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En el mes de noviembre, a finales del ao, estamos mi familia y yo a punto de terminar de cenar, ya

todos listos para salir, cuando justo en ese momento, en frente de nuestra casa sucedi un
accidente, un taxista atropello a una seora que se encontraba intentando cruzar la calle, el
accidente se escuch en toda la cuadra y las personas empezaron a ver que era lo que suceda,
momentos ms tardes nos enteramos que la seora era una vecina de nosotros y el sentimiento de
tristeza invadi a mi familia y a m, ya no salimos por el mismo motivo, ya dando las 3 am, se
escuch pequeos golpes hacia la puerta principal de mi casa, eso despert a mi mama y a m, yo
sal a ver que sucedi y nadie estaba fuera, entre y lo comente, ya luego regresamos a descansar y
no transcurri ni 15 min, cuando sucedi lo mismo pero con ms fuerza los golpe hacia la puerta,
fue muy extrao comento mi mama y volv a salir a ver de quien se trataba, ya sin encontrarme a
nadie fuera de mi casa volv a entrar a descansar y ya dando las 6 am sucedi otra vez, sal y esta
vez alcance a notar que una nia era la que tocaba la puerta y se esconda, me acerque a hablarle y
le llame la atencin por realizar esas travesuras y vi que se fue. Ya ms tarde la vecina a mi casa a
platicarle a mi mama sobre el accidente que paso esa noche y le comento que es su mama de la
vecina que atropellaron y mi mama al recordar eso le comento sobre la nia y que le haba llamado
la atencin por las travesuras, la vecina cambi de repente su expresin y le comento a mi mama
que su hija ya tena 2 aos de haber fallecido en tabasco y por ese motivo no la habamos visto
antes. Fue un comentario que nos dej en shock.

In the month of November, at the end of the year, we are my family and I about to finish dinner,
and everyone ready to leave, when just in that moment, in front of our house happened an
accident, a taxi driver hit a lady Who was trying to cross the street, the accident was heard all over
the block and people began to see that was what happened, moments later we learned that the
lady was a neighbor of us and the feeling of sadness invaded my family And to me, we did not go
out for the same reason, already giving 3 am, small knocks were heard towards the front door of
my house, that woke my mom and me, I went out to see what happened and nobody was outside,
between and I said it, and then we returned to rest and did not spend 15 minutes, when the same
thing happened but with more force the blow to the door, it was very strange my mother said and I
went back to see who it was, No one outside my house I came back to rest and already giving the 6
am happened again, I went out and this time I get to notice that a girl was the one who knocked on
the door and hid, I approached to talk to him and caught his attention for performing such pranks
and saw That he left. Later the neighbor to my house to talk to my mom about the accident that
happened that night and I tell her that it is her mom from the neighbor who ran over and my mom
remembering that I told her about the girl and that she had caught her attention By the mischief,
the neighbor suddenly changed her expression and told my mother that her daughter had already
died for two years in Tabasco and for that reason we had not seen her before. It was a comment
that left us in shock.

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