociedades. La tesis
tiene por finalidad alentar y fortalecer estas discusiones jurdico-polticas y
tecnolgicas a escala regional y global.

Vives Grcia, J. "Internet i propietat intellectual." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and

Information Science vol., n. (2004). pp.:

The concept of 'public communication' and their relations with the

activities of the libraries

Vives Grcia, J. "Internet, reprografa y propiedad intelectual." E-LIS: E-Prints

in Library and Information Science vol., n. (2005). pp.:

The legal concept of 'copy', 'distribution, 'public communication' and

their relations with the activities of the libraries in the Internet medium
Vives i Grcia, J. "Aspectos de propiedad intelectual en la creacin y gestin
de repositorios institucionales." El Profesional de la Informacin vol. 14, n. 4
(2005). pp.:

Recent technical advances have allowed for the emergence of different

means for making information available through open access. Although these
initiatives usually are non-profit, they still must respect intellectual property
issues inherent to literary, technical or scientific works. This article offers some
recommendations which, while respectful of authors' rights, can permit
information to be made available in open access for the entire user community.
Conscious of the many scenarios possible, we have focused on the creation of an
institutional repository containing documents generated within the organisation.

Vives-Grcia, J. "Aspectos de propiedad intelectual en la creacin y gestin

de repositorios institucionales." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information
Science vol., n. (2005). pp. 267-278.

Recent technical advances have allowed for the emergence of different

means for making information available through open access. Although these
initiatives usually are non-profit, they still must respect intellectual property
issues inherent to literary, technical or scientific works. This article offers some
recommendations which, while respectful of authors? rights, can permit
information to be made available in open access for the entire user community.
Conscious of the many scenarios possible, we have focused on the creation of an
institutional repository containing documents generated within the organisation.

Vives-Grcia, J. "El nuevo servicio de propiedad intelectual en las bibliotecas

de la UPC." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n.
(2005). pp.:

Description of the Service on Intellectual Propierty of library of Universitat

Politcnica de Catalunya

Vives-Grcia, J. "Els serveis de propietat intellectual per als usuaris a les

biblioteques de la UPC." E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science vol., n.
(2005). pp.:

Description of the Service on Intellectual Propierty of library of Universitat

Politcnica de Catalunya

Warner, J. "Writing and literary work in copyright: a binational and historical

analysis." Journal of the American Society for Information Science vol. 44, n. 6
(1993). pp.:

Compares the development of copyright in the United Kingdom and the

United States in relation to writing, literary works and other forms of intellectual
property, and computer programs to show how writing is a unifying principle for
documents and computers.

Warner, J. "So mechanical or routine: The not original in Feist." Journal of the
American Society for Information Science and Technology vol. 61, n. 4 (2010). pp.
The United States Supreme Court case of 1991, Feist Publications, Inc. v.
Rural Tel. Service Co., continues to be highly significant for property in data and
databases, but remains poorly understood. The approach taken in this article
contrasts with previous studies. It focuses upon the not original rather than the
original. The delineation of the absence of a modicum of creativity in selection,
coordination, and arrangement of data as a component of the not original forms
a pivotal point in the Supreme Court decision. The author also aims at elucidation
rather than critique, using close textual exegesis of the Supreme Court decision.
The results of the exegesis are translated into a more formal logical form to
enhance clarity and rigor.

Wende, Z. "Digital library intellectual property right evaluation and

method." The Electronic Library vol. 25, n. 3
(2007). pp.:

Purpose - The paper aims to focus on the needs of the digital library.
Design/methodology/approach - Digital library intellectual property right
evaluation and method, application scope of commonly used methods, and
digital library copyright evaluation and method are analyzed and discussed in the
paper. Findings - The paper finds that, for the electronic resources, the number of
copiers, the term of usage, quantity of information, copyright, and the contract
with authors should be considered; for technologies used in the digital library,
the evaluation should cover the novelty, inventiveness, usefulness, and the access
mode. In addition, the quantitative and qualitative should be combined with
experience to evaluate virtual library resources and actual resources with stable
right of use. Originality/value - The paper provides recommendations on digital
library intellectual property rights evaluation and methods.

Wiggins, A. and S. Sawyer "Intellectual diversity and the faculty composition

of iSchools." Journal of the American Society for Information Science and
Technology vol. 63, n. 1 (2012). pp. 8-21.
We provide evidence and discuss findings regarding the intellectual
distribution and faculty composition of academic units involved in the iSchool
community. To better understand the intellectual heritage and major influences
shaping the development of the individual and collective identities in iSchools,
we develop a classification of the intellectual domains of iSchool faculty
education. We use this to develop a descriptive analysis of the community's
intellectual composition. The discussion focuses on characterizing intellectual
diversity in the iSchools. We conclude with a discussion of the potential
implications of these trends relative to the future development of the iSchool

Worthen, K. J. "Discipline: An Academic Deans Perspective on Dealing with

Plagiarism." Social Science Research Network vol., n.
(2009). pp.:

Three months after I was convinced by our very persuasive Dean that,
contrary to my first thought, being an Associate Academic Dean was not such a
dumb idea, I was confronted with a situation that reinforced my initial impression.
On my desk sat a paper submitted by a student in a law school course. More than
one-half of the paper was copied word for word without any attribution being
given. Dozens of other lines contained material that should have been included in
quotation marks, but was not. Some of the material quoted without attribution
came from sources cited in other portions of the paper, some from sources that
were never cited at all. Further investigation revealed a similar pattern in another
paper written by the same student. Unfortunately, over the years, I have come to
conclude that such problems are not a once-in-a-tenure experience for academic
deans and others who deal with plagiarism problems in law school. While this
case is the most extreme case of plagiarism I have encountered in my nearly five
years as Academic Dean, it is not the only one. Although each case is unique, all
involve difficult questions because plagiarism is, as one scholar has observed, "an
academic capital offense, punishable by academic death." With so much on the
line, how should Academic Deans proceed once it is clear that plagiarism has

Xalabarder Plantada, R. "Las licencias Creative Commons: una alternativa al

copyright?" UOC papers. Revista sobre la Sociedad del Conocimiento vol., n. 2
(2006). pp.:

Las licencias Creative Commons (CC) han revolucionado el ejercicio de los

derechos de propiedad intelectual en Internet. Mediante unos modelos de
licencias estandarizadas, las CC facilitan que el autor autorice el uso y la
explotacin de su obra publicada en Internet. El proyecto se ha entendido (y se
ha explicado) como un movimiento de oposicin al copyright, pero la realidad es
mucho ms compleja. En este artculo examinaremos el contexto tecnolgico y
normativo que explica la aparicin y la ejecucin del proyecto, as como la
adecuacin de las licencias CC al rgimen de propiedad intelectual en el Estado
espaol. La intencin es explicar el origen del proyecto, identificar los rasgos
fundamentales de las licencias CC para entender mejor su alcance y procurar
aclarar algunos malentendidos.

Y, S. R. and M. Al (2014). [e-Book] Scholarly Communication and Intellectual

Property Rights, BS Publication, Hyderabad. Texto

This books deals with Intellectual Property Rights in India and impact of
scholarly communication, copyright and plagiarism etc.

Y, S. R. and M. Al (2014). [e-Book] Scholarly Communication and Intellectual

Property Rights, BS Publication, Hyderabad. Texto
This books deals with Intellectual Property Rights in India and impact of
scholarly communication, copyright and plagiarism etc.Scholarly Communication
and Intellectual Property Rights. The main purpose of the volume is to create
awareness among academicians, scientists, information practitioners, lawyers,
scholars and students in use of scholarly communication and its publication and
protection. Society needs highly talented human resources to uplift sustainable
ecosystem and economic prosperity. Academic community plays a dominating
role in educating human values and skills needed for their survival. Indeed, the
stature of academic community is largely recognized by their teaching, research,
innovations and inventions.

Yang, Y., L. Akers, et al. "Text mining and visualization tools - Impressions of
emerging capabilities." World Patent Information vol. 30, n. 4 (2008). pp.

Innovation is the underlying foundation of today's competitive economy

and technological advancement. There is a plethora of text mining and
visualization tools available on the market to facilitate the innovative process in
uncovering "hidden nuggets" of information about emerging technologies. A
high-level overview of some key text mining and visualization tools is presented
in this paper to provide a comparison of text mining capabilities, perceived
strengths, potential limitations, applicable data sources, and output of results, as
applied to chemical, biological and patent information. Examples of tools to be
discussed include sophisticated text mining software packages, some simpler
full-text searching tools, and a few data visualization tools that could be
integrated with the more sophisticated software packages and full-text searching
tools. Included are comments on our impressions of applicability of these tools to
different types of data sources, perceived strengths, potential limitations, and
suggestions as to which user groups may benefit from these tools.
Ying, D., L. Mingshu, et al. "Research on intellectual property right problems
of peer-to-peer networks." The Electronic Library vol. 20, n. 2
(2002). pp.:

The Napster case has drawn enormous attention to digital intellectual

property right problems of online file swapping. These peer-to-peer network
technologies represent a powerful new paradigm for networking. In this paper,
we try to figure out the intellectual property right problems of peer-to-peer
network, in order to deal with potential digital piracy to avoid similar litigation. If
libraries can embrace peer-to-peer technologies into their own services, they will
possibly develop new service models, or improve existing ones.

Zamora-Bonilla, J. and J. Gonzlez de Prado Salas "Un anlisis inferencialista de

la co-autora de artculos cientficos." Revista Espaola de Documentacin
Cientfica vol. 37, n.
4: pp.:

La co-autora es muy frecuente en la mayor parte de las reas cientficas.

Sin embargo, la autora plural tiende a complicar la atribucin de mrito a cada
cientfico individual (una atribucin que es la base de la evaluacin cientfica). En
este artculo, argumentamos que la colaboracin no implica necesariamente
co-autora: cada autor podra publicar en artculos separados su contribucin
individual al proyecto colaborativo (o los artculos conjuntos podran especificar
la contribucin individual de cada autor). La cuestin que nos planteamos en este
artculo es por qu los cientficos prefieren fusionar sus contribuciones en lugar
de mantenerlas separadas teniendo en cuenta que su objetivo es, entre otras
cosas, el reconocimiento individual . Nuestra respuesta, enmarcada en una
visin inferencialista de la prctica cientfica, se basa en la idea de que los
artculos cientficos han de ser vistos como argumentos, en vez de como
colecciones de conocimiento.
Zapatero Lourinho, A. S. "La Proteccin jurdica de las bases de datos como un
derecho de autor, a los creadores y diseadores, y un derecho sui generis a
los fabricantes." Mtodos de informacin vol. 3, n. 9
(1996). pp.:

La creacin de un mercado interior de la Unin Europea y la garanta de

futuras inversiones en proyectos en la industria de la informacin, precisa de un
marco jurdico que garantice la libre competencia de las empresas del sector as
como la realizacin de obras intelectuales como es el diseo y la metodologa en
las bases de datos, consideradas como la clave fundamental del xito de la
Sociedad de la Informacin. Se mantiene un Derecho de Autor a los creadores y
diseadores de la base de datos, y un derecho sui generis al fabricante que
invierte en el desarrollo de la misma.

Zhang, W. "Digital library intellectual property right evaluation and

method." The Electronic Library vol. 25, n. 3
(2007). pp.:

Purpose - The paper aims to focus on the needs of the digital library.
Design/methodology/approach - Digital library intellectual property right
evaluation and method, application scope of commonly used methods, and
digital library copyright evaluation and method are analyzed and discussed in the
paper. Findings - The paper finds that, for the electronic resources, the number
of copiers, the term of usage, quantity of information, copyright, and the contract
with authors should be considered; for technologies used in the digital library,
the evaluation should cover the novelty, inventiveness, usefulness, and the access
mode. In addition, the quantitative and qualitative should be combined with
experience to evaluate virtual library resources and actual resources with stable
right of use. Originality/value - The paper provides recommendations on digital
library intellectual property rights evaluation and methods.

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