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ACTIVIDAD OBLIGATORIA: La redaccin, ortografa y la presentacin del trabajo

acadmico en este formato. (2ptos.)
PRIMERA ACTIVIDAD: Lee cuidadosamente las actividades a realizar:
Seleccionar uno de los viajes de negocios que fue ms





y las





Comenzar con un Brainstorming o lluvia de ideas
para elegir las actividades ms interesantes que
sern consideradas en la narracin.

Organizar y clasificar los eventos cronolgicamente y

segn la importancia debida.


Una vez que se ha determinado los aspectos que se

van a considerar, elegir el titulo ms apropiado y
comenzar con una pequea introduccin.

Finalmente redactar los prrafos donde detallara

todo lo que hizo y algunas actividades que

comenzaron en el pasado y aun viene realizando.

Presentacin de la informacin escrita en forma clara,
ordenada y concisa.

Creatividad al presentar la informacin de manera

fresca y gil.


El uso de todos los tiempos gramaticales pasado

simple y presente perfecto de manera armnica.
Tener cuidado con la correcta escritura de las
palabras y expresiones a utilizar.







utilizados en el tiempo Presente perfecto


Se valorara mucho su opinin personal.

Past Simple, regular and irregular verbs, Past time
expressions, Present Perfect, Adverbs, Prepositions, etc.
6 puntos
La copia de Trabajos de Internet o de otro participante
ser valorado con 00

SEGUNDA ACTIVIDAD: Lee cuidadosamente las instrucciones y aplcalas en cada

una de las actividades.:
Hacer un recuento de ancdotas ocurridas en su centro

de labores. Debe redactar prrafos para enlazarlos entre

si utilizando los conectores.

Iniciar con el listado de ancdotas que le han

sucedido en las diversas empresas o compaas para
las cuales ha laborado.

Luego proceda a redactar los prrafos pequeos,

teniendo en cuenta las reglas gramaticales y el
vocabulario aprendido.


Trate de encontrar la conexin (temas en comn, que

guarden relacin) entre estos prrafos para elegir el
conector ms apropiado y unirlos sin que pierda

Puede incluir imgenes y el brainstorming como

muestra del procedimiento que realizo antes de tener

los prrafos ya terminados.

Seleccin de la informacin importante y divertida
para incluir en esta actividad.

La redaccin pulcra y ordenada de los prrafos.






concordancia en gnero y numero.


Manejo apropiado del vocabulario y estructuras

gramaticales aprendidas en el curso.


Creatividad y honestidad al realizar cada una de las

Object pronouns, possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns,
different grammar tenses, The Connectors, etc.
7 puntos
Asegrate de utilizar el vocabulario sencillo aprendido en
este curso y de recordar la correcta escritura de las palabras
que sean necesarias para desarrollar el trabajo. Toma como
referencia las ayudas.

TERCERA ACTIVIDAD: Lee cuidadosamente las siguientes indicaciones.

Crear prrafos haciendo uso del pasado simple y el


pasado perfecto. Debe contrastar ambos tiempos

Elija el sujeto, los verbos y palabras a utilizar.

Crear sus propios prrafos (al menos 6 prrafos de 5

lneas como mnimo cada uno), teniendo en cuenta
las reglas gramaticales y la forma correcta de los
verbos y expresiones de tiempo en pasado simple y
pasado perfecto.

Comenzar la redaccin teniendo en cuenta la

ortografa, los verbos a utilizar, y las expresiones que


se incluirn en los prrafos.

Debe utilizar los dos tiempos gramaticales en un

mismo prrafo para contrastarlos.

Puede tomar como ejemplo el siguiente prrafo:

Some weeks ago I went to Camilas house. We didnt
talk a lot. She got angry for some messages I
showed to her. The next day I came back to her
house, but she had gone to her brothers

apartment. Now Im really worried

La forma en que se organizan los prrafos,
secuencia lgica para una mejor comprensin.


La originalidad y creatividad al desarrollar la


Fluidez y redaccin pulcra de acuerdo al nivel.

Uso correcto del Past Simple, Past Perfect and the

time expressions.



Utilizar arial 11 para desarrollar todas actividades.

5 puntos
Past Simple, Past Perfect, prepositions, useful expressions
No recibirn





realizados con traductor.

La copia de Trabajos de Internet o de otro participante ser
valorado con 00.


I had finished a work and i needed to collect my salary, so i decided to travel to

Cuzco city.

I went to Cuzco two years ago. It was a good experience.

My beautiful journey
I traveled to Cuzco for business I had advised a man for a construction of a school in
the VRAEM and had to go to charge him in the city of Cuzco. I took the trip to take a
vacation and know that city.
Well, I was already in that place , did not know where to go , an older man approached
with the face of good people and offered me to stay at his house at a reasonable price .
I agreed and boarded the taxi (I called them Ticos). We arrived in the house of my
anfrition and had a terrible headache by height, stand it tell me the benefits of the city
and its invaluable wealth.
That day I slept enough, the next morning with my cup of mate de coca between my
hands, I went to see to Becho who made the mate de coca. I had breakfast and
started to walk, well I think it is super boring get on a taxi in Cusco- . He had never
gone through streets like that, all stoned, long alleys , a sky as painted in a picture by
an artist, was another atmosphere and spirit of that city came over me , people were

diverse: American , Cusqueos , French , Argentine , Italian and almost everyone

gathered in one place .
Then came the day of my payment and I took the money and went to know Machu
Picchu. It was another wonderful experience.

I had hoped a lot of years to know this beautiful city. I was amazed when I met cuzco,
people are very friendly and the weather is perfect. I love cuzco!!!


I broke a TV in my previous work; this was no accident but still had to pay.

I had a job where every Friday something was wrong, it was a crazy thing.
Everybody in the work called it the bloody Friday

My first job as a waitress in an elegant restaurant 16 years ago.

My first job
We all comes that time when you are no longer your parents for money and hanging
out with friends or tell your mom to pick you up at 2 in the morning of the party. That's
when you realize you need a job to help a little in the home. Your first job.
After much searching, you find it and think everything will be great. Sure a weekend
before you celebrate with your friends and get ready for that Monday in which you will
enter into action. You think everything will be easy. Well in my case it didnt happen.
I started working at age 18. My first job was as a waitress. I arrived 15 minutes before
the first day of work. I was excited but scared. When my boss gave me directions, I
began to take the dishes to the tables. All was well until I saw one of my friends there
with her boyfriend gave me shame.
I didnt know what i do, and I asked another waiter to took the order of that table.
When my boss saw me doing nothing He shouted me and demanded that take orders,
I was so nervous I dropped food dishes and all customers realized. I could not stand
more and ran away. I Never went back to that place. This was my story about my first


1. Sally left home when she was 18. She didnt want to go to university, so
she went to work in a book shop in Ica. One day, a customer came to the store.

His name was Carlos. He liked Sally, and asked her out. She would not answer
him because she had been unlucky in love. She did not want to suffer again for
love, but the young man persuaded her to have a date.

2. They went out to dinner and had a nice time. Carlos told Sally that he worked in
a bank in the financial district.
Sally liked Carlos, too. She smiled and said that she hoped she would see him
again. He had bought her a necklace gift to sally. When he gave the gift to her,
was shocked and scared too.

3. Nobody is sure how it happened, but Sally and Carlos fell hopelessly in love,
and ended up getting married.
They moved into a small flat together, and paid incredibly high rent for a few
years, until Sally announced that she was pregnant. She had hoped that for

4. Carlos asked for a loan from the bank so they could buy a nicer flat in a
friendlier neighborhood outside Ica, and a few months later Sally had her baby.
They named the baby Rosa. She always had wanted to put that name to her
first daughter, because Rosa was the name of her mother.

5. Last friday I told my mother I wanted to go out, because she hadn't let me the
weekend before. I was so angry when she refused to agree because she
objected I hadn't cleaned my room and I hadnt done my homework. I was
histerical, I answered back I had at least washed the dishes, while she had
watched TV in the comfortable sofa.
6. She was so angry she threw me out of the house, and I ran desperately where
my friend Sophie, who had told me to trust in her in whatever I needed. Now I
think that was wrong. I should heed mom and not behave that way. I had
broken my mothers heart with that attitude, but did not know what to do.

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