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Direccin Universitaria de Educacin a

Distancia EP Administracion Y Negocios



2016-II Ciclo: 02 Seccin: Mdulo I

Datos del alumno: FORMA DE PUBLICACIN:
Apellidos y nombres:
Publicar su archivo(s) en la opcin TRABAJO ACADMICO que figura en
[Escriba texto] el men contextual de su curso
Cdigo de matrcula:
[Escriba texto] Panel de control
Uded de matrcula:
[Escriba texto]
Fecha de publicacin en campus
virtual DUED LEARN:

A las 23.59 PM
(Hora peruana)


1. Recuerde verificar la
correcta publicacin
de su Trabajo
Acadmico en el
Campus Virtual antes
de confirmar al
sistema el envo
definitivo al Docente.
Revisar la previsualizacin de
su trabajo para asegurar
archivo correcto.

2. Las fechas de publicacin de trabajos acadmicos a travs del campus virtual DUED LEARN estn
definidas en la plataforma educativa, de acuerdo al cronograma acadmico 2016-II por lo que no se
aceptarn trabajos extemporneos.

3. Durante la publicacin de su trabajo acadmico NO GUARDAR COMO BORRADOR , realizar envo

definitivo, realizar la verificacin de la publicacin para que el trabajo acadmico sea calificado.

4. Las actividades de aprendizaje que se encuentran en los textos que recibe al matricularse, servirn para su
autoaprendizaje mas no para la calificacin, por lo que no debern ser consideradas como trabajos
acadmicos obligatorios.

Gua del Trabajo Acadmico:

5. Recuerde: NO DEBE COPIAR DEL INTERNET, el Internet es nicamente una fuente de
consulta. Los trabajos copias de internet sern verificados con el SISTEMA
ANTIPLAGIO UAP y sern calificados con 00 (cero).
6. Estimado alumno:
El presente trabajo acadmico tiene por finalidad medir los logros alcanzados en el desarrollo del curso.
Para el examen parcial Ud. debe haber logrado desarrollar hasta la pregunta 2 y para el examen final
debe haber desarrollado el trabajo completo.

Criterios de evaluacin del trabajo acadmico:

Este trabajo acadmico ser calificado considerando criterios de evaluacin segn naturaleza del curso:

Presentacin adecuada del Considera la evaluacin de la redaccin, ortografa, y presentacin del

1 trabajo trabajo en este formato.
Considera la revisin de diferentes fuentes bibliogrficas y electrnicas
confiables y pertinentes a los temas tratados, citando segn la normativa
2 Investigacin bibliogrfica: APA.
Se sugiere ingresar al siguiente enlace de video de orientacin:

Situacin problemtica o caso Considera el anlisis contextualizado de casos o la solucin de

3 prctico: situaciones problematizadoras de acuerdo a la naturaleza del curso.

Considera la aplicacin de juicios valorativos ante situaciones y

4 Otros contenidos escenarios diversos, valorando el componente actitudinal y tico.


Estimado(a) alumno(a):

Reciba usted, la ms cordial bienvenida al presente ciclo acadmico de la Escuela
profesional de Administracion y Negocios Internacionales en la Universidad Alas
En la gua de trabajo acadmico que presentamos a continuacin se le plantea
actividades de aprendizaje que deber desarrollar en los plazos establecidos y
considerando la normativa e indicaciones del Docente Tutor.

WRITING). Esta parte del trabajo acadmico no es para ser desarrollada, sino para
recordarle que su redaccin debe ser la apropiada. No emplee letras maysculas para
todos sus textos (slo donde sea necesario) y revise bien la gramtica inglesa para
evitar cometer errores. ( 2 points )

I am an administrative assistant, I take care to attend my boss in the development of

programs and activities of the company.
Participated in the preparation of the draft budget of the unit as well
Elaborate projects that delegates commitment by my boss.
It releases or payments made against each project engagement.
Full formats of payment orders for different items, such as payments to suppliers,
payments for services, grants, contributions, allowances, grants, advances to justify
the increase or creation of fixed funds, special and operational funds, rents, accounts
courses and other special assignments.
I perform track of payments for your timely cancellation.
Controls payments to administrative staff or workers for various benefits.
Make requests for provision of equipment and materials for dependence.
I wear registration and control of financial resources allocated to the unit, fixed
background, progress to justify petty cash, etc.
Make accounting records.
Receives and reviews the invoices and receipts of expenses incurred with the progress
to justify.
Prepared and sent to the accounting unit memorandum factors justification of
progress to justify and fixed funds and petty cash.

1. Describe the personality of MAURICIO DIEZ CANSECO. Write a paragraph using

simple present and present continuous. (3 points)

Mauricio Diez Canseco Beggiato is an entrepreneur, director and producer of Peruvian
television. He is founder of the chain of Rustic restaurants. IHis personality have
sentimental figures involved are younger than the employer, media problems
presented by his former partner, despite not doing well in love, but he is very good for
business. He is charismatic and conqueror.

President charismatic young president who before had a lot disadvantage beat George
Bush, who has not lost followers present economic stability, is there that Bill Climton
who enters with ideas of democracy and economy, was to win.

2. Create a conversation using simple present / I do. Maximun 12 lines ( 4 points)

Topics: Health / Interest / Hobbies /Sports.

Martha: Hello muy dear friend! How are you?

Robert: Im fine, thanks, the weather its so beautiful, do you want to eat
some ice cream?
Martha: Thats terrific! Of course, go a head, I like chocolate ice cream.
Robert: perfect! I saw the last weekend a nice restaurant y that place sell ice
cream, then we can take a walk in the park, it is near on that place, what do
you think?
Martha: Ohh I would like, but later I have to go with mi little brother to buy
some fruita and vegetables, because my mother is not in home, She told me
that she will arrive tomorrow in the morning. I have to take care of my little
Robert: No problem, we do it in other time. Well, go for our ice cream, look!
Its very big! I love it! Tell me, what do you like to do in your free time?
Martha: wooow yes, I never eat something like this! Thanks you! Well, I like
to ride a bike, it's very healthy and I love it, what about you?
Robert: wow that's sound great, I like to run, I always run around my street,
maybe ve can do it, you can ride your bike and I run andblaster we can eat
something diferente in other time.
Martha: Of course! I would like to to this! And we can listen soft music, like
Alejandro Sans, do you like?
Robert: Sure! I love it. Well Martha I have to go. See you later
Martha: Ok. See you soon!

3. Complete the dialogue. (4 points )

Weather it's 10 five days below ruin boat

A: What is the weather today?
B: Its cold. In fact, the strongest cold spell of the year is about to hit the island the
coming Thursday. It has never happened in the last 10 years.
A: God, Its freezing outside.
B: It's supposed to get even worse. According to the Central Weather Bureau, the
cold spell is expected to affect the weather at least boat and temperature in the
north Tawian will be below 10 degrees.
A: Man, this weather is going to ruin our weekend.
B: No doubt. Other than preparing for the upcoming cold weather, we should still
have our umbrellas ready for the next few days due to the heavy rain warning.
A: We'll probably need a five days to go home.
B: Yeah. The total rainfall recorded in Taipei country has reached close to the
standard mark of heavy shower warning.
A: It sounds terrible. How long is this rain supposed to keep up?
B: It is estimated that this rainy weather will not stop until Tuesday.

4. Write a short paragraph about your professional career. Use present simple,
present continuous. (Min 15 lines, Max 30 lines (3 points)

5. Development this exercises. (6 points)

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs with 'have' and 'be'.

a) W o om Vienna,
e is
o r Sandy's
h n
av a
c b
b) S
h e b
(t i
b g t
e) s
o r am
n d a
o e n
av n d
d) I
(t are
o i
e) i v
e) T x e
o y g
e o
a l

r d

s f

o s
l h
d .
t f
w r

Make negative sentences.

a) My father makes breakfast.

My father doesnt make breakfast

b) They are eleven.

They not are eleven

c) She writes a letter.

She is not write a letter

d) I speak Italian.
I dont speak Italian

e) Danny phones his father on Sundays.

Danny doesnt phone his father on Sunday.


a) you / to speak / English

Do you speak English?

b) when / he / to go / home
When is he going home?

c) they / to clean / the bathroom

Do they clean the bathrrom?

d) where / she / to ride / her bike

Where is she riding her bike?

e) Billy / to work / in the supermarket

Does Bille go to work in the supermarket?

The questions and concerns will be in virtual tutorials with the teacher at the times scheduled
for the course.

Many successes in the development of their academic work


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