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Verbo "To be" en presente, pasado y futuro

Las estructuras con el verbo "to be" sirven para poder comunicar varias
aspectos muy tiles como pueden ser "hablar sobre una perso" (su
nombre, nacionalidad, de dnde es, su profesin, como se siente, etc.) y
"describir las caractersticas de alguien o algo" (qu es algo, su color, a
quien pertenece, etc.).

To be Present Past Future

I Am Was Will be

You Are Were Will be

He Is Was Will be

She Is Was Will be

It Is Was Will be

We Are Were Will be

You Are Were Will be

They are were Will be

El verbo "to have" es bastante irregular, en

comparacin con otros verbos ingleses. Pero nimo es
sencillo comparado con los verbos espaoles.
Presente Simple
La estructura es:

Sujeto + have/has

Conjugacin Significado

I have yo tengo

you have t tienes

he has l tiene
she has ella tiene
it has ello tiene

we have nosotros tenemos

you have vosotros tenis

they have ellos tienen

Pasado Simple
La estructura es:

SUJETO + had
Conjugacin Significado

I had yo tuve

you had t tuviste

he had l tuvo
she had ella tuvo
it had ello tuvo

we had nosotros tuvimos

you had vosotros tuvisteis

they had ellos tuvieron

El verbo to do es irregular.

Presente Simple
La estructura es:

SUJETO + do/does
Conjugacin Significado

I do yo hago

you do t haces

he does l hace
she does ella hace
it does ello hace

we do nosotros hacemos

you do vosotros hacis

they do ellos hacen

Pasado Simple
La estructura es:

SUJETO + did

Conjugacin Significado
I did yo hice

you did t hiciste

he did l hizo
she did ella hizo
it did ello hizo

we did nosotros hicimos

you did vosotros hiciste

they did ellos hicieron

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