Está en la página 1de 3

Presente de indicativo

I play
You play
He plays
We play
You play
They play

Yo juego
T juegas
l juega
Nosotros jugamos
Vosotros jugis
Ellos juegan

I do not play
You do not play
He does not play
We do not play
You do not play
They do not play
Do I play?
Do you play?
Does he play?
Do we play?
Do you play?
Do they play?

Yo no juego
T no juegas
l no juega
Nosotros no jugamos
Vosotros no jugis
Ellos no juegan

Juego yo?
Juegas t?
Juega l?
Jugaos nosotros?
Jugis vosotros?
Juegan ellos?

Presente continuo
I am playing
You are playing
He is playing
We are playing
You are playing
They are playing

Yo estoy jugando
T ests jugando
l est jugando
Nosotros estamos jugando
Vosotros estis jugando
Ellos estn jugando

I am not playing
You are not playing
He is not playing
We are not playing
You are not playing
They are not playing
Am I playing?
Are you playing?
Is he playing?
Are we playing?
Are you playing?
Are they playing?

Yo no estoy jugando
T no ests jugando
l no est jugando
Nosotros no estamos jugando
Vosotros no estis jugando
Ellos no estn jugando

Estoy yo jugando?
Ests t jugando?
Est l jugando?
Estamos nosotros jugando?
Estis vosotros jugando?
Estn ellos jugando?

Pasado simple
I played
You played
He played
We played
You played
They played

Yo jugu
T jugaste
l jug
Nosotros jugamos
Vosotros jugasteis
Ellos jugaron

I did not play

You did not play
He did not play
We did not play
You did not play
They did not play

I play?
you play?
he play?
we play?
you play?
they play?

Yo no jugu
T no jugaste
l no jug
Nosotros no jugamos
Vosotros no jugasteis
Ellos no jugaron


Pasado continuo
I was playing
You were playing
He was playing
We were playing
You were playing
They were playing

Yo estaba jugando
T estuviste jugando
l estaba jugando
Nosotros estuvimos jugando
Vosotros estabais jugando
Ellos estuvieron jugando

Pretrito perfecto
I have played
You have played
He has played
We have played
You have played
They have played

Yo he jugado
T has jugado
l ha jugado
Nosotros hemos jugado
Vosotros habis jugado
Ellos han jugado

Pretrito perfecto progresivo

I have been
You have been
He has been
We have been
You have been
They have been

Yo he estado jugando
T has estado jugando
l ha estado jugando
Nosotros hemos estado jugando
Ellos han estado jugando

Futuro simple
I (shall / will) play
You will play
He will play
We (shall / will) play
You will play
They will play

Yo jugar
T jugars
l jugar
Nosotros jugaremos
Vosotros jugareis
Ellos jugarn

Futuro progresivo
I (shall / will) playing
You will playing
He will playing
We (shall / will) playing
You will playing
They will playing

Yo estar jugando
T estars jugando
l estar jugando
Nosotros estaremos jugando
Vosotros estaris jugando
Ellos estarn jugando

Futuro perfecto
I (shall / will) have played
You will have played
He will have played
We (shall / will) have played
You will have played
They will have played

Yo habr jugado
T habrs jugado
l habr jugado
Nosotros habremos jugado
Vosotros habris jugado
Ellos habrn jugado

Futuro perfecto progresivo

I (shall / will) have been played
You will have been played
He will have been played
We (shall / will) have been played
You will have been played
They will have been played

Verb Tense

Yo habr estado jugando

T habrs estado jugando
l habr estado jugando
Nosotros habremos estado jugando
Vosotros habris estado jugando
Ellos habrn estado jugando




am/are/is + pp

Spanish is spoken here.


am/are/is being +

Your questions are being answered.


will be + pp

Itll be painted by next week.


am/are/is going to
Terry is going to be made redundant next year.
be + pp


was/were + pp

We were invited to the party, but we didnt go.


was/were being +

The hotel room was being cleaned when we

got back from shopping.


have/has been +

The President of America has been shot.


had been + pp

When he got home he found that all of his money

had been stolen.


will have been + pp

Our baby will have been born before


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