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Like vs.

"Like" y "as" a menudo se confunden en ingls. Ambas se pueden utilizar para hacer
comparaciones o hablar de similitudes. Es muy comn en ingls americano utilizar "like" en lugar
de "as". Sin embargo, es generalmente considerado informal utilizarla en esta forma.

"Like" es una preposicin que significa "parecido a" o "lo mismo de". No se puede utilizar "as"
de este modo. Como una preposicin, "like" est seguida por un sustantivo o un pronombre.

Estructura verbo + "like" + sustantivo/pronombre

She dances like a professional
Like me, my friend John loves the cinema.
Michael speaks English like a native.

Tambin, se utiliza "like" para decir que algo es tpico de alguien.

It's so like Ben to be late. (Es tan tpico de Ben llegar tarde.)
It's just like Helen to laugh in uncomfortable situations. (Es tan tpico de Helen rer en situaciones

Cuando se utiliza "like" con el verbo "look" significa "parecer" o "parecerse".

I look like my mother.
It looks like it is going to rain.
He looks like he hasn't slept in weeks.

Tambin utilizamos "like" para presentar ejemplos.

I play many sports like football, basketball and tennis.
There are many things we can do to protect the environment, like recycling or using renewable
energy sources. Some people, like my friend Carol, don't like to travel

"As" significa "en la misma manera" o "en la misma condicin de". A diferencia de "like", "as" est
seguido por un sujeto y un verbo.

Estructura "as" + sujeto + verbo

She worked hard on the project, as she always does.
Nobody paints as Picasso did.

Se utiliza "as" en frases comparativas de inferioridad e igualdad.

John can run as fast as Peter.
My dad doesn't have as much energy as he used to have.

Al igual que "like", se usa "such as" para presentar ejemplos.

I play many sports, such as football, basketball and tennis.
There are many things we can do to protect the environment, such as recycling or using
renewable energy sources.
Some people, such as my friend Carol, don't like to travel.

Cuando sea una preposicin, "as" significa el papel o profesin de algo o alguien.

She started working as a teacher 5 years ago.
We used to live here, but now we are using the apartment as a painting studio.

"As" can be used as a conjunction or a preposition.

Nota: Ten cuidado, el uso de uno u otro puede cambiar el sentido.

As your teacher, I suggest you study more. [Significa: I am your teacher]
Like your teacher, I suggest you study more. [Significa: I agree with your teacher, we have a
similar opinion]

Se utiliza "as" en algunas expresiones.

As you know, this is not the first time your son has been a problem in class.
As expected, Ben was late for class again today.
As I said, I hope this is the last time you are late.

Here is the report, as requested.

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