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2017424 InglsBsico9:PracticaelPresenteSimpleMadridIngls

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Ya hemos visto como formar frases usando el verbo to be y el presente simple. Sabemos las reglas para
hacer preguntas y negativas tambin. Si quieres repasar, tienes todo aqu en ingls bsico.

De todos modos, siempre conviene repetir y repasar las reglas gramaticales una y otra vez para
memorizarlos y poder usarlos sin pensar. Si estamos en una reunin en nuestra empresa o en una ciudad
extranjera, lo ltimo que queremos es tener que pensar en el correcto uso del presente simple. Por eso
practicamos hasta que nos salga de forma natural.

As, os pongo otros ejemplos tanto de presente simple como del verbo to be, para ir asimilando.

French people dont speak Italian, they speak French.

Argentinians dont speak Portuguese, they speak Spanish.

What language do they Speak in Brazil?

In Brazil, they speak Portuguese.

Do they speak English in the USA?

Yes, they do. 1/7
2017424 InglsBsico9:PracticaelPresenteSimpleMadridIngls


Mike doesnt live in Sicily. He lives in Milan. He lives with his wife and his children.

Does Mike live in Italy?

Yes, he does.

Is he married?

Yes, he is.

Does he have any children?

Yes, he does.

Is he Italian?

No, he isnt. Hes American.


Peter eats lunch with his family every Sunday. His mother always makes chicken.

Who does Peter have Sunday lunch with?

He has Sunday lunch with his family.

What does he eat?

He eats chicken. 2/7
2017424 InglsBsico9:PracticaelPresenteSimpleMadridIngls


My sister works in a supermarket. She isnt a cashier, shes a manager.

Shares What does she do?

Shes a manager.

Where does she work?

She works in a supermarket.

Does she have a job?

Yes, she does.


Samuel is 25 years old. He has 3 brothers and 3 sisters.

How old is Samuel?

Hes 25.

Does he have any brothers and sisters?

Yes, he does.

How many brothers and sisters does he have?

He has 3 brothers and 3 sisters. 3/7
2017424 InglsBsico9:PracticaelPresenteSimpleMadridIngls

Does he have a big family?

Yes, he does.

Shares *****

John plays football every weekend.

Where does he play football?

He plays at the sports center.

Does he play basketball?

No, he doesnt.

Does he do sport?

Yes, he does.


Melissa likes going out with her friends.

Does she like dancing?

Yes, she does.

Does she like staying up late?

Yes, she does. 4/7
2017424 InglsBsico9:PracticaelPresenteSimpleMadridIngls


I like going to the theatre.

Do you like going to the cinema?

No, I dont.

Do you want to go to the theatre tomorrow?

Yes, I do.

Y as succesivamente Siempre es buena idea aprender algo de vocabulario. Como explico en mi libro 6
Claves Para Aprender Ingls, si aprendes 10 palabras al da, sabrs todo lo necesario en menos tiempo
que piensas. El libro est disponible para kindle de Amazon, y tambin en tapa blanda!

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la gua "7 errores comunes al hablar ingls (y cmo evitarlos)".

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2017424 InglsBsico9:PracticaelPresenteSimpleMadridIngls



Ingls Bsico 6: Preguntas y Ingls Bsico 11: Cmo usar el En tus frases faltan los verbos
Negaciones en Presente Simple presente continuo auxiliares?
May 25, 2012 June 6, 2012 October 10, 2012
In "Gramtica" In "Ingls Bsico" In "tiempos verbales"

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