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1Ttulo del trabajo

Cristian Rojas & Miguel Gutirrez.

Enero 2015.

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Copyright 2015 por Cristian Rojas & ESTA PAGINA ES OPCIONAL Miguel
Gutirrez. Todos los derechos reservados.



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y compaeros. ESTA PAGINA ES OPCIONAL Abstract

Este es un documento de Word de ejemplo que puede ser usado como plantilla para dar
formato a su tesis o disertacin. El abstract o resumen debe contar con 350 palabras o menos.


Esta pgina es opcional.Tabla de Contenidos

Captulo 1 Introduccin e informacin general...................................................................1

Ttulo 2.............................................................................................................................1
Ttulo 2.............................................................................................................................1
Ttulo 3.........................................................................................................................1
Ttulo 3.........................................................................................................................1
Captulo 2 Figuras y tablas.................................................................................................2
Ttulo 2.............................................................................................................................2
Ttulo 3.........................................................................................................................2
Ttulo 3.........................................................................................................................2
Captulo 4 Resultados y discussion....................................................................................5
List of References................................................................................................................6

Lista de tablas

Tabla 1. El ttulo debe ser breve y descriptivo.....................................................................3

Lista de figuras

Figura 1. Formas y descripcin de las formas.....................................................................4

Captulo 1
Resumen ejecutivo

Chapter II
Theoretical Background
The theoretical background is organized in two parts. The first part examines the
evolution of the Level-of-Service (LOS) concept. The second part reviews the design
principles of traffic signal.
2.1 LOS Evolution
The development of the concept of LOS dates back to the 1950s. In 1963, the
Highway Capacity Committee voted to introduce the concept of LOS into the HCM.
LOS was formally introduced in HCM 1965; it was recognized as "a qualitative measure
of the effect of a number of factors, which include speed and travel time, traffic
interruptions, freedom to maneuver, safety, driving comfort and convenience, and
operating costs." HCM 1965 defined loadfactor (LF) as a "ratio of the total number of
green signal intervals that are fully utilized by traffic during the peak hour to the total
number of green intervals for that approach during the same period." LF was adopted as
the measure for determining LOS at signalized intersections. The criteria to define each
LOS category using LF are shown in Table 1.

Table 1Criteria for signalized intersection (HCM 1965)


Load Factor






Difficulty in identifying loaded cycles by field observers, absence of a rational basis

for breakpoints, and insensitivity to low traffic volumes were some of the problems
with LF. Among the various attempts to develop a more rational method for
quantifying the LOS for signalized intersections, Tidwell and Humphreys investigated
the feasibility of using average individual delay (AID) as a measure for LOS. They
argued that "if speed is to be considered the criterion for uninterrupted flow conditions,
then a delay index appears commensurate for intersection design."
Subsequently, much research effort on field delay measurement techniques and
analytical delay estimation occurred after the publication of HCM 1965. Transportation
Research Circular 212 proposed a guideline to determine LOS based on the stopped
delay, as shown in Table 2. Volume/capacity (v/c) ratio was also used as another
measure to determine LOS.
Table 2 Criteria for signalized intersection (Circular 212)


Stopped Delay














HCM 1985 first specified the average stopped delay, the actual time stopped at a
signalized intersection, as a LOS measure for signalized intersections. In it, LOS was
defined as "a qualitative measure describing operational conditions and their perception
by motorists and/or passengers." The breakpoints to separate each LOS category are
shown in Table 3.

Table 3 Criteria for signalized intersection (HCM 1985)

Stopped Delay







In 1997, control delay replaced stopped delay. Control delay includes not only the
stopped delay, but also the delay due to deceleration and acceleration to the cruising
speed. LOS was defined in HCM 1997 as "a qualitative measure that characterizes
operational conditions within a traffic stream and their perception by motorists and
passengers." Table 4 lists the threshold values to define each LOS category
Table 4 Criteria for signalized intersection (HCM 199)

Control Delay







More recently, LOS was defined again in HCM 2000 as "a quality measure
describing operational conditions within a traffic stream, generally in terms of such
service measures as speed and travel time, freedom to maneuver, traffic interruptions,
and in this work we will use the methodology of HCM 1997

2.2 Design principles of traffic signal

Traffic signals are one of the most effective and flexible active control of traffic and is
widely used in several cities worldwide. The conflicts arising from movements of traffic

in different directions is addressed by time sharing principle. The advantages of traffic

signal include an orderly movement of traffic, an increased capacity of the intersection
and requires only simple geometric design. However, the disadvantages of the signalized
intersection are large stopped delays, and complexity in the design and implementation.
Although the overall delay may be lesser than a rotary for a high volume, a user may
experience relatively high stopped delay. This chapter discuss various design principles of
traffic signal such as phase design, cycle length design, and green splitting. The concept
of saturation flow, capacity, and lost times are also presented. First, some definitions and
notations are given followed by various steps in design starting from phase design.
Definitions and notations.
A number of definitions and notations need to be understood in signal design. They are
discussed below:

Cycle: A signal cycle is one complete rotation through all of the indications

Cycle length: Cycle length is the time in seconds that it takes a signal to
complete one full cycle of indications. It indicates the time interval between
the starting of green for one approach till the next time the green starts. It is
denoted by C.

Interval: Thus it indicates the change from one stage to another. There are
two types of intervals - change interval and clearance interval. Change
interval is also called the yellow time indicates the interval between the
green and red signal indications for an approach.

Clearance interval: is also called all red and is provided after each yellow
interval indicating a period during which all signal faces show red and is
used for clearing off the vehicles in the intersection.

Green interval: It is the green indication for a particular movement or set of

movements and is denoted by Gi. This is the actual duration the green light
of a traffic signal is turned on.

Red interval: It is the red indication for a particular movement or set of

movements and is denoted by Ri. This is the actual duration the red light of a
traffic signal is turned on.

Phase: A phase is the green interval plus the change and clearance
intervals that follow it. Thus, during green interval, non-conflicting
movements are assigned into each phase. It allows a set of movements to
flow and safely halt the flow before the phase of another set of movements

Lost time: It indicates the time during which the intersection is not
effectively utilized for any movement. For example, when the signal for an
approach turns from red to green, the driver of the vehicle which is in the
front of the queue, will take some time to perceive the signal (usually called
as reaction time) and some time will be lost before vehicle actually moves
and gains speed.

Capitulo 3
Plan de marketing
Estudio de la demanda

Estudio de la oferta

Estudio de comercializacion

Capitulo 4
Plan de organizacion

Capitulo 5
Plan de operaciones

Capitulo 6
Plan financiero

Tablas y figuras deben ser puestas en pginas diferentes independientemente de su

tamao. No se debe dejar espacios en blanco en las pginas de texto, pero es posible dejar
espacio en blanco en pginas que solo contienen tablas y figuras.
Ttulo 3.
Tablas y figuras pueden ser puestas en un apndice al final de la tesis o

Captulo 3
Resultados y discusin.
Ms texto.

Lista de referencias
Andrews, S. Fastqc, (2010). A quality control tool for high throughput sequence data.
Augen, J. (2004). Bioinformatics in the post-genomic era: Genome, transcriptome,
proteome, and information-based medicine. Addison-Wesley Professional.

Blankenberg, D., Kuster, G. V., Coraor, N., Ananda, G., Lazarus, R., Mangan, M., ... &
Taylor, J. (2010). Galaxy: a webbased genome analysis tool for experimentalists.
Current protocols in molecular biology, 19-10.

Bolger, A., & Giorgi, F. Trimmomatic: A Flexible Read Trimming Tool for Illumina NGS
Data. URL http://www. usadellab. org/cms/index. php.

Giardine, B., Riemer, C., Hardison, R. C., Burhans, R., Elnitski, L., Shah, P., ... &
Nekrutenko, A. (2005). Galaxy: a platform for interactive large-scale genome
analysis. Genome research, 15(10), 1451-1455.

Las tablas y figuras pueden ir en el apndice como se mencion anteriormente.
Tambin es posible usar el apndice para incluir datos en bruto, instrumentos de
investigacin y material adicional.

Ac se incluye una breve biografa del autor de la tesis.

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