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Psicothema, 1999. Vol. 11, n 4, pp.

Copyright 1999 Psicothema


Soledad Ballesteros, Jos M. Reales* and Dionisio Manga*
Universidad Nacional de Educacin a Distancia y * Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Two experiments examined implicit and explicit memory for familiar and unfa-
miliar objects presented haptically. Experiment 1 showed substantial priming for real
world objects using a speeded naming task. Furthermore, priming was not affected by
changes in the mode of exploration (with gloves or without gloves) from study to test.
In contrast, explicit memory assessed by a recognition test was impaired when such a
change occurred. Experiment 2 showed implicit memory for unfamiliar wooden objects
when priming was evaluated with a symmetry judgment task. Structural encoding but
not elaborative encoding produced priming whereas explicit memory was enhanced un-
der elaborative encoding. These findings suggest similarities between memory for ob-
jects in vision and touch.

Memoria implcita y memoria explcita de objetos familiares y no familiares pre-

sentados a travs del tacto. En dos experimentos examinamos la memoria implcita y ex-
plcita hptica. El Experimento 1 mostr priming similar para objetos familiares en una
tarea de identificacin tanto cuando la exploracin no vari del estudio a la prueba de
memoria (sin guantes) como cuando s lo hizo (con guantes), mientras la memoria ex-
plcita fue inferior cuando se modific el modo de exploracin. El Experimento 2 mos-
tr priming en una tarea de deteccin de la simetra en objetos no familiares cuando los
objetos se codificaron estructuralmente pero no cuando se codificaron semnticamente.
Por el contrario, la memoria explcita fue superior cuando los objetos se codificaron se-
mnticamente que cuando se codificaron estructuralmente. Estos resultados sugieren se-
mejanzas en la memoria de objetos presentados a la visin y a tacto.

Most of the studies on implicit and expli- studies have shown a large number of disso-
cit memory have used words presented eit- ciations between both types of memory me-
her visually or auditorily, and less fre- asures. Very little work has been conducted
quently they have used visual objects as sti- on other modalities.
muli (for reviews, see Roediger & McDer- Studies on active touch have shown that
mott, 1993; Schacter, 1987; 1994). These the haptic system is very efficient in identif-
ying and detecting structural properties of
3-D objects (e.g., Ballesteros, Manga, &
Correspondencia: Soledad Ballesteros Reales, 1997; Klatzky & Lederman, 1987;
Departamento de Psicologa Bsica II, UNED 1992; Klatzky, Lederman, & Metzger,
Ciudad Universitaria, s/n.
28040 Madrid (Spain) 1985). However, how tangible objects are
E-mail: represented in implicit memory has recei-

Psicothema, 1999 785


ved very little attention. The present study Kirsner, Milech, & Stumpfel, 1986; Rajaran
was conducted to investigate how active & Roediger, 1993; Srinivas, 1993). Third, it
haptic observers store and retrieve informa- is important to note, however, that not all
tion about 3-D familiar and novel objects the perceptual variables are encoded in the
under implicit and explicit conditions. mental representations that support implicit
The terms implicit and explicit memory memory effects. Research on visual objects
are used to refer to two different ways of ac- has shown that a number of perceptual va-
cessing prior acquired experience. Explicit riables of objects such as size, right-left re-
memory for objects requires conscious re- flection, location, color, surface pattern,
collection of previous experience with the contrast and illumination do not affect re-
objects, whereas implicit memory is shown petition priming. However, all these chan-
when previous experience with stimuli do ges impaired explicit memory (e.g., Bieder-
not require conscious or intentional reco- man & Cooper, 1991a, 1992; Cave & Squi-
llection of previous information (see Tul- re, 1992; Cave, Bost, & Coob, 1996; Coo-
ving & Schacter, 1990; Schacter, 1987). Im- per, Schacter, Ballesteros, & Moore, 1992;
plicit memory is assessed by showing re- Srinivas, 1996). These findings suggest that
petition priming effects; i.e. more accurate repetition priming is not sensitive to all the
and/or faster responses for stimuli that have perceptual attributes of the objects but only
been previously encountered than for new to those that are relevant to detect objects
stimuli. shape and structure.
Research on stimuli presented to vision The wealth of experimental dissociations
and audition has shown striking dissocia- obtained in studies with normal as well as
tions between implicit and explicit memory with neurologically impaired patients led
tasks in normal subjects as well as in (hea- some theorists to propose different underl-
vily) amnesic patients (for reviews, see Ro- ying memory systems which are neurophy-
ediger & McDermott, 1993; Shimamura, siologically and computationally different
1986; Schacter, 1990; Schacter, Chiu, & (e.g., Schacter, 1992; Schacter, Cooper, &
Ochsner, 1993). Several features of the vi- Delaney, 1990; Schacter, et al., 1993; Tul-
sual studies deserve attention. First, the ex- ving & Schacter, 1990; Tulving, 1983).
perimental results do suggest that the chan- These memory systems are composed of se-
ge in a number of perceptual variables from veral domain-specific subsystems in charge
study-to-test produce strong effects on im- of processing modality-specific information
plicit memory tests but has little or no effect about the form and the structure but not the
on explicit memory tests. For example, pri- meaning and other properties of the stimuli.
ming is dramatically reduced and someti- Schacter and his associates (e.g., Cooper et
mes eliminated when the stimulus format is al., 1992; Schacter et al., 1990; Tulving &
manipulated from the study-phase to the Schacter, 1990) have proposed that priming
test-phase. In the verbal domain, priming is on implicit memory tests is mediated by a
considerably reduced when the case or the presemantic perceptual representational
font of words (two physical attributes of system, whereas explicit recognition de-
written words) changed from study to test pends on an episodic memory system that
(e.g., Graf & Ryan, 1990; Roediger & Blax- encodes perceptual as well as spatial, tem-
ton, 1987). Second, priming is reduced or poral, contextual and semantic information
eliminated when words are presented at about objects. In other words, all kinds of
study and pictures are presented at test, or information that differentiates one object
vice versa (e.g., Durso & Johnson, 1979; from another is represented in the episodic

786 Psicothema, 1999


memory system. According to Schacter portance of the movements performed by

(1994), a structural description contains a the hands during haptic exploration of ob-
representation of the relations among the jects and surfaces (e.g., Klatzky & Leder-
different parts of an object that specifies its man, 1992; Locher & Simmons, 1978; Mi-
global shape and structure. These structural llar, this volume; Zinchenko & Lomov,
descriptions are believed to be computed by 1960).
the structural-description brain system (cf. In haptics, structural properties of shape
Riddoch & Humphreys, 1987). The prese- such as bilateral symmetry have received
mantic representational subsystem is consi- little attention. In a series of experiments,
dered by Schacter and his colleagues as part Ballesteros et al., (1997) investigated the
of the structural-description system. A se- accuracy of touch in detecting bilateral
ries of studies conducted by Schacter and symmetry of simple four-five raised line
his colleagues and associates using unfami- shapes and unfamiliar 3-D objects made
liar line drawing depicting 3-D novel possi- from a piece of wood. Experiments conduc-
ble and impossible objects supported the ted with raised shapes showed that touch
multiple memory systems framework and was moderately accurate at detecting bilate-
found priming only for possible but not for ral symmetry but symmetric judgments we-
impossible objects. However, Carrasco and re systematically less accurate than asym-
Seamon (1996) reported significant priming metric judgments with a finger scanning.
for possible and for impossible objects However, exploring the small patterns with
when both were equated at a moderately le- the two forefingers (bimanual exploration)
vel of complexity (see also Seamon & Ca- facilitated the detection of symmetric sha-
rrasco, in this number). pes without improving necessarily asymme-
The experiments reported in this article tric judgments. In contrast, bimanual explo-
explored the possibility that objects presen- ration of 3-D unfamiliar objects was very
ted tactually would create or activate mental accurate and, as in vision, symmetric judg-
representations that later would produce fa- ments were more precise than asymmetric
cilitation for studied compared to nonstu- judgments. These findings were consistent
died objects. We begin with a brief review with the hypothesis that the advantage of
of the active touch literature. symmetric shapes depends on the availabi-
lity of spatial reference (Millar, 1981). A
The haptic system new series of experiments were designed to
test the hypothesis that bilateral symmetry
Active touch is conceptualized as a com- is an encoding property for both modalities,
plex perceptual system that encodes inputs vision and touch, even when the task does
from cutaneous and kinesthetic receptors not require the detection of symmetry expli-
(e.g., Loomis & Lederman, 1986; Millar, citly. The findings suggested that symmetry
1994). The importance of active haptic ex- facilitated processing in vision although the
ploration was recognized by pioneers in the task did not require explicitly the detection
field of touch (Gibson, 1962; Katz, 1925; of symmetry. Symmetry was also part of the
Rvsz, 1950). According to Gibson early shape encoding in touch but only
(1966), the haptic system is composed by when body-axis reference cues for spatial
the cutaneous, the haptic, the dynamic, the organization were provided (Ballesteros,
temperature, and the pain subsystems which Millar, & Reales, 1998).
provide different and complex information. A number of attempts from our labora-
Researchers on touch are aware of the im- tory failed to show priming when blindfol-

Psicothema, 1999 787


ded observers explored five-six raised-line Present study

small (2 x 2 cm) novel shapes under struc-
tural and semantic encoding conditions (for The two experiments reported in this pa-
a description of the shapes, see Ballesteros per were designed to examine whether hap-
et al., 1997). The procedure included a tic priming for familiar and novel tangible
study-phase in which observers explored objects can be obtained and whether it is
the stimuli with the forefinger of their pre- sensitive to different forms of encoding and
ferred hand followed by implicit and expli- changes in the mode of exploration. We we-
cit memory tests. Implicit memory was re interested to find out whether these expe-
assessed by a symmetry detection task. We rimental manipulations would affect the
attributed the lack of priming for these no- mental representations of objects that are
vel shapes to the difficulty of encoding spa- created after the encounter with the objects.
tial information under reduced kinesthesic A second aim of the study was to find out
feedback (the shapes were small) as well as whether these manipulations would affect
to the lack of a spatial reference frame un- implicit and explicit ways of retrieving ob-
der blindfolded conditions. However, other jects information differently. The work can
researchers (Easton, Greene, & Srinivas, be of interest for the visually impaired as it
1997) were successful in finding priming can revealed the organization of haptic me-
for haptically encoded simpler three-line mory for objects and can be of help in the
raised patterns. Differences in the simplicity development of new sensory substitution
of the shapes (three-line shapes) as well as devises. In Experiment 1 haptic priming for
in the experimental procedure (e.g., partici- familiar objects was assessed by a speeded
pants had to give an accurate description of naming task. We further studied the effect
the presented shapes) might account for of introducing study-test changes in the way
their success in getting implicit memory for in which observers performed the task. Ex-
2-D patterns. plicit memory was evaluated by a recogni-
It is well known that blindfolded sighted tion test. In Experiment 2, unfamiliar woo-
observers perform quite poorly not only den objects were used to test implicit me-
with unfamiliar shapes but also with raised mory for stimuli without previous mental
line drawings of familiar objects (e.g., Ike- representations. We investigated also whet-
da & Uchukawa, 1978; Klatzky, Loomis, her haptic priming depends on presemantic
Lederman, Wake, & Fujita, 1993; Leder- structural descriptions, as suggested by stu-
man, Klatzky, Chataway, & Summers, dies in the visual domain, and explored how
1990; Loomis, Klatzky, & Lederman, 1991; this manipulation influences episodic recog-
Magee & Kennedy, 1980). However, people nition.
with vision as well as visually impaired ob-
servers interact continuously with real ob- Experiment 1
jects in their daily experience. We all have
evidence that in everyday life haptic identi- Wippich and Warner (1989) conducted
fication of objects out of sight is quite easy an early study in which they found implicit
(e.g., when we introduced our hand in the memory for objects presented tactually.
pocket to get a handkerchief, or when we They assessed implicit memory by subtrac-
reach our hand to get a drink while talking ting the time needed to answer questions re-
to a friend). Vision and touch are both mo- lated to an haptic dimension between the
dalities specially adapted to extract shape first (study-phase) and the second (test-pha-
and structure information from 3-D objects. se) presentation of each object. Our first ex-

788 Psicothema, 1999


periment examined whether haptic priming tual features are crucial for accessing the
is documented in a situation in which diffe- identity of objects. The third issue was to
rent tasks were used at study and test. The find out whether implicit and explicit mea-
experiment also explored the influence of sures of haptically encoded objects would
sensory-perceptual factors in haptic implicit dissociate experimentally.
and explicit memory (Ballesteros, 1993). Results suggesting that haptic priming
We hypothethized that if priming is suppor- is not reduced after changing the sensory
ted by the construction of a structural des- accessed information would favor the in-
cription of the object during study (e.g., terpretation that implicit memory is not
Schacter et al., 1990; Tulving & Schacter, sensitive to all the physical attributes of
1990), having participants wearing gloves objects but only to those that are involved
at performing the implicit memory test on object identification (e.g., its shape and
should not reduce priming compared to the its spatial structure). This outcome would
condition in which they did not use gloves be against the interpretation that implicit
while performing the implicit memory test memory is a reflection of (low-level) sen-
(as in the encoding phase). The idea is that sory processes.
interfering the sensory mechanoreceptors We anticipated that exploring objects by
will not deteriorate the structural descrip- active touch would create or activate a men-
tion of the object activated at study. On the tal representation of its shape and structure,
other hand, if episodic representations that and that this representation would be reacti-
support explicit memory include perceptual, vated in a second encounter with the object.
semantic and contextual information as The finding of no perceptual specificity in
Schacter and his colleagues have argued priming would be against the processing
(e.g., Cooper et al., 1992), the use of gloves view and would favor the memory systems
during haptic recognition will impaired ex- view. In addition, we were interested in ex-
plicit memory. ploring the influence of this manipulation
Three main issues about memory for tan- on explicit recognition. According to the
gible real world objects were addressed in memory systems view, the low-level per-
this experiment. First, whether haptic pri- ceptual features of objects that make them
ming will be shown given the differences special are encoded in the episodic memory
between the visual and the haptic modali- system that support explicit memory perfor-
ties. In contrast to the large number of stu- mance. A dissociation between the implicit
dies directed at finding out the mechanisms and the explicit memory tests will strengt-
we use to encode information about 3-D vi- hen the memory systems view and extend it
sual objects, the paucity of research on how to the haptic domain.
the mental system deals with object infor-
mation perceived haptically is striking. Se- Method
cond, we explored the specificity of pri-
ming. Memory systems theories based on Participants. Eighty Universidad Na-
visual and auditory findings suggest that cional de Educacin a Distancia (UNED)
implicit measures of memory tap structural students participated in partial fulfillment of
representations of objects that are necessary a course requirement. Twenty participants
for object decision and object identification were randomly assigned to the each of four
(e.g., Tulving & Schacter, 1990). However, experimental conditions described below.
it is important to find out whether under tac- All participants were naive as to the purpo-
tual exploration sensory low-level percep- se of the experiment.

Psicothema, 1999 789


Materials and Equipment. The target sti- Procedure. The participants were tested
muli were 40 familiar objects. Five additional individually in a quiet room under inciden-
objects were used as practice trials and its re- tal conditions. They were informed that they
sults were not included on the data analysis. were participating in an experiment on ob-
Twenty of the target stimuli were natural ob- ject perception. The experimenter told parti-
jects defined as objects that can be encounte- cipants that he was interested in knowing
red in the real world whereas the other 20 we- how they perceived different dimensions of
re manufactured or man-made objects (artifi- real objects through touch without vision.
cial objects). Figure 1 displays a sample of As they entered the laboratory, participants
the natural and the man-made objects used in were blindfolded; they did not see the ob-
the experiment. The objects were selected jects at any time during the experiment.
from several basic-level categories such as The experimental session always started
vegetables, household objects, tools, etc. with a study-phase in which participants
The apparatus consisted of a piezoelec- were allowed 10 seconds to explore each
tric board interfaced with an IBM System/2 object with both hands. They were told that
computer that recorded the data. The board a series of objects would be presented at the
was placed on the table at which the partici- center of the board, one at a time, and they
pant was seated. A pizoelectric force sensi- had to judge a series of salient properties of
tive sensor was located underneath the bo- the object in dichotomous terms: Its weight
ard. The relevant stimulus was selected au- (e.g., heavy or light), its temperature (e.g.,
tomatically by a computer program which warm or cold), its size (e.g., large or small),
recorded the data for the relevant variables. its shape (e.g., round or sharp) and its textu-
To stop the internal clock of the computer, a re (e.g., soft or rough). The computer pro-
vocal Lafayette key was attached to the co- gram generated a random presentation order
llar of the participant. for each participant. An auditory signal
Design. A 2 mode of exploration (with from the computer alerted the participant
gloves or without gloves) x 2 type of tests that the exploration time was over and he or
(object naming or recognition) x 2 type of she had to judge verbally as many of the
objects (natural or artificial) x 2 item type above mentioned properties as possible.
(studied objects or nonstudied objects ) mi- Participants were informed that there were
xed factorial design was used. The first two not correct or incorrect answers. A 5-minu-
factors, mode of exploration and type of te distractor task was performed between
test, were manipulated between-subjects, study and test consisting of marking all the
whereas type of object and study condition words in a page that included the letter e.
were manipulated within-subjects. In addi- At test, half of the participants (40) per-
tion, the 20 natural and the 20 artificial ex- formed an implicit memory test consisting
perimental objects were divided randomly of naming the objects as quickly and accu-
in two subsets, 1 and 2. Each subset contai- rately as possible while the other half (40)
ned 10 natural and 10 artificial objects. Sub- participated in an old-new recognition
sets 1 and 2 appeared equally often as stu- test. In this phase of the experiment, 20 new
died and nonstudied objects and they were objects were added to the set of 20 objects
rotated through all the experimental condi- previously studied. At each trial, the experi-
tions. The result was a completely counter- menter placed a randomly selected object at
balanced design in which each subset appe- the center of the piezoelectric board. A tone
ared equally often as studied and nonstudied from the computer alerted the blindfolded
in each cell of the main design. participant that the object was ready to be

790 Psicothema, 1999


Figure 1. Examples of man-made and natural objects used in Experiment 1

Psicothema, 1999 791


explored. Observers participating in the im- nal informed the participant that the object
plicit memory test moved the fingers from a was ready.
placeholder and named the object using a A further manipulation was the way in
basic-label term (e.g., bottle) as quickly which participant explored the objects. Half
as possible. The experimental session al- of the participants in the implicit and in the
ways started with 5 practice trials followed explicit memory tasks performed the tests
by 40 experimental trials (20 objects pre- wearing latex gloves (the study-test chan-
sented during the study-phase and 20 new ged condition). The rest of the participants
objects). Accuracy was also recorded. The performed the implicit and explicit memory
experimenter introduced the oral responses tasks without gloves, as they did during the
on the key board, recorded falsely triggered study phase (the study-test unchanged con-
responses as well as technical errors. The dition).
implicit task made no reference to a pre-
vious exposure to the objects. Results and Discussion
Participants who performed the explicit
memory test were presented with the 40 The data corresponding to the perfor-
objects (20 presented during the study- mance on the implicit and the explicit me-
phase and 20 new objects) and were asked mory tasks were analyzed separately. Object
to make old-new judgments for each ob- identification results are reported first, fo-
ject. They were informed that some of the llowed by the explicit memory results.
objects were shown during the first part of Object identification. The main depen-
the experiment and some of them were dent variable was latency. Accuracy was
new objects. The explicit test started with 5 very high (95 % correct). Most of the inco-
practice trials followed by the 40 experi- rrect trials were due to technical problems.
mental trials. On each trial, the computer Figure 2 shows latency means correspon-
program displayed a random number on ding to correct responses as a function of
the screen and the experimenter selected mode of exploration (with gloves vs. wit-
the corresponding object locating it at the hout gloves), type of object (natural vs. arti-
center of the haptic board. An auditory sig- ficial object) and item type (studied vs.
nonstudied object).
Note that the perceptual similar condi-
Latency (seconds)
tion that matched the mode of exploration at
Studied Nonstudied study was the without gloves condition
while the with gloves condition corres-
ponded to the perceptual dissimilar (chan-
ged) condition. The main results can be
2.5 summarized as follows: First, studied natu-
ral and man-made objects were identified
2.0 faster than nonstudied objects. Second, na-
ming familiar and man-made objects wea-
ring gloves required more time that naming
Natural Artificial Natural Artificial the objects without gloves. Third, the mag-
With Gloves Without Gloves
nitude of facilitation was not reduced, in
Figure 2. Response times (in seconds) in the haptic ob-
ject identification task for studied and nonstudied sti-
fact, it somehow increased when partici-
muli as a function of object type (natural or artificial) pants identified the objects wearing gloves
and mode of exploration (with gloves or without gloves) (the study-test dissimilar condition) compa-

792 Psicothema, 1999


red to the condition in which participants both modes of exploration. The finding sug-
did not use gloves (the study-test similar gests that low-level (skin) sensory informa-
condition). Finally, the identification of the tion does not play a crucial role in repetition
natural objects took longer than the identifi- priming assessed by an object naming task
cation of the man-made objects. The picture and that haptic, like visual priming, is not
that emerged from the implicit memory test highly perceptually specific (e.g., Bieder-
suggests that priming is substantial in the man & Cooper, 1991a; Snodgrass, Hirsman,
two modes of exploration conditions -the & Fan, 1998). As said in the Introduction,
same mode of exploration and the different visual studies have shown that implicit me-
mode of exploration conditions for both, na- mory is not sensitive to all the perceptual
tural and artificial objects. The statistical characteristics of the stimuli. For example,
analysis confirmed these observations. The changes in size or right-left orientation from
three-factor mixed ANOVA with mode of study-to-test do not reduce priming but im-
exploration as the between-subjects variable pair recognition for familiar and unfamiliar
and type of object and item type as within- objects (cf., Biederman & Cooper, 1992;
subjects variables performed on latencies Cooper et al., 1992). Moreover, priming is
corresponding to correct responses confir- not reduced when other visual dimensions
med the results described above. Analysis of objects such as color, contrast or illumi-
of the main effect of item type indicated a nation changes (Cave & Squire, 1992; Cave
significant difference between studied and et al., 1996; Srinivas, 1996).
nonstudied objects [F (1,38)= 89.09, MSe= Recognition memory. Figure 3 shows the
70.8030, p <.0001]. Studied objects were results of the recognition test, expressed as
named approximately 0.6 s faster than nons- the difference in accuracy between hits (co-
tudied objects (1.99 s vs. 2.65 s, respecti- rrect old/yes decisions) minus false-
vely), This main effect showed the repeti- alarms (incorrect new/yes decisions) as a
tion priming effect. Mode of exploration function of mode of exploration (with glo-
was also significant [F(1,38)= 13.800, ves/without gloves) and type of objects (na-
MSe= 70.8030, p <.001]. Naming objects tural/artificial).
wearing gloves produced a delay of about Explicit memory for objects actively ex-
0.5 s compared to naming objects without plored was excellent. Overall mean correct
gloves (2.56 s vs. 2.10 s, respectively). In
addition, the main effect of type of object
was significant [F(1,38)= 20.40, MSe= PERCENT CORRECT (HITSFALSE ALARMS)

17.4570, p <.0001], manufactured or man-
made objects were named about 0.3 s faster 90
than natural objects (2.47 s vs. 2.16 s, res-
The interaction of item type x mode of 70
exploration was marginally significant [F
(1,38)= 3.718, MSe= 19.5021, p < .06]. The
facilitation was larger when participants 50
Natural Man-made
identified the objects wearing gloves than
With Gloves Without Gloves
without gloves (0.8 s vs. 0.5 s). No other in-
Figure 3. Recognition results expressed as percentage
teraction approached significance. correct (hits-false alarms) for natural and man-made
In summary, the results showed that hap- objects, as a function of mode of exploration (with glo-
tic priming was highly significant under ves or without gloves)

Psicothema, 1999 793


recognition was 90%. The ANOVA perfor- mental representations prior to the encoding
med on the hits minus false-alarms correc- episode. The second goal was to investigate
ted recognition measures showed the main whether the mental representations suppor-
effect of mode of exploration [F(1,38)= ting implicit memory for haptic objects are
4.94, MSe= 0.4572, p <.04]. Recognition presemantic as it has been shown for visual
performance wearing gloves was signifi- objects (e.g., Reales & Ballesteros, 1999,
cantly worse than without gloves (88% vs. Schacter et al., 1990) and verbal stimuli
94% correct, respectively). The effect of ty- (e.g., Hamann, 1990; Hirshman, Snodgrass,
pe of object was also statistically significant Mindles, & Feenan, 1990). In vision, Schac-
[F(1,38)= 7.471, MSe= 1.521, p <.002]; ter, et al., (1990) using an object decision
man-made objects were recognized more task and unfamiliar depictions of 3-D line-
accurately than natural objects (95% vs. al objects reported that implicit memory is
87% correct, respectively). unaffected whether participants encode the
stimuli semantically (elaborative encoding)
Experiment 2 or structurally (structural encoding). Con-
versely, the explicit measures were positi-
Experiment 1 has shown implicit me- vely affected by elaborative encoding com-
mory for familiar objects and little influen- pared to conditions involving the encoding
ce of low-level sensory factors in object of local visual features (Schacter et al.,
identification. The question addressed in 1990). The third goal was to look for possi-
Experiment 2 was whether repetition pri- ble dissociations between implicit and ex-
ming would be shown for unfamiliar objects plicit measures of memory.
as well. To assess implicit memory, we em-
ployed the symmetry detection task used in Method
our visual priming (Ballesteros & Cooper,
1992) and haptic perceptual experiments Participants. Eighty new observers from
(Ballesteros et al., 1997). The experiment the same pool participated in the experi-
had three main goals. First, to investigate ment. Twenty observers were randomly as-
whether repetition priming exists for 3-D signed to each of the four experimental con-
unfamiliar objects for which we have not ditions described in the design section.

Figure 4. Examples of symmetric unfamiliar objects Figure 5. Examples of asymmetric unfamiliar objects
used in Experiment 2 used in Experiment 2

794 Psicothema, 1999


Materials and Equipment. The stimuli 5 point scale in which 1 means no complex
were forty unfamiliar symmetric and asym- at all and 5 most complex.
metric wooden objects. Four additional ob- At test, observers participating in the im-
jects, 2 symmetric and 2 asymmetric, were plicit memory task were presented with the
used for practice trials. Twenty of the expe- 40 objects, one at a time (the 20 studied plus
rimental objects were bilaterally symmetric the 20 nonstudied during the first phase of
and the other 20 were asymmetric. They the experiment) in a different random order.
were made from a cubic piece of wood ap- On each trial, an object was presented at the
proximately 7 cm long x 7 cm wide x 6 cm center of the piezoelectric board aligned to
high. Figures 4 and 5 display a sample of the observers body midline. Participants
the symmetric and asymmetric objects used explored the object with both hands for 1.5
in this experiment. The equipment used was s. An auditory signal informed that the ob-
the same as in Experiment 1. ject was ready for exploration while a se-
Design. A 2 encoding conditions (physi- cond signal advised them to stop touching
cal or semantic encoding) x 2 types of test the object and to say clearly into the atta-
(symmetry/asymmetry judgment test or ched vocal key as quickly and accurately as
haptic recognition test) x 2 type of objects possible whether the object was bilaterally
(symmetric or asymmetric) x 2 item types symmetric or asymmetric. They were
(studied or nonstudied objects) mixed facto- not allowed to pick up or to rotate the object
rial design was used. The first two varia- during exploration. Response times were re-
bles, encoding conditions and type of test, corded automatically by the computer since
were manipulated between-subjects where- the hands first contacted the object to the
as type of object and item type were mani- verbal response. The experimenter monito-
pulated within-subjects. Moreover, the 20 red participants performance to ascertain
symmetric and the 20 asymmetric experi- that the hands stop touching the object right
mental objects were randomly divided into after the second beep. Accuracy was also re-
two sets. Each set contained 10 symmetric corded.
and 10 asymmetric objects. These two sets Participants at the recognition test were
were rotated through all the experimental presented with the same 40 objects in a ran-
conditions, producing a total counterbalan- dom order; the 20 previously presented at
ced design in which each stimulus set appe- the study phase plus 20 new objects. The
ared equally often as studied and nonstudied presentation time was 10 seconds. Subjects
stimuli in each cell of the design. had to indicate whether or not they had ex-
Procedure. At study, blindfolded partici- plored the objects during the study-phase.
pants were presented one at a time with 20
unfamiliar objects made of wood, 10 sym- Results and Discussion
metric and 10 asymmetric. They were infor-
med that the experiment was about shape As in Experiment 1, the results corres-
perception by touch. Participants in the ela- ponding to the performance on the implicit
borative encoding condition were allowed and the explicit memory tasks were analy-
10 seconds to explore the object and provi- zed separately.
de the name of a familiar object that each Symmetry/asymmetry judgment test.
wooden structure reminded them of. Partici- Overall accuracy was 80% correct. Studied
pants in the structural encoding condition objects were classified as symmetric or
were also allowed 10 seconds for judging asymmetric only slightly more correctly
the complexity of the wooden object using a (80%) than nonstudied objects (78%). Ob-

Psicothema, 1999 795


servers were more accurate in detecting se alarms data contrasted entirely with the
symmetric than asymmetric objects (84% symmetry detection performance. Objects
and 75%). The result replicates previous encoded semantically were recognized
findings from our laboratory (Ballesteros, et much more accurately (.66 correct) than ob-
al. 1997, Exp. 3). Moreover, structural en- jects encoded structurally (0.39 correct)
coding produced better performance (82%) [F(1,35)= 24.190, MSe= 0.0508, p <.0001].
than semantic-elaborative encoding (77%). Moreover, symmetric objects were recogni-
The ANOVA on latency for correct res- zed more accurately (0.63) than asymmetric
ponses showed that the main effect of type objects (.42) [F(1,35)= 24.190, MSe=
of encoding was highly significant 0.0255, p <.0001]. Neither other effect nor
[F(1,39)= 9.763, MSe= 0.6491, p <.002]. any interaction were significant.
Objects encoded structurally (1.655 s) were Experiment 2 showed that haptic recog-
judged as symmetric or asymmetric faster nition for unfamiliar objects was signifi-
than objects encoded semantically (2.057 s). cantly enhanced by elaborative encoding
The main effect of studied (1.852 s) versus whereas the implicit symmetry detection
nonstudied objects (1.865) was not signifi- task showed opposite results. Structural en-
cant (F <1). Symmetric objects (1.822 s) coded objects were detected faster and mar-
were detected marginally faster(p <.08) than ginally more accurately than elaboratively
asymmetric objects (1.895 s.). These results encoded objects.
were qualified by the interaction type of en-
coding x item type [F(1,36)= 5.029, MSe= General Discussion
0.294, p <.04] which was significant (see
Figure 6). Planned comparisons indicated The present study has revealed several
that objects encoded structurally were judged main results. First, implicit memory for fa-
faster than nonstudied objects, but those en- miliar objects evaluated by a speeded na-
coded semantically were not. ming task showed repetition priming for ob-
jects explored haptically. Second, the chan-
Implicit memory ge of the mode of exploration from study-
Symmetry detection task to-test did not reduced haptic priming but
Latency (seconds) impaired recognition (Exp.1). Modifying
2.5 the conditions of the cutaneous sensory in-
2.3 formation pick up, while observers were
2.1 free to perform hand-movements, had no ef-
fects on the implicit memory test; priming
did not decrease when at test participants
had to identify the objects using gloves. Ho-
Verbal Structural wever, the same manipulation impaired ex-
plicit recognition. Third, for unfamiliar ob-
Studied Nonstudied
jects, priming was found under structural
Figure 6. Response times (in seconds) in the object encoding but not under semantic encoding.
symmetry detection task for studied and nonstudied ob- In clear contrast, semantic encoding produ-
jects, as a function of type of encoding (verbal or struc- ced better explicit memory as assessed by
tural) higher recognition (Exp. 2).
Results have shown a robust haptic pri-
Explicit old-new recognition performan- ming that resist sensory study-to-test chan-
ce. The ANOVA performed on the hits-fal- ges. Hence, it can be inferred that haptic ob-

796 Psicothema, 1999


ject naming would be mediated by structu- died and test stimuli shared the same form
ral information. Whereas explicit retrieval (physical attributes) and the same modality
was clearly impaired when observers wore (visual or auditory). The same conclusion
gloves, priming was not reduced. It seems seems to extend to nonverbal stimuli; when
as if the kinesthesic information provided the object exemplar or the fragment contour
by the moving hands during haptic explora- is changed from study to test, priming dimi-
tion suffices to tap implicit representations nished (e.g., Biederman & Cooper, 1991b;
of objects. Although priming scores were Srinivas, 1993). However, other studies in
marginally larger in that condition, naming the visual domain have shown that priming
objects required more time wearing gloves is not sensitive to all the perceptual attribu-
than not wearing them. The finding sug- tes of studied familiar and unfamiliar ob-
gests that the mental representations tapped jects. For example, changing objects size
by the implicit naming task do not rely on and their right-left orientation, do not have
cutaneous-sensory mechanisms, or at least, any effect on implicit memory but impair re-
not exclusively. Conversely, explicit recog- cognition (Biederman & Cooper, 1991a; Co-
nition was impaired when haptic explorers oper et al., 1992). Moreover, Cave et al.,
used gloves compared to the without gloves (1996) have shown no influence of naming
condition. This pattern of haptic recogni- times on priming when color and surface
tion performance suggests that explicit me- pattern of the pictures were changed from
mory representations of real objects relies study-to-test. These researchers interpreted
on cutaneous sensory factors more heavily these findings as suggesting that physical at-
that implicit memory representations. The- tributes that are not central to the formation
se results converge with findings reported of a shape representation do not affect re-
by Wippich (1990) using a very different petition priming in the naming paradigm.
procedure. The two main theoretical accounts of im-
This study has shown that implicit and plicit and explicit memory, the multiple me-
explicit memory measures for objects pre- mory systems and the transfer appropriate
sented to touch without vision can be expe- processing views, assume that priming is al-
rimentally dissociated. The double dissocia- so modality specific. However, these theo-
tion suggests that the two measures tap dif- ries are based on studies which have nor-
ferent objects representations; the implicit mally used words and visual or auditory sti-
test seems to rely on structural, shape-based muli (e.g., Bassili, Smith, & McLeod, 1989;
representations of objects while explicit re- Blaxton, 1989; Roediger & Blaxton, 1987;
cognition appears to tap low-level, cutane- for a review, see Kirsner, Dunn, & Standen,
ous sensory information. Why is explicit 1989). In a recent study, we (Ballesteros &
memory influenced by such sensory attribu- Reales, 1995; Ballesteros, Reales & Manga,
tes? Possibly, because, as in vision, the hap- this volume; Reales & Ballesteros, 1999)
tic representations that support explicit me- showed total cross-modal transfer between
mory for 3-D objects include all of distincti- vision and touch for real-world objects. Vi-
ve useful information, such as texture, tem- sion and touch are two modalities finely tu-
perature, softness, hardness, as well as shape ned to process object shape and structure.
and structure. The results are congruent with The finding suggests that repetition priming
the memory systems account (cf., Schacter is not totally modality specific but it is sen-
& Tulving, 1990). Maximal priming was ob- sitive to high-level, structural features that
tained when studied and tested stimuli sho- define object shape and structure. Further-
wed the same physical features; when stu- more, given that semantic encoding did not

Psicothema, 1999 797


affect priming in either cross-modal or wit- de Investigacin Cientfica y Tcnica (DGICYT)

hin-modal conditions, the mental represen- and by a Grant from the Vicerrectorado de In-
tations that support priming across and wit- vestigacin (UNED) to SB. JMR was supported
hin modalities seem to be presemantic. by an UNED predoctoral fellowship. Parts of this
Conversely, the mental representations that research were presented at the 23rd International
support explicit memory are sensitive to Congress of Applied Psychology, Madrid, July,
perceptual, contextual, spatial, and semantic 1994, and at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Psy-
information. These findings indicate that chonomic Society, Chicago, October 1996. We
the mental representations of objects acces- thank Marisa Carrasco for helpful comments on
sed via vision or active touch are similar. an earlier draft of this paper. Correspondence
concerning this article should be addressed to S.
Author Notes Ballesteros, Departmento de Psicologa Bsica
II. Universidad Nacional de Educacin a Distan-
This research was supported by Grants PB90- cia. Ciudad Universitaria, 28040. Madrid, Spain.
0003 and PB94-393 from the Direccin General E-mail: mballest @


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