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Hace dos aos mi abuelito estuvo un poco enfermo al punto de internarlo en

la clnica, cosa que a l no le agradaba mucho, cada miembro de la familia

tenamos que turnarnos un da diferente para acompaarlo, y no s si era
casualidad o cosas del destino pero cada vez que era mi turno pasaban
cosas muy cmicas.
El primer da por ejemplo, tena un compaero de habitacin y yo dorma al
lado de mi abuelo en un sof, hizo que me corriera cerca de l, me tomo de
la mano tan fuerte para que no me despegara de su lado tanto as que esa
noche ni siquiera pude ir al bao y la mano me amaneci adormecida. Al
otro da le pregunte que por haba hecho eso, y me respondi; hija el diablo
es puerco y la ocasin hace al ladrn.
Para finalizar este lindo recuerdo, les contare lo ms gracioso de todo, el da
en que le dieron la salida estbamos con mi mama, ella lo estaba ayudando
a vestir y de repente la llamaron para firma la salida y lo dejo un momento
solo, cuando ella venia hacia la habitacin, mi abuelito iba saliendo con los
pantalones abajo buscando a mi mama para que lo ayudara a ponerse la
correa que no la alcanzaba, fue tan gracioso ese momento que mi mama se
orino de la risa.
Two years ago my grandfather was a Little sick, so he was in the hospital
and each member or the family was tuning up to go with him, but maybe for
the destiny or the casuality every time that was my turn, strange and funny
things happened to me.
For example, the first day he had a rommate, and I slept next to him in a
coach, so that night he taked so hard my hand that I couldnt even go to the
bathroom, the next day I asked him why he did it, and then he said:
daughter, the devil is dirty and the opportunity makes the thief
To end this pretty memory, Ill told you the best of all, the day that he comes
out of the hospital, my mom was helping him to dress up but suddenly
someone called her to sign the papers and she left him alone, when she
returned to the room, he had walked for the hall without pants because he
was looking for her, we hadnt saw him like that and was so funny that my
mom laughed until she makes pee on herself.
two years ago my granfather was a little sick, so he was in the hospital and each member or the
family was tuning up to go with him, but maybe for the destiny or the casuality every time that was my turn,
strange and funny things happened to me.
for example, the first day he had a rommate, and I slept next to him in a coach, so that night he taked so
hard my hand that I couldn t even go to the bathroom, the next day I asked him why he did it, and then he
said: "daughter, the devil is dirty and theoportunity makes the thief".
to end this pretty memory, I" ll told you the best ot all, the day that he comes out of the hospital, my
mom was helping him to dress up but seddenly someone called her to sign the papers and she left him
alone, when she returned to the room, he had walked for the hall without pants because he was looking for
her, we hadn"t saw him like that and was so funny that my mom laughed until she makes pee on herselt

Nice way to tell

Remembering moments that not just
Remain on the mind
And the heart, even that i can
Transmit the things that
I have lived and let a story
Very interesting that people will remember
Each time that they mention me.

1:Do you like to read or listen about people anecdotes? Why? Write your
Yes I do, because it makes me feel like I was in that moment and is so awesome. I love
to know the story of the people that I meet and hear about their sad or funny moments.

2: In your opinion, which tittle could be given to this anecdote example?

I think that the tittle should be, Vacation: Danger in the air.

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