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A. Defning relative clauses (Oraciones de relativo especifcativas)

Cuando hablamos de personas o cosas, es frecuente que sea necesario
aadir ms informacin sobre ellas o necesitemos !de"nirlas#$ %ara hacer
esto empleamos las oraciones de relati&o$
The man is comin' to tea$ ()u* hombre+
The man ,rote this poem$
The man ,ho -that. ,rote this poem is comin' to tea$
-El hombre que escribi ese poema &a a &enir a tomar el t*.
This is m/ ne, car$
The car cost me 012,333$
This is the ne, car ,hich -that. cost me 012,333$
-Este es el nue&o coche que me cost 12,333 dlares$.
En los dos e4emplos ,ho / ,hich act5an como su4eto del &erbo en la oracin
de relati&o$
6misin de 786978IC8 cuando act5an como ob4eto en la oracin de
Las llamamos en in'l*s CONTACT CLA!"!.
The man is comin' to tea$ :ou ,ant to see the man$
The man ,ho9that /ou ,ant to see is comin' to tea$
The man /ou ,ant to see is comin' to tea$
-El hombre que tu quieres &er &a a &enir a tomar el t*.$ Si no se desea omitir
es preferible usar that$
The man that /ou ,ant to see is comin' to tea$
The boo; is on the table$ :ou ,ant to read the boo;$
The boo; ,hich9that /ou ,ant to read is on the table$
The boo; /ou ,ant to read is on the table$
-El libro que quieres leer est sobre la mesa. Si no se desea omitir es
preferible usar that$
The boo; that /ou ,ant to read is on the table$
#. Oraciones de relativo con preposiciones.
Cuando las oraciones de relati&o contienen preposiciones es posible
emplear tanto
,ho como that para personas cuando 4la preposicin se coloca al "nal de la
Sin embar'o, cuando la preposicin &a delante del pronombre relati&o,
debemos usar ,hom para personas$ <o se puede poner that despu*s de
The police found the man$
The police had been searchin' for the man$ The police found the man
,ho9that the/ had been searchin' for$
The police found the man for ,hom the/ had been searchin'$
Se puede tambi*n omitir el relati&o / de4ar la preposicin al "nal !Contact
The police found the man the/ had been searchin' for$
-La polic=a encontr al hombre que estaban buscando.
I'ual ocurre en las oraciones de relati&o que se re"eren a cosas$
The compan/ is &er/ successful$ 8e ,or;s for the compan/$
The compan/ that9,hich he ,or;s for is &er/ successful$
The compan/ for ,hich he ,or;s is &er/ successful$
!Contact clause# The compan/ he ,or;s for is &er/ successful$
-La compa=a para la que el traba4a tiene mucho *>ito.
C. WHO!" se usa para la posesi$n (cu%o,a,os,as). !uele sustituir a
&%, 'er, (o'n)s, etc.
This is the 'irl$ 8er sister li&es near us$
This is the 'irl ,hose sister li&es near us$
-Esta es la chica cu/a hermana &i&e cerca de nosotros.
The man is comin' to tea$ I al,a/s for'et his name$
The man ,hose name I al,a/s for'et is comin' to tea$
-El hombre cu/o nombre /o siempre ol&ido &a a &enir a tomar el t*.
A$ Lea las dos oraciones / lue'o escriba una oracin con el mismo
si'ni"cado$ 8a'a
una !contact clause# dnde sea posible$
1$ The street is &er/ ,ide$ The street leads to the school$
?$ The person is not &er/ cle&er$ The person is sittin' ne>t to me$
@$ The music is a Strauss ,altA$ The orchestra is pla/in' the music$
B$ The doctor is famous$ She &isited the doctor$
2$ 7omen are to be admired$ 7omen ,or; in hospitals$
C$ The ci'arette is a %la/erDs$ :ou are smo;in' the ci'arette$
E$ The lad/ has 'one to London$ She ,as here /esterda/$
F$ The letter had no stamp on it$ 7e recei&ed the letter /esterda/$
G$ The 'irl is &er/ prett/$ She li&es opposite m/ house$
13$ The dress is lo&el/$ Har/ is ,earin' the dress$
I$ 6raciones de relati&o con preposiciones$ Lea las dos oraciones / lue'o
escriba una oracin$
1$ The paint on the seat is still ,et$ :ou are sittin' on the seat$
?$ The ;nife is &er/ sharp$ 7e cut bread ,ith the ;nife$
@$ The man has died$ I 'a&e the boo; to him$
B$ The horse came in last$ :ou ,ere tellin' me about it /esterda/$
2$ The prett/ 'irl slapped C/rilDs face /esterda/$ :ou ,ere spea;in' to her$
C$ The 'lass hasnDt been ,ashed$ :ou are drin;in' out of it$
E$ 8ere comes the 'irl$ I am hidin' from her$
F$ The house is m/ house$ The/ are loo;in' at it$
G$ The 'irl is &er/ attracti&e$ 8e is 'oin' out ,ith her$
13$ The music is &er/ beautiful$ :ou are listenin' to it$
C$ Lea las dos oraciones / lue'o escriba una oracin con 786SE
1$ ThereDs the lad/$ 8er purse has been stolen$
?$ 7hatDs the name of that man+ 8is ,ife has run a,a/ and left him$
@$ The policeman is at the door$ :ou ;noc;ed oJ his helmet$
B$ The 'irl has left the room$ I ,as tal;in' to her mother$
2$ The ,oman came to see me$ 8er husband ,as arrested b/ the police$
C$ The 'irl ,ent to the police station$ 8er passport had been stolen$
E$ The man ,as ,orried$ 8is ,ife had been ta;en to hospital$
F$ The ,oman is a teacher$ 8er son li&es in Iirmin'ham$
G$ The ,oman is cr/in'$ 8er bab/ is in hospital$
13$ The man is an actor$ 8is ,ife is a millionaire$
Non*defning relative clauses (Oraciones e+plicativas)
AnaliAa esta fraseK
Charlie Chaplin, ,ho ,as a star of silent "lms, died in 1GEE$
-Charlie Chaplin, que fue una estrella de las pel=culas mudas, muri en
En esta frase, la oracin de relati&o da una informacin e>tra de Charlie
Chaplin$ Aunque prescindi*ramos de la oracin de relati&o, sabemos de
qui*n estamos hablando$ %or tanto podr=amos omitirla sin crear nin'una
%or ello, / como es al'o aadido, las oraciones de relati&o e>plicati&as &an
entre comas$
T8AT no puede usarse nunca en las oraciones e>plicati&as de relati&o$
%ompei, ,hich ,as destro/ed b/ a &olcanic eruption, ,as once a &er/
prosperous Roman cit/$
-%ompe/a, que fue destruida por una erupcin &olcnica, fue una &eA una
ciudad romana mu/ prspera.
Lea las dos oraciones / lue'o escriba una oracin con 786 o 78IC8$
1$ The %rime Hinister ,ill push for stricter controls on industrial fumes$ 8e
&isited our factor/ last ,ee;$
?$ H/ ne, 'aller/ is a 'reat success$ :ou &isited it last ,ee;$
@$ Alfred 8itchcoc; made the classic "lm %s/cho$ 8e ,as born in 1FGG$
B$ The Lremlin Me,els ,ere e>hibited in Nerman/ some /ears a'o$ The/
rarel/ lea&e the So&iet Onion$
2$ The To,er of London attracts more than t,o million &isitors a /ear$ It ,as
the lar'est fortress in mediae&al Europe$

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