Está en la página 1de 13


The 1897 Constitution of Biak-na-Bato

The Katipunan's revolution led to the Tejeros Convention where, at San Francisco de Malabn, Cavite, on March 22,
1897, the first presidential and vice presidential elections in Philippine history were heldalthough
only Katipuneros (viz., members of the Katipunan) were able to take part, and not the general populace. A later
meeting of the revolutionary government established there, held on November 1, 1897 at Biak-na-Bato in the town
of San Miguel de Mayumo in Bulacn, established the Republic of Biak-na-Bato. The republic had a constitution
drafted by Isabelo Artacho and Flix Ferrer and based on the first Cuban Constitution It is known as the
"Constitucin Provisional de la Repblica de Filipinas", and was originally written in and promulgated in the
Spanish and Tagalog languages.
A. Spanish Version
Constitucin Provisional de la Repblica de Filipinas
1 November 1897
La separacin de Filipinas de la Monarqua Espaola, constituyndose en Estado Independiente y soberano con
Gobierno propio, con el nombre de Repblica de Filipinas, es el fin que persigue la Revolucin en su guerra actual,
iniciada en xxiv de Agosto de 1896; y en su nombre y por delegacin que le confiriera el pueblo filipino,
interpretando fielmente sus votos y aspiraciones, los Representantes de la Revolucin, reunidos en Asamblea
Constituyente en Biak-na-bat en Noviembre de 1897, han votado unnimes los siguientes artculos de Constitucin
de Estado:
Artculo I. El Gobierno Supremo de la Repblica residir en un Consejo Supremo compuesto de un Presidente, un
Vice-Presidente y cuatro Secretarios: de Estado para el despacho de los asuntos de Relaciones Exteriores, Guerra,
Interior y Hacienda.
Article II. Sern atribuciones del Consejo Supremo de Gobierno: I. Adoptar todas las medidas encaminadas a
sostener y desarrollar su existencia, dictando las disposiciones que crea adecuadas para la conservacin y
seguridad de la vida civil y poltica de la Nacin. II. Imponer y percibir contribuciones, contraer emprstitos
nacionales o extranjeros cuando fuere preciso, emitir papel-moneda, acuar moneda invertir los fondos
recaudados por cualquier concepto con destino las atenciones del Estado en sus diferentes ramos. III. Autorizar el
corso con la patente necesaria, declarar represalias, levantar y organizar tropas y mantenerlas, ratificar tratados y
celebrar tratado de paz con Espaa, con ratificacin de la Asamblea de Representantes. IV. Someter al poder
judicial, si lo estima oportuno, al Presidente cual quiera de los Miembros del Consejo, cuando fueren acusados
por infracciones, cuyo conocimiento corresponde al poder judicial y resolver toda clase de reclamaciones que
hiciere cualquier ciudadano, excepcin hecha de la judicial. V. Tener la intervencin y direccin suprema de las
operaciones militares, cuando crea necesario para la consecucin de altos fines polticos: aprobar, reformar o
modificar los Bandos y Ordenanzas del Ejrcito, que propusiere el General del Ejrcito, conferir los grados y
ascensos desde el de Primer Teniente en adelante y conceder honores y recompensas que se obtuvieren por servicios
de guerra a propuesta del mismo Capitn General del Ejrcito. VI. Elegir y nombrar un Capitn General y un
lugar-Teniente General, y VII. Ordenar la convocacin de la Asamblea de Representantes, cuando con arreglo las
prescripciones de esta Constitucin sea necesaria.
Article III. El Vicepresidente sustituir interinamente al Presidente en caso de vacante.
Article IV. Para cada Secretara habr un Subsecretario que auxiliar en el despacho de los asuntos y sustituir
interinamente al Secretario respectivo en casos de vacanta, teniendo entonces voz y voto en el Consejo de

Article V. Sern incompatibles con cualquier otro cargo de la Repblica, los de Presidente, Vicepresidente,
Secretario y Subsecretario.
Article VI. Ser requisito indispensable para ser Presidente, Vicepresidente, Secretario y Subsecretario ser mayor
de veintitrs aos.
Article VII. La base de toda eleccin y nombramiento de cualquier funcionario de la Repblica ser precisamente
la aptitud para el desempeo del cargo que se le confiriere.
Article VIII. El tagalog ser la lengua oficial de la Repblica.
Article IX. Los acuerdos del Consejo de Gobierno se resolvern por mayora de votos y en sus deliberaciones
tomarn parte todos los miembros del mismo.
Article X. El poder ejecutivo residir en el Presidente o en el Vicepresidente en su defecto y sern sus atribuciones:
Sancionar y promulgar los acuerdos del Consejo Supremo de Gobierno; efectuar su cumplimiento dentro del
trmino de nueve das, expidiendo los Decretos, Reglamentos Instrucciones correspondientes para sus
ejecuciones; recibir todos los Embajadores; celebrar tratados y expedir sus despachos todos los funcionarios.
Article XI. En las vacantas definitivas de los cargos de Presidente, Vicepresidente y Secretarios por muerte,
renuncia otros motivos legtimos, se reunir la Asamblea de Representantes para la eleccin de los que habrn de
desempear los cargos vacantes.
Article XII. Los Secretarios tendrn voz y voto en las deliberaciones de todos los acuerdos de cualquier ndole.
Article XIII. A propuesta de los Secretarios, se nombrarn los Subsecretarios y dems empleados de su respectiva
Article XIV. El Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores tendr su cargo: Todas las correspondencias con las Naciones
Extranjeras, tratados de cualquier naturaleza, nombramiento de Representantes para aqullas y formacin de sus
despachos; autorizando los gastos de aquellos funcionarios que por acuerdo del Consejo de Gobierno residan en el
Extranjero y refrendando los pasaportes para el Extranjero.
Article XV. Sern de la incumbencia del Secretario del Interior: La formacin de la Estadstica General de la
Repblica, la apertura de caminos y carreteras, el fomento de la agricultura, industria, comercio, artes, oficios y
manufacturas, la instruccin pblica y los correos, los depsitos de reses y caballos para el servicio de la
Revolucin: la polica para la proteccin y seguridad del orden pblico y para la del ejercicio de las libertades y
derechos individuales establecidos en esta Constitucin y el cuidado de los bienes del Estado.
Article XVI. El Secretario de Guerra se encargar de toda la correspondencia militar; del aumento disminucin,
organizacin instruccin de las tropas del ejrcito; Estados Mayores de plaza, vestuarios, hospitales y provisiones
del ejrcito de boca y guerra, y concesin de toda clase de mercedes por servicios de guerra.
Article XVII. El Secretario de Hacienda tendr su cargo todos los ingresos y gastos del Erario, cobrando
invirtiendo con sujecin a los Reglamentos y Decretos emanados de los acuerdos del Consejo de Gobierno;
acuacin de moneda, emisin de papel moneda y la deuda pblica, administracin de los bienes del Estado y de
los efectos y dems derechos de la Hacienda.
Article XVIII. Los Secretarios se encargarn de la redaccin de todos los despachos, Leyes, Reglamentos y
Decretos de su respectiva incumbencia.

Article XIX. El Capitn General del ejrcito tendr el mando superior de todas las tropas armadas existentes en los
pueblos, plazas y destacamentos, la direccin de las operaciones de guerra, salvo el caso reservando para el
Consejo de Gobierno establecido en el artculo II, nmero cinco, y dictar los bandos que juzgue necesarios para la
disciplina y seguridad de las tropas.
Article XX. El lugar- Teniente General sustituir interinamente en caso de vacante al Capitn General del ejrcito.
Article XXI. Cada provincia de Filipinas podr tener un Representante delegado elegido por sufragio universal que
la representar en las Asambleas.
Article XXII. Se establece la libertad de cultos, de asociaciones, de enseanza y de imprenta, as como la del
ejercicio de toda clase de profesin, artes, oficios, industrias y reuniones.
Article XXIII. Todos los filipinos tendrn derecho a dirigir peticiones presentar reclamaciones de cualquier
ndole por s por representacin al Consejo de Gobierno de la Repblica.
Article XXIV. Ningn individuo sea cual fuere su nacionalidad, podr ser preso detenido sino en virtud de
mandamiento fundado, expedido por tribunal competente a no ser por delitos que afectan a la Revolucin, al
Gobierno y al ejrcito.
Article XXV. Tampoco podr ser privado ningn individuo de sus bienes de su domicilio, sino en virtud de
sentencia firme.
Article XXVI. Todo filipino est obligado a servir a la Revolucin con su persona intereses a medida de sus
Article XXVII. Las deudas y compromisos contrados con anterioridad a la promulgacin de esta Constitucin por
los Jefes del Ejrcito Revolucionario y por los agentes comisionados debidamente nombrados para el efecto,
sern reconocidas y vlidos, como tambin lo sern los que en lo sucesivo se obtuvieran mediante documentos
autnticos expedidos por el Gobierno.
Article XXVIII. El Consejo de Gobierno podr deponer a cualquiera de sus miembros por motivo justificado,
legtimo y suficiente a juicio de todos los dems Consejeros.
Article XXIX. El poder judicial residir en un Concejo Supremo de Gracia y Justicia, y su planta y organizacin
estar a cargo del Consejo Supremo de Gobierno.
Article XXX. El Consejo de Gracia y Justicia proceder con entera independencia de los otros poderes en cuanto a
la aplicacin de las leyes civiles y penales.
Article XXXI. Todos los funcionarios de la Repblica tendrn el deber de auxiliarse mutuamente en el ejercicio de
sus funciones.
Article XXXII. Esta Constitucin regir a Filipinas durante dos aos a contar desde la fecha de su promulgacin si
antes no terminare la guerra. Transcurrido este plazo, se convocar la Asamblea de Representantes y podr ser
modificada o reformada esta Constitucin y se proceder la eleccin del nuevo Consejo de Gobierno y la
clausura del saliente.
As lo han pactado los Representantes del pueblo filipino y en nombre de la Repblica, lo ordena la Asamblea
Constituyente, prometiendo los concurrentes con la fe de su honor el cumplimiento de cuanto se prescribe en la

presente Constitucin en Biak-na-bat a primero de Noviembre de mil ochocientos noventa y siete. Presidente

B. Tagalog Version
Copia ng Constituciong halal sa Biak-na-bato
1 November 1987
Sa Biaknabato ngayong unang araw ng buan ng Noviembre ng taong isang libo, walong daan at siyam na puot
pito; nagkatipon ang mga Taga Pamagitang bayan (Representantes) nang Sangkapuluang Filipinas, upang mabago
ang Kautusang halal (Constitucion) nitong Republika de Filipinas, na napagsuri na at naipahayag na sa bayang
Naik, Sakop ng hokomang Cavite ng ikadalawang puot dalawa ng Marso nitong tumatakbong taon; at sa pagtupad
sa inilagda sa kautusan 29 at pagkatapos ng mahabang pagsusuri ay pinagkaisanhan nang kalahatan ang mga
talatang sumusunod:
Constitucion o Halal na Kautusan subaling susundin nitong Republica nang Filipinas
Ang paghiwalay ng Filipinas sa kahariang Espaa, sa pagtatatag ng isang bayang may sariling pamamahalat
kapangyarihan na panganganlang Republika ng Filipinas ay siyang layong inadhika niyaring Paghihimagsik na
kasalukuyan, simula pa ng ika 24 ng Agosto ng taong 1896; kaya ngat sa kaniyang pangalan at sa kapahintulutan
ng sa kaniya ay ipinagkaloob ng bayan ng katagalugan, sa paghahangad na matupad ang kaniyang mga pitat nasa,
ang mga halal na nangangalinga nitong Paghihimagsik sa pagkakatipon sa kanilang kapulungan na itinatag dito sa
Biyak-na-bato ngayong unang arao ng Noviembre ng taong 1897, binuko nilang pinagkaisanhan ang mga kasunod
ng mga liham utos ng bayan, na siyang aalinsunurin.
Unang-utos. Ang kataas-taasang kapangyarihan ng Republica (Gobierno Supremo de la Republica) ay mananatili
sa isang Kataas-taasang Sangunian (Consejo Supremo) na pamamahalaan ng isang Unang Pangulong Taga
Pangasiwa (Presidente), isang Pangalawang Pangulo Taga Pangasiwa (Vice-Presidente) at apat na Kalihim ng
Bayan (Secretarios de Estado) sa paga-ayos at pagpapalakad sa lahat ng bagay na nahihingil sa
pakikipagtalastasan sa ibat ibang kaharian o lupain (Relaciones Exteriores). Sa pakikilaban (Guerra) Sa
pamamahala sa loob ng bayan (Interior) at sa natutunkol sa kaniyang mga pag-aari o yaman (Hacienda).
Ikalawang-utos. Ang katungkulan ng kataas-taasang Sangunian ng taga Pangasiwaang bayan (Consejo-Supremo
de Gobierno) ay ito: Una. Magnunukala ng lahat ng mga nararapat na nahihigil sa ikapananatili at ikalalago ng
kaniyang sariling pamumuhay, ipag-utos na matupad ang mga kautusan na inaakalang makapagbibigay ng
kalingaan at katibayan ng bayan (Vida Civil y Politica de la Nacion). Ikalawa: Lumikha at lumangap ng mga

kabuisan, magtatag ng mga emprestito sa loob ng bayan o sa labas man kung inaakalang kinakailangan,
magpalimbag ng salaping papel, gumawa ng salapi at ipatungkol ang nai-ipong kayamanan sa mga kailangan ng
bayan, alinsunod sa mga ibat ibang bahagi. Ikatlo. Magkaloob ng kapahintulutan kailangan sa panghaharang sa
dagat (Patentos de Corso), maghiganti sa hindi natupad ng pinagkasunduan (Represalias), magtayo at magtatag ng
mga hukbo, papagtibayin ang mga pinagkasundoan, at makipagkasundot tumahimik sa Espaa na pagtitibayin ng
pulong ng kanikaniyang tagakalingang bayan (Asamblea de Representantes). Ikaapat: Idulog sa Hokom na may
kapangyarihan, kung minamarapat ang unang-Pangulo Taga Pangasiwa (Presidente) o sino man kaya sa mga
galawad ng Sangunian (Consejo) kailan pa man at sila ay maparatangan ng mga bagay bagay na dapat kilanlin ng
Pangulong Hokom (Poder Judicial) at sumuri ng lahat ng mga panaing ng alin mang mamamayan, tangi ang
natutungkol sa mga Hokom na tagalining Sala. Ikalima: Mamagitan at magbigay ng lubos na pagmamalasakit sa
mga bagay na nau-ukol sa mga labanan, kailan man at nararapat sa paghahangad na datuin ang mga layong
ninanasa: papagtibayin o subaling palitan ang mga Kautusan o bandong tinatawag at Ordenanzas ng Hokbo, na
ipaunawang nararapat ng Pang-Ulong Hokbo, magkaloob ng mga katungkulan at kataasang buhat sa 1st Teniente,
at magbigay ng dangal at mga ganting-pala na dapat kamtan, ayon sa kanilang pamamahalat pagsisiyasat sa
Hokbo na ipagpauna ng Pang-Ulong Hokbo (Capitan General) Ikaanim: Maghalal at magbuko ng isang
Pangulong Hokbo (Capitan General) at isang Pangalawang Pangulo (Teniente General). Ikapito: Ipag utos ang
pagtitipon ng pulong ng mga Taga Kalingangbayan, kailan man at alinsunod sa mga kautusan nitong Constitucion
ay kinakailangan.
Ikatlong Utos: Ang ikalawang Pangulo (Vice-Presidente) ay siyang gaganap ng katungkulan ng Unang Pangulo
(Presidente) kailan man at itoy hindi makaganap.
Ikaapat na Utos: Ang bawat isang Kalihim (Secretario) magkakaroon ng isang pangalawa (Sub Secretario), na
tutulong sa pagpapalabas ng mga bagay bagay na kaniyang nasasakop at hahalili sa tunay na Kalihim (Secretario)
kung itoy hindi makaganap; at sa bagay na ito ay magkakaroon siya ng bibig o boto sa Sangunian ng
Pamahalaang bayan (Consejo de Gobierno).
Ikalimang Utos: Sa alin mang katungkulan sa Republica ay hindi magagamit ang Unang-Pangulo (Presidente), Ang
Ikalawang Pangulo (Vice-Presidente), mga Kalihim (Secretarios) at ang kanikanilang mga pangalawa (SubSecretarios).
Ikaanim na Utos: Isa sa mga kinakailangan para maging Pangulo (Presidente), Ikalawang Pangulo (VicePresidente), Kalihim (Secretario) at pangalawang Kalihim (Sub-Secretario) ay ang gumaganap sa gulang na 23
Ikapitong Utos: Sa mga paghahalal at pagkakaloob ng katungkulan sa alin mang Taga Pangasiwa ng Republica ay
kinakailangan sanguni-in ang kaniyang karapatan ayon sa katungkulang sa kaniyay ipagkakaloob.
Ikawalong Utos: Ang wikang tagalog ay siyang mananatiling wika ng Republika.
Ikasiam na Utos: Ang mga tatag ng Sangunian ng Taga Pangasiwang bayan ay dapat pagkayariang masunod ang
buko at bibig ng karamihan at sa kanilang mga pulong dapat umabuloy ang lahat ng kaniyang galawad.
Ikapulong Utos: Ang kapangyarihan sa pagtupad ng lahat ng pinagkayarian (Poder Ejecutivo) ay nalalagi sa
Pangulong Taga Pangasiwa (Presidente) sa kanyang ikalawa (Vice-Presidente) at sa bagay na ito ang kaniyang
katungkulan ay ang kasunod; bigyan ng lakas at ilathala sa nasasakupan ang lahat na itinatag ng Kataastaasang
Sangunian ng taga Pangasiwang bayan (Consejo Supremo de Gobierno); ipatupad sa loob ng siyam na araw na
ikalat ang mga kalatas (Secreto) kautusan (Reglamento) o kabilinan (Instrucciones) na nauukol sa kaniyang
katuparan. Tangapin ang mga sugong embajada, makipagyari ng pakikipagkasundo at maggawad ng mg katibayan
sa lahat ng mga nangangatungkulan.

Ikalabing isang utos: Kung sakalit alin man sa mga katungkulan ng Pangulong Taga Pangasiwa (Presidente),
ikalawang Taga Pangasiwa (Vice-Presidente) ang mga Kalihim (Secretarios) ay mawalan ng gumanap gaya nanga
kung mamatay, magpahalili o iba pang bagay na nararapat dingin, ay dapat tipunin sa pulong ng mga
Tagakalingang bayan (Asamblea de Representantes) sa paglalagay at pagbubuko ng sukat gumanap na humalili sa
mga nasabing katungkulan.
Ikalabing dalawang utos: Ang mga Kalihim (Secretarios) ay magkakaroon ng sariling bibig o voto sa mga
pagbibigay liwanag sa lahat ng itatatag sanhi sa anomang bagay.
Ikalabing tatlong utos: Ang mga Kalihim (Secretarios) sila ang pipili ng kanikanilang kahalili o pangalawa (SubSecretario) at ibat iba pang mga kawani sa kanikanilang pinamamahalaan, na siyang dapat na ihalal.
Ikalabing apat na utos: Ang Kalihim sa pakikipagsalitaan sa ibat ibang kaharian (Secretario de Relaciones
Exteriores) ay siyang mamamahala ng lahat ng pakikipagsagutan sa lahat ng bayan ng naturang ibang kaharian;
ang pakikpagkayari ng pakikipagkasundo sa anomang bagay sa paghahalal ng mga Taga Pamagitan sa mga
nasabing bayan, at sa pagbibigay ng kanilang katibayan: bumalak at iliham ang mga kakailanganin ng nasabing
mangangatungkulan na niyari sa Sangunian ng Mag Pangasiwang bayan (Consejo de Gobierno) na dapat
mangagtumira doon sa mga bayan sa itaas nitoy nababangit, at gayon din naman sa pagkakaloob ng mga
katibayang kinakailangan.
Ikalabing limang utos: Ang Kalihim sa loob ng nasasakupan (Secretario del Interior) ay ang pangangasiwaan: ang
gumawa ng kabilangan ng lahat ng nasasakupan ng Republica, ang pagbubukas ng mga daan sa loob at labas ng
bayan mga tulay at ibat ibang gagawin sa pag-i-ingat at ikapagtitibay ng mga nasabing bagay, ang pagbibigay
ginhawa at pagpapala sa mga pagtatanim sa lupa (Agriculttura); sa paghahanap buhay (Industria); sa
pangangalakal (Comercio); mga Artes, oficios at manufacturas, ang pagtuturo sa bayan (Instruccion Publica)
sugong sulat (Correos) habilinan ng mga hayop at kabayo na gagamitin nitong Paghihimagsik (Revolucion),
pagkakalinga ng ikatatahimik ng mga bayanbayan at gayon din naman ang pagpapaganap ng nau-ukol sa mga
kalayaan at kaginhawahan ng isat isa na ipinagkakaloob nitong Halal na Kautusan (Constitucion) at ang pag-iingat ng mga kayamanan ng Bayan.
Ikalabing anim na utos: Ang Kalihim sa pakikibaka (Secretario de Guerra) siyang mangangasiwa at tatangap ng
lahat ng mga sugong sulat na natutungkol sa Hokbo: sa pagdaragdag o pagbabawas sa pagkakalinga, sa pagtuturo
sa mga kawal ng Hokbo: sa mga pagtatatag ng kaniyang Estado Mayor sa mga nayon na may hokbo, Taga
Pangasiwa ng kawal (Gobernadores Militares) mga pananamit sa mga alagaan ng mga sakit, sa mga kinakailangan
ng hokbo sa pagkain at sa laban, sa pag-gawad ng ganting biyaya bagay sa mga pagkakalinga sa laban, at sa
paghahalal ng mga pulong na mananatili (Comisiones Permanentes) na mga mangangasiwa sa gagamitin ng hokbo
(Administracion Militar) at sa isang katawang bilang na mangangasiwa sa may sakit na kawal (Sanidad Militar).
Ikalabing pitong utos: Ang Kalihim sa pag aaring bayan (Secretario de Hacienda) ay siyang mangangasiwang
magbibigay ukol at magkakalal ng Kayamanang Bayan alinsunod sa mga kautusan at kalatas na mangagaling sa
pagkakayarian ng Sangunian ng Taga Pangasiwang bayan (Consejo Gobierno): gumawa ng salapi at lumikha ng
salaping papel at liningen, siyasatin at pamahalaan ang utang ng Bayan (Deuda publica).
Ikalabing walong utos: Ang lahat ng Kalihim (Secretarios) siyang mangangasiwa ng pagtatatag ng lahat ng
pagbibigay utos Punong kautusan (Leyes) at Likhang Liham na aalinsunurin sa kanikaniyang pinamamahalaan.
Ikalabing siyam na utos: Ang Pangulong Digma ng kawal (Capitan General del Ejercito) siyang may lubos na
kapangyarihan sa lahat ang kawal nabarilan at sandatahan na namamalagi sa mga bayanbayan, nayon at
pulutong; ang pamamahala sa mga labanan, tangi ang nau-ukol na sarili sa Sangunian ng taga Pangasiwang
bayan (Consejo Gobierno) na natatala sa ikalawang utos sa ikalimang tagubilin; at siya rin naman ang

magpapahayag ng balang kautusan na inaakalang ikagagaling sa pagpapasunod, pagbibigay lakas at

pagpapasunod ng kawal.
Ikadalawang puong utos: Ang Pangalawang Pangulong Hokbo (Lugar-Teniente General) ay siyang gaganap ng
pamamahala kung sakali at magkakahilanan ang unang Pangulo (Capitan General del Ejercito).
Ikadalawang puot isang utos: Ang bawat bayan ng Sangkapuluang Filipinas ay dapat magkaroon ng kanikanilang
halal na taga Pamagitan na ibinuko ng kalahatan na siyang haharap nilang kahalili sa mga pulong (Asamblea).
Ikadalawang puot dalawang utos: Ipinahihintulot na makapagtatag ng sarisaring kaniyang pananampalataya
(Libertad de Cultos) mga Katipunan (Libertad de Asociaciones) mga pagtuturo (Libertad de Enseanza) at
paglilimbag (Libertad de imprenta) gayon din naman ipinahihintulot sa lahat ang makapagtatag ng sarisaring
profesion, Artes, Oficios at ibat iba pang pagkakakitaan.
Ikadalawang puot tatlong utos: Ang lahat ng sakop na mga mamamayan ay may kapahintulutang humingi o
manaing ng sa ano pa mang bagay kahit pa kanya rin tunay o isang kahalili kay sa harap ng Sangunian ng Taga
Pangasiwaang bayan nitong Republica (Consejo de Gobierno de la Republica).
Ikadalawang puot apat na utos: Ang alin man at sino kahit taga ibang bayan ay hindi maibibilango o maaabala
kaya kundi rin lamang sa isang kautusan na dapat ipagkaloob ng tunay na Hokom, liban lamang kung sakalit ang
salang nagawa ay ang laban sa Bayan at sa Hokbo.
Ikadalawang puot limang utos: Tangi rin namang ipagbabawal na ang alin mat sino ay hindi mababawian ng
kaniyang paga-ari kahit taga ibang bayan kundi rin lamang ayon sa pagtupad ng isang ganap na hatol ng Hokom
na may kapangyarihan.
Ikadalawang puot anim na utos: Ang lahat ng mamamayang kadugo ay may katungkulang gumanap na sumuyo sa
Panghihimagsik sa katawan niya at pagaari sa nakakaya.
Ikadalawang puot pitong utos: Ang manga-utang-utangan at iba pang sinasagot na nangyari una dito sa
pagkalathala nitong halal na kautusan (Constitucion) ng mga Pangulong Hokbo nitong paghihimagsik o kaya ng
mga utusan o katiwala na binibigian nilang kapahintulutan ay kinikilala at pinagtitibay ngayon, gayon din naman
ang lahat ng naging utang sa dakong huli kailan man at may pagkakakilanlang katibayan, gawad ng Taga
pangasiwang bayan (Gobierno).
Ikadalawang puot walong utos: Ang mga nangangatungkulan sa Sangunian Taga- Pangasiwang bayan (Consejo de
Gobierno) ay dapat pagbigian ng tanging galang na nararapat ayon sa kanilang mga katungkulan samantalang
kanilang ginaganap, sa bagay na ito silay magkakaroon ng isang ganting biyaya (jubilacion) alinsunod sa mga
tatag na naliliham na aalinsunurin.
Ikadalawang puot siyam na utos: Ang Sangunian ng Taga pangasiwang bayan (Consejo de Gobierno) ay may
kapahintulutan, alisin o bawian ng katungkulan ang sino mang sa kaniyang mga galawad, kung may totoot tunay
na kadahilanan na dapat liningin sa isang hablang-sulat (Expediente) na dapat itatag ng isang tanging halal na
tagasuri, na magbibigay bahala, kalakip ang kaniyang palagay sa isang Hokom na tatawagin na Tribunal
Ikatatlong puong utos: Ang kapangyarihan sa paghatol ng matuwid ay matangi sa isang kataastaasang Sangunian
ng Biyaya at parusa (Consejo Supremo de Gracia y Justicia) na dapat itatag at bigian ng sariling kapamahalaan ng
kataastaasang Sangunian ng Taga Pangasiwang bayan (Consejo Supremo de Gobierno).

Ikatatlong puot isang utos: Ang Sangunian ng Biyaya at parusa (Consejo de Gracia y Justicia) ay mangangasiwa
sa kaniyang sarili, na tanging di mapaghihimasukan ng ibang kapangyarihan tungkol sa pagtupad ng mga kautusan
ng katwiran.
Ikatatlong puot dalawang utos: Ang lahat ng Tagapangasiwa ng Republica ay dapat magtulong-tulong sa
kanikanilang dapat tupdin sa kanilang pangangasiwa.
Ikatatlong puot tatlong utos: Sa pagtatatag sa kapanahunan ng kinakailangang hokbo sa dagat na magtatangol ng
lupain nitong SangKapuluan Filipinas at pagkakalinga sa dagat ay maglilikha ng isang Kalihim sa Hokbo sa dagat
(Le cretario de Marina) na ang kaniyang ganap na pangangasiwaan ay magiging adhika nang isang kautusang
magdaragdag dito sa nasabing Halal kautusan (Constitucion).
Ikatatlong puot apat na utos: Ang Constituciong ito ay siyang gaganapin, aalinsunurin dito sa Filipinas sa loob ng
dalawang taon buhat sa araw ng kaniyang pagpapaganap kung sakaling hindi sa magkatapos itong paghihimagsik.
Kung sakalit matapos itong panahong ito ay muling tatawagin sa Pulong ang mga Halal na taga kalingang bayan
at ayon dito ay mababago itong nasabing Halal-Kautusan (Constitucion) at maghahalal ng bagong Sanguniang
Taga-pangasiwang bayan at sa pagsusuri sa hinahalinhan.
Ganito ang pinagkayarian ng mga Taga Pamagitang bayan (Representantes) ng bayang Tagalog at sa pangalan ng
Republica ay ipinaguutos nitong itinatag na Pulong na ipinangakong tutuparin ng lahat sa ilalim ng kanilang
pangungusap ang lahat ng natatala dito sa Halal Kautusan at sa lubos na katotohanan ay nagpirma kaming mga
halal na Tagakalinga ng bayang Katagalugan na naghihimagsik= nangasapagitang talata=mga=bi=hawang
kasama = mga ginuhitan= Pangalawang Kalihim (Sub-Secretario) at=gagamitin ng hokbo=pawang walang
saysay=marurumi=at=ang=l=b=ay=pawang may halaga.=Presidente; Emilio Aguinaldo= Severino de las Alas =
Pascual Alvarez, Mariano Llanera= Mamerto Natividad=Isabelo Artacho= Vicente Lukban y Rilles = Melecio
Carlos = Simeon Tecson = Mariano Noriell = Baldomero Aguinaldo = Salvador Estrella = Pantaleon Garcia =
Escolastico Viola = Julian de la Cruz = Ciriaco Sartore = Jose Ignacio = Agustin de la Rosa = Celestino Aragon =
Gregorio H. del Pilar = Andres Presbitero = Benito Natividad = Pedro Dungon = Eduardo Llanera = Herminio
Miguel = Deodato Manahan = Pedro Gualdes = Ambrocio de la Cruz = Matias Gan-Borra = Miguel Catajan =
Modesto Porciuncula = Clemente Valencia = Claro = Emiliano Tecson = Bembenuto Ramirez = Francisco M.
Soliman = Maximo Kabigting = Ramon Tombo = Artemio Ricarte Vibora = Sinforoso de la Cruz = Agapito Buson=
Valentin Diaz = Tomas Ago Suzano = C. Pacheco = Manuel Tinio = Anastasio Francisco = Serviliano Aquino =
Wenceslao Viniegra = Doroteo Lopez = Secretario, Vito Belarmino, Teodoro Gonzales, Antonio Montenegro. = Itoy


The 1899 Malolos Constitution

The Malolos Constitution was the first republican constitution in Asia. It declared that sovereignty resides
exclusively in the people, stated basic civil rights, separated the church and state, and called for the creation of an
Assembly of Representatives to act as the legislative body. It also called for a parliamentary republic as the form of
government. The president was elected for a term of four years by a majority of the Assembly. It was titled
"Constitucin poltica", and was written in Spanish following the declaration of independence from
Spain, proclaimed on January 20, 1899, and was enacted and ratified by the Malolos Congress, a Congress held
in Malolos, Bulacan.
The Preamble reads:

"Nosotros los Representantes del Pueblo Filipino, convocados legtimamente para establecer la justi
(We, the Representatives of the Filipino people, lawfully convened in order to establish justice, provide for
common defence, promote the general welfare, and insure the benefits of liberty, imploring the aid of the

Sovereign Legislator of the Universe for the attainment of these ends, have voted, decreed, and sanctioned
the following)

3. Acts of the United States Congress

The Philippines was a United States Territory from December 10, 1898 to March 24, 1934 and therefore under the
jurisdiction of the Federal Government of the United States. Two acts of the United States Congress passed during
this period can be considered Philippine constitutions in that those acts defined the fundamental political principles
and established the structure, procedures, powers and duties of the Philippine government.
A. Philippine Organic Act of 1902
The Philippine Organic Act of 1902, sometimes known as the "Philippine Bill of 1902", was the first organic law for
the Philippine Islands enacted by the United States Congress. It provided for the creation of a popularly
elected Philippine Assembly, and specified that legislative power would be vested in a bicameral legislature
composed of the Philippine Commission (upper house) and the Philippine Assembly (lower house). Its key
provisions included a bill of rights for the Filipinos and the appointment of two non-voting FilipinoResident
Commissioner of the Philippines to represent the Philippines in the United States House of Representatives.
B. Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916
The Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916, sometimes known as "Jones Law", modified the structure of the Philippine
government by removing the Philippine Commission as the legislative upper house and replacing it with
a Senate elected by Filipino voters, creating the Philippines' first fully elected national legislature. This act also
explicitly stated that it was and had always been the purpose of the people of the United States to end their
sovereignty over the Philippine Islands and to recognise Philippine independence as soon as a stable government can
be established therein.
C. TydingsMcDuffie Act (1934)
Though not a constitution itself, the TydingsMcDuffie Act of 1934 provided authority and defined mechanisms for
the establishment of a formal constitution via a constitutional convention.

4. The 1935 Constitution

The 1935 Constitution was written in 1934, approved and adopted by the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1935
1946) and later used by the Third Republic (19461972). It was written with an eye to meeting the approval of
the United States Government as well, so as to ensure that the U.S. would live up to its promise to grant the
Philippines independence and not have a premise to hold onto its possession on the grounds that it was too
politically immature and hence unready for full, real independence.
The Preamble reads:

"The Filipino people, imploring the aid of Divine Providence, in order to establish a government th

The original 1935 Constitution provided for unicameral National Assembly and the President was elected to a sixyear term without re-election. It was amended in 1940 to have a bicameral Congress composed of a Senate and

House of Representatives, as well the creation of an independent electoral commission. The Constitution now
granted the President a four-year term with a maximum of two consecutive terms in office.
A Constitutional Convention was held in 1971 to rewrite the 1935 Constitution. The convention was stained with
manifest bribery and corruption. Possibly the most controversial issue was removing the presidential term limit so
that Ferdinand E. Marcos could seek election for a third term, which many felt was the true reason for which the
convention was called. In any case, the 1935 Constitution was suspended in 1972 with Marcos' proclamation
of martial law, the rampant corruption of the constitutional process providing him with one of his major premises for
doing so.

5. The 1943 Constitution

The 1943 Constitution was drafted by a committee appointed by the Philippine Executive Commission, the body
established by the Japanese to administer the Philippines in lieu of the Commonwealth of the Philippines which had
established a government-in-exile. In mid-1942 Japanese Premier Hideki Tj had promised the Filipinos "the honor
of independence" which meant that the commission would be supplanted by a formal republic.
The Preparatory Committee for Philippine Independence tasked with drafting a new constitution was composed in
large part, of members of the prewar National Assembly and of individuals with experience as delegates to the
convention that had drafted the 1935 Constitution. Their draft for the republic to be established under the Japanese
Occupation, however, would be limited in duration, provide for indirect, instead of direct, legislative elections, and
an even stronger executive branch.
Upon approval of the draft by the Committee, the new charter was ratified in 1943 by an assembly of appointed,
provincial representatives of the Kalibapi, the organization established by the Japanese to supplant all previous
political parties. Upon ratification by the Kalibapi assembly, the Second Republic was formally proclaimed (1943
1945). Jos P. Laurel was appointed as President by the National Assembly and inaugurated into office in October
1943. Laurel was highly regarded by the Japanese for having openly criticised the US for the way they ran the
Philippines, and because he had a degree from Tokyo International University.
The 1943 Constitution remained in force in Japanese-controlled areas of the Philippines, but was never recognized
as legitimate or binding by the governments of the United States or of the Commonwealth of the Philippines and
guerrilla organizations loyal to them. In late 1944, President Laurel declared a state of war existed with the United
States and the British Empire and proclaimed martial law, essentially ruling by decree. His government in turn went
into exile in December 1944, first to Taiwan and then Japan. After the announcement of Japan's surrender, Laurel
formally dissolved the Second Republic.
The Preamble reads:

"The Filipino people, imploring the aid of Divine Providence and desiring to lead a free national ex

The 1943 Constitution provided strong executive powers. The Legislature consisted of a unicameral National
Assembly and only those considered to be anti-US could stand for election, although in practice most legislators
were appointed rather than elected.
Until the 1960s, the Second Republic and its officers, were not viewed as a legitimate Philippine government or as
having any standing, with the exception of the Supreme Court, whose decisions, limited to reviews of criminal and
commercial cases as part of a policy of discretion by Chief Justice Jos Yulo continued to be part of the official
records. This was made easier by the Commonwealth government-in-exile never constituting a Supreme Court, and
the formal vacancy in the position of Chief Justice for the Commonwealth with the execution of Jos Abad
Santos by the Japanese). It was only during the Macapagal administration that a partial political rehabilitation of the
Japanese-era republic took place, with the official recognition of Laurel as a former president and the addition of his
cabinet and other officials to the roster of past government officials. However, the 1943 Constitution was not taught
in schools, and the laws of the 1943-44 National Assembly never recognized as valid or relevant.

6. The 1973 Constitution

The 1973 Constitution, promulgated after Marcos' declaration of martial law, but having been in the planning
process for years before this, was supposed to introduce a parliamentary-style government. Legislative power was
vested in a unicameral National Assembly whose members were elected for six-year terms. The President was
ideally elected as the symbolic and purely ceremonial head of state chosen from amongst the Members of the
National Assembly for a six-year term and could be re-elected to an unlimited number of terms. Upon election, the
President ceased to be a Member of the National Assembly. During his term, the President was not allowed to be a
member of a political party or hold any other office.
Executive power was meant to be exercised by the Prime Minister who was also elected from amongst the sitting
Assemblymen. The Prime Minister was to be the head of government and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed
Forces. This constitution was subsequently amended four times (arguably five, depending on how one considers
Proclamation 3 of 1986, see below).
From 1617 October 1976, a majority of barangay voters (also called "Citizen Assemblies") approved that martial
law should be continued and ratified the amendments to the Constitution proposed by President Marcos .
The 1976 amendments were:

an Interim Batasang Pambansa (IBP) substituting for the Interim National Assembly;
the President would also become the Prime Minister and he would continue to exercise legislative powers
until such time as martial law was lifted.

The Sixth Amendment authorized the President to legislate on his own on an "emergency" basis:
Whenever in the judgement of the President there exists a grave emergency or a threat or imminence thereof, or
whenever the Interim Batasang Pambansa or the regular National Assembly fails or is unable to act adequately on
any matter for any reason that in his judgment requires immediate action, he may, in order to meet the exigency,
issue the necessary decrees, orders or letters of instructions, which shall form part of the law of the land.
The 1973 Constitution was further amended in 1980 and 1981. In the 1980 amendment, the retirement age of the
members of the judiciary was extended to 70 years. In the 1981 amendments, the false parliamentary system was
formally modified into a French-style semi-presidential system:

executive power was restored to the President;

direct election of the President was restored;
an Executive Committee composed of the Prime Minister and not more than 14 members was created to
"assist the President in the exercise of his powers and functions and in the performance of his duties as he may
prescribe;" and the Prime Minister was a mere head of the Cabinet.
Further, the amendments instituted electoral reforms and provided that a natural born citizen of the
Philippines who has lost his citizenship may be a transferee of private land for use by him as his residence.

The last amendments in 1984 abolished the Executive Committee and restored the position of Vice-President (which
did not exist in the original, unamended 1973 Constitution).
While the 1973 Constitution ideally provided for a true parliamentary system, in practise, Marcos had made use of
subterfuge and manipulation in order to keep executive powers for himself, rather than devolving these to the

Assembly and the cabinet headed by the Prime Minister. The end result was that the final form of the 1973
Constitution after all amendments and subtle manipulations was merely the abolition of the Senate and a series
of cosmetic rewordings. The old American-derived terminology was replaced by names more associated with
parliamentary government: for example, the House of Representatives became known as the "Batasang Pambans"
(National Assembly), Departments became "Ministries", and their cabinet secretaries became known as "cabinet
ministers", with the President's assistant the Executive Secretary now being styled the "Prime Minister". Marcos'
purported parliamentary system in practise functioned as an authoritaritan presidential system, with all real power
concentrated in the hands of the President but with the premise that such was now constitutional.

7. The 1986 Freedom Constitution

Immediately following the 1986 People Power Revolution that ousted Marcos, President Corazon C. Aquino issued
Proclamation 3 as aprovisional constitution. It adopted certain provisions from the 1973 Constitution while
abolishing others. It granted the President broad powers to reorganise government and remove officials, as well as
mandating the President to appoint a commission to draft a new, more formal Constitution. This document,
described above, supplanted the "Freedom Constitution" upon its ratification in 1987.

8. The 1987 Constitution

On March 25, 1986, following the People Power Revolution which ousted Ferdinand E. Marcos as President, and
following on her own inauguration, Corazon C. Aquino issued Proclamation 3, declaring a national policy to
implement the reforms mandated by the people, protecting their basic rights, adopting a provisional constitution, and
providing for an orderly transition to a government under a new constitution. On April 23, President Aquino issued
Proclamation 9, creating a Constitutional Commission (popularly known as the "ConCom") to frame a new
charter to supersede the Marcos-era 1973 Constitution. Aquino appointed 50 members to the Commission; the
members were drawn from varied backgrounds, including several former congressmen, former Supreme Court Chief
Justice Roberto Concepcin, Roman Catholic bishop Teodoro Bacani, and film director Lino Brocka. Aquino also
deliberately appointed five members, including formerLabour Minister Blas Ople, who had been allied with Marcos
until the latter's ouster. After the Commission had convened, it elected Cecilia Muoz-Palma as its president.
Muoz-Palma had emerged as a leading figure in the anti-Marcos opposition movement following her retirement as
the first female Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. The Commission finished the draft charter within four
months after convening. Several issues were heatedly debated during the sessions, including on the form of
government to adopt, the abolition of the death penalty, the continued retention of the Clark and Subic American
military bases, and the integration of economic policies into the Constitution. Brocka would walk out of the
Commission before its completion, and two other delegates would dissent from the final draft. The ConCom
completed their task on October 12, 1986 and presented the draft constitution to President Aquino on October 15,

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