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classdef LPCToCepstral

%LPCToCepstral Convert linear prediction coefficients to cepstral coefficients

% HLPC2CC = signalblks.LPCToCepstral returns a System object, HLPC2CC,
% that converts linear prediction coefficients (LPCs) to cepstral
% coefficients (CCs).
% HLPC2CC = signalblks.LPCToCepstral('PropertyName', PropertyValue, ...)
% returns an LPC to cepstral converter object, HLPC2CC, with each
% specified property set to the specified value.
% Step method syntax:
% CC = step(HLPC2CC, A) computes the cepstral coefficients, CC, from the
% columns of input LPC coefficients, A. The prediction error power is
% assumed to be 1.
% CC = step(HLPC2CC, A, P) converts LPC coefficients to cepstral
% coefficients, using P as the prediction error power, when the
% PredictionErrorInputPort property is true.
% LPCToCepstral methods:
% step - See above description for use of this method
% LPCToCepstral properties:
% PredictionErrorInputPort
- Enable prediction error power input
% CepstrumLengthSource
- Source of cepstrum length
% CepstrumLength
- Number of output cepstral coefficients
% NonUnityFirstCoefficientAction - Action to take when first LPC
coefficient is not 1
% % EXAMPLE: Convert LPC to cepstral coefficients.
hlevinson = signalblks.LevinsonSolver;
hlevinson.AOutputPort = true; % Output polynomial coefficients
hac = signalblks.Autocorrelator;
hac.MaximumLagSource = 'Property';
hac.MaximumLag = 9;
% Compute autocorrelation lags between [0:9]
hlpc2cc = signalblks.LPCToCepstral;
x = [1:100]';
a = step(hac, x);
A = step(hlevinson, a); % Compute LPC coefficients
CC = step(hlpc2cc, A); % Convert LPC to CC.
% See also signalblks.CepstralToLPC, signalblks.LPCToLSF,

Copyright 2009 The MathWorks, Inc.

function out=LPCToCepstral
%LPCToCepstral Convert linear prediction coefficients to cepstral co
% HLPC2CC = signalblks.LPCToCepstral returns a System object, HLPC
% that converts linear prediction coefficients (LPCs) to cepstral
% coefficients (CCs).
% HLPC2CC = signalblks.LPCToCepstral('PropertyName', PropertyValue

, ...)

returns an LPC to cepstral converter object, HLPC2CC, with each

specified property set to the specified value.

columns of input LPC coefficients, A. The prediction error power


assumed to be 1.


- Enable prediction error power i



- Source of cepstrum length

- Number of output cepstral coeff


NonUnityFirstCoefficientAction - Action to take when first LPC

coefficient is not 1

Step method syntax:

CC = step(HLPC2CC, A) computes the cepstral coefficients, CC, fr

om the
CC = step(HLPC2CC, A, P) converts LPC coefficients to cepstral
coefficients, using P as the prediction error power, when the
PredictionErrorInputPort property is true.
LPCToCepstral methods:
step - See above description for use of this method
LPCToCepstral properties:


% EXAMPLE: Convert LPC to cepstral coefficients.

hlevinson = signalblks.LevinsonSolver;
hlevinson.AOutputPort = true; % Output polynomial coefficien


hac = signalblks.Autocorrelator;
hac.MaximumLagSource = 'Property';
hac.MaximumLag = 9;
% Compute autocorrelation lags betwe


hlpc2cc = signalblks.LPCToCepstral;
x = [1:100]';
a = step(hac, x);
A = step(hlevinson, a); % Compute LPC coefficients
CC = step(hlpc2cc, A); % Convert LPC to CC.

en [0:9]

See also signalblks.CepstralToLPC, signalblks.LPCToLSF,


function getHiddenProps(in) %#ok<MANU>
%CepstrumLength Number of output cepstral coefficients
% Set the length of the output cepstral coefficients vector as a
% scalar numeric integer. This property is applicable when the
% CepstrumLengthSource property is 'Property'. The default value of
% this property is 10.

%CepstrumLengthSource Source of cepstrum length

% Select how to specify the length of cepstral coefficients as one of
% ['Auto' | {'Property'}]. When this property is set to 'Auto', the
% length of each channel of the cepstral coefficients output is the
% same as the length of each channel of the input LPC coefficients.
%NonUnityFirstCoefficientAction Action to take when first
LPCcoefficient is not 1
% Specify the action that the System object should take when the
% first coefficient of each channel of the LPC input is not 1 as one
% of [{'Replace with 1'} | 'Normalize'].
%PredictionErrorInputPort Enable prediction error power input
% Choose how to set the prediction error power. When this property is
% set to true, the prediction error power must be specified as a
% second input to the step method. When this property is set to false,
% the prediction error power is assumed to be 1. By default, the
% property is false.

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