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A. Propiedades Fsicas

Color: Material de color grisceo claro, con tonalidades blancas.

Punto de fusin: p.f =985 - 1270 C
Peso especifico: p = 0.98 1.16 gr/cm3
Capacidad adsorptiva de agua: 24 32% P/P
Solucin acuosa: a) pH=6.58 7.14
b) Conductividad C= 9.14 Microsiemens (a 24.7C)

B. Difraccin de Rayos X
El Difractograma de Rayos X, revela fundamentalmente la presencia de Clinoptilolita (72%):
Na 1.40Ca 0.10 K 0.30 Mg 0.50 [Al2O4 .(SiO2 ) 9.6 ].5H2O o bien:
(Na, Ca, Mg)6 (Si, Al) 36 O 72 .20H 2 O
Otros minerales presentes y detectados (8.4%) por DRX:
Dolomita: [Ca(Mg,Fe)]CO3,
Montmorilonita, Cuarzo; SiO2
Condiciones del Barrido DRX:
Anodo Cu, 1=1.54060 2=1.54443 Step size: 0.030 cps at 20:4000 Theta
Su patrn de Difraccin presenta la siguiente relacin distancia interplanar () Vs Intensidad
[ d()
3.976 ]
[I/I0 + 100
20 ..... 27
30 .... + 95. ]
C. Porosidad
Radio Poro

(yp<8 -----------0.1cm3/g
20<(yp medio)<160-----0.1 cm3/g
(yp grande)>300----0.2 cm3/g

rea superficial m2/g

a) Por adsorcin: C6H6 26m2/g (6.7 )
b) Por adsorcin de N2 420 m2/g (3.7 )

D. Por Microscopia Electrnica de Barrido: Se realiza un estudio morfolgico comprobndose la

ausencia de estructuras aciculares cancergenas.

E. Capacidad de Intercambio Inico: (1.3 2.4 meq/g). Las pruebas de estabilidad a los
tratamientos cidos se verific por contactos y reflujo con soluciones HC1 a concentraciones
variables (0.25, 0.5, 1.0 N), con resultados aceptables hasta 30 tratamientos.
Posteriormente se observa desaluminacin y prdida de cristalinidad.
En el lixiviado cido no se detectan elementos txicos (Pb,Ni,Zn,Hg,Cd) y si presenta elementos
solubles de importancia biolgica: Ca>Mg>Fe>K


Me +n O ......................ZNT -17 ..............................[[H + ] 17-C ...........................Ca,Mg,K
.................................. HORIZONTE C ..............30 Tratamientos .....................Modificada
SiO 2 ............................64.20......................................... 70.16................................. 62.73
Al2 O3...........................12.80 .........................................10.28 .................................12.93
Fe2 O3 .........................2.30 ............................................0.27.................................... 1.75
MgO............................. 0.54 ............................................0.13 ....................................1.26
CaO.............................. 4.80 ............................................1.02 ....................................4.68
Na2O ............................1.60 ............................................0.74.................................... 0.68
2O ..............................1.96.............................................. 0.92.................................... 2.87
P2O5.............................1.10............................................ 0.92.................................... 2.87
PXC .............................10.70............................................ 9.86 ..................................13.10

*Anlisis realizado por el Instituto de Ciencias de la Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla.

Doctors Comment
Magic in Our Midst: Zeolite and Humic Acid
Dr. Howard Peiper, N.D., nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, has written many
best-selling books on nutrition and natural health including, Zeolite,
Natures Heavy Metal Detoxifier and Viral Immunity with Humic Acid.

Zeolite is the Super Detoxifier

Toxic chemicals, including poisonous heavy metals like mercury, lead,
arsenic, and cadmium, are the worst problem faced by all life as we know it.
We literally live in a chemical soup. The chemicals come into our bodies
through the food we eat, the water we drink, and the very air we breathe. This
situation actually threatens our survival.
Until recently, the only sure way to remove the most destructive heavy
metals and toxins from our bodies was through I.V. chelation, a process both
invasive and horrendously expensive. And even if we spent hundreds of
hours and thousand of dollars on chelation treatments, the toxins would start
going right back in with our next breath, our next meal, our next beverage.
But the solution is at hand. Its a miracle mineral called zeolite, and it is
perhaps one of the most important substances on Earth today.

What is Zeolite?
Zeolite is part of a group of minerals with a four-sided honeycomb
structure and, rare among minerals, a negative magnetic charge. The effect of
the structure and the magnetic charge is that zeolites attract heavy metals and
toxins to it and simply engulfs them. The toxins check in and they cant
check out. Then the zeolite carries them safely and harmlessly out of the
body through normal digestion.
Because of its effect on toxins, zeolite has been used as a supplement in
China for more than 900 years. In the West, it has been used by industry for
various tasks, including clearing up water pollution and as a food additive for
The form of zeolite I recommend (there are many naturally occurring
zeolites) is called clinoptilolite, and it is this type of zeolite (in a powder
form) that has been studied for its effect in human nutrition.

Medical Uses of Zeolite

Studies have shown that zeolite has a high affinity for trapping lead,
cadmium, arsenic, mercury and other potentially harmful metals. Through the
process of cation exchange, zeolite can lower overall heavy metal exposure in
individuals. This would have a dramatic effect in the risk reduction of certain
cancers and heart disease.
Zeolite buffers the system towards slight alkalinity by establishing pH
levels of 7.35 to 7.45 which is the optimum pH for the body. The bodys pH
level influences both immunity and brain function. An acid blood pH (7.34 or
lower) creates a precondition for cancer. In an acid environment, brain cell
function can also be impaired, causing depression, anxiety, stupor, paranoia,
delusions or hallucinations.
Zeolite is a unique antioxidant. A traditional antioxidant works by
absorbing excess free radicals into its system because it has an impaired
electron. In contrast, zeolite traps free radicals in its complex structure,
inactivating and eliminating them.

Other benefits from taking zeolite are:

* Stops acute and chronic diarrhea
* Raises the bodys antioxidant levels
* Binds mycotoxins, forming stable complexes
* Reduces side effects of chemotherapy/radiation
* Stabilizes and regulates immune system

Humic Acid is the Anti-Viral Answer

Viruses. Those enigmatic, perplexing and often lethal microbes cause a
vast number of human illnesses from the common cold to epidemic diseases.
New and changing viruses are appearing at an all too alarming rate and we
need an effective way to control their influence on our body.

Referred to as the missing link to optimum health and nutrition by

leading scientists throughout the world, humic acid is a health miracle
.Medical studies now show that it has the ability to significantly change our
life for the better. It is so safe, powerful and effective that healers around the
world have used it for hundreds of years with amazing results.
In agriculture, there are many studies that point to a pattern of serious
deficiency of humic acid to commercial livestock. When the deficiency is
alleviated, phenomenal results are achieved, including resistance to disease,
increased growth, and improved general health.
Similarly, human dietary supplementation with humic acid is bringing
about life changing results for so many!

So what exactly is this miraculous substance?

Scientists have most appropriately referred it to as the Anti-Viral Answer.
Humic acid is the smallest, most complex, most highly refined naturally
occurring water-soluble substance on Earth. Tiny amounts remarkably
transform the molecular structure of water, making it intensely more active
and penetrating. Humic acid then assists water in its job of dissolving and
transporting. It helps carry nutrients into the cell and waste products away
from the cell, while also helping to neutralize toxins and invaders.
Humic acid has the dramatic ability to even penetrate deadly ultramicroscopic viruses. Viruses are super small, and live deep inside the cells of
plants, animals and humans. Viruses even live inside other microscopic
disease causing organisms, where they hitch-a-ride. Viruses encapsulate
themselves within an impenetrable protein barrier where defense mechanisms
cannot get them. Humic acid puts a coating around the viruses so the viruses
are not able to adhere to a healthy cell, therefore preventing the viruses from
reproducing. The agents for this are called Viral Fusion Inhibitors (through a
special proprietary process, humic acid is specially treated and sterilized.
Humic acid with Viral Fusion Inhibitors is the only kind I recommend.) The
viruses are then vulnerable to attack by the immune system. Yet this is only
the beginning, humic acid also has the amazing ability to alert the immune
system to the virus or disease invader and to regulate and give strength to the
immune system.

The Scientifically proven Micronized

Zeolite is a breakthrough supplement that works at the cellular
level by trapping heavy metals and toxins and safely removing them
from the body. Zeolite is also very effective in removing radiation,
as shown in the cleanup after the Chernobyl nuclear accident. The
people showed a 30% reduction in radioactive isotopes after the
very first application of Zeolite! Continued use shows increased
The actual Clinoptilolite Zeolite molecule is shaped like a honeycomb and carries a natural negative (-) charge. When this type of
Zeolite is ingested into the body all of the positively charged (+)
heavy metals, toxins, and harmful chemicals bond with the zeolite
and are flushed out through the urine within 6-8 hours.
Using Zeolite for Natural Chelation Therapy is 100% Safe and
100% Effective!

Why our is
Zeolite best?

Health NCD (ETS)

Zeolite Purity
Click Here for the Lab









A zeolite can be mined

with many impurities.

Does it Contains Mold

Click Here for the Lab

Water is often used in the

zeolite mining process. If

the zeolite isn't processed

properly, mold can grow.

Company Focus on
Many companies focus on a
variety of products and are
not zeolite specialist. Make
sure that your zeolite
supplement manufacturer
knows zeolite and has a
zeolite expert on staff.













Is the Zeolite
Milling zeolite will produce
a rough gritty powder.
Milled zeolite used in a
supplement usually means
that the manufacturer did
very little in the way of
processing the zeolite
powder and in turn makes a
very inefficient supplement
product. Micronization is a
more expensive process and
while it doesnt guarantee
that the manufacturer took
all the processing steps to
ensure a quality zeolite
supplement, it shows more
effort than the bare

Is the Zeolite mined

specifically for human
Zeolite is a family of
minerals but clinoptinolite is
the only member of this
family that is found to be
safe for consumption.

Zeolite purity can vary,

sometimes a product label
zeolite could be made up of
as little as 45% actual
zeolite. The other 55%
could be made up of
elements that could be toxic
if ingested. This is a
precaution that many zeolite
mines dont think of because
they are geared toward the
commercial applications of

Meets FDA minimum

requirements for
dietary Supplement
The FDA requires all
supplements to abide by a
set of label standards. This
ensures that the customer
can see the componenets of
the supplement and easily
compare with competitors.
As you can see, many
zeolite manufacturer are not
in complience with the most
basic requirement for a
supplement manufacturer.

Original Zeolite
Supplement Pioneer









Zeolitas naturales micronizadas
Suplemento alimenticio, 100% natural, con alto poder
antioxidante y habilidad anticancergena y antimetstasis
Radicales libres, enfermedades degenerativas, antioxidantes
Los suplementos alimenticios, sobre todo los de origen 100% natural, son cada vez ms
populares en el mundo occidental. En 1998, en Estados Unidos, ms de US$ 12 mil
millones en suplementos alimenticios fueron comprados por los consumidores. La
necesidad de soluciones alternativas est creciendo en la poblacin mundial,
especialmente en lo que respecta al cncer. En todo el mundo, las inversiones en
investigacin cientfica sobre productos de medicina alternativa, especialmente en lo que
respecta a productos naturales, estn creciendo en forma importante constantemente.
La investigacin organizada y cientfica en medicina alternativa ha crecido en los ltimos
aos y ya se cuenta con mucha evidencia concreta sobre los mecanismos de accin y
beneficios de algunos productos naturales.
Las zeolitas naturales se usan desde los aos 60 del siglo pasado como aditivos en
alimentacin animal, para el control de las toxinas y para mejorar las utilidades del
negocio de produccin animal, ya que mejoran la eficiencia de conversin alimenticia y
disminuyen notablemente la mortalidad en los planteles industriales. Los productores e
investigadores en produccin animal comenzaron a notar que, cuando se adicionaban
zeolitas naturales molidas a los piensos, tambin se notaba un aumento en el estado de
salud general de los animales (muy pocas enfermedades) y, cuando se hicieron
mediciones, se constat un elevado sistema inmunolgico de los animales. Tambin se
not que las enfermedades degenerativas en los animales no aparecan o disminuan
Este fue el comienzo de la idea de usar las zeolitas naturales en alimentacin humana,
aunque la clinoptilolita ha sido usada por ms de 800 aos en medicina tradicional para
mejorar la salud en general en India, China, Rusia y en casi todas partes de Asia. Las
experiencias comenzaron a los finales de los aos 80 en el ex rea socialista
(principalmente Croacia y Rusia) y Cuba.
Por cierto, el producto a usar en los seres humanos debe ser un producto mucho ms
activo, es decir, ms puro y ms fino. Es as como en la actualidad uno de los productos
ms prometedores, y que ya cuenta con respaldo cientfico fuerte en la lucha contra el
cncer y otras enfermedades degenerativas, lo constituyen las zeolitas naturales
En lo que respecta al cncer, las zeolitas naturales micronizadas, a travs de una
molienda especial, han demostrado una habilidad anticancergena y antimetstasis en

pruebas in vitro e in vivo, tanto en animales (perros, ratas, etc.) como en seres
humanos. Hay miles de experiencias en Croacia y Estados Unidos, principalmente. Existen
varias publicaciones en revistas especializadas que muestran resultados concluyentes al
La investigacin cientfica efectuada hasta ahora, principalmente en Croacia, Rusia,
Estados Unidos, Cuba e Inglaterra ha demostrado el fuerte poder antioxidante que poseen
las zeolitas naturales micronizadas. La capacidad antioxidante de las zeolitas naturales
micronizadas sobrepasa largamente a otros productos antioxidantes de reconocida
capacidad, como el chocolate, pepitas de uva, vino tinto, la mayor parte de las verduras y
frutas (que contienen las vitaminas E y C, y los elementos selenio, calcio, magnesio, etc.).
Solo superado por el descubrimiento del ADN, se considera el descubrimiento del papel
que juegan los radicales libres en las enfermedades degenerativas como el segundo
descubrimiento ms importante en la historia de la Medicina. Los radicales libres son una
de las causas del envejecimiento as como de unas 60 enfermedades degenerativas
crnicas, que incluyen ataques al corazn, artritis, cncer, cataratas, Alzheimer,
Parkinson, diabetes, presin alta (colesterol), vrices, reumatismo, stress, flebitis,
hemorroides y senilidad.
El cuerpo produce radicales libres durante los procesos metablicos. Los radicales libres
son bsicamente tomos o molculas que poseen uno o ms electrones desapareados en
su rbita ms externa. Pueden tener cualquier carga o, inclusive, ser neutros. Son
altamente reactivos, ya que buscan alcanzar el equilibrio perdido de su rbita electrnica
ms externa ya sea donando o robando electrones de tomos o molculas. Cuando lo
hacen, convierten al tomo o molcula atacada en un radical libre, lo que puede derivar
en una reaccin en cadena, con resultados desastrosos para la clula (muerte o inicio de
la formacin de un tumor). El ms conocido es el radical libre de oxgeno, al que le falta
un electrn en su rbita ms externa y tiene entonces un alto poder oxidante. Al robar
un electrn a algn tomo perteneciente a alguna clula lo oxida. Tambin se ha
probado que, buscando el electrn que le falta, daa al ADN.
Figura 1. tomo de oxgeno completo, con 2 electrones en la rbita interna y
6 electrones en la rbita externa
Figura 2. Un radical libre robando un electrn y, por lo tanto, generando otro
radical libre
Todos los das en nuestro cuerpo billones de clulas mueren y son substituidas por nuevas
clulas, las que son fabricadas por el cuerpo de acuerdo al programa establecido en el
ADN. Si el ADN est daado, la nueva clula es diferente de la antigua. Esta es la causa
del envejecimiento del cuerpo humano. Tambin la copia mala de la clula puede inducir
una enfermedad degenerativa u otras enfermedades.
El cuerpo produce antioxidantes (llamados enzimas), que son una fuerte defensa contra
estos radicales libres altamente agresivos. Estos enzimas se vuelven mucho ms
eficientes si son activados por minerales, tales como selenio, magnesio y calcio. Un
enzima le entrega o comparte uno o ms electrones con el radical libre sin transformarse
l mismo en un radical libre, es decir, los enzimas son molculas electrnicamente
altamente estables.

Si para una persona o animal la produccin de radicales libres sobrepasa a la produccin

de antioxidantes, se pierde el equilibrio y comienza el dao de los radicales libres sobre
las clulas del cuerpo. El equilibrio se puede perder por varias razones: polucin ambiental
(humo de cigarro, polvo, etc.), luz ultravioleta, contaminantes en las comidas (por
ejemplo arsnico, cadmio, cuarzo, micotoxinas, etc.), exceso de comida, etc., que son
agentes catalizadores de las reacciones qumicas productoras de radicales libres.
Una clula normal (por ejemplo de nuestra sangre) tiene un pH interno de alrededor de
7.4 (en realidad se considera un pH normal de una clula sangunea a un valor en el
rango 7.35 a 7.45). Una clula cancergena es ms cida: tiene un pH de alrededor de 7 o
todava menor. Un cambio de 0.1 en el pH de una clula es muy perjudicial para su
funcionamiento. Un cambio superior suele ser mortal para una clula.
Est bien establecido que estos minerales, las zeolitas naturales correctamente activadas
mediante procesos solamente mecnicos, pueden controlar los radicales libres y reducir
las enfermedades, removindolos del cuerpo. Una zeolita natural micronizada forma
enlaces covalentes con los radicales libres, barrindolos literalmente. Una partcula de
zeolita natural micronizada posee un nmero elevadsimo de electrones para compartir,
por lo que su poder antioxidante es sumamente alto. Las zeolitas son eliminadas
posteriormente a travs de la orina y de las heces fecales.
Qu son las zeolitas naturales?
Cientficamente hablando, las zeolitas son minerales naturales de gnesis volcnica.
Cuando los volcanes despidieron sus cenizas sobre lagos nacientes, hace millones de
aos, las reacciones qumicas resultantes entre las cenizas y el agua alcalina alteraron las
cenizas en varias formas cristalinas de zeolitas. Estas zeolitas tienen una estructura nica
en la naturaleza y estn clasificadas como aluminosilicatos hidratados. Esto significa que
los cristales estn formados principalmente por hidrgeno, oxgeno, silicio y aluminio.
La principal caracterstica de las zeolitas es que son slidos cristalinos tridimensionales y
microporosos. La estructura microporosa est exactamente definida, ya que el tamao de
los poros es prcticamente uniforme y es una caracterstica fundamental de cada especie
de zeolita natural.
Figura 3. Representacin de una molcula de una variedad de zeolita, mostrando
un microporo descompensado elctricamente
Las zeolitas naturales fueron descubiertas el ao 1756 por el gelogo sueco Axel Fredick
Cronstedt, quin las bautiz como zeolitas, ya que observ que perdan agua al ser
calentadas. Zeo y Lite son palabras griegas que significan piedra que hierve. Las
zeolitas naturales de aplicacin en medicina son la clinoptilolita, la heulandita y la
Las zeolitas naturales micronizadas tienen una gran capacidad de absorber molculas
polares. De gran importancia en la captura de toxinas, las que en general son molculas
polares (micotoxinas, alcoholes, neurotoxinas, etc.).
Figura 4. Clinoptilolita - Heulandita
Figura 5. Mordenita
Otra caracterstica importante que les da la estructura cristalina microporosa a las zeolitas
es la habilidad para intercambiar cationes. Este proceso significa el intercambio de un

catin por otro. Un catin sale de la estructura microporosa y otro lo substituye. De gran
importancia en la capacidad anticancergena de las zeolitas, ya que esta propiedad implica
la posibilidad de subir el pH a una clula cancergena, haciendo que sta muera.
El mineral que contiene el yacimiento chileno de zeolitas naturales est formado por las
especies de composicin qumica mostrada a continuacin:
Clinoptilolita: (Na,K,Ca)2-3 Al3 (Al,Si) 2Si13O36
Heulandita: (Na,Ca)2-3 Al3 (Al,Si) 2Si13O36
Mordenita: (Na,K2,Ca2)2-3 Al2 Si10O24
Propiedades fsico-qumicas de las zeolitas
Estabilidad pH: entre 0.5 y 13
Estabilidad trmica: 650 mnima
Densidad aparente: 900 a 1300 (kg/m3)
Densidad real: 1200 a 1500 (kg/m3)
Capacidad de Intercambio Catinico: 160 a 220 (meq/100gr) (alto CIC)
Color: Blanco a blanco crema
Dimetro de los microporos: 4 a 5.5 A
Solubilidad en agua: 0
Olor: Inodora
Granulometra: 100% < 20 micrones
Casos de cura de diversas enfermedades a travs de la ingestin de zeolitas
(Croacia, Estados Unidos, Chile)
Las zeolitas naturales micronizadas pueden ayudar cuando los procesos biolgicos del
cuerpo estn funcionando mal, causando enfermedades tales como:
1. Enfermedades de la piel
Las zeolitas naturales micronizadas pueden acelerar la curacin de heridas as como
en el tratamiento de enfermedades infecciosas de la piel (herpes), dermatitis inflamatoria
(psoriasis) y alergias y enfermedades de la piel (dermatitis, etc.). Adems de estar
una dosis oral, se recomienda la aplicacin externa de polvo sobre la parte abierta de la
herida o enfermedad de la piel, unas pocas veces por da.
2. Enfermedades malignas
Durante y despus de la quimioterapia las zeolitas naturales micronizadas pueden ayudar
Reducir las necesidades de analgsicos y narcticos,
Reducir/remover lquido de la cavidad abdominal (hidropesa del peritoneo),
Mejorar los niveles de sedimentacin,
Aumentar los niveles de hierro,
Aumentar el nmero de clulas sanguneas,
Mejorar la salud general del paciente para facilitar el tratamiento de la
Paliar efectos secundarios tales como vmitos, nuseas estomacales, prdida del
apetito, prdida de peso, cada de cabello, etc.,
Eliminar los hongos que aparecen a menudo durante la quimioterapia en la boca
y esfago y hace la recuperacin ms difcil

3. Algunas enfermedades de los tejidos conectivos

Las zeolitas naturales micronizadas pueden ayudar a que las articulaciones no produzcan
dolores durante diferentes enfermedades relacionadas al colgeno (artritis reumatoide,
lupus eritematoso) y fibrosis.
4. Enfermedades de giro (la parte lumbar)
Las zeolitas naturales micronizadas pueden asistir significativamente en la reduccin del
dolor durante el lumbago y la citica.
5. Enfermedades gastrointestinales
Pueden prevenir contracciones espasmdicas (colitis ulcerosa) y dolores.
Tambin ayuda regulando el movimiento intestinal
Pueden contribuir a normalizar la super secrecin estomacal
Ayudan a regular la acidez estomacal
6. Diabetes
Pueden ayudar a regular los niveles de azcar en la sangre
Mejorando la microcirculacin, puede disminuir las complicaciones de la
7. Enfermedades cardiovasculares
Pueden contribuir en la normalizacin de los latidos rtmicos del corazn
(extrasstole de desconocida etiologa, taquicardia),
Pueden tambin asistir en la regulacin de la presin sangunea
8. Enfermedades de la sangre
Pueden ayudar a la normalizacin de valores desordenados en enfermedades
tales como anemia y glbulos blancos.
9. Enfermedades del sistema nervioso y desrdenes neuromusculares
Pueden ayudar a tranquilizar convulsiones, en la regulacin de la tensin de los
msculos, en eliminar espasmos musculares y reflejos patolgicos, as como
tambin asistir en la disminucin de la frecuencia e intensidad de los ataques
10. Enfermedades del hgado
Contribuyen a la mejora de la condicin general y ayuda a alcanzar valores
normales de los enzimas hepticos (AST, ALT, yGT).
Testimonios de casos de enfermedades graves curadas con terapias que incluyen
zeolitas naturales micronizadas
Caso #1 - Complicacin de diabetes
Paciente B.B.
Fecha de nacimiento: 1942.
Diagnstico: La diabetes fue diagnosticada en 1982. Hasta ese ao, el paciente no tena
problemas mdicos.
El tratamiento mdico se bas en dieta alimenticia y aplicacin de drogas hipoglicmicas.
En 1995 su pierna derecha inferior fue amputada. Desde Mayo de 1996 ha estado
aplicndose insulina. Desde marzo de 1999 han aparecido lceras de varios tamaos en
pierna izquierda inferior. Sus heridas fueron tratadas con rivanol y povidona. No haba
dudas que en un futuro muy cercano su pierna izquierda inferior tambin debera ser

Este paciente ha estado tomando zeolitas naturales micronizadas (junto con insulina)
Septiembre 22 de 1999, oralmente y poniendo polvo sobre las heridas.
En Septiembre 22 eran visibles tres lceras sobre la superficie de su pierna izquierda
inferior (de 5, 3 y 1 cm). Se presentaban dolores fuertes en la parte inferior de la pierna
picazn intensa y malos olores alrededor de las lceras.
Efectos de las zeolitas naturales micronizadas (junto con la terapia mdica
Despus de 7 das menos dolores y menos picazn, mejor dormir
Despus de 10 das menor mal olor, aparicin de tejido sano, as como el
comienzo de la granulacin
Despus de 30 das las dos lceras ms pequeas se cerraron completamente
mientras que para la lcera ms grande la epitelizacin comenz sobre los
Despus de 75 das completa epitelizacin de las dos lceras ms pequeas y
90% de epitelizacin de la lcera ms grande. No hubo ms signos de
Despus de 200 das la lcera ms grande se cerr completamente
Es importante mencionar que en el periodo de monitoreo los efectos de las zeolitas
naturales micronizadas regularon la glicemia tambin. No hubo ms dolores ni picazn.
Caso #2 Neurodermitis
Paciente: I.P.
Diagnstico: Neurodermitis
Ao de nacimiento: 1969.
Historial mdico - Una menor de edad que sufra de bronquitis con espasmos. Despus
segundo embarazo (1995) aparecieron cambios sobre la piel. stos eran ms visibles
las manos, sobre ambos lados de los puos. El tratamiento mdico se basaba en terapia
antialrgicos y corticoides. Despus de aplicada la terapia, los cambios en la piel
continuaron, con coloracin roja, picazn y ardor. Un periodo ms largo de terapia con
corticoides provoc super infecciones bacterianas. Se present tambin un edema en las
La paciente ha estado tomando zeolitas naturales micronizadas oralmente y en polvo
Julio de 1999.
15 das despus de haber estado tomando zeolitas naturales micronizadas el cuadro
era mejor, como tambin se presentaba menor coloracin roja y picazn. Ya no haban
edemas en las muecas ni picazn ni ardor. La paciente est ahora en posicin de hacer
labores de casa sin guantes, lo que no era posible antes.
Caso # 3 Artritis Reumatoide
Paciente A.P.
Ao de nacimiento: 1948.

Diagnstico: Artritis reumatoide

Ao del diagnstico: 1992
El tratamiento mdico estaba basado en terapia fsica y medicamentos (analgsicos
-Auropan, Ibuprofen).
Status del paciente en Abril de 1999:
El paciente tena una inflamacin seria con edemas en ambas muecas, con articulaciones
metacarpianas hinchadas, el codo derecho estaba flexionado, tena limitado el movimiento
en ambas rodillas y edemas en los tobillos de ambas piernas, as como limitada movilidad.
Comenz a tomar zeolitas naturales micronizadas en Abril de 1999. 7 das despus de
comenzar el tratamiento se not una mejor movilidad de las articulaciones pequeas.
Tambin disminuy la necesidad de tomar analgsicos. 14 das ms tarde mejor la
movilidad de las articulaciones mayores, junto con una disminucin significativa de los
Es importante mencionar que la ausencia por siete das de zeolitas naturales micronizadas
deterior los sntomas temporalmente.
Desde ah el paciente toma zeolitas naturales micronizadas regularmente y no ha tenido
problemas con la movilidad y los edemas.
Caso # 4 Enfermedad o Mal de Crohn
Paciente: M.P.
Ao de nacimiento: 1967.
Diagnstico: Enfermedad o Mal de Chron
Fecha del Diagnstico: Diciembre de 1998.
Terapia: Sulfosalazin 3x1 Peptoran 2x1 Medrol 2x1
Comienzo de ingestin de zeolitas naturales micronizadas: Enero de 1999.
Durante diez meses el paciente pas periodos sin tomar zeolitas naturales micronizadas
regularmente. La dosis tambin era diferente. l tomaba la terapia mdica prescrita
regularmente pero disminuy las dosis de sulfosalizin y peptoran y elimin completamente
medrol (hormona esteroide).
El paciente aument su peso corporal en 20%. El paciente observ disminucin de los
dolores y el nmero y consistencia de los movimientos intestinales se hizo normal.
Caso # 5 - Cirrosis biliar
Paciente: K.K.
Ao de nacimiento: 1934.
Diagnstico: Cirrosis biliar
Historial mdico: - La cirrosis biliar fue diagnosticada en 1995 (clinicamente, laboratorio,
ultrasonido y patohistologa). Se presentaba un cuadro de debilidad, prdida de vitalidad,
flojera y somnolencia. De tiempo en tiempo aparecan dolores bajo la costilla derecha y
desplazndose hacia atrs. Tambin se presentaba un edema sobre los tobillos.
Terapia: Ursofalk 800 g diariamente
Ingestin de zeolitas naturales micronizadas Diciembre de 1998
15 das despus de estar tomando zeolitas naturales micronizadas, el paciente se
sinti ms fuerte y vigoroso
45 das despus de estar tomando zeolitas naturales micronizadas el edema
alrededor de los tobillos desapareci, mientras los dolores bajo la costilla
derecha fueron menos significativos.
Resultados de ultrasonido:

Junio de 1999. - el hgado haba aumentado levemente El paciente se sinti muy bien y
capaz de llevar a cabo actividades normales sin sensacin de cansancio.
Diciembre de 1999. El hgado tena tamao normal
Caso # 6 Enfermedades malignas
Entre cerca de 50 pacientes con procesos malignos (la mayora del sistema mamario,
respiratorio y gastrointestinal), se observ la influencia de zeolitas naturales
Para la mayora de los pacientes se aplicaba tratamiento de quimioterapia e irradiacin.
Disminucin de dolores 31 4
Mejora del apetito 37 10
Mejora de la condicin general 40 7
Mejora de la salud general 47 0
Mejora de la condicin fsica 36 11
Otros casos en Croacia
(testimonios directos de los pacientes)
Caso 1.
Paciente: S.B.
Diagnstico: Cncer al pulmn
Testimonio: Estaba por sufrir otro tratamiento de quimioterapia cuando escuch acerca
las zeolitas naturales micronizadas. Decid intentar la terapia con las zeolitas naturales
micronizadas. El resultado es sorprendente: el tumor y la metstasis se fueron. No siento
dolores, mi cabello creci nuevamente. Globalmente puedo decir que me siento en la
Caso 2.
Paciente: I.S.
Diagnstico: Tumor maligno en la vejiga
Testimonio: En lugar de aceptar una remocin quirrgica de mi vejiga, le di una chance
las zeolitas naturales micronizadas. El efecto sorprendente despus de tres meses: no se
encontraron clulas cancerosas ni metstasis. Una sustancia an no examinada en forma
completa, un mineral, una vitamina, o como quiera llamarse, me ha ayudado. De acuerdo
ltimo diagnstico, no tengo cncer.
Caso 3.
Paciente: I.S.
Diagnstico: Hemorragia gstrica y dolores de estmago
Testimonio: las zeolitas naturales micronizadas pararon mis fuertes dolores de estmago
hemorragias gstricas. Hoy da, me siento sano, con vitalidad y con buen estado fsico y
volv a trabajar 16 horas diarias..
Caso 4.
Paciente: N.M.
Diagnstico: Hipercolesterol

Testimonio: Despus de seis semanas de aplicacin de las zeolitas naturales

mi nivel extremadamente alto de colesterol volvi a la normalidad. Tambin se redujo los
sedimentos sobre los ojos.
Caso 5.
Paciente: L.Z.
Diagnstico: Diabetes, pancreatitis, piedras en la vescula
Testimonio: Por aos he sufrido de una pesada diabetes y algunas otras molestias. Pero
despus de un tratamiento intensivo con las zeolitas naturales micronizadas, ahora estoy
libre de dolores y no necesito usar ms insulina. He vuelto atrs a mi vida anterior
trabajar nuevamente y mi calidad de vida ha mejorando enormemente.
Caso 6.
Paciente: D.S.
Diagnstico: Cncer inoperable al intestino, metstasis en el hgado y el pncreas
Testimonio: Fue muy duro escuchar este diagnstico y no saba que hacer. Fue una
escuchar acerca de las zeolitas naturales micronizadas. Despus de 6 meses de aplicar la
terapia de las zeolitas naturales micronizadas la metstasis desapareci y he tenido una
buena condicin. Da a da me siento mejor. He vuelto a mi vida familiar normal y a mi
vida de trabajo.
Caso 7.
Paciente: T.M.
Diagnstico: Cncer intestinal
Testimonio: Desde 1994 he tenido varias operaciones en clnicas de Munich y Zurich. A
pesar de la quimioterapia y la radiacin mi condicin empeor. En mayo de 1998 part con
un tratamiento con concentrado de papaya y las zeolitas naturales micronizadas (dos
cpsulas de 500 mg cada media hora). Ya en noviembre de 1998 los resultados dieron
a la esperanza ni metstasis, ni vmitos, ni presin en el estmago, me sentaba
normalmente y, lo ms importante, casi sin dolores. Mi bienestar se hizo cada vez mejor y
mejor y hoy da me siento O.K.
Caso 8.
Paciente: N.M.
Diagnstico: Esclerosis mltiple
Testimonio: Despus de 3 ataques, un tratamiento intensivo (24 cpsulas de de 500 mg
da) con las zeolitas naturales micronizadas me condujo a un resultado sorprendente: ya
despus de 7 das sent que las cosas iban mejorando, despus de 6 semanas todos los
sntomas desaparecieron. Ni ms parlisis, ni perturbaciones visuales el baile de las
desapareci. De nuevo adquir potencia y energa.
Caso 9.
Paciente: M.L.
Diagnstico: Hepatitis B
Testimonio: Vivo en Berln por ms de 25 aos y he montado una empresa exitosa, pero
tena una baja calidad de vida, debido a la Hepatitis B. Esto cambi despus de un

tratamiento intensivo de 12 das con zeolitas naturales micronizadas. Ahora no tengo ms

hepatitis B, mi calidad de vida es extremadamente mejor y me siento nuevamente un
hombre feliz. Adems, mi rin contrado creci nuevamente desde 4.5 cm a su tamao
normal de 11.5 cm y funciona normalmente.
Caso 10.
Paciente: K.P.
Diagnstico: Migraa, calambres en la pierna izquierda
Testimonio: Por ms de 20 aos he sufrido de migraa y mis calambres se hicieron tan
intensos que me despertaban durante el sueo. Desde que comenc a tomar zeolitas
naturales micronizadas no tengo ms dolores de cabeza, los calambres desaparecieron, no
tengo ms problemas durante el sueo, sino ms vitalidad y bien estar.
Productos en el mercado mundial basados en zeolitas naturales para
aplicacin en seres humanos
com/Zeolite-Mineral.html), suplemento alimenticio, que fue desarrollado en
Croacia y es fabricado en Italia, Alemania y Austria, est identificado como un producto
fuertemente antioxidante. Actualmente se vende a travs de Internet, en las pginas
Un segundo producto, de origen cubano, es el Enterex (Armbruster T.,
applications and basic research. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 135.
In Zeolites and Mesoporous Materials at the Dawn of the 21th Century. Galarnau,
Faujula and Vedrine (Editors), Elsevier Science B.V., 13-27 (2001)) que, como su nombre
lo indica, fue ideado para usarse en el control de la colitis, aprovechando las
de absorcin de agua y de toxinas de las zeolitas naturales.
Un tercer producto, de origen norteamericano, es el Sir Activ, un producto de tipo spray,
diseado para revitalizar la piel, gracias al poder de control de los radicales libres que se
generan en las clulas epiteliales, caracterstica que poseen las zeolitas naturales
micronizadas. Posteriormente, esta misma empresa modific este producto hacia una
generacin, ms completa, llevando al mercado el producto X-Trap Daily Gentle Face
Wash, ms reciente, que es un producto para limpieza de la piel
Otro producto, desarrollado por la empresa Natural Healing House, puesto en el
internacional, parecido al Megamin, se ha llamado sugestivamente Liquid zeolite
(, y fue inicialmente puesto en el mercado
polvo encapsulado y con el nombre Zeo pH Plus, est indicado como un restablecedor del
pH celular. Este producto viene a ser una confirmacin en el mercado internacional del
fuerte poder antioxidante que tiene las zeolitas naturales micronizadas, en el combate en
forma natural de las enfermedades degenerativas y que tiene otros efectos altamente
benficos para los seres humanos. En la actualidad, el producto se denomina Natural

Cellular Defense y es comercializado por la empresa canadiense Waiora

Otro producto que ha salido ms recientemente al mercado, de la empresa australiana
=3928) BioNatural Follow Nature, es el NanoPrime, que est indicado como
desintoxicante y que contiene adems de las zeolitas naturales micronizadas
(principalmente clinoptilolita), algunos nutrientes minerales, como carbonato de calcio y
Tambin recientemente, la empresa norteamericana Miakota, bajo el moderno concepto
nutricin celular (, lanz al
mercado un superproducto, que llam MoonDrops Z+, un producto que restablece el
balance del cuerpo, la juventud y vitalidad, ya que contiene la llamada Zeolita Quantum
Super-Segura (clinoptilolita micronizada), suspendida en cido hmico concentrado, lo
asegurara que el 100% de las zeolitas tendran como destino las clulas. Los resultados
laboratorio y en seres humanos han demostrado que este producto remineraliza las
regenera el ADN, balancea el pH del cuerpo, captura metales pesados y toxinas altamente
perjudiciales y los elimina del cuerpo y balancea el sistema digestivo. As, la empresa
productora seala que este producto es el suplemento antienvejecimiento ms importante
que jams haya aparecido en el mercado.
Por ltimo, la empresa norteamericana Oasis Advanced Wellness
( ha lanzado
recientemente al mercado el suplemento alimenticio ZeoMax FA, el que contiene zeolitas
naturales micronizadas suspendidas en cido flvico orgnico. Este producto est
caracterizado como un suplemento alimenticio premium para proteger la salud celular.
Segn informacin entregada por esta empresa, el cido flvico sera la forma ms
de entregar minerales a las clulas humanas y el producto ZeoMax sera un gran
antioxidante, con inigualables propiedades antienvejecimiento y de desintoxicacin
Clasificacin de la IARC y FDA de las zeolitas naturales
Un hecho altamente positivo es que un producto basado en zeolitas naturales es un
100% natural, 100% no txico y 100% no contaminante. Como algunos minerales son
cancergenos (cuarzo, arsnico, etc.), un paso importante en la posible utilizacin de las
zeolitas naturales en medicina humana fue investigar una posible relacin con el cncer.
La investigacin la dirigi la institucin internacional IARC (International Agency for

Research on Cancer), la que despus de estudiar todos los antecedentes reunidos clasific
las zeolitas naturales (variedades de inters para Chile: clinoptilolita, heulandita y
mordenita) en el Grupo 3: no clasificables como cancergenas.
Este hecho abri definitivamente la puerta para usar con seguridad zeolitas naturales en
alimentacin y medicina humana.
Tambin es interesante destacar que la clinoptilolita est aprobada por la FDA como
suplemento alimenticio.
Por ltimo, una investigacin exhaustiva en Croacia ha demostrado que las zeolitas
naturales micronizadas son totalmente no txicas. En efecto, la investigacin mostr que
zeolitas naturales no tienen toxicidad aguda, subcrnica o crnica de ninguna especie.
En la ltima dcada a aumentado la investigacin cientfica sobre accin de las zeolitas
naturales como grandes antioxidantes, as como el entendimiento de los mecanismos
mediante los cuales las zeolitas tienen habilidad anticancergena as como antimetstasis
(ver algunas referencias al final de este folleto).
Finalmente, se puede mencionar que ltimamente se ha verificado la accin antiviral que
tiene la clinoptilolita, pero la investigacin acerca de este hecho est en sus primeras
(ver referencia 9).
Otros usos de las zeolitas en Alimentacin y Medicina
Se sabe tambin que en Rusia se fabrican chocolates y galletas que contienen zeolitas
naturales en su formulacin. En Croacia, Rusia, Cuba, Inglaterra, Japn y Espaa se est
investigando exhaustivamente usos de las zeolitas naturales en Medicina: tratamiento de
heridas, liberacin controlada de feromonas, tabletas vaginales, etc..
Dosis y frecuencia de aplicacin de zeolitas naturales para ingestin en
forma preventiva y en forma curativa
En resumen, cuando las zeolitas naturales micronizadas son ingeridas por un ser humano
tambin en el caso de los animales, por cierto), tienen tres efectos bien definidos, los que
pueden resumirse en:
1. Efecto antioxidante: los radicales libres son fijados a la estructura de las
zeolitas mediante enlaces covalentes. Una partcula micronizada de una zeolita
natural posee innumerables electrones para compartir y controlar los radicales
2. Efecto antitoxicidad: las toxinas, por tratarse de molculas polares, son
absorbidas y adsorbidas por las zeolitas tanto en sus microporos como en la
superficie de las partculas micronizadas, dejando inactivo el mecanismo de
accin de las toxinas, mecanismo muchas veces cancergeno,
3. Efecto anticancergeno: las clulas cancergenas son ms cidas que las clulas
normales. Las clulas cancergenas viven a un pH de alrededor de 7. Las clulas
normales viven a un pH de alrededor de 7.4. Las zeolitas naturales cuando
entran en contacto con una clula cancergena le modifican su pH, subindolo a
alrededor de 7.4, debido a un fenmeno de intercambio catinico, por lo que la
clula cancergena finalmente muere.
La experiencia croata con miles de enfermos ha conducido a las siguientes dosis de
consumo de zeolitas naturales, para efecto curativo de una variedad de enfermedades,

malignas como no malignas.

Las dosis diarias que deben ingerirse de zeolitas naturales micronizadas varan
entre 1.5 y 12 gramos
Las enfermedades degenerativas con alto grado de avance, tales como cncer de
diferente ndole, con metstasis, se deben tratar con una dosis diaria de 12
gramos (por ejemplo, cncer al hgado, cncer al pulmn, cncer intestinal,
cncer pancretico, etc.). Es altamente recomendable dividir la dosis diaria en
dosis ms pequeas lo ms cercanas posible entre ellas (se han reportado casos
de curas muy rpidas cuando se ingiere zeolitas micronizadas cada media hora,
excepto en el horario nocturno de descanso)
Se ha determinado tambin que cuando se ingiere una dosis mnima de 4 gramos
diarios de zeolitas naturales, los pacientes (tanto sanos como enfermos)
consiguen aumentar ostensiblemente su status antioxidante (TAS, en ingls,
Total Antioxidant Status)
Las enfermedades no malignas, tales como Parkinson, esclerosis mltiple, lupus
eritematoso, diabetes, hepatitis A, B y C, artritis reumatoide, psoriasis, etc.,
deben tratarse con una dosis que vara entre 1.5 y 9 gramos diarios, dependiendo
de lo avanzada que est la enfermedad.
Por cierto, en todos los casos es conveniente repartir la dosis diaria en dosis a ingerir en
horarios lo ms prximos posible entre ellos (cada media hora en casos ms graves).
De todas formas, si no se sigue un mtodo de ingestin muy seguida debido a que la
enfermedad no est muy avanzada o no es muy grave, se recomienda tres dosis diarias:
dosis antes del desayuno (ideal media hora antes), media hora antes del almuerzo (si se
olvida, una hora despus del almuerzo) y una dosis media hora antes de la cena (o una
despus de la cena).
Finalmente, podemos decir con plena seguridad que las zeolitas micronizadas pueden
consumirse en forma preventiva, en cualquier dosis, aunque recomendamos una dosis de
menos 4 gramos diarios, lo que permitir conservar un sistema inmunolgico muy alto.
cierto, este sistema inmunolgico alto permite la prevencin de las enfermedades
generativas, entre ellas el temido cncer.
1. Pavelic K., Hadzija M., Bedrica J., Pavelic J., Dikic I., Katic M., Kralj M., Bosnar
M.H., Kapitanovic S., Poljak-Blazi M., Krizamac B.S., Stojkovic R., Jurin M.,
Subotic B. and Colic M., Mechanically treated natural clinoptilolite zeolite - new
adjuvant in anticancer therapy, J Mol Med 78, 708-720 (2001)
2. Pavelic K., Katic M., Sverko V., Marotti T., Bosnjak B., Balog T., Stojkovic R.,
Radacic M., Colic M. and Poljak-Blazi M., Immunostimulatory effect of natural
clinoptilolite as a possible mechanism of its antimetastatic ability, J Cancer Clin
Oncol 128, 37-44 (2002)
3. Kralj M. and Pavelic K., Medicine on a small scale. How molecular medicine can
benefit from self-assembled and nanostructured materials, EMBO reports Vol 4,
1008-1012 (2003)

4. Colic M. and Pavelic K., Molecular mechanisms of anticancer activity of natural

dietetic products, J Mol Med. 78(6), 333-336 (2000)
5. Pavelic K., Katic M., Zarkovic N., Sverko V., Marotti T., Kralj M., Zarkovic K.,
Bosnjak B., Balog T., Stojkovic R., Radacic M., Colic M. and Poljak-Blazi M.,
Antioxidative and immunostimulatory effect of natural clinoptilolite in vivo,
Technical report from Rudjer Boskovic Institute and Medicine Faculty of the
Univesity of Zagreb, Croatia (2001)
6. Zarkovic N, Zarkovic K, Kralj M, Borovic S, Sabolovic S, Blazi MP, Cipak A,
Pavelic K., Anticancer and antioxidative effects of micronized zeolite
clinoptilolite, Anticancer Res. Mar-Apr 23(2B), 1589-95 (2003)
7. Muck-Seler D, Pivac N., The effect of natural clinoptilolite on the serotonergic
receptors in the brain of mice with mammary carcinoma, Life Sci.;73(16),
2059-2069, Sep 5 (2003)
8. Martin-Kleiner I, Flegar-Mestric Z, Zadro R, Breljak D, Stanovic Janda S,
Stojkovic R, Marusic M, Radacic M, Boranic M., The effect of the zeolite
clinoptilolite on serum chemistry and hematopoiesis in mice, Food Chem Toxicol.,
39(7), 717-727, Jul (2001)
9. Grce M. and Pavelic K., Antiviral properties of clinoptilolite, Journal of
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 79(1-3), 165-169, July (2005)
Nota: estas referencias tcnicas y otras pueden ser solicitadas directamente al Dr. Arturo
Barrientos (
Preparado por: Dr. Arturo Barrientos R.
Universidad de Colombia
Arymo Ltda.
Concepcin, Marzo de 2007

Zeolite Benefits
Zeolite is a Natural Detox - With No Side Effects!

What is a Zeolite
Zeolites are natural volcanic minerals that are mined in certain parts of the world. When
volcanoes erupt, molten lava and thick ash pour out. Because many volcanoes are
located on an island or near an ocean, this lava and ash often flows into the sea.
Thanks to a chemical reaction between the ash from the volcano and the salt from the sea,
amazing minerals like zeolites are formed in the hardened lava over the course of
thousands of years. What makes zeolites so amazing is the fact that its not only one of the
few negatively-charged minerals found in nature, but it also has a very unique structure.
Zeolites have large, vacant spacesor cagesthat allow space for large, positively
charged ions to be attracted to it, then trapped and eliminated from the body.
What Makes Zeolite So Valuable?

The silicon building block in Zeolite is electrically neutral, but the aluminum building block
carries a negative charge, which creates charged sites throughout the entire crystal
A three-dimensional framework produces net negative charge that traps environmental
pollutants and is balanced by the exchangeable cations Calcium, Magnesuim, Phosphate.
The clinoptilolite attracts positive minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium,
sodium and iron. These common positive cations then are displaced by heavy metals such
as cadmium, mercury, nickel, and arsenic and removed safely from the body.
Smaller Ions such as Mercury and Cadmium are pulled
deeply into the cage of the zeolite and held securely for
safe elimination.
Allows for selective chelation: Hg > Pb > Sn > Cd > As
> Al > Sb > Fe > Ni verified by Atomic Absorption
Clinical Studies in normal volunteers: 5-7 fold
increase urinary excretion within 1 week
Clinical Studies in coal miners: 12-15 fold increases in
urinary excretion & decreases in hair levels of toxic

Top 5 Zeolite Benefits:

1. 100% safe and non-toxic at any level: All traces of the mineral are completely
eliminated out of the body within 6 to 8 hours. It's safe for children, pets, pregnant women
and nursing mothers. It is also safe to take with most medications (as long as they are not
heavy metal based), but as always you should check with a medical professional first. *
2. Removes heavy metals & toxins: Micronized zeolite has the perfect molecular
structure for capturing and removing heavy metals from the body without removing healthy
ions and minerals. (as explained in diagram above). Many people report feeling increased
energy, clarity and vitality after removing heavy metal build-up. *
3. Helps balance body's pH levels to a healthy alkalinity: Whenever micronized zeolite
is introduced to the body, it buffers the system towards slightly alkaline (pH 7.35 to 7.45),
which is a optimum pH for the human body. Zeolite attracts and then buffers excess
protons which cause acidity and in this way can help many conditions from acid reflux to
Candida and arthritis.
4. May help reduce cancer risk: There is clear evidence that micronized zeolite not only
removes toxins that can cause cancer (75% or more of cancers may be toxin-related). This
does not mean that zeolite is a cancer treatment, it is a useful supplement to integrate into
a treatment program.*
5. Zeolite is very easy to take: Most detoxification products are difficult to take and many
must be injected into the blood or administered such as an enema. Zeolite works at the
cellular level, has no taste or odor and it can be taken on an empty stomach. (you wont
even know you are taking it)
Questions about Zeolite...

How long will it be before I see results?

This is difficult question to answer and all depends on the individual person. Everyone
shows toxicity in their body in different ways. Some may have bad skin, some may show
severe medical issues. Based on the persons exposure to toxins and heavy metals,
there are different levels in people. People also respond differently to treatment. Our
general recommendation is to take the product for 90 days and then be reevaluated by
your medical professional to see what progress has been made. Please make sure that
you are also taking the recommended dosage based on your needs to ensure that you
are receiving the optimum benefit from the product. *
I have had problems with side effects of other detoxifying products, will I have the
same problem with your products?
Toxicity in the body can show itself in different ways in different people. Most detoxifying
products have side effects but our Zeolite products generally do not have any side
effects. Other detoxifying products pull heavy metals and toxins out of the tissue and
flood the bloodstream with these toxins. You body is then overwhelmed by being hit
with all of these toxins at once, which is what cause all the unpleasant side effects.

With Zeolite, when the toxins and heavy metals are pulled out of the tissue, they are
trapped in the zeolite cage and you body is not re-exposed to them, thereby reducing
the possiblility of any negative side effects. Although possible reactions may differ by
Why don't you manufacture a liquid Zeolite?
The simple answer is because there is no such thing. It is a marketing ploy made up by
a MultiLevel Marketing company who manipulated information about a patent from an
inventor who never claimed it was Zeolite any longer after creating it. He destroyed the
beneficial cage structure and negative charge by liquefying it with hydrochloric acid. He
was trying to create an injectable drug and never even claimed it was ingestible.
All published scientific studies ever done on Zeolite showing it beneficial, were done on
the powdered mineral. There was one study quoted on the internet by the MLM
company's distributors and we later proved that it was a lie made up to sell product by
them.. The company that they claimed did the study, was actually the person that they
originally licensed the patent from who later told the truth that the study never existed
after the MLM company stopped paying the licensing fees to them.


1 . 100 % seguro y no txico a cualquier nivel : Todos los rastros del mineral se
eliminan por completo fuera del cuerpo dentro de las 6 a 8 horas . Es seguro para
los nios , animales domsticos , las mujeres embarazadas y las madres lactantes
. Tambin es seguro tomar con la mayora de los medicamentos (siempre y
cuando no sean de metales pesados en base ) , pero como siempre debe
consultar con un profesional mdico primero . *
2 . Elimina los metales pesados y toxinas : zeolita micronizada tiene la estructura
molecular perfecta para capturar y eliminar los metales pesados del cuerpo sin la
eliminacin de los iones y minerales saludables . ( como se explica en el diagrama
de arriba ) . Muchas personas dicen sentir mayor energa , claridad y vitalidad
despus de la eliminacin de metales pesados acumulacin . *
3 . Ayuda a los niveles de pH del cuerpo a un equilibrio saludable alcalinidad :
Siempre zeolita micronizada se introduce en el cuerpo , que amortigua el sistema
hacia ligeramente alcalino ( pH 7,35 a 7,45 ) , que es un pH ptimo para el cuerpo
humano . La zeolita atrae y luego amortigua protones que causan el exceso de
acidez y de esta forma puede ayudar a muchas condiciones de reflujo cido a
Candida y la artritis .

4 . Puede ayudar a reducir el riesgo de cncer: Hay pruebas claras de que la

zeolita micronizada no slo elimina las toxinas que pueden causar cncer ( 75 % o
ms de los cnceres pueden ser relacionados con la toxina ) . Esto no significa
que la zeolita es un tratamiento contra el cncer , que es un complemento til para
integrar en un programa de tratamiento . *
5 . La zeolita es muy fcil de tomar : La mayora de los productos de la
desintoxicacin son difciles de tomar , y muchos deben ser inyectados en la
sangre , o se administran como un enema. Zeolita funciona a nivel celular , no
tiene sabor ni olor y puede ser tomado con el estmago vaco . ( que incluso no
sabe que est tomando )
Preguntas sobre Zeolita ...
Cunto tiempo pasar antes de ver resultados?
Esta es una pregunta difcil de responder , y todo depende de la persona
individual. Todo el mundo muestra toxicidad en su cuerpo de diferentes maneras .
Algunos pueden tener problemas de piel , algunos pueden mostrar problemas
mdicos graves. Sobre la base de la exposicin de las personas a las toxinas y los
metales pesados , hay diferentes niveles en las personas . Las personas tambin
responden de manera diferente al tratamiento. Nuestra recomendacin general es
tomar el producto durante 90 das y luego ser reevaluado por su profesional
mdico para ver lo que se ha avanzado . Por favor, asegrese de que usted
tambin est tomando la dosis recomendada en base a sus necesidades para
asegurarse de que est recibiendo el beneficio ptimo del producto. *
He tenido problemas con los efectos secundarios de otros productos
desintoxicantes , voy a tener el mismo problema con el producto?
La toxicidad en el cuerpo puede manifestarse de diferentes maneras en diferentes
personas. La mayora de productos de desintoxicacin tienen efectos secundarios,
pero nuestros productos zeolita generalmente no tiene efectos secundarios . Otros
productos desintoxicantes tiran los metales pesados y las toxinas de los tejidos y
las inundaciones en el torrente sanguneo con estas toxinas. Tu cuerpo se siente
abrumado despus por ser golpeado con todas estas toxinas a la vez , que es lo
que causa los efectos secundarios desagradables. Con zeolita , cuando las
toxinas y los metales pesados son sacados del tejido , se encuentran atrapados en
la estructura de la zeolita y que el cuerpo no se re- expuestos a ellos , reduciendo
de este modo la possiblility de efectos secundarios negativos . Aunque las
reacciones posibles pueden diferir segn la persona .
Por qu no fabricar una zeolita lquida ?
La respuesta simple es que no hay tal cosa . Se trata de una estratagema de
marketing realizada por una empresa de marketing multinivel que manipul la
informacin sobre una patente de un inventor que nunca afirm que era zeolita por

ms tiempo despus de crearlo. l destruy la estructura de la jaula beneficiosa y

carga negativa licuando con cido clorhdrico. l estaba tratando de crear un
frmaco inyectable y nunca llegaron a afirmar que era ingerible .
Todos los estudios cientficos publicados realizados sobre zeolita mostrando que
es beneficioso , se realizaron en el mineral en polvo. Hubo un estudio citado en el
Internet a travs de distribuidores de la compaa de MLM , y despus nos
demostr que era una mentira hecha para vender productos por ellos .. La
empresa que segn ellos hizo el estudio , era en realidad la persona que
originalmente la licencia de la patente de la que ms tarde le dijo a la verdad de
que el estudio nunca existi despus de la compaa de MLM dej de pagar los
derechos de licencia para ellos.



Emmanouil Karampahtsis, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

14300 North Northsight Boulevard #207
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
December 2012

Zeolite: Investigation of the Effectiveness and Safety as an Oral Chelating

Agent for Heavy Metals. A comparison between different commercially
available preparations


This case study was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of clinoptilolite zeolite (zeolite
herein) as an oral chelating agent for heavy metals. Zeolite is a hydrated aluminosilicate with
symmetrically stacked alumina and silica tetrahedra which result in an open and stable three
dimensional honey comb structure with a negative charge. The negative charge within the
pores is neutralized by positively charged ions (cations) such as calcium. Historically, zeolite
has been used as a commercial absorbent, and more recently in the dietary supplement
industry as a detoxifier.
Three different commercially available zeolite preparations for oral consumption were used: an
oral spray, oral drops, and a powdered preparation. The chelating capabilities of the different
zeolite preparations on 20 different heavy, and potentially toxic, metals were measured in
urinary excretion in 20 human subjects. The excretion rates were compared to baseline (nonconsumption) measurements to ensure consistency. The safety was evaluated with pre and
post testing of blood counts and chemistry, as well as liver and kidney function.
It was possible to observe the capability of different zeolite preparations to increase the
excretion of heavy metals from the human body in a safe manner. The effectiveness of three
different zeolite preparations was observed.
When properly prepared as an oral supplement, zeolite can provide detoxification support to
the human body to rid itself of heavy and toxic metals with minimal or no side effects. This can
include applications to address lead, mercury or radiation poisoning.

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Zeolite; oral chelation; heavy metal removal; clinoptilolite.

There are several commercially available preparations of zeolite in capsule, drop, powdered,
and spray forms. They all claim the capacity of zeolite to work as a chelating agent on different
heavy metals. Zeolite has been rated Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS) for human
consumption by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and it has been used commercially for
water filtration for years. Most studies published show the effectiveness of zeolite to clean up
contaminated water from heavy metals and other toxins. The lack of human studies proving
the effectiveness of zeolite as an oral chelating agent was the reason to perform this trial.
The three zeolite preparations that were tested were the following: oral drops (Waiora, Natural
Cellular Defense, Boca Raton, Florida, USA), powdered zeolite (ZEO Health, Zeolite Pure,
Valley Cottage, New York, USA), and an oral spray (Results RNA, ACZ Nano Extra Strength,
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA). The trial compared the higher doses recommended by each of the
liquid (oral drops and oral spray) preparations respective companies, to the minimum dose
recommended by the powdered zeolite preparations company.
Our testing hypothesis is that zeolite, being an effective chelating agent of heavy metals in the
body, should increase the excretion of those metals that it binds with, in urine. The anticipated
outcome of our hypothesis is that the use of zeolite should increase the excretion of heavy
metals in urine in comparison to non-use of zeolite. Provided that other parameters are fairly
constant, such as the introduction of new heavy metals in the body (e.g. from consumption of
contaminated seafood), we should be able to measure the difference of the heavy metal
excretion in urine following consumption of zeolite.

The trial was organized in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, was registered with
Current Controlled Trials Ltd (Registration Number ISRCTN12861674) and was performed
from January through March 2012.
To be eligible for the trial, participants needed to be above eighteen years of age, not pregnant
or breastfeeding, and not currently taking heavy metal based medications. Participants were
informed of the trial protocol, laboratory testing requirements, and their performance
expectations prior to enrollment. Each participant needed to provide oral consent and meet the
eligibility requirements in order to be enrolled in the trial. Recruitment started the week prior to

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onset of study, January 18th 2012. Twenty participants were randomly assigned to alternating
groups (Group A or Group B) based on the order in which they arrived to obtain the testing
materials. The trial took place and data collection was performed in one location, Lipogenex
Anti-Aging Center in Scottsdale, Arizona, with the laboratory testing outsourced to Genova
Diagnostics in Asheville, North Carolina. Analysis was performed according to Genova
Diagnostics standard procedures. The laboratory (Genova Diagnostics) was blind as to if any
and which chelating agent was present in the testing process, both at baseline and during
zeolite intake.
The primary measure to assess the effectiveness of each zeolite preparation was a urinalysis
test to record the excretion levels of each participant for twenty different heavy metals. The
secondary measure to assess the safety of the powdered zeolite preparation was a blood test
to evaluate any changes in the blood count and chemistry, liver and/or kidney function.
All participants were placed on an all-seafood restricted diet for a week prior to the trial and
during the time of the trial, until they completed all urine measurements for heavy metals. This
measure was taken as a control in order to prevent any new contamination that might alter the
excretion rates between participants. All participants received a complete blood count and
comprehensive metabolic panel as a baseline assessment prior to onset of the trial. This
measure was taken to compare results after the consumption of zeolite to assess safety. Each
participant received a six hour timed urine collection and analysis for heavy metals as a
baseline to assess the levels of metals their body is able to excrete without the help of any
chelating agent.
For the primary outcome, Group A (10 participants) was tested only on the powdered zeolite
preparation (Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health), and Group B (10 participants) was tested first on a
liquid preparation, either oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense by Waiora) or oral spray (ACZ
Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA), and then on the powdered zeolite preparation (Zeolite
Pure by ZEO Health). Both groups were compared to each other when tested on the powdered
preparation for the same amount of time, making Group A the control for this portion of the
trial. Since all participants took some form of zeolite, the only true control was the individual
measurements before and after consumption of any of the zeolite preparations.
Group A consumed one scoop (5 grams) of the powdered zeolite preparation (Zeolite Pure by
ZEO Health) for 5 days, totaling 5 grams of pure zeolite per day. One scoop was the lowest
recommended dose from the supplement company (ZEO Health). On the morning of the 6th
day participants consumed one scoop (5 grams) of the powdered zeolite preparation and
collected all urine for 6 hours. First morning urine was discarded by all participants. All
participants received 2 liters of bottled water and were asked to consume it within five hours
during the urine collection time. A sample of the collected urine was sent for analysis for heavy
metal excretion to Genova Diagnostics.

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Group B was assigned randomly either the zeolite oral spay (ACZ Nano Extra Strength by
Results RNA) or the zeolite oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense by Waiora). Participants
consumed the higher recommended dose by the supplement companies (Results RNA and
Waiora, respectively) for 5 days. Five participants consumed 8 sprays three times per day of
the oral spray preparation, totaling 28.32 milligrams (0.02832 grams) of zeolite per day. The
other five participants consumed 10 drops three times per day of the oral drops preparation,
totaling 240 milligrams (0.24 grams) per day. On the 6th day, they consumed the same higher
recommended dose of their respective zeolite preparation and collected all urine for 6 hours
(excluding first moring urine as above). Participants were given two liters of bottled water and
asked to consume it within five hours during the urine collection time. A sample of the collected
urine was sent to Genova Diagnostics for analysis for heavy metal excretion.
After the collection of the urine, Group B received another blood test (complete blood count
and comprehensive metabolic panel) to evaluate any impact of the consumed zeolite on the
liver, kidney function, and blood chemistry (electrolytes). After the blood test was performed,
participants were placed on a seven day break from all zeolite preparations to allow the body
to return to the baseline state of excretion. All participants in Group B continued avoiding all
seafood to prevent any potential contamination during the trial.
Group B, after the seven day break from all zeolite preparations, consumed one scoop (5
grams) of the powdered zeolite preparation (Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health) for 5 days. This was
done in order to compare effectiveness of the two different types of zeolite preparations (liquid
and powdered) on the same participants, since the powdered zeolite preparation contained a
much larger amount of zeolite per dose than either of the liquid preparations. We wanted to
observe if the powdered zeolite preparation (Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health) had stronger
chelating results on the same participants compared to the other two liquid preparations. On
the 6th day, participants consumed one scoop (5 grams) of powdered zeolite and a urine
collection test was performed as before (six hours timed, excluding first morning urine and
while drinking two litters of water).
For the secondary outcome, after the primary outcome observation period ended, all
participants (Group A and Group B) were given the maximum recommended dose of the
powdered zeolite preparation (Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health) of three scoops per day (15 grams)
for total of four weeks to evaluate the safety of the product at the highest recommended dose.
All participants were told to report any adverse events or symptoms during the trial.
Participants received a blood test at the end of the four weeks to evaluate any potential impact
of zeolite on blood chemistry, liver and/or kidney function values. Participants were not tested
for excretion of heavy metals during the higher consumption of 15 grams of powdered zeolite.

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We tested the excretion in urine of the following twenty toxic elements: Arsenic, Lead, Mercury,
Aluminum, Antimony, Barium, Bismuth, Cadmium, Cesium, Gadolinium, Gallium, Nickel,
Niobium, Platinum, Rubidium, Thallium, Thorium, Tin, Tungsten and Uranium. We compared
the levels of excretion at baseline (without the use of any zeolite preparations), to the excretion
during the use of the zeolite preparations. We also observed the differences in excretion,
between the participants who received the liquid preparations [either the oral drops (Natural
Cellular Defense by Waiora) or the oral spray (ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA)],
and when the same participants received the zeolite powdered preparation (Zeolite Pure by
ZEO Health).
We grouped the results of the oral spray and oral drops together in the same data set, since
we did not observe any significant differences between the performances of either of the liquid
For each participant, heavy metal, and different zeolite preparation, we calculated the percent
difference (increase or decrease) in excretion by comparing the measured levels of the toxic
metal in urine without any treatment (baseline) and during treatment with each zeolite
preparation (chelating agent), i.e. we calculated the ratio of the difference in excretion divided
by the levels of excretion before treatment. However, we note here that the closer the
measured levels are to the detection limit, the less reliable the measurement because of
different possible sources of variance. For example, a new small contamination from daily
consumption of different vegetables can produce a slight increase, or even the standard
deviation of the detection of the test can produce a small variance. This may lead to artificially
high values of the aforementioned ratio due to low values in the denominator. Therefore, we
apply a cutoff value on all measurements, such that after the application of the cutoff, no
value can be below the cutoff. More formally, if x and y are the measured levels before and
after treatment (respectively), and the cutoff is c, then we compute the following regularized
ratio r: r = (max(y,c)-max(x,c))/max(x,c).
For this trial, we chose the cutoff value to be the median excretion before treatment, across
participants. The overall performance of each zeolite preparation per heavy metal across
participants was measured in two ways: (a) median percent difference in excretion, and (b)
percentage of participants that demonstrated a percent increase in excretion of at least 50%
(the % significant in results).
In Arsenic we observed a median increase in excretion of 119% in the powdered zeolite
(Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health) group with 73.7% of participants showing at least 50% increase
in excretion. We observed a median increase in excretion of -8% in the group that received the
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oral spray (ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA) or oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense
by Waiora) with 0% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion. See Figure 1.
Figure 1 - Arsenic Excretion at Baseline and During Consumption of Different
Zeolite Preparations
The graph below shows the results in urinary excretion of Arsenic. The yellow bar that is marked as none
represents the excretion without any zeolite, at baseline. The maroon bar shows the excretion during the
consumption of either the oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense by Waiora) or oral spray (ACZ Nano extra strength
by Results RNA) zeolite preparation and marked as other; and the purple bar shows the urinary excretion of
zeolite during the consumption of the powdered zeolite (Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health) preparation.





























Powdered Zeolite

In Aluminum we observed a median increase in excretion of 43% in the powdered zeolite

(Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health) group with 57.4% of participants showing at least 50% increase
in excretion. We observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the group that received the
oral spray (ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA) or oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense
by Waiora) with 0% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.

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In Antimony, we observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the powdered zeolite

(Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health) group with 5.3% of participants showing at least 50% increase in
excretion. We observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the group that received the
oral spray (ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA) or oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense
by Waiora) with 10% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.
In Barium, we observed a median increase in excretion of 37% in the powdered zeolite (Zeolite
Pure by ZEO Health) group with 47.4% of participants showing at least 50% increase in
excretion. We observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the group that received the
oral spray (ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA) or oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense
by Waiora) with 10% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.
In Bismuth, we observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the powdered zeolite (Zeolite
Pure by ZEO Health) group with 0% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.
We observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the group that received the oral spray
(ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA) or oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense by Waiora)
with 0% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion
In Cadmium, we observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the powdered zeolite
(Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health) group with 10.5% of participants showing at least 50% increase
in excretion. We observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the group that received the
oral spray (ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA) or oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense
by Waiora) with 0% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.
In Cesium, we observed a median increase in excretion of 41% in the powdered zeolite
(Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health) group with 31.6% of participants showing at least 50% increase
in excretion. We observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the group that received the
oral spray (ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA) or oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense
by Waiora) with 0% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.
In Gadolinium, we observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the powdered zeolite
(Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health) group with 0% of participants showing at least 50% increase in
excretion. We observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the group that received the
oral spray (ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA) or oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense
by Waiora) with 0% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.
In Gallium, we observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the powdered zeolite (Zeolite
Pure by ZEO Health) group with 15.8% of participants showing at least 50% increase in
excretion. We observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the group that received the
oral spray (ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA) or oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense
by Waiora) with 0% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.

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In Lead, we observed a median increase in excretion of 43% in the powdered zeolite (Zeolite
Pure by ZEO Health) group with 47.4% of participants showing at least 50% increase in
excretion. We observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the group that received the
oral spray (ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA) or oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense
by Waiora) with 0% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.
In Mercury, we observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the powdered zeolite (Zeolite
Pure by ZEO Health) group with 5.3% of participants showing at least 50% increase in
excretion. We observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the group that received the
oral spray (ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA) or oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense
by Waiora) with 0% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.
In Nickel, we observed a median increase in excretion of 23% in the powdered zeolite (Zeolite
Pure by ZEO Health) group with 26.3% of participants showing at least 50% increase in
excretion. We observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the group that received the
oral spray (ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA) or oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense
by Waiora) with 10% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.
In Niobium, we observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the powdered zeolite (Zeolite
Pure by ZEO Health) group with 0% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.
We observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the group that received the oral spray
(ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA) or oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense by Waiora)
with 10% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.
In Platinum, we observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the powdered zeolite
(Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health) group with 5.3% of participants showing at least 50% increase in
excretion. We observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the group that received the
oral spray (ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA) or oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense
by Waiora) with 10% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.
In Rubidium, we observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the powdered zeolite
(Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health) group with 0% of participants showing at least 50% increase in
excretion. We observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the group that received the
oral spray (ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA) or oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense
by Waiora) with 10% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.
In Thallium, we observed a median increase in excretion of 119% in the powdered zeolite
(Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health) group with 73.7% of participants showing at least 50% increase
in excretion. We observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the group that received the
oral spray (ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA) or oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense
by Waiora) with 0% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.

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In Thorium, we observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the powdered zeolite (Zeolite

Pure by ZEO Health) group with 0% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.
We observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the group that received the oral spray
(ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA) or oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense by Waiora)
with 0% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.
In Tin, we observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the powdered zeolite (Zeolite Pure
by ZEO Health) group with 5.3% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.
We observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the group that received the oral spray
(ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA) or oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense by Waiora)
with 10% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.
In Tungsten, we observed a median increase in excretion of 99% in the powdered zeolite
(Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health) group with 68.4% of participants showing at least 50% increase
in excretion. We observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the group that received the
oral spray (ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA) or oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense
by Waiora) with 10% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.
In Uranium, we observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the powdered zeolite (Zeolite
Pure by ZEO Health) group with 0% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.
We observed a median increase in excretion of 0% in the group that received the oral spray
(ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA) or oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense by Waiora)
with 0% of participants showing at least 50% increase in excretion.
A graph showing the percentage of participants that showed at least a 50% increase in
excretion in the different metals, comparing the powdered to the liquid preparations
performance can be seen in Figure 2. Of the twenty metals analyzed, fifteen have data
represented on the graph. The powdered preparation is represented in fourteen of the fifteen
metals present on the graph, whereas the liquid preparations are only represented in seven
metals. This graph also demonstrates that the powdered preparation outperformed the liquid
preparations by a ratio of 11:4.

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Figure 2 - Percentage of Participants with at Least 50% Increase in Excretion

The comparison of the percent of participants that showed at least a 50% increase in excretion of different heavy
metals during consumption of the powdered zeolite preparation (Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health) or the liquid zeolite
preparation [oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense by Waiora) or oral spray (ACZ Nano extra strength by Results
RNA)] (marked as other).

Powdered Zeolite























The comparison of the median excretion of different metals across participants during the
consumption of the zeolite preparations can be seen in Figure 3. The powdered preparation
(Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health) shows positive results for eight of the twenty metals. The liquid
preparations [ACZ (Advanced Cellular Zeolite) Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA or Natural
Cellular Defense by Waiora] are represented on the graph for only one metal, in the negative
region. This graph demonstrates that the median excretion was higher for the powdered
preparation in all nine of the metals that evidence appears for on the graph.

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Figure 3 - Median Increase in Excretion Across Participants per Heavy Metal

The comparison of the median excretion of different metals across participants during consumption of the
powdered zeolite preparation (Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health) or the liquid zeolite preparation [oral drops (Natural
Cellular Defense by Waiora) or oral spray (ACZ Nano extra strength by Results RNA)] (marked as other).







Powdered Zeolite























All participants tolerated the zeolite preparations very well. One participant reported flatulence
with the consumption of three scoops (15 grams) of the powdered zeolite preparation (Zeolite
Pure by ZEO Health) which was relieved immediately when dose was lowered to two scoops
(10 grams) per day. No other participants reported any adverse reactions or symptoms.
Comparison of the blood tests pre-consumption of zeolite and post-consumption of zeolite
showed no difference in any of the measured values. No negative effects on the blood work
were seen. No significant changes were observed in kidney function [BUN (blood urea
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nitrogen), Creatinine, GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) calculated], liver function [AST
(aspartate transaminase) and ALT (alanine transaminase)] or electrolyte levels (sodium,
potassium, chloride) immediately after the consumption of each of the zeolite preparations.
This proves our hypothesis that zeolite is a safe product for oral consumption.

We observed the most urinary excretion with the use of the powdered zeolite preparation
(Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health) as an oral chelating agent in the following heavy metals (mean
percent increase in excretion): Arsenic 119%, Thallium 119%, Tungsten 99%, Lead 43%,
Aluminum 43%, Cesium 41%, Barium 37% and Nickel 23%. The percent of significance in
results, people that showed at least a 50% increase in excretion of the heavy metal during the
consumption of the powdered zeolite preparation, in comparison to baseline, were as follows:
Arsenic 73.7%, Thallium 73.7%, Aluminum 57.4%, Tungsten 68.4%, Lead 47.4%, Barium
47.4%, Cesium 31.6%, and Nickel 26.3%.
We believe that these results are statistically significant to show that the powdered zeolite
preparation (Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health) works as an oral chelating agent at least for those
metals that showed an increase in urinary excretion by more than 50%. In those heavy metals
that we did not observe any excretion, either at baseline (without the use of any zeolite
preparation) or during the ingestion of zeolite, it is worth mentioning that 0% excretion does not
necessarily mean that the zeolite has no affinity for those metals. Due to the small number of
participants, these results probably indicate the absence of those metals in the body of the
We also observed, in some metals, higher excretion numbers at baseline in comparison to the
excretion during consumption of zeolite. This created negative values that resulted in the mean
percent of excretion to be zero, even though some participants did have higher excretion rates
of that metal during the consumption of zeolite. Without being able to analyze any further, we
can look for probable causes or variables that might have played a role in this situation. One
simple explanation is a possible recent exposure to the metal during the measurement at
baseline. Since we controlled for all seafood consumption, the exposure could be from a
different food or water source. Since the participants were placed on zeolite oral treatment for
five days prior to a second measurement, it is possible for the zeolite to clear the metal from
the body that was recently exposed; therefore, the second test could show a lower value. We
observed that this happened with metals with low excretion at baseline, close to the detection
In our trial we used, for those participants that consumed the oral drops (Natural Cellular
Defense by Waiora) or oral spray (ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA), the higher daily
dose recommended by the company and listed on their respective websites. For the powdered

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zeolite preparation (Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health), we used the minimum recommended dose
from the company of one scoop (5 grams) per day. Since the maximum recommended daily
dose of the powdered zeolite preparation is three scoops per day (15 grams), it is possible that
for those toxic metals that we did not observe any significant excretion with the use of this
product could also be dose dependent. A higher dose of two or three scoops per day could
have shown an increase in urinary excretion of those metals. Nevertheless, the obtained
results showed the superiority of the powdered zeolite preparation, even at the lowest dose, in
comparison to the other preparations taken at their higher doses.
All twenty participants, at the second part of the trial, (after all urine measurements for the
excretion of heavy metals, with the use of any zeolite preparation, were competed), consumed
the maximum recommended dose (15 grams per day) of the powdered zeolite preparation
(Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health), for four weeks. No major symptoms were reported with the
higher dose and no negative changes were recorded in their blood tests. It was during this
portion of the trial that the one participant reported flatulence. No other participants reported
any other adverse side effects. This shows that this specific zeolite preparation (Zeolite Pure
by ZEO Health) is also safe to be consumed for four weeks at the maximum dose of three
scoops per day, which is equal to 15 grams.
One of the major concerns with most chelating agents, such as DMPS (2,3-dimercapto-1propanesulfonic acid) and DMSA (dimercaptosuccinic acid), is their effects on kidney function
as the toxic elements exit the body during urination. In our participants, we observed no
differences in the blood measurements of BUN and Creatinine, as well as the calculated
values of GFR at baseline and immediately after the consumption of zeolite at the end of the
trial. Group B was followed with a blood test immediately after the completion of the six days
on either of the liquid preparations [oral spray (ACZ Nano Extra Strength by Results RNA) or
oral drops (Natural Cellular Defense by Waiora)] to check for any kidney function
abnormalities. No differences were found between baseline and post-consumption of the
products. Thus, we can conclude that the specific liquid preparations tested are safe at the
higher recommended doses, and do not cause any additional burden on kidney function.
We have examined the toxicology study performed with the Zeolite Pure powdered preparation
(by ZEO Health) by MB Research Laboratories on Sprague Dawley rats prior to this trial.
According to their results, the LD50 (lethal dose) of Zeolite Pure powdered preparation (by ZEO
Health) is greater than 5000mg/kg of body weight in male rats, which makes it a non-toxic
substance as defined in 16 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) 1500.3(c)(2)(1) of the Federal
Hazardous Substances Act.
It is important to report the safety of these products as it showed from our findings in all of our
twenty human participants in this trial. No changes in the complete blood count were observed
that could signify any negative results imposed from the consumption of the product to the
participants. No changes in liver enzymes AST and ALT were observed to signify any negative
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or toxic effects in the liver. No changes were observed in the electrolytes at the comprehensive
metabolic profile analysis to signify any negative effects of the product on the blood chemistry
of the participants. Those results prove our hypothesis that at least the tested zeolite
preparations are safe for human consumption at the recommended doses. These results also
add to the general body of knowledge that zeolite can be safely consumed as an oral
supplement for detoxification and chelation purposes. Since the excretion of the toxic metals
during the consumption of the three zeolite preparations tested was so different, we propose
that the effectiveness of the zeolite as an oral chelating agent is product and/or dose specific.
It is also important to mention that of all three zeolite preparations tested, the powdered zeolite
preparation (Zeolite Pure by ZEO Health), at its minimum dose, was the one preparation that
provided the largest amount of zeolite per serving. It is possible to extrapolate or at least raise
the question, that the effectiveness of zeolite as an oral chelating agent is dose dependent,
and further studies are needed to evaluate dosing and effectiveness among other types of
zeolite preparations on the market, such as drops, sprays, capsules and powders.
One of the limitations of the trial is the small number of participants. With a greater number of
participants, the group might have been a better representation of the general population. We
anticipate that the results might have been slightly different, since a larger group would
increase the probability of having a number of participants with elevated levels of those toxic
metals that we were not able to observe any excretion in our smaller trial group.
A second limitation identified was the selection of the participants. We selected our participants
randomly, instead of pre-screening them for the presence of heavy metal toxicity, with the use
of another already widely approved chelating agent, such as DMSA. This would have served
as a control in that the participants would have had an existing burden of toxic metals present
in their body prior to the trial. Moreover it would have provided a comparison of the
effectiveness of zeolite versus another widely used chelating agent.
Our hypothesis has been confirmed. We observed the fact that results were dependent on the
preparation and that they were not equal among all of the zeolite preparations tested. The
question that arises, which requires follow up research, is to compare the effectiveness of
zeolite as an oral chelating agent with another oral chelating agent that has been used for
years, such as DMSA. Further studies need be performed to compare zeolite with other known
chelating agents and to compare different doses as to establish data for the most effective
dose of this substance. This follow up comparison would show the strengths as to which
specific heavy and potentially toxic metals the zeolite has more affinity for in comparison to the
other chelating agent. This comparison would also provide more clinical guidance as to the use
of the most effective chelating agent for the removal of specific toxic metals present in the
human body.

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This study was able to provide data that zeolite in all three different preparations tested proved
to be a safe substance for human consumption. The powdered zeolite preparation (Zeolite
Pure by ZEO Health) has shown to be an effective oral chelation agent for detoxification of
several toxic metals. When properly prepared as an oral supplement, zeolite can provide
support to the human body to rid itself of heavy and toxic metals with minimal or no side
effects. The use of zeolite can be used in cases of lead, mercury or radiation poisoning to
remove the harmful metals without further taxing the body.

List of Abbreviations
ACZ - Advanced Cellular Zeolite; ALT - Alanine transaminase; AST - Aspartate transaminase;
BUN - Blood urea nitrogen; CFR - Code of Federal Regulations; DMPS - 2,3-Dimercapto-1propanesulfonic acid; DMSA - Dimercaptosuccinic acid; FDA - Federal Drug Administration;
GFR - Glomerular Filtration Rate; GRAS - Generally Recognized As Safe; LD - Lethal Dose;
NMD - Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine.

Authors' Information
Dr. Emmanouil Karampahtsis is Board Certified in Antiaging Medicine and an active member
of the American Academy of Antiaging Medicine. He graduated with honors from the Honors
College at Adelphi University in Garden City, NY, in 1998 with a bachelors degree in
Psychology. Immediately following, he was accepted at the Southwest College of Naturopathic
Medicine in Tempe, AZ, where he graduated with the degree of Doctor of Naturopathic
Medicine in 2003. After passing his national board exams and receiving his license in 2004, he
started his private practice in Scottsdale Arizona, and has maintained it ever since. Dr.
Karampahtsis has treated many patients with different ailments, and has experience utilizing
many different naturopathic and pharmaceutical approaches in healing. He has seen success
treating people with many chronic diseases when the toxic metals were addressed. The results
made him interested in searching for the most effective and the least invasive chelating and
detoxification methods to rid the body of toxic, heavy metals.

The author would like to publicly thank the participants for their cooperation in the trial, since
they were not compensated for their participation.

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Copyright 2012 by Emmanouil Karampahtsis All Rights Reserved

This study, and/or the information contained herein, is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure
any medical conditions. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. This study is presented for educational purposes and is therefore
supplementary and not to be considered exhaustive.
This study may not be copied in whole or in part (electronic, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise) without the written consent of Emmanouil Karampahtsis. This publication is
protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal,
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