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Host en DynDNS para servidores domsticos como FTP, VPN, servidor de juegos o servidor WEB : Manual DynDNS

Manual para crear Host en DynDNS En este manual os voy a ensear a crear un host en DynDNS para que puedan acceder fcilmente desde el exterior a vuestro ordenador, servidor FTP, servidor VPN, servidor de juegos, servidor WEB con una direccin fcil de recordar, sin necesidad de memorizar IPs, y si tienes IP Dinmica no pasa nada, automticamente resincroniza y funcionar sin problemas (siempre y cuando configures el router correctamente). No slo existe DynDNS para este tipo de cosas, tambin est NO-IP pero a m me gusta ms DynDNS y siempre me ha ido perfectamente para mi servidor FTP y VPN de casa.

Pinchamos en SIGN UP y luego en Create an account si no tenemos ninguna cuenta.

Ahora nos lleva al formulario de registro y lo rellenamos, poned email verdadero porque hay que validar.

Una vez registrados, nos logueamos y entramos en My Account para agregar un nuevo HOST le damos a ADD Host Services.

A continuacin seleccionamos qu dominio queremos poner (la terminacin) y qu direccin ponemos, podemos elegir el que queramos siempre y cuando est disponible. Cuando lo hayamos rellenado, damos a ADD TO CART

Hemos hecho la compra con un gasto de 0$, pinchamos en NEXT.

Ahora pinchamos en Activate Services:

Y ya hemos activado el servicio:

Configuracin DynDNS en los routers. Ahora ya tenemos el HOST, pero cada vez que lo queramos usar, si la IP Dinmica de nuestro proveedor nos ha cambiado no tendremos ms remedio que volver a sincronizarloun rollo. Menos mal que nuestros queridos Ingenieros Informticos piensan en todo y han integrado esto en los routers. La siguiente captura muestra el DynDNS configurado en el Tomato RAF de Victek (si os metis en su web, veris que termina en, sta no era uno de los dominios del DynDNS?exacto Guio ) nicamente deberis meter los datos de LOGIN de la web de DynDNS y el HOST elegido, guardais cambios y listo. Ejemplo de configurar DynDNS en el TP-Link WR1043ND:

Ejemplo de configurar DynDNS en Conceptronic C54APRA2+:

Ejemplo de configurar DynDNS en Asus WL-500GPremiumV2 con Firmware Tomato RAF de Victek:

Como veis, en todos los routers nos pide el LOGIN de DynDNS y el HOST, guardamos cambios y reiniciamos el router si es necesario. Ahora podris entrar desde cualquier lugar a vuestro ordenador poniendo dicho HOST como si fuera la IP Si necesitis usar un servidor FTP basta con poner: Espero que este manual os haya servido de ayuda, es algo sencillo, pero seguro que mucha gente al principio duda. Manual realizado por Sergio de Luz (Bron) para ACTUALIZACIN a partir de ahora limitan el nmero de hosts a 2, y slo podremos elegir entre 18 nombres (, etc) en lugar de los 88 que haba antes. La buena noticia es que no es de carcter retroactivoa menos que ya no usemos el servicio. Una pena esta medida, porque yo por ejemplo uso 4 hosts.

Aqu tenis el texto sacado de la pgina web y que me han enviado por e-mail. From: Chris Widner To: Users As you may have seen, we are making some changes to Dynamic DNS accounts. Instead of making the changes without notice, we wanted to give all of our existing customers a heads up and explain why we are making these changes. What changes are you talking about? Previously we allowed each Dynamic DNS account to have 5 free hostnames and you could select them from 88 different domains that we own. Now this will be limited to 2 free hostnames from 18 DynDNS branded domains. Also, we are increasing the number of hostnames that come with a DynDNS Pro upgrade. Previously, each DynDNS Pro upgrade gave you the ability to add 25 additional hostnames. we are increasing that number to 30. Why are you making these changes? There are a number of reasons that we thought it was important to make these changes now. 1. Having 88 free domains to choose from was overwhelming for many of our new users. By reducing this to 18 it makes it easier for people to get started. 2. By limiting the free options to the DynDNS branded domains, it helps grow the awareness of our services. Although we are happy to offer our free services, we simply ask that you help spread the word to other people who might find our paid services helpful. We have to pay those bills somehow. 3. Looking at the stats of our users over the past 12 years, we see that the vast majority of people only use 1 free hostname. Our support team has seen a lot of confusion caused by the five free hostnames, so when you combine that with the normal use case, it just made sense. we are allowing the 2nd hostname for those of you who need to create a WebHop to access your hostname. If you are going to need more than 1 or 2 hostnames theres a good chance you are using us for something important. If thats the case, we simply ask that you pay $15/yr for the DynDNS Pro upgrade, which provides a number of other benefits. 4. If you are using our services for business critical needs, you should consider our Custom DNS service. What will happen to my current account and hostnames? Nothing, as long as you keep your hostnames active and up-to-date. If you allow your account or hostnames to expire, you will have to select from the new domains instead and will be limited to the 2 free hostnames. Youre just trying to force us to pay you, arent you? No, not really. As long as you keep your account active, you wont be affected by these changes. we would never want to have a user feel like they were forced to use our services. This does not seem to be a very good business model to us. You do your part (log into your account or update your hostname monthly) and we will do ours (continue to offer free Dynamic DNS services to you). I hope that explains why we are making these changes and it makes sense to you. If you have any questions or want to shoot us some feedback, you can email me personally. Esperemos que rectifiquen porque es una pena.

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