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The Robots Magician

Scene 1 Johnny es un nio que odia las mates. La obra empieza con el nio en su
habitacin, jugando a hacer trucos de magia, (con una varita mgica y una baraja
de cartas, por ejemplo) e ignora sus tareas.
Johnny: Abra-cadabra! ( grita y mueve su varita mgica) Pick a card, any card ..
(hablando con el pblico).
Mom: Johnny, are you doing magic tricks again? (la Madre entra) No more magic tricks
until you finish your homework.
JOHNNY: Mom, homework is boring! I hate Maths!
MOM: No more magic tricks, Johnny. Finish your homework!
Johnny: But mom, maths are boring! (imitando la maestra repitiendo la tabla de
multiplicar) 1x1 is 1, 2x2 is 4, 3x3 is 9, blah blah blah blah blah
Mom: Oh Johnny, maths, are very important for lots of things!
Johnny: But Moooom, I dont waaant to do my homework! (quejndose)
Mom: (Esta vez ms seria) Johnny, You are not coming out of this room until you finish
your homework. (Se marcha y le deja castigado en su dormitorio)
Johnny: Stupid maths homework. Who cares about maths! (Johnny empieza a barajar las
cartas, pregunta al pblico) Do you want to see my favorite magic trick?
Audience: YESSSS (Johnny les ensea el truco de las flores)
Para hacer saber que est pasando mucho tiempo castigado, podramos ensear un reloj
de pared y las agujas avanzando....TIC TAC TIC TAC TIC TAC .El nio se aburre y decide
buscar un hechizo en un libro de magia para poder entretenerse...
Johnny: I need a fun magic trick... (Pasa las pginas) here is one! the Pinocchio spell:
make a doll come to life. ilusionado, pausa para pensrselo) hmmmm.. . Warning- this
magic trick requires maths calculations (mirando a su alrededor, en su habitacin y
buscando que juguete utilizar para este truco y ve un pequeo robot, roto en dos piezas)
Oh, my favorite Robot is broken... maybe a little magic will fix him! (empieza a leer las
Step One: calculate the height. Step two: Calculate the weight. Step 3: Divide by 2. Step
4. Multiply answer by 3. Step 5: Subtract 10. Repeat chant as needed: (se rasca la
cabeza para entender las instruciones)
Lets try again: AHEM (se prepara para leer las instruciones otra vez) Step One:
calculate the height. (con sus manos o una regla, mide el robot de alto) Step two:
Calculate the weight. (coge el robot en sus manos como estimando cuanto pesa) Step 3:
Divide the height plus the weight by 2. What! Ugh, I think we will just skip this step, don
t you think Mr. Robot... Step 4. Multiply by 3. Step 5: Subtract 10 and Repeat chant as
many times as the answer in step 4... (pausa para hacer cara de confusion) Geeezz!
Maybe mom was right, maths are everywhere... Well, lets just get to the magic part: Eye
of toad, Ear of bat, Leg of frog, Tail of cat. I count to three and alive you will be Zippety
do-da, zippety dee, one, two, and three!!
(No ocurre nada, y decide decirlo otra vez, ms fuerte) Maybe I just need to say it again...
Eye of toad, Ear of bat, Leg of frog, Tail of cat. I count to three and alive you will be,
Zippety do-da, zippety dee, one, two, and three!!

(Sigue sin ocurrir nada, entonces pide la ayuda del pblico , entonces lo dicen mas
lentamente) Come on, will you help me chant?
Eye of toad, Ear of bat, Leg of frog, Tail of cat. I count to three and alive you will be
Zippety do-da zippety dee, one, two, and three!!
(De repente aparece el actor haciendo de robot de juguete)
Johnny: Wow! Its bigger... (se acerca a inspeccionarlo pero
el robot no para de moverse), and it moves! Haha! I did it!
- de repente le contesta el robotRobot: You did what?
Johnny: (se asusta ) ARGH, you speak!
Robot: Of course I do.
Johnny: You cant speak!
Robot: Of course I can.
Johnny: Wow! You are really alive.
Robot: Of course I am.
Johnny: No, you are supposed to be a toy.
Robot: I am not.
Johnny: Yes, you are.
Robot: Am not
Johnny: Are too!
Robot: Am not
Johnny: Are too!
Robot: Silence. Im not your toy. I am a super-computer.
Johnny: What does a super-computer do?
Robot: I can calculate very difficult math problems.
Johnny: OH, thats great! I need to learn to multiply by 3.
Robot: Multiply by 3? Thats easy. Three is a magic number!
(El robot debe hacer algo muy gracioso cuando canta la cancin, pero como l no tiene
sentido del humor, no entiende por qu se re Johnny)
Johnny: (se re a carcajadas, imitndolo) HAHAHAHAHAHA. Thats so funny !
Robot: What are you doing?
Johnny: HAHAHAH That was so funny! HAHAHAH
Robot: Whats so funny?
Johnny: The thing you just did over there, when you were singing (se re sin control)
Robot: I dont understand, please defineFUNNY".

Johnny: What?! You dont know what" funny" means?

Robot: Calculate: F-U-N-N-Y: (hace sonidos de ordenador procesando, de conexin a
internet o algo as) Answer: does not compute. SYSTEM ERROR
Johnny: Funny is when something makes you laugh.
Robot: What is "laugh"?
Johnny: Laugh? like smiling! ( Piensa en cmo puede explicrselo, le fuerza una sonrisa
al robot con sus dedos y se acaba riendo el)HAHAHA Laughing is the sound we make
when something is funny!
Robot: A sound? Error: Does not compute.
Johnny: You know, (hace una risa falsa) HA-HA-HA-HA
Robot: (repitiendo ) JA-JA-JA-JA-JA
Johnny: Yes, exactly, but first, something has to be funny.
Robot: So, when is something funny?
Johnny: When it makes you laugh!
Robot: But when do you know when to laugh?
Johnny: When something is funny! ....or when someone tickles you.
Robot: (procesando la informacin y haciendo ruidos de ordenador) ERROR. System fail.
DOES NOT COMPUTE. What is "tickles"?
(Johnny trata de hacerle cosquillas al robot.)
Robot: What are you doing?
Johnny: A-hah, well, you are not tickleish, it seems.
Robot: What does that mean.
Johnny: It means you dont laugh when someone tries to force it out of you.
(el nio piensa en qu podra hacer ahora para saber si el robot tiene sentido del humor)
Maybe we can get you to laugh with some jokes! ....Hmmmm, lets see... Ok, I got one:

Why did the robot go back to robot school?

Robot: Why, Tell me.

Johnny: Because his skills were getting a little rusty! Get it, Rusty!(ROBOT no hace nada)
Robot: Try again.
Johnny: OK. ....What do you get when you cross a robot and a tractor?
Robot: I dont know... What?
Johnny: A trans-farmer! HAHAHA. (JOHNNY se rie mas aun esta vez, pero ROBOT no
hace nada) OK, lets try one more. Three is the magic number, afterall!
AHEM, (JOHNNY se prepara)
Johnny: What did the man say to his dead robot?
Robot: What?
Johnny: Rust in peace. (pausa) Get it, RUST, REST HAHAHAHA No, OK, dont try, its
useless...You dont have a sense of humor.
Robot: I dont have a-what?
Johnny: People choose what is funny to them.
Robot: How do you choose what is funny?
Johnny: Uhm, when something is funny- you just know it..
Robot: So, how do I get one of these humor sensors?
Johnny: What? A sense of humor? (se para a pensar) I dont think you can. I mean, its
not something you can buy.
Robot: Then it mustn't be so important, otherwise, I would have built-in software for
Johnny: maybe they just forgot? maybe I can just find a funny magic spell for you!
Robot: Magic?
Johnny: Yeah, thats how I made you come alive!
Robot: What do you mean... made me come alive?

Johnny: I mean, yesterday you were just a broken toy, and today... Poof!
Robot: But thats impossible...
Johnny: (le ensea el libro de magia) Look for yourself, heres the spell I used...
Robot: Step One: calculate the height. Step two: Calculate the weight. Step 3: Divide by
2. Step 4. Multiply answer by 3. Step 5: Repeat chant as needed: Wait. Did you do this
Johnny: Yes.
Robot: Are you sure?
Johnny: Well, I just thought it didnt matter...
Robot: What! You just thought! (se enfada)
Johnny: Who cares! It worked! Here you are! Ta-Da!
Robot: But Look at me! Im too big! So I cant play with you now. I cant enjoy it. I cant
laugh.. (se pone triste)
Johnny: Dont be sad, Mr. Robot. Maybe we can fix it!
Robot: OK. Lets review what you did.
Johnny: Well, you were as tall as 10 fingers (mostrando sus manos con todos los dedos
en alto) and heavier than my ball.
Robot: Well, thats not the best way, but did you divide by 2?
Johnny: Well, you see, I havent learned to divide yet...
Robot: Johnny, that means you skipped step number 3 and the rest of the calculations
are wrong. So if I was as tall as ten fingers (le muestra los 10 dedos) and we divide by 2,
then we have 5.
Johnny: Oh wow, that was easy! Its not fair because you are a super computer!
Robot: Johnny, your brain can be a super-computer too, if you study.
Johnny: (agacha la cabeza) thats what my mom says too...
Robot: Step 4: Multiply by 3. Oh, well, thats easy.. three is a magic number...
3x10 is 30; 3x9 is 27; 3x8 is 24; 3x7 is 21; 3x6 is 18; 3x5 is 15; 3x4 is 12; And 3x3 is 9;
And 3x2 is 6
Juntos: And 3x1 is 3 of course now again!
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 3x10 is 30, 3x9 is 27, 3x8 is 24, 3x7 is 21, 3x6 is 18, 3x5 is 15
Johnny: Wow! Thats was fun! 3x15 so the answer is 15!
Robot: So, step 5 says: subtract 10 and chant as needed.
Johnny: So maybe if we chant it 2 more times, you will be complete, with your sense of
Lets do it together!
JUNTOS los dos: Eye of toad, Ear of bat, Leg of frog, Tail of cat. I count to three and alive
you will be Zippety do-da zippety dee, one, two, and three!!
Now everybody!
JUNTOS con audiencia: Eye of toad, Ear of bat, Leg of frog, Tail of cat. I count to three and
alive you will be Zippety do-da zippety dee, one, two, and three!!
Robot empieza a reir
Johnny: We did it! Wow! Maths are great! (recordando sus deberes) I have to learn the
multiplication tables for tomorrow. Oh no look at the time! My mom is going to have
supper ready any moment.
Robot: I should turn back into your toy again.
johnny: Yes, you are right. INow that I know how to do it, I can bring you back again
another day!
Robot: Yes of course, you know where to find me.
Johnny: (El hechizo en reverso) : tail of cat ,leg of a frog, ear of a bat, eye of toad, I count

to one and a toy you become. 5,- 4, -3, -2 ,and - 1! (EL ROBOT desaparece y el juguete
esta ahi en su lugar, el nio se queda solo y contento de poder ahora apreciar la
matematicas y canta mientras que acaba sus deberes. Cuando llega su madre y entra
MOM: Whats all the noise? Are you finished with your homework? Its time for supper.
Johnny: Yes, I just finished it. Mom, you were right, Maths are very important.
Mom: Oh, Johnny, Im so glad you did your maths homework.
(se van a cenar)


Escchalo en Youtube:
Counting sheep
When youre trying to sleep,
Being fair
When theres something to share,
Being neat
When youre folding a sheet,
Thats mathematics!
When a ball
Bounces off of a wall,
When you cook
From a recipe book,
When you know
How much money you owe,
Thats mathematics!
How much gold can you hold in an elephants ear?
When its noon on the moon, then what time is it here?
If you could count for a year, would you get
to infinity,
Or somewhere in that vicinity?
When you choose
How much postage to use,
When you know
Whats the chance it will snow,
When you bet
And you end up in debt,
Oh try as you may,
You just cant get away
From mathematics!
Tap your feet,
Keepin time to a beat,
Of a song
While youre singing along,
With the rest of the guys,
Yes, try as you may,
You just cant get away
From mathematics!

Three Is A Magic Number

Escuchalo en Youtube:

Three is a magic number

Yea it is, its a magic number
Somewhere in that ancient mystic trinity
Youll get three
As a magic number
The past, the present, the future,
Faith, and hope, and charity,
The heart, the brain, the body,
Will give you three,
Its a magic number
It takes three legs to make a tripod or to make a
table stand,
And it takes three wheels to make a vehicle
called a tricycle
And every triangle has three corners,
Every triangle has three sides,
No more, no less,
You dont have to guess
That its three
Cant you see?
Its a magic number
A man and a woman had a little baby
Yeah they did
And there were three in the family
And thats a magic number
3, 6, 9,
12, 15, 18,
21, 24, 27,
Now multiply backwards from 3x10
3x10 is 30
3x9 is 27
3x8 is 24
3x7 is 21
3x6 is 18
3x5 is 15
3x4 is 12
And 3x3 is 9
And 3x2 is 6
And 3x1 is 3 of course
(now dig the pattern once more!)
3, 6, 9,
12, 15, 18
Oh yeah
3x10 is 30

3x9 is 27
3x8 is 24
3x7 is 21
3x6 is 18
3x5 is 15
3x4 is 12
And 3x3 is 9
And 3x2 is 6
And 3x1
What is it?
A man and a woman had a little baby
There were three in the family
And thats a magic number

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