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[OPENING SCENE Ancestral Home Interior Day]

The Sister and her nurse are sitting on the bed; the nurse is braiding The Sisters
hair, spoon-feeding her, while singing a lullaby.
[SCENE ONE Town House Interior Day]
Scene opens with Clara at home. Alex comes in after a long day at work.
CLARA: HOLA, CARIO Cmo fue tu da?
ALEX: Oh, usted sabe que el habitual. Dios mo, estoy agotado. Qu es lo que
estamos teniendo para esta noche?
CLARA: Todava tenemos algunas sobras de la noche anterior. Voy a recalentar la
ALEX: (Sarcastically) Hurra.
Alex checks the mail and reveals an eviction notice. Alex gets frustrated.
CLARA: Qu tiene de malo?
ALEX: Estamos siendo desalojados
CLARA: De nuevo?
ALEX: El propietario no aceptara la extensiones para el alquiler ya. Lo siento. He
intentado tan duro. Usted sabe eso, verdad?
CLARA:Qu es lo que vamos a hacer ahora?
ALEX: An no lo s. Tenemos treinta das. Voy a pensar en algo. Quizs hay alguien
en el trabajo me pida ayuda. Nunca he querido este tipo de vida para nosotros. Me
gustara poder darle ms. A veces, Creo que no merecen a alguien como yo
CLARA: No debe decir eso. Vamos a pasar por todo esto. Vamos a pensar en una
manera de solucionar esta. Siempre lo hacemos. Dondequiera que sea, que es
donde est mi casa.
End of Scene One.
[SCENE TWO Town House Exterior Day]
Clara waters the plants outside. Cristina walks to the front gate and calls for Clara.
CRISTINA: Seorita Clara Gonzales?
CLARA: S, esto es ella. Quin est pidiendo?

CRISTINA: Hola. Mi nombre es Cristina. Yo soy el abogado de su to abuelo Roberto.

Me temo que tengo que decirle algunas graves noticias.
CLARA: Por qu, qu est pasando?.
CRISTINA: Su to abuelo est muerto. Muri hace tres semanas. Redact su
voluntad en su nombre.
Cristina hands a copy of the will to Clara.
CLARA: Oh, no. Qu es lo que pas?
CRISTINA: Muri en su sueo. l ya era dbil durante los ltimos meses. Es por eso
que l ya haba hecho su voluntad. porque usted es su nico pariente que est
viviendo, su to abuelo Roberto deseos de que hereda la casa familiar, junto con
todo lo que tiene dentro. Tambin, l me ha encargado que le d esta carta.
Cristina hands the letter to Clara.
CLARA: No s qu decir. Nunca estuvimos cerca, pero l siempre fue amable
conmigo, a diferencia de mi abuela. Y ahora se ha ido.
CRISTINA: Mis condolencias, seorita. Bueno, debo estar en mi camino. Por favor,
si hay algo que necesite, me dan una llamada. Aqu est mi tarjeta.
CLARA: Muy bien. Muchas gracias, seorita Cristina.
CRISTINA: Usted es bienvenido. Adis.
CLARA: Adis.
Cristina exits the scene. Clara opens the letter.
Transition to Scene Three.
[SCENE THREE Ancestral Home Interior Night]
Flashback. Roberto writes his letter to Clara on his deathbed, and is voiced-over.
Carlos types the letter for Roberto on a laptop as the latter dictates. As Roberto
talks, flashbacks are shown to create more visual cues.
ROBERTO: Dear Clara, by the time you have received this letter, I may have
already passed away. I know we were never given the opportunity to become the
family we were supposed to be, even as you were growing up. My sister has been a
very strict mother to your father and a stricter grandmother to you. I have been in
America for a very long time, away from my family, putting first my ambition and
desires for wealth, and upholding the familys reputation which stood for
generations. And I believe that these circumstances have caused us to be so
distant, and my visits to you to become so rare. I regret them all.

Truth be told, I felt empty during the twilight of my years, realizing that the
fulfillment I seek is not within the riches and the power that I have gained. I wanted
to reach out to you sooner, as I have no children of my own. I understand that the
family has disowned you for marrying someone who they did not think is fit for you.
Your grandmother once told me that you were an ingrate before she died. But
please know that I do not agree with them. I believe that what you did was right.
You have a pure heart, my child. I have found it in you in the rare occasions that I
see you. Pursue what fills your soul, not your pocket. Do not be like the people this
family has become, full of selfishness and loathing of others. Continue to be kind,
compassionate and selfless.
My dear Clara, before I part from this world, I want to do at least one selfless act. I
want to give you everything that I have the riches and the property that have
been handed down in this family for generations, including the ancestral home so
that you may use it to give more to others. Please grant me this final request. It
would give me much peace if you were to do so. God bless you, child. Sincerely,
Roberto del Valle.
Carlos closes the laptop.
ROBERTO: Carlos, mi nio. Usted ha sido un buen amigo. Por favor, asegrese de
que Cristina obtiene esa carta y encuentra clara de tal manera que pueda entregar
a ella.
CARLOS: Por supuesto, Don Roberto. Usted tambin haber sido un amigo muy
querido.. Voy a entregar esta seorita Cristina a primera hora de la maana.
Descansar ahora, Seor.
Carlos exits the scene.
THE SISTER: (Whispers) Su tiempo es terminado.
The Sister strangles Roberto in his sleep. Roberto dies.
End of Scene Three.

[SCENE FOUR Town House Interior Night]

Clara and Alex are having dinner at the dining table. Clara looks bothered.
ALEX: Ests bien? Qu pasa con la cara?
CLARA: Recordar mi abuela?

ALEX: Cmo podra olvidar esa horrible mujer? Por qu?

CLARA: Bueno, ella tena un hermano--mi to abuelo Roberto. He aprendido hoy ha
sido muerto por tres semanas.
Alex looking worried.
ALEX: Qu? Cmo? Qu ha sucedido?
CLARA: Se dice que muri en su sueo.
ALEX: Ests bien?
CLARA: Estoy bien. Nunca estuvimos tan cerca, de todos modos.
ALEX: Entonces, qu es la materia?
CLARA: Yo podra haber una solucin a nuestro problema en casa. No s si
deberamos ir con ello.
ALEX: Bien, entonces. Hazme saber.
Clara shows the letter to Alex. Alex examines the letter.
CLARA: Porque Roberto no tener hijos, l me hizo su heredero de todo lo que l
ALEX: Espere un minuto. Esto significa que usted obtiene esa vieja casa tambin.
Eso es genial para nosotros, cario! Entonces, qu te detiene?
CLARA: No s. No se siente bien, considerando lo que pas antes de que nos
casamos. Y tuve la sensacin de que no se apruebe.
ALEX: Bueno, eso est bien Eso es todo en el pasado ahora, especialmente ahora
abuela ha desaparecido. Ella no puede hacer nada de nada ahora. Y adems, aqu
dice que en la carta que su to abuelo el ltimo deseo. Para ser honesto con usted,
yo realmente no he encontrado respuesta a nuestro problema. Esto podra ser.
CLARA: Yo creo que tienes razn. No hay ningn sentido en que sera inviable, dada
nuestra situacin actual.
ALEX: Anmate, amor. Esto es bueno para nosotros. Puede que no sea lo que
esperbamos, pero es un comienzo.
End of Scene Four.
[SCENE FIVE Ancestral Home Exterior/Interior Day]
In this scene, Cristina brings the couple to their new home so that they can move

CRISTINA: Muy bien, Seor y Seora. Estamos aqu.

ALEX: Gracias por esto
CLARA: S, Cristina. Gracias.
CRISTINA: Usted es bienvenido, Seor y Seora. Bueno, supongo que esto es
adis. Aqu estn las llaves de la casa
Cristina gives the keys, hugs Clara and Alex goodbye, and exits the scene.
Alex and Clara approach the front gate of the house, bringing with them their
CLARA: Es extrao soy en este lugar de nuevo, despus de tanto tiempo.
ALEX: Cuando fue la ltima vez usted tiene estado aqu?
CLARA: Mi abuela me llevo aqu un par de veces cuando yo era pequea, siempre
que nos visitaran to abuelo Roberto. Vayamos dentro
Amelia enters the scene, she looks at the couple with curiosity and fear.
CLARA: *whispers to Alex* Cario, es un vecino!
ALEX: Oh, hola! Me llamo Alex y esta es mi esposa Clara, nos acabamos de mudar
de hoy. Y usted est??
Amelia remains silent and stares at them curiously
Alex looks at Clara for help.
CLARA: Um, buens das Senora. Mi nombre es Clara y esta es mi esposo Alex.
Somos nuevos aqu.
AMELIA: Oh, s quin eres, nia. Eres sobrina de Roberto. Noticias obtiene
alrededor de aqu ms rpido, especialmente si se trata de esa casa.
CLARA: A qu te refieres?
Amelia stares at them and turns to leave, exits the scene. The couple starts to enter
the house.
CLARA: eso era extrao.
ALEX: Me pregunto qu es lo que quera decir sobre esta casa.
CLARA: Ella es, probablemente, slo supersticioso. Es realmente bonito por dentro.
As the couple enters, Alex feels something unusual about the house.

CLARA: Hogar, dulce hogar, verdad?

ALEX: Si. Hogar, dulce hogar
End of Scene Five.
[SCENE SIX Ancestral Home Interior Night]
The couple head to bed for the first night but are having a hard time sleeping. Clara
is wide awake, while Alex starts to have a nightmare.
CLARA: Alex. Alex, wake up!
Alex wakes, panting.
CLARA: Are you okay?
ALEX: I was having a nightmare. I was tied up to the bed, and you were choking
and there was laughter. Oh, man. I thought it was real.
CLARA: Oh, you poor thing. Here, lie back down. Ill get you a glass of water.
Clara gets up and heads to the kitchen to get a glass of water
Upon reaching the kitchen she notices a silhouette under cover of darkness
prompting her to run back to the bedroom
CLARA: Alex, wake up! I think theres someone else in the house.
ALEX: Wait, what?
The couple return to the kitchen and Alex inspects the house for signs of a break in
ALEX: Honey, theres nobody here but us. All the doors and windows are locked too,
just as I left them.
CLARA: But I could have sworn there was someone in the kitchen!
ALEX: Theres nobody here, honey. Its alright. Youre safe. Maybe we just need to
get used to the house some more.
CLARA: I guess youre right.
ALEX: Okay, sweetie. Lets go back to sleep. I need to be early for work tomorrow.
CLARA: Sure. Im sorry.
ALEX: Dont be. Its been a rough night for us both.
End of Scene Six.

[SCENE SEVEN Ancestral Home Interior Day]

Clara is seen engaged in random household chores whilst Alex is away at work
Clara is seen in the kitchen making herself a cup of tea
*Cue POV shot of a sinister figure watching her from behind*
Clare senses the figure and turns around to inspect her surroundings but sees
nothing so she carries on with her chores
*Cue POV shot of the sinister figure getting closer to Clara*
Just as the figure is within arms reach of Clara, the doorbell rings and Clara answers
the door to find Amelia outside
CLARA *visibly shocked*: Oh! Hello Miss um?
AMELIA: Call me Amelia. Im sorry I was rude the other day, how are you?
CLARA: Oh Im okay. Would you like to come in? I just made some tea in the
Amelia is visibly disturbed and nervous but accepts the invitation anyway
Clara and Amelia are seen in the living room only Amelia hasnt as much as touched
her tea cup
CLARA: So, how long have you lived in this neighborhood?
Amelia does not budge and just stares vacantly into her teacup
CLARA: Did you know my great-uncle Roberto?
Amelia bursts into frantic dialogue catching Clara off-guard
AMELIA: Has she revealed herself yet?! You arent safe here. Take your husband
and leave this place as soon as possible.
CLARA: What? I dont understand. Who are you talking about?
Amelia sees a sinister shadow looming over Clara thus making her visibly afraid for
CLARA: My husband has been having nightmares for days, now.
Amelia screams and leaves the house.
AMELIA: I have to leave!

CLARA: Seora wait!

End of Scene Seven.
[SCENE EIGHT Ancestral Home Interior Night]
Alex and Clara are seen having dinner when Alex asks about her day
ALEX: So, honey, how was your day?
Clara is still distracted from Amelias warning and doesnt hear Alex the first time
ALEX: Honey?
CLARA: Oh what? Sorry dear, I just cant wrap my mind around what happened
ALEX: Darling, whats wrong? Are you feeling alright? Tell me.
CLARA: Amelia the old lady from the neighborhood came over today, and she
wanted us to leave the house as soon as possible. She seemed so scared.
ALEX: There, there. Amelia is pretty old. Im sure she didnt mean what she said.
CLARA: Yeah, maybe. Yet, I cant help but feel that shes right, given that youve
been having all those nightmares.
The couple then finishes their dinner in silence.
Fast-forward. The couple goes to bed. This is Claras first real encounter with the
Alex suddenly sits up, staring into nothingness, looking entranced.
ALEX: My love, I hear you.
Clara wakes up.
CLARA: Alex, what are you doing?
Alex stands up, then walks out the room. Clara follows, but the door suddenly slams
shut. Clara tries to get out. After the door shuts, Alex drops to the floor,
The Sister appears behind Clara, and then tries to strangle Clara. They struggle, but
are interrupted by a confused Alex, who barges in the room after hearing Clara
scream. The Sister disappears. Alex comforts Clara, who is frightened to death.
End of Scene Eight.

[SCENE NINE Amelias House/Ancestral Home Exterior/Interior Day]

Clara and Alex find answers from Amelia, as to what has transpired last night, being
that she is the only one who seems to have an idea of the houses history.
Alex knocks on the door at Amelias house. Amelia cautiously answers.
ALEX: Hi. We have some questions we would like to ask you.
AMELIA: No. Go home.
ALEX: Please, its about the house.
AMELIA: I want nothing to do with that house. Not anymore. Please, leave me
CLARA: Please, Amelia! Something attacked me last night, and I could have died!
Please tell us what is going on.
Amelia shuts the door. Clara starts crying out of desperation.
CLARA: Im scared, Alex.
ALEX: I am too. Amelia, if you are not going to tell us what you know, then so be it!
But if anything happens to my wife, it will be on you, and I will never forgive you for
Amelia takes a change of heart and comes out of the house.
AMELIA: Alright. Lets go back to your house. I have something to show you.
Change sequence to Ancestral Home living room. They will try to conduct a sance.
AMELIA: Seor and Seorita, I am a psychic. I can see things that people wish they
would not see. This house has been haunted by an evil I dare not meddle with. But
with the best of my abilities, I will try to find the truth for you. Please turn the lights
off, and place a lit candle in our center.
The couple do Amelias instructions, and prepare the room for a sance.
AMELIA: I call on the spirits of those who bore witness to the things that transpired
within these walls. We humbly invite you in our circle as friends. Are you with us?
There would be no response, and Amelia would repeat until the third time, when the
candles get blown out.
AMELIa: All we ask are answers. Please, show me, so that we may all find peace.

Amelia suddenly gets a vision.

AMELIA: I see something!
CLARA: What is it, Amelia?
Flashbacks to be shown during this sequence.
AMELIA: I see siblings a brother and a sister. They lived in this house hundreds of
years ago. From them, your families have branched out. They love each other. No!
They love each other like no siblings should. Oh, Lord. The things they have done
CLARA: What about them? What do you mean by, your families?
AMELIA: You and your husband are of the same blood, although distant. A common
ancestor the Brother. There were children others true and one was a bastard a
bastard of the Brother and the Sister. The bastard was cast out by the family. Given
away like a dog. Your lineage descends from the bastard, Alex.
ALEX: What?
AMELIA: The Brother got married to another woman, and they bore children. I
sense so much jealousy. So much hate The Sister tried to kill her brothers wife,
but no The Brother killed the Sister. She died consumed by her own hate.
CLARA: But that doesnt explain whats going on! Tell me why something in this
house wants me dead!
AMELIA: The Sister haunts these walls. She wants your husband.
ALEX: Me? What? I refuse to believe this!
AMELIA: You see, you and the Brother are very much alike. You remind her of him.
And now, she wants to take back the one she loves and she will make certain of it.
CLARA: Oh my God.
Clara starts crying.
AMELIA: You have to leave this house, both of you!
ALEX: Alright, this is enough. Youre scaring my wife. Stop this, and leave, please.
Please leave!
Amelia reluctantly packs up and leaves the scene.
End of Scene Nine.
[SCENE TEN Ancestral Home Exterior/Interior Day]

There is a knock on the door which is answered by both Alex and Clara.
POLICEMAN: Good morning, Seor and Seorita.
ALEX: Good morning officer, is there a problem?
POLICEMAN: Have you noticed anything strange happenings last night?
CLARA: No. Why? What happened?
POLICEMAN: Do you know this woman?
Policeman shows a picture of a dead Amelia.
CLARA: Oh my God, no!
Transition to Ancestral Home Interior. Clara, now afraid for her life and her
husbands, starts sobbing.
ALEX: Clara, dont cry. Its alright. Its alright.
CLARA: We shouldnt have moved here, Alex! This is a mistake! I shouldnt have led
you here!
ALEX: Its not your fault, sweetheart. If its anyones fault, its mine. You know that.
I couldnt give you a life you deserve, and you know that. I didnt give us much of a
choice. Im sorry. But I promise, as long as I am here, I would never let anything hurt
you. Please, dont be afraid. Ill protect you, love. I swear on my life. Its alright.
End of Scene Ten.
[SCENE ELEVEN Ancestral Home Interior Night]
The couple is asleep, when suddenly Clara wakes to the sound of a sinister laughter.
CLARA: Alex, wake up.
ALEX: Whats the matter?
CLARA: Did you hear that?
The Sister laughs.
ALEX: Ill check it out.
CLARA: Dont leave me!
ALEX: I wont. Ill just take a peek outside.
Alex gets up, goes to the door, and peeks outside the bedroom.

ALEX: I know youre here! Ill have you know that as long as I breathe, you will
never lay a finger on Clara! You hear me? I will never allow that!
Alex turns back around to enter the room, but the Sister appears in front of him.
Only Alex can see the Sister here. She is completely invisible to Clara. Alex is
entranced, almost possessed, by the Sister.
CLARA: Alex? Qu est pasando?
Alex remains silent. He gets out of the room without saying a word. Clara follows.
CLARA: Alex! A dnde vas?
Alex faces a wall, holding a knife.
CLARA: Alex, ests asustando a m. Detener esto. Por favor, vuelve a m.
Alex turns around, stares blankly at Clara, and then stabs her. The Sister appears
behind Alex.
THE SISTER AND ALEX: (In unison.) l es mo. Mi hermano es mo. l es mo. l es
mo. l es mo. l es mo.
Clara dies on the floor, bleeding out. Alex and the Sister stare over her body, holds
hands, and then the Sister starts laughing.
Black-out screen. The End.

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