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En un pequeo pueblo, haba una vez un pequeo pastor llamado Peter que sala todas las

maanas a pastar sus ovejas. Mientras descansaba tumbado en la hierba, peter pensaba en
bromas para asustar a los habitantes del pueblo.
Un da, decidi divertirse y baj corriendo la colina desde donde pastaba.
Auxilio! Viene el lobo! - gritaba peter
Los habitantes del pueblo cogieron sus herramientas de trabajo y salieron corriendo para
ayudar al nio. Sin embargo, al ver a Peter riendose mucho, comprendieron que se trataba de
una broma , por lo que regresaron a sus casas muy enfadados. El joven haba redo tanto, que
quiso repetir la broma una vez ms, y esper a que los campesinos volvieran a sus trabajos
para comenzar a gritar.
Auxilio! Viene el lobo! - gritaba peter de nuevo
y salieron nuevamente las personas a socorrerlo, solo que esta vez, terminaron an ms
enfadados Al da siguiente, el muchacho se dispuso a pastar sus ovejas como de costumbre,
cuando sinti un gruido espantoso a sus espaldas. Al volverse, not la presencia de un
temible lobo que le acechaba mostrando sus dientes.
Ayuda por favor! Auxilio! El lobo est devorando mis ovejas! pero las personas, creyendo
que se trataba de otra de sus bromas, no creyeron lo que peter decia. De esa manera, el lobo se
comi todas las ovejas del muchacho, a quien jams se le ocurri volver a bromear con los
habitantes de aquel pueblo, pues aprendi que la mentira nunca trae nada bueno.
In a small village, once Upon a time a little shepherd called Peter who went out every
morning to graze his sheep. While resting lying on the grass, Peter thought jokes to
frighten the villagers.
One day, he decided to have fun and ran down the hill from where he grazed.
"Help! The wolf is coming! "Shouted Peter.
The villagers took their tools and ran to help the child. However, seeing Peter laughing a
lot, they understood that it was a joke, so they returned to their homes very angry. The
young man had laughed so hard, he wanted to repeat the joke once more, and waited for
the peasants to return to their jobs to start shouting.
"Help! The wolf is coming! "- shouted Peter again.
And the people came out again to help him, only this time, they ended up even more
angry. The next day, the boy prepared to graze his sheep as usual, when he felt a hideous
grunt behind him. As he turned, he noticed a fearsome wolf looming over him, showing his
"Please help! Help! The wolf is devouring my sheep! "But the people, believing it to be
another of their jokes, did not believe what Peter said. In this way, the wolf ate all the
sheep of the boy, who never thought to joke again with the inhabitants of that town,
because he learned that the lie never brings anything good.

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