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Cuando usamos el gerundio?

- Despus de preposiciones.

Were thinking of going to Italy.

She left without kissing me.

- Cuando funciona como objeto directo de ciertos verbos: finish, enjoy, prefer, like, hate,
love, dislike, avoid, miss, recommend, suggest, think, suggest, practise

I like swimming.
Imagine being a superhero
She finished writing her story.

- Cuando va al principio de la frase funcionando como sujeto.

Skiing is expensive.
Eating vegetables is very healthy.

Cuando usamos el infinitivo?

- Despus de ciertos verbos: decide, want, promise, forget, hope, pretend, refuse, offer,
agree, seem, appear, choose, expect, learn, plan, wish, need

I forgot to phone the bank.

She needs to see you urgently.

- Despus de algunos adjetivos como: happy, easy, sad, lucky, hard...

Its not easy to find a good pesto sauce.

The water was too cold to swim.

- Cuando hablamos del propsito de alguien para hacer algo, es decir cuando expresamos
porque alguien est realizando una accin.

Im using your cookery book to try a new recipe.

Otras cosillas del los gerundios/infinitivos

- Algunos verbos pueden ir seguidos tanto de gerundios como de significados sin que
cambie en nada su significado. (like, love, hate, prefer, begin, start, intend, continue)

They start to talk/talking about their dogs.

- Otros verbos tambin admiten ir seguidos de gerundios e infinitivos pero s que hay
cambios en el significado de la frase (remember, stop, forget, regret, try, learn, teach).

Hay dos formas de contar lo que ha dicho otra persona: el estilo directo (direct speech) y el
estilo indirecto (reported speech).

En el estilo directo, introducimos la frase literal que ha dicho la otra persona entre comillas.
En el reported speech contamos lo que otra persona ha dicho sin reproducir sus palabras

"I am going to the beach tomorrow", she said (direct speech)

She said that she was going to the beach the next day. (reported speech)

En el reported speech necesitamos un verbo introductor (say, tell) y la conjuncin that.

Adems tendremos que realizar cambios en ciertos elementos de la oracin.

1. Cambios en los tiempos verbales.

- Si el verbo introductorio est en presente no necesitamos hacer ningn cambio en el resto

de verbos.

- Si el verbo introductorio est en pasado si tendremos que hacer cambios en el resto de

verbos. Los tiempos verbales se mueven un paso hacia atrs. Estas son las combinaciones

Present simple -----> past simple.

Present continuous -----> past continuous
Past simple -----> past perfect simple.
Past continuous -----> past perfect continuous
Present perfect simple -----> past perfect simple
Past perfect simple y past perfect continuous: se quedan sin cambios.
Will -----> would
can -----> could
must ------> had to

2. Cambios en las expresiones de tiempo.

Today ------> that day

Tonight ------> that night
This week / month / year ------> that week / month / year
Tomorrow ------> the next day or the following day
Next week / month / year ------> the following week / month / year
Yesterday ------> the day before or the previous day
Last week / month / year ------> the week / month / year before or the previous week /
month / year
Now -----> then / at that moment
3. Cambios en los posesivos.

Hay que tener en cuenta que al estar reproduciendo las palabras de alguien de manera no
literal los posesivos cambiarn.

"You must wear your helmet", my dad said - My dad said that I had to wear my helmet.

I may not go to your party", Dan said to Marta - Dan said to Marta that he might not go to
her party.

Otras cosillas del Reported Speech

Los verbos introductorios say y tell son bastante neutrales. En cambio, si queremos
transmitir algo en concreto podemos emplear otros verbos como: admit, announce,
apologise, complain, explain, insist, remind, agree, convince, reply, hear, read, think, know,


El orden normal de las oraciones en ingls (oraciones en voz activa) es:

Sujeto + Verbo + Objeto + Complementos

The new shopping mall employs 125 people from Stratford.

Este orden cambia cuando usamos la pasiva. Con la pasiva ponemos la atencin en el
objeto o persona afectada por la accin en vez de en la accin en s. Tambin usamos la
pasiva cuando el sujeto que realiza la accin no es importante o no sabemos cual es.

New museums are opened every year.

Si la oracin lo requiere podemos aadir al final el sujeto de la oracin activa ponindolo

precedido por la preposicin by.

125 people from Stratford are employed by the new shopping mall.

Es importante que nos sepamos bien los tiempos verbales del verbo to be:

Present simple ----> am/is/are ----> This street is closed to traffic due to works

Present continuous ----> am/are/is being ----> My car is being repaired today

Present perfect simple ----> has/have been ----> Lucy has been promoted!

Past simple ----> was/were ----> His house was robbed while he was on holiday

Past continuous ----> was/were being ----> He was going through a bad time when I met him

Past perfect simple ----> had been ----> The vegetables had been cooked for far too long

Future simple ----> will be ----> All the new merchandise will be sold by the end of Christmas
Future perfect simple ----> will have been ----> We are late, by the time we arrive the play will
have been finished

Infinitive ----> (to) be ----> Do you know who is going to be invited?

Cmo se forma la pasiva?

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